Template:PatchDiff/July 27, 2011 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf romanian.txt

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14711471"[english]StatPanel_Label_Buildings_Built" "# Buildings built: "
14721472"StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "# Ucideri de către Santinelă: "
14731473"[english]StatPanel_Label_SentryKills" "# Kills by sentry: "
1474N/A"StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# Folosiri ale teleport-ului: "
N/A1474"StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# Folosiri ale teleport-ului: "
14751475"[english]StatPanel_Label_Teleports" "# uses of teleport: "
14761476"StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport" "RAPORTUL TĂU DE PERFORMANŢĂ"
14771477"[english]StatSummary_Label_PerformanceReport" "YOUR PERFORMANCE REPORT"
42594259"[english]TF_CheatDetectedMajor" "Your account has been flagged for circumventing the item distribution system. We have removed all items in your inventory.\n\nFuture violations may result in your account being disabled."
42604260"TF_HonestyReward" "Felicitări! Onestitatea dumneavoasta v-a adus o nouă pălărie!\n\n(Unii dintre ceilalti jucători au fost mai puţin scrofuloşi la datorie şi au fost mai putin norocosi)"
42614261"[english]TF_HonestyReward" "Congratulations! Your Honesty has been rewarded with a new hat!\n\n(Some other players were less scrupulous, and have been less fortunate)"
4262N/A"TF_medigun_autoheal" "Medigunul continuă vindecarea fără ca butonul de atac să fie apăsat."
N/A4262"TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medigun-ul continuă vindecarea fără ca butonul de atac să fie apăsat."
42634263"[english]TF_medigun_autoheal" "MEDIC: Medigun continues healing without holding down fire button."
42644264"TF_autozoom" "SNIPER: Arma de Sniper va avea auto-zoom după fiecare foc cu zoom."
42654265"[english]TF_autozoom" "SNIPER: Sniper rifle will re-zoom after firing a zoomed shot."
42794279"[english]TF_ClassLimitHit_None" "(Full)"
42804280"TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Reţine arma activă între vieţi."
42814281"[english]TF_rememberactiveweapon" "Remember the active weapon between lives."
4282N/A"TF_rememberlastweapon" "Reţine ultima arma folosită între vieţi."
N/A4282"TF_rememberlastweapon" "Reţine 'ultima armă' între vieţi."
42834283"[english]TF_rememberlastweapon" "Remember the 'previous weapon' between lives."
42844284"TF_colorblindassist" "Activează modul pentru daltonişti."
42854285"[english]TF_colorblindassist" "Turn on colorblind mode."
42894289"[english]TF_UseAdvancedTourneyGUI" "Use advanced spectator HUD in tournament mode."
42904290"TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Dezactivează efectele de vreme."
42914291"[english]TF_DisableWeatherParticles" "Disable weather effects."
4292N/A"TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "Activează Meniu Simplu de Deghizare"
N/A4292"TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "SPY: Activează Meniul Simplu de Deghizare"
42934293"[english]TF_simple_disguise_menu_option" "SPY: Enable Concise Disguise Menu"
42944294"TF_CombatText" "Afişează pagubele produse asupa ţintei sub formă de text"
42954295"[english]TF_CombatText" "Display damage done as text over your target"
68876887"[english]TF_PartyPhantom" "Le Party Phantom"
68886888"TF_ColoredLights" "Festivul Industrial"
68896889"[english]TF_ColoredLights" "Industrial Festivizer"
6890N/A"TF_ExquisiteRack" "Grebla Rafinată"
N/A6890"TF_ExquisiteRack" "Coarnele Rafinate"
68916891"[english]TF_ExquisiteRack" "Exquisite Rack"
68926892"TF_DefiantSpartan" "Spartanul Sfidător"
68936893"[english]TF_DefiantSpartan" "Defiant Spartan"
71417141"[english]TF_UseBackpackExpanderFail_Text" "Your backpack has already been expanded to maximum capacity."
71427142"ArmoryFilter_Donationitems" "Timbrele Hărții"
71437143"[english]ArmoryFilter_Donationitems" "Map Stamp Items"
7144N/A"TF_Armory_Item_Class_BackpackExpander" "Acest obiect este un �Extinzător de Rucsac�. Atunci când este utilizat, acesta va extinde mărimea rucsacului tău şi se va consuma în proces. Apasă pe butonul 'Foloseşte' din rucsac pentru a-l utiliza."
N/A7144"TF_Armory_Item_Class_BackpackExpander" "Acest obiect este un �Extinzător de Rucsac�. În timpul folosirii, el va extinde mărimea rucsacului tău şi se va consuma. Apasă pe butonul 'Foloseşte' din rucsac pentru a-l utiliza."
71457145"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Class_BackpackExpander" "This item is a �Backpack Expander�. When used, it will expand the size of your backpack and be consumed in the process. Click the 'Use' button in the backpack to start the process of applying it."
71467146"TF_Armory_Item_MapToken" "Când acest obiect este achiziţionat, toate veniturile (net din orice taxă aplicabilă) vor merge direct la membrii comunităţii care au creat harta.\n\nNivelul de apartenenţă pentru o hartă va creşte pentru fiecare 25 timbre de hartă.\n\nDe asemenea, se va oferi o �Pălărie a Călătorului prin Lume� la prima achiziţionare a oricărui timbru de hartă."
71477147"[english]TF_Armory_Item_MapToken" "When this item is purchased, all the proceeds (net of any applicable tax) will go directly to the community members who made the map.\n\nMembership level for a map will increase for every 25 map stamps.\n\nA �World Traveler's Hat� will also be given out the first time any map stamp has been purchased."
