Lista de Referencias (Scout)

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Debido al toque cómico del juego y el humor de Valve, el juego incluye referencias, normalmente con humor. Las hay de varios tipos, desde juegos a películas; incluso algunas bromas de los desarrolladores del juego y las de la comunidad también se incluyen. Aquí se listan las de la clase Scout.



Un año inolvidable
Un año inolvidable
Llega hasta 2004 víctimas en tu tiempo de juego.

2004 fue el año el en que los Template:W ganaron la Serie Mundial por primera vez desde 1918, rompiendo una larga maldición.

Bloqueando la base
Bloqueando la base
Bloquea 50 capturas de puntos.

En béisbol, bloquear la base es una técnica común realizada por el receptor para evitar que un corredor consiga puntos en la que el receptor bloquea al corredor con parte de su cuerpo. El acto de bloquear la base cuenta como la mayor parte de contacto físico en béisbol.

Sé el primero en matar en una partida de Arena o Competitivo.

Acorralado II
Acorralado II
Mata a 5 enemigos durante el efecto de subidón crítico de Acorralado en una partida de Arena.

Estos dos son referencias a las dos primeras películas de Rambo, llamadas Template:W y Template:W.

Centinela 5, eliminado
Centinela 5, eliminado
Destruye un centinela activo con la pistola.

Normalmente, cuando se elimina a un corredor en béisbol, el árbitro dice "Corredor [nº del corredor], ¡eliminado!".

Si lo construyes...
Si lo construyes...
Destruye 3 construcciones enemigas antes de que las acaben.

"Si lo construyes, él vendrá" es una frase de la película de fantasía y drama Template:W, y se ha usado muchas veces en cultura popular.

¡Yo soy Bateman!
¡Yo soy Bateman!
Sobrevive a 500 puntos de daño en la misma vida.

Esto es una referencia al vigilante ficticio Template:W. Además, en la Template:W, Michael Keaton pronunciaba la frase "¡Yo soy Batman!".

Paraliza a un enemigo el máximo tiempo posible lanzándole una bola larga.

Una Template:W es un arma usada para lanzar proyectiles a grandes distancias.

Home run
Home run
Batea a un enemigo 25 metros.

El Template:W en béisbol se da cuando el bateador golpea la pelota de tal manera que le permite recorrer todas las bases y anota runa carrera. En la actualidad, la forma más común en la que se da un cuadrangular es cuando el bateador golpea la pelota y esta sale del campo de juego

Corre, Forrest, corre
Corre, Forrest, corre
Corre 25 kilómetros.

La frase "¡Corre, Forrest, corre!" viene de la película cómico-dramática de 1994 Template:W.

Corredor eliminado
Corredor eliminado
Mata a un Scout mientras está bajo los efectos de la CritiCola.

En béisbol, eliminar a un corredor es echarlo de una base.

Historia de unas idas y unas vueltas
Historia de unas idas y unas vueltas
Captura el dosier enemigo 25 veces.

"Historia de una ida y de una vuelta" es el subtitulo de la primera parte del libro de fantasía Template:W, de Template:W.

Poniendo la mesa
Poniendo la mesa
Inicia 10 capturas de puntos que finalmente tengan éxito.

"Poner la mesa" en béisbol es hacer que los corredores se pongan en todas las bases para prepararse ante un bateador fuerte, que puede elimianrlos a todos a la vez.

Fin de la entrada
Fin de la entrada
Captura el último punto en un mapa de PC.

En béisbol, las entradas son los periodos de tiempo en los que se divide un partido.

Robando la base
Robando la base
Empieza a capturar un punto de captura en menos de un segundo desde que esté disponible.

Robar la base es correr a la base inicial mientras el Lanzador lanza la pelota, una hazaña muy rara y difícil en el béisbol.

Strike tres
Strike tres
Mata o ayuda a matar a 50 enemigos mientras estén aturdidos o paralizados.

En béisbol, cuando un bateador acumula tres strikes, es eliminado.

Bajando los humos
Bajando los humos
Paraliza a 2 Medic que estén listos para activar una Supercarga.

