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The Demoman is a hardy class that specializes in indirect combat and area denial. His explosive weapons possess some of the highest damage output in the game and can be used to attack opponents from behind obstacles. His [[Stickybomb Launcher]] can be used to set traps and easily destroy [[Engineer]] buildings. [[Sticky jump]]ing allows him to cover large distances quickly and reach unpredictable places. However, the Demoman is most vulnerable at close range, where his weapons are more difficult to aim and can inflict self-damage; he'll be in trouble if he engages a Scout or Pyro alone.
爆破兵是一個擅長間接戰鬥和區域防守的職業。他的爆破類武器不僅可以打出整個遊戲裡最大的傷害值,攻擊障礙物後面的敵人時也比較方便。爆破兵的[[Stickybomb Launcher/zh-hant|黏性炸彈發射器]]可以用來設下陷阱,亦可以輕易地毀掉敵方[[Engineer/zh-hant|工程師]]的建築物,此外、[[Sticky jump/zh-hant|黏彈跳]]可以讓他在短時間達到目的地或是一般行走時到不了的地方。但是,爆破兵並不擅長近距離的戰鬥,因為他的武器較難瞄準接近的敵人,而且還會有自爆傷害。因此,他在面對偵查兵和火焰兵時會較常陷入困境。
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{{Icon weapon|weapon=Grenade Launcher|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Grenade Launcher|icon-size=100x100px}}
Grenades launch to the right of the cross-hair, so lead to the left to compensate. Although direct hits deal the most damage, grenades that bounce on the ground will still explode after a certain amount of time; firing at a general area can stop an escape or kill a foe at extreme range. If you want to conserve health for a smaller explosive jump, fire a grenade into a corner, then jump on top of it to propel yourself upwards.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Loch-n-Load|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Loch-n-Load|icon-size=100x100px}}
The Loch-n-Load rewards players who can score direct hits with greater damage output. However, because the clip size is so low and the grenades shatter on surfaces, you cannot use it to suppress an area as easily as with the Grenade Launcher. Continue to keep a distance from your foes, as you'll find that the increased self-damage is very significant.
Loch-n-Load 的屬性會增強用榴彈直接打到敵人的威力。但是,縮減的彈倉容量和打到其他物體會無害地粉碎的這兩項缺點,會使你無法使用這把武器來壓制一個區域。所以,請多加練習將榴彈直接打中在敵人身上的本領,打中時也請離遠一點,因為 Loch-n-Load 的自我爆炸傷害也是相當致命的。
===[[Ali Baba's Wee Booties/zh-hant|阿里巴巴尖頭靴]]===
===[[Ali Baba's Wee Booties/zh-hant|阿里巴巴尖頭靴]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Ali Baba's Wee Booties|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Ali Baba's Wee Booties|icon-size=100x100px}}
Trading your Grenade Launcher for Ali Baba's Wee Booties will remove one of your sources of ranged damage, forcing you to rely on the Sticky Launcher for your main damage output. If you are also using the [[Chargin' Targe]] or [[Splendid Screen]], you must fully dedicate yourself to melee combat. The doubled charge turning rate still doesn't add much additional control, so continue to carefully line up your charges. The health bonus offered by the Booties can offset the negative aspects of weapons such as the [[Eyelander]] or [[Claidheamh Mòr]] and give you a bit of survivability against close range classes like the [[Soldier]].
如果裝備阿里巴巴尖頭靴,會使你喪失掉榴彈發射器這項中遠程武器,迫使你只能使用黏性炸彈發射器來炸傷敵人。不過,如果身上也帶著[[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]][[Splendid Screen/zh-hant|輝煌戰盾]]的話,那你就必須要完全仰賴自己的近戰攻擊。雖然這裝備宣稱能有雙倍的轉向控制力,但其實轉向功能並沒有改善多少,所以衝刺時還是得多加瞄準敵人的位置。此外、由靴子提供的額外生命值,可以填補[[Eyelander/zh-hant|魔眼闊劍]]或是[[Claidheamh Mòr/zh-hant|蓋爾巨劍]]的生命值減少缺點,並使你面對像是[[Soldier/zh-hant|火箭兵]]等兵種時能取得更多近戰優勢。
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{{Icon weapon|weapon=Stickybomb Launcher|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Stickybomb Launcher|icon-size=100x100px}}
Stickybombs have a very large splash radius and deal excellent damage. Firing and detonating Stickybombs rapidly can turn the Stickybomb Launcher into your primary weapon. Use this weapon to place Sticky traps in unexpected locations, such as around corners, above doorways, or even on ceilings. This is a good weapon for dealing with [[Sentry Gun]]s, as detonating multiple Stickybombs at one time will prevent the Engineer from performing any repairs. Additionally, you can use Stickybombs to [[Jumping#Sticky%20Jump|Sticky Jump]] to the battlefield swiftly. As planting more than eight Stickybombs destroys those that were planted earlier, firing more can allow you to strategically detonate individual ones.
黏性炸彈的爆炸範圍很廣,而且能造成巨大的傷害。所以,連續設置和引爆黏彈,有時可能會比你的主要武器還好用。一般來說,使用黏性炸彈發射器是在不起眼的地方設置黏彈,比方說角落,門邊上或是天花板,然後等敵人經過時再引爆炸死他們是最正常的作法。這武器在破壞敵方[[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|步哨防禦槍]]時也很有效,因為一次設置多個黏彈,敵方工程師不容易迅速地將黏彈清除,爆炸的時候工程師也修復不了,步哨也就會輕易地陣亡。此外,你可以用黏彈做出[[Jumping/zh-hant#爆破兵的跳躍|黏彈跳]]以快速地到達前線。當達到放置最大量的八個黏彈時,再多發射一個黏彈會間最先設置的引爆。可以利用這種引爆來達成更具戰術性的爆破攻擊。