73937393"[english]TF_Unique_RiftFireAxe" "Sharpened Volcano Fragment"
73947394"TF_Unique_RiftFireMace" "Soarele-pe-Băț"
73957395"[english]TF_Unique_RiftFireMace" "The Sun-on-a-Stick"
N/A7396"TF_RiftFireAxe_Desc" "Îmbunătăţeşte modelul original al Mamei Naturi\npentru vulcanuri sporind portabilitatea.\nŞtiinţa modernă nu poate explica exact\nde unde apare lava."
N/A7397"[english]TF_RiftFireAxe_Desc" "Improves upon Mother Nature's original\ndesign for volcanos by increasing portability.\nModern science is unable to explain exactly\nwhere the lava is coming from."
73967398"TF_RiftFireMace_Desc" "Capătul ţepos se duce în celălalt bărbat."
73977399"[english]TF_RiftFireMace_Desc" "Spiky end goes into other man."
73987400"rarity1" "Autentic"
74877489"[english]TF_Weapon_Flaregun_Detonator_Desc" "Alt-Fire: Detonate flare."
74887490"TF_Unique_BattleSaw_Desc" "Îți permite să vezi viața inamicilor."
74897491"[english]TF_Unique_BattleSaw_Desc" "Allows you to see an enemy's health."
N/A7492"TF_SaveReplay" "Salvează o reluare a vieţii tale curente sau a ultimei vieţi"
N/A7493"[english]TF_SaveReplay" "Save a replay of your current or last life"
74907494"TF_ToggleReplayDirections" "Activează sfaturi de redare"
74917495"[english]TF_ToggleReplayDirections" "Toggle replay tips"
74927496"TF_freezecam_replay" "[%s1] Crează o reluare!"
86798683"[english]Vote_notification_text" "�%initiator% wants to call a vote"
86808684"Vote_notification_view" "Afişează"
86818685"[english]Vote_notification_view" "View"
N/A8686"TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar" "Lingou de Moustachium"
N/A8687"[english]TF_SpaceChem_MoustachiumBar" "Moustachium Bar"
86828688"TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment" "'Peşte'"
86838689"[english]TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment" "'Fish'"
86848690"TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment_Desc" "Este plin de proteine."
86858691"[english]TF_SpaceChem_FishcakeFragment_Desc" "It's packed with protein."
N/A8692"TF_SpaceChem_PinFragmentType" "Fragment de Insignă"
N/A8693"[english]TF_SpaceChem_PinFragmentType" "Pin Fragment"
86868694"TF_SpaceChem_Pin" "Insigna SpaceChem"
86878695"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Pin" "SpaceChem Pin"
86888696"TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Desc" "Produs Complet Natural Derivat din Mâncare de Peşte Artificială al Vossler Industries"
86898697"[english]TF_SpaceChem_Fishcake_Desc" "Vossler Industries All-Natural Artificial-Fish-Derived Food Product"
86908698"TF_PolishWarBabushka" "Pălăria Hatmanului"
86918699"[english]TF_PolishWarBabushka" "Hetman's Headpiece"
8692N/A"TF_PolishWarBabushka_Desc" "Cazacii şi războiul merg împreună ca Gołąbki şi Vodka."
N/A8700"TF_PolishWarBabushka_Desc" "Cazacii şi războiul merg împreună ca Gołąbki şi wódka."
86938701"[english]TF_PolishWarBabushka_Desc" "Cossacks and war go together like gołąbki and wódka."
86948702"TF_JanissaryHat_Desc" "Prima armată care a purtat uniforme a vrut să fie sigură că toţi ceilalţi ştiau de ea."
86958703"[english]TF_JanissaryHat_Desc" "The first standing army to wear uniforms wanted to make damn sure everyone else knew it."
86978705"[english]TF_BucketHat" "Brain Bucket"
86988706"TF_BucketHat_Desc" "Zombie testat, creeeeiere aprobate."
86998707"[english]TF_BucketHat_Desc" "Zombie tested, braaaains approved."
N/A8708"TF_TrafficCone" "Jalonul Morţii"
N/A8709"[english]TF_TrafficCone" "Dead Cone"
87008710"Replay_Waiting" "AŞTEPTARE"
87018711"[english]Replay_Waiting" "WAITING"
87028712"Replay_ExportRaw" "Exportă TGA/WAV"
87098719"[english]TF_FuriousFukaamigasa_Desc" "You can't tell, but he's furious."
87108720"TF_Connoisseurs_Cap_Desc" "Eşti ingredientul special de azi..."
87118721"[english]TF_Connoisseurs_Cap_Desc" "You’re today’s theme ingredient…"
N/A8722"TF_VillainsVeil_Desc" "Cel bun, cel rău, şi cel mort."
N/A8723"[english]TF_VillainsVeil_Desc" "The good, the bad, and the dead."
87128724"TF_TeamCaptain_Desc" "Avocaţii nostri spun 'DA! DA!'"
87138725"[english]TF_TeamCaptain_Desc" "Our lawyers say 'YES! YES!'"
87148726"TF_BlightedBeak_Style1" "Yersinia Pestis"
87178729"[english]TF_BlightedBeak_Style2" "Vibrio Cholerae"
87188730"TF_VillainsVeil_Style2" "Ucigaş Pregătit"
87198731"[english]TF_VillainsVeil_Style2" "Trained Killer"
N/A8732"TF_REPLAY_SAVE_REPLAY_DESC" "Salvează prima ta reluare."
N/A8733"[english]TF_REPLAY_SAVE_REPLAY_DESC" "Save your very first replay."
N/A8734"TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER2_DESC" "Obţine 1000 de vizualizări YouTube™ pentru filmul tău."