"Bajar los humos" es una expresión que significa rebajar la arrogancia y soberbia de una persona.

Estados de la materia
Estados de la materia
Mata a un enemigo mientras estés en la tierra, otro en el aire y otro en el agua en la misma vida.

Los Template:W son los estados en los que se encuentra esta según sus condiciones de temperatura o presión, en relación con las fuerzas de unión de las partículas (moléculas, átomos o iones) que la constituyen. Los estados de la materia más conocidos son el sólido, el líquido y el gaseoso.



El hecho de que el Scout use un bate como arma cuerpo a cuerpo refleja la viva cultura de béisbol del área de Template:W, incluyendo a los Template:W.

¡Bonk! La Bebida Salvavidas
¡Bonk! La Bebida Salvavidas

Esto es una referencia al termino "El Bonk" o "Template:W", una condición en la que un atleta (normalmente en un deporte duro) pierde energía de repente, o se fatiga.

Machacador de Boston
Machacador de Boston

Template:W es la ciudad natal del Scout.

Machacar es atacar perjudicialmente a una persona. Puede ser física o mentalmente (en este caso el arma machaca físicamente a los enemigos o al Scout que la lleva).

Bastón de Caramelo
Bastón de Caramelo

Todos los Bastones de Caramelo son de nivel 25, haciendo referencia al día de Template:W, que cae el 25 de Diciembre.


El nombre de este arma es una mezcla entre las palabras "Crítico" y Template:W, el nombre del famoso refresco.

Dispensadora de Caña
Dispensadora de Caña

El nombre de este arma hace referencia a una frase del Scout en Conoce al Scout: ".. y yo, ¡doy caña!".

Arenque Sagrado
Arenque Sagrado
Que te peguen con un pez debe ser de lo más humillante.

El nivel del Arenque Sagrado, 42, es una referencia a la serie de libros de Template:W Template:W, en donde 42 se considera como la respuesta a la "vida, el universo, y todo".

Otras dos referencias más lejanas son Template:W y El salmón de la duda, otros dos libros escritos por Adams.

Lo último en armamento semioculto. No hay duda de que necesitas esta arma, la única pregunta es: ¿dónde vas a guardarla?

El nombre "Lugermorfa" es una combinación de "Luger P08", una pistola alemana en la que se basa, y "lagomorfa", un miembro de un grupo de mamíferos formado en su mayoría por ratones y liebres. Max (quien usa este arma en los juegos Template:W) dice ser miembro de este grupo.


Los Template:W son drogas psicotrópicas y psicoactivas que producen sueño o somnolencia, lo que encaja bien con el hecho de que el disparo secundario de este arma, que pone a los enemigos "a dormir" durante unos segundos.

Entrega Especial
Entrega Especial
+25 max health on wearer

El póster promocional del pack Entrega Especial tiene el eslogan "¡Danza de Bofetadas con Peces!", una referencia al sketch de Template:W La Danza de Bofetadas con Peces.

La parte que pincha va en el otro tío.

La descripción hace referencia a una frase del personaje Alejandro Murrieta en Template:W.

Abrazo de la Muerte
Abrazo de la Muerte
Que amable que el Spy nos echara una mano...

El nombre hace referencia a la película policíaca de 1949 Template:W, protagonizada por Template:W.

La descripción es un juego de palabras con la frase "echar una mano", que significa ayudar a alguien con una tarea o trabajo.

Sombreros y Objetos misceláneos


B-ankh! is a combination of the words "Bonk!" (the Scout's signiature phrase) and the Egyptian Template:W, the symbol on the medallion worn around the Scout's neck when this item is equipped.

Batter's Helmet
Batter's Helmet
You'll be batting a thousand (skulls in) when you don this red piece of plastic!

The term "batting a thousand" comes from baseball statistics, where it signifies getting a hit for every turn at batting. It was transferred to other activities in the 1920s.

Big Elfin Deal
Big Elfin Deal
You ask me if I wanna be a dentist one more time, pal, I'm gonna kick your teeth in.

