Apparatchik's Apparel

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Revision as of 12:45, 29 June 2012 by Balladofwindfishes (talk | contribs) (turned off for incredibly obvious reasons)
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The Apparatchik's Apparel is a community-created miscellaneous item item for the Heavy. It is a long-sleeved shirt with its sleeves rolled up, replacing Heavy's default shirt under his Kevlar vest.

The Apparatchik's Apparel was originally contributed to the game with just the Outdoorsmen style under the name "Lumberjack's Shirt".


Main article: Styles
Apparatchik's Apparel Outdoorsmen.png
Apparatchik's Apparel Blood Bin.png
Apparatchik's Apparel Investor.png
Apparatchik's Apparel J.R. Gyle.png
Outdoorsmen Blood Bin Investor J.R. Gyle

Update history

June 27, 2012 Patch (Pyromania Update)

  • The Apparatchik's Apparel was added to the game.

Unused content

  • This item is set up for paint to be applied, but the ability is turned off.


  • "Apparatchik" is the Russian word for an operator of a mechanical device ("apparat"), as well as slang for a Communist bureaucrat or agent.