Template:PatchDiff/May 13, 2013 Patch/bin/base.fgd

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N/A1//====== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
N/A3// Purpose: General game definition file (.fgd)
N/A7@mapsize(-16384, 16384)
N/A12// Base Classes
N/A16@BaseClass = Angles
N/A18 angles(angle) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" : "This entity's orientation in the world. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, " +
N/A19 "yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, roll is the rotation around the X axis."
N/A22@BaseClass = Origin
N/A24 origin(origin) : "Origin (X Y Z)" : : "The position of this entity's center in the world. Rotating entities typically rotate around their origin."
N/A27@BaseClass = Studiomodel
N/A29 model(studio) : "World Model"
N/A30 skin(integer) : "Skin" : 0 : "Some models have multiple versions of their textures, called skins. Set this to a number other than 0 to use that skin instead of the default."
N/A32 disableshadows(choices) : "Disable Shadows" : 0 : "Used to disable dynamic shadows on this entity." =
N/A33 [
N/A34 0 : "No"
N/A35 1 : "Yes"
N/A36 ]
N/A38 // Inputs
N/A39 input Skin(integer) : "Changes the model skin to the specified number."
N/A40 input DisableShadow(void) : "Turn shadow off."
N/A41 input EnableShadow(void) : "Turn shadow on."
N/A42 input AlternativeSorting(bool) : "Used to attempt to fix sorting problems when rendering. True activates, false deactivates"
N/A44 // Outputs
N/A45 output OnIgnite(void) : "Fired when this object catches fire."
N/A48@BaseClass = BasePlat
N/A50 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles the platform's state."
N/A51 input GoUp(void) : "Tells the platform to go up."
N/A52 input GoDown(void) : "Tells the platform to go down."
N/A55@BaseClass = Targetname
N/A57 targetname(target_source) : "Name" : : "The name that other entities refer to this entity by."
N/A59 // Inputs
N/A60 input Kill(void) : "Removes this entity from the world."
N/A61 input KillHierarchy(void) : "Removes this entity and all its children from the world."
N/A62 input AddOutput(string) : "Adds an entity I/O connection to this entity. Format: <output name> <targetname>:<inputname>:<parameter>:<delay>:<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)>. Very dangerous, use with care."
N/A63 input FireUser1(void) : "Causes this entity's OnUser1 output to be fired."
N/A64 input FireUser2(void) : "Causes this entity's OnUser2 output to be fired."
N/A65 input FireUser3(void) : "Causes this entity's OnUser3 output to be fired."
N/A66 input FireUser4(void) : "Causes this entity's OnUser4 output to be fired."
N/A68 // Outputs
N/A69 output OnUser1(void) : "Fired in response to FireUser1 input."
N/A70 output OnUser2(void) : "Fired in response to FireUser2 input."
N/A71 output OnUser3(void) : "Fired in response to FireUser3 input."
N/A72 output OnUser4(void) : "Fired in response to FireUser4 input."
N/A75@BaseClass = Parentname
N/A77 parentname(target_destination) : "Parent" : : "The name of this entity's parent in the movement hierarchy. Entities with parents move with their parent."
N/A79 // Inputs
N/A80 input SetParent(string) : "Changes the entity's parent in the movement hierarchy."
N/A81 input SetParentAttachment(string) : "Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on its parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment."
N/A82 input SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset(string) : "Change this entity to attach to a specific attachment point on it's parent. Entities must be parented before being sent this input. The parameter passed in should be the name of the attachment. The entity will maintain it's position relative to the parent at the time it is attached."
N/A83 input ClearParent(void) : "Removes this entity from the the movement hierarchy, leaving it free to move independently."
N/A86@BaseClass = BaseBrush
N/A88 // Inputs
N/A89 input SetTextureIndex(integer) : "Used by HL1Port. Sets the brush texture index. Use a material_modify_control entity instead."
N/A90 input IncrementTextureIndex(void) : "Used by HL1Port. Increments the brush texture index. Use a material_modify_control entity instead."
N/A93@BaseClass = EnableDisable
N/A95 StartDisabled(choices) : "Start Disabled" : 0 =
N/A96 [
N/A97 0 : "No"
N/A98 1 : "Yes"
N/A99 ]
N/A101 // Inputs
N/A102 input Enable(void) : "Enable this entity."
N/A103 input Disable(void) : "Disable this entity."
N/A106@BaseClass = RenderFxChoices
N/A108 renderfx(choices) :"Render FX" : 0 =
N/A109 [
N/A110 0: "Normal"
N/A111 1: "Slow Pulse"
N/A112 2: "Fast Pulse"
N/A113 3: "Slow Wide Pulse"
N/A114 4: "Fast Wide Pulse"
N/A115 9: "Slow Strobe"
N/A116 10: "Fast Strobe"
N/A117 11: "Faster Strobe"
N/A118 12: "Slow Flicker"
N/A119 13: "Fast Flicker"
N/A120 5: "Slow Fade Away"
N/A121 6: "Fast Fade Away"
N/A122 7: "Slow Become Solid"
N/A123 8: "Fast Become Solid"
N/A124 14: "Constant Glow"
N/A125 15: "Distort"
N/A126 16: "Hologram (Distort + fade)"
N/A127 23: "Cull By Distance (TEST)"
N/A128 24: "Spotlight FX"
N/A129 26: "Fade Near"
N/A130 ]
N/A133@BaseClass = Shadow
N/A135 disableshadows(choices) : "Disable shadows" : 0 =
N/A136 [
N/A137 0 : "No"
N/A138 1 : "Yes"
N/A139 ]
N/A141 input DisableShadow(void) : "Turn shadow off."
N/A142 input EnableShadow(void) : "Turn shadow on."
N/A145@BaseClass base(RenderFxChoices) = RenderFields
N/A147 rendermode(choices) : "Render Mode" : 0 : "Used to set a non-standard rendering mode on this entity. See also 'FX Amount' and 'FX Color'." =
N/A148 [
N/A149 0: "Normal"
N/A150 1: "Color"
N/A151 2: "Texture"
N/A152 3: "Glow"
N/A153 4: "Solid"
N/A154 5: "Additive"
N/A155 7: "Additive Fractional Frame"
N/A156 9: "World Space Glow"
N/A157 10: "Dont Render"
N/A158 ]
N/A159 renderamt(integer) : "FX Amount (0 - 255)" : 255 : "The FX amount is used by the selected Render Mode."
N/A160 rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" : "The FX color is used by the selected Render Mode."
N/A162 disablereceiveshadows(choices) : "Disable Receiving Shadows" : 0 =
N/A163 [
N/A164 0 : "No"
N/A165 1 : "Yes"
N/A166 ]
N/A168 input Alpha(integer) : "Set the sprite's alpha (0 - 255)."
N/A169 input Color(color255) : "Set the sprite's color (R G B)."
N/A173// Inherit from this to get the ability to only include an object in a range of dx levels.
N/A176@BaseClass = DXLevelChoice
N/A178 mindxlevel(choices) : "Minimum DX Level" : 0 =
N/A179 [
N/A180 0 : "default (lowest)"
N/A181 70 : "dx7"
N/A182 80 : "dx8.0 (4600Ti)"
N/A183 81 : "dx8.1 (FX5200)"
N/A184 90 : "dx9 SM2.0"
N/A185 95 : "dx9 SM3.0"
N/A186 ]
N/A187 maxdxlevel(choices) : "Maximum DX Level" : 0 =
N/A188 [
N/A189 0 : "default (highest)"
N/A190 60 : "dx6"
N/A191 70 : "dx7"
N/A192 80 : "dx8.0 (4600Ti)"
N/A193 81 : "dx8.1 (FX5200)"
N/A194 90 : "dx9 SM2.0"
N/A195 95 : "dx9 SM3.0"
N/A196 ]
N/A199@BaseClass = Inputfilter
N/A201 InputFilter(choices) : "Input Filter" : 0 : "Used to specify which inputs this entity will accept." =
N/A202 [
N/A203 0 : "Allow all inputs"
N/A204 8 : "Ignore Touch/Untouch"
N/A205 16 : "Ignore Use"
N/A206 32 : "Ignore All"
N/A207 ]
N/A210@BaseClass = Global
N/A212 globalname(string) : "Global Entity Name" : "" : "Name by which this entity is linked to another entity in a different map. When the player transitions to a new map, entities in the new map with globalnames matching entities in the previous map will have the previous map's state copied over their state."
N/A215// Base class for env_global
N/A216@BaseClass base(Targetname) = EnvGlobal :
N/A217 "An entity to control a global game state, with an optional associated counter, that persists across level transitions."
N/A219 initialstate(choices) : "Initial State" : 0 =
N/A220 [
N/A221 0 : "Off"
N/A222 1 : "On"
N/A223 2 : "Dead"
N/A224 ]
N/A226 counter(integer) : "Counter" : 0 : "An integer counter value associated with this global."
N/A228 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A229 [
N/A230 1 : "Set Initial State" : 0
N/A231 ]
N/A233 // Inputs
N/A234 input TurnOn(void) : "Set state of global to ON."
N/A235 input TurnOff(void) : "Set state of global to OFF."
N/A236 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles state of global between ON and OFF."
N/A237 input Remove(void) : "Set state of global to DEAD."
N/A238 input SetCounter(integer) : "Sets the counter value of this global."
N/A239 input AddToCounter(integer) : "Adds to the counter value of this global. Negative numbers subtract."
N/A240 input GetCounter(void) : "Causes the Counter output to be fired, passing the current counter value for this global."
N/A242 // Outputs
N/A243 output Counter(integer) : "Fired in response to the GetCounter input, passing the current value of the counter."
N/A246@BaseClass = DamageFilter
N/A248 damagefilter(target_destination) : "Damage Filter" : "" : "Name of the filter entity that controls which entities can damage us."
N/A249 input SetDamageFilter(string) : "Sets the entity to use as damage filter. Pass in an empty string to clear the damage filter."
N/A252@BaseClass = ResponseContext
N/A254 // Inputs
N/A255 input AddContext(string) : "Adds a context to this entity's list of response contexts. The format should be 'key:value'."
N/A256 input RemoveContext(string) : "Remove a context from this entity's list of response contexts. The name should match the 'key' of a previously added context."
N/A257 input ClearContext(void) : "Removes all contexts in this entity's list of response contexts."
N/A259 // Pre-defined contexts at server startup time (set by mapper)
N/A260 ResponseContext(string) : "Response Contexts" : "" : "Response system context(s) for this entity. Format should be: 'key:value,key2:value2,etc'. When this entity speaks, the list of keys & values will be passed to the response rules system."
N/A263@BaseClass base(Targetname, DamageFilter, Shadow) = Breakable
N/A265 ExplodeDamage(float) : "Explosion Damage" : 0 : "If non-zero, when this entity breaks it will create an explosion that causes the specified amount of damage. See also 'Explosion Radius'."
N/A266 ExplodeRadius(float) : "Explosion Radius" : 0 : "If non-zero, when this entity breaks it will create an explosion with a radius of the specified amount. See also 'Explosion Damage'."
N/A267 PerformanceMode(choices) : "Performance Mode" : 0 : "Used to limit the amount of gibs produced when this entity breaks, for performance reasons." =
N/A268 [
N/A269 0 : "Normal"
N/A270 1 : "No Gibs"
N/A271 2 : "Full Gibs on All Platforms"
N/A272 3 : "Reduced gibs"
N/A273 ]
N/A275 BreakModelMessage(string) : "Break Model Message" : "" : "If set, will use this break model message instead of the normal break behavior."
N/A277 // Inputs
N/A278 input Break(void) : "Breaks the breakable."
N/A279 input SetHealth(integer) : "Sets a new value for the breakable's health. If the breakable's health reaches zero it will break."
N/A280 input AddHealth(integer) : "Adds health to the breakable. If the breakable's health reaches zero it will break."
N/A281 input RemoveHealth(integer) : "Removes health from the breakable. If the breakable's health reaches zero it will break."
N/A282 input EnablePhyscannonPickup(void) : "Makes the breakable able to picked up by the physcannon."
N/A283 input DisablePhyscannonPickup(void) : "Makes the breakable not able to picked up by the physcannon."
N/A284 input SetMass(float) : "Set mass of this object."
N/A286 // Outputs
N/A287 output OnBreak(void) : "Fired when this breakable breaks."
N/A288 output OnTakeDamage(void) : "Fired each time this breakable takes any damage."
N/A289 output OnHealthChanged(float) : "Fired when the health of this breakable changes, passing the new value of health as a percentage of max health, from [0..1]."
N/A290 output OnPhysCannonDetach(void) : "Fired when the physcannon has ripped this breakable off of the wall. Only fired if ACT_PHYSCANNON_DETACH is defined in the model this breakable is using."
N/A291 output OnPhysCannonAnimatePreStarted(void) : "Fired when this prop starts playing the Pre physcannon-pull activity, caused by the player trying to grab this prop with the physcannon. Only fired if the ACT_PHYSCANNON_ANIMATE_PRE activity is defined in the model this breakable is using."
N/A292 output OnPhysCannonAnimatePullStarted(void) : "Fired when this prop starts playing the physcannon-pull activity, caused by the player trying to grab this prop with the physcannon. Only fired if the ACT_PHYSCANNON_ANIMATE activity is defined in the model this breakable is using. If the prop has Pre pull anim, this will be fired after the Pre anim has finished playing."
N/A293 output OnPhysCannonPullAnimFinished(void) : "Fired when this prop has finished playing the physcannon-pull activity, caused by the player trying to grab this prop with the physcannon. Only fired if the ACT_PHYSCANNON_ANIMATE activity is defined in the model this breakable is using. If the prop has Pre & Post pull anims, this will be fired after the Post anim has finished playing."
N/A294 output OnPhysCannonAnimatePostStarted(void) : "Fired when this prop starts playing the Post physcannon-pull activity. Only fired if the ACT_PHYSCANNON_ANIMATE_POST activity is defined in the model this breakable is using."
N/A297@BaseClass base(Breakable, Parentname, Global) = BreakableBrush
N/A299 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A300 [
N/A301 1 : "Only Break on Trigger" : 0
N/A302 2 : "Break on Touch" : 0
N/A303 4 : "Break on Pressure" : 0
N/A304 512: "Break immediately on Physics" : 0
N/A305 1024: "Don't take physics damage" : 0
N/A306 2048: "Don't allow bullet penetration": 0
N/A307 ]
N/A309 propdata(choices) : "Prop Data" : 0 : "Set to the best approximation of the size and material of this entity's brushes. If set, it will override this entity's health and damage taken from various weapons. See the propdata.txt file in the scripts directory of your MOD to get a detailed list of what each entry specifies." =
N/A310 [
N/A311 0 : "None"
N/A312 1 : "Wooden.Tiny"
N/A313 2 : "Wooden.Small"
N/A314 3 : "Wooden.Medium"
N/A315 4 : "Wooden.Large"
N/A316 5 : "Wooden.Huge"
N/A317 6 : "Metal.Small"
N/A318 7 : "Metal.Medium"
N/A319 8 : "Metal.Large"
N/A320 9 : "Cardboard.Small"
N/A321 10 : "Cardboard.Medium"
N/A322 11 : "Cardboard.Large"
N/A323 12 : "Stone.Small"
N/A324 13 : "Stone.Medium"
N/A325 14 : "Stone.Large"
N/A326 15 : "Stone.Huge"
N/A327 16 : "Glass.Small"
N/A328 17 : "Plastic.Small"
N/A329 18 : "Plastic.Medium"
N/A330 19 : "Plastic.Large"
N/A331 20 : "Pottery.Small"
N/A332 21 : "Pottery.Medium"
N/A333 22 : "Pottery.Large"
N/A334 23 : "Pottery.Huge"
N/A335 24 : "Glass.Window"
N/A336 ]
N/A338 health(integer) : "Strength" : 1 : "Number of points of damage to take before breaking. 0 means don't break."
N/A339 material(choices) :"Material Type" : 0 : "Set to the material type of the brush. Used to decide what sounds to make when damaged, and what gibs to produce when broken." =
N/A340 [
N/A341 0: "Glass"
N/A342 1: "Wood"
N/A343 2: "Metal"
N/A344 3: "Flesh"
N/A345 4: "CinderBlock"
N/A346 5: "Ceiling Tile"
N/A347 6: "Computer"
N/A348 7: "Unbreakable Glass"
N/A349 8: "Rocks"
N/A350 // 9: "Web(defunct)"
N/A351 10: "None"
N/A352 ]
N/A353 explosion(choices) : "Gibs Direction" : 0 : "Used to decide which direction to throw gibs when broken." =
N/A354 [
N/A355 0: "Random"
N/A356 1: "Relative to Attack"
N/A357 2: "Use Precise Gib Dir"
N/A358 ]
N/A360 gibdir(angle) : "Precise Gib Direction" : "0 0 0" : "Specifies the direction to throw gibs when this breakable breaks. Be sure to select Use Precise Gib Dir in the Gibs Direction field!"
N/A362 nodamageforces(choices) : "Damaging it Doesn't Push It" : 0 : "Used to determine whether or not damage should cause the brush to move." =
N/A363 [
N/A364 0: "No"
N/A365 1: "Yes"
N/A366 ]
N/A368 // Inputs
N/A369 input EnableDamageForces(void) : "Damaging the entity applies physics forces to it."
N/A370 input DisableDamageForces(void) : "Damaging the entity does *not* apply physics forces to it."
N/A372 gibmodel(string) : "Gib Model" : "" : "Used by HL1Port to specify a custom gib model to break into, overriding the 'Material Type'."
N/A373 spawnobject(choices) : "Spawn On Break" : 0 : "When broken, an entity of the selected type will be created." =
N/A374 [
N/A375 1: "item_battery"
N/A376 2: "item_healthkit"
N/A377 3: "item_ammo_pistol"
N/A378 4: "item_ammo_pistol_large"
N/A379 5: "item_ammo_smg1"
N/A380 6: "item_ammo_smg1_large"
N/A381 7: "item_ammo_ar2"
N/A382 8: "item_ammo_ar2_large"
N/A383 9: "item_box_buckshot"
N/A384 10: "item_flare_round"
N/A385 11: "item_box_flare_rounds"
N/A386 12: "item_ml_grenade"
N/A387 13: "item_smg1_grenade"
N/A388 14: "item_box_sniper_rounds"
N/A389 15: "unused1"
N/A390 16: "weapon_stunstick"
N/A391 17: "weapon_ar1"
N/A392 18: "weapon_ar2"
N/A393 19: "unused2"
N/A394 20: "weapon_ml"
N/A395 21: "weapon_smg1"
N/A396 22: "weapon_smg2"
N/A397 23: "weapon_slam"
N/A398 24: "weapon_shotgun"
N/A399 25: "weapon_molotov"
N/A400 26: "item_dynamic_resupply"
N/A401 ]
N/A402 explodemagnitude(integer) : "Explode Magnitude" : 0 : "If non-zero, when this entity breaks it will create an explosion that causes the specified amount of damage."
N/A403 pressuredelay(float) : "Pressure Delay" : 0 : "Delay, in seconds, after 'broken' by pressure before breaking apart (allows for sound to play before breaking apart)."
N/A406@BaseClass base(Breakable) = BreakableProp
N/A408 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A409 [
N/A410 16 : "Break on Touch" : 0
N/A411 32 : "Break on Pressure" : 0
N/A412 ]
N/A413 pressuredelay(float) : "Pressure Delay" : 0 : "Delay, in seconds, after 'broken' by pressure before breaking apart (allows for sound to play before breaking apart)."
N/A416@BaseClass base(Targetname, Angles, RenderFields, DamageFilter, ResponseContext, Shadow) color(0 200 200) = BaseNPC
N/A418 target(target_destination) : "Target Path Corner" : : "If set, the name of a path corner entity that this NPC will walk to, after spawning."
N/A419 squadname(String) : "Squad Name" : : "NPCs that are in the same squad (i.e. have matching squad names) will share information about enemies, and will take turns attacking and covering each other."
N/A420 hintgroup(String) : "Hint Group" : "" : "Hint groups are used by NPCs to restrict their hint-node searching to a subset of the map's hint nodes. Only hint nodes with matching hint group names will be considered by this NPC."
N/A421 hintlimiting(choices) : "Hint Limit Nav" : 0 : "Limits NPC to using specified hint group for navigation requests, but does not limit local navigation." =
N/A422 [
N/A423 0 : "No"
N/A424 1 : "Yes"
N/A425 ]
N/A427 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A428 [
N/A429 1 : "Wait Till Seen" : 0
N/A430 2 : "Gag (No IDLE sounds until angry)" : 0
N/A431 4 : "Fall to ground (unchecked means *teleport* to ground)" : 1
N/A432 8 : "Drop Healthkit" : 0
N/A433 16 : "Efficient - Don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles" : 0
N/A434 128: "Wait For Script" : 0
N/A435 256: "Long Visibility/Shoot" : 0
N/A436 512: "Fade Corpse" : 1
N/A437 1024: "Think outside PVS" : 0
N/A438 2048: "Template NPC (used by npc_maker, will not spawn)" : 0
N/A439 4096: "Do Alternate collision for this NPC (player avoidance)" : 0
N/A440 8192: "Don't drop weapons" : 0
N/A441 16384 : "Ignore player push (dont give way to player)" : 0
N/A442 ]
N/A444 //initialidle(string) : "Initial Idle Activity" :: "Activity the NPC should use to idle until becomes alert"
N/A445 sleepstate(choices) : "Sleep State" : 0 : "Holds the NPC in stasis until specified condition. See also 'Wake Radius' and 'Wake Squad'." =
N/A446 [
N/A447 0 : "None"
N/A448 1 : "Waiting for threat"
N/A449 2 : "Waiting for PVS"
N/A450 3 : "Waiting for input, ignore PVS"
N/A451 4 : "Auto PVS"
N/A452 5 : "Auto PVS after PVS"
N/A453 ]
N/A455 wakeradius(float) : "Wake Radius" : 0 : "Auto-wake if player within this distance"
N/A456 wakesquad(choices) : "Wake Squad" : 0 : "Wake all of the NPCs squadmates if the NPC is woken" =
N/A457 [
N/A458 0 : "No"
N/A459 1 : "Yes"
N/A460 ]
N/A462 enemyfilter(target_destination) : "Enemy Filter" : "" : "Filter by which to filter potential enemies"
N/A464 ignoreunseenenemies(choices) : "Ignore unseen enemies" : 0 : "Prefer visible enemies, regardless of distance or relationship priority" =
N/A465 [
N/A466 0 : "No"
N/A467 1 : "Yes"
N/A468 ]
N/A470 physdamagescale(float) : "Physics Impact Damage Scale" : "1.0" : "Scales damage energy when this character is hit by a physics object. With a value of 0 the NPC will take no damage from physics."
N/A472 // Outputs
N/A473 output OnDamaged(void) : "Fired when this NPC takes damage."
N/A474 output OnDeath(void) : "Fired when this NPC is killed."
N/A475 output OnHalfHealth(void) : "Fired when this NPC reaches half of its maximum health."
N/A476 output OnHearWorld(void) : "Fired when this NPC hears a sound (other than combat or the player)."
N/A477 output OnHearPlayer(void) : "Fired when this NPC hears the player."
N/A478 output OnHearCombat(void) : "Fired when this NPC hears combat sounds."
N/A479 output OnFoundEnemy(string) : "Fired when this NPC establishes line of sight to its enemy (outputs entity)."
N/A480 output OnLostEnemyLOS(void) : "Fired when this NPC loses line of sight to its enemy."
N/A481 output OnLostEnemy(void) : "Fired when this NPC loses its enemy. Usually due to the enemy being killed/removed, or because this NPC has selected a newer, more dangerous enemy."
N/A482 output OnFoundPlayer(string) : "Fired when this NPC establishes line of sight to its enemy, and that enemy is a player (outputs player entity)."
N/A483 output OnLostPlayerLOS(void) : "Fired when this NPC loses line of sight to its enemy, and that enemy is a player."
N/A484 output OnLostPlayer(void) : "Fired when this NPC loses its enemy, and that enemy was a player. Usually due to the enemy being killed/removed, or because this NPC has selected a newer, more dangerous enemy."
N/A485 output OnDamagedByPlayer(void) : "Fired when this NPC is hurt by a player."
N/A486 output OnDamagedByPlayerSquad(void) : "Fired when this NPC is hurt by a player OR by one of the player's squadmates."
N/A487 output OnDenyCommanderUse(void) : "Fired when this NPC has refused to join the player's squad."
N/A488 output OnSleep(void) : "Fired when this NPC enters a sleep state."
N/A489 output OnWake(void) : "Fired when this NPC comes out of a sleep state."
N/A490 output OnForcedInteractionStarted(void) : "Fired when the NPC starts a forced interaction."
N/A491 output OnForcedInteractionAborted(void) : "Fired when the NPC aborts a forced interaction for some reason (target NPC died, couldn't be pathed to, etc)"
N/A492 output OnForcedInteractionFinished(void) : "NPCs in actbusies can no longer perform dynamic interactions."
N/A494 // Inputs
N/A495 input SetRelationship(string) : "Changes this entity's relationship with another entity or class. Format: <entityname/classname> <D_HT/D_FR/D_LI/D_NU> <priority>"
N/A496 input SetEnemyFilter(string) : "Changes this NPC's enemy filter to the named filter."
N/A497 input SetHealth(integer) : "Set this NPC's health."
N/A498 input SetBodyGroup(integer) : "HACK: Sets this NPC's body group (from 0 - n). You'd better know what you are doing!"
N/A499 input physdamagescale(float) : "Sets the value that scales damage energy when this character is hit by a physics object. NOTE: 0 means this feature is disabled for backwards compatibility."
N/A500 input Ignite(void) : "Ignite, burst into flames"
N/A501 input IgniteLifetime(float) : "Ignite, with a parameter lifetime."
N/A502 input IgniteNumHitboxFires(integer) : "Ignite, with a parameter number of hitbox fires."
N/A503 input IgniteHitboxFireScale(float) : "Ignite, with a parameter hitbox fire scale."
N/A504 input Break(void) : "Break, smash into pieces"
N/A505 input StartScripting(void) : "Enter scripting state. In this state, NPCs ignore a variety of stimulus that would make them break out of their scripts: They ignore danger sounds, ignore +USE, don't idle speak or respond to other NPC's idle speech, and so on."
N/A506 input StopScripting(void) : "Exit scripting state."
N/A507 input SetSquad(string) : "Set the name of this NPC's squad. It will be removed from any existing squad automatically. Leaving the parameter blank will remove the NPC from any existing squad."
N/A508 input Wake(void) : "Wakes up the NPC if it is sleeping."
N/A509 input ForgetEntity(string) : "Clears out the NPC's knowledge of a named entity."
N/A510 input GagEnable(void) : "Turn on the NPC Gag flag. NPC won't speak outside of choreographed scenes."
N/A511 input GagDisable(void) : "Turn off the NPC Gag flag."
N/A512 input IgnoreDangerSounds(float) : "Ignore danger sounds for the specified number of seconds."
N/A513 input HolsterWeapon(void) : "Force the NPC to holster their weapon. Ignored if the NPC is scripting, if the NPC's weapon is already holstered, or if the NPC doesn't use weapons."
N/A514 input HolsterAndDestroyWeapon(void) : "Identical to HolsterWeapon, except the weapon is destroyed once it has been holstered and concealed."
N/A515 input UnholsterWeapon(void) : "Force the NPC to draw their weapon. Ignored if the NPC is scripting, if the NPC's weapon is already drawn, or if the NPC doesn't use weapons."
N/A516 input ForceInteractionWithNPC(string) : "Force the NPC to use a dynamic interaction with another NPC. Parameter format: <target NPC name> <dynamic interaction name>"
N/A517 input UpdateEnemyMemory(string) : "Update (or Create) this NPC's memory of an enemy and its location"
N/A518 input BecomeRagdoll(void) : "This NPC will instantly become a ragdoll with ZERO force (just go limp). OnDeath, OnHalfHealth, etc. Outputs will **NOT** BE FIRED."
N/A521@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) iconsprite("editor/info_target.vmt") = info_npc_spawn_destination :
N/A522 "NPC Spawn Destination. (Consult npc_template_maker help for more info)"
N/A524 ReuseDelay(float) : "Reuse Delay" : 1 : "After an NPC is spawned at this destination, the delay before this destination is eligible for selection again."
N/A525 RenameNPC(string) : "New NPC Name" : "" : "If an NPC spawns at this destination, change that NPC's targetname to this."
N/A527 // Outputs
N/A528 output OnSpawnNPC(void) : "Fired when an NPC spawns at this destination."
N/A531@BaseClass base(Targetname, Angles, EnableDisable) iconsprite("editor/npc_maker.vmt") color(0 0 255) = BaseNPCMaker
N/A533 StartDisabled(choices) : "Start Disabled" : 1 =
N/A534 [
N/A535 0 : "No"
N/A536 1 : "Yes"
N/A537 ]
N/A539 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A540 [
N/A541 // Only in npc__maker, npc_template_maker uses flag from template NPC
N/A542 16 : "Fade Corpse" : 0
N/A543 32 : "Infinite Children" : 0
N/A544 64 : "Do Not Drop" : 0
N/A545 128 : "Don't Spawn While Visible" : 0
N/A546 ]
N/A548 MaxNPCCount(integer) : "Num. of NPCs" : 1 : "Number of NPCs that will spawn before this spawner is exhausted."
N/A549 SpawnFrequency(string) : "Frequency" : "5" : "How often (in seconds) a new NPC will be spawned. If set to -1, a new NPC will be made when the last NPC dies."
N/A550 MaxLiveChildren(integer) : "Max Live NPCs" : 5 : "Maximum number of live children allowed at any one time (new ones will not be made until one dies). If set to -1, no limit is applied."
N/A552 // Outputs
N/A553 output OnSpawnNPC(string) : "Fired when an NPC is spawned. The activator is the NPC, and the string is the name of the NPC."
N/A554 output OnAllSpawned(void) : "Fired when the spawned is exhausted (all children have been spawned)."
N/A555 output OnAllSpawnedDead(void) : "Fired when the spawner is exhausted (all children have been spawned) and all spawned children have died."
N/A556 output OnAllLiveChildrenDead(void) : "Fired when all spawned children have died. This does not mean the spawned is exhausted, so a new child may be spawned any time after this (unless the maker is disabled)."
N/A558 // Inputs
N/A559 input Spawn(void) : "Spawns an NPC."
N/A560 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles the spawner enabled/disabled state."
N/A561 input Enable(void) : "Enables the spawner."
N/A562 input Disable(void) : "Disables the spawner."
N/A563 input AddMaxChildren(integer) : "Adds to the number of NPCs that can spawn before the spawner is exhausted. If an exhausted spawner is given some children to spawn, it still wont begin spawning until it is re-enabled with the Enable input."
N/A564 input SetMaxChildren(integer) : "Sets the number of NPCs that can spawn before the spawner is exhausted. If an exhausted spawner is given some children to spawn, it still won't begin spawning until it is re-enabled with the Enable input."
N/A565 input SetMaxLiveChildren(integer) : "Sets the maximum number of NPCs that can be alive at any one time from this spawner."
N/A566 input SetSpawnFrequency(float) : "Sets how often (in seconds) a new NPC will be spawned."
N/A569@PointClass base(BaseNPCMaker) iconsprite("editor/npc_maker.vmt") = npc_template_maker :
N/A570 "An entity that creates NPCs. The NPCs it creates are clones of a template NPC. NPCs are spawned around this maker's origin, or at specified destination points."
N/A572 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A573 [
N/A574 256 : "Always use radius spawn" : 0
N/A575 512 : "Don't preload template models" : 0
N/A576 ]
N/A578 TemplateName(target_destination) : "Name of template NPC" : "" : "Template NPC that this maker should be creating clones of."
N/A580 Radius(float) : "Radius" : 256 : "Radius around this maker within which NPCs are to be placed. Spawned NPCs will try and find empty space within this radius to spawn."
N/A582 DestinationGroup(target_destination) : "Name of Destination Group" : : "If you'd like spawned NPCs to be created at an info_npc_spawn_destination entity, enter the name of that entity here. If you have more than one destination entity by that name, the Destination Criteria will be used to select one from the group."
N/A583 CriterionVisibility(Choices) : "Dest. Criterion: Visible to player?" : 2 : "Should the NPC try to spawn at a destination that the player can see? Only applicable if a Destination Group is being used." =
N/A584 [
N/A585 0 : "Yes"
N/A586 1 : "No"
N/A587 2 : "Don't Care"
N/A588 ]
N/A589 CriterionDistance(Choices) : "Dest. Criterion: Distance to player?" : 2 : "Should the NPC try to spawn nearest to or farthest from the player's current location? Only applicable if a Destination Group is being used." =
N/A590 [
N/A591 0 : "Nearest"
N/A592 1 : "Farthest"
N/A593 2 : "Don't Care"
N/A594 ]
N/A596 MinSpawnDistance(integer) : "Minimum spawn distance from player" : 0 : "The spawn destination node distance to the player will have to be further or equal than this value."
N/A598 //Inputs
N/A599 input SpawnNPCInRadius(void) : "Spawn an NPC somewhere within the maker's radius."
N/A600 input SpawnNPCInLine(void) : "Spawn an NPC somewhere within a line behind the maker."
N/A601 input SpawnMultiple(integer) : "Spawn multiple NPCs (uses destination group, else radius)."
N/A602 input ChangeDestinationGroup(string) : "Switch to a different set of Destination entities."
N/A603 input SetMinimumSpawnDistance(integer) : "Set the minimum spawn distance from player to destination node."
N/A606@BaseClass base( BaseNPC ) = BaseHelicopter
N/A608 InitialSpeed(string) : "Initial Speed" : "0" : "Sets the helicopter's desired speed that it should try to reach as soon as it's spawned."
N/A609 target(target_destination) : "Target path_track" : : "(Optional) The name of a path_track entity that this NPC will fly to after spawning."
N/A611 // Inputs
N/A612 input MoveTopSpeed(void) : "The helicopter will immediately move at top speed toward its current goal, or in its current orientation if it's on top of its goal."
N/A613 input MoveSpecifiedSpeed(float): "The helicopter will immediately move at the specified speed (you provide this as parameter override in units per second) towards its current goal."
N/A614 input ChangePathCorner(target_destination) : "Tell the helicopter to move to a path corner on a new path."
N/A615 input SelfDestruct(void) : "Self Destruct."
N/A616 input Activate(void) : "Activate. Use to wake up a helicopter that spawned with the 'Await Input' spawnflag on."
N/A617 input SetTrack(target_destination) : "Set a track for the helicopter to adhere to. The helicopter will do nothing if he's on the same path, and will move to the closest point on the specified track if he's on a different path."
N/A618 input FlyToSpecificTrackViaPath(target_destination) : "The helicopter will first fly to the closest point on the path if he's on a different path. Then he'll fly along the path to the specified track point."
N/A619 input StartPatrol(void) : "Start patrolling back and forth along the current track."
N/A620 input StopPatrol(void) : "Stop patrolling back and forth along the track. This will cause the helicopter to come to rest at the track which he's currently flying toward."
N/A621 input ChooseFarthestPathPoint(void) : "When tracking an enemy, choose the point on the path furthest from the enemy, but still in firing range."
N/A622 input ChooseNearestPathPoint(void) : "When tracking an enemy, choose the point on the path nearest from the enemy."
N/A623 input StartBreakableMovement(void) : "The helicopter is now allowed to disobey direct commands to go to particular points if he senses an enemy. He will move to the closest point (or farthest point, if ChooseFarthestPathPoint is used), on the path if he senses an enemy."
N/A624 input StopBreakableMovement(void) : "The helicopter can not disobey direct commands. He will continue to fly along his patrol path or to his specified target even if he senses an enemy."
N/A626 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A627 [
N/A628 // AWAIT INPUT will make the helicopter spawn disabled, awaiting
N/A629 // the "Activate" input to start acting.
N/A630 32 : "No Rotorwash" : 0
N/A631 64 : "Await Input" : 0
N/A632 ]
N/A635@BaseClass color(0 255 0) = PlayerClass []
N/A637@BaseClass color(180 10 180) = Light
N/A639 _light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 255 200"
N/A640 _lightHDR(color255) : "BrightnessHDR" : "-1 -1 -1 1"
N/A641 _lightscaleHDR(float) : "BrightnessScaleHDR" : "1" : "Amount to scale the light by when compiling for HDR."
N/A642 style(Choices) : "Appearance" : 0 =
N/A643 [
N/A644 0 : "Normal"
N/A645 10: "Fluorescent flicker"
N/A646 2 : "Slow, strong pulse"
N/A647 11: "Slow pulse, noblack"
N/A648 5 : "Gentle pulse"
N/A649 1 : "Flicker A"
N/A650 6 : "Flicker B"
N/A651 3 : "Candle A"
N/A652 7 : "Candle B"
N/A653 8 : "Candle C"
N/A654 4 : "Fast strobe"
N/A655 9 : "Slow strobe"
N/A656 ]
N/A657 pattern(string) : "Custom Appearance" : "" : "Set a custom pattern of light brightness for this light. Pattern format is a string of characters, where 'a' is total darkness, 'z' fully bright. i.e. 'aaggnnttzz' would be a steppy fade in from dark to light."
N/A658 _constant_attn(string)  : "Constant" : "0"
N/A659 _linear_attn(string)  : "Linear" : "0"
N/A660 _quadratic_attn(string)  : "Quadratic" : "1"
N/A661 _fifty_percent_distance(string) : "50 percent falloff distance" : "0": "Distance at which brightness should fall off to 50%. If set, overrides linear constant and quadratic paramaters."
N/A662 _zero_percent_distance(string) : "0 percent falloff distance" : "0": "Distance at which brightness should fall off to negligible (1/256)%. Must set _fifty_percent_distance to use."
N/A663 _hardfalloff(integer) : "hard falloff" : 0 : "If set, causes lights to fall to exactly zero beyond the zero percent distance. May cause unrealistic lightijng if not used carefully."
N/A664 // Inputs
N/A665 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn the light on."
N/A666 input TurnOff(void) : "The the light off."
N/A667 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the light's current state."
N/A668 input SetPattern(string) : "Set a custom pattern of light brightness for this light. Pattern format is a string of characters, where 'a' is total darkness, 'z' fully bright. i.e. 'aaggnnttzz' would be a steppy fade in from dark to light."
N/A669 input FadeToPattern(string) : "Fades from first value in old pattern, to first value in the new given pattern. Pattern format is a string of characters, where 'a' is total darkness, 'z' fully bright. i.e. 'aaggnnttzz' would be a steppy fade in from dark to light."
N/A672@BaseClass = Node
N/A674 nodeid(integer) readonly : "Node ID"
N/A677@BaseClass base(Node) = HintNode
N/A679 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A680 [
N/A681 65536: "Allow jump up" : 0
N/A682 ]
N/A684 hinttype(choices) : "Hint" : 0 =
N/A685 [
N/A686 0 : "None"
N/A688 2: "World: Window"
N/A689 12: "World: Act Busy Hint"
N/A690 13: "World: Visually Interesting"
N/A691 14: "World: Visually Interesting (Don't aim at)"
N/A692 15: "World: Inhibit Combine Mines within 15 feet"
N/A693 16: "World: Visually Interesting (Stealth mode)"
N/A695 100: "Crouch Cover Medium"
N/A696 101: "Crouch Cover Low"
N/A697 102: "Waste Scanner Spawn"
N/A698 103: "Entrance / Exit Pinch"
N/A699// 104: "Guard Point"
N/A700 105: "Enemy Disadvantage Point"
N/A701 106: "Health Kit"
N/A703 400: "Antlion: Burrow Point"
N/A704 401: "Antlion: Thumper Flee Point"
N/A706 450: "Headcrab: Burrow Point"
N/A707 451: "Headcrab: Exit Pod Point"
N/A709 500: "Roller: Patrol Point"
N/A710 501: "Roller: Cleanup Spot"
N/A712 700: "Crow: Fly to point"
N/A713 701: "Crow: Perch point"
N/A715 900: "Follower: Wait point"
N/A716 901: "Override jump permission"
N/A717 902: "Player squad transition point"
N/A718 903: "NPC exit point"
N/A719 904: "Strider node"
N/A721 950: "Player Ally: Push away destination"
N/A722 951: "PLayer Ally: Fear withdrawal destination"
N/A724 1000: "HL1 World: Machinery"
N/A725 1001: "HL1 World: Blinking Light"
N/A726 1002: "HL1 World: Human Blood"
N/A727 1003: "HL1 World: Alien Blood"
N/A729// 1100: "CS Hostage: Escape Point"
N/A730 ]
N/A732 hintactivity(string) : "Hint Activity" : "" : "Activity associated with this hint node. Various parts of the NPC AI play this activity at times. i.e. Actbusy nodes will play this activity when an NPC acts busy on the node."
N/A734 nodeFOV(choices) : "Node FOV" : 180 : "Imagine this node requires that an NPC be in the node's field of view in order to use this hint." =
N/A735 [
N/A736 45 : "45 Degrees"
N/A737 90 : "90 Degrees"
N/A738 180 : "180 Degrees"
N/A739 360 : "360 Degrees"
N/A740 ]
N/A742 // Does not inherit from EnableDisable, as node itself will
N/A743 // use that. This is enabling/disabling of the hint only
N/A744 StartHintDisabled(choices) : "Start Hint Disabled" : 0 =
N/A745 [
N/A746 0 : "No"
N/A747 1 : "Yes"
N/A748 ]
N/A750 Group(string) : "Hint Group" : "" : "If specified, gives the hint a specific group name. Useful for hint nodes that need to be logically grouped together. NPCs may also refuse to use hint nodes that don't match their hint group."
N/A752 TargetNode(node_dest) : "Target node" : -1 : "The node ID of an associated target node, if any."
N/A754 IgnoreFacing(choices) : "Ignore Facing" : 2 : "Don't pay attention to the facing of the node. May not apply to a given hint type." =
N/A755 [
N/A756 0 : "No"
N/A757 1 : "Yes"
N/A758 2 : "Default"
N/A759 ]
N/A761 MinimumState(choices) : "Minimum State" : 1 : "Require an NPC have a minimum state to use the hint." =
N/A762 [
N/A763 1 : "Idle"
N/A764 2 : "Alert"
N/A765 3 : "Combat"
N/A766 ]
N/A768 MaximumState(choices) : "Maximum State" : 3 : "Require an NPC have a maximum state to use the hint." =
N/A769 [
N/A770 1 : "Idle"
N/A771 2 : "Alert"
N/A772 3 : "Combat"
N/A773 ]
N/A775 // Inputs
N/A776 input EnableHint(void) : "Enable hint."
N/A777 input DisableHint(void) : "Disable hint."
N/A780@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, EnableDisable, Global) = TriggerOnce
N/A782 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A783 [
N/A784 1: "Clients" : 1
N/A785 2: "NPCs" : 0
N/A786 4: "Pushables": 0
N/A787 8: "Physics Objects" : 0
N/A788 16: "Only player ally NPCs" : 0
N/A789 32: "Only clients in vehicles" : 0
N/A790 64: "Everything (not including physics debris)" : 0
N/A791 512: "Only clients *not* in vehicles" : 0
N/A792 1024: "Physics debris" : 0
N/A793 2048: "Only NPCs in vehicles (respects player ally flag)" : 0
N/A794 4096: "Disallow Bots" : 0
N/A795 ]
N/A797 filtername(filterclass) : "Filter Name" : : "Filter to use to see if activator triggers me. See filter_activator_name for more explanation."
N/A799 // Inputs
N/A800 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles this trigger between enabled and disabled states."
N/A802 // Outputs
N/A803 output OnStartTouch(void) : "Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger. The touching entity must pass this trigger's filters to cause this output to fire."
N/A806@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, EnableDisable, TriggerOnce) = Trigger
N/A808 output OnStartTouchAll(void) : "Fired when an entity starts touching this trigger, and no other entities are touching it. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters are considered."
N/A809 output OnEndTouch(void) : "Fired when an entity stops touching this trigger. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters will cause this output to fire."
N/A810 output OnEndTouchAll(void) : "Fires when an entity stops touching this trigger, and no other entities are touching it. Only entities that passed this trigger's filters are considered."
N/A813@BaseClass = worldbase
N/A815 message(string) : "Map Description / Title"
N/A816 skyname(string) : "SkyBox Texture Name" : "sky_day01_01"
N/A817 chaptertitle(string) : "Chapter Title Message" : "" : "Chapter Title that appears onscreen when this level starts."
