Spy responses

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The Spy

Voice responses are contextually triggered lines that play after the player has achieved something, for instance killing a certain amount of enemies with a Primary or Melee Weapon or the player triggering something like being set on fire. There are several Spy responses, all of which are listed below (excluding voice commands).

Kill-related responses

Item icon Revolver.png  After Killing More than 1 enemy in 20 Seconds with a Secondary Weapon
Item icon Medi Gun.png  Kill assist
Item icon Knife.png  Backstabbing an Enemy

If disguised

Item icon Knife.png  Backstabbing an Engineer who removes your Sapper in 10 seconds
Item icon Electro Sapper.png  Sapping an Engineer's Building After Killing Him

Domination-related responses

Leaderboard class scout.png  Dominating a Scout
Leaderboard class soldier.png   Dominating a Soldier
Leaderboard class pyro.png   Dominating a Pyro
25px   Dominating a Demoman
Leaderboard class heavy.png   Dominating a Heavy
Leaderboard class engineer.png   Dominating a Engineer
Leaderboard class medic.png   Dominating a Medic
Leaderboard class sniper.png   Dominating a Sniper
Leaderboard class spy.png   Dominating a Spy
Nemesis RED.png  Revenge Kill

Event-related responses

Gette it Onne!.png  Round Start
Item icon Eyelander.png  Sudden Death
Killicon skull.png  Stalemate
Killicon fire.png  Set on Fire
Health dead.png  On Death
Item icon Jarate.png  Hit by Jarate or Mad Milk
Telespin.png  Teleportation
Healthico.png  Healed by Medic
Item icon Kritzkrieg.png  Under the effects of an Ubercharge
Backpack High Five!.png  Initiating High Five! taunt
Backpack High Five!.png  Successful High Five! taunt

Objective-related responses

Intel red idle.png  After Capturing Intelligence
CP Captured RED.png  After Capturing control point
CP Locked RED.png  Standing on captured Point, firing weapon
Cross RED.png  Defense

Spectral Halloween Special responses

Wheel of Fate outcomes

Fate card dance.png  Dance Off fate
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  Positive fate
Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  Negative fate


Backpack Skull Island Topper.png  Falling in Bottomless Pit in Ghost Fort

Duel-related responses

Backpack Dueling Mini-Game.png  Starting a Duel
Duel RED.png  Duel Accepted
Duel BLU.png  Duel Rejected

Unused responses

25px  Dominating a Demoman
Backpack High Five!.png  Initiating High Five! taunt
Backpack High Five!.png  Successful High Five! taunt
Unknownweapon.png  Unknown Condition