N/A8735"[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_TIER2_DESC" "Achieve 1000 YouTube™ views for your movie."
87218737"[english]TF_REPLAY_YOUTUBE_VIEWS_HIGHEST_NAME" "Blockbuster"
8722N/A"TF_TauntEnabler_Replay" "Batjocură: Viziunea Directorului"
N/A8738"TF_TauntEnabler_Replay" "Batjocură: Viziunea Regizorului"
87238739"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Replay" "Taunt: The Director's Vision"
N/A8740"TF_TauntEnabler_Replay_Desc" "Echipează asta în Action Slot-ul tău şi apasă butonul pentru Acțiune ca să le spui inamicilor că faci o Reluare a incercării lor patetice pe care o vei împărtăşi cu toată lumea."
N/A8741"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_Replay_Desc" "Equip this item in your Action Slot and press the Action button to tell your victims you are making a Replay of their pathetic demise to share with everyone."
87248742"Replay_ReplayMsgTitle" "RELUARE"
87258743"[english]Replay_ReplayMsgTitle" "REPLAY"
87268744"Replay_YouTubeURL" "YOUTUBE URL"
87678785"[english]TF_EngineerTopHat" "Western Wear"
87688786"TF_Doctors_Sack" "Sacul Doctorului"
87698787"[english]TF_Doctors_Sack" "Doctor's Sack"
8770N/A"TF_Connoisseurs_Cap" "Şapca Expertului"
N/A8788"TF_Ol_Geezer" "Bătrânu’ Ciudat"
N/A8789"[english]TF_Ol_Geezer" "Ol' Geezer"
N/A8790"TF_FuriousFukaamigasa" "Fukaamigasa Furioasă"
N/A8791"[english]TF_FuriousFukaamigasa" "Furious Fukaamigasa"
N/A8792"TF_Connoisseurs_Cap" "Pălăria Bucătarului"
87718793"[english]TF_Connoisseurs_Cap" "Connoisseur's Cap"
N/A8794"TF_VillainsVeil" "Voalul Banditului"
N/A8795"[english]TF_VillainsVeil" "Villain's Veil"
87728796"TF_PotatoHatStyle_Classified" "[clasificat]"
87738797"[english]TF_PotatoHatStyle_Classified" "[classified]"
87748798"TF_PotatoHatStyle_Logo" "Sigla Aperture"
88038827"[english]Replay_Contest_Rules" "RULES"
88048828"YouTube_Upload_MissingFile" "Incapabilă încărcarea pe YouTube, pentru că fişierul film nu a fost găsit."
88058829"[english]YouTube_Upload_MissingFile" "Unable to upload to YouTube, because the movie file could not be found."
N/A8830"TF_Wearable_Medallion" "Medalion"
N/A8831"[english]TF_Wearable_Medallion" "Medallion"
88068832"ShowInBackpackOrderCheckbox" "Arată În Ordinea din Rucsac"
88078833"[english]ShowInBackpackOrderCheckbox" "Show In Backpack Order"
N/A8834"TF_ScoutSword" "Sabia Trei-Rune"
N/A8835"[english]TF_ScoutSword" "Three-Rune Blade"
N/A8836"TF_ScoutHair" "Coada Eroului"
N/A8837"[english]TF_ScoutHair" "Hero's Tail"
N/A8838"TF_ScoutHair_Desc" "Posibil rezultatul pierderii de pigmentaţie datorită experimentelor oribile. Posibil un mop."
N/A8839"[english]TF_ScoutHair_Desc" "Possibly the result of pigmentation loss due to horrible experiments. Possibly a mop of some kind."
N/A8840"TF_ScoutMedallion" "Semnul Scolii lui Wolf"
N/A8841"[english]TF_ScoutMedallion" "Sign of the Wolf's School"
N/A8842"TF_ScoutMedallion_Desc" "Un lup, nici o luna. Colecţionează-i pe toţi trei!"
N/A8843"[english]TF_ScoutMedallion_Desc" "One wolf, no moon. Collect all three!"
88088844"Replay_Saving" "Se salvează"
88098845"[english]Replay_Saving" "Saving"
88108846"Replay_CantExport" "NU SE POATE EXPORTA"
88178853"[english]MMenu_OptionsHighlightPanel_Title" "TF2 Advanced Options"
88188854"TFAdvancedOptions" "TF2 Opţiuni Avansate"
88198855"[english]TFAdvancedOptions" "TF2 Advanced Options"
N/A8856"Tooltip_classautokill" "Când este setat, te vei sinucide imediat după ce îţi schimbi clasa atunci când eşti pe front.\n\nCând nu este setat, îţi vei schimba clasa la următoarea ta revenire."
N/A8857"[english]Tooltip_classautokill" "If set, then you'll immediately kill yourself whenever you change class while out in the field.\n\nIf unset, you'll change to your new class the next time you respawn."
N/A8858"Tooltip_loadoutrespawn" "Când este setat, vei reveni imediat atunci când îţi schimbi meniul de arme şi eşti în zona de revenire.\n\nCând nu este setat, schimbările din meniul de arme vor avea efect numai la următoarea revenire."
N/A8859"[english]Tooltip_loadoutrespawn" "If set, then you'll respawn immediately whenever you change your loadout while inside a respawn zone.\n\nIf unset, your loadout changes will take effect the next time you respawn."
N/A8860"Tooltip_medigun_autoheal" "Când este setat, vindecătorul va rămâne activ pe pe ţinta ta până apeşi butonul de tragere.\n\nCând nu este setat, va trebui să ţii apăsat pe buton pentru a menţine vindecătorul activ."