===[[Sticky Jumper/zh-hant|黏彈跳躍者]]===
===[[Sticky Jumper/zh-hant|黏彈跳躍者]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Stickybomb Launcher|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Stickybomb Launcher|icon-size=100x100px}}
Unlike the Soldier's [[Rocket Jumper]], the Sticky Jumper is a ''little'' more viable in normal gameplay, even if equipping it does significantly increase the damage you take.  When using the standard Stickybomb Launcher, one of the main factors that restricts your [[Sticky jumping]] is the high self-damage all of your explosive weapons inflict. The Sticky Jumper nullifies this, allowing you to use up to eight Stickybombs to rapidly cover massive distances. This allows for a particularly reckless playstyle. While your Stickybombs won't harm enemies, you still have your Grenade Launcher to deal reliable damage. Still, given the immense power of standard Stickybombs, the Sticky Jumper is not meant for serious combat.
不像火箭兵的[[Rocket Jumper/zh-hant|火箭跳躍者]],黏彈跳躍者在一般的戰鬥中能發揮比火箭跳躍者多'''一點點'''的作用,即使自身增加的損血缺點會讓你在戰鬥中更加脆弱。當你使用正常的黏彈發射器要[[Sticky jump/zh-hant|黏彈跳]]時,最大的障礙就是自我爆炸傷害,黏彈跳躍者可以讓你不用擔心爆炸傷害的問題,所以你可以設置比以前更多的黏彈,讓你可以一口氣跳得很遠。雖然這把武器正規戰鬥時不常使用、遇到敵人時你仍有榴彈發射器對敵人造成傷害,但因為黏彈跳躍者不會造成傷害,因此它不能當作戰鬥時的利器。
===[[Scottish Resistance/zh-hant|蘇格蘭式防禦黏彈]]===
===[[Scottish Resistance/zh-hant|蘇格蘭式防禦黏彈]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Scottish Resistance|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Scottish Resistance|icon-size=100x100px}}
The Scottish Resistance is best suited to defensive gameplay. Use it to eliminate enemy Stickybombs and set multiple sticky traps for maximum area control. The weapon's slower bomb arm time makes it less effective in direct combat, however. While you cannot detonate all of your Stickybombs at once, you can detonate them in rapid succession by holding down the detonate key and swinging your view across all of your Stickybombs.
===[[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]]===
===[[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Chargin' Targe|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Chargin' Targe|icon-size=100x100px}}
The Chargin' Targe turns the Demoman into a more melee-oriented class. Use it to quickly rush in or out of battle and catch foes off guard. The guaranteed melee critical hit can be used to instantly eliminate a dangerous enemy. Because you cannot change direction during a charge, predict where your target will be at the end and line yourself up accordingly. Charging still does not make you invincible, however, especially against tough classes like the [[Soldier]] or [[Heavy]]. You are still vulnerable to bullets and any source of [[knock back]] will immediately cancel your charge.
衝擊刺盾讓爆破兵變成了近戰攻擊導向的職業。衝刺末端時的100%近戰爆擊可以讓你迅速地幹掉危險的敵人。但是因為衝刺時不能改變方向,所以衝刺前請先預測敵人的動向再行動會比較好。最需要注意的一點是,衝刺時你還是會受到攻擊並受傷,尤其是面對[[Soldier/zh-hant|火箭兵]][[Heavy/zh-hant|重裝兵]]時,他們的火箭和子彈都會使你重傷。衝刺時也必須注意任何的[[knock back/zh-hant|震退]]力量,因為那會輕鬆地將你的衝刺無效化。
===[[Splendid Screen/zh-hant|輝煌戰盾]]===
===[[Splendid Screen/zh-hant|輝煌戰盾]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Splendid Screen|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Splendid Screen|icon-size=100x100px}}
When compared to the [[Chargin' Targe]], the Splendid Screen allows you to utilize the charge's shield bash as a consistent, significant source of damage. However, it offers less than half of the Chargin' Targe's resistances, leaving you slightly more vulnerable once your charge is expended.
[[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]]相比,輝煌戰盾讓你可以把盾牌的衝撞傷害當成傷害敵人的一大利器,因為衝撞傷害有大幅度的提升。但是,這盾牌的抗火焰和抗爆炸能力都比衝擊刺盾還少許多,所以當你在衝刺的時候,受到的傷害會比之前更多。
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{{Icon weapon|weapon=Bottle|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Frying Pan|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Bottle|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Frying Pan|icon-size=100x100px}}
At close range, you'll probably damage yourself if you use explosive weaponry. Use the Bottle when enemies are too close to reliably kill with the Grenade Launcher. Unlike your other melee weapons, the Bottle has no drawbacks, so use it if you don't plan on engaging in melee combat often.
===[[Eyelander/zh-hant|魔眼闊劍]] / [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/zh-hant|連馬都沒有的無頭騎士斬首斧]] / [[Nessie's Nine Iron/zh-hant|尼斯九號鐵桿]]===
===[[Eyelander/zh-hant|魔眼闊劍]] / [[Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker/zh-hant|連馬都沒有的無頭騎士斬首斧]] / [[Nessie's Nine Iron/zh-hant|尼斯九號鐵桿]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Eyelander|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Nessie's Nine Iron|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Eyelander|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Nessie's Nine Iron|icon-size=100x100px}}
