Template:PatchDiff/April 29, 2015 Patch/tf/resource/closecaption portuguese.txt

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5151"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment020.mp3" "[Charlie Brown] The sniper rifle was another tricky design problem. To meet players' expectations, a sniper rifle has to be able to kill an opponent with a single shot to the head. On the flip side, we need to ensure it can't be snap fired from the hip with the same effect, because then, in the hands of an experienced player, it also becomes the game's most lethal short range weapon, negating the Sniper's primary weakness. To solve this, we implemented a charging damage meter that only appears when the sniper is zoomed. This solution has several beneficial side effects:
5252The low damage both while un-zoomed and at the initial zoom ensures that Snipers can't kill opponents with impromptu snap fire. The charge time means Snipers can deal out low damage shots quickly or highly damaging shots at slow intervals, which allows opponents to overwhelm them with a coordinated rush. The high damage at the end of the charge rewards Sniper-esque behaviors, such as locating a decent vantage point and taking very deliberate shots.
54N/A"#commentary\tf2-Comment021.mp3" "[Marc Scaparro] O Pyro foi concebido para corresponder à melhor classe de combate de curto alcance, destinada a incentivar os jogadores a adotar um estilo de jogo tipo emboscada. Para alcançar este objectivo, tornámos o Pyro vulnerável em espaços abertos, o que obriga os jogadores a procurar áreas fechadas e interiores. Para complementar a letalidade de curto alcance do Pyro, tornámos os efeitos do lança-chamas visualmente ruidosos, o que ajuda a desorientar os adversários durante o tempo suficiente para que as chamas os eliminem."
N/A54"#commentary\tf2-Comment021.mp3" "[Marc Scaparro] O Pyro foi concebido para corresponder à melhor classe de combate de curto alcance, destinada a incentivar os jogadores a adotar um estilo de jogo tipo emboscada. Para alcançar este objetivo, tornámos o Pyro vulnerável em espaços abertos, o que obriga os jogadores a procurar áreas fechadas e interiores. Para complementar a letalidade de curto alcance do Pyro, tornámos os efeitos do lança-chamas visualmente ruidosos, o que ajuda a desorientar os adversários durante tempo suficiente para que as chamas os eliminem."
5555"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment021.mp3" "[Marc Scaparro] The Pyro is designed to be the best short-range combat class, aimed at encouraging players to adopt an ambush style of play. To achieve this, we made the Pyro vulnerable in the open, which forces players to seek out enclosed areas and doorways. To add to the Pyro's short range lethality, we made the flamethrower effects visually noisy, which helps disorient opponents long enough for the flames to finish them off."
5656"#commentary\tf2-Comment022.mp3" "[Wade Schin] O Demoman constitui a classe de combate mais versátil, capaz de passar rapidamente de fortes jogadas ofensivas para a proteção de áreas defendidas. O Demoman tem a única capacidade de fogo indireto do jogo, permitindo-lhe atingir armas sentinela a seguir a curvas. Além disso, as suas bombas adesivas permitem-no fazer um salto com granadas semelhante à dos saltos de rocket do Soldier. As suas bombas adesivas também são capazes de impedir que os inimigos passem por portas, ajudam a cobrir retiradas e a defender pontos de controlo, mesmo quando o Demoman se encontra noutro lugar."
5757"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment022.mp3" "[Wade Schin] The Demoman is the most versatile combat class, capable of rapidly switching from strong offensive pushes to defensive area denial. He has the only indirect fire capability in the game, allowing him to take out sentryguns around the corner, and his sticky bombs give him a grenade jumping ability similar to that of the Soldier's rocket jumps. His sticky bombs can also prevent enemies from moving through doorways, cover a retreat, and defend control points even when the Demoman is somewhere else."