N/A818 startdark(choices) : "Level Fade In" : 0 =
N/A819 [
N/A820 0 : "No"
N/A821 1 : "Yes"
N/A822 ]
N/A823 gametitle(choices) : "Display Game Title" : 0 : "Game Title that appears onscreen when this level starts." =
N/A824 [
N/A825 0 : "No"
N/A826 1 : "Yes"
N/A827 ]
N/A828 newunit(choices) : "New Level Unit" : 0 : "Used to clear out savegame data of previous levels to keep the savegame size as small as possible. Only set it to Yes if the player cannot return to any previous levels." =
N/A829 [
N/A830 0 : "No, keep current"
N/A831 1 : "Yes, clear previous levels"
N/A832 ]
N/A833 maxoccludeearea(float) : "Max occludee area" : "0" : "[Used on PC] Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen."
N/A834 minoccluderarea(float) : "Min occluder area" : "0" : "[Used on PC] Prevents occluders from being used if they take up less than X% of the screen."
N/A835 maxoccludeearea_x360(float) : "Max occludee area (Xbox)" : "0" : "[Used on 360] Prevents occlusion testing for entities that take up more than X% of the screen."
N/A836 minoccluderarea_x360(float) : "Min occluder area (Xbox)" : "0" : "[Used on 360] Prevents occluders from being used if they take up less than X% of the screen."
N/A837 maxpropscreenwidth(float) : "Start Fade Pixels" : -1 : "Number of pixels wide at which all props in the level start to fade (<0 = use fademaxdist). This number is ignored if the prop has a specific fade distance specified."
N/A838 minpropscreenwidth(float) : "End Fade Pixels" : 0 : "Minimum number of pixels wide at which the prop is visible (0 = don't fade out). This number is ignored if the prop has a specific fade distance specified."
N/A839 detailvbsp(string) : "Detail.vbsp file" : "detail.vbsp" : "Detail.vbsp file to use for emitting detail props (found in directory <root>/modname)"
N/A840 detailmaterial(string) : "Detail material file" : "detail/detailsprites" : "Material for detail sprites to use for drawing detail props"
N/A841 coldworld(choices) : "World is cold" : 0 =
N/A842 [
N/A843 0 : "No"
N/A844 1 : "Yes"
N/A845 ]
N/A851// World
N/A855@SolidClass base(Targetname, worldbase, ResponseContext) = worldspawn :
N/A856 "This is the world entity. Each map can only contain one, and it's automatically created for you."
N/A860@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/ambient_generic.vmt") sphere() = ambient_generic : "Universal ambient sound. Use it to play and control a single sound."
N/A862 message(sound) : "Sound Name" : "" : "Name of the GameSound entry for the sound to play. Also supports direct .wav filenames."
N/A863 health(integer) : "Volume" : 10 : "Sound volume, expressed as a range from 0 to 10, where 10 is the loudest."
N/A864 preset(choices) :"Dynamic Presets" : 0 = // NEEDHELP
N/A865 [
N/A866 0: "None"
N/A867 1: "Huge Machine"
N/A868 2: "Big Machine"
N/A869 3: "Machine"
N/A870 4: "Slow Fade in"
N/A871 5: "Fade in"
N/A872 6: "Quick Fade in"
N/A873 7: "Slow Pulse"
N/A874 8: "Pulse"
N/A875 9: "Quick pulse"
N/A876 10: "Slow Oscillator"
N/A877 11: "Oscillator"
N/A878 12: "Quick Oscillator"
N/A879 13: "Grunge pitch"
N/A880 14: "Very low pitch"
N/A881 15: "Low pitch"
N/A882 16: "High pitch"
N/A883 17: "Very high pitch"
N/A884 18: "Screaming pitch"
N/A885 19: "Oscillate spinup/down"
N/A886 20: "Pulse spinup/down"
N/A887 21: "Random pitch"
N/A888 22: "Random pitch fast"
N/A889 23: "Incremental Spinup"
N/A890 24: "Alien"
N/A891 25: "Bizzare"
N/A892 26: "Planet X"
N/A893 27: "Haunted"
N/A894 ]
N/A895 volstart(integer) : "Start Volume" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A896 fadeinsecs(integer) : "Fade in time in seconds (0-100)" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A897 fadeoutsecs(integer) : "Fade out time in seconds (0-100)" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A898 pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : 100 : "Sound pitch, expressed as a range from 1 to 255, where 100 is the sound's default pitch."
N/A899 pitchstart(integer) : "Start Pitch" : 100 // NEEDHELP
N/A900 spinup(integer) : "Spin up time (0-100)" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A901 spindown(integer) : "Spin down time (0-100)" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A902 lfotype(integer) : "LFO type 0)off 1)sqr 2)tri 3)rnd" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A903 lforate(integer) : "LFO rate (0-1000)" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A904 lfomodpitch(integer) : "LFO mod pitch (0-100)" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A905 lfomodvol(integer) : "LFO mod vol (0-100)" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A906 cspinup(integer) : "Incremental Spinup Count" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A907 radius(string) : "Max Audible Distance" : "1250" : "Maximum distance at which this sound is audible."
N/A908 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A909 [
N/A910 1: "Play everywhere" : 0
N/A911 16:"Start Silent": 1
N/A912 32:"Is NOT Looped": 1
N/A913 ]
N/A914 SourceEntityName(target_destination) : "SourceEntityName" : : "If an entity is specified, sound will come from this named entity instead of the location of ambient_generic."
N/A916 // Inputs
N/A917 input Pitch(integer) : "Sets the sound pitch, expressed as a range from 1 to 255, where 100 is the sound's default pitch."
N/A918 input PlaySound(void) : "Starts the sound."
N/A919 input StopSound(void) : "Stops the sound if it is playing."
N/A920 input ToggleSound(void) : "Toggles the sound between playing and stopping."
N/A921 input Volume(integer) : "Sets the sound volume, expressed as a range from 0 to 10, where 10 is the loudest."
N/A922 input FadeIn(integer) : "Fades the sound up to full volume over a specified number of seconds, with a range from 0 to 100 seconds."
N/A923 input FadeOut(integer) : "Fades the sound to silence over a specified number of seconds, with a range from 0 to 100 seconds."
N/A926@SolidClass base(Targetname) sphere(DisappearDist) = func_lod :
N/A927 "Brush-built model that fades out over a specified distance. Useful for creating world detail that doesn't need to be drawn far away, for performance reasons."
N/A929 DisappearDist(integer)  : "Disappear Distance" : 2000 : "Distance at which these brushes should fade out."
N/A930 Solid(choices) : "Solid" : 0 : "Set whether or not these brushes should collide with other entities." =
N/A931 [
N/A932 0: "Solid"
N/A933 1: "Nonsolid"
N/A934 ]
N/A937@PointClass base(Targetname) = env_zoom :
N/A938 "An entity that can be used to control the player's FOV. Useful for scenes where the player's view is being controlled, or player-usable binoculars/telescopes, etc."
N/A940 Rate(float) : "Seconds to reach target" : "1.0" : "Amount of time it should take to reach the specified FOV."
N/A941 FOV(integer) : "Target FOV" : 75 : "FOV that this entity should set the player's FOV to when active."
N/A943 // Inputs
N/A944 input Zoom(void) : "Start controlling the player's FOV."
N/A945 input UnZoom(void) : "Stop controlling the player's FOV."
N/A947 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A948 [
N/A949 1: "Allow Suit Zoom" : 0
N/A950 ]
N/A953@PointClass base(Targetname) = env_screenoverlay:
N/A954 "An entity that can display and control a set of screen overlays, to be displayed over the player's view. Useful for view effects like drunkenness, or teleporter afterimages, etc."
N/A956 OverlayName1(string) : "Overlay Name 1" : "" : "Name of the first overlay material to display."
N/A957 OverlayTime1(float) : "Overlay Duration 1" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the first overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the second overlay."
N/A958 OverlayName2(string) : "Overlay Name 2" : "" : "Name of the second overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A959 OverlayTime2(float) : "Overlay Duration 2" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the second overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the third overlay."
N/A960 OverlayName3(string) : "Overlay Name 3" : "" : "Name of the third overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A961 OverlayTime3(float) : "Overlay Duration 3" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the third overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the fourth overlay."
N/A962 OverlayName4(string) : "Overlay Name 4" : "" : "Name of the fourth overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A963 OverlayTime4(float) : "Overlay Duration 4" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the fourth overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the fifth overlay."
N/A964 OverlayName5(string) : "Overlay Name 5" : "" : "Name of the fifth overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A965 OverlayTime5(float) : "Overlay Duration 5" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the fifth overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the sixth overlay."
N/A966 OverlayName6(string) : "Overlay Name 6" : "" : "Name of the sixth overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A967 OverlayTime6(float) : "Overlay Duration 6" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the sixth overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the seventh overlay."
N/A968 OverlayName7(string) : "Overlay Name 7" : "" : "Name of the seventh overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A969 OverlayTime7(float) : "Overlay Duration 7" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the seventh overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the eighth overlay."
N/A970 OverlayName8(string) : "Overlay Name 8" : "" : "Name of the eighth overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A971 OverlayTime8(float) : "Overlay Duration 8" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the eighth overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the ninth overlay."
N/A972 OverlayName9(string) : "Overlay Name 9" : "" : "Name of the ninth overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A973 OverlayTime9(float) : "Overlay Duration 9" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the ninth overlay should be displayed for, after which it will begin showing the tenth overlay."
N/A974 OverlayName10(string) : "Overlay Name 10" : "" : "Name of the tenth overlay material to display. If left blank, overlay displaying will finish, and this entity will consider itself done."
N/A975 OverlayTime10(float) : "Overlay Duration 10" : "1.0" : "Amount of time that the tenth overlay should be displayed for, after which this entity will stop displaying overlays."
N/A977 // Inputs
N/A978 input StartOverlays(void) : "Start displaying the first overlay."
N/A979 input StopOverlays(void) : "Stop displaying any overlays."
N/A980 input SwitchOverlay(float) : "Switch to displaying a specific overlay. Pass in the desired overlay number in the parameter."
N/A983@PointClass base(Targetname) = env_screeneffect :
N/A984 "Allows screenspace effects to be played on the player's view."
N/A986 type(choices) : "Effect Type" : 0 : "Which effect to use." =
N/A987 [
N/A988 0 : "Advisor Stun"
N/A989 1 : "Intro Blur"
N/A990 2 : "Groggy Vision"
N/A991 ]
N/A993 // Inputs
N/A994 input StartEffect(float) : "Start the effect with the duration in seconds as the passed parameter."
N/A995 input StopEffect(float) : "Stop the effect."
N/A998@PointClass base(Targetname) = env_texturetoggle :
N/A999 "An entity that allows you to change the textures on other brush-built entities."
N/A1001 target(target_destination) : "Target Brush(es)."
N/A1003 // Inputs
N/A1004 input IncrementTextureIndex(void) : "Increments target brush's current texture frame by one."
N/A1005 input SetTextureIndex(integer) : "Sets target brush's texture frame to the specified index."
N/A1008@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) = env_splash :
N/A1009 "An entity that creates a splash effect at its origin. If the 'find water surface' spawnflag is set, it will instead trace down below itself to find the water surface on which to create splashes."
N/A1011 scale(float) : "Scale of the splash" : "8.0"
N/A1013 // Inputs
N/A1014 input Splash(void) : "Create a splash effect."
N/A1016 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1017 [
N/A1018 1: "Automatically find water surface (place entity above water)" : 0
N/A1019 2: "Diminish with depth (diminished completely in 10 feet of water)" : 1
N/A1020 ]
N/A1023@PointClass base(Parentname) color(180 10 180) = env_particlelight :
N/A1024 "An entity that can be used to light the smoke particles emitted by env_smokestack entities. Does not light any other particle types."
N/A1026 Color(color255) : "Color" : "255 0 0" : "Color emitted by this light."
N/A1027 Intensity(integer) : "Intensity" : 5000
N/A1029 directional(choices) : "Directional" : 0 : "If this is specified, then this light will use the bump map on the particles. Each particle system can have one ambient and one directional light." =
N/A1030 [
N/A1031 0 : "No"
N/A1032 1 : "Yes"
N/A1033 ]
N/A1035 PSName(string) : "Particle System Entity" : "" : "Set this to the name of the env_smokestack that you want this light to affect."
N/A1038@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) color(255 0 0) = env_sun :
N/A1039 "An entity to control & draw a sun effect in the sky."
N/A1041 target(target_destination) : "Viewer entity" : : "Name of an entity used to determine where the sun is in the skybox. The sun should be lined up on a line from this entity to the env_sun entity."
N/A1043 use_angles(choices) : "UseAngles" : 0 : "The old way to orient env_sun is to point it at a target. The new way is to specify the angles. If you use the new way, set this property to YES." =
N/A1044 [
N/A1045 0 : "No"
N/A1046 1 : "Yes"
N/A1047 ]
N/A1049 pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : 0
N/A1051 rendercolor(color255) : "Sun Color (R G B)" : "100 80 80"
N/A1052 overlaycolor(color255) : "Overlay Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" : "A value of 0 0 0 will act the old way."
N/A1054 size(integer) : "Size" : 16
N/A1055 overlaysize(integer) : "Overlay Size" : -1 : "A value of -1 means the overlay will act the old way."
N/A1057 material(sprite) : "Material Name" : "sprites/light_glow02_add_noz" : "Material of the inner glow."
N/A1058 overlaymaterial(sprite) : "Overlay Material Name" : "sprites/light_glow02_add_noz" : "Material of the overlay glow."
N/A1060 HDRColorScale(float) : "HDR color scale." : "1.0" : "float value to multiply sprite color by when running in HDR mode."
N/A1062 // Inputs
N/A1063 input TurnOn(void) : "Enable sun rendering."
N/A1064 input TurnOff(void) : "Disable sun rendering."
N/A1065 input SetColor(color255) : "Change the sun's color. Format: <Red 0-255> <Green 0-255> <Blue 0-255>"
N/A1068@PointClass base(Targetname) = game_ragdoll_manager :
N/A1069 "An entity to control the number of ragdolls in the world, for performance reasons."
N/A1071 MaxRagdollCount(integer) : "Max Ragdoll Count" : -1 : "Sets the max number of ragdolls that can be in the world at a time (if they are flagged to fade). Set to -1 if you want to use the default value (g_ragdoll_maxcount)."
N/A1072 MaxRagdollCountDX8(integer) : "Max Ragdoll Count DX8" : -1 : "Sets the max number of ragdolls that can be in the world at a time on DX8 hardware (if they are flagged to fade). Set to -1 if you want to use the 'Max Ragdoll Count' value."
N/A1074 SaveImportant(choices) : "Save Important Ragdolls" : 0 : "Should the ragdoll manager make sure ally ragdolls aren't deleted?" =
N/A1075 [
N/A1076 0 : "No"
N/A1077 1 : "Yes"
N/A1078 ]
N/A1080 // Inputs
N/A1081 input SetMaxRagdollCount(integer) : "Set the Max Ragdoll Count."
N/A1082 input SetMaxRagdollCountDX8(integer) : "Set the Max Ragdoll Count on DX8 hardware."
N/A1085@PointClass base(Targetname) = game_gib_manager : "An entity to control the number of gibs in the world, for performance reasons."
N/A1087 maxpieces(integer)  : "Max Gib Count" : -1 : "Sets the max number of gib that can be spawned at a time. (-1=no limit)"
N/A1088 maxpiecesdx8(integer)  : "Max Gib Count On DX8" : -1 : "Sets the max number of gib that can be spawned at a time under DX8. (-1=use Max Gib Count setting)"
N/A1089 allownewgibs(choices)  : "Allow New Gibs To Spawn" : 0 : "If true, when the max gib count is reached, oldest gibs are removed as new gibs spawn. If false, new gibs will not be spawned once the gib limit is reached." =
N/A1090 [
N/A1091 0 : "No"
N/A1092 1 : "Yes"
N/A1093 ]
N/A1095 input SetMaxPieces(integer)  : "Set the max gib count."
N/A1096 input SetMaxPiecesDX8(integer)  : "Set the max gib count under DX8."
N/A1099@PointClass base(Parentname, Targetname, Angles) color(255 128 0) studio("models/editor/axis_helper_thick.mdl") = env_lightglow :
N/A1100 "An entity that puts an additive glow in the world, mostly used over light sources."
N/A1102 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A1103 VerticalGlowSize(integer) : "Vertical Size" : 30
N/A1104 HorizontalGlowSize(integer) : "Horizontal Size" : 30
N/A1105 MinDist(integer) : "Minimum Distance" : 500 : "The distance at which this effect will be fully translucent."
N/A1106 MaxDist(integer) : "Maximum Distance" : 2000 : "The distance at which this effect will be at full intensity."
N/A1107 OuterMaxDist(integer) : "Outer Maximum Distance" : 0 : "If larger than the maximum distance, this is the length at which the glow will fade completely out, between the span of the maximum distance and this length."
N/A1108 GlowProxySize(float) : "Glow Proxy Geometry Size" : "2.0" : "Size of the glow to be rendered for visibility testing. Must be larger than the distance from the sprite center to empty space. So if this glow is inside geometry (like a light bulb), set this value to be bigger than the bulb's radius. Any time a sphere of this radius would be visible (poking through any nearby geometry), the glow will be rendered."
N/A1109 HDRColorScale(float) : "HDR color scale." : "1.0" : "float value to multiply sprite color by when running in HDR mode."
N/A1111 // Inputs
N/A1112 input Color(color255) : "Change the render color of the glow. Format: <Red 0-255> <Green 0-255> <Blue 0-255>"
N/A1114 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1115 [
N/A1116 1: "Visible only from front" : 0
N/A1117 ]
N/A1120@PointClass base(Parentname, Angles) color(255 255 255) = env_smokestack :
N/A1121 "An entity that spits out a constant stream of smoke. See particlezoo.vmf for sample usage. You can place up to two env_particlelight entities near the smoke stack to add ambient light to its particles."
N/A1123 targetname(target_source) : "Name" : : "The name that other entities refer to this entity by."
N/A1125 InitialState(choices) : "Initial State" : 0 =
N/A1126 [
N/A1127 0 : "Off"
N/A1128 1 : "On"
N/A1129 ]
N/A1131 BaseSpread(integer) : "Spread at the base" : 20 : "Amount of random spread in the origins of the smoke particles when they're spawned."
N/A1132 SpreadSpeed(integer) : "Spread Speed" : 15 : "Amount of random spread in the velocity of the smoke particles after they're spawned."
N/A1133 Speed(integer) : "Speed" : 30 : "The speed at which the smoke particles move after they're spawned."
N/A1134 StartSize(integer) : "Particle start size" : 20 : "Size of the smoke particles when they're first emitted."
N/A1135 EndSize(integer) : "Particle end size" : 30 : "Size of the smoke particles at the point they fade out completely."
N/A1136 Rate(integer) : "Emission rate" : 20 : "Rate at which to emit smoke particles (i.e. particles to emit per second)."
N/A1137 JetLength(integer) : "Length of smoke trail" : 180 : "Length of the smokestack. Lifetime of the smoke particles is derived from this & particle speed."
N/A1138 WindAngle(integer) : "Wind X/Y Angle" : 0 : "This specifies the wind direction. It is an angle in the XY plane. WindSpeed specifies the strength of the wind."
N/A1139 WindSpeed(integer) : "Wind Speed" : 0 : "The strength of the wind."
N/A1140 SmokeMaterial(string) : "Particle material" : "particle/SmokeStack.vmt" : "Material of the smoke particles emitted by this stack."
N/A1141 twist(integer) : "Twist" : 0 : "The amount, in degrees per second, that the smoke particles twist around the origin."
N/A1142 roll(float)  : "Roll Speed": 0 : "Amount of roll in degrees per second."
N/A1144 rendercolor(color255) : "Base Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A1146 renderamt(integer) : "Translucency" : 255
N/A1148 // Inputs
N/A1149 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn on the smokestack."
N/A1150 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn off the smokestack."
N/A1151 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles the smokestack between on and off state."
N/A1152 input JetLength(integer): "Set the length of the smoke trail."
N/A1153 input Rate(integer) : "Set the rate at which to emit smoke particles (particles per second)."
N/A1154 input Speed(integer) : "Set the speed at which the smoke particles move after they're spawned."
N/A1155 input SpreadSpeed(integer) : "Set the amount of random spread in the velocity of the smoke particles after they're spawned."
N/A1158@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/env_fade") = env_fade :
N/A1159 "An entity that controls screen fades."
N/A1161 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1162 [
N/A1163 1: "Fade From" : 0
N/A1164 2: "Modulate" : 0
N/A1165 8: "Stay Out" : 0
N/A1166 ]
N/A1167 duration(string) : "Duration (seconds)" : "2" : "The time that it will take to fade the screen in or out."
N/A1168 holdtime(string) : "Hold Fade (seconds)" : "0" : "The time to hold the faded in/out state."
N/A1169 renderamt(integer) : "Fade Alpha" : 255 : "Alpha of the fade, where 0 = fully transparent and 255 = fully opaque."
N/A1170 rendercolor(color255) : "Fade Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0"
N/A1172 // Inputs
N/A1173 input Fade(void) : "Start the screen fade."
N/A1175 // Outputs
N/A1176 output OnBeginFade(void) : "Fired when the fade has begun."
N/A1179@PointClass base(Targetname) = env_player_surface_trigger :
N/A1180 "An entity that monitors the material of the surface the player is standing on, and fires outputs whenever it changes to/from a specific material."
N/A1182 gamematerial(choices) : "Game Material to Watch" : "0" : "The material to watch. When the player stands on/off this material, this entity's outputs will be fired." =
N/A1183 [
N/A1184 0 : "None (player's in the air)"
N/A1185 67 : "Concrete"
N/A1186 77 : "Metal"
N/A1187 68 : "Dirt"
N/A1188 86 : "Vent"
N/A1189 71 : "Grate"
N/A1190 84 : "Tile"
N/A1191 83 : "Slosh"
N/A1192 87 : "Wood"
N/A1193 80 : "Computer"
N/A1194 89 : "Glass"
N/A1195 70 : "Flesh"
N/A1196 73 : "Clip"
N/A1197 79 : "Foliage"
N/A1198 78 : "Sand"
N/A1199 ]
N/A1201 // Inputs
N/A1202 input Enable(void) : "Start watching the player's surface."
N/A1203 input Disable(void) : "Stop watching the player's surface."
N/A1205 // Outputs
N/A1206 output OnSurfaceChangedToTarget(void) : "Fired when the player moves onto the specified game material."
N/A1207 output OnSurfaceChangedFromTarget(void) : "Fired when the player moves off the specified game material."
N/A1210@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/env_tonemap_controller.vmt") = env_tonemap_controller :
N/A1211 "An entity that controls the HDR tonemapping for the player. Think of it as a method of controlling the exposure of the player's eyes."
N/A1213 // Inputs
N/A1214 input SetTonemapScale(void) : "Set the player's tonemap scale. It should be a value between 0 and 2, where 0 is the eyes fully closed, 1 is use the unchanged autoexposure (default), and 2 is the eye fully wide open."
N/A1215 input BlendTonemapScale(string) : "Blend from the player's current tonemap scale to a new one. The parameter syntax is as follows: <target tonemap scale> <blend duration>. For example: '0.5 10' would blend from the current tonemap scale to 0.5 over a period of 10 seconds. Tonemap scale is a value between 0 and 2, where 0 is the eyes fully closed, 1 is use the unchanged autoexposure (default), and 2 is the eye fully wide open."
N/A1216 input UseDefaultAutoExposure(void) : "Revert to using the default tonemap auto exposure."
N/A1217 input SetAutoExposureMin(float) : "Set a custom tonemap auto exposure minimum."
N/A1218 input SetAutoExposureMax(float) : "Set a custom tonemap auto exposure maximum."
N/A1219 input SetBloomScale(float) : "Set a custom bloom scale."
N/A1220 input SetTonemapRate(float) : "Set the rate for autoexposure adjustment."
N/A1223@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) sweptplayerhull() = func_useableladder :
N/A1224 "A Half-Life 2 ladder. Handles player auto mount/unmount, as well as +use to get onto the ladder. \n\n" +
N/A1225 "See also 'info_ladder_dismount', used to specify ladder auto-dismount points.\n\n" +
N/A1226 "Note: This entity is non-functional in Counter-Strike: Source. Use func_ladder instead."
N/A1228 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1229 [
N/A1230 1: "Fake Ladder" : 0
N/A1231 ]
N/A1233 point0(vector) : "Start" : : "Ladder end point."
N/A1234 point1(vector) : "End" : : "Ladder end point."
N/A1236 StartDisabled(choices) : "Start Disabled" : 0 =
N/A1237 [
N/A1238 0 : "No"
N/A1239 1 : "Yes"
N/A1240 ]
N/A1242 // Inputs
N/A1243 input Enable(void) : "Enable this ladder."
N/A1244 input Disable(void) : "Disable this ladder."
N/A1246 output OnPlayerGotOnLadder(void) : "Fired whenever a player gets on this ladder."
N/A1247 output OnPlayerGotOffLadder(void) : "Fired whenever a player gets off this ladder."
N/A1248 ladderSurfaceProperties(string) : "Surface properties (optional)"
N/A1251@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) size( -16 -16 0, 16 16 72 ) color(127 127 127) = func_ladderendpoint :
N/A1252 "An entity used to specify the endpoints of a ladder. This entity is functional, but has been replaced by the " +
N/A1253 "easier-to-use func_useableladder entity. Left in only for backwards-compatibility!\n\n" +
N/A1254 "To be valid, a full sized player hull traced between the start and end points must not be obstructed at level " +
N/A1255 "activation time. The angle determines in which direction the player leaves the ladder if the player presses the " +
N/A1256 "+jump button.\n\n" +
N/A1257 "Note: This entity is non-functional in Counter-Strike: Source. In CS:S, use func_ladder instead."
N/A1259 target(target_destination) : "Other" : : "A ladder goes between any two func_ladderendpoints pointing at each other."
N/A1260 // TODO: Allow individual ladder end points to be enabled, disabled
N/A1261 // TODO: Allow ladder to specify movement speed or a speed scale while on ladder
N/A1262 // TODO: Allow specifying radius within with you must be in order to +use to get on the ladder
N/A1265@PointClass base(Parentname) size( -16 -16 0, 16 16 4 ) color(255 128 255)= info_ladder_dismount :
N/A1266 "An entity to handle endpoints for multiple ladders that are too close to each other."
N/A1268 target(target_destination) : "LadderName" : : "If multiple ladders are near multiple endpoints, use this to stop them from interfering with each other."
N/A1271@SolidClass base(Targetname) color(0 128 255) = func_areaportalwindow :
N/A1272 "An entity that can be used to optimize the visibility in a map. If you seal off an area with them, when the viewer moves the specified distance away from them, they will go opaque and the parts inside the area will not be drawn. The 'target' brush model should enclose the func_areaportal window so no parts of it are culled by the window. If you use the optional foreground brush model, then it should enclose the 'target' brush model."
N/A1274 target(target_destination)  : "Rendered Window" : : "The name of a brush model to render as the window."
N/A1275 FadeStartDist(integer) : "Fade Start Distance" : 128 : "When the viewer is closer than this distance, the alpha is set to 'TranslucencyLimit'."
N/A1276 FadeDist(integer) : "Fade End Distance"  : 512 : "When the viewer is at this distance, the portal becomes solid and closes off."
N/A1277 TranslucencyLimit(string) : "Translucency limit"  : "0.2" : "This value limits the translucency of the bmodel and prevents it from becoming invisible when the viewer is right on top of it."
N/A1278 BackgroundBModel(string) : "Foreground bmodel"  : "" : "(Optional) brush model that is drawn after the fading brush model. This model should have alpha in its textures so you can see through it."
N/A1279 PortalVersion(integer) readonly  : "Portal Version"  : 1  : "(Don't change). Differentiates between shipping HL2 maps and maps using new engine features."
N/A1281 // Inputs
N/A1282 input SetFadeStartDistance(integer) : "Set fade start distance."
N/A1283 input SetFadeEndDistance(integer) : "Set fade end distance."
N/A1286@SolidClass base(Targetname, RenderFields, Global, Shadow) = func_wall :
N/A1287 "Legacy support. Use func_brush instead."
N/A1289 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A1292@SolidClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable) = func_clip_vphysics :
N/A1293 "A brush entity that's considered solid to vphysics."
N/A1295 filtername(filterclass) : "Filter Name" : : "Filter to use to see if activator collides with me. See filter_activator_name for more explanation. Allow means 'Allow to Block' for this entity."
N/A1298@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, RenderFields, Global, Inputfilter, EnableDisable, Shadow) = func_brush :
N/A1299 "An brush built entity with various features."
N/A1301 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1302 [
N/A1303 2: "Ignore player +USE" : 1
N/A1304 ]
N/A1306 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A1307 Solidity(choices) : "Solidity" : 0 : "Used to control the solidity/collision of these brushes." =
N/A1308 [
N/A1309 0 : "Toggle"
N/A1310 1 : "Never Solid"
N/A1311 2 : "Always Solid"
N/A1312 ]
N/A1313 excludednpc(string) : "NPC class excluded from collisions" : "" : "If an NPC classname is specified here, NPCs of that type won't collide with these brushes. In Episodic, you may also specify an individual entity's name."
N/A1314 invert_exclusion(choices) : "Invert NPC class exclusion" : 0 : "If set, then the excluded NPC class will consider this brush solid, and all other NPC classes will consider it non-solid." =
N/A1315 [
N/A1316 0 : "No"
N/A1317 1 : "Yes"
N/A1318 ]
N/A1320 solidbsp(choices) : "Solid BSP" : 0 : "Set this if this brush is in heirarchy with a moving object of some kind, and the player can stand on this brush." =
N/A1321 [
N/A1322 0 : "No"
N/A1323 1 : "Yes"
N/A1324 ]
N/A1325 vrad_brush_cast_shadows(choices) : "Shadows" : 0 : "Set this if this brush casts lightmap shadows." =
N/A1326 [
N/A1327 0 : "No"
N/A1328 1 : "Yes"
N/A1329 ]
N/A1331 input Alpha(integer) : "Sets the brush's alpha value."
N/A1332 input SetExcluded( string ) : "Change the NPC class excluded from collisions"
N/A1333 input SetInvert( integer ) : "Set the state of invversion for NPC class exclusion (0 or 1)"
N/A1338// A Vgui screen in 3D
N/A1342@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) = vgui_screen_base
N/A1344 panelname(string) : "Panel Name"
N/A1345 overlaymaterial(string) : "Overlay Material" : "" : "Name of a material to overlay over the top of the VGUI screen. NOTE: This material must write Z for the VGUI screen to work."
N/A1346 width(integer) : "Panel Width in World" : 32 : "Width of the panel in units."
N/A1347 height(integer) : "Panel Height in World" : 32 : "Height of the panel in units."
N/A1349 // Inputs
N/A1350 input SetActive(void) : "Make the vgui screen visible."
N/A1351 input SetInactive(void) : "Make the vgui screen invisible."
N/A1354@PointClass base(vgui_screen_base) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = vgui_screen :
N/A1355 "A VGUI screen. Useful for in-world monitors."
N/A1359@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Parentname) studio("models/editor/axis_helper_thick.mdl") = vgui_slideshow_display : "Slideshow Display"
N/A1361 displaytext(string) : "Display Text" : ""
N/A1363 directory(string) : "Image Directory (materials/vgui/...)" : "slideshow"
N/A1365 minslidetime(float) : "Min Slide Time" : "0.5" : "Minimum amount of random time that a slide is displayed."
N/A1366 maxslidetime(float) : "Max Slide Time" : "0.5" : "Maximum amount of random time that a slide is displayed."
N/A1368 cycletype(choices) : "Cycle Type" : 0 =
N/A1369 [
N/A1370 0 : "Random"
N/A1371 1 : "Forward"
N/A1372 2 : "Backward"
N/A1373 ]
N/A1375 nolistrepeat(choices) : "No List Repeat" : 0 =
N/A1376 [
N/A1377 0 : "Allow List Repeats"
N/A1378 1 : "No List Repeats"
N/A1379 ]
N/A1381 width(integer) : "Panel width" : 256 : "Width of the panel in units."
N/A1382 height(integer) : "Panel height" : 128 : "Height of the panel in units."
N/A1384 input Enable(void) : "Make slideshow visible."
N/A1385 input Disable(void) : "Make slideshow invisible."
N/A1387 input SetDisplayText(string) : "Sets the display text."
N/A1389 input RemoveAllSlides(void) : "Removes all slides from slideshow."
N/A1390 input AddSlides(string) : "Adds slides by keyword."
N/A1392 input SetMinSlideTime(float) : "Sets min random time between slides."
N/A1393 input SetMaxSlideTime(float) : "Sets max random time between slides."
N/A1395 input SetCycleType(integer) : "0 - random, 1 - forward, 2 - backward"
N/A1396 input SetNoListRepeat(bool) : "Sets if lists can be randomly picked twice in a row."
N/A1401// Cyclers
N/A1405@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles, RenderFxChoices, RenderFields) studio() = cycler :
N/A1406 "An entity used to display a model for testing purposes. Shooting it with cycle through the model's animations."
N/A1408 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1409 [
N/A1410 1: "Not Solid" : 0
N/A1411 ]
N/A1412 model(studio) : "Model"
N/A1413 skin(integer) : "Skin" : 0 : "Some models have multiple versions of their textures, called skins. Set this to a number other than 0 to use that skin instead of the default."
N/A1415 sequence(integer) : "Sequence" : 0 : "Default animation sequence for the model to be playing after spawning."
N/A1417 // Inputs
N/A1418 input SetSequence(string) : "Sets the cycler's sequence."
N/A1423// Environmental effects
N/A1427@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname) = gibshooterbase
N/A1429 angles(string) : "Gib Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "The direction the gibs will fly."
N/A1430 m_iGibs(integer) : "Number of Gibs" : 3 : "Total number of gibs to shoot each time it's activated."
N/A1431 delay(string) : "Delay between shots" : "0" : "Delay (in seconds) between shooting each gib. If 0, all gibs shoot at once."
N/A1432 gibangles(string) : "Gib Angles (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "The orientation of the spawned gibs."
N/A1433 gibanglevelocity(string) : "Max angular velocity" : "0" : "How fast (degrees/sec) the gib pieces should spin. They will spin on x and y axis at between 10% and 100% of this speed."
N/A1434 m_flVelocity(integer) : "Gib Velocity" : 200 : "Speed of the fired gibs"
N/A1435 m_flVariance(string) : "Course Variance" : "0.15" : "How much variance in the direction gibs are fired."
N/A1436 m_flGibLife(string) : "Gib Life" : "4" : "Time in seconds for gibs to live +/- 5%"
N/A1437 lightingorigin(target_destination) : "Lighting Origin" : "" : "Select an info_lighting to specify a location to sample lighting from for all gibs spawned by this shooter, instead of their own origins."
N/A1439 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A1440 [
N/A1441 1 : "Repeatable"  : 0
N/A1442 ]
N/A1444 // Inputs
N/A1445 input Shoot(void) : "Force the gibshooter to create and shoot a gib."
N/A1448@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, RenderFxChoices) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) line(255 255 255, targetname, LightningStart, targetname, LightningEnd) = env_beam :
N/A1449 "An entity that creates a visible beam between two points. The points can be attached to entities to make the beam move around."
N/A1451 renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 100
N/A1452 rendercolor(color255) : "Beam Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A1453 Radius(integer) : "Radius" : 256 : "If the 'Random Strike' spawnflag is set, this radius determines the area within which the endpoints will randomly strike."
N/A1454 life(string) : "Life (seconds 0 = infinite)" : "1" : "Amount of time before the beam dies. Setting to zero will make the beam stay forever."
N/A1455 BoltWidth(float) : "Width of beam" : 2 : "Pixel width of the beam."
N/A1456 NoiseAmplitude(float) : "Amount of noise (0-255)" : 0 : "The amount of noise in the beam. 0 is a perfectly straight beam."
N/A1457 texture(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/laserbeam.spr" : "The material used to draw the beam."
N/A1458 TextureScroll(integer) : "Texture Scroll Rate (0-100)" : 35 : "Rate at which the beam texture should scroll along the beam."
N/A1459 framerate(integer) : "Frames per 10 seconds" : 0 : "Framerate at which the beam texture should animate, if it has multiple frames."
N/A1460 framestart(integer) : "Starting Frame" : 0 : "The frame to start the beam texture on."
N/A1461 StrikeTime(string) : "Strike again time (secs)" : "1" : "Refire time between random strikes of the beam. Only used if the 'Random Strike' spawnflag is set."
N/A1462 damage(string) : "Damage / second" : "0" : "How much damage this beam does per second to things it hits when it is continually on, or instantaneously if it strikes. For continuous damage, the value should be greater than 10 or it may not work."
N/A1463 LightningStart(target_destination) : "Start Entity" : "" : "Entity that the beam starts at."
N/A1464 LightningEnd(target_destination) : "Ending Entity" : "" : "Entity that the beam ends at."
N/A1465 decalname(string) : "Decal Name" : "Bigshot" : "Decal to be applied at the end of the beam"
N/A1466 HDRColorScale(float) : "HDR color scale." : "1.0" : "float value to multiply sprite color by when running in HDR mode."
N/A1469 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1470 [
N/A1471 1 : "Start On" : 0
N/A1472 2 : "Toggle" : 0
N/A1473 4 : "Random Strike" : 0
N/A1474 8 : "Ring" : 0
N/A1475 16: "StartSparks" : 0
N/A1476 32: "EndSparks" : 0
N/A1477 64: "Decal End" : 0
N/A1478 128: "Shade Start" : 0
N/A1479 256: "Shade End" : 0
N/A1480 512: "Taper Out" : 0
N/A1481 ]
N/A1483 TouchType(choices) : "Touch Type (tripwire)" : 0 : "If you want the beam to fire an output when touched by entities, choose the entity type here." =
N/A1484 [
N/A1485 0 : "Not a tripwire"
N/A1486 1 : "Player Only"
N/A1487 2 : "NPC Only"
N/A1488 3 : "Player or NPC"
N/A1489 4 : "Player or NPC or Physprop"
N/A1490 ]
N/A1492 filtername(filterclass) : "Filter Name" : : "Filter to use to see if activator triggers me. See filter_activator_name for more explanation."
N/A1494 // Inputs
N/A1495 input TurnOn(void) : "Turns the beam on."
N/A1496 input TurnOff(void) : "Turns the beam off."
N/A1497 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles the beam between on and off."
N/A1498 input StrikeOnce(void) : "Causes the beam to strike once. It will stay on for its set Life and then turn off (it will never turn off if Life is set to zero)."
N/A1499 input Alpha(integer) : "Sets the beam's alpha (0 - 255)."
N/A1500 input Color(color255) : "Sets the beam's render color (R G B)."
N/A1501 input ColorRedValue(float) : "Sets the red color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A1502 input ColorGreenValue(float) : "Sets the green color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A1503 input ColorBlueValue(float) : "Sets the blue color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A1504 input Amplitude(float) : "Set the amplitude of beam noise (0 - 255)."
N/A1505 input ScrollSpeed(float) : "Set the scroll speed in units per second (0 - 100)."
N/A1506 input Width(float) : "Set the width of the beam, in pixels."
N/A1508 // Outputs
N/A1509 output OnTouchedByEntity(void) : "Fired when an entity touches the beam. Only fired if the entity passes the 'Touch Type' choice."
N/A1512@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = env_beverage :
N/A1513 "HL1 Legacy: Beverage Dispenser."
N/A1515 health(integer) : "Capacity" : 10 : "Number of cans in the dispenser."
N/A1516 beveragetype(choices) : "Beverage Type" : 0 =
N/A1517 [
N/A1518 0 : "Coca-Cola"
N/A1519 1 : "Sprite"
N/A1520 2 : "Diet Coke"
N/A1521 3 : "Orange"
N/A1522 4 : "Surge"
N/A1523 5 : "Moxie"
N/A1524 6 : "Random"
N/A1525 ]
N/A1527 input Activate(void) : "Enable this dispenser."
N/A1530@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) = env_embers :
N/A1531 "An entity used to create a volume in which to spawn fire embers."
N/A1533 particletype(choices) : "Ember type" : 0 =
N/A1534 [
N/A1535 0 : "Normal"
N/A1536 1 : "Smooth Fade"
N/A1537 2 : "Pulled"
N/A1538 ]
N/A1540 density(integer) : "Density (particles per second)" : 50
N/A1541 lifetime(integer) : "Particle Lifetime (seconds)" : 4
N/A1542 speed(integer) : "Particle Speed (units per second)" : 32
N/A1543 rendercolor(color255) : "Ember Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A1545 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A1546 [
N/A1547 1 : "Start On"  : 0
N/A1548 2 : "Toggle" : 0
N/A1549 ]
N/A1552@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) = env_funnel :
N/A1553 "HL1 Legacy: Large Portal Funnel"
N/A1555 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1556 [
N/A1557 1: "Reverse" : 0
N/A1558 ]
N/A1561@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(255 0 0) = env_blood :
N/A1562 "An entity used to spawn blood effects."
N/A1564 spraydir(angle) : "Spray Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "The general direction that the blood should spray and the direction to trace to apply the decal."
N/A1565 color(choices) : "Blood Color" : 0 =
N/A1566 [
N/A1567 0 : "Red (Human)"
N/A1568 1 : "Yellow (Alien)"
N/A1569 ]
N/A1570 amount(string) : "Amount of blood (damage to simulate)" : "100"
N/A1571 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1572 [
N/A1573 1: "Random Direction" : 0
N/A1574 2: "Blood Stream" : 0
N/A1575 4: "On Player" : 0
N/A1576 8: "Spray decals" : 0
N/A1577 // dvs: support these flags
N/A1578 //16: "Cloud" : 0
N/A1579 //32: "Drops" : 0
N/A1580 //64: "Gore" : 0
N/A1581 ]
N/A1583 // Inputs
N/A1584 input EmitBlood(void) : "Triggers the blood effect."
N/A1587@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname) = env_bubbles :
N/A1588 "An entity used to create a volume in which to spawn bubbles."
N/A1590 density(integer) : "Bubble density" : 2
N/A1591 frequency(integer) : "Bubble frequency" : 2
N/A1592 current(integer) : "Speed of Current" : 0 : "The speed of the water current in the volume, used to move the bubbles."
N/A1593 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A1594 [
N/A1595 1 : "Start Off"  : 0
N/A1596 ]
N/A1598 // Inputs
N/A1599 input Activate(void) : "Activates the bubbles."
N/A1600 input Deactivate(void) : "Deactivates the bubbles."
N/A1601 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles the bubbles on and off."
N/A1602 input SetDensity(integer) : "Sets the bubble density."
N/A1603 input SetFrequency(integer) : "Sets bubble emission rate in bubbles per second."
N/A1604 input SetCurrent(integer) : "Sets current speed in inches per second."
N/A1607@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) iconsprite("editor/env_explosion.vmt") = env_explosion :
N/A1608 "An entity that creates an explosion at its origin."
N/A1610 iMagnitude(Integer) : "Magnitude" : 100 : "The amount of damage done by the explosion."
N/A1611 // If no radius override, magnitude will determine radius.
N/A1612 iRadiusOverride(Integer) : "Radius Override" : 0 : "If specified, the radius in which the explosion damages entities. If unspecified, the radius will be based on the magnitude."
N/A1613 fireballsprite(sprite) : "Fireball Sprite" : "sprites/zerogxplode.spr"
N/A1614 rendermode(choices) : "Render Mode" : 5 =
N/A1615 [
N/A1616 0: "Normal"
N/A1617 4: "Solid"
N/A1618 5: "Additive"
N/A1619 ]
N/A1620 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1621 [
N/A1622 1: "No Damage" : 0
N/A1623 2: "Repeatable" : 0
N/A1624 4: "No Fireball" : 0
N/A1625 8: "No Smoke" : 0
N/A1626 16: "No Decal" : 0
N/A1627 32: "No Sparks" : 0
N/A1628 64: "No Sound" : 0
N/A1629 128: "Random Orientation" : 0
N/A1630 256: "No Fireball Smoke" : 0
N/A1631 512: "No particles" : 0
N/A1632 1024: "No DLights" : 0
N/A1633 2048: "Don't clamp Min" : 0
N/A1634 4096: "Don't clamp Max" : 0
N/A1635 8192: "Damage above surface only" : 0
N/A1636 16384: "Generic damage" : 0
N/A1637 ]
N/A1639 ignoredEntity(target_destination) : "Ignored Entity" : : "Do not harm or affect the named entity."
