Template:PatchDiff/November 4, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf polish.txt

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Revision as of 01:00, 5 November 2014 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/resource/tf_polish.txt" for patch November 4, 2014 Patch.)
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2176621766Other Notes:
2176721767Players drop the tickets when they die.
2176821768Dropped tickets return to their home after 15 seconds."
N/A21769"TF_TargetID_Disable_Floating" "TargetID - Wyłącz unoszące się paski zdrowia"
N/A21770"[english]TF_TargetID_Disable_Floating" "TargetID - Disable Floating HealthBar"
N/A21771"ToolTip_TargetID_Disable_Floating" "Po zaznaczeniu paski zdrowia TargetID są umiejscowione wewnątrz tabliczki z pseudonimem"
N/A21772"[english]ToolTip_TargetID_Disable_Floating" "If set, places TargetID HealthBar inside the character nameplate"
N/A21773"TF_TargetID_Alpha" "TargetID Alpha"
N/A21774"[english]TF_TargetID_Alpha" "TargetID Alpha"
N/A21775"ToolTip_TargetID_Alpha" "Ustaw przeźroczystość tabliczki z pseudonimem TargetID"
N/A21776"[english]ToolTip_TargetID_Alpha" "Set the translucency the TargetID name plate"
N/A21777"TF_DadliestCatch" "The Dadliest Catch"
N/A21778"[english]TF_DadliestCatch" "The Dadliest Catch"
N/A21779"TF_DadliestCatch_Desc" "To głowatorskie! To głowomodne! Ten niezwykle zaawansowany technologicznie zestaw ośmiorniczego kamuflażu sprawi, iż wszyscy będą sądzić, że potrafisz tryskać atramentem z otworów swojego ciała."
N/A21780"[english]TF_DadliestCatch_Desc" "It's cephaloposh! It's cephalopractical! This state-of-the-art octopus disguise kit will have everyone thinking you squirt ink out of your orifices."