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''Ring of Fired'' was drawn by [http://makani.deviantart.com/ makani] and colored by [https://twitter.com/nickfil Nick Filardi].
''Ring of Fired'' was drawn by [http://makani.deviantart.com/ makani] and colored by [https://twitter.com/nickfil Nick Filardi].
== Sinopse ==
A história em quadrinhos começa com [ [ Saxton Hale ]] saltar de um avião com o piloto eo yeti recheado ele lutou na [ [ um destino pior que xadrez ]] . Após o desembarque na sede Co. Mann, ele é confrontado por [ [ Cinza Mann ]] que veio para o " Mann Co Challenge. ", Se o CEO de outra empresa derrotas Hale em Combate Desarmado , que eles assumam . Cinza , no entanto, revela que sua filha pequena , Olivia , é o dono da Gravel Gray. Saxton se recusa a lutar contra ela , e, portanto, a empresa é transferida para Gray, que dispara os [[ Classes | mercenários ]] . Hale deixa o país e [ [ Sra. Pauling ]] considera que a [ [Administrador] ] também desapareceu, deixando a mensagem de "Senhorita Pauling ... hide " na tela do computador.
The comic opens with [[Saxton Hale]] jumping from a plane with the pilot and the stuffed yeti he fought in [[A Fate Worse Than Chess]]. After landing in Mann Co. Headquarters, he is confronted by [[Gray Mann]] who has come for the "Mann. Co Challenge"; if the CEO of another company defeats Hale in Unarmed Combat, they take over. Gray, however, reveals that his infant daughter, Olivia, is the owner of Gray Gravel. Saxton refuses to fight her, and thus the company is transferred to Gray, who fires the [[Classes|mercenaries]]. Hale leaves the country, and [[Miss Pauling]] finds that the [[Administrator]] has also vanished, leaving the message "Miss Pauling... hide" on the computer screen.
Seis meses depois, o [ [ soldado ]] agora está liderando uma turnê de casas de celebridades , onde ele e um grupo de mulheres idosas , correm para a casa de Tom Jones , onde [ [ Merasmus ]] está vivendo . O Soldado mata Tom, e Merasmus chama a polícia . Logo , a senhorita Pauling , vestido como um policial, " prisões " Soldier e diz a ele que eles precisam encontrar o resto da equipe. Eles atraem Pyro de seu trabalho como CEO de Engenharia Frontier ateando fogo a um prédio nas proximidades, enquanto Demoman prontamente se junta a eles , apesar de excesso de peso e até mesmo mais de um alcoólatra . Sra. Pauling explica que o administrador, cujo estado ainda é desconhecida, deu a ordem para remontar os mercenários .
Six months later, the [[Soldier]] is now leading a tour of celebrities' homes where he, and a group of elderly women, run to Tom Jones's home where [[Merasmus]] is living. The Soldier kills Tom, and Merasmus calls the police. Soon enough, Miss Pauling, dressed as a police officer, "arrests" Soldier and tells him that they need to find the rest of the team. They lure Pyro from his job as CEO of Frontier Engineering by setting fire to a nearby building, while Demoman readily joins them despite becoming overweight and even more of an alcoholic. Miss Pauling explains that the Administrator, whose status is still unknown, gave the order to reassemble the mercenaries.
Enquanto isso, Cinza Mann descobre que Mann. Toda oferta de Australium de Co foi tomada , presumivelmente pelo Administrador. É revelado que a máquina da vida que se estende de Gray é alimentado por Australium e que o seu próprio abastecimento está começando a escassear. Uma figura invisível explica que todos os outros sites Australium foram esvaziados bem .
Meanwhile, Gray Mann finds that Mann. Co's entire supply of Australium has been taken, presumably by the Administrator. It is revealed that Gray's life-extending machine is powered by Australium and that his own supply is starting to run low. An unseen figure explains that all the other Australium sites have been emptied as well.