N/A1641 // Inputs
N/A1642 input Explode(void) : "Triggers the explosion."
N/A1645@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) color(200 50 0) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = env_smoketrail :
N/A1646 "An entity that creates a smoke trail."
N/A1648 opacity(float) : "Sprite Opacity" : "0.75" : "Opacity of the sprites (range from 0 - 1)."
N/A1649 spawnrate(float) : "Spawn Rate" : "20" : "Number of particles to emit each second."
N/A1650 lifetime(float) : "Particle Life Time" : "5.0" : "Number of seconds until each particle dies."
N/A1651 startcolor(color255) : "Start Color" : "192 192 192" : "Starting color of the emitted particles."
N/A1652 endcolor(color255) : "End Color" : "160 160 160" : "Ending color of the emitted particles."
N/A1653 emittime(float) : "Emitter Life Time" : "0" : "Number of seconds until the env_smoketrail stops emitting particles. 0 means never stop emitting particles."
N/A1654 minspeed(float) : "Minimum Random Speed" : "10" : "Minimum randomly-directed speed to use for emitted particles."
N/A1655 maxspeed(float) : "Maximum Random Speed" : "20" : "Maximum randomly-directed speed to use for emitted particles."
N/A1656 mindirectedspeed(float) : "Minimum Directed Speed" : "0" : "Minimum speed along the env_smoketrail's forward direction (x axis) to use for emitted particles."
N/A1657 maxdirectedspeed(float) : "Maximum Directed Speed" : "0" : "Maximum speed along the env_smoketrail's forward direction (x axis) to use for emitted particles."
N/A1658 startsize(float) : "Starting particle size" : "15" : "Starting particle size."
N/A1659 endsize(float) : "Ending particle size" : "50" : "Ending particle size."
N/A1660 spawnradius(float) : "Spawn radius" : "15" : "Distance from env_smoketrail at which particles are emitted."
N/A1662 firesprite(sprite) : "Fire Sprite" : "sprites/firetrail.spr"
N/A1663 smokesprite(sprite) : "Smoke Puff" : "sprites/whitepuff.spr"
N/A1666@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) sphere() sphere(inner_radius) iconsprite("editor/env_physexplosion.vmt") = env_physexplosion :
N/A1667 "An entity that creates an explosion at its origin. If the no-damage spawnflag is set, the explosion won't be visible, but will apply force to any physics objects within its radius."
N/A1669 magnitude(string) : "Magnitude" : "100" : "Amount of physics force applied by the explosion."
N/A1670 radius(string) : "Clamp Radius (0 = auto)" : "0" : "If specified, the radius in which the explosion damages entities. If unspecified, the radius will be based on the magnitude."
N/A1671 targetentityname(target_destination) : "Limit to Entity" : "" : "If specified, the explosion will only affect the matching entity."
N/A1673 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1674 [
N/A1675 1 : "No Damage - Only Force" : 1
N/A1676 2 : "Push players" : 0
N/A1677 4 : "Push radially - not as a sphere" : 0
N/A1678 8 : "Test LOS before pushing" : 0
N/A1679 16 : "Disorient player if pushed" : 0
N/A1680 ]
N/A1682 inner_radius(float) : "Inner radius" : "0" : "If not zero, the LOS is calculated from a point intersecting this sphere."
N/A1684 // Inputs
N/A1685 input Explode(void) : "Trigger the explosion."
N/A1687 // Outputs
N/A1688 output OnPushedPlayer(void) : "Fires when the player is pushed by the explosion."
N/A1691@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) line(255 255 255, targetname, directionentityname) iconsprite("editor/env_physexplosion.vmt") = env_physimpact :
N/A1692 "An entity that will cause a physics impact on another entity."
N/A1694 angles(string) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "0 0 0" : "Direction to project the impact."
N/A1695 magnitude(integer) : "Magnitude" : 100 : "Strength of the impact."
N/A1696 distance(integer) : "Distance" : 0 : "How far to project the impact (if 0 uses a default value)."
N/A1697 directionentityname(target_destination) : "Point to Entity" : "" : "If set, 'Distance' and Angle settings are ignored and the direction and distance to the target entity will be used."
N/A1699 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1700 [
N/A1701 1: "No fall-off" : 0
N/A1702 2: "Infinite Length" : 0
N/A1703 4: "Ignore Mass" : 0
N/A1704 8: "Ignore Surface Normal When Applying Force" : 1
N/A1705 ]
N/A1707 // Inputs
N/A1708 input Impact(void) : "Trigger the impact"
N/A1712// This has been disabled until it can be reimplemented, destroyed, or renamed - jdw
N/A1713//@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = env_splash :
N/A1714// "Can be used to create either a spash effect or a stream of falling or spurting liquid." +
N/A1715// "Will create a splash decal on the collided surface the same color as the liquid"
N/A1717// spawnrate(float) : "SpawnRate"  : "10" : "How many particles some out"
N/A1718// startcolor(color255) : "StartColor" : "100 100 100" : "Color of particles when the are emitted"
N/A1719// endcolor(color255) : "EndColor" : "240 110 0" : "Color that particles approach"
N/A1720// speed(float) : "Speed" : 3 : "Averate speed of an emitted particles"
N/A1721// speedrange(float) : "SpeedRange" : 1 : "Speed range of an emitted particles"
N/A1722// widthmin(float) : "WidthMin" : 2 : "Width of smallest particle emitted"
N/A1723// widthmax(float) : "WidthMax" : 8 : "Width of largest particle emitted"
N/A1724// noise(float) : "Noise" : "0.1" : "Amount of directional noise in stream"
N/A1725// lifetime(float) : "Lifetime" : 5 : "Lifetime of particles (in secs)"
N/A1726// numdecals(integer) : "Num Decals" : 1 : "Number of decals used (keep small)"
N/A1727// startactive(choices) : "Start On" : 1 =
N/A1728// [
N/A1729// 0 : "No"
N/A1730// 1 : "Yes"
N/A1731// ]
N/A1733// // Inputs
N/A1734// input SetSpawnRate(float) : "Sets how many particles come out"
N/A1735// input SetSpeed(float) : "Sets speed of emitted particle"
N/A1736// input SetNoise(float) : "Sets noise of emitted particle (0-1)"
N/A1737// input SetLifetime(float) : "Sets lifetime of emitted particles (in seconds)"
N/A1738// input TurnOn(void) : "Turns particles on"
N/A1739// input TurnOff(void) : "Turns particles off"
N/A1742@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, EnableDisable) iconsprite("editor/env_fire") color(0 180 0) = env_fire :
N/A1743 "An entity that handles a single flame at its origin. The flame causes heat 'damage' to other env_fire entities around it, and will eventually ignite non-flaming env_fire entities nearby, causing the fire to spread."
N/A1745 health(integer) : "Duration" : 30 : "Amount of time the fire will burn."
N/A1746 firesize(integer) : "Size" : 64 : "Height (in world units) of the flame."
N/A1747 fireattack(integer) : "Attack" : 4 : "Amount of time the fire takes to grow to full strength."
N/A1748 firetype(choices) : "Type" : 0 =
N/A1749 [
N/A1750 0 : "Natural"
N/A1751 1 : "Plasma"
N/A1752 ]
N/A1753 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1754 [
N/A1755 1: "Infinite Duration" : 0
N/A1756 2: "Smokeless" : 0
N/A1757 4: "Start On" : 0
N/A1758 8: "Start Full" : 0
N/A1759 16: "Don't drop" : 0
N/A1760 32: "No glow" : 0
N/A1761 128: "Delete when out" : 0
N/A1762 256: "Visible from above" : 0
N/A1763 ]
N/A1765 ignitionpoint(float) : "Ignition Point" : 32 : "Amount of heat 'damage' to take before this flame should ignite."
N/A1766 damagescale(float) : "Damage Scale" : "1.0" : "Multiplier of the burn damage done by the flame."
N/A1768 // Inputs
N/A1769 input StartFire(void) : "Start the fire."
N/A1770 input Extinguish(float) : "Puts out the fire permanently in the number of seconds specified."
N/A1771 input ExtinguishTemporary(float): "Puts out the fire temporarily in the number of seconds specified."
N/A1773 // Outputs
N/A1774 output OnIgnited(void) : "Fires when the fire is first ignited."
N/A1775 output OnExtinguished(void) : "Fires when the fire is fully extinguished."
N/A1778@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) iconsprite("editor/env_firesource") color(255 255 0) sphere(fireradius) = env_firesource :
N/A1779 "An entity that provides heat to all nearby env_fire entities. Cannot be extinguished."
N/A1781 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1782 [
N/A1783 1: "Start On" : 0
N/A1784 ]
N/A1786 fireradius(float) : "Radius" : 128 : "The radius around this entity in which to provide heat."
N/A1787 firedamage(float) : "Intensity / Damage" : 10 : "Amount of heat 'damage' to apply to env_fire entities within the radius."
N/A1789 // Inputs
N/A1790 input Enable(void) : "Enable fire source."
N/A1791 input Disable(void) : "Disable fire source."
N/A1794@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(255 255 0) sphere(fireradius) = env_firesensor :
N/A1795 "An entity that detects changes in heat nearby."
N/A1797 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1798 [
N/A1799 1: "Start On" : 1
N/A1800 ]
N/A1802 fireradius(float) : "Radius" : 128 : "The radius around this entity in which to detect heat changes."
N/A1803 heatlevel(float) : "Heat level" : 32 : "The target heat level to check for. Outputs are fired when the heat moves over this target level (increasing or decreasing)."
N/A1804 heattime(float) : "Time at level" : 0 : "The amount of time the heat level must spend over the target level before the 'OnHeatLevelStart' output is fired."
N/A1806 // Inputs
N/A1807 input Enable(void) : "Enable fire sensor."
N/A1808 input Disable(void) : "Disable fire sensor."
N/A1809 output OnHeatLevelStart(void) : "Fires when the heat level has been sustained for the specified length of time."
N/A1810 output OnHeatLevelEnd(void) : "Fires when the heat level drops below the target level."
N/A1813@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(0 180 0) = env_entity_igniter :
N/A1814 "An entity that catches a target entity on fire. If the entity is an animating model, it will have sprite flames attached to its skeleton. Otherwise the entity will emit particle flame puffs."
N/A1816 target(target_destination) : "Entity to ignite" : : "Name of the entity to catch on fire."
N/A1817 lifetime(float) : "Lifetime in seconds" : 10 : "Duration of flames."
N/A1819 // Inputs
N/A1820 input Ignite(void) : "Ignite the target entity."
N/A1823@PointClass base(Targetname, DXLevelChoice, Angles) iconsprite("editor/fog_controller.vmt") color(255 255 255) = env_fog_controller :
N/A1824 "An entity that controls the fog and view distance in the map."
N/A1826 // Inputs
N/A1827 input SetStartDist(float) : "Set the fog start distance."
N/A1828 input SetEndDist(float) : "Set the fog end distance."
N/A1829 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn the fog on."
N/A1830 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn the fog off."
N/A1831 input SetColor(color255) : "Set the primary fog color."
N/A1832 input SetColorSecondary(color255) : "Set the secondary fog color."
N/A1833 input SetFarZ(integer): "Set the far clip plane distance."
N/A1834 input SetAngles(string) : "Set the angles to use for the secondary fog direction."
N/A1836 input SetColorLerpTo(color255) : "Set the primary fog color."
N/A1837 input SetColorSecondaryLerpTo(color255) : "Set the secondary fog color."
N/A1838 input SetStartDistLerpTo(float) : "Set the fog start distance."
N/A1839 input SetEndDistLerpTo(float) : "Set the fog end distance."
N/A1840 input StartFogTransition(void) : "Start fog transition."
N/A1842 // Starting fog parameters for the level. These are selectable per LOD.
N/A1843 fogenable(choices) : "Fog Enable" : 0 =
N/A1844 [
N/A1845 0 : "No"
N/A1846 1 : "Yes"
N/A1847 ]
N/A1848 fogblend(choices) : "Fog Blend" : 0 =
N/A1849 [
N/A1850 0 : "No"
N/A1851 1 : "Yes"
N/A1852 ]
N/A1853 use_angles(choices) : "Use Angles for Fog Dir" : 0 =
N/A1854 [
N/A1855 0 : "No"
N/A1856 1 : "Yes"
N/A1857 ]
N/A1858 fogcolor(color255) : "Primary Fog Color" : "255 255 255"
N/A1859 fogcolor2(color255) : "Secondary Fog Color" : "255 255 255"
N/A1860 fogdir(string) : "Primary Fog Direction" : "1 0 0"
N/A1861 fogstart(string) : "Fog Start" : "500.0"
N/A1862 fogend(string) : "Fog End" : "2000.0"
N/A1863 fogmaxdensity(float) : "Fog Max Density [0..1]" : "1"
N/A1865 foglerptime(float) : "Interpolate time" : "0"
N/A1867 farz(string) : "Far Z Clip Plane" : "-1"
N/A1869 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1870 [
N/A1871 1 : "Master (Has priority if multiple env_fog_controllers exist)" : 0
N/A1872 ]
N/A1875@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) studioprop("models/editor/spot_cone.mdl") color(255 255 255) = env_steam :
N/A1876 "An entity used to create a jet of steam."
N/A1878 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1879 [
N/A1880 1 : "Emissive" : 0
N/A1881 ]
N/A1883 InitialState(choices) : "Initial State" : 0 =
N/A1884 [
N/A1885 0 : "Off"
N/A1886 1 : "On"
N/A1887 ]
N/A1889 //Type of particle to spew out
N/A1890 type(choices) : "Particle Type" : 0 =
N/A1891 [
N/A1892 0 : "Normal"
N/A1893 1 : "Heat Wave"
N/A1894 ]
N/A1896 SpreadSpeed(integer) : "Spread Speed" : 15 : "The amount of random spread in the particle's velocity after they spawn."
N/A1897 Speed(integer) : "Speed" : 120 : "The default speed at which the particles move after they spawn."
N/A1898 StartSize(integer) : "Particle start size" : 10 : "The initial size of the particles after they spawn."
N/A1899 EndSize(integer) : "Particle end size" : 25 : "The size of the particles at the point at which they are removed."
N/A1900 Rate(integer) : "Emission rate" : 26 : "The rate of particle emission. i.e. particles per second."
N/A1901 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A1902 JetLength(integer) : "Length of steam jet" : 80 : "The length of the jet determines the lifetime of each particle."
N/A1903 renderamt(integer) : "Translucency" : 255
N/A1904 rollspeed(float) : "How fast does the particles spin" : 8
N/A1906 // Inputs
N/A1907 input TurnOn(void) : "Turns the steam jet on."
N/A1908 input TurnOff(void) : "Turns the steam jet off."
N/A1909 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles the steam jet between on and off."
N/A1910 input JetLength(integer) : "Sets the length of steam jet."
N/A1911 input Rate(integer) : "Sets the particle emission rate in particles per second."
N/A1912 input Speed(integer) : "Sets the default speed of the particles in units per second."
N/A1913 input SpreadSpeed(integer) : "Sets the spread speed in units per second."
N/A1916@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, RenderFxChoices) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) line(255 255 255, targetname, LaserTarget) = env_laser :
N/A1917 "An entity that creates a laser beam between itself and a given target."
N/A1919 LaserTarget(target_destination) : "Target of Laser" : : "Name of entity, or entities, to strike at. The target is randomly chosen if there are multiple entities matching the given name."
N/A1920 renderamt(integer) : "Brightness (1 - 255)" : 100
N/A1921 rendercolor(color255) : "Beam Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A1922 width(float) : "Width of Beam" : 2 : "The width of the laser beam, in pixels."
N/A1923 NoiseAmplitude(integer) : "Amount of noise (0-255)" : 0 : "The amount of noise in the beam. 0 is a perfectly straight beam."
N/A1924 texture(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/laserbeam.spr" : "The material used to draw the laser beam."
N/A1925 EndSprite(sprite) : "End Sprite" : "" : "If specified, this sprite will be drawn at the end of the laser beam."
N/A1926 TextureScroll(integer) : "Texture Scroll Rate (0-100)" : 35 : "Rate at which the beam texture should scroll along the beam."
N/A1927 framestart(integer) : "Starting Frame" : 0 : "The frame to start the beam texture on."
N/A1928 damage(string) : "Damage / second" : "100" : "How much damage this laser does. per second. to things it hits."
N/A1929 dissolvetype(choices) : "Dissolve Type" : "None" =
N/A1930 [
N/A1931 -1 : "None"
N/A1932 0 : "Energy"
N/A1933 1 : "Heavy electrical"
N/A1934 2 : "Light electrical"
N/A1935 ]
N/A1936 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1937 [
N/A1938 1 : "Start On" : 0
N/A1939 16: "StartSparks" : 0
N/A1940 32: "EndSparks" : 0
N/A1941 64: "Decal End" : 0
N/A1942 ]
N/A1944 // Inputs
N/A1945 input TurnOn(void) : "Turns the laser on."
N/A1946 input TurnOff(void) : "Turns the laser off."
N/A1947 input Toggle(void) : "Toggles the laser between on and off."
N/A1950@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = env_message :
N/A1951 "An entity that draws a text message on player's HUDs."
N/A1953 message(string) : "Message Text"
N/A1954 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1955 [
N/A1956 1: "Play Once" : 0
N/A1957 2: "All Clients" : 0
N/A1958 ]
N/A1959 messagesound(sound) : "Sound Effect" : "" : "When the message is shown, this sound effect will be played, originating from this entity."
N/A1960 messagevolume(string) : "Volume 0-10" : "10" : "Volume of the sound effect."
N/A1961 messageattenuation(Choices) : "Sound Radius" : 0 =
N/A1962 [
N/A1963 0 : "Small Radius"
N/A1964 1 : "Medium Radius"
N/A1965 2 : "Large Radius"
N/A1966 3 : "Play Everywhere"
N/A1967 ]
N/A1969 // Inputs
N/A1970 input ShowMessage(void) : "Shows the message and plays the sound."
N/A1972 // Outputs
N/A1973 output OnShowMessage(void) : "Fired when the message is activated."
N/A1976@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = env_hudhint :
N/A1977 "An entity to control the display of HUD hints. HUD hints are used to show the player what key is bound to a particular command."
N/A1979 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1980 [
N/A1981 1: "All Players" : 0
N/A1982 ]
N/A1984 message(string) : "Hint Text (localized)" : "" : "This should be set to match the desired HUD hint entry in the hl2\resource\valve_english.txt."
N/A1986 // Inputs
N/A1987 input ShowHudHint(void) : "Shows the hint message."
N/A1988 input HideHudHint(void) : "Hides the hint message."
N/A1991@PointClass sphere() iconsprite("editor/env_shake.vmt") base(Targetname, Parentname) = env_shake :
N/A1992 "An entity to control screen shake on players."
N/A1994 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A1995 [
N/A1996 1: "GlobalShake" : 0
N/A1997 //2: "Disrupt player control" : 0 // doesn't work
N/A1998 4: "In Air" : 0 // shakes objects even if they are not onground
N/A1999 8: "Physics" : 0 // shakes physically as well as the camera
N/A2000 16: "Ropes" : 0 // shakes ropes too.
N/A2001 32: "DON'T shake view (for shaking ropes or physics only)" : 0
N/A2002 64: "DON'T Rumble Controller" : 0
N/A2003 ]
N/A2005 amplitude(float) : "Amplitude (0-16)" : "4" : "The amount of noise in the screen shake. Should be a range between 0 and 16."
N/A2006 radius(float) : "Effect Radius" : "500" : "The radius around this entity in which to affect players."
N/A2007 duration(float) : "Duration (seconds)" : "1" : "The length of time in which to shake the player's screens."
N/A2008 frequency(float) : "Frequency" : "2.5" : "The frequency used to apply the screen shake. Should be a value between 0 and 255, where 0.1 = jerk, and 255.0 = rumble."
N/A2010 // Inputs
N/A2011 input Amplitude(string) : "Set the amplitude (0-16)"
N/A2012 input Frequency(string) : "Set the frequence. Should be a value between 0 and 255, where 0.1 = jerk, and 255.0 = rumble."
N/A2013 input StartShake(void) : "Start the shake."
N/A2014 input StopShake(void) : "Stop the shake."
N/A2017@PointClass sphere() size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) base(Targetname, Parentname) = env_viewpunch :
N/A2018 "Causes a view punch on players."
N/A2020 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2021 [
N/A2022 1: "Punch all players (ignore radius)" : 0
N/A2023 2: "Punch players in the air" : 0
N/A2024 ]
N/A2026 punchangle(angle) : "Punch angles" : "0 0 90" : "The punch angles to apply."
N/A2027 radius(float) : "Effect Radius" : "500" : "The radius around this entity in which to affect players."
N/A2029 // Inputs
N/A2030 input ViewPunch(void) : "Performs the view punch."
N/A2033@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) = env_rotorwash_emitter :
N/A2034 "Creates rotorwash."
N/A2036 altitude(float) : "Altitude" : "1024" : "Altitude the rotorwash will show up."
N/A2039@PointClass base(gibshooterbase) iconsprite("editor/gibshooter.vmt") = gibshooter :
N/A2040 "An entity that shoots out gibs. Style of body part depends on language type."
N/A2044@PointClass base(gibshooterbase, RenderFields) iconsprite("editor/env_shooter.vmt") = env_shooter :
N/A2045 "An entity that shoots models, or sprites, out of its origin."
N/A2047 shootmodel(studio) : "Model" : "" : "Thing to shoot out. Can be a .mdl or a .vmt."
N/A2048 shootsounds(choices) :"Material Sound" : -1 =
N/A2049 [
N/A2050 -1: "None"
N/A2051 0: "Glass"
N/A2052 1: "Wood"
N/A2053 2: "Metal"
N/A2054 3: "Flesh"
N/A2055 4: "Concrete"
N/A2056 ]
N/A2057 simulation(choices) :"Simulate" : 0 =
N/A2058 [
N/A2059 0: "Point"
N/A2060 1: "Physics"
N/A2061 2: "Ragdoll"
N/A2062 ]
N/A2064 skin(integer) : "Gib Skin" : 0 : "Some models have multiple versions of their textures, called skins. Set this to a number other than 0 to use that skin on all gibs produced by this shooter."
N/A2066 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2067 [
N/A2068 2 : "On fire" : 0
N/A2069 4 : "strict remove after lifetime" : 0
N/A2070 ]
N/A2072 nogibshadows(choices) :"Disable Shadows on Gibs" : 0 =
N/A2073 [
N/A2074 0: "No"
N/A2075 1: "Yes"
N/A2076 ]
N/A2078 gibgravityscale(float) : "Gib gravity scale" : "1" : "ONLY WORKS FOR POINT GIBS. This field allows you to scale gravity so that gibs fall faster, slower, or not at all."
N/A2080 massoverride(float) : "Mass override" : "0" : "EPISODIC ONLY. Specify an arbitrary mass for the gibs emitted by me."
N/A2083@PointClass base(gibshooterbase, RenderFields) iconsprite("editor/env_shooter.vmt") = env_rotorshooter :
N/A2084 "An entity that creates gibs when it's within the influence of a helicopter's rotor wash."
N/A2086 shootmodel(studio) : "Model" : "" : "Thing to shoot out. Can be a .mdl or a .vmt."
N/A2087 shootsounds(choices) :"Material Sound" : -1 =
N/A2088 [
N/A2089 -1: "None"
N/A2090 0: "Glass"
N/A2091 1: "Wood"
N/A2092 2: "Metal"
N/A2093 3: "Flesh"
N/A2094 4: "Concrete"
N/A2095 ]
N/A2096 simulation(choices) :"Simulate" : 0 =
N/A2097 [
N/A2098 0: "Point"
N/A2099 1: "Physics"
N/A2100 2: "Ragdoll"
N/A2101 ]
N/A2103 skin(integer) : "Gib Skin" : 0 : "Some models have multiple versions of their textures, called skins. Set this to a number other than 0 to use that skin on all gibs produced by this shooter."
N/A2105 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2106 [
N/A2107 2 : "On fire" : 0
N/A2108 ]
N/A2110 rotortime(float) : "Time Under Rotor" : "1" : "The average time it has to be under the rotor before it shoots a gib."
N/A2111 rotortimevariance(float) : "Time variance" : "0.3" : "The random amount to vary the time it has to be under the rotor before it shoots a gib."
N/A2114@PointClass base(Targetname,Parentname) sphere() iconsprite("editor/env_soundscape.vmt") = env_soundscape_proxy :
N/A2115 "An entity that acts like a soundscape but gets all of its sound parameters from another env_soundscape entity."
N/A2117 MainSoundscapeName(target_destination) : "Soundscape Entity" : "" : "The soundscape to get all sound parameters from."
N/A2119 radius(integer) : "Radius" : 128 // NEEDHELP: The datadesc doesn't include this entry. Probably not used.
N/A2122@PointClass base(Targetname,Parentname,EnableDisable) sphere() iconsprite("editor/env_soundscape.vmt") line(255 255 255, targetname, position0) line(255 255 255, targetname, position1) line(255 255 255, targetname, position2) line(255 255 255, targetname, position3) line(255 255 255, targetname, position4) line(255 255 255, targetname, position5) line(255 255 255, targetname, position6) line(255 255 255, targetname, position7) = env_soundscape :
N/A2123 "An entity to control sound in an area. The active soundscape at any time is the last one that had line-of-sight to the player, and was within the radius."
N/A2125 radius(integer) : "Radius" : 128 : "If set to -1, then the player can hear the soundscape as long as he can see it (regardless of distance to it)."
N/A2126 soundscape(choices) : "Soundscape" : "Nothing" : "The name of the soundscape to use. Corresponds to an entry in the soundscapes*.txt file in the hl2\scripts directory." =
N/A2127 [
N/A2128 "Nothing" : "Nothing"
N/A2129 "Automatic" : "Automatic"
N/A2130 "Automatic_Dialog" : "Automatic (dialog)"
N/A2131 "GenericIndoor" : "Indoor"
N/A2132 "GenericOutdoor" : "Outdoor"
N/A2133 ]
N/A2134 position0(target_destination) : "Sound Position 0" : "" : "A sound position that will be referenced inside the soundscape text file. Usually used to position a set of sounds within the world."
N/A2135 position1(target_destination) : "Sound Position 1" : "" : "A sound position that will be referenced inside the soundscape text file. Usually used to position a set of sounds within the world."
N/A2136 position2(target_destination) : "Sound Position 2" : "" : "A sound position that will be referenced inside the soundscape text file. Usually used to position a set of sounds within the world."
N/A2137 position3(target_destination) : "Sound Position 3" : "" : "A sound position that will be referenced inside the soundscape text file. Usually used to position a set of sounds within the world."
N/A2138 position4(target_destination) : "Sound Position 4" : "" : "A sound position that will be referenced inside the soundscape text file. Usually used to position a set of sounds within the world."
N/A2139 position5(target_destination) : "Sound Position 5" : "" : "A sound position that will be referenced inside the soundscape text file. Usually used to position a set of sounds within the world."
N/A2140 position6(target_destination) : "Sound Position 6" : "" : "A sound position that will be referenced inside the soundscape text file. Usually used to position a set of sounds within the world."
N/A2141 position7(target_destination) : "Sound Position 7" : "" : "A sound position that will be referenced inside the soundscape text file. Usually used to position a set of sounds within the world."
N/A2143 // Inputs
N/A2144 input Enable(void) : "Enable the soundscape."
N/A2145 input Disabled(void) : "Disable the soundscape."
N/A2146 input ToggleEnabled(void) : "Toggle the soundscape enabled state."
N/A2148 // Outputs
N/A2149 output OnPlay(void) : "Fired when this soundscape becomes the active one."
N/A2152@PointClass base(env_soundscape) sphere() iconsprite("editor/env_soundscape.vmt") = env_soundscape_triggerable :
N/A2153 "An entity that works like env_soundscape except that it works in conjunction with trigger_soundscape to determine when a player hears it."
N/A2157@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) iconsprite("editor/env_spark.vmt") = env_spark :
N/A2158 "An entity used to create sparks at its origin."
N/A2160 MaxDelay(string) : "Max Delay" : "0" : "The longest delay between sparks (in seconds)."
N/A2161 Magnitude(choices) : "Magnitude" : 1 : "The size of the sparks." =
N/A2162 [
N/A2163 1 : "Small"
N/A2164 2 : "Medium"
N/A2165 5 : "Large"
N/A2166 8 : "Huge"
N/A2167 ]
N/A2169 TrailLength(choices) : "Spark Trail Length" : 1 =
N/A2170 [
N/A2171 1 : "Short"
N/A2172 2 : "Medium"
N/A2173 3 : "Long"
N/A2174 ]
N/A2176 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2177 [
N/A2178 64: "Start ON" : 0
N/A2179 128: "Glow" : 0
N/A2180 256: "Silent" : 0
N/A2181 512: "Directional" : 0
N/A2182 ]
N/A2184 // Inputs
N/A2185 input StartSpark(void) : "Start the spark effect."
N/A2186 input StopSpark(void) : "Stop the spark effect."
N/A2187 input ToggleSpark(void) : "Toggle the on/off state of the spark effect."
N/A2188 input SparkOnce(void) : "Spark once."
N/A2191@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, RenderFields,DXLevelChoice) size(-2 -2 -2, 2 2 2) sprite() color(20 140 20) = env_sprite :
N/A2192 "An entity that controls the drawing of a sprite in the world."
N/A2194 framerate(string) : "Framerate" : "10.0" : "Rate at which the sprite should animate, if at all."
N/A2195 model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/glow01.spr" : "Material of the sprite to be drawn."
N/A2196 scale(string) : "Scale" : "" : "Scale multiplier of the sprite."
N/A2197 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2198 [
N/A2199 1: "Start on" : 0
N/A2200 2: "Play Once" : 0
N/A2201 ]
N/A2203 GlowProxySize(float) : "Size of Glow Proxy Geometry." : "2.0" : "Size of the glow to be rendered for visibility testing. Must be larger than the distance from the sprite center to empty space. So if this glow is inside geometry (like a light bulb), set this value to be bigger than the bulb's radius. Any time a sphere of this radius would be visible (poking through any nearby geometry), the glow will be rendered."
N/A2205 HDRColorScale(float) : "HDR color scale." : "1.0" : "float value to multiply sprite color by when running in HDR mode."
N/A2207 // Inputs
N/A2208 input ColorRedValue(float) : "Sets the red color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A2209 input ColorGreenValue(float) : "Sets the green color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A2210 input ColorBlueValue(float) : "Sets the blue color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A2211 input SetScale(float) : "Set the sprite's scale (0 - 8.0)."
N/A2212 input HideSprite(void) : "Hide the sprite. Won't be drawn until the 'ShowSprite' input is received."
N/A2213 input ShowSprite(void) : "Show the sprite."
N/A2214 input ToggleSprite(void) : "Toggle the sprite between hidden and shown."
N/A2217@PointClass base(env_sprite, Angles) = env_sprite_oriented :
N/A2218 "A env_sprite that allows orientation."
N/A2220 framerate(string) : "Framerate" : "10.0" : "Rate at which the sprite should animate, if at all."
N/A2221 model(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/glow01.spr" : "Material of the sprite to be drawn."
N/A2222 scale(string) : "Scale" : "" : "Scale multiplier of the sprite."
N/A2223 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2224 [
N/A2225 1: "Start on" : 0
N/A2226 2: "Play Once" : 0
N/A2227 ]
N/A2229 GlowProxySize(float) : "Size of Glow Proxy Geometry." : "2.0" : "Size of the glow to be rendered for visibility testing. Must be larger than the distance from the sprite center to empty space. So if this glow is inside geometry (like a light bulb), set this value to be bigger than the bulb's radius. Any time a sphere of this radius would be visible (poking through any nearby geometry), the glow will be rendered."
N/A2231 HDRColorScale(float) : "HDR color scale." : "1.0" : "float value to multiply sprite color by when running in HDR mode."
N/A2233 // Inputs
N/A2234 input ColorRedValue(float) : "Sets the red color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A2235 input ColorGreenValue(float) : "Sets the green color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A2236 input ColorBlueValue(float) : "Sets the blue color channel's value (0 - 255)."
N/A2237 input SetScale(float) : "Set the sprite's scale (0 - 8.0)."
N/A2238 input HideSprite(void) : "Hide the sprite. Won't be drawn until the 'ShowSprite' input is received."
N/A2239 input ShowSprite(void) : "Show the sprite."
N/A2240 input ToggleSprite(void) : "Toggle the sprite between hidden and shown."
N/A2244@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) iconsprite("editor/env_wind.vmt") = env_wind :
N/A2245 "An entity to control wind in the map. Partially functional."
N/A2247 //gustsound(sound) : "Gust Sound Filename" : "" : "Sound to be played to simulate the gusting wind."
N/A2248 minwind(integer) : "Min normal speed" : 20 : "Minimum speed of the wind while idling."
N/A2249 maxwind(integer) : "Max normal speed" : 50 : "Maximum speed of the wind while idling."
N/A2251 mingust(integer) : "Min gust speed" : 100 : "Minimum speed of wind gusts."
N/A2252 maxgust(integer) : "Max gust speed" : 250 : "Maximum speed of wind gusts."
N/A2254 mingustdelay(integer) : "Min gust delay" : 10 : "Minimum time delay between random gusts."
N/A2255 maxgustdelay(integer) : "Max gust delay" : 20 : "Maximum time delay between random gusts."
N/A2257 gustduration(integer) : "Gust Duration" : 5 : "How long will the wind gust for."
N/A2259 gustdirchange(integer) : "Max gust dir change (degrees)" : 20 : "Maximum amount that the wind's direction changes due to a gust."
N/A2261 output OnGustStart(void) : "Fired when a wind gust begins."
N/A2262 output OnGustEnd(void) : "Fired when a wind gust ends."
N/A2265@PointClass base(Angles) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(0 0 255) = sky_camera :
N/A2266 "An entity used to control the 3D Skybox. Its origin is used to determine the 3D Skybox's position relative to the map. Place this entity, in the 3D Skybox, at the point where the origin of the map should be."
N/A2268 scale(integer) : "3D Skybox scale" : 16 : "Scale of the skybox."
N/A2269 fogenable(choices) : "Fog Enable" : 0 =
N/A2270 [
N/A2271 0 : "No"
N/A2272 1 : "Yes"
N/A2273 ]
N/A2274 fogblend(choices) : "Fog Blend" : 0 =
N/A2275 [
N/A2276 0 : "No"
N/A2277 1 : "Yes"
N/A2278 ]
N/A2279 use_angles(choices) : "Use Angles for Fog Dir" : 0 =
N/A2280 [
N/A2281 0 : "No"
N/A2282 1 : "Yes"
N/A2283 ]
N/A2284 fogcolor(color255) : "Primary Fog Color" : "255 255 255"
N/A2285 fogcolor2(color255) : "Secondary Fog Color" : "255 255 255"
N/A2286 fogdir(string) : "Primary Fog Dir" : "1 0 0"
N/A2287 fogstart(string) : "Fog Start" : "500.0" : "Distance at which the skybox fog should start."
N/A2288 fogend(string) : "Fog End" : "2000.0" : "Distance at which the skybox fog should be fully opaque."
N/A2291@BaseClass base(Targetname, ResponseContext) = BaseSpeaker
N/A2293 delaymin(string) : "Min Delay Between Announcements" : "15"
N/A2294 delaymax(string) : "Max Delay Between Announcements" : "135"
N/A2295 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2296 [
N/A2297 1: "Start Silent" : 0
N/A2298 2: "Play Everywhere" : 0
N/A2299 ]
N/A2300 rulescript(string) : "Context rule script" : "" : "Script file containing rules for playing appropriate sounds."
N/A2301 concept(string) : "Concept name" : "" : "High level concept name used as primary search key."
N/A2303 // Inputs
N/A2304 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn on the random announcements."
N/A2305 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn off the random announcements."
N/A2306 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the random announcements off and on."
N/A2311// Game Entities
N/A2315@PointClass base(Targetname) = game_weapon_manager :
N/A2316 "An entity used to limit the number of a particular weapon type in the world. Useful in places where NPCs are spawning rapidly, dying, and dropping weapons."
N/A2318 weaponname(string) : "Weapon Classname" : "" : "Classname of the weapon type to limit."
N/A2319 maxpieces(integer) : "Max Allowed in Level"  : 0 : "The maximum amount of the specified weapon type allowed in the world."
N/A2320 ammomod(float)  : "Ammo modifier" : 1 : "Modifier for ammount of ammo dropped by a weapon."
N/A2322 // Inputs
N/A2323 input SetAmmoModifier(float): "Adjust the ammo modifier."
N/A2326@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/game_end.vmt") = game_end :
N/A2327 "An entity that ends a multiplayer game."
N/A2329 master(string) : "Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this entity will not activate."
N/A2330 input EndGame(void) : "End the multiplayer game."
N/A2333@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = game_player_equip :
N/A2334 "An entity that gives equipment to the player who activates it. To use, add new keys to this entity, where each key is the classname of a weapon/item, and the corresponding value is the number of those weapons/items to give to the player who uses this entity. If the 'Use Only' spawnflag isn't set, then players can just touch this entity to get the equipment."
N/A2336 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2337 [
N/A2338 1: "Use Only" : 0
N/A2339 ]
N/A2340 master(string) : "Team Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this entity will not activate."
N/A2343@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = game_player_team :
N/A2344 "An entity that changes the team of the player who activates it."
N/A2346 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2347 [
N/A2348 1 : "Remove On fire" : 0
N/A2349 2 : "Kill Player" : 0
N/A2350 4 : "Gib Player" : 0
N/A2351 ]
N/A2352 target(string) : "game_team_master to use"
N/A2353 master(string) : "Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this entity will not activate."
N/A2356@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = game_score :
N/A2357 "An entity that awards/deducts points from the player who activates it."
N/A2359 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2360 [
N/A2361 1: "Allow Negative" : 0
N/A2362 2: "Team Points" : 0
N/A2363 ]
N/A2365 points(integer) : "Points to add (+/-)" : 1
N/A2366 master(string) : "Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this entity will not activate."
N/A2368 // Inputs
N/A2369 input ApplyScore(void) : "Add score to player."
N/A2372@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/game_text.vmt") = game_text :
N/A2373 "An entity that displays text on player's screens."
N/A2375 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2376 [
N/A2377 1: "All Players" : 0
N/A2378 ]
N/A2380 message(string) : "Message Text" : "" : "Message to display onscreen."
N/A2381 x(string) : "X (0 - 1.0 = left to right) (-1 centers)" : "-1" : "Horizontal position on the player's screens to draw the text. The value should be between 0 and 1, where 0 is the far left of the screen and 1 is the far right. -1 centers the text."
N/A2382 y(string) : "Y (0 - 1.0 = top to bottom) (-1 centers)" : "-1" : "Vertical position on the player's screens to draw the text. The value should be between 0 and 1, where 0 is the top of the screen and 1 is the bottom. -1 centers the text."
N/A2383 effect(Choices) : "Text Effect" : 0 =
N/A2384 [
N/A2385 0 : "Fade In/Out"
N/A2386 1 : "Credits"
N/A2387 2 : "Scan Out"
N/A2388 ]
N/A2389 color(color255) : "Color1" : "100 100 100"
N/A2390 color2(color255) : "Color2" : "240 110 0"
N/A2391 fadein(string) : "Fade in Time (or character scan time)" : "1.5" : "The time it should take for the text to fully fade in."
N/A2392 fadeout(string) : "Fade Out Time" : "0.5" : "The time it should take for the text to fade out, after the hold time has expired."
N/A2393 holdtime(string) : "Hold Time" : "1.2" : "The time the text should stay onscreen, after fading in, before it begins to fade out."
N/A2394 fxtime(string) : "Scan time (scan effect only)" : "0.25" : "If the 'Text Effect' is set to Scan Out, this is the time it should take to scan out all the letters in the text."
N/A2395 channel(choices) : "Text Channel" : 1 : "You can have up to four individual game_text messages onscreen at once, stored in channels. Select which channel this text should be placed in, which will overwrite any active message already in that channel." =
N/A2396 [
N/A2397 1 : "Channel 1"
N/A2398 2 : "Channel 2"
N/A2399 3 : "Channel 3"
N/A2400 4 : "Channel 4"
N/A2401 ]
N/A2402 master(string) : "Master" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this entity will not activate."
N/A2404 // Inputs
N/A2405 input Display(void) : "Display the message text."
N/A2408@PointClass base(Parentname, Angles) size(-2 -2 -2, 2 2 2) = point_enable_motion_fixup :
N/A2409 "An entity used to move a motion-disabled prop when it enables motion. Parent this entity to the prop, and when the prop has its motion enabled, it will immediately teleport to the origin of this entity."
N/A2413@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_message :
N/A2414 "An entity that displays a text message in the world, at its origin."
N/A2416 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2417 [
N/A2418 1: "Start Disabled" : 0
N/A2419 ]
N/A2421 message(string) : "Entity Message"
N/A2422 radius(integer) : "Show message radius" : 128 : "Distance the player must be within to see this message."
N/A2423 developeronly(choices) : "Developer Only?" : 0 : "If set, this message will only be visible when developer mode is on." =
N/A2424 [
N/A2425 0 : "No"
N/A2426 1 : "Yes"
N/A2427 ]
N/A2429 // Inputs
N/A2430 input Enable(void) : "Start displaying the message text, if the player is within the message radius."
N/A2431 input Disable(void) : "Stop displaying the message text."
N/A2434@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, RenderFields, Angles, DXLevelChoice) studio("models/editor/cone_helper.mdl") = point_spotlight :
N/A2435 "An entity to draw a spotlight. Will draw a beam when the player views it side on, and a halo when it's facing towards the player. "+
N/A2436 "Unless the 'No Dynamic Light' spawnflag is checked, it will also create a dynamic light wherever the end of the spotlight rests."
N/A2438 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A2439 [
N/A2440 1 : "Start On" : 1
N/A2441 2 : "No Dynamic Light" : 1
N/A2442 ]
N/A2444 spotlightlength(integer) : "Spotlight Length" : 500 : "Length of the spotlight beam."
N/A2445 spotlightwidth(integer) : "Spotlight Width" : 50 : "Width of the spotlight beam."
N/A2446 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A2447 HDRColorScale(float) : "HDR color scale." : "1.0" : "float value to multiply sprite color by when running in HDR mode."
N/A2449 // Inputs
N/A2450 input LightOn(void) : "Turn the spotlight on."
N/A2451 input LightOff(void) : "Turn the spotlight off"
N/A2453 // outputs
N/A2454 output OnLightOn(void) : "Fires when light turns on."
N/A2455 output OnLightOff(void) : "Fires when light turns off."
N/A2459@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_tesla :
N/A2460 "An entity that creates tesla lightning arcs around its origin."
N/A2462 m_SourceEntityName(string) : "Source Entity" : "" : "If specified, tesla lightning will originate from the specified entity. Otherwise, they originate from this entity."
N/A2463 m_SoundName(string) : "Sound Name" : "DoSpark" : "Sound to be played whenever lightning is created."
N/A2465 texture(sprite) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/physbeam.vmt" : "Material to use for the tesla lightning beams."
N/A2467 m_Color(color255) : "Color" : "255 255 255"
N/A2469 m_flRadius(integer) : "Radius" : 200 : "Radius around the origin to find a point to strike with a tesla lightning beam."
N/A2471 beamcount_min(integer) : "Min # of Beams" : 6 : "Minimum number of tesla lightning beams to create when creating an arc."
N/A2472 beamcount_max(integer) : "Max # of Beams" : 8 : "Maximum number of tesla lightning beams to create when creating an arc."
N/A2474 thick_min(string) : "Min Beam Width" : "4" : "Minimum width of the tesla lightning beams."
N/A2475 thick_max(string) : "Max Beam Width" : "5" : "Maximum width of the tesla lightning beams."
N/A2477 lifetime_min(string) : "Min Time Visible" : "0.3" : "Minimum lifetime of the tesla lightning beams."
N/A2478 lifetime_max(string) : "Max Time Visible" : "0.3" : "Maximum lifetime of the tesla lightning beams."
N/A2480 interval_min(string) : "Min Time Between Arcs":"0.5" : "Minimum time delay between random arcing."