N/A8861"[english]Tooltip_medigun_autoheal" "If set, your Medic's medigun will stay locked onto your heal target until you press the fire button again.\n\nIf unset, you'll be required to hold the button down to keep the medigun locked on."
N/A8862"Tooltip_autozoom" "Când este setat, puşca cu lunetă va intra automat în zoom după ce se incarcă dacă erai în zoom atunci când ai tras."
N/A8863"[english]Tooltip_autozoom" "If set, the Sniper's sniper rifle will automatically zoom back in after it reloads, if you were zoomed in when you shot."
N/A8864"Tooltip_autoreload" "Când este setat, îţi vei reîncărca automat arma atunci când nu tragi, dacă aceasta are nevoie de reîncărcare şi ai muniţie."
N/A8865"[english]Tooltip_autoreload" "If set, you'll automatically reload your weapon whenever you're not firing, if the weapon needs reloading and you have ammo."
N/A8866"Tooltip_takesshots" "Când este setat, vei face automat o fotografie a scorului final la sfârşitul fiecărei hărţi terminate."
N/A8867"[english]Tooltip_takesshots" "If set, you'll automatically have a screenshot taken of the final scoreboard at the end of every map you play."
N/A8868"Tooltip_rememberactiveweapon" "Când este setat, vei reveni ţinând aceeaşi armă pe care o ţineai când ai murit (persupunând că încă o mai ai echipată în meniul de arme)."
N/A8869"[english]Tooltip_rememberactiveweapon" "If set, you'll respawn holding the same weapon you were holding when you died (assuming you still have it equipped in your loadout)."
N/A8870"Tooltip_drawviewmodel_option" "Când nu este setat, imaginea din first person a armei tale nu va fi vizibilă."
N/A8871"[english]Tooltip_drawviewmodel_option" "If unset, the first person view of your active weapon won't be drawn."
N/A8872"Tooltip_flipviewmodel_option" "Când este setat, imaginea din first person a armei tale active va fi vizibilă pe partea stângă a ecranului, în locul părţii drepte."
N/A8873"[english]Tooltip_flipviewmodel_option" "If set, the first person view of your active weapon will be drawn on the left hand side of the screen, instead of the right."
N/A8874"Tooltip_DisableSprays" "Când este setat, nu vei vedea spray-urile altor jucători."
N/A8875"[english]Tooltip_DisableSprays" "If set, you won't see other player's spraypaint images."
N/A8876"Tooltip_colorblindassist" "Când este setat, câteva din efectele care sunt mai greu de distins pentru jucătorii acromatopsici vor folosi efecte alternative, mai vizibile."
N/A8877"[english]Tooltip_colorblindassist" "If set, several in-game effects that are harder for colorblind players to see will use alternate, more visible effects."
N/A8878"Tooltip_DisableHTMLMOTD" "Când este setat, nu îţi vor fi afişate versiunile HTML ale Mesajului Zilei de pe servere."
N/A8879"[english]Tooltip_DisableHTMLMOTD" "If set, you won't be shown HTML versions of server's Message Of The Day welcome screens."
88208880"TFOption_httpproxy" "HTTP Proxy:"
88218881"[english]TFOption_httpproxy" "HTTP Proxy:"
88228882"TFOption_postdeathrecordtime" "Perioada de filmare post-mortem."
88238883"[english]TFOption_postdeathrecordtime" "Post-death replay record time"
N/A8884"Tooltip_postdeathrecordtime" "Acesta este intervalul, în secunde, pe care reluarea va continua să îl filmeze după ce ai murit."
N/A8885"[english]Tooltip_postdeathrecordtime" "This is the amount of time, in seconds, to continue recording your replay after you've died."
N/A8886"TF_OptionCategory_Combat" "Opţiuni Bătălie"
N/A8887"[english]TF_OptionCategory_Combat" "Combat Options"
N/A8888"TF_OptionCategory_HUD" "Opţiuni HUD"
N/A8889"[english]TF_OptionCategory_HUD" "HUD Options"
N/A8890"TF_OptionCategory_ClassSpecific" "Opţiuni Specifice Claselor"
N/A8891"[english]TF_OptionCategory_ClassSpecific" "Class Specific Options"
N/A8892"TF_OptionCategory_Performance" "Opţiuni Performantă"
N/A8893"[english]TF_OptionCategory_Performance" "Performance Options"
N/A8894"TF_OptionCategory_Misc" "Opţiuni Diverse"
N/A8895"[english]TF_OptionCategory_Misc" "Miscellaneous Options"
N/A8896"TF_OptionCategory_Replay" "Opţiuni Reluare"
N/A8897"[english]TF_OptionCategory_Replay" "Replay Options"
N/A8898"TF_Saxxy" "Saxxy"
N/A8899"[english]TF_Saxxy" "The Saxxy"
N/A8900"TF_LessThan" "<"
N/A8901"[english]TF_LessThan" "<"
N/A8902"TF_GreaterThan" ">"
N/A8903"[english]TF_GreaterThan" ">"
N/A8904"TF_Select" "ALEGE"
N/A8905"[english]TF_Select" "SELECT"
88248906"TF_BetaPocketShotgun" "Puşcă de Buzunar Beta"
88258907"[english]TF_BetaPocketShotgun" "Beta Pocket Shotgun"
N/A8908"TF_ConjurersCowl_Desc" "Mi-am pus pălăria de vrăjitor."
N/A8909"[english]TF_ConjurersCowl_Desc" "I put on my wizard's hat."
