Template:PatchDiff/April 28, 2011 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf english.txt

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Revision as of 01:09, 10 September 2011 by WindBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf_english.txt" for patch April 28, 2011 Patch.)
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71317131� �
N/A7132�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�M�o�u�s�t�a�c�h�i�u�m�B�a�r�"� � �"�M�o�u�s�t�a�c�h�i�u�m� �B�a�r�"�+�
N/A7133�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�M�o�u�s�t�a�c�h�i�u�m�B�a�r�_�D�e�s�c�"� �"�P�u�r�e� �m�o�u�s�t�a�c�h�i�u�m�,� �h�a�r�v�e�s�t�e�d� �f�r�o�m� �a�l�l�-�n�a�t�u�r�a�l� �s�o�u�r�c�e�s� �d�e�e�p� �w�i�t�h�i�n� �t�h�e� �A�u�s�t�r�a�l�i�a�n� �o�u�t�b�a�c�k�.�"�+�
N/A7134�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e�F�r�a�g�m�e�n�t�T�y�p�e�"� �"�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e� �F�r�a�g�m�e�n�t�"�+�
N/A7135�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e�F�r�a�g�m�e�n�t�"� �"�'�F�i�s�h�'�"�+�
N/A7136�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e�F�r�a�g�m�e�n�t�_�D�e�s�c�"� �"�I�t�'�s� �p�a�c�k�e�d� �w�i�t�h� �p�r�o�t�e�i�n�.�"�+�
N/A7137�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�P�i�n�F�r�a�g�m�e�n�t�T�y�p�e�"� �"�P�i�n� �F�r�a�g�m�e�n�t�"�+�
N/A7138�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�P�i�n�F�r�a�g�m�e�n�t�"� � �"�S�p�a�c�e�m�e�t�a�l� �S�c�r�a�p�"�+�
N/A7139�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�P�i�n�"� � � �"�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m� �P�i�n�"�+�
N/A7140�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�P�i�n�_�D�e�s�c�"� � � �"�<�n�o� �e�m�p�l�o�y�m�e�n�t� �r�e�c�o�r�d� �f�o�u�n�d�>�"�+�
N/A7141�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e�_�T�y�p�e�"� � �"�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e�"�+�
N/A7142�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e�"� � � �"�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e�"�+�
N/A7143�"�T�F�_�S�p�a�c�e�C�h�e�m�_�F�i�s�h�c�a�k�e�_�D�e�s�c�"� � �"�V�o�s�s�l�e�r� �I�n�d�u�s�t�r�i�e�s� �A�l�l�-�N�a�t�u�r�a�l� �A�r�t�i�f�i�c�i�a�l�-�F�i�s�h�-�D�e�r�i�v�e�d� �F�o�o�d� �P�r�o�d�u�c�t�"�+�
71327144� �
N/A7145�"�T�F�_�P�o�l�i�s�h�W�a�r�B�a�b�u�s�h�k�a�"� � � �"�H�e�t�m�a�n�'�s� �H�e�a�d�p�i�e�c�e�"�+�
N/A7146�"�T�F�_�P�o�l�i�s�h�W�a�r�B�a�b�u�s�h�k�a�_�D�e�s�c�"� � �"�C�o�s�s�a�c�k�s� �a�n�d� �w�a�r� �g�o� �t�o�g�e�t�h�e�r� �l�i�k�e� �g�o�B���b�k�i� �a�n�d� �W�ó�d�k�a�.�"�+�
N/A7147�"�T�F�_�J�a�n�i�s�s�a�r�y�H�a�t�"� � � � �"�J�a�n�i�s�s�a�r�y� �K�e�t�c�h�e�"�+�
N/A7148�"�T�F�_�J�a�n�i�s�s�a�r�y�H�a�t�_�D�e�s�c�"� � � �"�T�h�e� �f�i�r�s�t� �s�t�a�n�d�i�n�g� �a�r�m�y� �t�o� �w�e�a�r� �u�n�i�f�o�r�m�s� �w�a�n�t�e�d� �t�o� �m�a�k�e� �d�a�m�n� �s�u�r�e� �e�v�e�r�y�o�n�e� �e�l�s�e� �k�n�e�w� �i�t�.�"�+�
N/A7150�"�T�F�_�B�u�c�k�e�t�H�a�t�"� � � �"�B�u�c�k�e�t� �o�� �B�r�a�i�n�s�"�+�
N/A7151�"�T�F�_�B�u�c�k�e�t�H�a�t�_�D�e�s�c�"� � �"�Z�o�m�b�i�e� �t�e�s�t�e�d�,� �b�r�a�a�a�a�i�n�s� �a�p�p�o�v�e�d�.�"�+�
N/A7152�"�T�F�_�T�r�a�f�f�i�c�C�o�n�e�"� � � �"�D�e�a�d� �C�o�n�e�"�+�
N/A7153�"�T�F�_�T�r�a�f�f�i�c�C�o�n�e�_�D�e�s�c�"� � �"�Y�o�u�� l�l� �s�t�o�p� �t�h�e�m� �d�e�a�d� �w�e�a�r�i�n�g� �t�h�i�s� �s�t�y�l�i�s�h� �t�r�a�f�f�i�c� �c�o�n�e�.�"�+�
71337155�"�T�F�_�U�l�l�a�p�o�o�l�C�a�b�e�r�_�D�e�s�c�"� � � �"�H�i�g�h�-�y�i�e�l�d� �S�c�o�t�t�i�s�h� �f�a�c�e� �r�e�m�o�v�a�l�.�\�n�A� �s�o�b�e�r� �p�e�r�s�o�n� �w�o�u�l�d� �t�h�r�o�w� �i�t�.�.�.�"� �
71347156�"�T�F�_�B�u�f�f�a�l�o�S�t�e�a�k�_�D�e�s�c�"� � � �"�W�h�i�l�e� �u�n�d�e�r� �t�h�e� �e�f�f�e�c�t�s�,� �m�o�v�e� �s�p�e�e�d� �i�s� �i�n�c�r�e�a�s�e�d�,�\�n�d�a�m�a�g�e� �d�o�n�e� �a�n�d� �t�a�k�e�n� �w�i�l�l� �b�e� �m�i�n�i�-�c�r�i�t�s�,�\�n�a�n�d� �t�h�e� �p�l�a�y�e�r� �m�a�y� �o�n�l�y� �u�s�e� �m�e�l�e�e� �w�e�a�p�o�n�s�.�\�n�\�n�W�h�o� �n�e�e�d�s� �b�r�e�a�d�?�"�Index: team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt
7135N/A-- team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt (revision 29)
N/A7157++ team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/scripts/items/items_game.txt (revision 30)
77607760 "image_inventory_size_h" "82"
77617761 "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_dartgun.mdl"
77627762 "attach_to_hands" "1"
7763N/A "capabilities"
7764N/A {
7765N/A "nameable" "1"
7766N/A }
77677763 "visuals"
77687764 {
77697765 "show_player_bodygroup_name" "bullets"
81178113 "value" "-6"
81188114 }
81198115 "lunchbox adds minicrits"
8120N/A {
N/A8116 {
81218117 "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode"
81228118 "value" "2"
8123N/A }
N/A8119 }
81248120 }
81258121 "hide_bodygroups_deployed_only" "1"
81268122 "visuals"
1061210608 "drop_sound" "ui/item_hat_drop.wav"
1061310609 "attributes"
1061410610 {
10615N/A "cannot trade"
N/A10611 "always tradable"
1061610612 {
10617N/A "attribute_class" "cannot_trade"
N/A10613 "attribute_class" "always_tradable"
1061810614 "value" "1"
1061910615 }
1062010616 }
1374013736 }
1374113737 }
1374213738 }
N/A13739 "429"
N/A13740 {
N/A13741 "name" "Moustachium Bar"
N/A13742 "item_class" "craft_item"
N/A13743 "show_in_armory" "1"
N/A13744 "item_type_name" "#TF_CraftItem"
N/A13745 "item_name" "#TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar"
N/A13746 "item_description" "#TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar_Desc"
N/A13747 "image_inventory" "backpack/crafting/moustachium"
N/A13748 "image_inventory_size_w" "128"
N/A13749 "image_inventory_size_h" "82"
N/A13750 "item_quality" "unique"
N/A13751 "min_ilevel" "1"
N/A13752 "max_ilevel" "1"
N/A13753 "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_metal_scrap_pickup.wav"
N/A13754 "drop_sound" "ui/item_metal_scrap_drop.wav"