N/A2481 interval_max(string) : "Max Time Between Arcs":"2" : "Maximum time delay between random arcing."
N/A2483 // Inputs
N/A2484 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn emitter on."
N/A2485 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn emitter off."
N/A2486 input DoSpark(void) : "Force a single arc."
N/A2489@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_clientcommand :
N/A2490 "An entity that issues commands to the client console, as if it was typed in by the player (if activator is a player, or the local player in single player)."
N/A2492 // Inputs
N/A2493 input Command(string) : "Command to execute."
N/A2496@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_servercommand :
N/A2497 "An entity that issues commands to the server console."
N/A2499 // Inputs
N/A2500 input Command(string) : "Command to execute."
N/A2503@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_bonusmaps_accessor :
N/A2504 "An entity that relays bonus maps changes."
N/A2506 filename(string) : "File Name" : ""
N/A2507 mapname(string) : "Map Name" : ""
N/A2509 // Inputs
N/A2510 input Unlock(void) : "Unlocks the filename/map combination."
N/A2511 input Complete(void) : "Completes the filename/map combination."
N/A2512 input Save(void) : "Saves bonus map data."
N/A2515@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = game_ui :
N/A2516 "An entity used to override player input when the player is looking at it."
N/A2518 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2519 [
N/A2520 32 : "Freeze Player" : 1
N/A2521 64 : "Hide Weapon" : 1
N/A2522 128 : "+Use Deactivates" : 1
N/A2523 256 : "Jump Deactivates" : 1
N/A2524 ]
N/A2526 FieldOfView(float) : "FieldOfView" : "-1.0" : "The amount of tolerance in the view checking when determining whether the player's input is still under control. 1.0 = straight ahead, 0.0 = +/- 90 degrees, -1.0 = all directions. If the player isn't within the tolerance, the player regains control."
N/A2528 // Inputs
N/A2529 input Deactivate(void) : "Return Player Control."
N/A2530 input Activate(string) : "Take Player Control."
N/A2532 // Outputs
N/A2533 output PlayerOn(void) : "Fired whenever this entity starts controlling the player's input."
N/A2534 output PlayerOff(void) : "Fired whenever this entity stops controlling the player's input."
N/A2535 output PressedMoveLeft(void) : "Fired whenever the player presses the moveleft key."
N/A2536 output PressedMoveRight(void) : "Fired whenever the player presses the moveright key."
N/A2537 output PressedForward(void) : "Fired whenever the player presses the forward key."
N/A2538 output PressedBack(void) : "Fired whenever the player presses the backward key."
N/A2539 output PressedAttack(void) : "Fired whenever the player presses the attack key."
N/A2540 output PressedAttack2(void) : "Fired whenever the player presses the secondary attack key."
N/A2542 output UnpressedMoveLeft(void) : "Fired whenever the player releases the moveleft key."
N/A2543 output UnpressedMoveRight(void) : "Fired whenever the player releases the moveright key."
N/A2544 output UnpressedForward(void) : "Fired whenever the player releases the forward key."
N/A2545 output UnpressedBack(void) : "Fired whenever the player releases the backward key."
N/A2546 output UnpressedAttack(void) : "Fired whenever the player releases the attack key."
N/A2547 output UnpressedAttack2(void) : "Fired whenever the player releases the secondary attack key."
N/A2549 output XAxis(string) : "An output that fires whenever the X axis of the player's input changes. i.e. -1 when the player has moveleft key down, 1 when the player has moveright key down, and 0 if neither."
N/A2550 output YAxis(string) : "An output that fires whenever the Y axis of the player's input changes. i.e. -1 when the player has backward key down, 1 when the player has forward key down, and 0 if neither."
N/A2551 output AttackAxis(string) : "An output that fires whenever the state of the player's attack key changes. i.e. 1 when the player has the attack key down, 0 otherwise."
N/A2552 output Attack2Axis(string) : "An output that fires whenever the state of the player's secondary attack key changes. i.e. 1 when the player has the secondary attack key down, 0 otherwise."
N/A2555@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname) = game_zone_player :
N/A2556 "An entity used to count the number of players within a zone."
N/A2558 // Inputs
N/A2559 input CountPlayersInZone(void) : "Count the number of players in the zone, and fire the corresponding outputs."
N/A2561 // Outputs
N/A2562 output OnPlayerInZone(void) : "Fired whenever a count finds a player inside the zone, with the player as the activator."
N/A2563 output OnPlayerOutZone(void) : "Fired whenever a count finds a player outside the zone, with the player as the activator."
N/A2564 output PlayersInCount(integer) : "Fired after a count, and contains the number of players found inside the zone."
N/A2565 output PlayersOutCount(integer) : "Fired after a count, and contains the number of players found outside the zone."
N/A2570// Info Entities
N/A2574@PointClass base(Targetname) decal() studio("models/editor/axis_helper_thick.mdl") = infodecal :
N/A2575 "An entity that places a decal on the world. If the decal has no target name, it will immediately apply itself when the level is loaded. "+
N/A2576 "If it has a name specified, it won't apply until it receives the 'Activate' input."
N/A2578 texture(decal)
N/A2580 LowPriority(choices) : "Low Priority (can be replaced)" : 0 =
N/A2581 [
N/A2582 0 : "No"
N/A2583 1 : "Yes"
N/A2584 ]
N/A2586 // Inputs
N/A2587 input Activate(void) : "Force the decal to apply itself to the world."
N/A2590// A decal to be applied to a prop or the world using specified origin and orientation and radius, uses an orientation angle and a radius to determine
N/A2591// ray to cast for projection
N/A2592@PointClass base(Angles,Targetname) decal() studio("models/editor/axis_helper_thick.mdl") = info_projecteddecal :
N/A2593 "An entity that projects a decal onto the world (or props). If the decal has no target name, it will immediately apply itself when "+
N/A2594 "the level is loaded. If it has a name specified, it won't apply until it receives the 'Activate' input."
N/A2596 texture(decal)
N/A2597 Distance(float) : "Distance" : 64 : "Distance from the origin to project the decal."
N/A2599 // Inputs
N/A2600 input Activate(void) : "Force the decal to apply itself to the world."
N/A2603@PointClass = info_no_dynamic_shadow :
N/A2604 "Use this entity to mark surfaces that shouldn't receive dynamic shadows. Useful to apply to walls and floors "+
N/A2605 "where shadows are drawn improperly, giving away the location of enemies."
N/A2607 sides(sidelist) : "Brush faces"
N/A2610@PointClass base(PlayerClass, Angles) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") = info_player_start :
N/A2611 "This entity indicates the position and facing direction at which the player will spawn. Any number of "+
N/A2612 "info_player_start entities may be placed in a map for when working in cordoned-off portions of the map. "+
N/A2613 "When multiple info_player_start entities are present in a map, set the 'Master' spawnflag on one of them "+
N/A2614 "to indicate which one should be used when running the entire map."
N/A2616 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A2617 [
N/A2618 1: "Master (Has priority if multiple info_player_starts exist)" : 0
N/A2619 ]
N/A2622@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-1 -1 0, 1 1 1) color(80 150 225) studio("models/editor/overlay_helper.mdl") sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) overlay() = info_overlay :
N/A2623 "An entity that places an overlay on the world."
N/A2625 material(material) : "Material"
N/A2626 sides(sidelist) : "Brush faces"
N/A2627 RenderOrder(integer) : "Render Order" : 0 : "Higher values render after lower values. This value can be 0-3."
N/A2628 StartU(float) : "U Start" : "0.0"
N/A2629 EndU(float) : "U End" : "1.0"
N/A2630 StartV(float) : "V Start" : "0.0"
N/A2631 EndV(float) : "V End" : "1.0"
N/A2632 BasisOrigin(Vector) readonly : "Overlay Basis Origin(Read-Only)"
N/A2633 BasisU(Vector) readonly : "Overlay Basis U(Read-Only)"
N/A2634 BasisV(Vector) readonly : "Overlay Basis V(Read-Only)"
N/A2635 BasisNormal(Vector) readonly : "Overlay Basis Normal(Read-Only)"
N/A2636 uv0(vector) readonly : "Overlay Point 1(Read-Only)"
N/A2637 uv1(vector) readonly : "Overlay Point 2(Read-Only)"
N/A2638 uv2(vector) readonly : "Overlay Point 3(Read-Only)"
N/A2639 uv3(vector) readonly : "Overlay Point 4(Read-Only)"
N/A2640 fademindist(float) : "Start Fade Dist" : -1 : "Distance at which the overlay starts to fade (<0 = use fademaxdist)."
N/A2641 fademaxdist(float) : "End Fade Dist" : 0 : "Maximum distance at which the overlay is visible (0 = don't fade out)."
N/A2644@PointClass size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) sidelist(sides) sidelist(sides2) overlay_transition() = info_overlay_transition : "Overlay Transition"
N/A2646 material(material) : "Material"
N/A2647 sides(sidelist) : "Brush faces"
N/A2648 sides2(sidelist) : "Water faces"
N/A2649 LengthTexcoordStart(float) : "Texcoord Length Start" : "0.0"
N/A2650 LengthTexcoordEnd(float) : "Texcoord Length End" : "1.0"
N/A2651 WidthTexcoordStart(float) : "Texcoord Width Start" : "0.0"
N/A2652 WidthTexcoordEnd(float) : "Texcoord Width End" : "1.0"
N/A2653 Width1(float) : "Width Land" : "25.0"
N/A2654 Width2(float) : "Width Water" : "25.0"
N/A2655 DebugDraw(integer) : "Show Debug" : 0 : "Boolean value (0 or 1)."
N/A2658@PointClass size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(0 180 0) = info_intermission :
N/A2659 "An entity that defines an intermission spot where dead players will float until they respawn."
N/A2661 target(target_destination) : "Entity to look at" : : "Name of entity that dead players will face while in intermission at this spot."
N/A2664@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/info_landmark") = info_landmark :
N/A2665 "An entity that acts as a landmark for transitions to another level. There should be a corresponding info_landmark entity in the next map. Entities will be transitioned to the next level relative to the info_landmark entities."
N/A2669@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = info_null :
N/A2670 "An entity that's immediately removed on spawning. Useful as a spotlight target."
N/A2674@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) iconsprite("editor/info_target.vmt") = info_target :
N/A2675 "An entity that does nothing. Very useful as a positioning entity for other entities to refer to (i.e. the endpoint of an env_beam)"
N/A2677 spawnflags( Flags ) =
N/A2678 [
N/A2679 1 : "Transmit to client" : 0
N/A2680 ]
N/A2683@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) studio("models/editor/cone_helper.mdl") line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint1) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint2) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint3) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint4) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint5) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint6) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint7) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint8) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint9) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint10) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint11) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint12) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint13) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint14) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint15) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint16) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint17) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint18) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint19) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint20) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint21) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint22) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint23) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint24) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint25) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint26) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint27) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint28) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint29) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint30) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint31) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint32) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint33) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint34) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint35) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint36) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint37) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint38) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint39) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint40) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint41) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint42) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint43) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint44) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint45) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint46) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint47) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint48) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint49) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint50) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint51) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint52) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint53) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint54) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint55) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint56) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint57) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint58) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint59) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint60) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint61) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint62) line(255 255 255, targetname, cpoint63) = info_particle_system :
N/A2684 "An entity that spawns a particle system built using the particle editor."
N/A2686 effect_name(string) : "Particle System Name"
N/A2687 start_active(choices) : "Start Active?" : 0 =
N/A2688 [
N/A2689 0 : "No"
N/A2690 1 : "Yes"
N/A2691 ]
N/A2692 flag_as_weather(choices) : "Flag as Weather?" : 0 : "Is this particle system going to be used as a weather effect?" =
N/A2693 [
N/A2694 0 : "No"
N/A2695 1 : "Yes"
N/A2696 ]
N/A2698 cpoint1(target_destination) : "Control Point 1" : : "If set, control point 1 of the effect will be at this entity's location."
N/A2699 cpoint2(target_destination) : "Control Point 2" : : "If set, control point 2 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 1 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2700 cpoint3(target_destination) : "Control Point 3" : : "If set, control point 3 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 2 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2701 cpoint4(target_destination) : "Control Point 4" : : "If set, control point 4 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 3 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2702 cpoint5(target_destination) : "Control Point 5" : : "If set, control point 5 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 4 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2703 cpoint6(target_destination) : "Control Point 6" : : "If set, control point 6 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 5 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2704 cpoint7(target_destination) : "Control Point 7" : : "If set, control point 7 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 6 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2705 cpoint8(target_destination) : "Control Point 8" : : "If set, control point 8 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 7 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2706 cpoint9(target_destination) : "Control Point 9" : : "If set, control point 9 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 8 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2707 cpoint10(target_destination) : "Control Point 10" : : "If set, control point 10 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 9 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2708 cpoint11(target_destination) : "Control Point 11" : : "If set, control point 11 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 10 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2709 cpoint12(target_destination) : "Control Point 12" : : "If set, control point 12 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 11 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2710 cpoint13(target_destination) : "Control Point 13" : : "If set, control point 13 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 12 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2711 cpoint14(target_destination) : "Control Point 14" : : "If set, control point 14 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 13 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2712 cpoint15(target_destination) : "Control Point 15" : : "If set, control point 15 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 14 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2713 cpoint16(target_destination) : "Control Point 16" : : "If set, control point 16 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 15 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2714 cpoint17(target_destination) : "Control Point 17" : : "If set, control point 17 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 16 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2715 cpoint18(target_destination) : "Control Point 18" : : "If set, control point 18 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 17 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2716 cpoint19(target_destination) : "Control Point 19" : : "If set, control point 19 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 18 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2717 cpoint20(target_destination) : "Control Point 20" : : "If set, control point 20 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 19 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2718 cpoint21(target_destination) : "Control Point 21" : : "If set, control point 21 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 10 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2719 cpoint22(target_destination) : "Control Point 22" : : "If set, control point 22 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 21 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2720 cpoint23(target_destination) : "Control Point 23" : : "If set, control point 23 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 22 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2721 cpoint24(target_destination) : "Control Point 24" : : "If set, control point 24 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 23 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2722 cpoint25(target_destination) : "Control Point 25" : : "If set, control point 25 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 24 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2723 cpoint26(target_destination) : "Control Point 26" : : "If set, control point 26 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 25 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2724 cpoint27(target_destination) : "Control Point 27" : : "If set, control point 27 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 26 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2725 cpoint28(target_destination) : "Control Point 28" : : "If set, control point 28 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 27 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2726 cpoint29(target_destination) : "Control Point 29" : : "If set, control point 29 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 28 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2727 cpoint30(target_destination) : "Control Point 30" : : "If set, control point 30 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 29 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2728 cpoint31(target_destination) : "Control Point 31" : : "If set, control point 31 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 30 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2729 cpoint32(target_destination) : "Control Point 32" : : "If set, control point 32 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 31 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2730 cpoint33(target_destination) : "Control Point 33" : : "If set, control point 33 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 32 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2731 cpoint34(target_destination) : "Control Point 34" : : "If set, control point 34 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 33 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2732 cpoint35(target_destination) : "Control Point 35" : : "If set, control point 35 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 34 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2733 cpoint36(target_destination) : "Control Point 36" : : "If set, control point 36 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 35 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2734 cpoint37(target_destination) : "Control Point 37" : : "If set, control point 37 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 36 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2735 cpoint38(target_destination) : "Control Point 38" : : "If set, control point 38 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 37 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2736 cpoint39(target_destination) : "Control Point 39" : : "If set, control point 39 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 38 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2737 cpoint40(target_destination) : "Control Point 40" : : "If set, control point 40 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 39 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2738 cpoint41(target_destination) : "Control Point 41" : : "If set, control point 41 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 40 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2739 cpoint42(target_destination) : "Control Point 42" : : "If set, control point 42 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 41 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2740 cpoint43(target_destination) : "Control Point 43" : : "If set, control point 43 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 42 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2741 cpoint44(target_destination) : "Control Point 44" : : "If set, control point 44 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 43 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2742 cpoint45(target_destination) : "Control Point 45" : : "If set, control point 45 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 44 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2743 cpoint46(target_destination) : "Control Point 46" : : "If set, control point 46 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 45 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2744 cpoint47(target_destination) : "Control Point 47" : : "If set, control point 47 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 46 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2745 cpoint48(target_destination) : "Control Point 48" : : "If set, control point 48 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 47 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2746 cpoint49(target_destination) : "Control Point 49" : : "If set, control point 49 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 48 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2747 cpoint50(target_destination) : "Control Point 50" : : "If set, control point 50 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 49 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2748 cpoint51(target_destination) : "Control Point 51" : : "If set, control point 51 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 50 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2749 cpoint52(target_destination) : "Control Point 52" : : "If set, control point 52 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 51 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2750 cpoint53(target_destination) : "Control Point 53" : : "If set, control point 53 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 52 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2751 cpoint54(target_destination) : "Control Point 54" : : "If set, control point 54 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 53 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2752 cpoint55(target_destination) : "Control Point 55" : : "If set, control point 55 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 54 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2753 cpoint56(target_destination) : "Control Point 56" : : "If set, control point 56 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 55 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2754 cpoint57(target_destination) : "Control Point 57" : : "If set, control point 57 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 56 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2755 cpoint58(target_destination) : "Control Point 58" : : "If set, control point 58 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 57 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2756 cpoint59(target_destination) : "Control Point 59" : : "If set, control point 59 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 58 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2757 cpoint60(target_destination) : "Control Point 60" : : "If set, control point 60 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 59 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2758 cpoint61(target_destination) : "Control Point 61" : : "If set, control point 61 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 60 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2759 cpoint62(target_destination) : "Control Point 62" : : "If set, control point 62 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 61 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2760 cpoint63(target_destination) : "Control Point 63" : : "If set, control point 63 of the effect will be at this entity's location. If control point 62 is not set, this will be ignored."
N/A2762 cpoint1_parent(integer) : "Control Point 1's Parent" : 0 : "If set and nonzero, control point 1 of the effect will use this point for its parent."
N/A2763 cpoint2_parent(integer) : "Control Point 2's Parent" : 0 : "If set and nonzero, control point 2 of the effect will use this point for its parent."
N/A2764 cpoint3_parent(integer) : "Control Point 3's Parent" : 0 : "If set and nonzero, control point 3 of the effect will use this point for its parent."
N/A2765 cpoint4_parent(integer) : "Control Point 4's Parent" : 0 : "If set and nonzero, control point 4 of the effect will use this point for its parent."
N/A2766 cpoint5_parent(integer) : "Control Point 5's Parent" : 0 : "If set and nonzero, control point 5 of the effect will use this point for its parent."
N/A2767 cpoint6_parent(integer) : "Control Point 6's Parent" : 0 : "If set and nonzero, control point 6 of the effect will use this point for its parent."
N/A2768 cpoint7_parent(integer) : "Control Point 7's Parent" : 0 : "If set and nonzero, control point 7 of the effect will use this point for its parent."
N/A2770 // Inputs
N/A2771 input Start(void) : "Tell the particle system to start emitting."
N/A2772 input Stop(void) : "Tell the particle system to stop emitting."
N/A2776@PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable, Parentname, Angles) iconsprite("editor/info_target.vmt") sphere(radius) = phys_ragdollmagnet :
N/A2777 "An entity that acts like a magnet for ragdolls. Useful for crafting exaggerated ragdoll behavior (i.e. guys falling over rails on death). If the "+
N/A2778 "Bar Magnet spawnflag is set, the magnet works like it was a cylindrical magnet i.e. it attracts ragdolls to the nearest point on a line."
N/A2780 axis(vecline) : "Bar Magnet Axis"
N/A2781 radius(float) : "Effective Radius" : "512" : "Radius in which ragdolls are affected around this entity's origin."
N/A2782 force(float) : "Force" : "5000" : "Magnetic force to apply to ragdolls within the radius. Expressed as kilograms per inch per second. So a force of 1000 will add 10 inches/second to a 100kg man. It will add 100 inches per second to a 10kg headcrab."
N/A2784 target(string) : "Entity to affect" : "" : "If specified, the phys_ragdollmagnet will only affect the target entity."
N/A2786 spawnflags( Flags ) =
N/A2787 [
N/A2788 2 : "Bar Magnet (use axis helper)" : 0
N/A2789 ]
N/A2792@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/info_lighting.vmt") = info_lighting :
N/A2793 "An entity that can be used to change the lighting origin of a prop_static. Set the prop_static's Lighting Origin to point at this entity to "+
N/A2794 "make the prop_static light as if it was at the info_lighting's origin. Good for prop_static entities that are embedded in world geometry (like rocks/windows/etc)."
N/A2798// This is obsolete, info_target is all you need now.
N/A2799@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles, PlayerClass) studio("models/editor/playerstart.mdl") = info_teleport_destination :
N/A2800 "An entity that does nothing itself, but can be used to specify the destination for a trigger_teleport entity. An info_target can be used instead."
N/A2807// Nodes and Hints
N/A2811@PointClass base(Node) studio("models/editor/ground_node.mdl") color(232 219 8) = info_node :
N/A2812 "A navigation node for ground moving NPCs. Navigation nodes are baked into the nodegraph so that NPCs can move " +
N/A2813 "to them. Ground nodes fall to the ground when they spawn."
N/A2815 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A2816 [
N/A2817 1 : "Force human permission" : 0
N/A2818 2 : "Force small_centered permission" : 0
N/A2819 4 : "Force wide_human permission" : 0
N/A2820 8 : "Force tiny permissiont" : 0
N/A2821 16 : "Force wide_short permission" : 0
N/A2822 32 : "Force medium permission" : 0
N/A2823 64 : "Force tiny_centered permission" : 0
N/A2824 128 : "Force large permission" : 0
N/A2825 256 : "Force large_centered permission" : 0
N/A2826 512 : "Keep editor position" : 0
N/A2827 ]
N/A2830@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, HintNode) studio("models/editor/ground_node_hint.mdl") color(232 219 8) = info_node_hint :
N/A2831 "A navigation node for ground moving NPCs that includes some context information for NPCs that are interested in it. The hint might " +
N/A2832 "indicate a window that could be looked out of, or an item of interest that could be commented on. Many hint nodes are NPC-specific, " +
N/A2833 "so it's helpful to use naming conventions like 'Crow: Fly to point' in the hint choices list. The angles of a hint node indicate what direction " +
N/A2834 "the NPC should face to perform the hint behavior.\n\n" +
N/A2835 "It's important to understand the distinction between scripts, such as scripted_sequence and scripted_schedule, and info_hint entities. Scripts summon " +
N/A2836 "NPCs to specific cue points to play their parts, while hints provide context information to the AI that they use to perform their " +
N/A2837 "behaviors. Hints require code support in the NPC, while scripts are generic and may require only animations to play. Use a hint if the behavior is driven " +
N/A2838 "by the AI, use a script if the behavior is driven by the map."
N/A2841 // Outputs
N/A2842 output OnNPCStartedUsing(string) : "Fired when an NPC has reached this node and started using it. Passes along the NPC."
N/A2843 output OnNPCStoppedUsing(string) : "Fired when an NPC has stopped using this node. Passes along the NPC."
N/A2846@PointClass base(Node) studio("models/editor/air_node.mdl") color(232 171 8) = info_node_air :
N/A2847 "A navigation node for flying NPCs. Air navigation nodes are baked into the nodegraph so that NPCs can move " +
N/A2848 "to them. Air nodes do not fall to the ground when they spawn."
N/A2850 nodeheight(integer) : "NodeHeight"  : 0
N/A2853@PointClass base(Angles, Targetname, HintNode) studio("models/editor/air_node_hint.mdl") color(232 171 8) line(255 255 255, nodeid, TargetNode) = info_node_air_hint :
N/A2854 "A navigation node for flying NPCs that includes some context information for NPCs that are interested in it. The hint might " +
N/A2855 "indicate a window that could be looked into, or an item of interest that could be commented on. Many hint nodes are NPC-specific, " +
N/A2856 "so it's helpful to use naming conventions like 'Crow: Fly to point' in the hint choices list. The angles of a hint node indicate what direction " +
N/A2857 "the NPC should face to perform the hint behavior."
N/A2860 nodeheight(integer) : "NodeHeight"  : 0
N/A2863@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, HintNode) studio("models/editor/node_hint.mdl") color(255 255 255) = info_hint :
N/A2864 "A hint that is not used for navigation. They don't go into the nodegraph, nor do they fall to the ground. Use these to provide " +
N/A2865 "some spatial context for NPCs, such as 'look here if you can't find the player' or 'throw rocks at this spot'."
N/A2869@PointClass base(Targetname) color(220 180 0) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) line(255 255 255, nodeid, StartNode, nodeid, EndNode) = info_node_link :
N/A2870 "A dynamic connection between two navigation nodes. You specify the node IDs of the start and end nodes, and then you can use entity I/O " +
N/A2871 "to turn on and off the connection. This could be used to create or destroy a connection in the nodegraph because of some event in your map " +
N/A2872 "(a bridge being created/destroyed, etc)."
N/A2874 StartNode(node_dest) : "Start node ID" : : "The node ID of one end of the node connection."
N/A2875 EndNode(node_dest) : "End node ID" : : "The node ID of one end of the node connection."
N/A2876 initialstate(choices) : "Initial State" : 1 =
N/A2877 [
N/A2878 0 : "Off"
N/A2879 1 : "On"
N/A2880 ]
N/A2882 linktype(choices) : "Type of Connection" : 1 =
N/A2883 [
N/A2884 1 : "Ground"
N/A2885 2 : "Jump"
N/A2886 4 : "Fly"
N/A2887 8 : "Climb"
N/A2888 ]
N/A2889 AllowUse(string) : "Allow Pass When Off" : : "Entity or class to allow passage even when node is off"
N/A2890 InvertAllow(choices) : "Invert exclusion rules" : 0 : "Allowed entity is the only entity NOT allowed when this is set to 'yes'" =
N/A2891 [
N/A2892 0 : "No"
N/A2893 1 : "Yes"
N/A2894 ]
N/A2896 spawnflags( Flags ) =
N/A2897 [
N/A2898 1 : "Force human connect" : 0
N/A2899 2 : "Force small_centered connect" : 0
N/A2900 4 : "Force wide_human connect" : 0
N/A2901 8 : "Force tiny connect" : 0
N/A2902 16 : "Force wide_short connect" : 0
N/A2903 32 : "Force medium connect" : 0
N/A2904 64 : "Force tiny_centered connect" : 0
N/A2905 128 : "Force large connect" : 0
N/A2906 256 : "Force large_centered connect" : 0
N/A2907 512 : "Force medium_tall connect" : 0
N/A2908 ]
N/A2910 // Inputs
N/A2911 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn the link on."
N/A2912 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn the link off."
N/A2915@PointClass wirebox(mins, maxs) base(Targetname) = info_node_link_controller :
N/A2916 "An entity that controls all connections between nodes that intersect the controller's volume. "+
N/A2917 "This allows for mass enabling/disabling of all node connections through a volume."
N/A2919 mins(vector) : "Mins" : "-8 -32 -36"
N/A2920 maxs(vector) : "Maxs" : "8 32 36"
N/A2922 initialstate(choices) : "Initial State" : 1 =
N/A2923 [
N/A2924 0 : "Off"
N/A2925 1 : "On"
N/A2926 ]
N/A2927 useairlinkradius(choices) : "Use Larger Radius (for air links)" : 0 : "Set this to 'Yes' if this controller is intended to control air links. "+
N/A2928 "Air links connect using a larger search radius so leaving this at 'No' might miss some air links." =
N/A2929 [
N/A2930 0 : "No"
N/A2931 1 : "Yes"
N/A2932 ]
N/A2934 AllowUse(string) : "Allow Pass When Off" : : "Entity or class to allow passage even when node is off"
N/A2935 InvertAllow(choices) : "Invert exclusion rules" : 0 : "Allowed entity is the only entity NOT allowed when this is set to 'yes'" =
N/A2936 [
N/A2937 0 : "No"
N/A2938 1 : "Yes"
N/A2939 ]
N/A2941 // Inputs
N/A2942 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn the link on."
N/A2943 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn the link off."
N/A2944 input SetAllowed(string) : "Change the allowed pass when off"
N/A2945 input SetInvert(integer) : "Change the invert exclusion rule"
N/A2948@PointClass sphere(radius) base(Targetname, Parentname) = info_radial_link_controller :
N/A2949 "This entity automatically severs node connections that pass through its radius. If it moves, it will restore those connections."
N/A2951 radius(float) : "Radius (Use Helper!)" : 120
N/A2954@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, HintNode) studio("models/editor/climb_node.mdl") color(153 215 103) = info_node_climb :
N/A2955 "A climb-node for AI navigation. Only usable by NPCs that can climb."
N/A2962// Lights
N/A2965@PointClass light() iconsprite("editor/light.vmt") base(Targetname, Light) sphere(_fifty_percent_distance) sphere(_zero_percent_distance) = light :
N/A2966 "An invisible omnidirectional lightsource."
N/A2968 target(target_destination) : "Entity To Point At" : : "The name of an entity in the map that the spotlight will point at. This will override the spotlight's angles."
N/A2969 spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Initially dark" : 0 ]
N/A2970 _distance(integer) : "Maximum Distance" : 0 : "This is the distance that light is allowed to cast, in inches."
N/A2973@PointClass base(Angles) iconsprite("editor/light_env.vmt") = light_environment :
N/A2974 "Sets the color and angle of the light from the sun and sky."
N/A2976 pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : 0 : "The downward pitch of the light from the sun. 0 is horizontal, -90 is straight down."
N/A2977 _light(color255) : "Brightness" : "255 255 255 200"
N/A2978 _ambient(color255) : "Ambient" : "255 255 255 20"
N/A2979 _lightHDR(color255) : "BrightnessHDR" : "-1 -1 -1 1"
N/A2980 _lightscaleHDR(float) : "BrightnessScaleHDR" : "1" : "Amount to scale the light by when compiling for HDR."
N/A2981 _ambientHDR(color255) : "AmbientHDR" : "-1 -1 -1 1"
N/A2982 _AmbientScaleHDR(float) : "AmbientScaleHDR" : "1" : "Amount to scale the ambient light by when compiling for hdr."
N/A2983 pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : 0 : "The downward pitch of the light from the sun. 0 is horizontal, -90 is straight down."
N/A2984 SunSpreadAngle(float) : "SunSpreadAngle" : 0 : "The angular extent of the sun for casting soft shadows. Higher numbers are more diffuse. 5 is a good starting value."
N/A2987@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles, Light) lightprop("models/editor/spot.mdl") lightcone() sphere(_fifty_percent_distance) sphere(_zero_percent_distance) = light_spot :
N/A2988 "An invisible and directional spotlight."
N/A2990 target(target_destination) : "Entity to point at" : : "The name of an entity in the map that the spotlight will point at. This will override the spotlight's angles."
N/A2991 _inner_cone(integer) : "Inner (bright) angle" : 30
N/A2992 _cone(integer) : "Outer (fading) angle" : 45
N/A2993 _exponent(integer) : "Focus" : 1
N/A2994 _distance(integer) : "Maximum distance" : 0 : "This is the distance that light is allowed to cast, in inches."
N/A2995 pitch(angle_negative_pitch) : "Pitch" : -90
N/A2996 spawnflags(Flags) = [ 1 : "Initially dark" : 0 ]
N/A2999@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) iconsprite("editor/light.vmt") sphere(distance) lightcone() size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = light_dynamic :
N/A3000 "An invisible lightsource that changes in some way over time."
N/A3002 target(target_destination) : "Entity to point at" : : "The name of an entity in the map that the dynamic light will point at."
N/A3003 _light(color255) : "Light color" : "255 255 255 200"
N/A3004 brightness(integer) : "Light brightness" : 0
N/A3005 _inner_cone(integer) : "Inner (bright) angle" : 30
N/A3006 _cone(integer) : "Outer (fading) angle" : 45
N/A3007 pitch(integer) : "Pitch" : -90
N/A3008 distance(float) : "Maximum distance" : 120 : "This is the distance that light is allowed to cast, in inches."
N/A3009 spotlight_radius(float) : "Spotlight end radius" : 80 : "This is the radius of the light, in inches, at the object that it is hitting."
N/A3010 style(Choices) : "Appearance" : 0 =
N/A3011 [
N/A3012 0 : "Normal"
N/A3013 10: "Fluorescent flicker"
N/A3014 2 : "Slow, strong pulse"
N/A3015 11: "Slow pulse, noblack"
N/A3016 5 : "Gentle pulse"
N/A3017 1 : "Flicker A"
N/A3018 6 : "Flicker B"
N/A3019 3 : "Candle A"
N/A3020 7 : "Candle B"
N/A3021 8 : "Candle C"
N/A3022 4 : "Fast strobe"
N/A3023 9 : "Slow strobe"
N/A3024 ]
N/A3025 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A3026 [
N/A3027 1 : "Do not light world (better perf)" : 0
N/A3028 2 : "Do not light models" : 0
N/A3029 4 : "Add Displacement Alpha" : 0
N/A3030 8 : "Subtract Displacement Alpha" : 0
N/A3031 ]
N/A3033 // Inputs
N/A3034 input Color(color255) : "Set the light's render color (R G B)."
N/A3035 input brightness(integer) : "Set the light brightness."
N/A3036 input distance(float) : "Set the maximum light distance."
N/A3037 input _inner_cone(integer) : "Set the inner (bright) angle."
N/A3038 input _cone(integer) : "Set the outer (fading) angle."
N/A3039 input spotlight_radius(float) : "Set the radius of the spotlight at the end point."
N/A3040 input style(integer) : "Change the lightstyle (see Appearance field for possible values)."
N/A3042 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn the light off."
N/A3043 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn the light on."
N/A3044 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the light on/off."
N/A3049// Shadow control
N/A3052@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/shadow_control.vmt") = shadow_control :
N/A3053 "An entity to control the shadows in the map."
N/A3055 angles(string) : "Pitch Yaw Roll (Y Z X)" : "80 30 0" : "This is the shadow direction. Pitch is rotation around the Y axis, yaw is the rotation around the Z axis, and roll is the rotation around the X axis."
N/A3057 color(color255) : "Shadow Color" : "128 128 128" : "This is the color of the shadows."
N/A3058 distance(float) : "Maximum Distance" : 75 : "This is the maximum distance the shadow is allowed to cast, in inches."
N/A3059 disableallshadows(Choices) : "All Shadows Disabled" : 0 =
N/A3060 [
N/A3061 0 : "No"
N/A3062 1 : "Yes"
N/A3063 ]
N/A3065 // Inputs
N/A3066 input color(color255) : "Set the shadow color."
N/A3067 input direction(vector) : "Set the shadow direction."
N/A3068 input SetDistance(float) : "Set the maximum shadow cast distance."
N/A3069 input SetAngles(string) : "Set the shadow direction."
N/A3070 input SetShadowsDisabled(integer) : "Set shadows disabled state."
N/A3075// Color correction control
N/A3078@PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable) sphere(minfalloff) sphere(maxfalloff) iconsprite("editor/color_correction.vmt") = color_correction :
N/A3079 "An entity to control the color correction in the map."
N/A3081 minfalloff(float) : "Lookup Falloff Start Distance" : "0.0"  : "This is the distance to the start of the falloff region (-1 = everywhere)"
N/A3082 maxfalloff(float) : "Lookup Falloff End Distance"  : "200.0" : "This is the distance to the end of the falloff region (-1 = everywhere)"
N/A3083 maxweight(float)  : "Maximum Weight"  : "1.0"  : "This is the maximum weight for this lookup"
N/A3084 filename(string)  : "Lookup Table Filename"  : ""  : "This is the lookup table filename"
N/A3085 fadeInDuration(float)  : "Lookup Fade In Duration"  : "0.0"  : "Duration of fade in on when enabled."
N/A3086 fadeOutDuration(float)  : "Lookup Fade out Duration"  : "0.0"  : "Dration of fade out on when disabled."
N/A3088 // Inputs
N/A3089 input SetFadeInDuration(float) : "Sets the 'fadeInDuration' variable, used to fade cc lookup usage when entity is enabled."
N/A3090 input SetFadeOutDuration(float) : "Sets the 'fadeOutDuration' variable, used to fade cc lookup usage when entity is disabled."
N/A3095// Color correction volume control
N/A3098@SolidClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable ) = color_correction_volume :
N/A3099 "An entity to control the color correction in the map."
N/A3101 fadeDuration(float) : "Lookup Fade Duration"  : "10.0" : "This is the duration for the lookup to fade in/out on extry/exit"
N/A3102 maxweight(float)  : "Maximum Weight"  : "1.0"  : "This is the maximum weight for this lookup"
N/A3103 filename(string)  : "Lookup Table Filename" : ""  : "This is the lookup table filename"
N/A3109// Movement and Keyframing Entities
N/A3113@BaseClass = KeyFrame
N/A3115 NextKey(target_destination) : "Next KeyFrame" : : "Name of the next keyframe along this keyframe path."
N/A3117// TimeModifier(choices) : "Time Modifier" : 0 =
N/A3118// [
N/A3119// 0 : "Linear"
N/A3120// 1 : "Accel"
N/A3121// 2 : "Deaccel"
N/A3122// 2 : "Accel/Deaccel (sine)"
N/A3123// ]
N/A3125 MoveSpeed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 64 // NEEDHELP
N/A3126// NextTime(string) : "Time to get to next keyframe"
N/A3129@BaseClass = Mover
N/A3131 PositionInterpolator(choices) : "Position Interpolator" : 0 =
N/A3132 [
N/A3133 0 : "Linear"
N/A3134 1 : "Catmull-Rom Spline"
N/A3135 ]
N/A3138@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, RenderFields) = func_movelinear :
N/A3139 "A brush entity that moves linearly along a given distance, in a given direction."
N/A3141 movedir(angle) : "Move Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "The direction the brushes will move, when told to."
N/A3142 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3143 [
N/A3144 8 : "Not Solid" : 0
N/A3145 ]
N/A3147 startposition(float) : "Start Position" : 0 : "Position of brush when spawned. The range is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0 is the starting position and 1 is the starting position + (move direction * move distance)."
N/A3148 speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 : "The speed that the brush moves, in inches per second."
N/A3149 movedistance(float) : "Move Distance" : 100 : "The distance from the starting point that the brush should move, in inches."
N/A3150 blockdamage(float) : "Block Damage" : 0 : "The amount of damage to do to any entity that blocks the brushes, per frame."
N/A3151 startsound(sound) : "Sound played when the brush starts moving."
N/A3152 stopsound(sound) : "Sound played when the brush stops moving."
N/A3154 // Inputs
N/A3155 input Open(void) : "Move the brush to the end position (starting position + (move direction * move distance))."
N/A3156 input Close(void) : "Move the brush to the starting position."
N/A3157 input SetPosition(string) : "Move the brush to a specific position between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0 is the starting position and 1 is the starting position + (move direction * move distance)."
N/A3158 input SetSpeed(float) : "Set the speed and update immediately."
N/A3160 // Outputs
N/A3161 output OnFullyOpen(void) : "Fired when the brush reaches the end position (starting position + (move direction * move distance))."
N/A3162 output OnFullyClosed(void) : "Fired when the brush reaches the starting position."
N/A3165@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin) = func_water_analog :
N/A3166 "A water brush entity that moves linearly along a given distance, in a given direction"
N/A3168 movedir(angle) : "Move Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "The direction the water will move, when told to 'Open'."
N/A3169 startposition(float) : "Start Position" : 0 : "Position of the water brush when spawned. The range is a value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0 is the starting position and 1 is the starting position + (move direction * move distance)."
N/A3170 speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 : "The speed that the water brush moves, in inches per second."
N/A3171 movedistance(float) : "Move Distance" : 100 : "The distance from the starting point that the water brush should move, in inches."
N/A3172 startsound(sound) : "Sound played when the water brush starts moving."
N/A3173 stopsound(sound) : "Sound played when the water brush stops moving."
N/A3174 WaveHeight(string) : "Wave Height" : "3.0"
N/A3176 // Inputs
N/A3177 input Open(void) : "Move the water brush to the end position (starting position + (move direction * move distance))."
N/A3178 input Close(void) : "Move the water brush to the starting position."
N/A3179 input SetPosition(string) : "Move the water brush to a specific position between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0 is the starting position and 1 is the starting position + (move direction * move distance)."
N/A3181 // Outputs
N/A3182 output OnFullyOpen(void) : "Fired when the water brush reaches the end position (starting position + (move direction * move distance))."
N/A3183 output OnFullyClosed(void) : "Fired when the water brush reaches the starting position."
N/A3186@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, Angles, RenderFields, Shadow) = func_rotating :
N/A3187 "A rotating brush entity."
N/A3189 maxspeed(integer) : "Max Rotation Speed" : 100 : "The maximum rotation speed of the brushes, in degrees per second."
N/A3190 fanfriction(integer) : "Friction (0 - 100%)" : 20 : "The amount of rotational friction. Value must be between 0 and 100 %."
N/A3191 message(sound) : "Rotating sound WAV" : : "Sound to play while rotating."
N/A3192 volume(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 10 : "The volume of the rotation sound."
N/A3193 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3194 [
N/A3195 1 : "Start ON"  : 0
N/A3196 2 : "Reverse Direction" : 0
N/A3197 4 : "X Axis"  : 0
N/A3198 8 : "Y Axis"  : 0
N/A3199 16: "Acc/Dcc" : 0
N/A3200 32: "Fan Pain" : 0
N/A3201 64: "Not Solid" : 0
N/A3202 128: "Small Sound Radius" : 0
N/A3203 256: "Medium Sound Radius" : 0
N/A3204 512: "Large Sound Radius" : 1
N/A3205 ]
N/A3206 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A3207 dmg(integer) : "Blocking Damage" : 0 : "Damage done to any entity that blocks the rotation, per frame."
N/A3209 solidbsp(choices) : "Solid Type" : 0 =
N/A3210 [
N/A3211 0 : "VPhysics"
N/A3212 1 : "BSP"
N/A3213 ]
N/A3215 // Inputs
N/A3216 input SetSpeed(integer) : "Set the speed as a ratio of the specified Max Rotation Speed, where 0 is stopped and 1 is the Max Rotation Speed.."
N/A3217 input Start(void) : "Start the rotator rotating."
N/A3218 input Stop(void) : "Stop the rotator from rotating."
N/A3219 input StopAtStartPos(void) : "Stop the rotator from rotating when it gets around to the start position again (on its rotation axis)."
N/A3220 input StartForward(void) : "Start the rotator rotating forward."
N/A3221 input StartBackward(void) : "Start the rotator rotating backward."
N/A3222 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the rotator between rotating and not rotating."
N/A3223 input Reverse(void) : "Reverse the direction of rotation of the rotator."
N/A3226@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, Angles, RenderFields, BasePlat, Shadow) = func_platrot :
N/A3227 "A brush entity that moves vertically, and can rotate while doing so."
N/A3229 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A3230 [
N/A3231 1: "Toggle" : 1
N/A3232 64: "X Axis" : 0
N/A3233 128: "Y Axis" : 0
N/A3234 ]
N/A3235 noise1(sound) : "Movement Sound" : : "The sound to play when the brush moves."
N/A3236 noise2(sound) : "Stop Sound" : : "The sound to play when the brush stops moving."
N/A3237 speed(integer) : "Speed of Rotation" : 50 : "Speed at which the brush rotates, in degrees per second."
N/A3238 height(integer) : "Travel Altitude" : 0 : "The vertical distance from the starting position that this platform moves. If negative, the platform will lower."
N/A3239 rotation(integer) : "Spin amount" : 0 : "The amount this platform should rotate as it moves, in degrees."
N/A3240 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A3243@KeyFrameClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles, KeyFrame) size(-6 -6 -6, 6 6 6) color(255 200 0) keyframe() = keyframe_track :
N/A3244 "Animation KeyFrame"
N/A3248@MoveClass base(Targetname, Parentname, KeyFrame, Mover) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) color(255 170 0) animator() = move_keyframed :
N/A3249 "Keyframed Move Behavior"
N/A3253@MoveClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Mover, KeyFrame) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) color(255 0 0) animator() = move_track :
N/A3254 "Track Move Behavior"
N/A3256 WheelBaseLength(integer) : "Distance between the wheels" : 50
N/A3257 Damage(integer) : "Damage done to blocking entities" : 0
N/A3258 NoRotate(choices) : "Turn to face down path" : 0 =
N/A3259 [
N/A3260 0 : "Yes"
N/A3261 1 : "No"
N/A3262 ]
N/A3267// Ropes and Cables
N/A3270@BaseClass base(DXLevelChoice) = RopeKeyFrame
N/A3272 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A3273 [
N/A3274 1 : "Auto Resize" : 0
N/A3275 ]
N/A3277 Slack(integer) : "Slack" : 25 : "How much extra length the rope has (by default it has the length between its two endpoints in the editor)."