N/A8910"TF_MedicMtGHat" "Casca Planeswalker-ului"
N/A8911"[english]TF_MedicMtGHat" "The Planeswalker Helm"
N/A8912"TF_ScoutMtGHat" "Ochelarii Planeswalker-ului"
N/A8913"[english]TF_ScoutMtGHat" "The Planeswalker Goggles"
N/A8914"TF_TowerHardhat_Desc" "Nu se poate opri semnalul."
N/A8915"[english]TF_TowerHardhat_Desc" "Can't stop the signal."
88268916"Gametype_OfflinePractice" "Antrenament Offline"
88278917"[english]Gametype_OfflinePractice" "Offline Practice"
88288918"Gametype_Quickplay" "Aleator"
88298919"[english]Gametype_Quickplay" "Random"
N/A8920"TF_Spectator_Default" "Implicit"
N/A8921"[english]TF_Spectator_Default" "Default"
N/A8922"TF_Spectator_Bottom_Left" "Colţul din Stânga Jos"
N/A8923"[english]TF_Spectator_Bottom_Left" "Bottom Left Corner"
N/A8924"TF_Spectator_Bottom_Center" "Centru Jos"
N/A8925"[english]TF_Spectator_Bottom_Center" "Bottom Center"
88308926"Selection_ShowBackpack" "Vezi Tot Rucsacul"
88318927"[english]Selection_ShowBackpack" "View Entire Backpack"
88328928"Selection_ShowSelection" "Vizualizează Obiectele Valide"
88518947"[english]RI_T" "Token"
88528948"Attrib_SaxxyAward" "Câştigător: %s1 %s2\n"
88538949"[english]Attrib_SaxxyAward" "Winner: %s1 %s2\n"
N/A8950"TF_Weapon_BetaBonesaw" "Fierăstrău Beta"
N/A8951"[english]TF_Weapon_BetaBonesaw" "Beta Bonesaw"
N/A8952"TF_Weapon_BetaSyringeGun" "Armă cu Seringi Beta"
N/A8953"[english]TF_Weapon_BetaSyringeGun" "Beta Syringe Gun"
88548954"Replay_Scale" "Scară:"
88558955"[english]Replay_Scale" "Scale:"
88568956"Replay_SetDefaultSetting" "RESETEAZĂ"
88758975"[english]MMenu_Customize" "CUSTOMIZE"
88768976"MMenu_Create" "CREAZĂ"
88778977"[english]MMenu_Create" "CREATE"
8878N/A"TF_Training_Title" "ANTRENAMENT"
N/A8978"TR_AttackDefense" "ANTENAMENT DE BAZĂ"
N/A8979"[english]TR_AttackDefense" "BASIC TRAINING"
N/A8981"[english]TR_PracticeModeSelectTitle" "SELECT A PRACTICE MODE"
N/A8982"TR_Primary" "Primar"
N/A8983"[english]TR_Primary" "Primary"
N/A8984"TR_Secondary" "Secundar"
N/A8985"[english]TR_Secondary" "Secondary"
N/A8986"TR_Melee" "Melee"
N/A8987"[english]TR_Melee" "Melee"
N/A8988"TR_StandardWeaponSet" "SETUL DE ARME STANDARD"
N/A8989"[english]TR_StandardWeaponSet" "STANDARD WEAPON SET"
N/A8990"TR_Soldier_MoveTitle" "Mişcare"
N/A8991"[english]TR_Soldier_MoveTitle" "Movement"
N/A8992"TR_Soldier_JumpTitle" "Săritură"
N/A8993"[english]TR_Soldier_JumpTitle" "Jump"
N/A8994"TR_Soldier_JumpHint" "Sări Aici Sus"
N/A8995"[english]TR_Soldier_JumpHint" "Jump Up Here"
N/A8996"TR_Progress" "%s1% Completat"
N/A8997"[english]TR_Progress" "%s1% Completed"
N/A8998"TR_ProgressDone" "Completat"
N/A8999"[english]TR_ProgressDone" "Completed"
N/A9000"TR_ContinueTitle" "Continuaţi?"
N/A9001"[english]TR_ContinueTitle" "Continue?"
N/A9002"TR_Continue" "CONTINUĂ"
N/A9003"[english]TR_Continue" "CONTINUE"
N/A9004"TR_StartOver" "ÎNCEPE IAR"
N/A9005"[english]TR_StartOver" "START OVER"
88799007"[english]TF_Training_Title" "SELECT A TRAINING MODE"
N/A9008"TF_OfflinePractice_Players" "Jucători:"
N/A9009"[english]TF_OfflinePractice_Players" "Players:"
N/A9010"TF_Event_Saxxy_Deleted" "%owner% şi-a distrus Saxxy-ul, acordat pentru %category%!"
N/A9011"[english]TF_Event_Saxxy_Deleted" "%owner% has destroyed their Saxxy, awarded for %category%!"
N/A9012"TF_MM_GenericFailure_Title" "Nici un Răspuns"
N/A9013"[english]TF_MM_GenericFailure_Title" "Error"
88809014"TF_MM_ResultsDialog_Title" "Rezultatele Căutarii"
88819015"[english]TF_MM_ResultsDialog_Title" "Search Results"
N/A9016"TF_Quickplay_PlayNow" "Joacă Acum!"
N/A9017"[english]TF_Quickplay_PlayNow" "Play Now!"
N/A9018"TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Meciuri Active: %s1"
N/A9019"[english]TF_Quickplay_NumGames" "Game servers meeting search criteria: %s1"
N/A9020"TF_Quickplay_LetsGo" "Să Mergem!"
N/A9021"[english]TF_Quickplay_LetsGo" "Let's Go!"