A equipe, agora composta do Soldado , Pyro , Demoman e Miss Pauling , fazer planos para voar para a Sibéria e Austrália para pegar [ [ pesado ] ] e [ [ Sniper ]] , respectivamente. Demoman menciona que [ [ médico ]] tem agora " um trabalho de fantasia " , enquanto a Srta Pauling preocupa como o [ [Engenheiro ]] tornou-se especialmente difícil de encontrar. Enquanto eles deliberada quanto ao local onde os restantes são mercenários , eles encontram um jornal dizendo que o [ [ Batedor ] ] e [ [ Spy ]] foram presos e será enforcado por atos de grande escala de vandalismo.
The team, now consisting of the Soldier, Pyro, Demoman and Miss Pauling, make plans to fly to Siberia and Australia to pick up [[Heavy]] and [[Sniper]], respectively. Demoman mentions that [[Medic]] now has "a fancy job", while Miss Pauling worries as the [[Engineer]] has become especially hard to find. While they deliberate as to where the remaining mercenaries are, they find a newspaper saying that the [[Scout]] and [[Spy]] have been arrested and will be hanged for large-scale acts of vandalism.
Páginas == ==
== Pages ==
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== Curiosidades ==
== Trivia ==
* O título é uma referência à canção de Johnny 1.963 em dinheiro , "Ring of Fire ".
*The title is a reference to the 1963 Johnny Cash song, "Ring of Fire."
* A página de título é uma referência a um famoso [ http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/123644/2867907-2731807__spider_man_no_more.jpg painel ] nos quadrinhos "Homem-Aranha não mais! "
*The title page is a reference to a famous [http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/123644/2867907-2731807__spider_man_no_more.jpg panel] in the comic "Spider-Man No More!"
* Na página de rosto , uma revista intitulada " Hat- desgastando do homem " pode ser visto . Esta é uma referência para o [ [ atirador vs Actualização Spy ] ], em que os chapéus foram adicionados à partida.
*On the title page, a magazine titled "Hat-Wearing MAN" can be seen. This is a reference to the [[Sniper vs. Spy Update]] in which hats were added to the game.
* Page 8 referências a origem do Batman , onde o apelido de Batman , Bruce Wayne, testemunhas do assassinato de seus pais em um beco depois de uma ópera.
*Page 8 references the origin of Batman, where Batman's alias, Bruce Wayne, witnesses his parents' murder in a back alley after an opera.
* Nas páginas 45-48 , na última página do jornal de Pyro é a segunda página de [ [ Palestra Vale ]] .
*On pages 45-48, the back page of Pyro's newspaper is the second page of [[Lecture Valley]].
* Demoman de [ [ Eyelander ]] é mostrado para ser totalmente consciente e capaz de falar , que foi mostrado previamente para ser ' cabeça ' só sussurro simplesmente assombrada e .
*Demoman's [[Eyelander]] is shown to be fully sentient and capable of speech; it was previously shown to be simply haunted and only whisper 'heads'.
* Demoman está vestindo uma T -shirt Brawlers Badlands , a mesma equipe que apareceu no [ [WAR ! Comic ]] .
*Demoman is wearing a Badlands Brawlers T-shirt, the same team that appeared in the [[WAR! Comic]].
* É revelado que o próprio fogo é o que faz Pyro de [ [ Pyrovision | visão do mundo .]] Sem ele, Pyro vê tudo tão sem graça e cinza, mas ainda desenho animado .
*It is revealed that fire itself is what causes Pyro's [[Pyrovision|vision of the world]]. Without it, Pyro sees everything as dull and grey, but still cartoonish.
* A cor dos laços dos personagens inexplicavelmente mudanças entre os painéis - laço mudanças de Gray Mann -se azul, depois que ele queima as mãos na página 15 , e é preto na página 24. O mesmo ocorre com o Sr. Bidwell e os laços do Sr. Reddy , tanto mudando de azul para preto na página 23.
*The color of characters' ties inexplicably changes between panels - Gray Mann's tie changes from gray to blue after he burns his hands on page 15, and it is black on page 24. The same occurs with Mr. Bidwell and Mr. Reddy's ties, both changing from blue to black on page 23.
== Ligações externas ==
== External links ==
* [ Http://www.teamfortress.com/tf01_ring_of_fired/ '' Ring of Fired ''] no [ [ TF2 Site Oficial ]] .
* [http://www.teamfortress.com/tf01_ring_of_fired/ ''Ring of Fired''] on the [[TF2 Official Website]].
== Veja também ==
== See also ==
* [[ Comics ]]
* [[Comics]]
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[ [Categoria : Comics ]]