N/A3279 Type(choices) : "Type" : 0 =
N/A3280 [
N/A3281 0  : "Rope"
N/A3282 1  : "Semi-rigid"
N/A3283 2  : "Rigid"
N/A3284 ]
N/A3286 Subdiv(integer) : "Subdivision" : 2 : "Number of subdivisions between each rope segment. Maximum value is 8. Higher values make smoother ropes, but are slower to render."
N/A3288 Barbed(choices) : "Barbed" : 0 : "Test effect that makes the rope look sharper and more barbed." =
N/A3289 [
N/A3290 0 : "No"
N/A3291 1 : "Yes"
N/A3292 ]
N/A3294 Width(string) : "Width (1-64)" : "2" : "Width of the rope."
N/A3296 TextureScale(string) : "Texture Scale" : "1" : "This changes the texture resolution. The default resolution is 4 pixels per inch. Larger values stretch the texture and smaller values scrunch it up."
N/A3298 Collide(choices) : "Collide with world" : 0 =
N/A3299 [
N/A3300 0 : "No"
N/A3301 1 : "Yes"
N/A3302 ]
N/A3304 Dangling(choices) : "Start Dangling" : 0 : "When set to Yes, the rope starts out detached from its target endpoint." =
N/A3305 [
N/A3306 0 : "No"
N/A3307 1 : "Yes"
N/A3308 ]
N/A3310 Breakable(choices) : "Breakable" : 0 : "When set to yes, the rope can be detached from either endpoint when shot." =
N/A3311 [
N/A3312 0 : "No"
N/A3313 1 : "Yes"
N/A3314 ]
N/A3316 RopeMaterial(material) : "Rope Material" : "cable/cable.vmt" : "The material to use when rendering the rope."
N/A3318 // Inputs
N/A3319 input SetScrollSpeed(float) : "Set the speed at which the texture scrolls."
N/A3320 input SetForce(string) : "Apply a force instantaneously to the rope. The parameter should be a vector containing the force to be applied (X Y Z)."
N/A3321 input Break(void) : "Break the rope, if it's marked to do so."
N/A3323 NoWind(choices) : "Disable Wind" : 0 : "When set to Yes, the rope will no longer act as though it's being affected by wind." =
N/A3324 [
N/A3325 0 : "No"
N/A3326 1 : "Yes"
N/A3327 ]
N/A3331@KeyFrameClass base(Targetname, Parentname, KeyFrame, RopeKeyFrame) studio("models/editor/axis_helper_thick.mdl") keyframe() = keyframe_rope :
N/A3332 "A node entity that marks a point in a rope. The first node in the rope should be a move_rope, followed by 1 or more keyframe_ropes."
N/A3336@MoveClass base(Targetname, Parentname, KeyFrame, RopeKeyFrame) studio("models/editor/axis_helper.mdl") animator() = move_rope :
N/A3337 "The first node in set of nodes that are used to place ropes in the world. It should connect to 1 or more keyframe_rope entities."
N/A3339 PositionInterpolator(choices) : "Position Interpolator" : 2 : "Curve Type. Currently only type 2 (Rope) is fully supported." =
N/A3340 [
N/A3341 0 : "Linear"
N/A3342 1 : "Catmull-Rom Spline"
N/A3343 2 : "Rope"
N/A3344 ]
N/A3350// Buttons
N/A3354@BaseClass = Button
N/A3356 // Inputs
N/A3357 input Lock(void) : "Lock the button, preventing it from functioning."
N/A3358 input Unlock(void) : "Unlock the button, allowing it to function."
N/A3359 input Press(void) : "Activate the button as if it was pressed."
N/A3360 input PressIn(void) : "Activate the button as if it was pressed, sending it to the bottom position."
N/A3361 input PressOut(void) : "Unpress the button, sending it to the top position."
N/A3363 // Outputs
N/A3364 output OnDamaged(void) : "Fired when the button is damaged."
N/A3365 output OnPressed(void) : "Fired when the button is pressed."
N/A3366 output OnUseLocked(void) : "Fired when the button is used while locked."
N/A3367 output OnIn(void) : "Fired when the button reaches the in/pressed position."
N/A3368 output OnOut(void) : "Fired when the button reaches the out/released position."
N/A3371@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, RenderFields,DamageFilter, Button) = func_button :
N/A3372 "A brush entity that's designed to be used for a player-useable button. When used by the player, it moves to a pressed position."
N/A3374 movedir(angle) : "Move Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "Specifies the direction of motion to move when the button is used."
N/A3375 speed(integer) : "Speed" : 5 : "The speed that the button moves, in inches per second."
N/A3376 health(integer) : "Health (Obsolete)" : 0 : "Legacy method of specifying whether or not the button can be shot to activate it. Use the 'Damage Activates' spawnflag instead."
N/A3377 lip(integer) : "Lip" : 0 : "The amount, in inches, of the button to leave sticking out of the wall it recedes into when pressed. Negative values make the button recede even further into the wall."
N/A3378 master(string) : "Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this button cannot be pressed."
N/A3379 sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 0 =
N/A3380 [
N/A3381 0: "None (Silent)"
N/A3382 1: "Big zap & Warmup"
N/A3383 2: "Access Denied"
N/A3384 3: "Access Granted"
N/A3385 4: "Quick Combolock"
N/A3386 5: "Power Deadbolt 1"
N/A3387 6: "Power Deadbolt 2"
N/A3388 7: "Plunger"
N/A3389 8: "Small zap"
N/A3390 9: "Keycard Sound"
N/A3391 10: "Buzz"
N/A3392 11: "Buzz Off"
N/A3393 12: "latch locked"
N/A3394 13: "Latch Unlocked"
N/A3395 14: "Lightswitch"
N/A3396 15: "small bleek"
N/A3397 16: "small deny"
N/A3398 17: "small doop"
N/A3399 18: "small tech deny"
N/A3400 19: "click and combine screen fuzz"
N/A3401 20: "roomy beep"
N/A3402 21: "lever or wheel: turn + move sqeek"
N/A3403 22: "lever or wheel: latch + release gas"
N/A3404 23: "lever or wheel: ratchet + sqeek"
N/A3405 24: "lever or wheel: large ratchet"
N/A3406 25: "lever or wheel: clanky + gas release"
N/A3407 26: "lever or wheel: latch + large metal thud"
N/A3408 27: "lever or wheel: smaller ratchet"
N/A3409 28: "lever or wheel: smaller lever move"
N/A3410 31: "shock buzz"
N/A3411 32: "clickbeep"
N/A3412 33: "tech blip"
N/A3413 34: "clickbeepbeep open"
N/A3414 35: "small high blip"
N/A3415 36: "small tech fuzz blip"
N/A3416 37: "small click bleep (change to lightswitch)"
N/A3417 40: "combine door lock - locked"
N/A3418 41: "combine blip growl"
N/A3419 42: "combine squick growl"
N/A3420 43: "combine whine purr"
N/A3421 44: "combine click talk"
N/A3422 45: "combine click growl fizz"
N/A3423 46: "combine click fizz (deny)"
N/A3424 47: "combine click talker"
N/A3425 ]
N/A3426 wait(integer) : "Delay Before Reset (-1 stay)" : 3 : "Amount of time, in seconds, after the button has been pressed before it returns to the starting position. Once it has returned, it can be used again. If the value is set to -1, the button never returns."
N/A3427 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3428 [
N/A3429 1: "Don't move" : 0
N/A3430 32: "Toggle" : 0
N/A3431 256: "Touch Activates": 0
N/A3432 512: "Damage Activates": 0
N/A3433 1024: "Use Activates" : 1
N/A3434 2048: "Starts locked" : 0
N/A3435 4096: "Sparks" : 0
N/A3436 ]
N/A3437 locked_sound(choices) : "Locked Sound" : 0 : "Sound played when the player tries to use the button, and fails because it's locked." =
N/A3438 [
N/A3439 0: "None"
N/A3440 2: "Access Denied"
N/A3441 8: "Small zap"
N/A3442 10: "Buzz"
N/A3443 11: "Buzz Off"
N/A3444 12: "Latch Locked"
N/A3445 ]
N/A3446 unlocked_sound(choices) : "Unlocked Sound" : 0 : "Sound played when the button is unlocked." =
N/A3447 [
N/A3448 0: "None"
N/A3449 1: "Big zap & Warmup"
N/A3450 3: "Access Granted"
N/A3451 4: "Quick Combolock"
N/A3452 5: "Power Deadbolt 1"
N/A3453 6: "Power Deadbolt 2"
N/A3454 7: "Plunger"
N/A3455 8: "Small zap"
N/A3456 9: "Keycard Sound"
N/A3457 10: "Buzz"
N/A3458 13: "Latch Unlocked"
N/A3459 14: "Lightswitch"
N/A3460 ]
N/A3461 locked_sentence(choices) : "Locked Sentence" : 0 : "A sentence played when the player tries to use the button, and fails because it's locked." =
N/A3462 [
N/A3463 0: "None"
N/A3464 1: "Gen. Access Denied"
N/A3465 2: "Security Lockout"
N/A3466 3: "Blast Door"
N/A3467 4: "Fire Door"
N/A3468 5: "Chemical Door"
N/A3469 6: "Radiation Door"
N/A3470 7: "Gen. Containment"
N/A3471 8: "Maintenance Door"
N/A3472 9: "Broken Shut Door"
N/A3473 ]
N/A3474 unlocked_sentence(choices) : "Unlocked Sentence" : 0 : "A sentence played when the button is unlocked." =
N/A3475 [
N/A3476 0: "None"
N/A3477 1: "Gen. Access Granted"
N/A3478 2: "Security Disengaged"
N/A3479 3: "Blast Door"
N/A3480 4: "Fire Door"
N/A3481 5: "Chemical Door"
N/A3482 6: "Radiation Door"
N/A3483 7: "Gen. Containment"
N/A3484 8: "Maintenance area"
N/A3485 ]
N/A3486 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A3489@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, Angles, Global, Button, EnableDisable) = func_rot_button :
N/A3490 "A brush entity that's designed to be used for a rotating player-useable button. When used by the player, it rotates to a pressed position."
N/A3492 master(string) : "Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this button cannot be used."
N/A3493 speed(integer) : "Speed" : 50 : "The speed that the button rotates, in degrees per second."
N/A3494 health(integer) : "Health (Obsolete)" : 0 : "Legacy method of specifying whether or not the button can be shot to activate it. Use the 'Damage Activates' spawnflag instead."
N/A3495 sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 21 =
N/A3496 [
N/A3497 0: "None (Silent)"
N/A3498 21: "Squeaky"
N/A3499 22: "Squeaky Pneumatic"
N/A3500 23: "Ratchet Groan"
N/A3501 24: "Clean Ratchet"
N/A3502 25: "Gas Clunk"
N/A3503 ]
N/A3504 wait(integer) : "Delay Before Reset (-1 stay)" : 3 : "Amount of time, in seconds, after the button has been pressed before it returns to the starting position. Once it has returned, it can be used again. If the value is set to -1, the button never returns."
N/A3505 distance(integer) : "Distance (deg)" : 90 : "The amount, in degrees, that the button should rotate when it's pressed."
N/A3506 // TODO: move spawnflags into Button base class?
N/A3507 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3508 [
N/A3509 1 : "Not solid" : 0
N/A3510 2 : "Reverse Dir" : 0
N/A3511 32: "Toggle" : 0
N/A3512 64: "X Axis" : 0
N/A3513 128: "Y Axis" : 0
N/A3514 256: "Touch Activates": 0
N/A3515 512: "Damage Activates": 0
N/A3516 1024: "Use Activates": 0
N/A3517 2048: "Starts locked" : 0
N/A3518 ]
N/A3519 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A3522@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, Angles, RenderFields) = momentary_rot_button :
N/A3523 "A brush entity that's designed to be used for rotating wheels, where the player can rotate them to arbitrary positions before stopping."
N/A3525 speed(integer) : "Speed (deg/sec)" : 50 : "The amount, in degrees, that the wheel turns per second."
N/A3526 master(string) : "Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this button cannot be used."
N/A3527 sounds(choices) : "Sounds" : 0 =
N/A3528 [
N/A3529 0: "None"
N/A3530 1: "Big zap & Warmup"
N/A3531 2: "Access Denied"
N/A3532 3: "Access Granted"
N/A3533 4: "Quick Combolock"
N/A3534 5: "Power Deadbolt 1"
N/A3535 6: "Power Deadbolt 2"
N/A3536 7: "Plunger"
N/A3537 8: "Small zap"
N/A3538 9: "Keycard Sound"
N/A3539 21: "Squeaky"
N/A3540 22: "Squeaky Pneumatic"
N/A3541 23: "Ratchet Groan"
N/A3542 24: "Clean Ratchet"
N/A3543 25: "Gas Clunk"
N/A3544 ]
N/A3545 distance(integer) : "Distance" : 90 : "The maximum amount, in degrees, that the wheel is allowed to rotate."
N/A3546 returnspeed(integer) : "Auto-return speed" : 0 : "If the 'Toggle' spawnflag is not set, the speed at which the wheel auto-returns when left alone, in degrees per second."
N/A3547 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3548 [
N/A3549 1: "Not Solid" : 1
N/A3550 32: "Toggle (Disable Auto Return)" : 1
N/A3551 64: "X Axis" : 0
N/A3552 128: "Y Axis" : 0
N/A3553 1024: "Use Activates" : 1
N/A3554 2048: "Starts locked" : 0
N/A3555 8192: "Jiggle when used while locked" : 0
N/A3556 ]
N/A3557 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A3558 startposition(float) : "Start Position" : 0 : "Postion when spawned. The value is a range between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0 is the unrotated position and 1 is the rotated position + 'Distance'."
N/A3559 startdirection(choices) : "Start Direction" : "Forward" =
N/A3560 [
N/A3561 -1 : "Forward" // Reverses upon USE, so are
N/A3562 1 : "Backward" // reversed here.
N/A3563 ]
N/A3564 solidbsp(choices) : "Solid BSP" : 0 =
N/A3565 [
N/A3566 0 : "No"
N/A3567 1 : "Yes"
N/A3568 ]
N/A3570 // Inputs
N/A3571 input Lock(void) : "Lock the button, preventing it from functioning."
N/A3572 input Unlock(void) : "Unlock the button, allowing it to function."
N/A3573 input SetPosition(string) : "Move to a position. The parameter must be a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is the unrotated position and 1 is the rotated position + 'Distance'."
N/A3574 input SetPositionImmediately(string) : "Immediately teleport to a position. The parameter must be a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is the unrotated position and 1 is the rotated position + 'Distance'."
N/A3576 // Outputs
N/A3577 output Position(integer)  : "Fired whenever the button moves. The output is the position of button from 0 to 1, where 0 is the unrotated position and 1 is the rotated position + 'Distance'."
N/A3578 output OnPressed(integer)  : "Fired when the button is first pressed."
N/A3579 output OnUnpressed(integer): "Fired when the button is first released from being pressed."
N/A3580 output OnFullyClosed(void) : "Fired when the button has reached position 1, the rotated position + 'Distance'."
N/A3581 output OnFullyOpen(void)  : "Fired when the button has reached position 0, the unrotated starting position."
N/A3582 output OnReachedPosition(void)  : "Fired whenever the button reaches a goal position: i.e. when it becomes open, becomes closed, or reaches the point specified by a 'SetPosition' input."
N/A3588// Doors
N/A3592@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname, RenderFields, Global, Shadow) = Door
N/A3594 speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 : "The speed at which the door moves."
N/A3595 master(string) : "Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this button cannot be used."
N/A3596 noise1(sound) : "Start Sound" : : "Sound to play when the door starts moving."
N/A3597 noise2(sound) : "Stop Sound" : : "Sound to play when the door stops moving."
N/A3598 startclosesound(sound) : "Start Close Sound" : : "(Optional) Sound to play when the door starts closing."
N/A3599 closesound(sound) : "Stop Close Sound" : : "(Optional) Sound to play when the door stops closing."
N/A3600 wait(integer) : "Delay Before Reset (-1 stay)" : 4 : "Amount of time, in seconds, after the door has opened before it closes. Once it has closed, it can be used again. If the value is set to -1, the door never closes itself."
N/A3601 lip(integer) : "Lip" : 0 : "The amount, in inches, of the button to leave sticking out of the wall it recedes into when pressed. Negative values make the button recede even further into the wall."
N/A3602 dmg(integer) : "Blocking Damage" : 0 : "Amount of damage done to entities that block the movement of this door, per frame."
N/A3603 forceclosed(choices) : "Force Closed" : 0 : "If set, this door will close no matter what. Useful for doors that have to close even if the player tries to block them with objects." =
N/A3604 [
N/A3605 0 : "No"
N/A3606 1 : "Yes"
N/A3607 ]
N/A3608 ignoredebris(choices) : "Ignore Debris" : 0 : "If set this will change the door's collision group to one that ignore collisions with debris objects (note that this is not compatible with the non-solid-to-player spawnflag)." =
N/A3609 [
N/A3610 0 : "No"
N/A3611 1 : "Yes"
N/A3612 ]
N/A3614 message(string) : "Message If Triggered" // NEEDHELP: Looks like this was removed
N/A3615 health(integer) : "Health (shoot open)" : 0 // NEEDHELP: Looks like this was removed
N/A3617 locked_sound(sound) : "Locked Sound" : : "Sound played when the player tries to use the door, and fails because it's locked."
N/A3618 unlocked_sound(sound) : "Unlocked Sound" : : "Sound played when the button is door."
N/A3620 spawnpos(choices) : "Spawn Position" : 0 =
N/A3621 [
N/A3622 0 : "Closed"
N/A3623 1 : "Open"
N/A3624 ]
N/A3626 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3627 [
N/A3628 1 : "Starts Open - OBSOLETE, use 'Spawn Position' key instead" : 0
N/A3629 4 : "Non-solid to Player" : 0
N/A3630 8: "Passable" : 0
N/A3631 32: "Toggle" : 0
N/A3632 256:"Use Opens" : 0
N/A3633 512: "NPCs Can't" : 0
N/A3634 1024: "Touch Opens" : 1
N/A3635 2048: "Starts locked" : 0
N/A3636 4096: "Door Silent" : 0
N/A3637 ]
N/A3638 locked_sentence(choices) : "Locked Sentence" : 0 : "A sentence played when the player tries to use the door, and fails because it's locked." =
N/A3639 [
N/A3640 0: "None"
N/A3641 1: "Gen. Access Denied"
N/A3642 2: "Security Lockout"
N/A3643 3: "Blast Door"
N/A3644 4: "Fire Door"
N/A3645 5: "Chemical Door"
N/A3646 6: "Radiation Door"
N/A3647 7: "Gen. Containment"
N/A3648 8: "Maintenance Door"
N/A3649 9: "Broken Shut Door"
N/A3650 ]
N/A3651 unlocked_sentence(choices) : "Unlocked Sentence" : 0 : "A sentence played when the door is unlocked." =
N/A3652 [
N/A3653 0: "None"
N/A3654 1: "Gen. Access Granted"
N/A3655 2: "Security Disengaged"
N/A3656 3: "Blast Door"
N/A3657 4: "Fire Door"
N/A3658 5: "Chemical Door"
N/A3659 6: "Radiation Door"
N/A3660 7: "Gen. Containment"
N/A3661 8: "Maintenance area"
N/A3662 ]
N/A3663 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A3664 loopmovesound(choices) : "Loop Moving Sound?" : 0 : "If set to true, the door's 'Start Sound' will be continually looped until the door finishes moving." =
N/A3665 [
N/A3666 0: "No"
N/A3667 1: "Yes"
N/A3668 ]
N/A3670 // Outputs
N/A3671 output OnClose(void) : "Fired when the door starts closing."
N/A3672 output OnOpen(void) : "Fired when the door starts opening."
N/A3673 output OnFullyOpen(void) : "Fired when the door reaches the fully open position. Reversed if 'Start Open' flag is set."
N/A3674 output OnFullyClosed(void) : "Fired when the door reaches the fully closed position. Reversed if 'Start Open' flag is set."
N/A3675 output OnBlockedClosing(void) : "Fired when the door is blocked while closing."
N/A3676 output OnBlockedOpening(void) : "Fired when the door is blocked while opening."
N/A3677 output OnUnblockedClosing(void) : "Fired when the door is unblocked while closing."
N/A3678 output OnUnblockedOpening(void) : "Fired when the door is unblocked while opening."
N/A3679 output OnLockedUse(void) : "Fired when the player uses the door, but it is locked."
N/A3681 // Inputs
N/A3682 input Open(void) : "Open the door, if it is not fully open."
N/A3683 input Close(void) : "Close the door, if it is not fully closed."
N/A3684 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the door between open and closed."
N/A3685 input Lock(void) : "Lock the door."
N/A3686 input Unlock(void) : "Unlock the door."
N/A3687 input SetSpeed(float) : "Set the door speed."
N/A3690@SolidClass base(Door, Origin) = func_door :
N/A3691 "A brush entity for use as a player-useable door."
N/A3693 movedir(angle) : "Move Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "The direction the door will move, when it opens."
N/A3695 filtername(filterclass) : "Block Filter Name" : : "Filter to use to determine entities that block the door. ( Half-Life: Source port only )"
N/A3698@SolidClass base(Door, Origin, Angles) = func_door_rotating :
N/A3699 "A brush entity for use as a rotating player-useable door."
N/A3701 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3702 [
N/A3703 2 : "Reverse Dir" : 0
N/A3704 16: "One-way" : 0
N/A3705 64: "X Axis" : 0
N/A3706 128: "Y Axis" : 0
N/A3707 65536: "New func_door +USE rules (NOT for prop_doors!!)" : 0
N/A3708 ]
N/A3709 distance(integer) : "Distance" : 90 : "The amount, in degrees, that the button should rotate when it's pressed."
N/A3711 solidbsp(choices) : "Solid Type" : 0 =
N/A3712 [
N/A3713 0 : "VPhysics"
N/A3714 1 : "BSP"
N/A3715 ]
N/A3718@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles, Global, Studiomodel) studioprop() = prop_door_rotating :
N/A3719 "An entity used to place a door in the world."
N/A3721 slavename(target_destination) : "Slave Name" : : "The name of any doors that should be slaved to this door (i.e. should open when this one opens, and close when this one closes)."
N/A3722 hardware(choices) : "Hardware Type" : 1 =
N/A3723 [
N/A3724 0 : "<None>"
N/A3725 1 : "Lever"
N/A3726 2 : "Push bar"
N/A3727 3 : "Keypad"
N/A3728 ]
N/A3730 ajarangles(angle) : "Ajar Angles (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "If the door 'Spawn Position' is set to Ajar, these are the angles to spawn at, instead of being open or closed."
N/A3731 spawnpos(choices) : "Spawn Position" : 0 =
N/A3732 [
N/A3733 0 : "Closed"
N/A3734 1 : "Open forward"
N/A3735 2 : "Open back"
N/A3736 3 : "Ajar (use Ajar Angles)"
N/A3737 ]
N/A3739 axis(axis) : "Hinge Axis"
N/A3740 distance(float) : "Rotation Distance (deg)" : 90 : "The amount, in degrees, that the door should rotate when opened."
N/A3741 speed(integer) : "Speed" : 100 : "The speed at which the door moves."
N/A3742 soundopenoverride(sound) : "Fully Open Sound" : : "Sound played when the door has finished opening."
N/A3743 soundcloseoverride(sound) : "Fully Closed Sound" : : "Sound played when the door has finished closing."
N/A3744 soundmoveoverride(sound) : "Moving Sound" : : "Sound played when the door starts to move."
N/A3745 returndelay(integer) : "Delay Before close (-1 stay open)" : -1 : "Amount of time, in seconds, after the door has opened before it closes. If the value is set to -1, the door never closes itself."
N/A3746 dmg(integer) : "Damage Inflicted When Blocked" : 0 : "Amount of damage done to entities that block the movement of this door, per frame."
N/A3747 health(integer) : "Health (0 = Unbreakable)" : 0 // NEEDHELP: Doesn't look like this is hooked up anymore?
N/A3748 soundlockedoverride(sound) : "Locked Sound" : : "Sound played when the player tries to open the door, and fails because it's locked."
N/A3749 soundunlockedoverride(sound) : "Unlocked Sound" : : "Sound played when the door is unlocked."
N/A3751 forceclosed(choices) : "Force Closed" : 0 : "If set, this door will close no matter what. Useful for doors that have to close even if the player tries to block them with objects." =
N/A3752 [
N/A3753 0 : "No"
N/A3754 1 : "Yes"
N/A3755 ]
N/A3757 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3758 [
N/A3759 1 : "Starts Open" : 0
N/A3760 //512: "NPCs Can't" : 0
N/A3761 2048: "Starts locked" : 0
N/A3762 4096: "Door silent (No sound, and does not alert NPCs)" : 0
N/A3763 8192: "Use closes" : 1
N/A3764 16384 : "Door silent to NPCS (Does not alert NPCs)" : 0
N/A3765 32768 : "Ignore player +USE" : 0
N/A3766 ]
N/A3768 opendir(choices) : "Open Direction" : 0 : "Force the door to open only forwards or only backwards. Both directions is the standard door behavior." =
N/A3769 [
N/A3770 0 : "Open Both Directions"
N/A3771 1 : "Open Forward Only"
N/A3772 2 : "Open Backward Only"
N/A3773 ]
N/A3775 // Outputs
N/A3776 output OnClose(void) : "Fired when the door is told to close."
N/A3777 output OnOpen(void) : "Fired when the door is told to open."
N/A3778 output OnFullyOpen(void) : "Fired when the door reaches the fully open position."
N/A3779 output OnFullyClosed(void) : "Fired when the door reaches the fully closed position."
N/A3780 output OnBlockedClosing(void) : "Fired when the door is blocked while closing."
N/A3781 output OnBlockedOpening(void) : "Fired when the door is blocked while opening."
N/A3782 output OnUnblockedClosing(void) : "Fired when the door is unblocked while closing."
N/A3783 output OnUnblockedOpening(void) : "Fired when the door is unblocked while opening."
N/A3784 output OnLockedUse(void) : "Fired when the player uses the door, but it is locked."
N/A3786 // Inputs
N/A3787 input Open(void) : "Open the door, if it is not fully open."
N/A3788 input OpenAwayFrom(string) : "Open the door away from the specified entity."
N/A3789 input Close(void) : "Close the door, if it is not fully closed."
N/A3790 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the door between open and closed."
N/A3791 input Lock(void) : "Lock the door."
N/A3792 input Unlock(void) : "Unlock the door."
N/A3793 input SetRotationDistance(float) : "Set the distance (in degrees) between Open and Closed."
N/A3794 input SetSpeed(float) : "Set the speed at which the door rotates. 100 is default."
N/A3800// Cube map sample
N/A3804@PointClass color(0 0 255) sidelist(sides) iconsprite("editor/env_cubemap.vmt") = env_cubemap :
N/A3805 "An entity that creates a sample point for the Cubic Environment Map."
N/A3807 cubemapsize(choices) : "Cubemap Size" : 0 =
N/A3808 [
N/A3809 0 : "Default"
N/A3810 1 : "1x1"
N/A3811 2 : "2x2"
N/A3812 3 : "4x4"
N/A3813 4 : "8x8"
N/A3814 5 : "16x16"
N/A3815 6 : "32x32"
N/A3816 7 : "64x64"
N/A3817 8 : "128x128"
N/A3818 9 : "256x256"
N/A3819 ]
N/A3820 sides(sidelist) : "Brush faces": : "(Optional) Brushes faces to directly attach to the env_cubemap. Press Pick then click on faces in the 3D View to select them. Use CTRL while clicking to add or remove from the selection."
N/A3823@BaseClass = BModelParticleSpawner
N/A3825 StartDisabled(choices) : "Start Disabled" : 0 =
N/A3826 [
N/A3827 0 : "No"
N/A3828 1 : "Yes"
N/A3829 ]
N/A3831 Color(color255) : "Particle Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A3832 SpawnRate(integer) : "Particle Per Second" : 40 : "Number of particles to spawn, per second."
N/A3833 SpeedMax(string) : "Maximum Particle Speed" : 13 : "Maximum speed that the particles can move after spawning."
N/A3834 LifetimeMin(string) : "Minimum Particle Lifetime" : 3 : "Minimum number of seconds until each particle dies. Particles live for a random duration between this and 'Maximum Particle Lifetime'."
N/A3835 LifetimeMax(string) : "Maximum Particle Lifetime" : 5 : "Maximum number of seconds until each particle dies. Particles live for a random duration between 'Minimum Particle Lifetime' and this."
N/A3836 DistMax(integer) : "Maximum Visible Distance" : 1024 : "Maximum distance at which particles are visible. They fade to translucent at this distance."
N/A3838 Frozen(choices) : "Frozen" : 0 : "When set, this entity spawns the number of particles in SpawnRate immediately, and then goes inactive." =
N/A3839 [
N/A3840 0 : "No"
N/A3841 1 : "Yes"
N/A3842 ]
N/A3844 // Inputs
N/A3845 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn on."
N/A3846 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn off."
N/A3849@SolidClass base(Targetname, BModelParticleSpawner) = func_dustmotes :
N/A3850 "A brush entity that spawns sparkling dust motes within its volume."
N/A3852 SizeMin(string) : "Minimum Particle Size" : 10
N/A3853 SizeMax(string) : "Maximum Particle Size" : 20
N/A3855 Alpha(integer) : "Alpha" : 255
N/A3858@SolidClass base( Targetname ) = func_smokevolume :
N/A3859 "A brush entity that spawns smoke particles within its volume."
N/A3861 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3862 [
N/A3863 1 : "Emissive" : 0
N/A3864 ]
N/A3866 Color1(color255) : "Particle Color1 (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A3867 Color2(color255) : "Particle Color2 (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A3868 material(material) : "Material" : "particle/particle_smokegrenade" : "The material to use for the particles"
N/A3869 ParticleDrawWidth(float) : "Particle Draw Width (units)" : 120 : "The size of the particles, in units/inches."
N/A3870 ParticleSpacingDistance(float) : "Particle Spacing Distance (units)" : 80 : "The distance between the particles inside the volume. The lower the number, the denser the particles, and the more overdraw there will be. It is best to keep it as high as you can without it looking bad."
N/A3871 DensityRampSpeed(float) : "Density Ramp Speed (seconds)" : 1 : "Time to go from density 0 to density 1, in seconds."
N/A3873 RotationSpeed(float) : "Rotation Speed (degrees/sec)" : 10 : "The speed that the particles should rotate, in degrees per second."
N/A3874 MovementSpeed(float) : "Movement Speed (units/sec)" : 10 : "The speed that the particles should move around, in units/inches per second."
N/A3875 Density(float) : "Density [0..1]" : 1
N/A3877 // Inputs
N/A3878 input SetRotationSpeed(float) : "Set the particle rotation speed (in degrees per second)."
N/A3879 input SetMovementSpeed(float) : "Set the particle movement speed (in inches per second)."
N/A3880 input SetDensity(float) : "Set the particle density. It should be a range from 0 to 1."
N/A3883@SolidClass base( Targetname, BModelParticleSpawner ) = func_dustcloud :
N/A3884 "A brush entity that spawns a translucent dust cloud within its volume."
N/A3886 Alpha(integer) : "Alpha" : 30
N/A3888 SizeMin(string) : "Minimum Particle Size" : 100
N/A3889 SizeMax(string) : "Maximum Particle Size" : 200
N/A3892@PointClass base( Targetname, Parentname, Angles ) size( -8 -8 -8, 8 8 8 ) = env_dustpuff :
N/A3893 "An entity that can emit dust puffs."
N/A3895 scale(float) : "Scale" : 8 : "Size of the dust puff."
N/A3896 speed(float) : "Speed" : 16 : "Speed at which the dust particles should move."
N/A3898 color(color255) : "Dust color" : "128 128 128"
N/A3900 // Inputs
N/A3901 input SpawnDust(void) : "Spawn a dust puff."
N/A3904@PointClass base( Targetname, Parentname, Angles ) size( -8 -8 -8, 8 8 8 ) = env_particlescript :
N/A3905 "An entity that has special animation events that can be fired by a model with an animation inside its .qc designed for"+
N/A3906 "use by this entity."
N/A3908 model(studio) : "Script Model" : "models/Ambient_citadel_paths.mdl" : "Model to use for animation sequences."
N/A3910 // Inputs
N/A3911 input SetSequence(string) : "Sets the script model's sequence."
N/A3916@PointClass base( Targetname, Parentname, Angles ) size( -8 -8 -8, 8 8 8 ) = env_effectscript :
N/A3917 "An entity that allows you to script special visual effects via a script file."
N/A3919 model(studio) : "Script Model" : "models/Effects/teleporttrail.mdl" : "Model to use for animation sequences."
N/A3920 scriptfile(string) : "Script File" : "scripts/effects/testeffect.txt" : "Name of the script to use for this model."
N/A3922 // Inputs
N/A3923 input SetSequence(string) : "Sets the script model's sequence."
N/A3929// Logic Entities
N/A3933@PointClass iconsprite("editor/logic_auto.vmt") = logic_auto :
N/A3934 "Fires outputs when a map spawns. " +
N/A3935 "If 'Remove on fire' flag is set the logic_auto is deleted after firing. " +
N/A3936 "It can be set to check a global state before firing. This allows you to only fire events based on "+
N/A3937 "what took place in a previous map."
N/A3939 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A3940 [
N/A3941 1 : "Remove on fire" : 1
N/A3942 ]
N/A3944 globalstate(choices) : "Global State to Read" : : "If set, this specifies a global state to check before firing. The OnMapSpawn output will only fire if the global state is set." =
N/A3945 [
N/A3946 "" : "--- None ---"
N/A3947 "gordon_precriminal" : "Gordon pre-criminal"
N/A3948 "antlion_allied" : "Antlions are player allies"
N/A3949// "player_stealth" : "Player in APC is disguised as combine"
N/A3950 "suit_no_sprint" : "Suit sprint function not yet enabled"
N/A3951 "super_phys_gun" : "Super phys gun is enabled"
N/A3952 "friendly_encounter" : "Friendly encounter sequence (lower weapons, etc.)"
N/A3953// "citizens_passive" : "Citizens are *not* player allies (cannot be commanded)"
N/A3954 "gordon_invulnerable" : "Gordon is invulnerable"
N/A3955 "no_seagulls_on_jeep" : "Don't spawn seagulls on the jeep"
N/A3956 "is_console" : "Game is running on a console"
N/A3957 "is_pc" : "Game is running on a PC"
N/A3958 ]
N/A3960 // Outputs
N/A3961 output OnMapSpawn(void) : "Fired when the map is loaded for any reason."
N/A3962 output OnNewGame(void) : "Fired when the map is loaded to start a new game."
N/A3963 output OnLoadGame(void) : "Fired when the map is loaded from a saved game."
N/A3964 output OnMapTransition(void) : "Fired when the map is loaded due to a level transition."
N/A3965 output OnBackgroundMap(void) : "Fired when the map is loaded as a background to the main menu."
N/A3966 output OnMultiNewMap(void) : "Fired only in multiplayer, when a new map is loaded."
N/A3967 output OnMultiNewRound(void) : "Fired only in multiplayer, when a new round is started. Only fired in multiplayer games that use round-based gameplay."
N/A3970@PointClass base(Targetname,Angles,Parentname) studioprop("models/editor/camera.mdl") = point_viewcontrol :
N/A3971 "A camera entity that controls the player's view. While it's active, the player will see out of the camera."
N/A3973 target(target_destination) : "Entity to Look At" : : "Name of the entity that the camera should point at and track while active."
N/A3974 targetattachment(string) : "Target Attachment Name" : : "If set, the camera will focus on the specified attachment on the 'Entity to Look At'."
N/A3975 wait(integer) : "Hold Time" : 10 : "The amount of time the camera should control the player's view for, after which it deactivates itself. If the camera should stay active until told to deactive, set the 'Infinite Hold Time' spawnflag."
N/A3976 moveto(target_destination) : "Path Corner" : : "The first path corner in a track that the camera should move along once it's activated. If not specified, the camera won't move."
N/A3977 interpolatepositiontoplayer(choices) : "Interpolate Position To Player" : 0 : "Gradually interpolate player's position to here on start. (Episodic only)" =
N/A3978 [
N/A3979 0 : "No"
N/A3980 1 : "Yes"
N/A3981 ]
N/A3982 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A3983 [
N/A3984 1: "Start At Player" : 1
N/A3985 2: "Follow Player" : 1
N/A3986 4: "Freeze Player" : 0
N/A3987 8: "Infinite Hold Time" : 0
N/A3988 16:"Snap to goal angles" : 0
N/A3989 32:"Make Player non-solid" : 0
N/A3990 64:"Interruptable by Player" : 0
N/A3991 ]
N/A3992 speed(string) : "Initial Speed" : "0" : "The starting speed that the camera moves at, if it's on a path track."
N/A3993 acceleration(string) : "Acceleration units/sec^2" : "500" : "The speed at which the camera accelerates to path corner's desired speeds."
N/A3994 deceleration(string) : "Stop Deceleration units/sec^2" : "500" : "The speed at which the camera decelerates to path corner's desired speeds."
N/A3996 // Inputs
N/A3997 input Enable(void) : "Enable the point_viewcontrol, and start controlling the player's view."
N/A3998 input Disable(void) : "Disable the point_viewcontrol, and stop controlling the player's view."
N/A4000 // Outputs
N/A4001 output OnEndFollow(void) : "Fired when the point_viewcontrol deactivates, due to the Disable input being received, the Entity to Look At being destroyed, or the Hold Time expiring."
N/A4004@PointClass base(Targetname) = point_posecontroller :
N/A4005 "An entity that controls a pose parameter of a prop and cycles the pose clientside."
N/A4007 PropName(string) : "Prop Name" : : "Name of the prop to control."
N/A4008 PoseParameterName(string) : "Pose Parameter Name" : : "Name of the pose parameter to control."
N/A4009 PoseValue(float) : "Pose Parameter Value" : "0.0" : "Normalized value for the pose parameter from 0.0 and 1.0 (maps to min and max range)."
N/A4010 InterpolationTime(float) : "Interpolation Time" : "0.0" : "Number of seconds (0.0 to 10.0) for client to match absolue pose values."
N/A4011 InterpolationWrap(choices) : "Should wrap from 0.0 to 1.0 when interpolating." : 0 =
N/A4012 [
N/A4013 0 : "No"
N/A4014 1 : "Yes"
N/A4015 ]
N/A4016 CycleFrequency(float) : "Cycle Frequency" : "0.0" : "Base cycles per second from -10.0 to 10.0."
N/A4017 FModulationType(choices) : "Frequency Modulation Type" : 0 =
N/A4018 [
N/A4019 0: "None"
N/A4020 1: "Sine"
N/A4021 2: "Square"
N/A4022 3: "Triangle"
N/A4023 4: "Sawtooth"
N/A4024 5: "Noise"
N/A4025 ]
N/A4026 FModTimeOffset(float) : "Frequency Modulation Time Offset" : "0.0" : "Modulation time offset from -1.0f to 1.0."
N/A4027 FModRate(float) : "Frequency Modulation Rate" : "0.0" : "Modulation cycles per second from -10.0f to 10.0."
N/A4028 FModAmplitude(float) : "Frequency Modulation Amplitude" : "0.0" : "Modulation extents from 0.0f to 10.0."
N/A4030 // Inputs
N/A4031 input SetPoseParameterName(string) : "Sets the pose parameter to control."
N/A4032 input SetPoseValue(float) : "Set the pose parameter to a normalized value between 0.0 and 1.0 (maps to min and max range)."
N/A4033 input SetInterpolationTime(float) : "Set the interpolation time to a number of seconds between 0.0 and 10.0."
N/A4034 input SetCycleFrequency(float) : "Set the pose parameter's base cycles per second from -10.0f to 10.0."
N/A4035 input SetFModType(integer) : "Set the type of frequency modulation."
N/A4036 input SetFModTimeOffset(float) : "Set the modulation time offset from -1.0f to 1.0."
N/A4037 input SetFModRate(float) : "Set the modulation cycles per second from -10.0f to 10.0."
N/A4038 input SetFModAmplitude(float) : "Set the modulation extents from 0.0f to 10.0."
N/A4039 input RandomizeFMod(float) : "Randomize the frequency modulation by an extremeness of 0.0 to 1.0."
N/A4042@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_compare.vmt") = logic_compare :
N/A4043 "Compares an input value to another value. " +
N/A4044 "If the input value is less than the compare value, the OnLessThan output is fired with the input value. " +
N/A4045 "If the input value is equal to the compare value, the OnEqualTo output is fired with the input value. " +
N/A4046 "If the input value is greater than the compare value, the OnGreaterThan output is fired with the input value."
N/A4048 // Keys
N/A4049 InitialValue(integer) : "Initial value" : : "Initial value for the input value."
N/A4050 CompareValue(integer) : "Compare value" : : "The value to compare against."
N/A4052 // Inputs
N/A4053 input SetValue(float) : "Set the value that will be compared against the compare value."
N/A4054 input SetValueCompare(float) : "Set the value that will be compared against the compare value and performs the comparison."
N/A4055 input SetCompareValue(float) : "Set the compare value."
N/A4056 input Compare(void) : "Force a compare of the input value with the compare value."
N/A4058 // Outputs
N/A4059 output OnLessThan(float) : "Fired when the input value is less than the compare value. Sends the input value as data."
N/A4060 output OnEqualTo(float) : "Fired when the input value is equal to the compare value. Sends the input value as data."
N/A4061 output OnNotEqualTo(float) : "Fired when the input value is different from the compare value. Sends the input value as data."
N/A4062 output OnGreaterThan(float) : "Fired when the input value is greater than the compare value. Sends the input value as data."
N/A4065@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_branch.vmt") = logic_branch :
N/A4066 "Tests a boolean value and fires an output based on whether the value is true or false. " +
N/A4067 "Use this entity to branch between two potential sets of events."
N/A4069 // Keys
N/A4070 InitialValue(integer) : "Initial value" : : "Initial value for the boolean value (0 or 1)."
N/A4072 // Inputs
N/A4073 input SetValue(bool) : "Set the boolean value without performing the comparison. Use this to hold a value for a future test."
N/A4074 input SetValueTest(bool) : "Set the boolean value and test it, firing OnTrue or OnFalse based on the new value."
N/A4075 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the boolean value between true and false."
N/A4076 input ToggleTest(void) : "Toggle the boolean value and tests it, firing OnTrue or OnFalse based on the new value."
N/A4077 input Test(void) : "Test the input value and fire OnTrue or OnFalse based on the value."
N/A4079 // Outputs
N/A4080 output OnTrue(bool) : "Fired when the input value is true (nonzero)."
N/A4081 output OnFalse(bool) : "Fired when the input value is false (zero)."
N/A4085@PointClass base(Targetname) = logic_branch_listener :
N/A4086 "Contains a list of logic_branch entities and fires outputs when the state of any of the logic_branches changes.\n\n"+
N/A4087 "This entity is used to fire an event when a set of conditions are all satisfied."
N/A4089 Branch01(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 01" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4090 Branch02(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 02" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4091 Branch03(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 03" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4092 Branch04(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 04" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4093 Branch05(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 05" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4094 Branch06(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 06" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4095 Branch07(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 07" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4096 Branch08(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 08" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4097 Branch09(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 09" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4098 Branch10(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 10" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4099 Branch11(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 11" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4100 Branch12(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 12" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4101 Branch13(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 13" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4102 Branch14(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 14" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4103 Branch15(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 15" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4104 Branch16(target_destination) : "Logic Branch 16" : : "The name of one or more logic_branches (wildcards allowed)."
N/A4106 input Test(void) : "Tests the state of all the logic_branches in the list and fires the appropriate output."
N/A4108 output OnAllTrue(void) : "Fired when all the logic_branches in the list become true."
N/A4109 output OnAllFalse(void) : "Fired when all the logic_branches in the list become false."
N/A4110 output OnMixed(void) : "Fired when one of the logic branches in the list changes, but some are true and some are false."