You should not use the Eyelander without also using the [[Chargin' Targe]]. Its longer melee range lets you excel in melee combat. However, until you have a clear opportunity to decapitate an enemy, attack from range using your Grenade Launcher to reduce the chance of dying and losing your accumulated heads.
使用魔眼闊劍時一定要搭配[[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]]或[[Splendid Screen/zh-hant|輝煌戰盾]]的衝刺,才能做出有效的砍擊。此外這把劍增大的攻擊範圍可以讓你在肉搏戰時取得優勢。但是,除非敵方已經近在眼前,或是很有把握砍下敵方的頭之前,請先用榴彈發射器減弱敵方的血量,這樣待會近戰攻擊時獲勝的機率就會比較高,也減低了獵頭數全失的風險。
===[[Pain Train/zh-hant|天堂路]]===
===[[Pain Train/zh-hant|天堂路]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Pain Train|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Pain Train|icon-size=100x100px}}
Only use the Pain Train when actively capturing objectives; it is useless when playing Capture the Flag or in any defensive scenario. If you have a reliable source of health, you can equip it when actively [[Sticky jump]]ing around the map to give yourself the mobility and capture rate of the Scout.
===[[Scotsman's Skullcutter/zh-hant|蘇格蘭頭骨切割者]]===
===[[Scotsman's Skullcutter/zh-hant|蘇格蘭骨頭切割者]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Scotsman's Skullcutter|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Scotsman's Skullcutter|icon-size=100x100px}}
The Scotsman's Skullcutter reduces your movement speed and makes chasing enemies difficult, so pair it with the Chargin' Targe. It possesses the same melee range as the Eyelander, so use it in confined areas where enemies can't flee as easily.
===[[Claidheamh Mòr/zh-hant|蓋爾巨劍]]===
===[[Claidheamh Mòr/zh-hant|蓋爾巨劍]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Claidheamh Mòr|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Claidheamh Mòr|icon-size=100x100px}}
Pair the Claidheamh Mòr with the Chargin' Targe to make use of the extra charging time, as it will provide a significant amount of additional distance when chasing a foe. If you do not expect to be in a situation where you can acquire or make use of multiple heads, choose this sword over the Eyelander.
裝備蓋爾巨劍並搭配衝擊刺盾衝刺,可以讓你有多 0.5 秒的衝刺時間。別小看這 0.5 秒,因為這一小段時間足以讓你前進許多距離,追擊敵人時也會更加有利。如果你並不在意,或是不覺得自己需要獵到多個敵人的首級的話,可以考慮使用這把劍以替代魔眼闊劍。
===[[Ullapool Caber/zh-hant|阿勒浦木製手榴彈]]===
===[[Ullapool Caber/zh-hant|阿勒浦木製手榴彈]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Ullapool Caber|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Ullapool Caber|icon-size=100x100px}}
Even against clustered foes, you have other explosives which are better and are less likely to inflict self-damage. Thus, the Ullapool Caber is best used as a last resort. Although it deals severe damage, the explosion is likely to kill you along with your enemy. Using it alongside the Chargin' Targe can turn you into a living bomb.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Half-Zatoichi|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Half-Zatoichi|icon-size=100x100px}}
The healing the Half-Zatoichi provides on a kill just might be worth fighting at melee range. It pairs well with the Chargin' Targe, as the increased mobility lets you quickly approach and execute foes to regain health.
===[[Persian Persuader/zh-hant|波斯使者]]===
===[[Persian Persuader/zh-hant|波斯使者]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Persian Persuader|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Persian Persuader|icon-size=100x100px}}
You'll want to use the Persian Persuader alongside the [[Chargin' Targe]] or [[Splendid Screen]] to make use of the increased charge recharge rate. Because it converts ammunition [[pickups]] into health, you'll only be able to restock at a [[supply cabinet]] or [[Dispenser]]. The Grenade Launcher burns through ammunition quickly, meaning that you'll probably also use [[Ali Baba's Wee Booties]] and commit to pure melee combat, where you will excel.
當你使用波斯使者時,你絕對會想要搭配[[Chargin' Targe/zh-hant|衝擊刺盾]][[Splendid Screen/zh-hant|輝煌戰盾]],以使用波斯使者那盾牌冷卻時間減半的優點。但是,裝備這把刀會讓你所有撿到的[[pickups/zh-hant|彈藥]]都變成生命值,因此想要補充彈藥的話只能靠[[Respawn/zh-hant|重生補給櫃]][[Dispenser/zh-hant|補給器]]。榴彈發射器是個很耗彈藥的武器,所以當你配備波斯使者,如果不想要擔心彈藥問題的話,你也可以使用[[Ali Baba's Wee Booties/zh-hant|阿里巴巴尖頭靴]],來增強近戰的力量,並變成一名純刀戰的爆破兵。
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{{item icon|Scotch Bonnet|100px}}
{{item icon|Scotch Bonnet|100px}}
The weapons required for the set effect require you to be very precise when firing but deal heavy damage. Despite the increased fire resistance, you are still weak against enemy Pyros.