The name "Big Elfin Deal" is a pun on the colloquial phrase "big effing deal".

The description is a joke based on the elf Hermey from the 1960s television special Template:W, who aspired to become a dentist.

Bombing Run
Bombing Run
Death from above!

A "bombing run" is the part of a flight of a bomber aircraft that brings it to the point over a target at which its bombs are released. This is referenced in the description.

Bonk Boy
Bonk Boy

This mask was designed to resemble the DC superhero Template:W, who, like the Scout, is famous for his speed.

Bonk Helm
Bonk Helm
When drinking one radioactive beverage at a time is not enough.

The Bonk Helm is a reference to similar beverage-carrying headwear that is stereotypically worn by sporting event spectators, usually referred to as a "beverage hat", "beer helmet" or "thirst aid hat".

Bootie Time
Bootie Time
You dasher! You dancer! You prancer! You VIXEN! Pull Santa's sleigh all by yourself, you sexy little man.

Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen were four of the original eight Reindeer from the 1939 children's story Template:W.

This item's only attribute, "Jingle all the way", is a reference to the popular Christmas song Template:W.

Boston Boom-Bringer
Boston Boom-Bringer
Walkin' down the street to the hardcore beat while his Mann Co. boom vibrates the concrete.

The description is a reference to the Template:W song Template:W.


Similarly to the Force-A-Nature, the name of this set is a reference to the Scout's description of himself in the Meet the Scout video.

El Jefe
El Jefe

This hat gives the Scout a likeness to iconic revolutionary Template:W.

"El jefe" is Spanish for "the boss".


The name is a portmanteau of the word "foot" and the name of the famous Egyptian pharaoh Template:W.

Don't shoot the messenger. Actually, go ahead and try. Can't be done, pal! Too fast!

In Greek mythology, Template:W is the messenger of the Gods, best known for his ability to move extremely quickly. The Scout's class icon is taken from Hermes' winged shoes.

The term "Template:W" is used to describe attacking the bringer of bad news.

Hero's Tail
Hero's Tail
Possibly the result of pigmentation loss due to horrible experiments. Possibly a mop of some kind.

The item's description is a reference to Template:W, a book about people who hunt dangerous monsters. The main character's skin and hair lose pigmentation as a result of the consumption of mutagens, a prerequisite of his transformation into a full witcher.

The description also refers to mops commonly used as makeshift wigs in comedy pieces.

Hot Dogger
Hot Dogger
There's been a terrible explosion at the hot dog factory! That's what you can tell people, and they'll believe you because you will look like an expert on hot dogs.

The term "hot dogger" or "hot dogging" refers to someone in sports who shows off and generally engages in unsportsmanlike conduct, which the Scout is well known for doing.

Lucky No. 42
Lucky No. 42
Why fight in the sun when you could lounge in the shade?

The name of this item is a reference to the book series Template:W. Written by Template:W, it states that a hitchhiker should always have a towel with him, and that the number 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

Planeswalker Goggles
Planeswalker Goggles
No more bugs in your eyes as you blaze across the map.

These goggles resemble the ones worn by Chandra Nalaar, a Template:W character from the collectible card game Magic: The Gathering. In the game, Chandra is aligned with "red magic", which is associated with impulse, speed, and chaos - clearly similar to the Scout.

Sign of the Wolf's School
Sign of the Wolf's School
One wolf, no moon. Collect all three!

In Witcher 2, the Witchers must be trained in the Wolf's School.

The description is a reference to the "Template:W", a viral T-shirt design featuring three wolves howling at a moon.

Teufort Tooth Kicker
Teufort Tooth Kicker
These steel-toed dogs were scientifically engineered (in a wind tunnel) by America's foremost authorities on mouth-kicking to perfectly fit the inside of an idiot's mouth.

The Capture the Flag map 2Fort is often referred to as Teufort in the TF2's supplementary material.

Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
Troublemaker's Tossle Cap
Straight outta control point.

Beanies are often associated with gang members and juvenile delinquents, most often in urban areas such as New York, Los Angeles, and the Scout's city of origin, Boston, thus the name "troublemaker's cap".