N/A4114@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_case.vmt") = logic_case :
N/A4115 "Compares an input to up to 16 preset values. If the input value is the same as " +
N/A4116 "any of the preset values, an output corresponding to that value is fired.\n\n" +
N/A4117 "For example: if Case01 is set to 2 and Case02 is set to 5, and the input value is 5, " +
N/A4118 "the OnCase02 output will be fired.\n\n" +
N/A4119 "This entity can also be used to select from a number of random targets via the " +
N/A4120 "PickRandom input. One of the OnCase outputs that is connected to another entity will " +
N/A4121 "be picked at random and fired."
N/A4123 Case01(string) : "Case 01"
N/A4124 Case02(string) : "Case 02"
N/A4125 Case03(string) : "Case 03"
N/A4126 Case04(string) : "Case 04"
N/A4127 Case05(string) : "Case 05"
N/A4128 Case06(string) : "Case 06"
N/A4129 Case07(string) : "Case 07"
N/A4130 Case08(string) : "Case 08"
N/A4131 Case09(string) : "Case 09"
N/A4132 Case10(string) : "Case 10"
N/A4133 Case11(string) : "Case 11"
N/A4134 Case12(string) : "Case 12"
N/A4135 Case13(string) : "Case 13"
N/A4136 Case14(string) : "Case 14"
N/A4137 Case15(string) : "Case 15"
N/A4138 Case16(string) : "Case 16"
N/A4140 // Inputs
N/A4141 input InValue(string) : "Compares the Input value to the case values, and fires the appropriate output, if any."
N/A4142 input PickRandom(void) : "Fires a random OnCase output with at least one connection."
N/A4143 input PickRandomShuffle(void) : "Fires a random OnCase output with at least one connection, with no repeats until all cases have been picked, at which point the shuffle starts over."
N/A4145 // Outputs
N/A4146 output OnCase01(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case01 value."
N/A4147 output OnCase02(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case02 value."
N/A4148 output OnCase03(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case03 value."
N/A4149 output OnCase04(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case04 value."
N/A4150 output OnCase05(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case05 value."
N/A4151 output OnCase06(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case06 value."
N/A4152 output OnCase07(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case07 value."
N/A4153 output OnCase08(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case08 value."
N/A4154 output OnCase09(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case09 value."
N/A4155 output OnCase10(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case10 value."
N/A4156 output OnCase11(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case11 value."
N/A4157 output OnCase12(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case12 value."
N/A4158 output OnCase13(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case13 value."
N/A4159 output OnCase14(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case14 value."
N/A4160 output OnCase15(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case15 value."
N/A4161 output OnCase16(void) : "Fired when the input value equals the Case16 value."
N/A4162 output OnDefault(void) : "Fired when the input value does not equal any of the Case values."
N/A4165// NEEDHELP: Unused in HL2, not clear what it's useful for.
N/A4166@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/logic_multicompare.vmt") = logic_multicompare :
N/A4167 "Compares a set of inputs to each other. If they are all the same, fires an OnEqual output. " +
N/A4168 "If any are different, fires the OnNotEqual output."
N/A4170 // keys
N/A4171 IntegerValue(integer) : "Integer Value (optional)"
N/A4172 ShouldComparetoValue(choices) : "Should use Integer Value" : 0 =
N/A4173 [
N/A4174 0 : "No"
N/A4175 1 : "Yes"
N/A4176 ]
N/A4178 // Inputs
N/A4179 input InputValue(integer) : "Input value"
N/A4180 input CompareValues(void) : "Compares the values and fires appropriate outputs"
N/A4182 // Outputs
N/A4183 output OnEqual(void) : "Fires if the values are equal"
N/A4184 output OnNotEqual(void) : "Fires if the values are not equal"
N/A4187@PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable) iconsprite("editor/logic_relay.vmt") = logic_relay :
N/A4188 "A message forwarder. Fires an OnTrigger output when triggered, and " +
N/A4189 "can be disabled to prevent forwarding outputs.\n\n" +
N/A4190 "Useful as an intermediary between one entity and another for turning " +
N/A4191 "on or off an I/O connection, or as a container for holding a set of " +
N/A4192 "outputs that can be triggered from multiple places."
N/A4194 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4195 [
N/A4196 1: "Only trigger once" : 0
N/A4197 2: "Allow fast retrigger" : 0
N/A4198 ]
N/A4200 // Inputs
N/A4201 input Trigger(void) : "Trigger the relay, causing its OnTrigger output to fire if it is enabled."
N/A4202 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the relay between enabled and disabled."
N/A4203 input CancelPending(void) : "Cancel any events fired by this relay that are currently pending in the I/O event queue."
N/A4205 // Outputs
N/A4206 output OnSpawn(void) : "Fired when the relay is spawned. If the relay is set to only trigger once, it will "+
N/A4207 "delete itself after firing this output."
N/A4208 output OnTrigger(void) : "Fired when the relay is triggered. If the relay is set to only trigger once, it will "+
N/A4209 "delete itself after firing this output."
N/A4212@PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable) iconsprite("editor/logic_timer.vmt") = logic_timer :
N/A4213 "An entity that fires a timer event at regular, or random, intervals. It can also be set to oscillate between" +
N/A4214 "a high and low end, in which case it will fire alternating high/low outputs each time it fires."
N/A4216 // Keys
N/A4217 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4218 [
N/A4219 1 : "Oscillator (alternates between OnTimerHigh and OnTimerLow outputs)" : 0
N/A4220 ]
N/A4222 UseRandomTime(choices) : "Use Random Time" : 0 =
N/A4223 [
N/A4224 0 : "No"
N/A4225 1 : "Yes"
N/A4226 ]
N/A4228 LowerRandomBound(string) : "Minimum Random Interval" : : "If 'Use Random Time' is set, this is the minimum time between timer fires. The time will be a random number between this and the 'Maximum Random Interval'."
N/A4229 UpperRandomBound(string) : "Maximum Random Interval" : : "If 'Use Random Time' is set, this is the maximum time between timer fires. The time will be a random number between the 'Minimum Random Interval' and this."
N/A4230 RefireTime(string) : "Refire Interval" : : "If 'Use Random Time' isn't set, this is the time between timer fires, in seconds."
N/A4232 // Inputs
N/A4233 input RefireTime(integer) : "Set a new Refire Interval."
N/A4234 input ResetTimer(void) : "Reset the timer. It will fire after the Refire Interval expires."
N/A4235 input FireTimer(void) : "Force the timer to fire immediately."
N/A4236 input Enable(void) : "Enable the timer."
N/A4237 input Disable(void) : "Disable the timer."
N/A4238 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the timer on/off."
N/A4239 input LowerRandomBound(float) : "Set a new Minimum Random Interval."
N/A4240 input UpperRandomBound(float) : "Set a new Maximum Random Interval."
N/A4241 input AddToTimer(float) : "Add time to the timer if it is currently enabled. Does not change the Refire Interval."
N/A4242 input SubtractFromTimer(float) : "Subtract time from the timer if it is currently enabled. Does not change the Refire Interval."
N/A4245 // Outputs
N/A4246 output OnTimer(void) : "Fired when the timer expires."
N/A4247 output OnTimerHigh(void) : "Fired every other time for an oscillating timer."
N/A4248 output OnTimerLow(void) : "Fired every other time for an oscillating timer."
N/A4252@PointClass base(Targetname) = hammer_updateignorelist :
N/A4253 "Specifies entities that are to be ignored by the hammer_update_safe_entities console command. " +
N/A4254 "Enter the targetnames of entities that you want to exclude into the list of fields here. " +
N/A4255 "Several of these may exist in a map."
N/A4257 IgnoredName01(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 01" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4258 IgnoredName02(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 02" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4259 IgnoredName03(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 03" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4260 IgnoredName04(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 04" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4261 IgnoredName05(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 05" : ""  : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4262 IgnoredName06(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 06" : ""  : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4263 IgnoredName07(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 07" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4264 IgnoredName08(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 08" : ""  : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4265 IgnoredName09(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 09" : ""  : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4266 IgnoredName10(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 10" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4267 IgnoredName11(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 11" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4268 IgnoredName12(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 12" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4269 IgnoredName13(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 13" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4270 IgnoredName14(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 14" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4271 IgnoredName15(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 15" : "" : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4272 IgnoredName16(target_destination) : "IgnoredName 16" : ""  : "Do not send this entity's information back to hammer during hammer_update_safe_entities"
N/A4276@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) color(0 255 0) = logic_collision_pair :
N/A4277 "An entity that can be used to enables/disable vphysics collisions between two target entities."
N/A4279 attach1(target_destination) : "Attachment 1" : "" : "The first entity."
N/A4280 attach2(target_destination) : "Attachment 2" : "" : "The second entity."
N/A4282 startdisabled(choices) : "Start with collisions disabled" : 1 =
N/A4283 [
N/A4284 0 : "No"
N/A4285 1 : "Yes"
N/A4286 ]
N/A4288 // Inputs
N/A4289 input EnableCollisions(void) : "Enable collisions between the first and second entity."
N/A4290 input DisableCollisions(void) : "Disable collisions between the first and second entity."
N/A4294@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, EnableDisable) iconsprite("editor/env_microphone.vmt") sphere(MaxRange) color(0 0 255) = env_microphone :
N/A4295 "An entity that acts as a microphone. It works in one of two modes. If it has a 'Speaker' set, it picks up all sounds within the specified sound range, " +
N/A4296 "and rebroadcasts them through the Speaker entity. In this Speaker mode, it ignores the Hears X spawnflags and does not fire the SoundLevel output. " +
N/A4297 "If it has no Speaker set, it measures the sound level at a point, and outputs the sound level as a value between 0 and 1. In Measuring mode, it only hears sounds that match the Hear X spawnflags."
N/A4299 target(target_destination) : "Measure target" : : "If the speaker is in Measuring mode, this is the name of the entity where the sound level is to be measured."
N/A4300 SpeakerName(target_destination) : "Speaker target" : "" : "The name of an info_target entity through which to play any sounds heard by this microphone. If specified, the microphone will consider itself in Speaker mode."
N/A4301 ListenFilter(filterclass) : "Listen Filter" : "" : "The name of an filter entity which specifies the only entities the microphone can hear. Sounds emitted by other entities will not be heard."
N/A4302 speaker_dsp_preset(choices) : "Speaker DSP Preset" : 0 : "Only useful in Speaker mode. If specified, when the microphone is enabled, it'll set the global dsp_speaker preset to this value. Sounds played back through speakers will then be affected by the selected DSP." =
N/A4303 [
N/A4304 0 : "Use Default"
N/A4305 50 : "1 NO EFFECT"
N/A4306 51 : "2 (DUPLICATE OF 1)"
N/A4307 52 : "3 (DUPLICATE OF 1)"
N/A4308 53 : "4 (DUPLICATE OF 1)"
N/A4309 54 : "5 (DUPLICATE OF 1)"
N/A4310 55 : "6 SPEAKER, LOUDER"
N/A4312 57 : "8 LOUDSPEAKER, ECHO"
N/A4313 58 : "9 SPEAKER SMALL"
N/A4314 59 : "10 SPEAKER TINY"
N/A4315 ]
N/A4317 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4318 [
N/A4319 1 : "Hears combat sounds" : 1
N/A4320 2 : "Hears world sounds" : 1
N/A4321 4 : "Hears player sounds" : 1
N/A4322 8 : "Hears bullet impacts" : 1
N/A4323 16: "Swallows sounds routed through speakers" : 0
N/A4324 32: "Hears explosions" : 0
N/A4325 64: "Ignores non-attenuated sounds" : 0
N/A4326 ]
N/A4328 Sensitivity(float) : "Sensitivity (0 - 10)" : 1 : "Microphone sensitivity, 0=deaf, 1=default, 10=extremely sensitive). Only applicable in Measuring mode."
N/A4329 SmoothFactor(float) : "Smoothing (0 - 1)" : 0 : "Smoothing factor, 0=no smoothing, 1=maximum smoothing). Only applicable in Measuring mode."
N/A4330 MaxRange(float) : "Maximum hearing range (0=infinite)" : 240 : "Sounds beyond this range won't be heard, irrelevant of attenuation. "+
N/A4331 "WARNING: setting this to zero (or a value > 1024) when the microphone is in Speaker mode can be very bad for performance!!"
N/A4333 // Inputs
N/A4334 input SetSpeakerName(string) : "Set the microphone to output through a different speaker entity."
N/A4336 // Outputs
N/A4337 output SoundLevel(float) : "Fired in Measuring mode whenever the sound level changes."
N/A4338 output OnRoutedSound(void) : "Fired whenever a sound is routed out through the specified speaker (if any)."
N/A4339 output OnHeardSound(void) : "Fired whenever this microphone hears any sound it cares about."
N/A4342@PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable ) = math_remap :
N/A4343 "An entity that remaps a range of input values to a given range of output values."
N/A4345 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4346 [
N/A4347 1 : "Ignore out of range input values" : 1
N/A4348 2 : "Clamp output to output range" : 2
N/A4349 ]
N/A4351 in1(integer) : "Minimum Valid Input Value" : 0 : "Input values below this value will be ignored."
N/A4352 in2(integer) : "Maximum Valid Input Value" : 1 : "Input values above this value will be ignored."
N/A4353 out1(integer) : "Output Value When Input Is Min." : : "When the input value is equal to 'Minimum Valid Input Value', this is the output value."
N/A4354 out2(integer) : "Output Value When Input Is Max." : : "When the input value is equal to 'Maximum Valid Input Value', this is the output value."
N/A4356 // Inputs
N/A4357 input InValue(float) : "Input value and fire the output with the remapped value."
N/A4359 // Outputs
N/A4360 output OutValue(float) : "Fired when the InValue input is received, with the remapped input value as the parameter."
N/A4363@PointClass base(Targetname) = math_colorblend :
N/A4364 "Used to create a blend between two colors for controlling the color of another entity."
N/A4366 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4367 [
N/A4368 1 : "Ignore out of range input values" : 1
N/A4369 ]
N/A4371 inmin(integer) : "Minimum Valid Input Value" : 0 : "Input values below this value will be ignored."
N/A4372 inmax(integer) : "Maximum Valid Input Value" : 1 : "Input values above this value will be ignored."
N/A4373 colormin(color255) : "Output RGB color when input is min." : "0 0 0" : "When the input value is equal to 'Minimum Valid Input Value', this is the output RGB color."
N/A4374 colormax(color255) : "Output RGB color when input is max." : "255 255 255" : "When the input value is equal to 'Maximum Valid Input Value', this is the output RGB color."
N/A4376 // Inputs
N/A4377 input InValue(float) : "Input value and fire the output with the remapped value."
N/A4379 // Outputs
N/A4380 output OutColor(color255) : "Fired when the InValue input is received, with the remapped RGB color as the parameter."
N/A4383@PointClass base(Targetname, EnableDisable) iconsprite("editor/math_counter.vmt") = math_counter :
N/A4384 "Holds a numeric value and performs arithmetic operations upon it. If either the minimum or maximum " +
N/A4385 "legal value is nonzero, OutValue will be clamped to the legal range, and the OnHitMin/OnHitMax " +
N/A4386 "outputs will be fired at the appropriate times. If both min and max are set to zero, no clamping is " +
N/A4387 "performed and only the OutValue output will be fired."
N/A4389 // Keys
N/A4390 startvalue(integer) : "Initial Value" : 0 : "Starting value for the counter."
N/A4391 min(integer) : "Minimum Legal Value" : 0 : "Minimum legal value for the counter. If min=0 and max=0, no clamping is performed."
N/A4392 max(integer) : "Maximum Legal Value" : 0 : "Maximum legal value for the counter. If min=0 and max=0, no clamping is performed."
N/A4394 // Inputs
N/A4395 input Add(integer) : "Add an amount to the counter and fire the OutValue output with the result."
N/A4396 input Divide(integer): "Divide the counter by an amount and fire the OutValue output with the result."
N/A4397 input Multiply(integer): "Multiply the counter by an amount and fire the OutValue output with the result."
N/A4398 input SetValue(integer): "Set the counter to a new value and fire the OutValue output with the result."
N/A4399 input SetValueNoFire(integer): "Set the counter to a new value without firing any outputs."
N/A4400 input Subtract(integer): "Subtract an amount from the counter and fire the OutValue output with the result."
N/A4401 input SetHitMax(integer): "Set the upper bound of the counter and fire the OutValue output with the current value."
N/A4402 input SetHitMin(integer): "Set the lower bound of the counter and fire the OutValue output with the current value."
N/A4403 input GetValue(void): "Causes the counter fire its OnGetValue output with the current value of the counter. Used for polling the counter when you don't want constant updates from the OutValue output."
N/A4405 // Outputs
N/A4406 output OutValue(integer) : "Fired when the counter value changes."
N/A4407 output OnHitMin(void) : "Fired when the counter value meets or goes below the min value. The counter must go back above the min value before the output will fire again."
N/A4408 output OnHitMax(void) : "Fired when the counter value meets or exceeds the max value. The counter must go below the max value before the output will fire again."
N/A4409 output OnGetValue(integer) : "Fired in response to the GetValue input. Used for polling the counter when you don't want constant updates from the OutValue output."
N/A4412@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = logic_lineto :
N/A4413 "An entity that calculates and outputs a vector from one entity to another."
N/A4415 source(target_destination) : "Start entity" : : "Name of the entity the line should start from."
N/A4416 target(target_destination) : "End entity" : : "Name of the entity that line should end at."
N/A4418 // Outputs
N/A4419 output Line(vector) : "Fired when the vector, from the start entity to the end entity, changes. Passes along the vector as a parameter."
N/A4422@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = logic_navigation :
N/A4423 "An entity that is used to set navigation properties on other entities. Useful to make NPCs ignore physics props in their way that they can easily push."
N/A4425 target(target_destination) : "Navigation Entity" : "Name of the entity to set navigation properties on."
N/A4426 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4427 [
N/A4428 1 : "Start On" : 1
N/A4429 ]
N/A4430 navprop(choices) : "Nav Property" : "Ignore" =
N/A4431 [
N/A4432 "Ignore" : "NPCs Ignore this when navigating (they'll bump into it)"
N/A4433 ]
N/A4435 // Inputs
N/A4436 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn on. The Navigation Entity will have its navigation properties set."
N/A4437 input TurnOff(void) : "Turn off. The Navigation Entity will have its navigation properties returned to the default settings."
N/A4438 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle on/off."
N/A4441@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = logic_autosave :
N/A4442 "An entity that is used to force an autosave."
N/A4444 NewLevelUnit(choices) : "Force New Level Unit" : 0 : "If set, the save will discard any savedata from previous levels, for the purpose of keeping savegame filesizes down. Can only be safely used if there is no way for the player to return to previous levels." =
N/A4445 [
N/A4446 0 : "No"
N/A4447 1 : "Yes"
N/A4448 ]
N/A4450 MinimumHitPoints(integer): "Minimum Hit Points" : 0 : "Don't save dangerous when player has less than this many hitpoints."
N/A4451 MinHitPointsToCommit(integer) : "Minimum Hit Points to Commit" : 0 : "Minimum hitpoints required to commit to save. The save will be made if you have at least Minimum Hit Points, but when the autosave timer expires, the autosave is only kept if you have at least Min Hitpoints to Commit."
N/A4453 // Inputs
N/A4454 input Save(void) : "Force an autosave."
N/A4455 input SaveDangerous(float) : "Force an autosave as autosavedangerous.sav. If the player is alive after the passed number of seconds it replaces the standard auto save."
N/A4456 input SetMinHitpointsThreshold(integer) : "Set MinimumHitPoints to this."
N/A4459@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = logic_active_autosave :
N/A4460 "An entity that is used to look for opportunities to autosave."
N/A4462 MinimumHitPoints(integer): "Initiation Hit Points" : 30 : "Start looking for an opportunity to save if player drops below this hitpoint level."
N/A4463 TriggerHitPoints(integer): "Trigger Hit Points" : 75 : "If started looking for an opportunity, save when hitpoints reach this level."
N/A4464 TimeToTrigget(float): "Time to trigger" : 0 : "If > 0, how long to try and get a save off before giving up"
N/A4465 DangerousTime(float): "Dangerous time" : 10 : "If 0, just autosave. Otherwise, do an autosavedangerous with this time threshold"
N/A4467 // Inputs
N/A4468 input Enable(void) : "Enable the entity"
N/A4469 input Disable(void) : "Enable the entity"
N/A4472@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_template :
N/A4473 "Turns an entity, or set of entities, into a single template that can be instanced anywhere, and multiple times. "+
N/A4474 "If there are interdependencies (entity I/O, hierarchy, or other name references) between the entities "+
N/A4475 "in the template, the entities in the template will have their names changed and the interdependencies will "+
N/A4476 "be reconnected to the changes names. The name change format is as follows: '<original name>&0000', where the 0000 "+
N/A4477 "will be replaced with the current global template instance, so wildcard searches for '<original name>*' will still find them.\n"+
N/A4478 "If you don't want the name fixup to happen, because you're only spawning the template once, or you want inputs to "+
N/A4479 "trigger all instances of the template, check the 'Preserve entity names' spawnflag. \n"+
N/A4480 "To spawn the template in other places, use an env_entity_maker."
N/A4482 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4483 [
N/A4484 1 : "Don't remove template entities" : 0
N/A4485 2 : "Preserve entity names (Don't do name fixup)" : 1
N/A4486 ]
N/A4488 Template01(target_destination) : "Template 1"
N/A4489 Template02(target_destination) : "Template 2"
N/A4490 Template03(target_destination) : "Template 3"
N/A4491 Template04(target_destination) : "Template 4"
N/A4492 Template05(target_destination) : "Template 5"
N/A4493 Template06(target_destination) : "Template 6"
N/A4494 Template07(target_destination) : "Template 7"
N/A4495 Template08(target_destination) : "Template 8"
N/A4496 Template09(target_destination) : "Template 9"
N/A4497 Template10(target_destination) : "Template 10"
N/A4498 Template11(target_destination) : "Template 11"
N/A4499 Template12(target_destination) : "Template 12"
N/A4500 Template13(target_destination) : "Template 13"
N/A4501 Template14(target_destination) : "Template 14"
N/A4502 Template15(target_destination) : "Template 15"
N/A4503 Template16(target_destination) : "Template 16"
N/A4505 // Inputs
N/A4506 input ForceSpawn(void) : "Spawn an instance of the template at the original position."
N/A4508 // Outputs
N/A4509 output OnEntitySpawned(void) : "Fired after spawning an instance of this template."
N/A4512@PointClass base(Targetname,Parentname,Angles) = env_entity_maker :
N/A4513 "Spawns the specified entity template at its origin. If set to auto-spawn, it will spawn the template whenever there's room and the player "+
N/A4514 "is looking elsewhere."
N/A4516 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A4517 [
N/A4518 1 : "Enable AutoSpawn (will spawn whenever there's room)" : 0
N/A4519 2 : "AutoSpawn: Wait for entity destruction" : 0
N/A4520 4 : "AutoSpawn: Even if the player is looking" : 0
N/A4521 8 : "ForceSpawn: Only if there's room" : 0
N/A4522 16 : "ForceSpawn: Only if the player isn't looking" : 0
N/A4523 ]
N/A4525 EntityTemplate(target_destination) : "Point_template To Spawn" : "" : "Name of the point_template to spawn here."
N/A4527 PostSpawnSpeed(float) : "PostSpawn Movement Speed" : "0" : "If specified, all the entities created in the template will move this fast in the specified PostSpawn Movement Direction."
N/A4528 PostSpawnDirection(angle) : "PostSpawn Movement Direction" : "0 0 0" : "If a PostSpawn Movement Speed is specified, all the entities created in the template will move in this direction."
N/A4529 PostSpawnDirectionVariance(float) : "PostSpawn Direction Variance" : "0.15" : "This variance is applied to the PostSpawn Movement Direction for each spawned entity in the template. Use it to apply some randomness to the directions."
N/A4530 PostSpawnInheritAngles(choices) : "PostSpawn Inherit Angles" : 0 : "If in hierarchy, is spawn direction in world space, or object local space of parent" =
N/A4531 [
N/A4532 0 : "No"
N/A4533 1 : "Yes"
N/A4534 ]
N/A4536 // Inputs
N/A4537 input ForceSpawn(void)  : "Spawn an instance of the template at this origin and angle."
N/A4538 input ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin(target_destination) : "Spawn an instance of the template that the same origin and angle as the specified entity (specify by targetname in parameters)"
N/A4540 // Outputs
N/A4541 output OnEntitySpawned(void) : "Fired when an instance of the entity template has been spawned."
N/A4542 output OnEntityFailedSpawn(void) : "Fired when a ForceSpawn input failed to spawn the template, either due to lack of space or being in player's view, depending on the spawnflags."
N/A4548// Activator Filters
N/A4552@BaseClass base(Targetname) = BaseFilter
N/A4554 Negated(choices) : "Filter mode" : "Allow entities that match criteria" : "If set to Allow, only entities who match the criteria will pass the filter. "+
N/A4555 "If set to Disallow, only entities who do NOT match the criteria will pass the filter." =
N/A4556 [
N/A4557 0 : "Allow entities that match criteria"
N/A4558 1 : "Disallow entities that match criteria"
N/A4559 ]
N/A4561 // Inputs
N/A4562 input TestActivator(void) : "Test the activator against the filter and fires OnPass or OnFail output."
N/A4564 // Outputs
N/A4565 output OnPass(void) : "Fired in response to TestActivator input if the activator passes the filter."
N/A4566 output OnFail(void) : "Fired in response to TestActivator input if the activator fails to pass the filter."
N/A4569@FilterClass base(BaseFilter) iconsprite("editor/filter_multiple.vmt") = filter_multi :
N/A4570 "A filter that tests the activator against multiple filters. This allows you to build more complex filters, such as"+
N/A4571 "'Allow anyone on Team 1 who is also class engineer', or 'Allow everyone except classes npc_zombie and npc_headcrab'."
N/A4573 filtertype(choices) : "Logic Type" : 0 =
N/A4574 [
N/A4575 0 : "AND (all filters must pass)"
N/A4576 1 : "OR (any filter must pass)"
N/A4577 ]
N/A4579 Negated(choices) : "Negate Outcome" : 0 : "Whether to negate the result of the subfilters, after combining them using the Logic Type chosen.\n"+
N/A4580 "Negating the outcome using the AND logic type means that any subfilter must fail for this filter to pass.\n"+
N/A4581 "Negating the outcome using the OR logic type means that all subfilters must fail for this filter to pass." =
N/A4582 [
N/A4583 0 : "No"
N/A4584 1 : "Yes"
N/A4585 ]
N/A4587 Filter01(filterclass) : "Filter 1" : : "Activator filter to test."
N/A4588 Filter02(filterclass) : "Filter 2" : : "Activator filter to test."
N/A4589 Filter03(filterclass) : "Filter 3" : : "Activator filter to test."
N/A4590 Filter04(filterclass) : "Filter 4" : : "Activator filter to test."
N/A4591 Filter05(filterclass) : "Filter 5" : : "Activator filter to test."
N/A4594@FilterClass base(BaseFilter) iconsprite("editor/filter_name.vmt") = filter_activator_name :
N/A4595 "A filter that filters by the name of the activator."
N/A4597 filtername(target_destination) : "Filter Name" : : "The name to filter by. If the filter mode is Allow, only entities whose "+
N/A4598 "name matches the given string will pass the filter. If the filter mode is Disallow, "+
N/A4599 "all entities EXCEPT those whose name matches the string will pass the filter."
N/A4602@FilterClass base(BaseFilter) iconsprite("editor/filter_class.vmt") = filter_activator_class :
N/A4603 "A filter that filters by the class name of the activator."
N/A4605 filterclass(string) : "Filter Classname" : : "The class name to filter by. If the filter mode is Allow, only entities whose "+
N/A4606 "class name matches the given string will pass the filter. If the filter mode is Disallow, "+
N/A4607 "all entities EXCEPT those whose class name matches the given string will pass the filter."
N/A4610@FilterClass base(BaseFilter) iconsprite("editor/filter_class.vmt") = filter_activator_mass_greater :
N/A4611 "A filter that filters by the mass of the activator."
N/A4613 filtermass(float) : "Filter Mass" : : "The mass to filter by. If the filter mode is Allow, only entities whose "+
N/A4614 "mass is greater than the give float will pass the filter. If the filter mode is Disallow, "+
N/A4615 "all entities EXCEPT those whose mass is greater than the given float will pass the filter."
N/A4618@FilterClass base(BaseFilter) = filter_damage_type :
N/A4619 "A damage filter that filters by the type of damage inflicted. This can only be used as a damage filter, not as an activator filter."
N/A4621 damagetype(choices) : "Damage type" : 64 : "The damage type to filter by. If the filter mode is Allow, only damage types that "+
N/A4622 "match will pass the filter. If the filter mode is Disallow, all damage types EXCEPT those who match will pass the filter." =
N/A4623 [
N/A4624 0 : "GENERIC"
N/A4625 1 : "CRUSH"
N/A4626 2 : "BULLET"
N/A4627 4 : "SLASH"
N/A4628 8 : "BURN"
N/A4629 16 : "FREEZE"
N/A4630 32 : "FALL"
N/A4631 64 : "BLAST"
N/A4632 128 : "CLUB"
N/A4633 256 : "SHOCK"
N/A4634 512 : "SONIC"
N/A4635 1024 : "ENERGYBEAM"
N/A4636 16384: "DROWN"
N/A4637 32768 : "PARALYSE"
N/A4638 65536 : "NERVEGAS"
N/A4639 131072 : "POISON"
N/A4640 262144 : "RADIATION"
N/A4641 524288 : "DROWNRECOVER"
N/A4642 1048576 : "CHEMICAL"
N/A4643 2097152 : "SLOWBURN"
N/A4644 4194304 : "SLOWFREEZE"
N/A4645 ]
N/A4648@FilterClass base(BaseFilter) iconsprite("editor/filter_class.vmt") sphere(filter_radius) sphere(filter_outer_radius) = filter_enemy :
N/A4649 "A filter that filters a potential enemy entity by a set of criteria."
N/A4651 filtername(string) : "Name/Classname" : : "The classname or entity name to filter by. If the filter mode is Allow, only entities whose "+
N/A4652 "class name matches the given string will pass the filter. If the filter mode is Disallow, "+
N/A4653 "all entities EXCEPT those whose class name matches the given string will pass the filter."
N/A4655 filter_radius(float) : "Radius" : 0 : "Radius by which to test the proximity of the enemy. If the filter mode is Allow, only entities whose "+
N/A4656 "distance is equal to or closer than the radius will pass the filter. If the filter mode is Disallow, "+
N/A4657 "all entities outside the radius will pass the filter."
N/A4659 filter_outer_radius(float) : "Outer Radius" : 0 : "Enemies outside this radius are considered invalid if Allow is set and valid if Disallow is set."
N/A4661 filter_max_per_enemy(integer) : "Max Squadmates Per Enemy" : 0 : "Maximum number of squadmates allowed to target any given entity."
N/A4663 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A4664 [
N/A4665 1 : "Do not lose target if already aquired but filter failed." : 0
N/A4666 ]
N/A4671// Point Entities
N/A4675@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, EnableDisable) = point_anglesensor :
N/A4676 "An entity that detects if another entity points in a given direction for a period of time."
N/A4678 target(target_destination) : "Target Entity Name" : : "Name of the entity whose angles will be sensed."
N/A4679 lookatname(target_destination) : "Look At Entity" : : "The entity we want to check to see if the Target Entity is looking at."
N/A4680 duration(float) : "Duration" : : "The amount of time the Target Entity must look at the 'Look at Entity' to trigger this entity, in seconds."
N/A4681 tolerance(integer) : "Tolerance" : : "The tolerance, in degrees, in the checking to determine when the Target Entity is looking at the Look At Entity."
N/A4683 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A4684 [
N/A4685 1 : "Use target entity's angles (NOT position)" : 0
N/A4686 ]
N/A4688 // Inputs
N/A4689 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the sensor between enabled and disabled."
N/A4690 input Test(void) : "Check to see if the Target Entity is facing the Look At Entity within the specified tolerance, firing either the OnFacingLookat or OnNotFacingLookat output based on the result."
N/A4692 // Outputs
N/A4693 output TargetDir(vector) : "Fired when the forward direction of the Target Entity changes. Passes the new forward direction as a parameter."
N/A4694 output OnFacingLookat(void) : "Fired when the Target Entity points at the Look At Entity for more than the specified Duration, or in response to a Test input."
N/A4695 output OnNotFacingLookat(void) : "Fires in response to a Test input when the Target Entity is not pointing at the Look At Entity."
N/A4696 output FacingPercentage(float) : "Normalized value (0..1) where 1 is facing directly at target and 0 is at or beyond the angle of tolerance."
N/A4699@PointClass base(Targetname) = point_angularvelocitysensor :
N/A4700 "An entity that detects if another entity's angular velocity meets or exceeds a threshold value."
N/A4702 target(target_destination) : "Target Entity Name" : : "Name of the entity whose angular velocity will be sensed."
N/A4703 threshold(float) : "Threshold Velocity" : 0 : "The threshold angular velocity to compare against, in degrees per second."
N/A4704 fireinterval(float) : "Fire Interval" : "0.2" : "Angular velocity must cross the threshold for at least this long to fire."
N/A4706 axis(vecline) : "Axis"
N/A4708 usehelper(choices) : "Use Axis Helper" : 0 : "Use axis helper to determine rotation values (clockwise/counter-clockwise)." =
N/A4709 [
N/A4710 0 : "No"
N/A4711 1 : "Yes"
N/A4712 ]
N/A4714 // Inputs
N/A4715 input Test(void) : "Checks to see if the Target Entity's angular velocity meets or exceeds the Threshold Velocity, " +
N/A4716 "firing either the OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo or OnLessThan output based on the result."
N/A4718 input TestWithInterval(void) : "Checks to see if the Target Entity's angular velocity meets or exceeds the Threshold Velocity. Once the Fire Interval expires, " +
N/A4719 "fires the appropriate test result output if the result is stable throughout the Fire Interval."
N/A4721 // Outputs
N/A4722 output AngularVelocity(float) : "Fired when the Target's Angular Velocity changes, passing the new magnitude of the angular velocity."
N/A4723 output OnGreaterThan(void) : "Fired when the Target Entity goes from slower than the threshold angular velocity to faster than the threshold angular velocity."
N/A4724 output OnGreaterThanOrEqualTo(void) : "Fired when the Target Entity goes from slower than the threshold angular velocity to faster than the threshold angular velocity."
N/A4725 output OnLessThan(void) : "Fired when the Target Entity goes from faster than the threshold angular velocity to slower than the threshold angular velocity."
N/A4726 output OnLessThanOrEqualTo(void) : "Fired when the Target Entity goes from faster than the threshold angular velocity to slower than the threshold angular velocity."
N/A4727 output OnEqualTo(void) : "Fired when the Target Entity reaches the threshold angular velocity from a different velocity."
N/A4730@PointClass base(Targetname) = point_velocitysensor :
N/A4731 "An entity that detects and outputs an entity's velocity."
N/A4733 target(target_destination) : "Target Entity Name" : : "Name of the entity whose velocity will be sensed."
N/A4734 axis(vecline) : "Measurement Axis"
N/A4735 enabled(choices) : "Start Enabled" : 1 : "Whether or not to start enabled and active." =
N/A4736 [
N/A4737 0 : "No"
N/A4738 1 : "Yes"
N/A4739 ]
N/A4741 // Outputs
N/A4742 output Velocity(float) : "Fired when the Target's Velocity changes, passing the new magnitude of the velocity."
N/A4744 input Enable(void) : "Enable the sensor."
N/A4745 input Disable(void) : "Disable the sensor."
N/A4748@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, EnableDisable, Angles) = point_proximity_sensor :
N/A4749 "An entity that detects another entity's proximity to a target position."
N/A4751 target(target_destination) : "Target Entity Name" : : "Name of the entity whose angles will be sensed."
N/A4753 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A4754 [
N/A4755 1 : "Test the distance as measured along the axis specified by our direction." : 0
N/A4756 ]
N/A4758 // Inputs
N/A4759 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the sensor between enabled and disabled."
N/A4761 // Outputs
N/A4762 output Distance(float) : "Distance of the target entity away from this entity."
N/A4766@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) = point_teleport :
N/A4767 "An entity that teleports a target entity to this position and angles. "+
N/A4768 "If 'Teleport Home' spawn flag is set, teleports the target entity to its spawn position instead." +
N/A4769 "If object is physically simulated, simulation is turned off when teleported."
N/A4771 target(target_destination) : "Entity To Teleport" : : "Name of the entity that will be teleported."
N/A4772 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4773 [
N/A4774 1 : "Teleport Home" : 0
N/A4775 2 : "Into Duck (episodic)" : 0
N/A4776 ]
N/A4778 // Inputs
N/A4779 input Teleport(void) : "Teleport the target entity."
N/A4782@PointClass base(Targetname) sphere(DamageRadius) = point_hurt :
N/A4783 "An entity that does damage to all entities in a radius around itself, with a specified delay." +
N/A4784 "If 'Target Entity' is specified, the damage is only done to that entity."
N/A4786 DamageTarget(string) : "Target Entity" : "" : "If specified, only this entity will take damage. Otherwise, all entities within the Radius will take damage."
N/A4788 DamageRadius(float) : "Radius" : 256 : "All entities within this radius of this entity will take damage. If a 'Target Entity' is specified, only that entity will take damage."
N/A4789 Damage(integer) : "Damage" : 5 : "Damage done to all affected entities each time this entity fires."
N/A4790 DamageDelay(float) : "Delay" : 1 : "Delay between refires, in seconds."
N/A4792 DamageType(choices) : "Damage Type" : 0 : "Type of damage to inflict on entities damaged." =
N/A4793 [
N/A4794 0 : "GENERIC"
N/A4795 1 : "CRUSH"
N/A4796 2 : "BULLET"
N/A4797 4 : "SLASH"
N/A4798 8 : "BURN"
N/A4799 16 : "FREEZE"
N/A4800 32 : "FALL"
N/A4801 64 : "BLAST"
N/A4802 128 : "CLUB"
N/A4803 256 : "SHOCK"
N/A4804 512 : "SONIC"
N/A4805 1024 : "ENERGYBEAM"
N/A4806 16384: "DROWN"
N/A4807 32768 : "PARALYSE"
N/A4808 65536 : "NERVEGAS"
N/A4809 131072 : "POISON"
N/A4810 262144 : "RADIATION"
N/A4811 524288 : "DROWNRECOVER"
N/A4812 1048576 : "CHEMICAL"
N/A4813 2097152 : "SLOWBURN"
N/A4814 4194304 : "SLOWFREEZE"
N/A4815 ]
N/A4817 // Inputs
N/A4818 input Hurt(void) : "Force a single fire, damaging either the Target Entity or all entities within the radius."
N/A4819 input TurnOn(void) : "Enable this entity. It will start damaging entities everytime it fires, and refire based upon the specified Delay."
N/A4820 input TurnOff(void) : "Disable this entity. It will stop damaging entities."
N/A4821 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle this entity between On/Off state."
N/A4824@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = point_playermoveconstraint :
N/A4825 "An entity that constrains players to a radius around itself, slowing them down the closer they get to the edge of the radius."
N/A4827 radius(float) : "Radius" : 256 : "Radius to constrain players to."
N/A4828 width(float) : "Constraint Width" : "75.0" : "Width of the constraint edge. This is the distance in which to start slowing players down as they approach the edge of the radius."
N/A4829 speedfactor(float) : "Speed Factor" : "0.15" : "Factor applied to the player's max speed as they approach the radius edge."
N/A4831 // Inputs
N/A4832 input TurnOn(void) : "Start constraining any players within the radius."
N/A4833 input TurnOff(void) : "Stop constraining any players previously constrained."
N/A4835 // Outputs
N/A4836 output OnConstraintBroken(void) : "Fired when a player breaks through the constraint."
N/A4841// Physics entities
N/A4845@SolidClass base(BreakableBrush,Targetname, Origin, RenderFields, Shadow) = func_physbox :
N/A4846 "A brush entity that's physically simulated."
N/A4848 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A4849 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4850 [
N/A4851 4096  : "Start Asleep" : 0
N/A4852 8192  : "Ignore +USE for Pickup" : 0
N/A4853 16384 : "Debris - Don't collide with the player or other debris" : 0
N/A4854 32768 : "Motion Disabled" : 0
N/A4855 65536 : "Use Preferred Carry Angles" : 0
N/A4856 131072: "Enable motion on Physcannon grab" : 0
N/A4857 262144: "Not affected by rotor wash" : 0
N/A4858 524288: "Generate output on +USE " : 1
N/A4859 1048576 : "Physgun can ALWAYS pick up. No matter what." : 0
N/A4860 2097152 : "Physgun is NOT allowed to pick this up." : 0
N/A4861 4194304 : "Physgun is NOT allowed to punt this object." : 0
N/A4862 8388608: "Prevent motion enable on player bump" : 0
N/A4863 ]
N/A4865 Damagetype(choices) : "Impact Damage Type" : 0 =
N/A4866 [
N/A4867 0: "Blunt"
N/A4868 1: "Sharp"
N/A4869 ]
N/A4871 massScale(float) : "Mass Scale" : "0" : "A scale multiplier for the object's mass."
N/A4872 overridescript(string) : "Override Parameters" : "" : "A list of physics key/value pairs that are usually in a physics prop .qc file. Format is 'key,value,key,value,etc'."
N/A4873 damagetoenablemotion(integer) : "Health Level to Override Motion" : 0 : "If specified, this object will start motion disabled. Once its health has dropped below this specified amount, it will enable motion."
N/A4874 forcetoenablemotion(float) : "Physics Impact Force to Override Motion" : 0 : "If specified, this object will start motion disabled. Any impact that imparts a force greater than this value on the physbox will enable motion."
N/A4875 health(integer) : "Strength" : 0 : "Number of points of damage to take before breaking. 0 means don't break."
N/A4876 preferredcarryangles(vector) : "Preferred Player-carry Angles" : "0 0 0" : "If the 'Use Preferred Carry Angles' spawnflag is set, this angle is the angle which the object should orient to when the player picks it up, with the physgun or +USE."
N/A4877 notsolid(choices) : "Not solid to world" : 0 =
N/A4878 [
N/A4879 0: "Solid to World"
N/A4880 1: "Passes through World"
N/A4881 ]
N/A4883 // Inputs
N/A4884 input Wake(void) : "Wake up this physics object, if it is sleeping."
N/A4885 input Sleep(void) : "Put this physics object to sleep. It will wake if given the Wake input, or if force is applied to it. Note that physics objects go to sleep automatically after coming to rest for a while, so you don't really need to use this."
N/A4886 input EnableMotion(void) : "Enable physics motion/collision response."
N/A4887 input DisableMotion(void) : "Disable physics motion/collision response."
N/A4888 input ForceDrop(void) : "If this object is being carried by a player, with the physgun or +USE, force it to be dropped."
N/A4890 // Outputs
N/A4891 output OnDamaged(void) : "Fired when this entity is damaged."
N/A4892 output OnAwakened(void) : "Fired when this entity becomes awake (collision/force is applied)."
N/A4893 output OnMotionEnabled(void) : "Fired when motion is enabled due to damage/physcannon/force."
N/A4894 output OnPhysGunPickup(void) : "Fired when a player picks this object up, either with the physgun or +USE."
N/A4895 output OnPhysGunPunt(void) : "Fired when a player punts this object with the physgun."
N/A4896 output OnPhysGunOnlyPickup(void) : "Fired when a player picks this object up WITH THE PHYSGUN. +USE pickups do not fire this output."
N/A4897 output OnPhysGunDrop(void) : "Fired when a player drops this object."
N/A4898 output OnPlayerUse(void) : "Fired when the player tries to +USE the physbox. This output will fire only if the Generate output on +USE spawnflag is set."
N/A4901@BaseClass base(Targetname) = TwoObjectPhysics
N/A4903 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4904 [
N/A4905 1: "No Collision until break" : 0
N/A4906 // 2 is defined independently by subclasses, do not reuse
N/A4907 4: "Start inactive" : 0
N/A4908 8: "Change mass to keep stable attachment to world" : 0
N/A4909 16: "Do not connect entities until turned on" : 0
N/A4910 ]
N/A4911 attach1(target_destination) : "Entity 1" : ""
N/A4912 attach2(target_destination) : "Entity 2" : ""
N/A4913 constraintsystem(target_destination) : "Constraint System Manager" : "" : "The name of a phys_constraintsystem that this constraint should be a part of. All constraints on a set of entities should be placed in the same system, or they will fight each other during simulation."
