Template:PatchDiff/December 9, 2011 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf spanish.txt

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Revision as of 18:03, 10 December 2011 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf_spanish.txt" for patch December 9, 2011 Patch.)
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61566156"StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "No se ha podido confirmar que la transacción se haya realizado correctamente. Si ha sido así, tus objetos se entregarán más adelante."
61576157"[english]StoreCheckout_CompleteButUnfinalized" "Unable to confirm success. If successful, your items will be delivered at a later date."
6158N/A"StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "No tienes suficiente espacio en la mochila para adquirir tantos objetos."
6159N/A"[english]StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your backpack to buy that many items."
N/A6158"StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "No tienes suficiente espacio en la mochila para adquirir tantos objetos. Compra un Ensancha-mochilas para aumentar tu capacidad."
N/A6159"[english]StoreCheckout_NotEnoughRoom" "You don't have enough room in your backpack to buy that many items. Purchase a Backpack Expander to increase your capacity."
61606160"Store_NextWeapon" "Arma"
61616161"[english]Store_NextWeapon" "Weapon"
1142711427"[english]TF_Welcome_fullmoon" "Welcome and Enjoy the Full Moon!"
1142811428"TF_Luchador" "Luchador de la Guerra Fría"
11429N/A"[english]TF_Luchador" "Cold War Luchador"
N/A11429"[english]TF_Luchador" "The Cold War Luchador"
1143011430"TF_Luchador_Desc" "La asociación latino-soviética más terrorífica desde la Crisis de los Misiles de Cuba."
1143111431"[english]TF_Luchador_Desc" "The most terrifying Soviet/Latino partnership since the Cuban Missile Crisis."
1143211432"TF_Apocofists" "Puños Cataclísmicos"
11433N/A"[english]TF_Apocofists" "Apoco-Fists"
N/A11433"[english]TF_Apocofists" "The Apoco-Fists"
1143411434"TF_Apocofists_Desc" "¡Convierte cada uno de tus dedos en los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis! ¡Eso son más de diecinueve Jinetes del Apocalipsis en cada guante! El mayor Apocalipsis que jamás nos hemos atrevido a poner en tus manos."
1143511435"[english]TF_Apocofists_Desc" "Turn every one of your fingers into the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse! That's over nineteen Horsemen of the Apocalypse per glove! The most Apocalypse we've ever dared attach to one hand!"
1143611436"TF_Saint_Pin" "Marca del Santo"
11437N/A"[english]TF_Saint_Pin" "Mark of the Saint"
N/A11437"[english]TF_Saint_Pin" "The Mark of the Saint"
1143811438"TF_Saint_Pin_Desc" " "
1143911439"[english]TF_Saint_Pin_Desc" ""
1144011440"Attrib_CritKillWillGib" "Matar a un enemigo con un disparo crítico desmembrará a tu víctima. Dolorosamente."
1144111441"[english]Attrib_CritKillWillGib" "Killing an enemy with a critical hit will dismember your victim. Painfully."
N/A11442"TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo" "Promoción Misteriosa"
N/A11443"[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo" "Mysterious Promo"
N/A11444"TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo_Desc" "Promoción Misteriosa"
N/A11445"[english]TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo_Desc" "Mysterious Promo"
N/A11446"TF_TrnHat" "La Punta y Dispara"
N/A11447"[english]TF_TrnHat" "The Point and Shoot"
N/A11448"TF_TrnHat_Desc" "La próxima vez que alguien te acuse de no ser un mago auténtico porque te niegas a (o más bien, no puedes) realizar conjuros, sácale un ojo con este puntiagudo sombrero mágico y corre."
N/A11449"[english]TF_TrnHat_Desc" "The next time someone accuses you of not being a real wizard because you refuse to (read: can’t) do spells, poke them in the eye with this magically blinding pointy hat and run."
N/A11450"TF_TrnHelmet" "El Casco de Guerrero"
N/A11451"[english]TF_TrnHelmet" "The War Head"
N/A11452"TF_TrnHelmet_Desc" "Protege tu torbellino de ideas de dragones, hechizos y otros peligros imaginarios con este puntiagudo casco de plomo."
N/A11453"[english]TF_TrnHelmet_Desc" "Protect your thought-horde from dragons, sorcery, and other make-believe dangers with this spiky lead battle-mask."