N/A13755 }
N/A13756 "430"
N/A13757 {
N/A13758 "name" "SpaceChem Fishcake Fragment"
N/A13759 "item_class" "craft_item"
N/A13760 "show_in_armory" "1"
N/A13761 "item_type_name" "#TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragmentType"
N/A13762 "item_name" "#TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment"
N/A13763 "item_description" "#TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment_Desc"
N/A13764 "image_inventory" "backpack/crafting/fish"
N/A13765 "image_inventory_size_w" "128"
N/A13766 "image_inventory_size_h" "82"
N/A13767 "item_quality" "unique"
N/A13768 "min_ilevel" "1"
N/A13769 "max_ilevel" "1"
N/A13770 "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_metal_scrap_pickup.wav"
N/A13771 "drop_sound" "ui/item_metal_scrap_drop.wav"
N/A13772 }
N/A13773 "431"
N/A13774 {
N/A13775 "name" "SpaceChem Pin Fragment"
N/A13776 "item_class" "craft_item"
N/A13777 "show_in_armory" "1"
N/A13778 "item_type_name" "#TF_SpaceChem_PinFragmentType"
N/A13779 "item_name" "#TF_SpaceChem_PinFragment"
N/A13780 "image_inventory" "backpack/crafting/spacechem_token_01"
N/A13781 "image_inventory_size_w" "128"
N/A13782 "image_inventory_size_h" "82"
N/A13783 "item_quality" "unique"
N/A13784 "min_ilevel" "1"
N/A13785 "max_ilevel" "1"
N/A13786 "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_metal_scrap_pickup.wav"
N/A13787 "drop_sound" "ui/item_metal_scrap_drop.wav"
N/A13788 }
N/A13789 "432"
N/A13790 {
N/A13791 "name" "SpaceChem Pin"
N/A13792 "item_class" "tf_wearable"
N/A13793 "capabilities"
N/A13794 {
N/A13795 "nameable" "1"
N/A13796 "can_gift_wrap" "1"
N/A13797 }
N/A13798 "show_in_armory" "1"
N/A13799 "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Badge"
N/A13800 "item_name" "#TF_SpaceChem_Pin"
N/A13801 "item_description" "#TF_SpaceChem_Pin_Desc"
N/A13802 "item_slot" "misc"
N/A13803 "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/all_class/spacechem_pin"
N/A13804 "image_inventory_size_w" "128"
N/A13805 "image_inventory_size_h" "82"
N/A13806 "item_quality" "unique"
N/A13807 "min_ilevel" "20"
N/A13808 "max_ilevel" "20"
N/A13809 "model_player" "models/player/items/all_class/spacechem_pin.mdl"
N/A13810 "drop_type" "drop"
N/A13811 "used_by_classes"
N/A13812 {
N/A13813 "scout" "1"
N/A13814 "sniper" "1"
N/A13815 "soldier" "1"
N/A13816 "demoman" "1"
N/A13817 "medic" "1"
N/A13818 "heavy" "1"
N/A13819 "spy" "1"
N/A13820 "engineer" "1"
N/A13821 "pyro" "1"
N/A13822 }
N/A13823 "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_hat_pickup.wav"
N/A13824 "drop_sound" "ui/item_hat_drop.wav"
N/A13825 "attributes"
N/A13826 {
N/A13827 "always tradable"
N/A13828 {
N/A13829 "attribute_class" "always_tradable"
N/A13830 "value" "1"
N/A13831 }
N/A13832 }
N/A13833 }
N/A13834 "433"
N/A13835 {
N/A13836 "name" "Fishcake"
N/A13837 "item_class" "tf_weapon_lunchbox"
N/A13838 "craft_class" "weapon"