The description is a reference to Template:W, an album and song by hip-hop group Template:W.

Whoopee Cap
Whoopee Cap
You'd have to be a jughead not to realize this cap is the pinnacle of fashion for the discerning youth.

This hat looks similar to the one worn by Template:W from Template:W, who is referenced in the hat's description.

Wrap Battler
Wrap Battler

A Template:W is a contest between two rappers to brag about superiority.

Ye Olde Baker Boy
Ye Olde Baker Boy
Extra! Extra! You're frickin' dead!

The Baker Boy, or Template:W, is commonly associated with newspaper boys, also called newsboys or newsies, and this association is referenced in the item's description. People who sold newspapers in the late 19th Century often shouted "Extra! Extra!" to attract the attention of passers-by.



The Home Run attack is a reference to Template:W.


Dominating a Scout

"Oh what, you gonna cry? You gonna cry now?"

This is a reference to the "There's no crying in baseball" scene from Template:W.

Dominating a Soldier

"What is your major malfunction, brudda?"

This is a line spoken by Sergeant Hartman in Template:W. The Soldier himself seems to be based loosely on Sergeant Hartman.

Dominating a Demoman

"The best man won, ya bomb-throwing drunk!"

The quote "May the best man win" is said by certain players who hide the fact that they know they'll be the one winning the game when it ends. This also makes a reference to the Demoman's alcoholism.

"Your clock just got cleaned, rummy!"

Someone who "gets their clock cleaned", means that they got hit or beaten up pretty bad. This is also based on the fact that the Scout usually likes to beat enemies with a bat.

Dominating a Heavy

"$400,000 to fire that gun, huh? Yeah, money well spent!"

"Dem $200 bullets ain't so hot when they don't hit nothin', are dey?"

This is a reference to the high price of operating Sasha, which the Heavy boasts about in Meet the Heavy.

"I. Eat. Your. Sandwiches! I eat 'em up!"

A famous line in the film Template:W has similar wording to this.

This is also a reference to the Scout's taking of the Heavy's Sandvich in Meet the Scout.

Dominating a Medic

"I... hate... doctors!"

Left 4 Dead's Francis, who often expresses his hatred for numerous things, speaks this line.

"Where's your precious Hippo-crates now?"

Template:W is regarded as "the Father of Medicine".

"Real nice effort, Deutsch-bag!"

This is a reference to the comedy film Template:W, inwhich Todd Wolfhouse insults Johann von Wolfhausen by calling him a "Deutsch-bag". Deutsch means "German" in the German language.

Dominating a Sniper

"It was a mercy killin', ya live in a... camper van!"

This is a reference to the Sniper's choice of abode as seen in Meet the Sniper. A running joke in various response lines has the other classes mock the Sniper for living in a van.

"Look at this, just caved in your skull- my Bat's still dry. No clumps a' hair, nothin'."

This is a reference to an advertisment for Template:W.

Other Responses

Several of the noises the Scout makes when dodging bullets under the effects of Bonk! Atomic Punch are imitations of sound effects from the Template:W series.

"Ding dong!" - after stunning an enemy with the Sandman's baseball.

The "Church guy" from Left 4 Dead says this while ringing the church bell. Both he and the Scout are voiced by Nathan Vetterlein.

"Wananananana" - after drinking Bonk! Atomic Punch.

This is an imitation of the slow-motion sound effect from Template:W.

"I'm battin' a thousand!" - after a bat kill.

This term comes from baseball statistics, where it signifies getting a hit for every turn at bat. It was transferred to other activities in the 1920s.

"No other class gonna do that!"

"You see dat?"

"You seein' dis?" - after unlocking an achievement.

"If you order now, I'll throw in a second beating, absolutely free!" - after a revenge kill.

These responses are quotes from an advertisment for Template:W.


Meet the Sandvich

"He's already dead! He's already deaaad!"

This line was borrowed from Template:W (specifically, the episode "Homie the Clown") and recorded for Meet the Sandvich, though it was eventually not used.

See also