Template:Ammo tool

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Revision as of 20:47, 5 August 2011 by Markfrompoland (talk | contribs) (hopefully the final version)
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Documentation for Ammo tool

{{Ammo tool}} can display the amount of ammunition carried/loaded in a way resembling the indicator on the in-game HUD. It was designed to be used in weapon charts to improve the aesthetical features of the presentation.


{{Ammo tool|integer value of ammo loaded|integer value of ammo carried (including 0 for weapons like Minigun or Flamethrower) OR string "inf" to indicate the carried ammo is unlimited (for weapons like Cow Mangler 5000 or Jarate)}}

Example usages





Wep Frag icon Ammo Dmg Importnt
Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher
Killicon grenade launcher.png 416 Base: A lot

Crit: Much more

Pictogram info.png Shoot

Pictogram info.png Shoot

Pictogram info.png Shoot

Pictogram plus.png Profit!