N/A9022"TF_Quickplay_Favorites" "Doar Servele Favorite"
N/A9023"[english]TF_Quickplay_Favorites" "Favorite Servers Only"
N/A9024"TF_Quickplay_Refresh" "Reîmprospătare"
N/A9025"[english]TF_Quickplay_Refresh" "Refresh"
N/A9026"TF_GameModeDesc_CP" "Capturează toate punctele pentru a câştiga."
N/A9027"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_CP" "Capture all points to win."
N/A9028"TF_TauntEnabler_MedicHeroicPose" "Batjocură: Întâlneşte-l pe Medic"
N/A9029"[english]TF_TauntEnabler_MedicHeroicPose" "Taunt: The Meet the Medic"
88829030"TF_ArmoredAuthority" "Autoritate Blindată"
88839031"[english]TF_ArmoredAuthority" "Armored Authority"
N/A9032"TF_Mantreads" "Călcătorul"
N/A9033"[english]TF_Mantreads" "The Mantreads"
88849034"TF_DisciplinaryAction" "Acţiunea Disciplinară"
88859035"[english]TF_DisciplinaryAction" "The Disciplinary Action"
88869036"TF_Overdose" "Supradoza"
88879037"[english]TF_Overdose" "The Overdose"
N/A9038"TF_Weapon_Riding_Crop" "Bici de Călărit"
N/A9039"[english]TF_Weapon_Riding_Crop" "Riding Crop"
88889040"TF_Wearable_Uniform" "Uniformă"
88899041"[english]TF_Wearable_Uniform" "Uniform"
88909042"TF_Atomizer" "Pulverizatorul"
88919043"[english]TF_Atomizer" "The Atomizer"
88929044"TF_BonkBoy" "Băiat Bonk"
88939045"[english]TF_BonkBoy" "Bonk Boy"
N/A9046"TF_CosaNostraCap" "Pălăria Cosa Nostra"
N/A9047"[english]TF_CosaNostraCap" "Cosa Nostra Cap"
N/A9048"TF_MadeMan" "Omul de Onoare"
N/A9049"[english]TF_MadeMan" "The Made Man"
88949050"TF_Bundle_MedicStarter_Desc" "Asigură-i echipei tale ajutor sporit cu aceste obiecte-cheie pentru Medic:"
88959051"[english]TF_Bundle_MedicStarter_Desc" "Provide your team with enhanced support with these key Medic items:"
88969052"TF_Bundle_SniperStarter" "Pachet de începători pentru Sniper."
88979053"[english]TF_Bundle_SniperStarter" "Sniper Starter Pack"
88989054"TF_Bundle_SniperStarter_Desc" "Ridică-ţi standardele profesionale cu aceste obicete critice pentru Sniper:"
88999055"[english]TF_Bundle_SniperStarter_Desc" "Raise your professional standards with these critical Sniper items:"
N/A9056"TF_Bundle_SpyStarter" "Pachet de începători pentru Spy"
N/A9057"[english]TF_Bundle_SpyStarter" "Spy Starter Pack"
N/A9058"TF_Bundle_SpyStarter_Desc" "Munca de calitate pe câmpul de bătălie depinde de obiecte de calitate:"
N/A9059"[english]TF_Bundle_SpyStarter_Desc" "Quality field work depends on quality tools:"
89009060"TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday" "Pachetul Ziua de Luni a Gangsterilor"
89019061"[english]TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday" "Mobster Monday Bundle"
89029062"TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday_Desc" "Echipează-te cu aceste obiecte ale Mafiei pentru Heavy şi Spy:"
89039063"[english]TF_Bundle_MobsterMonday_Desc" "Load up on these Mafia themed items for the Heavy and Spy:"
N/A9064"TF_Bundle_TimbukTuesday" "Pachetul Ziua de Marţi Timbuk"
N/A9065"[english]TF_Bundle_TimbukTuesday" "Timbuk-Tuesday Bundle"
N/A9066"TF_Bundle_TimbukTuesday_Desc" "Echipează-te cu aceste obiecte pe temă (aproape) Mid-Estică pentru Sniper, Scout şi Demoman:"
N/A9067"[english]TF_Bundle_TimbukTuesday_Desc" "Load up on these (mostly) Mid-Eastern themed items for the Sniper, Scout, and Demoman:"
N/A9068"TF_Bundle_WarWednesday" "Pachetul Ziua de Miercuri a Războiului Mondial"
N/A9069"[english]TF_Bundle_WarWednesday" "World War Wednesday Bundle"
N/A9070"TF_Bundle_WarWednesday_Desc" "Echipează-te cu aceste obiecte pe temă militară pentru Soldier:"
N/A9071"[english]TF_Bundle_WarWednesday_Desc" "Load up on these military themed items for the Soldier:"
89049072"TF_Bundle_MeetTheMedic" "Pachetul Întâlneşte-l pe Medic!"
89059073"[english]TF_Bundle_MeetTheMedic" "Meet the Medic! Bundle"
89069074"TF_Bundle_MeetTheMedic_Desc" "Echipează-te cu aceste obiecte care celebrează video-ul Meet the Medic:"
89079075"[english]TF_Bundle_MeetTheMedic_Desc" "Load up on these items celebrating the Meet the Medic video:"
N/A9076"TF_Bundle_Uber" "Pachetul Actualizarea Uber"
N/A9077"[english]TF_Bundle_Uber" "The Uber Update Bundle"
N/A9078"TF_Bundle_Uber_Desc" "Achiziţionează toate obiectele noi din Update-ul Uber într-un pachet compact:"
N/A9079"[english]TF_Bundle_Uber_Desc" "Get every new item in the Uber Update in one massive bundle:"
89089080"TF_HelpedNewUserHat" "Ochelarii Profesorului"
89099081"[english]TF_HelpedNewUserHat" "Professor Speks"
N/A9082"TF_HelpedNewUserHat_Desc" "Oferă-i profesorului tău darul perspicacităţii, cu agrafă de hârtie şi bandă de cauciuc incluse."