N/A13839 "capabilities"
N/A13840 {
N/A13841 "nameable" "1"
N/A13842 "can_gift_wrap" "1"
N/A13843 }
N/A13844 "show_in_armory" "1"
N/A13845 "item_type_name" "#TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Type"
N/A13846 "item_name" "#TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake"
N/A13847 "item_description" "#TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Desc"
N/A13848 "item_slot" "secondary"
N/A13849 "anim_slot" "ITEM1"
N/A13850 "image_inventory" "backpack/weapons/c_models/c_fishcake/c_fishcake"
N/A13851 "image_inventory_size_w" "128"
N/A13852 "image_inventory_size_h" "82"
N/A13853 "model_player" "models/weapons/c_models/c_fishcake/c_fishcake.mdl"
N/A13854 "attach_to_hands" "1"
N/A13855 "item_quality" "unique"
N/A13856 "min_ilevel" "1"
N/A13857 "max_ilevel" "1"
N/A13858 "used_by_classes"
N/A13859 {
N/A13860 "heavy" "1"
N/A13861 }
N/A13862 "allowed_attributes"
N/A13863 {
N/A13864 "all_items" "1"
N/A13865 }
N/A13866 "attributes"
N/A13867 {
N/A13868 "lunchbox adds maxhealth bonus"
N/A13869 {
N/A13870 "attribute_class" "set_weapon_mode"
N/A13871 "value" "1"
N/A13872 }
N/A13873 }
N/A13874 "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_sandwich_drop.wav"
N/A13875 "drop_sound" "ui/item_sandwich_pickup.wav"
N/A13876 }
N/A13877 "436"
N/A13878 {
N/A13879 "name" "Polish War Babushka"
N/A13880 "hidden" "0"
N/A13881 "item_class" "tf_wearable"
N/A13882 // "craft_class" "hat"
N/A13883 "loadondemand" "1"
N/A13884 "capabilities"
N/A13885 {
N/A13886 "nameable" "1"
N/A13887 }
N/A13888 "show_in_armory" "1"
N/A13889 "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Hat"
N/A13890 "item_name" "#TF_PolishWarBabushka"
N/A13891 "item_description" "#TF_PolishWarBabushka_Desc"
N/A13892 "item_slot" "head"
N/A13893 "item_quality" "unique"
N/A13894 "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/engineer/mbsf_engineer"
N/A13895 "image_inventory_size_w" "128"
N/A13896 "image_inventory_size_h" "82"
N/A13897 "model_player" "models/player/items/engineer/mbsf_engineer.mdl"
N/A13898 "drop_type" "none"
N/A13899 "propername" "1"
N/A13900 "used_by_classes"
N/A13901 {
N/A13902 "engineer" "1"
N/A13903 }
N/A13904 "visuals"
N/A13905 {
N/A13906 "hide_player_bodygroup_name" "hat"
N/A13907 }
N/A13908 "attributes"
N/A13909 {
N/A13910 "cannot trade"
N/A13911 {
N/A13912 "attribute_class" "cannot_trade"
N/A13913 "value" "1"
N/A13914 }
N/A13915 }
N/A13916 "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_hat_pickup.wav"
N/A13917 "drop_sound" "ui/item_hat_pickup.wav"
N/A13918 }
N/A13919 "437"
N/A13920 {
N/A13921 "name" "Janissary Hat"
N/A13922 "hidden" "0"
N/A13923 "item_class" "tf_wearable"
N/A13924 // "craft_class" "hat"
N/A13925 "loadondemand" "1"
N/A13926 "capabilities"
N/A13927 {
N/A13928 "nameable" "1"
N/A13929 }
N/A13930 "show_in_armory" "1"
N/A13931 "item_type_name" "#TF_Wearable_Hat"