Revision as of 14:08, 6 September 2013

Ring of Fired
Comic Strip Info
Released: August 27, 2013
Number of pages: 68
Hh hh hh hh! Yesh, Saxshton. And when you can't, Mann Co. is mine.
Gray Mann

Ring of Fired (also known as Team Fortress Comics #1) is a comic released on August 27, 2013 Patch. It is the first part of a six-part bi-monthly comic series.

Ring of Fired was drawn by makani and colored by Nick Filardi.


The comic opens with Saxton Hale jumping from a plane with the pilot and the stuffed yeti he fought in A Fate Worse Than Chess. After landing in Mann Co. Headquarters, he is confronted by Gray Mann who has come for the "Mann. Co Challenge"; if the CEO of another company defeats Hale in Unarmed Combat, they take over. Gray, however, reveals that his infant daughter, Olivia, is the owner of Gray Gravel. Saxton refuses to fight her, and thus the company is transferred to Gray, who fires the mercenaries. Hale leaves the country, and Miss Pauling finds that the Administrator has also vanished, leaving the message "Miss Pauling... hide" on the computer screen.

Six months later, the Soldier is now leading a tour of celebrities' homes where he, and a group of elderly women, run to Tom Jones's home where Merasmus is living. The Soldier kills Tom, and Merasmus calls the police. Soon enough, Miss Pauling, dressed as a police officer, "arrests" Soldier and tells him that they need to find the rest of the team. They lure Pyro from his job as CEO of Frontier Engineering by setting fire to a nearby building, while Demoman readily joins them despite becoming overweight and even more of an alcoholic. Miss Pauling explains that the Administrator, whose status is still unknown, gave the order to reassemble the mercenaries.

Meanwhile, Gray Mann finds that Mann. Co's entire supply of Australium has been taken, presumably by the Administrator. It is revealed that Gray's life-extending machine is powered by Australium and that his own supply is starting to run low. An unseen figure explains that all the other Australium sites have been emptied as well.

The team, now consisting of the Soldier, Pyro, Demoman and Miss Pauling, make plans to fly to Siberia and Australia to pick up Heavy and Sniper, respectively. Demoman mentions that Medic now has "a fancy job", while Miss Pauling worries as the Engineer has become especially hard to find. While they deliberate as to where the remaining mercenaries are, they find a newspaper saying that the Scout and Spy have been arrested and will be hanged for large-scale acts of vandalism.



  • The title is a reference to the 1963 Johnny Cash song, "Ring of Fire."
  • The title page is a reference to a famous panel in the comic "Spider-Man No More!"
  • On the title page, a magazine titled "Hat-Wearing MAN" can be seen. This is a reference to the Sniper vs. Spy Update in which hats were added to the game.
  • Page 8 references the origin of Batman, where Batman's alias, Bruce Wayne, witnesses his parents' murder in a back alley after an opera.
  • On pages 45-48, the back page of Pyro's newspaper is the second page of Lecture Valley.
  • Demoman's Eyelander is shown to be fully sentient and capable of speech; it was previously shown to be simply haunted and only whisper 'heads'.
  • Demoman is wearing a Badlands Brawlers T-shirt, the same team that appeared in the WAR! Comic.
  • It is revealed that fire itself is what causes Pyro's vision of the world. Without it, Pyro sees everything as dull and grey, but still cartoonish.
  • The color of characters' ties inexplicably changes between panels - Gray Mann's tie changes from gray to blue after he burns his hands on page 15, and it is black on page 24. The same occurs with Mr. Bidwell and Mr. Reddy's ties, both changing from blue to black on page 23.

External links

See also