N/A11454"Attrib_SetItemTintRGB" "Código de color del objeto: %s1"
N/A11455"[english]Attrib_SetItemTintRGB" "Item tint color code: %s1"
N/A11456"Attrib_LunchboxAddsMinicrits" "Establece el modo de arma #%s1"
N/A11457"[english]Attrib_LunchboxAddsMinicrits" "Sets weapon mode #%s1"
N/A11458"Attrib_NoiseMaker" "Generador de Ruido"
N/A11459"[english]Attrib_NoiseMaker" "Noise Maker"
N/A11460"Attrib_Always_Tradable" "Siempre Intercambiable"
N/A11461"[english]Attrib_Always_Tradable" "Always Tradable"
N/A11462"StoreCheckout_ItemNotForSale" "Uno o más artículos seleccionados no están a la venta."
N/A11463"[english]StoreCheckout_ItemNotForSale" "One or more of the items requested are not for sale."
N/A11464"StoreCheckout_DiscountFail" "Ha ocurrido un error al intentar aplicar un descuento a uno o más objetos. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo o ponte en contacto con el soporte."
N/A11465"[english]StoreCheckout_DiscountFail" "There seems to have been an error applying a discount to one or more items. Please try again or contact support."
N/A11466"StoreCheckout_InvalidItem" "El artículo seleccionado no existe o no está a la venta."
N/A11467"[english]StoreCheckout_InvalidItem" "The requested item does not exist or is not for sale."
N/A11468"Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseComplete" "¡Se ha completado tu compra! Los objetos comprados están ahora en tu inventario."
N/A11469"[english]Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseComplete" "Your purchase is complete! Purchased items are now in your inventory."
N/A11470"Web_StoreCheckout_NoItems" "¡Se ha completado tu compra! Pero no se ha añadido ningún objeto a tu inventario."
N/A11471"[english]Web_StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Your purchase is complete! Note that no new items were added to your inventory."
N/A11472"TF_Bowtie" "Dr. Whoa"
N/A11473"[english]TF_Bowtie" "Dr. Whoa"
N/A11474"TF_Bowtie_Desc" " "
N/A11475"[english]TF_Bowtie_Desc" ""
N/A11476"TF_DashinHashshashin" "La Capucha del Hashshashin"
N/A11477"[english]TF_DashinHashshashin" "The Dashin' Hashshashin"
N/A11478"TF_DashinHashshashin_Desc" "Cuando necesitas pasar totalmente desapercibido, ¡un disfraz no es suficiente! Ponte una capucha sobre ese pasamontañas y anúdate un pañuelo alrededor. ¡Anuncia a los cuatro vientos que no eres nada sospechoso!"
N/A11479"[english]TF_DashinHashshashin_Desc" "When you need to go deep undercover, one disguise is not enough! Put a hood over that ski-mask, then wrap a towel around it. Boldly announce to the world that you are inconspicuous!"
N/A11480"TF_SharpDresser" "La Manga Afilada"
N/A11481"[english]TF_SharpDresser" "The Sharp Dresser"
N/A11482"TF_SharpDresser_Desc" "Todos los mercenarios se vuelven locos por un hombre bien vestido. Con dagas asesinas del siglo XV saliendo de sus gemelos."
N/A11483"[english]TF_SharpDresser_Desc" "Every merc's crazy for a sharp-dressed man. With 15th century murder-knives extruding from his cufflinks."
N/A11484"TF_TopNotch" "La Cabeza de Notch"
N/A11485"[english]TF_TopNotch" "The Top Notch"
N/A11486"TF_TopNotch_Desc" "Bienvenido a una sociedad secreta tan exclusiva que hará parecer a los Illuminati unos aficionados. ¿Cómo de exclusiva? Tú eres el único miembro. No hay otro objeto igual en toda la existencia, así que no lo uses para fabricar otros objetos, Miney."
N/A11487"[english]TF_TopNotch_Desc" "Welcome to a secret society so exclusive it makes the Illuminati look like a Costco. How exclusive? You are the only member. This is the only item of its kind in all of existence. So don't craft it, Miney."
N/A11488"Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseCompleteNoItems" "¡Se ha completado tu compra! Pero no se ha añadido ningún objeto a tu inventario. ¡Si tu compra incluía algún sello de mapa, te espera un Sombrero del Trotamundos!"
N/A11489"[english]Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseCompleteNoItems" "Your purchase is complete! Note that no new items were added to your inventory. If your purchase included any map stamps, your World Traveler Hat awaits you!"