N/A13932 "item_name" "#TF_JanissaryHat"
N/A13933 "item_description" "#TF_JanissaryHat_Desc"
N/A13934 "item_slot" "head"
N/A13935 "item_quality" "unique"
N/A13936 "image_inventory" "backpack/player/items/spy/mbsf_spy"
N/A13937 "image_inventory_size_w" "128"
N/A13938 "image_inventory_size_h" "82"
N/A13939 "model_player" "models/player/items/spy/mbsf_spy.mdl"
N/A13940 "drop_type" "none"
N/A13941 "propername" "1"
N/A13942 "used_by_classes"
N/A13943 {
N/A13944 "spy" "1"
N/A13945 }
N/A13946 "visuals"
N/A13947 {
N/A13948 "hide_player_bodygroup_name" "hat"
N/A13949 }
N/A13950 "attributes"
N/A13951 {
N/A13952 "cannot trade"
N/A13953 {
N/A13954 "attribute_class" "cannot_trade"
N/A13955 "value" "1"
N/A13956 }
N/A13957 }
N/A13958 "mouse_pressed_sound" "ui/item_hat_pickup.wav"
N/A13959 "drop_sound" "ui/item_hat_pickup.wav"
N/A13960 }
1374413962 // world traveler hat and tokens
1374513963 "1899"
1704517263 "description_string" "#Attrib_SniperCharge_Per_Sec"
1704617264 "description_format" "value_is_percentage"
1704717265 "hidden" "0"
17048N/A "effect_type" "negative"
N/A17266 "effect_type" "positive"
1704917267 "stored_as_integer" "0"
1705017268 }
1705117269 "42"
2359223810 }
2359323811 }
2359423812 }
N/A23813 "64"
N/A23814 {
N/A23815 "name" "#RT_F_A"
N/A23816 "n_A" "#TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake"
N/A23817 "desc_inputs" "#RDI_ABC1"
N/A23818 "desc_outputs" "#RDO_AB"
N/A23819 "di_A" "3"
N/A23820 "di_B" "#TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar"
N/A23821 "di_C" "#TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment"
N/A23822 "do_A" "1"
N/A23823 "do_B" "#TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake"
N/A23824 "always_known" "1"
N/A23825 "input_items"
N/A23826 {
N/A23827 "3"
N/A23828 {
N/A23829 "conditions"
N/A23830 {
N/A23831 "0"
N/A23832 {
N/A23833 "field" "name"
N/A23834 "operator" "string=="
N/A23835 "value" "Moustachium Bar"
N/A23836 "required" "1"
N/A23837 }
N/A23838 }
N/A23839 }
N/A23840 "1"
N/A23841 {
N/A23842 "conditions"
N/A23843 {
N/A23844 "0"
N/A23845 {
N/A23846 "field" "name"
N/A23847 "operator" "string=="
N/A23848 "value" "SpaceChem Fishcake Fragment"
N/A23849 "required" "1"
N/A23850 }
N/A23851 }
N/A23852 }
N/A23853 }
N/A23854 "output_items"
N/A23855 {
N/A23856 "item1"
N/A23857 {
N/A23858 "conditions"
N/A23859 {
N/A23860 "0"
N/A23861 {
N/A23862 "field" "name"
N/A23863 "operator" "string=="
N/A23864 "value" "Fishcake"
N/A23865 "required" "1"
N/A23866 }
N/A23867 }
N/A23868 }
N/A23869 }
N/A23870 }
N/A23871 "65"
N/A23872 {
N/A23873 "name" "#RT_F_A"
N/A23874 "n_A" "#TF_SpaceChem_Pin"
N/A23875 "desc_inputs" "#RDI_ABC1"
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N/A23908 }
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N/A23911 }
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N/A23915 {
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