N/A9083"[english]TF_HelpedNewUserHat_Desc" "Give your teacher the gift of insight, paper clip and rubber band included."
N/A9084"TF_CaponesCapper" "Pălăria de Gangster a lui Capo"
N/A9085"[english]TF_CaponesCapper" "Capo's Capper"
N/A9086"TF_CaponesCapper_Desc" "Acest număr elegant te va ajuta să comiţi orice fel de crime - în afara celor împortiva modei."
N/A9087"[english]TF_CaponesCapper_Desc" "This dashing number will help you commit crimes of all kinds—except against fashion."
89109088"TF_DesertMarauder" "Jefuitorul din Deşert"
89119089"[english]TF_DesertMarauder" "Desert Marauder"
89129090"TF_PocketMedic" "Medic de Buzunar"
89139091"[english]TF_PocketMedic" "Pocket Medic"
89149092"TF_PocketMedic_Desc" "Ţine micuţul om vindecător aproape."
89159093"[english]TF_PocketMedic_Desc" "Keep little healing man close."
N/A9094"TF_LoyaltyReward" "Dovadă a Achiziţiei"
N/A9095"[english]TF_LoyaltyReward" "Proof of Purchase"
89169096"TF_LoyaltyReward_Desc" "Dintr-o altă eră."
89179097"[english]TF_LoyaltyReward_Desc" "From another era."
N/A9098"TF_SplendidScreen_Style1" "Clasic"
N/A9099"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style1" "Classic"
N/A9100"TF_SplendidScreen_Style2" "Ţepuş"
N/A9101"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style2" "Spike"
N/A9102"TF_SplendidScreen_Style3" "Săgeată"
N/A9103"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style3" "Arrow"
N/A9104"TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Ţeapă & Săgeată"
N/A9105"[english]TF_SplendidScreen_Style4" "Spike & Arrow"
N/A9106"TF_TrialNeedSpace_Title" "Ai nevoie de mai mult spaţiu?"
N/A9107"[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_Title" "Need more space?"
N/A9108"TF_TrialNeedSpace_Store" "Spre Magazin!"
N/A9109"[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_Store" "To the Store!"
N/A9110"TF_TrialNeedSpace_No" "Şterge Chestii"
N/A9111"[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_No" "Delete Stuff"
89189112"ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Nivel %s1"
89199113"[english]ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Level %s1"
89209114"ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s2 - Ucideri: %s3"
89539147"[english]KillEaterRank20" "Hale's Own"
89549148"Craft_PremiumRecipe" "Contul tău gratis nu poate folosi această schemă Premium."
89559149"[english]Craft_PremiumRecipe" "Your free account is unable to use this Premium blueprint."
N/A9150"TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor4" "Cagulele Sunt Eterne"
N/A9151"[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor4" "Balaclavas Are Forever"
N/A9152"TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor5" "Un Aer Degajat"
N/A9153"[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor5" "An Air of Debonair"
N/A9154"TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor6" "Valoarea Muncii în Echipă"
N/A9155"[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor6" "The Value of Teamwork"
89569156"TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor7" "Spiritul Cremului"
89579157"[english]TF_Tool_PaintCan_TeamColor7" "Cream Spirit"
N/A9158"TF_Set_Desert_Sniper" "Lawrence al Australiei"
N/A9159"[english]TF_Set_Desert_Sniper" "Lawrence of Australia"
N/A9160"TF_Set_Clinical_Trial" "Studii Clinice"
N/A9161"[english]TF_Set_Clinical_Trial" "Clinical Trial"
N/A9162"TF_Set_Bonk_Fan" "Fanul #1"
N/A9163"[english]TF_Set_Bonk_Fan" "The #1 Fan"
N/A9164"TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "Omul de Onoare"
N/A9165"[english]TF_Set_Gangland_Spy" "The Man of Honor"
89589166"Attrib_AmmoBecomesHealth" "Toată muniţia colectată se transformă în viaţă"
89599167"[english]Attrib_AmmoBecomesHealth" "All ammo collected becomes health"
89609168"Attrib_SeeEnemyHealth" "Îţi permite să vezi viaţa inamicilor."
89739181"[english]TF_EvictionNotice" "The Eviction Notice"
89749182"TF_SolemnVow" "Jurământul Solemn"
89759183"[english]TF_SolemnVow" "The Solemn Vow"
N/A9184"TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Nu face rău.'"
N/A9185"[english]TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Do no harm.'"
89769186"strange" "Straniu"
89779187"[english]strange" "Strange"
89789188"MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Text" "Ai noi obiecte! Daţi click pe butonul Obiecte pentru a merge la meniul de echipare, unde vei putea să echipi obiectele primite pe caractere.\n\nDe asemenea, poţi da la schimb obicectele tale cu obiectele altor jucători, puteţi să faceţi noi obiecte din cele nedorite cu ajutorul meniului Craft, sau să răsfoiţi Catalogul Mann Co. pentru a vedea ce alte obiecte puteţi să colecţionaţi."
89859195"[english]Store_FreeTrial_Bonus" "BONUS!"
89869196"TF_HUD_Event_KillEater_Leveled" "%weapon_name% lui %player% a atins un nou rang de ucidere: %rank_name%!"
89879197"[english]TF_HUD_Event_KillEater_Leveled" "%player%'s %weapon_name% has reached a new kill rank: %rank_name%!"
N/A9198"TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc_FreeTrial" "Conturile gratis nu pot să dea la schimb obiecte cu alt jucător. Cumpără orice obiect din magazin pentru a ţi se promova contul la status de premium!"