Revision as of 09:52, 6 August 2011





Item icon Grenade Launcher.png



Item icon Loch-n-Load.png

Loch-n-Load 的屬性會增強用榴彈直接打到敵人的威力。但是,縮減的彈倉容量和打到其他物體會無害地粉碎的這兩項缺點,會使你無法使用這把武器來壓制一個區域。所以,請多加練習將榴彈直接打中在敵人身上的本領,打中時也請離遠一點,因為 Loch-n-Load 的自我爆炸傷害也是相當致命的。


Item icon Ali Baba's Wee Booties.png




Item icon Stickybomb Launcher.png



Item icon Stickybomb Launcher.png



Item icon Scottish Resistance.png



Item icon Chargin' Targe.png



Item icon Splendid Screen.png



瓶子 / 油炸平底鍋

Item icon Bottle.png Item icon Frying Pan.png


魔眼闊劍 / 連馬都沒有的無頭騎士斬首斧 / 尼斯九號鐵桿

Item icon Eyelander.png Item icon Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker.png Item icon Nessie's Nine Iron.png



Item icon Pain Train.png



Item icon Scotsman's Skullcutter.png



Item icon Claidheamh Mòr.png

裝備蓋爾巨劍並搭配衝擊刺盾衝刺,可以讓你有多 0.5 秒的衝刺時間。別小看這 0.5 秒,因為這一小段時間足以讓你前進許多距離,追擊敵人時也會更加有利。如果你並不在意,或是不覺得自己需要獵到多個敵人的首級的話,可以考慮使用這把劍以替代魔眼闊劍。


Item icon Ullapool Caber.png



Item icon Half-Zatoichi.png



Item icon Persian Persuader.png




Loch-n-Load Ullapool Caber Scotch Bonnet