N/A4915 forcelimit(float) : "Force Limit to Break (lbs)" : "0" : "The amount of force an impact must apply to the constraint to break it. A way of calculating this is to set it to the mass of an object that would break this constraint if it were resting on the constrainted objects."
N/A4916 torquelimit(float) : "Torque Limit to Break (lbs * distance)" : "0" : "The amount of torque required to break the constraint. A way of calculating this is to multiply any reference mass by the resting distance (from the center of mass of the object) needed to break the constraint."
N/A4917 breaksound(sound) : "Play Sound on Break" : "" : "A sound played when the constraint is broken."
N/A4918 teleportfollowdistance(float) : "Follow teleport distance" : "0" : "If one object teleports more than this many units away it will cause the other constrained object to teleport to an appropriate relative position."
N/A4920 // Inputs
N/A4921 input Break(void) : "Force the constraint to break."
N/A4922 input TurnOn(void) : "Enable the constraint. Do this when the objects don't exist when the constraint spawns - or when you have deactivated the constraint. Broken constraints can NOT be turned on. They have been deleted."
N/A4923 input TurnOff(void) : "Disable this constraint."
N/A4925 // Outputs
N/A4926 output OnBreak(void) : "Fired when the constraint breaks."
N/A4929@PointClass base(Targetname) = phys_constraintsystem :
N/A4930 "An entity used to manage a group of interacting constraints and keep them stable. " +
N/A4931 "All constraints on a set of entities should be placed in the same system, or they will fight each other during simulation."
N/A4933 additionaliterations(integer) : "Additional System Iterations" : 0 : "Adding iterations makes the interactions among constraints in a system tighter. It will not compensate for errors due to collision, but will help in cases where objects of disparate mass are constrained to each other."
N/A4936@PointClass base(Targetname,Angles) = phys_keepupright : "A controller that tries to keep an entity facing a particular direction."
N/A4938 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4939 [
N/A4940 1: "Start inactive" : 0
N/A4941 ]
N/A4943 attach1(target_destination) : "Target Entity" : "" : "The entity to align to the desired angles."
N/A4944 angularlimit(float) : "Angular Limit" : "15" : "The maximum angular velocity that this controller can compensate for, in degrees per second."
N/A4946 // Inputs
N/A4947 input TurnOn(void) : "Enable the controller."
N/A4948 input TurnOff(void) : "Disable the controller."
N/A4951@PointClass base(Targetname, Angles) sphere(expradius) studioprop() = physics_cannister :
N/A4952 "A physically simulated gas cannister that can have its cap shot off, at which point gas will start escaping and cause the cannister to fly around. If it takes enough damage, it will explode."
N/A4954 model(studio) : "World model" : "models/fire_equipment/w_weldtank.mdl"
N/A4955 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A4956 [
N/A4957 1 : "Start Asleep" : 0
N/A4958 2 : "Explodes" : 1
N/A4959 ]
N/A4961 expdamage(string) : "Explosion Damage" : "200.0" : "The amount of damage done by the explosion created when the cannister blows up."
N/A4962 expradius(string) : "Explosion Radius" : "250.0" : "The radius of the explosion to create when the cannister blows up."
N/A4963 health(integer) : "Health" : 25 : "The amount of damage the cannister takes before exploding."
N/A4965 thrust(string) : "Thrust" : "3000.0" : "When the cap has been blown off, and the escaping gas is thrusting the cannister about, this is the amount of thrust generated."
N/A4966 fuel(string) : "Fuel Seconds" : "12.0" : "The amount of time that gas leaks from the cannister before being considered empty."
N/A4967 rendercolor(color255) : "Smoke Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255"
N/A4968 renderamt(integer) : "Smoke Alpha (0 - 255)" : 128
N/A4969 gassound(sound) : "Thruster Sound" : "ambient/objects/cannister_loop.wav" : "The sound played when the gas is escaping from the cannister."
N/A4971 // Inputs
N/A4972 input Activate(string) : "Start gas escaping from the cannister."
N/A4973 input Deactivate(string) : "Stop gas escaping from the cannister."
N/A4974 input Explode(string) : "Force the cannister to explode."
N/A4975 input Wake(void) : "Wakes up the cannister, if it is sleeping."
N/A4977 // Outputs
N/A4978 output OnActivate(void) : "Fired when gas starts to escape from the cannister."
N/A4979 output OnAwakened(void) : "Fired when this entity becomes awake (collision/force is applied)."
N/A4982@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname) size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = info_constraint_anchor :
N/A4983 "An entity used to attach constraints to a local position on an entity. Usually constraints will attach to the center of mass of an object. "+
N/A4984 "Attach the desired constraint to this entity, and then parent this entity to the entity you want the constraint to apply to."
N/A4986 massScale(float) : "Amount to scale the mass of this body in the constraint solver" : "1"
N/A4989@PointClass size(-4 -4 -4, 4 4 4) = info_mass_center :
N/A4990 "An entity that overrides the mass center of the target physics prop, or func_physbox, by moving it to the info_mass_center's location."
N/A4992 target(target_destination) : "Target object" : ""  : "The entity whose mass center will be overridden."
N/A4995@PointClass halfgridsnap base(Targetname) = phys_spring :
N/A4996 "A physically simulated spring. "+
N/A4997 "'Length' is what's known as the 'natural spring length'. This is how long the spring would "+
N/A4998 "be if it was at rest (nothing hanging on it or attached). When you attach something to the "+
N/A4999 "spring, it will stretch longer than its 'natural length'. The amount of stretch is "+
N/A5000 "determined by the 'Sprint Constant'. The larger the spring constant the less stretch the spring."
N/A5002 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5003 [
N/A5004 1 : "Force only on stretch" : 0
N/A5005 ]
N/A5007 attach1(target_destination) : "Entity 1" : ""
N/A5008 attach2(target_destination) : "Entity 2" : ""
N/A5010 springaxis(vecline) : "Spring Axis" : "" : "Use the helper. Drag it out to match the virtual spring."
N/A5011 length(string) : "Spring Length" : "0" : "How long the spring would be if it was at rest (nothing hanging on it or attached). 0 means the length of the brush."
N/A5012 constant(string) : "Spring Constant" : "50" : "Stiffness of the spring. The larger the number the less the spring will stretch."
N/A5013 damping(string) : "Damping Constant" : "2.0" : "How much energy the spring loses. The larger the number, the less bouncy the spring."
N/A5014 relativedamping(string) : "Relative Damping Constant" : "0.1" : "The amount of energy the spring loses proportional to the relative velocity of the two objects the spring is attached to."
N/A5015 // UNDONE: add max tension and what event to fire when it breaks
N/A5016 breaklength(string) : "Break on Length" : "0" : "If the spring's length ever exceeds this length, the spring breaks."
N/A5018 // Inputs
N/A5019 input SetSpringConstant(float) : "Set the Spring Constant."
N/A5020 input SetSpringLength(float) : "Set the Spring Length."
N/A5021 input SetSpringDamping(float) : "Set the Spring Damping."
N/A5024@PointClass halfgridsnap size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) base(TwoObjectPhysics) = phys_hinge :
N/A5025 "A physically simulated hinge. Use the helper to define the axis of rotation."
N/A5027 hingefriction(float) : "Friction" : "0" : "Resistance/friction in the hinge"
N/A5028 hingeaxis(vecline) : "Hinge Axis"
N/A5029 SystemLoadScale(float) : "Load Scale" : "1" : "Scale of the load connected to this hinge (1=just the objects directly connected)"
N/A5031 // Inputs
N/A5032 input SetAngularVelocity(float) : "Set angular velocity around the hinge (motor) in deg/sec"
N/A5036 //// Episodic only -- for now.
N/A5038 minSoundThreshold(float) : "Minimum Sound Velocity" : "6" : "When travelling below this many units/sec, will not play any sound."
N/A5039 maxSoundThreshold(float) : "Full Sound Velocity" : "80" : "When travelling at this speed or above, will play sound at full volume."
N/A5040 slidesoundfwd(sound) : "Travel sound (forward)" : "" : "Play this sound when travelling forward on helper axis"
N/A5041 slidesoundback(sound) : "Travel sound (backward)" : "" : "Play this sound when travelling backward on helper axis"
N/A5043 reversalsoundthresholdSmall(float) : "Reversal sound threshold (small)" : "0" : "When accelerating by more than this many units/sec^2 opposite to direction of travel, play the small reversal sound."
N/A5044 reversalsoundthresholdMedium(float) : "Reversal sound threshold (medium)" : "0" : "When accelerating by more than this many units/sec^2 opposite to direction of travel, play the medium reversal sound."
N/A5045 reversalsoundthresholdLarge(float) : "Reversal sound threshold (large)" : "0" : "When accelerating by more than this many units/sec^2 opposite to direction of travel, play the large reversal sound."
N/A5047 reversalsoundSmall(sound) : "Reversal sound (small)" : "" : "Play this sound when making a hard reverse over the small threshold but less than medium"
N/A5048 reversalsoundMedium(sound) : "Reversal sound (medium)" : "" : "Play this sound when making a hard reverse over the medium threshold but less than large"
N/A5049 reversalsoundLarge(sound) : "Reversal sound (large)" : "" : "Play this sound when making a hard reverse over the large threshold"
N/A5052@PointClass base(TwoObjectPhysics) iconsprite("editor/phys_ballsocket.vmt") = phys_ballsocket :
N/A5053 "A constraint that keeps the position of two objects fixed, relative to the constraint's origin. It does not affect rotation."
N/A5055 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5056 [
N/A5057 ]
N/A5060@PointClass base(TwoObjectPhysics) studio("models/editor/axis_helper.mdl") = phys_constraint :
N/A5061 "A constraint that keeps the relative position and orientation of two objects fixed."
N/A5065@PointClass base(TwoObjectPhysics) studio("models/editor/axis_helper.mdl") = phys_pulleyconstraint :
N/A5066 "A constraint that is essentially two length constraints and two points. Imagine it as a virtual rope connected to two objects, each suspended from a pulley above them."+
N/A5067 "The constraint keeps the sum of the distances between the pulley points and their suspended objects constant."
N/A5069 addlength(float) : "Additional Length" : "0" : "Add (or subtract) this amount to the rest length of the pulley rope."
N/A5070 gearratio(float) : "Pulley Gear Ratio" : "1" : "Add (or subtract) this amount to the rest length of the pulley rope."
N/A5071 position2(vecline) : "Pulley Position 2" : : "The position of the pulley for Entity 2. The pulley for Entity 1 is the origin of this constraint entity. Entity 1 is always suspended from pulley point 1, and Entity 2 is always suspended from pulley point 2."
N/A5072 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5073 [
N/A5074 1: "No Collision until break" : 1
N/A5075 2: "Keep Rigid" : 0
N/A5076 ]
N/A5079@PointClass halfgridsnap base(TwoObjectPhysics) studio("models/editor/axis_helper.mdl") = phys_slideconstraint :
N/A5080 "A constraint that constrains an entity along a line segment."
N/A5082 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5083 [
N/A5084 1: "No Collision until break" : 1
N/A5085 2: "Limit Endpoints" : 0
N/A5086 ]
N/A5087 slideaxis(vecline) : "Sliding Axis"
N/A5088 slidefriction(float) : "Friction" : "0" : "Resistance/friction in the constraint"
N/A5089 SystemLoadScale(float) : "Load Scale" : "1" : "Scale of the mass load connected to this constraint (1=just the objects directly connected)"
N/A5091 // Inputs
N/A5092 input SetVelocity(float) : "Set linear velocity along the constraint"
N/A5095 //// Episodic only -- for now.
N/A5097 minSoundThreshold(float) : "Minimum Sound Velocity" : "6" : "When travelling below this many units/sec, will not play any sound."
N/A5098 maxSoundThreshold(float) : "Full Sound Velocity" : "80" : "When travelling at this speed or above, will play sound at full volume."
N/A5099 slidesoundfwd(sound) : "Travel sound (forward)" : "" : "Play this sound when travelling forward on helper axis"
N/A5100 slidesoundback(sound) : "Travel sound (backward)" : "" : "Play this sound when travelling backward on helper axis"
N/A5102 reversalsoundthresholdSmall(float) : "Reversal sound threshold (small)" : "0" : "When accelerating by more than this many units/sec^2 opposite to direction of travel, play the small reversal sound."
N/A5103 reversalsoundthresholdMedium(float) : "Reversal sound threshold (medium)" : "0" : "When accelerating by more than this many units/sec^2 opposite to direction of travel, play the medium reversal sound."
N/A5104 reversalsoundthresholdLarge(float) : "Reversal sound threshold (large)" : "0" : "When accelerating by more than this many units/sec^2 opposite to direction of travel, play the large reversal sound."
N/A5106 reversalsoundSmall(sound) : "Reversal sound (small)" : "" : "Play this sound when making a hard reverse over the small threshold but less than medium"
N/A5107 reversalsoundMedium(sound) : "Reversal sound (medium)" : "" : "Play this sound when making a hard reverse over the medium threshold but less than large"
N/A5108 reversalsoundLarge(sound) : "Reversal sound (large)" : "" : "Play this sound when making a hard reverse over the large threshold"
N/A5111@PointClass base(TwoObjectPhysics) studio("models/editor/axis_helper.mdl") = phys_lengthconstraint :
N/A5112 "A constraint that preserves the distance between two entities. If the 'Keep Rigid' flag is set, think of it as a rod. If not, think off it as a virtual rope."
N/A5114 addlength(float) : "Additional Length" : "0" : "Add (or subtract) this amount to the rest length of the rope."
N/A5115 minlength(float) : "Minimum Length" : "0" : "If the constraint is not rigid, this is the minimum length it can be."
N/A5116 attachpoint(vecline) : "Attached object 2 point" : "The position the rope attaches to object 2"
N/A5117 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5118 [
N/A5119 1: "No Collision until break" : 1
N/A5120 2: "Keep Rigid" : 0
N/A5121 ]
N/A5124@PointClass base(TwoObjectPhysics) studio("models/editor/axis_helper.mdl") = phys_ragdollconstraint :
N/A5125 "A constraint that fixes the position of two entities, relative to this constraint's origin. Also allows for limits on the rotation around each axis, in the space of this constraint."
N/A5127 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5128 [
N/A5129 1: "No Collision until break" : 1
N/A5130 2: "Only limit rotation (free movement)" : 0
N/A5131 ]
N/A5133 xmin(float) : "X axis min limit" : "-90" : "-180 min and 180 max = no constraint on this axis."
N/A5134 xmax(float) : "X axis max limit" : "90" : "-180 min and 180 max = no constraint on this axis."
N/A5135 ymin(float) : "Y axis min limit" : "0" : "-180 min and 180 max = no constraint on this axis."
N/A5136 ymax(float) : "Y axis max limit" : "0" : "-180 min and 180 max = no constraint on this axis."
N/A5137 zmin(float) : "Z axis min limit" : "0" : "-180 min and 180 max = no constraint on this axis."
N/A5138 zmax(float) : "Z axis max limit" : "0" : "-180 min and 180 max = no constraint on this axis."
N/A5139 xfriction(float) : "X axis friction" : "0"
N/A5140 yfriction(float) : "Y axis friction" : "0"
N/A5141 zfriction(float) : "Z axis friction" : "0"
N/A5144@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) color(0 0 255) = phys_convert :
N/A5145 "Turns an arbitrary entity into a physically simulated entity. i.e. brush entities will behave like func_physbox, model entities behave like prop_physics."
N/A5147 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5148 [
N/A5149 1: "Convert Asleep" : 0
N/A5150 2: "Convert As Debris" : 0
N/A5151 ]
N/A5152 target(target_destination) : "Entity to convert" : : "Name of the entity that will be converted to a physics object when the ConvertTarget input is fired."
N/A5153 swapmodel(string) : "Model Swap Entity"
N/A5154 massoverride(float) : "Mass Override" : "0" : "Sets the mass when the object(s) are converted (0 means auto-calculate)"
N/A5156 // Outputs
N/A5157 output OnConvert(void) : "Fires after the conversion has taken place."
N/A5159 // Inputs
N/A5160 input ConvertTarget(void) : "Converts this entity's target to a physically simulated object."
N/A5163@BaseClass base(Targetname) = ForceController
N/A5165 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5166 [
N/A5167 // Thrust is on by default (will turn off in forcetime)
N/A5168 1: "Start On" : 0
N/A5169 // Apply linear force (if off, torque only)
N/A5170 2: "Apply Force" : 1
N/A5171 // Apply rotational force (torque - if off, linear only)
N/A5172 4: "Apply Torque" : 1
N/A5173 // Maintain local relationship with the attached object
N/A5174 8: "Orient Locally" : 1
N/A5175 // Impulse is independent of object's mass (impulse is acceleration NOT force)
N/A5176 16: "Ignore Mass" : 0
N/A5177 ]
N/A5178 attach1(target_destination) : "Attached Object" : "" : "Object to apply the force to."
N/A5180 forcetime(string) : "Time of Force (0=inf)" : "0" : "Automatic shut-off after this time has passed (0 = stay on forever or until deactivated)"
N/A5182 input Activate(void) : "Turn the force on"
N/A5183 input Deactivate(void) : "Turn the force off"
N/A5184 input Scale(string) : "Set Force Scale"
N/A5187@PointClass base(Angles, ForceController) = phys_thruster :
N/A5188 "An entity used to apply constant acceleration to a physics object. "+
N/A5189 "The force and torque is calculated using the position and direction of the thruster as an impulse. So moving those off the object's center "+
N/A5190 "will cause torque as well. Torque can be removed by unchecking the 'apply torque' flag. The position of the thruster can be forced to be "+
N/A5191 "at the object's center by checking to 'ignore pos' flag."
N/A5193 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5194 [
N/A5195 // Put the thrust at the object center
N/A5196 32: "Ignore Pos" : 0
N/A5197 ]
N/A5199 force(string) : "Force" : "0" : "Force (will be integrated, units are force kg*in/s^2)"
N/A5202@PointClass halfgridsnap base(ForceController) = phys_torque :
N/A5203 "An angular thruster. Use it to apply angular force to an entity."
N/A5205 // Angular acceleration (units are degress/s^2)
N/A5206 force(string) : "Angular Acceleration" : "0"
N/A5207 axis(vecline) : "Rotation Axis" : ""
N/A5210@PointClass base(Targetname) halfgridsnap size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = phys_motor :
N/A5211 "An entity that tries to spin a target entity at a particular speed."
N/A5213 speed(string) : "Rotation Speed" : "0" : "Angular speed (units are degress/second)"
N/A5214 spinup(string) : "Spin up time" : "1" : "spin up time in seconds (also affects the rate at which speed changes happen)"
N/A5215 inertiafactor(float) : "System Interia Scale" : "1.0" : "Make this larger if the object being driven is constrained to a set of heavier objects."
N/A5216 axis(vecline) : "Rotation Axis" : ""
N/A5218 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5219 [
N/A5220 // starts on by default
N/A5221 1: "Start On" : 1
N/A5222 // Disable world collisions on hinges
N/A5223 2: "No world collision" : 0
N/A5224 // motor also acts as a hinge constraining the object to this axis
N/A5225 4: "Hinge Object" : 1
N/A5226 // Maintain local relationship with the attached object (NOT WORKING YET)
N/A5227// 8: "Orient Locally" : 1
N/A5228 ]
N/A5229 attach1(target_destination) : "Attached Object" : "" : "Object to apply the force to"
N/A5231 // Inputs
N/A5232 input SetSpeed(float) : "Sets target speed"
N/A5233 input TurnOn(void) : "Turns motor on"
N/A5234 input TurnOff(void) : "Turns motor off"
N/A5237@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles, Studiomodel) studio() = phys_magnet :
N/A5238 "An entity that acts like a magnet, attaching metallic physics objects to itself when they touch it."
N/A5240 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5241 [
N/A5242 1 : "Start Asleep" : 0
N/A5243 2 : "Motion Disabled" : 0
N/A5244 4 : "Suck On Touch" : 0
N/A5245 8 : "Allow Attached Rotation" : 0
N/A5246 16: "Coast jeep pickup hack" : 0
N/A5247 ]
N/A5249 forcelimit(float) : "Force Limit to Break (lbs)" : "0" : "The amount of force necessary to break a stuck object off the magnet. A way of calculating this is to set it to the mass of an object that would break this constraint if it were resting on the magnet."
N/A5250 torquelimit(float) : "Torque Limit to Break (lbs * distance)" : "0" : "The amount of torque necessary to break a stuck object off the magnet. A way of calculating this is to multiply any reference mass by the resting distance (from the center of mass of the object) needed to break the constraint."
N/A5252 massScale(float) : "Mass Scale" : "0" : "A scale multiplier for the object's mass."
N/A5253 overridescript(string) : "Override parameters" : "" : "A list of physics key/value pairs that are usually in a physics prop .qc file. Format is 'key,value,key,value,etc'."
N/A5254 maxobjects(integer) : "Maximum Attached Objects" : 0 : "The maximum number of physics objects that can be stuck to the magnet at once. 0 = no limit."
N/A5256 // Inputs
N/A5257 input TurnOn(void) : "Turn the magnet on."
N/A5258 input TurnOff(void) : "The the magnet off. This will detach anything current stuck to the magnet."
N/A5260 // Outputs
N/A5261 output OnAttach(void) : "Fired when an entity is grabbed by the magnet."
N/A5262 output OnDetach(void) : "Fired when an entity is released by the magnet."
N/A5268// Props
N/A5272@BaseClass = prop_detail_base
N/A5274 model(studio) : "World model"
N/A5277@BaseClass base(Angles, DXLevelChoice) = prop_static_base
N/A5279 model(studio) : "World Model"
N/A5280 skin(integer) : "Skin" : 0 : "Some models have multiple versions of their textures, called skins. Set this to a number other than 0 to use that skin instead of the default."
N/A5281 solid(choices) : "Collisions" : 6 =
N/A5282 [
N/A5283 0: "Not Solid"
N/A5284 2: "Use Bounding Box"
N/A5285 6: "Use VPhysics"
N/A5286 ]
N/A5287 disableshadows(choices) : "Disable Shadows" : 0 =
N/A5288 [
N/A5289 0 : "No"
N/A5290 1 : "Yes"
N/A5291 ]
N/A5292 screenspacefade(choices) : "Screen Space Fade" : 0 : "The method by which the fading distance should be determined. If 'No', the fade distances is the distance from the player's view to the object, in inches. If 'Yes', the fade distance is the size of the object onscreen, in pixels." =
N/A5293 [
N/A5294 0 : "No"
N/A5295 1 : "Yes"
N/A5296 ]
N/A5297 fademindist(float) : "Start Fade Dist/Pixels" : -1 : "Distance at which the prop starts to fade (<0 = use fademaxdist). If 'Screen Space Fade' is selected, this represents the number of pixels wide covered by the prop when it starts to fade."
N/A5298 fademaxdist(float) : "End Fade Dist/Pixels" : 0 : "Maximum distance at which the prop is visible (0 = don't fade out). If 'Screen Space Fade' is selected, this represents the *minimum* number of pixels wide covered by the prop when it fades."
N/A5299 fadescale(float) : "Fade Scale" : 1 : "If you specify a fade in the worldspawn, or if the engine is running under dx7 [hl2/ep1/portal] or dx8 [ep2/tf], then the engine will forcibly fade out props even if fademindist/fademaxdist isn't specified." +
N/A5300 " This scale factor gives you some control over the fade. Using 0 here turns off the forcible fades." +
N/A5301 " Numbers smaller than 1 cause the prop to fade out at further distances, and greater than 1 cause it to fade out at closer distances."
N/A5302 lightingorigin(target_destination) : "Lighting Origin" : "" : "Select an info_lighting to specify a location to sample lighting from, instead of using this entity's origin."
N/A5303 disablevertexlighting(choices) : "Disable Vertex lighting" : 0 =
N/A5304 [
N/A5305 0 : "No"
N/A5306 1 : "Yes"
N/A5307 ]
N/A5308 disableselfshadowing(choices) : "Disable Self-Shadowing with vertex lighting" : 0 =
N/A5309 [
N/A5310 0 : "No"
N/A5311 1 : "Yes"
N/A5312 ]
N/A5313 ignorenormals(choices) : "Ignore surface normal for computing vertex lighting" : 0 =
N/A5314 [
N/A5315 0 : "No"
N/A5316 1 : "Yes"
N/A5317 ]
N/A5320@BaseClass = BaseFadeProp
N/A5322 fademindist(float) : "Start Fade Dist" : -1 : "Distance at which the prop starts to fade (<0 = use fademaxdist)."
N/A5323 fademaxdist(float) : "End Fade Dist" : 0 : "Max fade distance at which the prop is visible (0 = don't fade out)"
N/A5324 fadescale(float) : "Fade Scale" : 1 : "If you specify a fade in the worldspawn, or if the engine is running under dx7, then the engine will forcibly fade out props even if fademindist/fademaxdist isn't specified." +
N/A5325 " This scale factor gives you some control over the fade. Using 0 here turns off the forcible fades." +
N/A5326 " Numbers smaller than 1 cause the prop to fade out at further distances, and greater than 1 cause it to fade out at closer distances."
N/A5329@BaseClass base(Parentname, Global, Angles, Studiomodel, BreakableProp, DXLevelChoice, BaseFadeProp, RenderFields) = prop_dynamic_base
N/A5331 solid(choices) : "Collisions" : 6 =
N/A5332 [
N/A5333 0: "Not Solid"
N/A5334 2: "Use Bounding Box"
N/A5335 6: "Use VPhysics"
N/A5336 ]
N/A5338 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5339 [
N/A5340 64 : "Use Hitboxes for Renderbox" : 0
N/A5341 256 : "Start with collision disabled" : 0
N/A5342 ]
N/A5344 DefaultAnim(string) : "Default Animation" : "" : "The name of the idle animation that this prop will revert to whenever it finishes a random or forced animation."
N/A5346 RandomAnimation(choices) : "Randomly Animate" : 0 : "If set, this prop will randomly choose and play animations, based upon the times specified in 'Min/Max Random Anim Time'. Inbetween the random animations, it will revert to playing the 'Default Animation'." =
N/A5347 [
N/A5348 0: "No"
N/A5349 1: "Yes"
N/A5350 ]
N/A5351 MinAnimTime(float) : "Min Random Anim Time" : "5" : "Minimum time between random animations."
N/A5352 MaxAnimTime(float) : "Max Random Anim Time" : "10" : "Maximum time between random animations."
N/A5353 SetBodyGroup(integer) : "Body Group" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A5355 DisableBoneFollowers(choices) : "Disable Bone Followers" : 0 : "If set, this prop won't generate bone followers, even if they're listed in the model's .qc" =
N/A5356 [
N/A5357 0: "No"
N/A5358 1: "Yes"
N/A5359 ]
N/A5361 // Inputs
N/A5362 input SetAnimation(string) : "Force the prop to play an animation. The parameter should be the name of the animation."
N/A5363 input SetDefaultAnimation(string) : "Set the Default Animation to the one specified in the parameter."
N/A5364 input SetPlaybackRate(float) : "Set the playback rate for the animation."
N/A5365 input SetBodyGroup(integer) : "Set the visible bodygroup, by index."
N/A5366 input TurnOn(void) : "Make the prop visible."
N/A5367 input TurnOff(void) : "Make the prop invisible."
N/A5368 input EnableCollision(void) : "Enable collision on the prop."
N/A5369 input DisableCollision(void) : "Disable collision on the prop."
N/A5371 // Outputs
N/A5372 output OnAnimationBegun(void) : "Fired whenever a new animation has begun playing."
N/A5373 output OnAnimationDone(void) : "Fired whenever an animation is complete."
N/A5375 lightingorigin(target_destination) : "Lighting Origin" : "" : "Select a path_corner entity to specify a location to sample lighting from, instead of using this entity's origin."
N/A5378@PointClass base(prop_detail_base) studioprop() = prop_detail :
N/A5379 "Detail Prop"
N/A5381 model(studio) : "World model"
N/A5384@PointClass base(prop_static_base) color(255 255 0) sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) studioprop() = prop_static :
N/A5385 "A prop that doesn't move and doesn't animate."
N/A5389@PointClass base(prop_dynamic_base,EnableDisable) sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) studioprop() = prop_dynamic :
N/A5390 "A prop that can be placed in hierarchy and can play animations. It can also be configured to break when it takes enough damage. "+
N/A5391 "Note that the health of the object will be overridden by the health inside the model, to ensure consistent health game-wide. "+
N/A5392 "If the model used by the prop is configured to be used as a prop_physics (i.e. it should be physically simulated) then it CANNOT be "+
N/A5393 "used as a prop_dynamic. Upon level load it will display a warning in the console and remove itself. Use a prop_physics instead."
N/A5397@PointClass base(prop_dynamic_base) studioprop() = prop_dynamic_override :
N/A5398 "A prop that can be placed in hierarchy and can play animations. It can also be configured to break when it takes enough damage.\n"+
N/A5399 "prop_dynamic_override is a prototyping entity only. It will allow the use of models designed to be used as prop_physics."
N/A5401 health(integer) : "Health" : 0 : "Number of points of damage to take before breaking. 0 means don't break."
N/A5404@BaseClass base(Targetname, Global, Angles, Studiomodel, BreakableProp, DXLevelChoice, BaseFadeProp) = BasePropPhysics
N/A5406 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5407 [
N/A5408 1 : "Start Asleep" : 0
N/A5409 2 : "Don't take physics damage" : 0
N/A5410 4 : "Debris - Don't collide with the player or other debris" : 0
N/A5411 8 : "Motion Disabled" : 0
N/A5412 64 : "Enable motion on Physcannon grab" : 0
N/A5413 128 : "Not affected by rotor wash" : 0
N/A5414 256 : "Generate output on +USE " : 1
N/A5415 512 : "Prevent pickup" : 0
N/A5416 1024: "Prevent motion enable on player bump" : 0
N/A5417 4096: "Debris with trigger interaction" : 0
N/A5418 8192: "Force server-side (Multiplayer only)" : 0
N/A5419 1048576: "Physgun can ALWAYS pick up. No matter what." : 0
N/A5420 ]
N/A5422 minhealthdmg(integer) : "Min Damage to Hurt" : 0 : "The prop will ignore any damage events if the damage is less than this amount."
N/A5423 shadowcastdist(integer) : "Shadow Cast Distance" : 0 : "Use this to override how far this object casts shadows. 0 = default distance."
N/A5424 physdamagescale(float) : "Physics Impact Damage Scale" : "0.1" : "Scales damage energy when this object is hit by a physics object. NOTE: 0 means this feature is disabled for backwards compatibility.\nSet to 1.0 for materials as strong as flesh, smaller numbers indicate stronger materials."
N/A5425 Damagetype(choices) : "Impact damage type" : 0 =
N/A5426 [
N/A5427 0: "Blunt"
N/A5428 1: "Sharp"
N/A5429 ]
N/A5431 nodamageforces(choices) : "Damaging it Doesn't Push It" : 0 : "Used to determine whether or not damage should cause the brush to move." =
N/A5432 [
N/A5433 0: "No"
N/A5434 1: "Yes"
N/A5435 ]
N/A5437 inertiaScale(float) : "Scale Factor For Inertia" : "1.0" : "Scales the angular mass of an object. Used to hack angular damage and collision response."
N/A5438 massScale(float) : "Mass Scale" : "0" : "A scale multiplier for the object's mass."
N/A5439 overridescript(string) : "Override Parameters" : "" : "A list of physics key/value pairs that are usually in a physics prop .qc file. Format is 'key,value,key,value,etc'."
N/A5440 damagetoenablemotion(integer) : "Health Level to Override Motion" : 0 : "If specified, this object will start motion disabled. Once its health has dropped below this specified amount, it will enable motion."
N/A5441 forcetoenablemotion(float) : "Physics Impact Force to Override Motion" : 0 : "If specified, this object will start motion disabled. Any impact that imparts a force greater than this value on the physbox will enable motion."
N/A5443 puntsound(sound) : "Sound to make when punted"
N/A5445 // Inputs
N/A5446 input Wake(void) : "Wake up this physics object, if it is sleeping."
N/A5447 input Sleep(void) : "Put this physics object to sleep. It will wake if given the Wake input, or if force is applied to it. Note that physics objects go to sleep automatically after coming to rest for a while, so you don't really need to use this."
N/A5448 input EnableMotion(void) : "Enable physics motion/collision response."
N/A5449 input DisableMotion(void) : "Disable physics motion/collision response."
N/A5450 input DisableFloating(void) : "Disable fluid/floating simulation to reduce cost."
N/A5451 input SetBodyGroup(integer) : "Set this prop's body group (from 0 - n)."
N/A5452 input physdamagescale(float) : "Set the Physics Impact Damage Scale for this character. NOTE: 0 means this feature is disabled for backwards compatibility."
N/A5453 input EnableDamageForces(void) : "Damaging the entity applies physics forces to it."
N/A5454 input DisableDamageForces(void) : "Damaging the entity does *not* apply physics forces to it."
N/A5455 input EnablePuntSound(void) : "Allow this prop to play its own sound when punted"
N/A5456 input DisablePuntSound(void) : "Prevent this prop from playing its own sound when punted"
N/A5458 // Outputs
N/A5459 output OnMotionEnabled(void) : "Fired when motion is enabled on this prop, either via 'Health Level to Override Motion' or from the EnableMotion input."
N/A5460 output OnAwakened(void) : "Fired when this entity becomes awake (collision/force is applied to it while it's asleep)."
N/A5461 output OnPhysGunPickup(void) : "Fired when the player picks up the prop with the physcannon or +USE."
N/A5462 output OnPhysGunPunt(void) : "Fired when a player punts this object with the physgun."
N/A5463 output OnPhysGunOnlyPickup(void) : "Fired when a player picks this object up WITH THE PHYSGUN. +USE pickups do not fire this output."
N/A5464 output OnPhysGunDrop(void) : "Fired when the player drops the prop with the physcannon or USE."
N/A5465 output OnPlayerUse(void) : "Fired when the player tries to +USE the prop. This output will fire only if the Generate output on +USE spawnflag is set."
N/A5466 output OnPlayerPickup(void) : "Fired whenever the player picks up this prop (with the physcannon or with +USE)."
N/A5467 output OnOutOfWorld(void) : "Fired whenever the prop is out of the allowed world bounds."
N/A5470@PointClass base(BasePropPhysics) studioprop() sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) = prop_physics_override :
N/A5471 "A prop that physically simulates as a single rigid body. It can be constrained to other physics objects using hinges "+
N/A5472 "or other constraints. It can also be configured to break when it takes enough damage. Health can be overridden on this version."
N/A5474 health(integer) : "Health" : 0 : "Number of points of damage to take before breaking. 0 means don't break."
N/A5476 // Inputs
N/A5477 input Ignite(void) : "Ignite, burst into flames."
N/A5478 input IgniteLifetime(float) : "Ignite, with a parameter lifetime."
N/A5479 input IgniteNumHitboxFires(integer) : "Ignite, with a parameternumber of hitbox fires."
N/A5480 input IgniteHitboxFireScale(float) : "Ignite, with a parameter hitbox fire scale."
N/A5483@PointClass base(BasePropPhysics, RenderFields) studioprop() sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) = prop_physics :
N/A5484 "A prop that physically simulates as a single rigid body. It can be constrained to other physics objects using hinges "+
N/A5485 "or other constraints. It can also be configured to break when it takes enough damage. "+
N/A5486 "Note that the health of the object will be overridden by the health inside the model, to ensure consistent health game-wide. "+
N/A5487 "If the model used by the prop is configured to be used as a prop_dynamic (i.e. it should not be physically simulated) then it CANNOT be "+
N/A5488 "used as a prop_physics. Upon level load it will display a warning in the console and remove itself. Use a prop_dynamic instead."
N/A5490 // Inputs
N/A5491 input Ignite(void) : "Ignite, burst into flames."
N/A5492 input IgniteLifetime(float) : "Ignite, with a parameter lifetime."
N/A5493 input IgniteNumHitboxFires(integer) : "Ignite, with a parameternumber of hitbox fires."
N/A5494 input IgniteHitboxFireScale(float) : "Ignite, with a parameter hitbox fire scale."
N/A5497@PointClass base(prop_physics) studioprop() sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) = prop_physics_multiplayer :
N/A5498 "This class is the same as prop_physics, except the runtime collisions use a more bouncy method that avoids " +
N/A5499 "the prediction errors normal physics objects get."
N/A5501 physicsmode(choices) : "Physics Mode" : 0 =
N/A5502 [
N/A5503 0: "Auto Detect"
N/A5504 1: "Solid, Server-side"
N/A5505 2: "Non-Solid, Server-side"
N/A5506 3: "Non-Solid, Client-side"
N/A5507 ]
N/A5510@PointClass base(Angles, Targetname, Studiomodel, DXLevelChoice, BaseFadeProp, EnableDisable) sphere(fademindist) sphere(fademaxdist) studioprop() = prop_ragdoll :
N/A5511 "A prop that physically simulates and can be articulated with internal joints. The joint constraints are part of the physics model."
N/A5513 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5514 [
N/A5515 4 : "Debris - Don't collide with the player or other debris" : 1
N/A5516 8192 : "Allow Dissolve" : 0
N/A5517 16384 : "Motion Disabled" : 0
N/A5518 32768 : "Allow stretch" : 0
N/A5519 65536 : "Start asleep" : 0
N/A5520 ]
N/A5521 angleOverride(string) : "Override Animation" : "" : "Filled in by the engine via wc_update_entity, do not edit by hand except to clear."
N/A5523 input StartRagdollBoogie(void) : "Begins ragdoll boogie effect. Parameter override = number of seconds to boogie."
N/A5524 input EnableMotion(void) : "Enable physics motion/collision response."
N/A5525 input DisableMotion(void) : "Disable physics motion/collision response."
N/A5526 input FadeAndRemove(float) : "Fade out then remove (kill) self. Parameter override = duration of fade"
N/A5529@PointClass base(prop_dynamic_base) studioprop() = prop_dynamic_ornament :
N/A5530 "A way to attach one studio model to another as an ornament. It will render in the way that player/NPC weapons render."
N/A5532 solid(choices) : "Collisions" : 0 =
N/A5533 [
N/A5534 0: "Not Solid"
N/A5535 ]
N/A5537 InitialOwner(string) : "Target Entity" : : "Name of the entity that this ornament should attach to, at startup."
N/A5539 // Inputs
N/A5540 input SetAttached(string) : "Attach the ornament to a different entity. Parameter should be the name of entity to attach to."
N/A5541 input Detach(string) : "Detach from the Target Entity and become invisible. The ornament can be re-attached with the SetAttached input."
N/A5546// Solid Entities
N/A5550@SolidClass base(Targetname) color(0 255 255) = func_areaportal :
N/A5551 "A portal brush used to manage visibility in maps. Portals define areas, which are spaces " +
N/A5552 "that are connected in the map. Both sides of a portal cannot touch the same area, for example, a " +
N/A5553 "doughnut shaped map would require at least two portals to divide the map into two areas. A linear map " +
N/A5554 "could be divided into two areas with a single area portal."
N/A5556 target(target_destination) : "Name of Linked Door" : : "(Optional) The name of a door whose open/closed state controls the on/off state of this area portal."
N/A5557 StartOpen(choices) : "Initial State" : 1 =
N/A5558 [
N/A5559 0 : "Closed"
N/A5560 1 : "Open"
N/A5561 ]
N/A5563 PortalVersion(integer) readonly  : "Portal Version"  : 1  : "(Don't change). Differentiates between shipping HL2 maps and maps using new engine features."
N/A5565 // Inputs
N/A5566 input Open(void) : "Open the portal. When the portal is open is can be seen through."
N/A5567 input Close(void) : "Close the portal. When the portal is closed it cannot be seen through."
N/A5568 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the open/closed state of the portal."
N/A5571@SolidClass base(Targetname) color(0 255 255) = func_occluder :
N/A5572 "A occluder brush used to manage dynamic visibility in maps. Occluders are used to dynamically " +
N/A5573 "determine what things are behind them, to prevent trying to draw them at all."
N/A5575 StartActive(choices) : "Initial State" : 1 =
N/A5576 [
N/A5577 0 : "Inactive"
N/A5578 1 : "Active"
N/A5579 ]
N/A5581 // Inputs
N/A5582 input Deactivate(void) : "Deactivate the occluder, When inactive, it can be seen through."
N/A5583 input Activate(void) : "Activate the occluder. When active, it cannot be seen through."
N/A5584 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the active/inactive state of the occluder."
N/A5587@SolidClass base(BreakableBrush, Origin, RenderFields, Shadow) = func_breakable :
N/A5588 "A brush entity that can be broken from damage, or an input."
N/A5590 minhealthdmg(integer) : "Min Damage to Hurt" : 0 : "The prop will ignore any damage events if the damage is less than this amount."
N/A5592 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A5593 physdamagescale(float) : "Physics Impact Damage Scale" : "1.0" : "Scales damage energy when this object is hit by a physics object. NOTE: 0 means this feature is disabled for backwards compatibility.\nSet to 1.0 for materials as strong as flesh, smaller numbers indicate stronger materials."
N/A5596@SolidClass quadbounds() base(BreakableBrush, RenderFields, Shadow) = func_breakable_surf :
N/A5597 "A breakable surface, for partially breakable glass / tile / etc. All faces but the desired visible one must be marked as NODRAW and that" +
N/A5598 "face must be 4 sided. The material applied to the visible face must be set up to be breakable."
N/A5600 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A5601 [
N/A5602 1 : "Physics damage decals" : 0
N/A5603 2 : "Take damage from held objects" : 0
N/A5604 ]
N/A5605 health(integer) : "Health" : 5 : "The amount of damage the surface takes before breaking."
N/A5606 fragility(integer) : "Fragility" : 100 : "If the 'Surface Type' is set to Glass, this value sets how fragile the glass pieces are after the surface has been broken."
N/A5607 surfacetype(choices) : "Surface Type" : 0 =
N/A5608 [
N/A5609 0 : "Glass"
N/A5610 1 : "Tile"
N/A5611 ]
N/A5613 // Inputs
N/A5614 input Shatter(vector) : "Shatter the window. Input a vector. First two coordinates are the X,Y center of the shattering (as values from from 0-1). The third coordinate is the radius of the shatter, in inches."
N/A5617@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, RenderFields, Shadow) = func_conveyor :
N/A5618 "Conveyor Belt" // NEEDHELP
N/A5620 movedir(angle) : "Move Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "The direction conveyor moves."
N/A5621 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5622 [
N/A5623 1 : "No Push" : 0
N/A5624 2 : "Not Solid" : 0
N/A5625 ]
N/A5626 speed(string) : "Conveyor Speed" : "100"
N/A5627 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A5629 // Inputs
N/A5630 input ToggleDirection(void) : "ToggleDirection"
N/A5631 input SetSpeed(integer) : "SetSpeed"
N/A5634@SolidClass base(DXLevelChoice) color(0 180 0) = func_detail :
N/A5635 "An entity that turns its brushes into detail brushes. Detail brushes do NOT contribute to visibility in the PVS. World geometry "+
N/A5636 "is not clipped to detail brushes, so if you have a small detail clump attached to a wall, the wall won't be cut up by the detail brush."+
N/A5637 "func_detail is great for high-frequency brush geometry that's visual detail only. It is also ideal for reducing map VIS time."
N/A5641@SolidClass color(180 180 0) = func_viscluster :
N/A5642 "Any leaves touching this brush will have their vis merged together into a single cluster. Use multiple func_viscluster entities to reduce vis time"
N/A5646@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, RenderFields, Shadow) = func_illusionary :
N/A5647 "Legacy support. Use func_brush instead."
N/A5649 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A5652@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname) = func_precipitation :
N/A5653 "A brush entity that creates rain and snow inside its volume."
N/A5655 renderamt(integer) : "Density (0-100%)" : 5
N/A5656 rendercolor(color255) : "Color (R G B)" : "100 100 100"
N/A5657 preciptype(choices) : "Precipitation Type" : 0 =
N/A5658 [
N/A5659 0 : "Rain"
N/A5660 1 : "Snow"
N/A5661 2 : "Ash"
N/A5662 3 : "Snowfall"
N/A5663 ]
N/A5666@SolidClass base(func_wall) = func_wall_toggle :
N/A5667 "A brush entity that can be toggled on/off. When off, the brush will be non-solid and invisible. Does not cast lightmap shadows."