N/A9199"[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step2Desc_FreeTrial" "Free accounts cannot trade away any items. Purchase any item in the store to upgrade!"
N/A9200"TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc_FreeTrial" "Celălalt jucător are un cont gratis şi nu îţi poate oferi niciun obiect."
N/A9201"[english]TF_TradeWindow_Step3Desc_FreeTrial" "The other player has a free account and cannot trade you any items."
N/A9202"TF_TradeWindow_Warning_KillEater" "Avertisment: cealaltă persoană oferă un obiect care a ţinut cont de numărul jucătorilor ucişi. Contorul de ucideri se va reseta după ce va fi dat la schimb!\n"
N/A9203"[english]TF_TradeWindow_Warning_KillEater" "Warning: the other person is offering an item that has been tracking player kills. The kill counter will reset when traded!\n"
89889204"TF_Vote_Column_Properties" ""
89899205"[english]TF_Vote_Column_Properties" ""
N/A9208"TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Scout" "Ştiu la ce te gândeşti. 'Acela este un bărbat arătoooos. Unde îşi face cumpărăturile?' Magazinul Mann Co. marţafoiule. N-ai bani? Ia-ţi o slujbă şi întoarce-te."
N/A9209"[english]TF_Trial_MainMenu_Upsell_Scout" "I know what yer thinkin'. 'That there is one beeyootiful man. Where does he shop?' The Mann Co. Store, dummy. No money? Get a job and come back."
N/A9210"TF_Trial_SelectMostHelpfulFriend_Title" "Mulţumeşte-i Prietenului Tău!"
N/A9211"[english]TF_Trial_SelectMostHelpfulFriend_Title" "Thank Your Friend!"
89929212"TF_Trial_ThankSuccess_Title" "Mulţumesc!"
89939213"[english]TF_Trial_ThankSuccess_Title" "Thanks!"
N/A9214"TF_Trial_Converted_Title" "Cont Premium"
N/A9215"[english]TF_Trial_Converted_Title" "Premium Account"
N/A9216"TF_Trial_Converted_Text" "Contul tău a fost promovat la statutul premium!"
N/A9217"[english]TF_Trial_Converted_Text" "Your account has been upgraded to premium status!"
N/A9218"TF_Trial_StoreUpgradeExplanation" "Pentru a-ţi promova contul la status de premium, cumpără orice din Magazinul Mann Co.!"
N/A9219"[english]TF_Trial_StoreUpgradeExplanation" "To upgrade to a Premium account, buy any item from the Mann Co. Store!"
89949220"TF_AdvancedOptions" "Opţiuni Avansate TF2"
89959221"[english]TF_AdvancedOptions" "TF2 Advanced Options"
N/A9222"TF_Wearable_Spurs" "Pinteni"
N/A9223"[english]TF_Wearable_Spurs" "Spurs"
N/A9224"TF_Summer_Shades" "Umbrele Verii"
N/A9225"[english]TF_Summer_Shades" "Summer Shades"
N/A9226"TF_Summer_Shades_Desc" "Acestea sunt faimoase."
N/A9227"[english]TF_Summer_Shades_Desc" "These are famous."
N/A9228"TF_Wearable_FlipFlops" "Papuci"
N/A9229"[english]TF_Wearable_FlipFlops" "Flip-Flops"
N/A9230"TF_Scout_FlipFlops" "Papuci"
N/A9231"[english]TF_Scout_FlipFlops" "Flip-Flops"
N/A9232"TF_Wearable_Towels" "Prosopul de Plajă"
N/A9233"[english]TF_Wearable_Towels" "Beach Towel"
N/A9234"TF_Scout_Towels" "Nr. Norocos 42"
N/A9235"[english]TF_Scout_Towels" "Lucky No. 42"
N/A9236"TF_SummerHat" "Pălăria de Vară"
N/A9237"[english]TF_SummerHat" "Summer Hat"
N/A9238"TF_Bundle_Summer2011" "Pachetul Soarele de Vară"
N/A9239"[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2011" "Summer Sun Bundle"
N/A9240"TF_SummerHat_Style0" "O Zi la Plajă"
N/A9241"[english]TF_SummerHat_Style0" "A Day at the Beach"
N/A9242"TF_FIRE_WATERJUMP_NAME" "Scapă de Căldură"
N/A9243"[english]TF_FIRE_WATERJUMP_NAME" "Escape the Heat"
N/A9244"TF_FIRE_WATERJUMP_DESC" "Sări într-o pişcină cu apă răcoritoare în timp ce eşti în flăcări."
N/A9245"[english]TF_FIRE_WATERJUMP_DESC" "Jump into a pool of refreshing water while on fire."
N/A9246"TF_Weapon_GolfClub" "Crosa de Golf"
N/A9247"[english]TF_Weapon_GolfClub" "Golf Club"
N/A9248"TF_Weapon_Mailbox" "Cutia Poştală"
N/A9249"[english]TF_Weapon_Mailbox" "Mailbox"
89969250"Store_Summer" "Vară!"
89979251"[english]Store_Summer" "Summer!"
89989252"Craft_Recipe_Custom" "Scheme de Fabricare Personalizate"
89999253"[english]Craft_Recipe_Custom" "Custom Blueprint"
N/A9254"Store_DrGrordbort" "> Dr. Grordbort <"
N/A9255"[english]Store_DrGrordbort" "> Dr. Grordbort <"
N/A9256"TF_GifterText_SelfOpen" "�%giver%� a deschis un pachet!"
N/A9257"[english]TF_GifterText_SelfOpen" "�%giver%� has opened a package!"