N/A5669 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5670 [
N/A5671 1 : "Starts Invisible" : 0
N/A5672 ]
N/A5674 // Inputs
N/A5675 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the brush on/off. When off, the brush will be non-solid and invisible."
N/A5679//@SolidClass base(Door) = func_water :
N/A5680// "Liquid" // NEEDHELP
N/A5682// spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5683// [
N/A5684// 1 : "Starts Open" : 0
N/A5685// 256:"Use Only" : 0
N/A5686// ]
N/A5687// movedir(angle) : "Move Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "The direction the water will move when it is told to 'Open'."
N/A5688// WaveHeight(string) : "Wave Height" : "3.0"
N/A5691@SolidClass base(Targetname, Parentname, RenderFields, Global) = func_guntarget :
N/A5692 "This is a moving target that moves along a path of path_tracks. It can be shot and killed."
N/A5694 speed(integer) : "Speed (units per second)" : 100 : "The speed at which the target moves along its path."
N/A5695 target(target_destination) : "First stop target" : : "The name of the first path_track entity in the path that this target should follow."
N/A5696 health(integer) : "Damage to Take" : 0 : "The amount of damage taken before this target is killed."
N/A5697 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A5699 // Inputs
N/A5700 input Start(void) : "Start the target moving."
N/A5701 input Stop(void) : "Stop the target from moving."
N/A5702 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the target between moving and stopped."
N/A5704 // Outputs
N/A5705 output OnDeath(void) : "Fires when the target is killed."
N/A5708@PointClass = func_fish_pool : "Creates a school of interactive fish that swim near this entity."
N/A5710 model(studio) : "World model" : "models/Junkola.mdl"
N/A5711 fish_count(integer) : "Fish Count" : 10 : "Number of Fish in this Pool"
N/A5712 max_range(float) : "Max Range" : 150 : "How far away a Fish can wander (max 255)"
N/A5718// Trains and Tracks
N/A5722@BaseClass = PlatSounds
N/A5724 movesnd(choices) : "Move Sound" : 0 : "The sound played whenever the platform starts moving." =
N/A5725 [
N/A5726 0: "No Sound"
N/A5727 1: "big elev 1"
N/A5728 2: "big elev 2"
N/A5729 3: "tech elev 1"
N/A5730 4: "tech elev 2"
N/A5731 5: "tech elev 3"
N/A5732 6: "freight elev 1"
N/A5733 7: "freight elev 2"
N/A5734 8: "heavy elev"
N/A5735 9: "rack elev"
N/A5736 10: "rail elev"
N/A5737 11: "squeek elev"
N/A5738 12: "odd elev 1"
N/A5739 13: "odd elev 2"
N/A5740 ]
N/A5741 stopsnd(choices) : "Stop Sound" : 0 : "The sound played when the platform stops moving." =
N/A5742 [
N/A5743 0: "No Sound"
N/A5744 1: "big elev stop1"
N/A5745 2: "big elev stop2"
N/A5746 3: "freight elev stop"
N/A5747 4: "heavy elev stop"
N/A5748 5: "rack stop"
N/A5749 6: "rail stop"
N/A5750 7: "squeek stop"
N/A5751 8: "quick stop"
N/A5752 ]
N/A5753 volume(string) : "Sound Volume 0.0 - 1.0" : "0.85"
N/A5756@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname, RenderFields, Global, PlatSounds) = Trackchange
N/A5758 height(integer) : "Travel Altitude" : 0 : "The vertical height above the track that the train moves. Negative values moves the train below."
N/A5759 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5760 [
N/A5761 1: "Auto Activate train" : 0
N/A5762 2: "Relink track" : 0
N/A5763 8: "Start at Bottom" : 0
N/A5764 16: "Rotate Only" : 0
N/A5765 64: "X Axis" : 0
N/A5766 128: "Y Axis" : 0
N/A5767 ]
N/A5768 rotation(integer) : "Spin amount" : 0 : "The amount this platform should rotate as it moves, in degrees."
N/A5769 train(target_destination) : "Train to Switch" // NEEDHELP
N/A5770 toptrack(target_destination) : "Top Track" // NEEDHELP
N/A5771 bottomtrack(target_destination) : "Bottom Track" // NEEDHELP
N/A5772 speed(integer) : "Move/Rotate Speed" : 0 // NEEDHELP
N/A5775@BaseClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Origin, RenderFields, Global, Shadow) = BaseTrain
N/A5777 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A5778 [
N/A5779 1 : "No Pitch (X-rot)" : 0
N/A5780 2 : "No User Control" : 0
N/A5781 8 : "Passable" : 0
N/A5782 16 : "Fixed Orientation" : 0
N/A5783 128 : "HL1 Train" : 0
N/A5784 256 : "Use max speed for pitch shifting move sound" : 0
N/A5785 512 : "Is unblockable by player" : 0
N/A5786 ]
N/A5788 target(target_destination) : "First Stop Target" : "" : "The name of the first path_track in the train's path. The train " +
N/A5789 "will spawn at this path_track. It will also turn to face direction indicated by the 'Orientation Type' setting."
N/A5791 startspeed(integer) : "Max Speed (units / second)" : 100 : "The maximum speed that this train can move. "+
N/A5792 "Any speeds applied to this train, such as by path_tracks or SetSpeed inputs, will be clipped to this maximum value."
N/A5794 speed(integer) : "Initial Speed (units / second)" : 0 : "The speed that the train will move at after it spawns, 0 = stopped."
N/A5796 velocitytype(choices) : "Change Velocity" : 0 : "The method through which this train changes its velocity as it moves along the path." =
N/A5797 [
N/A5798 0 : "Instantaneously"
N/A5799 1 : "Linear blend"
N/A5800 2 : "Ease in/ease out"
N/A5801 ]
N/A5803 orientationtype(choices) : "Change angles" : 1 : "The method through which this train changes its orientation as it moves along the path." =
N/A5804 [
N/A5805 0 : "Never (fixed orientation)"
N/A5806 1 : "Near path_tracks"
N/A5807 2 : "Linear blend"
N/A5808 3 : "Ease in/ease out"
N/A5809 ]
N/A5811 wheels(integer) : "Distance Between the Wheels" : 50 : "Used for turning and stopping."
N/A5812 height(integer) : "Height above track" : 4 : "The height above the track that this train moves."
N/A5813 bank(string) : "Bank Angle on Turns" : "0" // NEEDHELP
N/A5815 dmg(integer) : "Damage on Crush" : 0 : "The amount of damage this train does to entities that block it."
N/A5817 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A5819 MoveSound(sound) : "Move Sound" : "" : "A sound that is played (and looped) while the train is moving."
N/A5820 MovePingSound(sound) : "Move Ping Sound" : "" : "A sound that is played more frequently as the train speeds up."
N/A5821 StartSound(sound) : "Start Sound" : "" : "A sound played when the train starts moving."
N/A5822 StopSound(sound) : "Stop Sound" : "" : "A sound played when the train stops moving."
N/A5823 volume(integer) : "Volume (10 = loudest)" : 10
N/A5824 MoveSoundMinPitch(integer) : "Min pitch (1-255, > 100 = higher)" : 60 : "The sound pitch value that the train will approach as it comes to a stop."
N/A5825 MoveSoundMaxPitch(integer) : "Max pitch (1-255, > 100 = higher)" : 200 : "The sound pitch value that the train will approach as it approaches its "+
N/A5826 "max speed (or 1000 inches/second if the 'Use max speed for pitch shifting move sound' flag is not set)."
N/A5827 MoveSoundMinTime(float) : "Min move sound interval" : 0 : "Minimum interval at which to play the move ping sound."
N/A5828 MoveSoundMaxTime(float) : "Max move sound interval" : 0 : "Maximum interval at which to play the move ping sound."
N/A5830 // Inputs
N/A5831 input SetSpeed(float) : "Set the speed of the train, as a ratio of max speed [0, 1]"
N/A5832 input SetSpeedDir(float) : "Set the speed of the train, as a ratio of max speed. Negative values reverse the direction [-1, 1]"
N/A5833 input SetSpeedReal(float) : "Set the speed of the train. Must be a positive value from 0 to max speed."
N/A5834 input Stop(void) : "Stop the train."
N/A5835 input StartForward(void) : "Start the train moving forward."
N/A5836 input StartBackward(void) : "Start the train moving backward."
N/A5837 input Resume(void) : "Resume the train moving in the current direction after it was stopped via the 'Stop' or 'Toggle' input."
N/A5838 input Reverse(void) : "Reverse the direction of the train."
N/A5839 input Toggle(void) : "Toggle the train between start and stop."
N/A5842@SolidClass base(Trackchange) = func_trackautochange :
N/A5843 "An entity that works as a rotating/moving platform that will carry a train to a new track. "+
N/A5844 "It must be larger in X-Y planar area than the train, since it must contain the train within "+
N/A5845 "these dimensions in order to operate when the train is near it."
N/A5847 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A5849 // Inputs
N/A5850 input Trigger(void) : "Trigger the track change."
N/A5853@SolidClass base(Trackchange) = func_trackchange :
N/A5854 "An entity that works as a rotating/moving platform that will carry a train to a new track. "+
N/A5855 "It must be larger in X-Y planar area than the train, since it must contain the train within "+
N/A5856 "these dimensions in order to operate when the train is near it."
N/A5858 _minlight(string) : "Minimum Light Level" : : "The minimum level of ambient light that hits this brush."
N/A5861@SolidClass base(BaseTrain) = func_tracktrain :
N/A5862 "A moving platform that the player can ride. It follows a path of path_track entities.\n" +
N/A5863 "NOTE: Build your train so that the front of the train is facing down the X axis. " +
N/A5864 "When it spawns it will automatically rotate to face the next path_track on the path."
N/A5867 // Outputs
N/A5868 output OnStart(void) : "Fired when the train starts moving in either direction."
N/A5869 output OnNext(string) : "Fires when this train picks a new point to move towards (and just after OnStart)."
N/A5871 ManualSpeedChanges(choices) : "Manual Train Speed" : 0 : "Train Speed is controlled through IO, handles accel, decel times." =
N/A5872 [
N/A5873 0 : "Off"
N/A5874 1 : "On"
N/A5875 ]
N/A5877 ManualAccelSpeed(float) : "Manual Accel Speed" : 0 : "Units per second to accelerate to target speed."
N/A5878 ManualDecelSpeed(float) : "Manual Decel Speed" : 0 : "Units per second to decelerate to target speed."
N/A5880 input SetSpeedDirAccel(float) : "Accel/Decel to the specified speed, as a ratio of max speed. Negative values reverse the direction [-1, 1]"
N/A5881 input TeleportToPathTrack(string) : "Teleport train to the designated path track."
N/A5882 input SetSpeedForwardModifier(float) : "Applies the given modifier to all forward speeds. [0, 1]"
N/A5885@SolidClass base(BaseTrain) = func_tanktrain :
N/A5886 "A moving train that follows a path of path_track entities, shoots at the player, and can be killed.\n" +
N/A5887 "NOTE: Build your train so that the front of the train is facing down the X axis. " +
N/A5888 "When it spawns it will automatically rotate to face the next path_track on the path."
N/A5890 health(integer) : "Health" : 100
N/A5892 // Outputs
N/A5893 output OnDeath(void) : "Fired when the tank is killed."
N/A5896@SolidClass base(Parentname,Global) = func_traincontrols :
N/A5897 "When used by the player, this entity overrides the player's controls to let them drive a train."
N/A5899 target(target_destination) : "Train Name" : : "The target train to control when the player uses these controls."
N/A5902@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/tanktrain_aitarget.vmt") = tanktrain_aitarget :
N/A5903 "An entity that changes the target of a tanktrain_ai entity."
N/A5905 target(target_destination) : "Tank AI Entity" : : "The tanktrain_ai entity to change the target of."
N/A5906 newtarget(target_destination) : "New Target Entity" : : "The entity to tell the tanktrain_ai to target."
N/A5909@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/tanktrain_ai.vmt") = tanktrain_ai :
N/A5910 "Train chase AI" // NEEDHELP
N/A5912 target(target_destination) : "Train Name"
N/A5913 startsound(sound) : "Start Moving Sound" : "vehicles/diesel_start1.wav"
N/A5914 enginesound(sound) : "Engine Loop Sound" : "vehicles/diesel_turbo_loop1.wav"
N/A5915 movementsound(sound) : "Vehicle Movement Sound" : "vehicles/tank_treads_loop1.wav"
N/A5918@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) cylinder(255 255 255, targetname, target, radius, targetname, targetname, radius) color(255 192 0) size(16 16 16) = path_track :
N/A5919 "An entity used to build paths for other entities to follow. Each path_track is a node on the path, each holding the name of the next path_track in the path."
N/A5921 spawnflags(Flags) =
N/A5922 [
N/A5923 1: "Disabled" : 0
N/A5924 2: "Fire once" : 0
N/A5925 4: "Branch Reverse" : 0
N/A5926 8: "Disable train" : 0
N/A5927 16: "Teleport to THIS path track" : 0
N/A5928 32: "Part of an uphill path" : 0
N/A5929 64: "Part of a downhill path" : 0
N/A5930 ]
N/A5932 target(target_destination) : "Next Stop Target" : : "The next path_track in the path."
N/A5933 altpath(target_destination) : "Branch Path" : : "An alternative path_track to be the next node in the path. Useful for making branching paths. Use the ToggleAlternatePath / EnableAlternatePath inputs to make the alternative path active."
N/A5934 speed(float) : "New Train Speed" : 0 : "When the train reaches this path_track, it will set its speed to this speed. "+
N/A5935 "This speed must be a positive value that is less than the train's max speed. A value of 0 will cause no change in the train's speed."
N/A5936 radius(float) : "Path radius" : 0 : "Used by NPCs who follow track paths (attack chopper/gunship). This tells them the maximum distance they're allowed to be from the path at this node."
N/A5938 orientationtype(choices) : "Orientation Type" : 1 : "The way that the path follower faces as it moves through this path track." =
N/A5939 [
N/A5940 0 : "No change"
N/A5941 1 : "Face direction of motion"
N/A5942 2 : "Face this path_track's angles"
N/A5943 ]
N/A5945 // Inputs
N/A5946 input ToggleAlternatePath(void) : "Cause the track to toggle to/from its alternate path."
N/A5947 input EnableAlternatePath(void) : "Enable the alternate path of the track."
N/A5948 input DisableAlternatePath(void) : "Disable the alternate path of the track."
N/A5950 input TogglePath(void) : "Cause the track to toggle on/off/"
N/A5951 input EnablePath(void) : "Enable the track."
N/A5952 input DisablePath(void) : "Disable the track."
N/A5954 // Outputs
N/A5955 output OnPass(void) : "Fired when any entity following this path passes this path_track node."
N/A5956 output OnTeleport(void)  : "Fired when any entity following this path teleports directly to this path_track node."
N/A5962// Test Entities
N/A5965@PointClass base(Angles) size(-16 -16 -16, 16 16 16) color(255 255 255) = test_traceline :
N/A5966 "A debugging tool for testing tracelines."
N/A5973// Triggers
N/A5977@SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_autosave :
N/A5978 "A trigger volume that autosaves when the player touches it."
N/A5980 master(string) : "Master" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this entity will not activate."
N/A5981 NewLevelUnit(choices) : "Force New Level Unit" : 0 : "If set, the save will discard any savedata from previous levels, for the purpose of keeping savegame filesizes down. Can only be safely used if there is no way for the player to return to previous levels." =
N/A5982 [
N/A5983 0 : "No"
N/A5984 1 : "Yes"
N/A5985 ]
N/A5986 DangerousTimer(float) : "Dangerous Timer" : 0 : "The number of seconds the player must survive before this autosave takes effect."
N/A5988 MinimumHitPoints(integer): "Minumum Hit Points" : 0 : "Don't save dangerous when player has less than this many hitpoints."
N/A5991@SolidClass base(EnableDisable) = trigger_changelevel :
N/A5992 "An entity that triggers a level change.\n" +
N/A5993 "Place an info_landmark in both maps that marks the 'same' location in each map.\n"+
N/A5994 "TIPS & TRICKS: To fire events in the next level, use the OnLevelChange output to turn on "+
N/A5995 "an env_global in the current level. Create a logic_auto in the next level that checks "+
N/A5996 "for the state set by the env_global.\n\n"+
N/A5997 "To control which entities go through the level transition, create one or more trigger_transitions and "+
N/A5998 "give them the same name as the landmark. Any entities within the trigger_transition(s) will go to the next map."
N/A6000 targetname(target_source) : "Name"
N/A6001 map(string) : "New Map Name"
N/A6002 landmark(target_destination) : "Landmark Name"
N/A6003 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A6004 [
N/A6005 2: "Disable Touch" : 0
N/A6006 4: "To Previous Chapter" : 0
N/A6007 ]
N/A6009 // Inputs
N/A6010 input ChangeLevel(void) : "Cause the level change. Use this when triggering the level change with a button, etc."
N/A6012 // Outputs
N/A6013 output OnChangeLevel(void) : "Fired when the level changes."
N/A6016@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_gravity :
N/A6017 "A trigger volume that changes the gravity on any entity that touches it."
N/A6019 gravity(integer) : "Gravity (0-1)" : 1
N/A6022@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_playermovement :
N/A6023 "An entity that can be used to disable player's automatic ducking/unducking when jumping."
N/A6025 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A6026 [
N/A6027 // Remove this after maps fixed up:
N/A6028 16: "(OBSOLETE, Uncheck me)" : 0
N/A6029 128: "Disable auto player movement" : 1
N/A6030 2048: "Auto-duck while in trigger" : 0
N/A6031 ]
N/A6036@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_soundscape :
N/A6037 "Soundscape trigger. " +
N/A6038 "It is not necessary to create outputs for this trigger. It automatically will trigger the " +
N/A6039 "soundscape referred to by its 'Soundscape' property."
N/A6041 soundscape(target_source) : "Soundscape"
N/A6044@SolidClass base(Trigger, Targetname) = trigger_hurt :
N/A6045 "A trigger volume that damages entities that touch it."
N/A6047 master(string) : "Master (Obsolete)" : : "Legacy support: The name of a master entity. If the master hasn't been activated, this entity will not activate."
N/A6048 damage(integer) : "Damage" : 10 : "The amount of damage done to entities that touch this trigger. The damage is done every half-second. See also 'Damage Model' for extra details on how damage can be dealt."
N/A6049 damagecap(integer) : "Damage Cap" : 20 : "Maximum damage dealt per second. This field is only used if you select the Doubling w/Forgiveness damage model, via the spawnflag."
N/A6050 damagetype(choices) : "Damage Type" : 0 =
N/A6051 [
N/A6052 0 : "GENERIC"
N/A6053 1 : "CRUSH"
N/A6054 2 : "BULLET"
N/A6055 4 : "SLASH"
N/A6056 8 : "BURN"
N/A6057 16 : "FREEZE"
N/A6058 32 : "FALL"
N/A6059 64 : "BLAST"
N/A6060 128 : "CLUB"
N/A6061 256 : "SHOCK"
N/A6062 512 : "SONIC"
N/A6063 1024 : "ENERGYBEAM"
N/A6064 16384: "DROWN"
N/A6065 32768 : "PARALYSE"
N/A6066 65536 : "NERVEGAS"
N/A6067 131072 : "POISON"
N/A6068 262144 : "RADIATION"
N/A6069 524288 : "DROWNRECOVER"
N/A6070 1048576 : "CHEMICAL"
N/A6071 2097152 : "SLOWBURN"
N/A6072 4194304 : "SLOWFREEZE"
N/A6073 ]
N/A6075 damagemodel(choices) : "Damage Model" : 0 : "How damage is dealt. Normal always does the specified amount of damage each half second. Doubling starts with the specified amount and doubles it each time it hurts the toucher. Forgiveness means that if the toucher gets out of the trigger the damage will reset to the specified value. Good for making triggers that are deadly over time without having to cause massive damage on each touch." =
N/A6076 [
N/A6077 0 : "Normal"
N/A6078 1 : "Doubling w/forgiveness"
N/A6079 ]
N/A6081 nodmgforce(choices) : "Zero Damage Force" : 0 : "Should the damaged entity receive no physics force from this trigger." =
N/A6082 [
N/A6083 0 : "No"
N/A6084 1 : "Yes"
N/A6085 ]
N/A6087 // Inputs
N/A6088 input SetDamage(float) : "Set a new amount of damage for this trigger."
N/A6090 // Outputs
N/A6091 output OnHurt(void) : "Fired whenever this trigger hurts something other than a player."
N/A6092 output OnHurtPlayer(void) : "Fired whenever this trigger hurts a player."
N/A6095@SolidClass base(Trigger, Targetname) = trigger_remove :
N/A6096 "A trigger volume that removes any entities that touch it. Be careful, removing some entities can cause instability. "+
N/A6097 "This is not the same as killing entities. i.e. NPCs removed in this manner will not fire their OnKilled outputs."
N/A6099 // Outputs
N/A6100 output OnRemove(void) : "Fired whenever an entity is removed."
N/A6103@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_multiple :
N/A6104 "A trigger volume that can be triggered multiple times."
N/A6106 wait(integer) : "Delay Before Reset" : 1 : "Amount of time, in seconds, after the trigger_multiple has triggered before it can be triggered again. If set to -1, it will never trigger again (in which case you should just use a trigger_once)."
N/A6108 // Inputs
N/A6109 input TouchTest(void) : "Tests if the trigger is being touched and fires an output based on whether the value is true or false."
N/A6112 // Outputs
N/A6113 output OnTrigger(void) : "Fired whenever the trigger is activated."
N/A6114 output OnTouching(void) : "Fired when the TestTouch input is true (something is touching the trigger.)"
N/A6115 output OnNotTouching(void) : "Fired when the TestTouch input is not true (nothing is touching the trigger.)"
N/A6118@SolidClass base(TriggerOnce) = trigger_once :
N/A6119 "A trigger volume that removes itself after it is triggered once."
N/A6121 // Outputs
N/A6122 output OnTrigger(void) : "Fired whenever the trigger is activated."
N/A6125@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_look :
N/A6126 "An entity used to trigger something when the player looks at something. It fires 'OnTrigger' when the player "+
N/A6127 "looks at a target entity for the given amount of time, while within the trigger volume. If the player leaves "+
N/A6128 "the trigger or looks away from the target entity the clock resets. If the 'Use Velocity instead of facing' spawnflag " +
N/A6129 "is checked, the trigger uses the player's velocity instead of the player's view, so it determines whenever the player "+
N/A6130 "is moving toward the target entity. Useful for triggering when players are driving a vehicle at something."+
N/A6131 "NOTE: Only designed for single-player game. "
N/A6133 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A6134 [
N/A6135 128: "Fire Once" : 1
N/A6136 256: "Use Velocity instead of facing" : 0
N/A6137 ]
N/A6139 target(target_destination) : "Look Target" : : "The name of the entity to be looked at."
N/A6140 LookTime(string) : "LookTime" : "0.5" : "The time, in seconds, that the player must look the target before firing the output. Resets if player leaves trigger, or looks outside the Field of View threshold."
N/A6141 FieldOfView(string) : "FieldOfView" : "0.9" : "How close the player has to be looking at the target. 1.0 = straight ahead\n 0.0 = +/- 90 degrees\n -1.0 = all directions)."
N/A6142 Timeout(float) : "Timeout" : "0" : "The time, in seconds, to wait after player enters the trigger before firing the OnTimeout output, 0 = never."
N/A6144 // Output
N/A6145 output OnTrigger(void) : "Fired when the trigger is activated."
N/A6146 output OnTimeout(void) : "Fired after the timeout interval expires if the player never looked at the target."
N/A6149@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_push :
N/A6150 "A trigger volume that pushes entities that touch it."
N/A6152 pushdir(angle) : "Push Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll)" : "0 0 0" : "Angles indicating the direction to push touched entities."
N/A6154 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A6155 [
N/A6156 128: "Once Only" : 0
N/A6157 256: "Affects Ladders (Half-Life 2)" : 0
N/A6158 ]
N/A6160 speed(integer) : "Speed of Push" : 40 : "The speed at which to push entities away, in inches / second."
N/A6161 alternateticksfix(float) : "Scale force for alternate ticks" : "0" : "If nonzero, scale the force by this amount when running with alternate ticks. This fixes problems with an overly large force due to the longer frametime on when running with sv_alternateticks 1."
N/A6164@SolidClass base(Trigger, Angles) = trigger_wind :
N/A6165 "A trigger volume that pushes physics objects that touch it."
N/A6167 Speed(integer) : "Speed" : 200  : "The baseline for how hard the wind blows."
N/A6168 SpeedNoise(integer) : "Speed Noise" : 0 : "Noise added to wind speed +/-"
N/A6169 DirectionNoise(integer) : "Direction Noise" : 10 : "Noise added to wind direction."
N/A6170 HoldTime(integer) : "Hold Time" : 0 : "Baseline for how long to wait before changing wind."
N/A6171 HoldNoise(integer) : "Hold Noise" : 0 : "Noise added to how long to wait before changing wind."
N/A6173 // Inputs
N/A6174 input SetSpeed(integer) : "Set the baseline for how hard the wind blows."
N/A6177@SolidClass base(Targetname, Origin, Angles) = trigger_impact :
N/A6178 "A trigger volume that can be told to push all physics objects that are inside of it in the direction specified by this trigger's angles.\n"+
N/A6179 "Also outputs the force at the time of impact for anyone else that wants to use it."
N/A6181 Magnitude(float) : "Magnitude" : 200  : "The strength of the impact. Negative values reverse the direction."
N/A6182 noise(float) : "Noise" : "0.1" : "The amount of directional noise (0-1). 0 = no noise, 1 = random direction."
N/A6183 viewkick(float) : "Viewkick" : "0.05" : "The amount to kick player's view if the player is in the trigger. Proportional to magnitude (0-1)."
N/A6185 // Inputs
N/A6186 input Impact(float) : "Fire the impact, pushing all entities within the volume."
N/A6187 input SetMagnitude(float) : "Set the magnitude of the impact."
N/A6189 // Outputs
N/A6190 output ImpactForce(string) : "Fired after an impact. The parameter passed along is the force of the impact that was generated."
N/A6193@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_proximity :
N/A6194 "Measures the distance of the player within the trigger volume from a given point (and within " +
N/A6195 "a given radius). The NearestPlayerDistance output will be 0 when the player is at the center point, " +
N/A6196 "and 1 when the player is at the radius."
N/A6198 measuretarget(target_destination) : "Point to Measure From" : : "The name of a target entity who's origin is the point to measure the player's distance from."
N/A6199 radius(string) : "Radius to measure within" : 256 : "The radius to which the distance should be mapped. If the player is outside the radius he will be ignored."
N/A6201 // Outputs
N/A6202 output NearestEntityDistance(integer) : "Fired continuously when entities are touching the trigger volume. The output parameter is the distance from the "+
N/A6203 "Point to Measure From to the nearest entity that passed the trigger filters. The distance is mapped to the radius distance, "+
N/A6204 "so it will be 0 when the entity is on the point, and 1 when the entity is at the edge of the radius."
N/A6207@SolidClass base(Trigger) = trigger_teleport :
N/A6208 "A trigger volume that teleports entities that touch it. Entities are teleported to the Remote Destination, and have their angles "+
N/A6209 "set to that of the Remote Destination's. If a Local Destination Landmark is specified, teleported entities are offset from the target "+
N/A6210 "by their initial offset from the landmark, and their angles are left alone."
N/A6212 target(target_destination) : "Remote Destination" : : "The entity specifying the point to which entities should be teleported."
N/A6213 landmark(target_destination) : "Local Destination Landmark" : : "If specified, then teleported entities are offset from the target by their initial offset from the landmark."
N/A6214 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A6215 [
N/A6216 32: "Preserve angles even when a local landmark is not specified" : 0
N/A6217 ]
N/A6220@SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_transition :
N/A6221 "A volume that's used to control which entities go through the level transition. Create one or more trigger_transitions and "+
N/A6222 "give them the same name as the changelevel landmark. Any entities within the trigger_transition(s) will go to the next map."+
N/A6223 "See trigger_changelevel for more info."
N/A6227@SolidClass base(Targetname) = trigger_serverragdoll :
N/A6228 "A volume that forces any NPC inside it to create a server side ragdoll instead of a client one."
N/A6238// AI
N/A6242@PointClass base(Targetname,ResponseContext,EnableDisable) = ai_speechfilter :
N/A6243 "An entity that can be used to control the idle speech patterns of a set of NPCs."
N/A6245 subject(target_destination) : "Subject(s)" : "" : "This is the NPC(s) whose speech we're filtering. May be a targetname or a classname."
N/A6247 IdleModifier(float) : "Idle modifier." : "1.0" : "Multiplier to the percentage chance that our NPC(s) will idle speak. Set to 0 to prevent all idle speech."
N/A6248 NeverSayHello(choices) : "Greet Player?" : 0 : "If set to Yes, our NPC(s) won't greet the player when they first meet him." =
N/A6249 [
N/A6250 0 : "Yes"
N/A6251 1 : "No"
N/A6252 ]
N/A6254 input SetIdleModifier(float) : "Allows designers to change the idle modifier at runtime"
N/A6258// Water LOD control
N/A6261@PointClass base(Targetname) iconsprite("editor/waterlodcontrol.vmt") = water_lod_control :
N/A6262 "An entity used to control the LOD behavior of any water in the map. If your map has water, this entity is required."
N/A6264 cheapwaterstartdistance(float) : "Start Transition to Cheap Water" : 1000 : "This is the distance from the camera that water will start transitioning to cheap water, in inches."
N/A6265 cheapwaterenddistance(float) : "End Transition to Cheap Water" : 2000 : "This is the distance from the camera that water will finish transitioning to cheap water, in inches."
N/A6267 // Inputs
N/A6268 input SetCheapWaterStartDistance(float) : "Set the distance that water starts transitioning to cheap water."
N/A6269 input SetCheapWaterEndDistance(float) : "Set the distance that water finishes transitioning to cheap water."
N/A6274// Used to allow entities to use point_cameras for their materials
N/A6277@PointClass base(Targetname) = info_camera_link :
N/A6278 "An entity that can use point_cameras to render images for materials used by entities. "+
N/A6279 "To author the material, use the special identifier _rt_Camera " +
N/A6280 "for the $baseTexture (or whatever texture you want, like envmap, etc.) in the .vmt " +
N/A6281 "then connect the 'target' field to the entity which uses that material, and the 'PointCamera' " +
N/A6282 "field to the point_camera you want to have appear on that entity's material"
N/A6284 target(target_destination) : "Entity Whose Material Uses _rt_camera"
N/A6285 PointCamera(target_destination) : "Camera Name" : : "The name of a point_camera entity in the map that the material should be rendered from."
N/A6287 // Inputs
N/A6288 input SetCamera(string) : "Set the camera to use. The parameter should be the name of a point_camera entity in the map."
N/A6293// Used to allow entities to mimic the motions of other entities
N/A6296@PointClass base(Targetname) = logic_measure_movement :
N/A6297 "An entity that can measure the movement of an entity relative to another entity " +
N/A6298 "and apply that movement to a third entity."
N/A6300 MeasureTarget(target_destination) : "Entity to Measure" : "" : "Entity whose movement you want to measure."
N/A6301 MeasureReference(target_destination) : "Measure Reference" : "" : "The movement of Entity to Measure will be measured relative to this entity."
N/A6302 Target(target_destination) : "Entity to Move" : "" : "This entity will be moved to mimic the motions of Entity to Measure."
N/A6303 TargetReference(target_destination) : "Movement Reference" : "" : "The Entity to Move will move relative to this entity."
N/A6304 TargetScale(float) : "Movement scale" : "1" : "A scale to divide the measured movements by, before applying those movements to the Entity to Move. 1 = target entity moves as much as the measured entity, 2 = target entity moves half as far as the measured entity, and 0.5 = target entity moves twice as far as the measured entity."
N/A6305 MeasureType(choices) : "Measurement Type" : 0 =
N/A6306 [
N/A6307 0 : "Position"
N/A6308 1 : "Eye position"
N/A6309 ]
N/A6311 // Inputs
N/A6312 input SetMeasureTarget(string) : "Set the Entity to Measure, whose movement should be measured."
N/A6313 input SetMeasureReference(string) : "Set the Measure Reference entity."
N/A6314 input Target(string) : "Set the Entity to Move, which will be moved to mimic the measured entity."
N/A6315 input SetTargetReference(string) : "Set the Movement Reference entity."
N/A6316 input SetTargetScale(float) : "Set the scale to divide the measured movements by."
N/A6317 input Enable(void) : "Enable the logic_measure_movement."
N/A6318 input Disable(void) : "Disable the logic_measure_movement."
N/A6323// Misc
N/A6326@PointClass base(BaseNPC, Parentname) studio() = npc_furniture :
N/A6327 "An entity used for non-NPCs that need to synchronise their animation with an NPC in a scripted_sequence. Usually a piece"+
N/A6328 "of furniture or door that an NPC needs to manipulate within a scripted_sequence."
N/A6330 model(studio) : "Model"
N/A6331 input DisablePlayerCollision(void) : "Disable collisions against the player."
N/A6332 input EnablePlayerCollision(void) : "Enable collisions against the player."
N/A6335@PointClass base(Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = env_credits :
N/A6336 "An entity to control the rolling credits."
N/A6338 // Inputs
N/A6339 input RollCredits(void) : "Start the intro credits rolling."
N/A6340 input RollOutroCredits(void) : "Start the outro credits rolling."
N/A6341 input ShowLogo(void) : "Show the HL2 logo."
N/A6343 // Outputs
N/A6344 output OnCreditsDone(void)  : "Fired when the credits having finished rolling."
N/A6347@PointClass base(Parentname, Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8 ) = material_modify_control :
N/A6348 "An entity that can be used to directly control material vars. To use it, you need to read the .vmt of the material you "+
N/A6349 "intend to change. Parent this entity to a brush model entity who's material you want to control."
N/A6351 materialName(string) : "Material to modify."
N/A6352 materialVar(string) : "Material variable to modify."
N/A6354 // Inputs
N/A6355 input SetMaterialVar(string) : "Fire to modify a material variable. The argument is the value to set the variable to."
N/A6356 input SetMaterialVarToCurrentTime(void) : "This sets the material variable to the current time on the server."
N/A6357 input StartAnimSequence(string) : "Force an animated material with the MaterialModifyAnimated proxy to play a set of animation frames. Format is: <Frame Start> <Frame End> <Frame Rate> <Loop>\nSetting <Frame End> to -1 uses the last frame of the texture. <Loop> should be 1 or 0."
N/A6358 input StartFloatLerp(string) : "Force a material with the MaterialModifyAnimated proxy to lerp a material var between two floating point values. Format is: <Start Value> <End Value> <Transition Time> <Loop>\n<Loop> should be 1 or 0."
N/A6362// Devshot camera
N/A6363// - Used by the -makedevshots system, which automatically takes screenshots
N/A6364// at the position of every devshot camera in the level.
N/A6367@PointClass base(Angles) studioprop("models/editor/camera.mdl") = point_devshot_camera :
N/A6368 "An entity used by the -makedevshots system, which automatically takes screenshots at the position of every devshot camera in the level."
N/A6370 cameraname(string) : "Camera Name" : "" : "Used as the name of the directory to store screenshots from this camera. Must be unique within the level."
N/A6371 FOV(integer) : "Camera FOV" : 75 : "FOV of this camera."
N/A6375@PointClass base(Targetname, DamageFilter) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8) = logic_playerproxy :
N/A6376 "An entity that is used to relay inputs/ouputs to the player and back to the world."
N/A6378 // Outputs
N/A6379 output OnFlashlightOn(float)  : "Fired when the player turns on his flashlight. This output has the value of how much energy the player had when this happened [0..1]."
N/A6380 output OnFlashlightOff(float)  : "Fired when the player turns off his flashlight. This output has the value of how much energy the player had when this happened [0..1]."
N/A6381 input RequestPlayerHealth(void)  : "Requests the current player's health from the proxy. This will fire the PlayerHealth output with the value."
N/A6382 output PlayerHealth(integer)  : "The player's current health value."
N/A6383 output PlayerMissedAR2AltFire(void)  : "Player fired an AR2 combine ball that didn't kill any enemies."
N/A6385 input SetFlashlightSlowDrain(void)  : "Puts the player's flashlight in slow-power-drain mode (for Episodic darkness)"
N/A6386 input SetFlashlightNormalDrain(void)  : "Puts the player's flashlight to default power drain"
N/A6388 input SetPlayerHealth(integer)  : "Sets the player's health to this value."
N/A6390 input RequestAmmoState(void)  : "Request the ammo state of the player. It will fire PlayerHasAmmo or PlayerHasNoAmmo outputs."
N/A6391 output PlayerHasAmmo(void)  : "Fired by request if the player has any ammo."
N/A6392 output PlayerHasNoAmmo(void)  : "Fired by request if the player doesn't have any ammo."
N/A6394 output PlayerDied(void)  : "Fires when the player dies."
N/A6396 input LowerWeapon(void)  : "Lowers the players weapon."
N/A6398 input EnableCappedPhysicsDamage(void) : "Cause player to take less damage from physics objects, and never more than 30 points from any individual strike."
N/A6399 input DisableCappedPhysicsDamage(void) : "Undo effects of EnableCappedPhysicsDamage"
N/A6400 input SetLocatorTargetEntity(string) : "Set the entity that the HUD locator should track. (Usually a vehicle)"
N/A6404@PointClass base(Parentname, Targetname) size(-8 -8 -8, 8 8 8 ) = env_spritetrail :
N/A6405 "A magical trail you can parent to anything you heart desires."
N/A6407 lifetime(float) : "Lifetime" : "0.5"
N/A6408 startwidth(float) : "Start Width" : "8.0"
N/A6409 endwidth(float) : "End Width" : "1.0"
N/A6410 spritename(string) : "Sprite Name" : "sprites/bluelaser1.vmt"
N/A6412 renderamt(integer) : "FX Amount (0 - 255)" : 255 : "The FX amount is used by the selected Render Mode."
N/A6413 rendercolor(color255) : "FX Color (R G B)" : "255 255 255" : "The FX color is used by the selected Render Mode."
N/A6415 rendermode(choices) : "Render Mode" : 5 =
N/A6416 [
N/A6417 0: "Normal"
N/A6418 4: "Solid"
N/A6419 5: "Additive"
N/A6420 ]
N/A6423// lightprop("models/editor/spot.mdl") <---- use this once the orientation is unfucked
N/A6424@PointClass base(Targetname, Parentname, Angles) size(-2 -2 -2, 2 2 2) frustum(lightfov,nearz,farz,lightcolor,-1) = env_projectedtexture :
N/A6425 "Projected texture entity."
N/A6427 spawnflags(flags) =
N/A6428 [
N/A6429 1  : "Enabled"  : 1
N/A6430 ]
N/A6432 target(target_destination)  : "target" : : "target"
N/A6433 lightfov(float)  : "FOV" : "90.0" : "FOV"
N/A6434 nearz(float)  : "NearZ" : "4.0" : "Near Z for projected texture"
N/A6435 farz(float)  : "FarZ" : "750.0" : "Far Z for projected texture"
N/A6437 enableshadows(Choices) : "Enable Shadows" : 0 : "Enables/disables shadows from this projected texture." =
N/A6438 [
N/A6439 0 : "No"
N/A6440 1 : "Yes"
N/A6441 ]
N/A6442 shadowquality(Choices) : "Shadow Quality" : 1 : "Quality of shadows." =
N/A6443 [
N/A6444 0 : "Low"
N/A6445 1 : "High"
N/A6446 ]
N/A6447 lightonlytarget(Choices) : "Light Only Target" : 0 : "Limit flashlight effect to only effect target entity." =
N/A6448 [
N/A6449 0 : "No"
N/A6450 1 : "Yes"
N/A6451 ]
N/A6452 lightworld(Choices) : "Light World" : 1 : "Control whether flashlight effects static world geometry." =
N/A6453 [
N/A6454 0 : "No"
N/A6455 1 : "Yes"
N/A6456 ]
N/A6457 lightcolor(color255)  : "Light Color" : "255 255 255 200" : "Light Color RGB-Intensity"
N/A6458 cameraspace(integer)  : "Camera Space" : 0 : "Angles are interpreted as being relative to camera."
N/A6460 // Inputs
N/A6461 input TurnOn(void)  : "Turn on the texture"
N/A6462 input TurnOff(void)  : "Turn off the texture"
N/A6463 input SetFOV(float)  : "Set FOV"
N/A6467@SolidClass base(func_brush) = func_reflective_glass :
N/A6468 "Used to produce perfectly reflective glass that renders world + entities. " +
N/A6469 "Typically, you want your glass brush to have nodraw on all non-reflective surfaces " +
N/A6470 "and you want to use a shader like lightmappedreflective in your material applied " +
N/A6471 "to the non-nodraw surfaces. See hl2/materials/glass/reflectiveglass001.vmt for an example. " +
N/A6472 "NOTE: currently, you cannot use reflective glass in scenes with water, and you can only " +
N/A6473 "have 1 reflective glass in your view frustum ( + pvs ) at a time."
N/A6477@PointClass base(Targetname) = env_particle_performance_monitor :
N/A6478 "An entity for turning on and off measuring and display of particle throughput."
N/A6480 // Inputs
N/A6481 input TurnOnDisplay(void) : "Turn on display of particle simulation benchmark"
N/A6482 input TurnOffDisplay(void) : "Turn off display of particle simulation benchmark"
N/A6483 input StartMeasuring(void) : "Start measuring particle simulation speed"
N/A6484 input StopMeasuring(void) : "Stop measuring particle simulation speed"
N/A6487@PointClass base(BaseNPC, Targetname, Parentname,Studiomodel) studioprop() = npc_puppet : "Puppet entity that mimics the animations of a target NPC."
N/A6489 animationtarget(target_source) : "Animation target" : ""
N/A6490 attachmentname(string) : "Target attachment point name" : ""
N/A6492 input SetAnimationTarget(string) : "Set the animation target to use. An empty string will disable the puppet."
N/A6495@PointClass base(Origin, Targetname, EnableDisable) size(-2 -2 -2, 2 2 2) color(0 255 0) = point_gamestats_counter : "Generic game statistics counter."
N/A6497 Name(string)  : "Name of statistic counter"
N/A6499 input SetName(string)  : "Changes name of statistic counter"
N/A6500 input Increment(float) : "Increments named statistic counter by specified value"
N/A6503@PointClass base(Angles) size( -8 -8 -8, 8 8 8 ) instance() = func_instance :
N/A6504 "An entity for placing an instance of a map file. You may translate and rotate this entity. " +
N/A6505 "You can use the replace keys to do parameter changes on the instance contents. In a $ at the " +
N/A6506 "beginning of a variable name. Then just use the $variable name inside of the instance contents on any "+
N/A6507 "value portion of a key/value pair."
N/A6509 targetname(target_source) : "Fix Up Name" : : "The name that all entities will be fixed up with based upon the fix up style."
N/A6510 file(instance_file) : "VMF Filename" : : "This indicates a map file relative to the map's file name"
N/A6511 fixup_style(Choices) : "Entity Name Fix Up" : 0 : "Fixup style for instanced entity names. Uses the 'Fix Up Name' field." =
N/A6512 [
N/A6513 0 : "Prefix"
N/A6514 1 : "Postfix"
N/A6515 2 : "None"
N/A6516 ]
N/A6518 replace01(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6519 replace02(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6520 replace03(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6521 replace04(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6522 replace05(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6523 replace06(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6524 replace07(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6525 replace08(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6526 replace09(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6527 replace10(instance_variable) : "Replace" : : "This is a replacement parameter. It goes in the form of $variable value. All entities inside of that instance that have $variable somewhere will be replaced with the value contents. Example: $color 255 0 0"
N/A6530@PointClass size( -8 -8 -8, 8 8 8 ) = func_instance_parms :
N/A6531 "Place one copy of this entity inside of an instance. Whenever you add a $parameter for the instance, get the properties " +
N/A6532 "of this entity. It will auto-populate it with the variables and allow you to indicate the variable type."
N/A6534 parm1(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6535 parm2(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6536 parm3(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6537 parm4(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6538 parm5(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6539 parm6(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6540 parm7(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6541 parm8(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6542 parm9(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."
N/A6543 parm10(instance_parm) : "Parm" : : "This is a parameter. It goes in the form of $variable type."