Template:PatchDiff/September 21, 2012 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf romanian.txt

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36453645"[english]X_DeleteItem" "X DELETE"
36463646"X_Delete" "X ŞTERGE"
36473647"[english]X_Delete" "X DELETE"
3648N/A"X_DiscardItem" "X IGNORĂ"
N/A3648"X_DiscardItem" "X ARUNCĂ"
36493649"[english]X_DiscardItem" "X DISCARD"
36503650"DeleteConfirmTitle" "EŞTI SIGUR?"
36513651"[english]DeleteConfirmTitle" "ARE YOU SURE?"
36633663"[english]DiscardExplanation2" "Delete an item below to make room or press discard to throw your new item away."
36643664"DeleteConfirmDefault" "Şterge?"
36653665"[english]DeleteConfirmDefault" "Delete?"
3666N/A"Discarded" "IGNORAT!"
N/A3666"Discarded" "ARUNCAT!"
36673667"[english]Discarded" "DISCARDED!"
36683668"ItemPanelEquipped" "Echipat"
36693669"[english]ItemPanelEquipped" "Equipped"
45334533"[english]Tip_3_12" "As a Soldier, the Equalizer does a lot of damage when you're at very low health, but it deals less than the Shovel when you're at high health."
45344534"Tip_3_13" "Ca Soldier, contorul de pagube al Steguleţului se va reseta când mori. Nu fi speriat să îl foloseşti când fugi sau când avansezi!"
45354535"[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, Medics cannot target you for healing or ÜberCharges while you actively wield the Equalizer. You will also be unable to call for a Medic."
4536N/A"Tip_3_14" "Ca Soldier, Steguleţul odată încarcat oferă mini-crituri ţie şi aliaţilor tăi ."
N/A4536"Tip_3_14" "Ca Soldier, ține minte că atacurile făcute cu Half-Zatoichi omoară instantaneu orice inamic care are și el una!"
45374537"[english]Tip_3_14" "As a Soldier, remember that the Half-Zatoichi attacks instantly kill any enemy that is also wielding one!"
45384538"Tip_3_15" "Ca Soldier, bonusul de viteza al Egalizatorului ,atunci când ai viaţă puţină, te poate ajuta să scapi ."
45394539"[english]Tip_3_15" "As a Soldier, the Black Box heals you whenever you damage an enemy with a rocket. Use it when friendly Medics and health kits are scarce."
48514851"[english]CraftingStep3Explanation_Title" "Known Blueprints"
48524852"CraftingStep3Explanation_Text" "Dacă obiectele din zona de fabricare se potrivesc cu obiectele necesare unei schiţe pe care deja o cunoşti, numele schemei va fi listat aici. Ţine mouse-ul peste ea pentru o descriere a ce obiect va produce schema.\n\nDacă obiectele din zona de fabricare se potrivesc cu mai multe scheme, alege o schemă pentru a fi folosită aici."
48534853"[english]CraftingStep3Explanation_Text" "If the items in the crafting area match the required items for a blueprint you already know, the name of the blueprint will be listed here. Hold your mouse over it for a description of what item(s) the blueprint will produce.\n\nIf the items in the crafting area match multiple blueprints, select the blueprint to use here."
4854N/A"DiscardItemsExplanation_Title" "Renunţarea"
N/A4854"DiscardItemsExplanation_Title" "Se aruncă"
48554855"[english]DiscardItemsExplanation_Title" "Discarding"
48564856"DiscardItemsExplanation_Text" "Ai găsit un nou obiect, dar nu ai spaţiu în rucsac pentru a-l păstra. Trebuie să alegi între a renunţa la obiectul nou găsit, sau a şterge unul din obiectele aflate în rucsac."
48574857"[english]DiscardItemsExplanation_Text" "You've found a new item, but don't have any room in your backpack to store it. You must choose between discarding the new item, or deleting one of the items in your backpack."
54315431"[english]TF_Sniper_Straw_Hat_Desc" "A polite, efficient hat to wear when killing everyone you meet."
54325432"TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband_Desc" "Doar un maestru al karate-lui la borcan are voie să poarte această odată albă bandana, pătată galbenă de la antrenamentele dure."
54335433"[english]TF_Sniper_Jarate_Headband_Desc" "Only a master of Jarate earns the right to wear this once-white bandanna, stained yellow from the rigors of a harsh training regimen."
5434N/A"TF_Hatless_Scout_Desc" "Oricine ştie că viteza este cel mai bun prieten al unui Scout. De ce se te îngreunezi cu pălării voluminoase când poţi sparge bariera sunetului fără?"
N/A5434"TF_Hatless_Scout_Desc" "Oricine ştie că viteza este cel mai bun prieten al unui Scout. De ce să te îngreunezi cu pălării voluminoase când poţi sparge bariera sunetului fără ele?"
54355435"[english]TF_Hatless_Scout_Desc" "Everyone knows that speed is a Scout's best friend. Why weigh yourself down with bulky hats when you can break the sound barrier without them?"
54365436"TF_Hatless_Sniper_Desc" "Glonțul lui a fost aproape.\nMi-am pierdut șapca.\nGlonțul meu a fost mai aproape.\nȘi-a pierdut capul."
54375437"[english]TF_Hatless_Sniper_Desc" "His bullet was close.\nI lost my hat.\nMy bullet was closer.\nHe lost his head."
74817481"[english]Replay_NameYourTake" "NAME YOUR TAKE"
74827482"Replay_NameFinePrint" "Introdu un nume aici ca să te ajute să identifici această creaţie mai târziu."
74837483"[english]Replay_NameFinePrint" "Enter a name here to help you identify this take later."
7484N/A"Replay_Discard" "X RENUNȚĂ"
N/A7484"Replay_Discard" "X ARUNCĂ"
74857485"[english]Replay_Discard" "X DISCARD"
74867486"Replay_SavePerformance" "SALVEAZĂ"
74877487"[english]Replay_SavePerformance" "SAVE"
89558955"TF_LargeLuchadore_Desc" "Wrestling-ul e pe bune, şi acuma o poţi dovedi.
89578957"[english]TF_LargeLuchadore_Desc" "Wrestling's real, and now you can prove it."
N/A8958"TF_Doctors_Sack_Desc" "Pentru atunci când ai febra aia de vindecare."
N/A8959"[english]TF_Doctors_Sack_Desc" "For when you've got that healin' fever."
89588960"TF_Ol_Geezer_Desc" "Dispari de pe terenul meu!"
89598961"[english]TF_Ol_Geezer_Desc" "Get off mah land!"
89608962"TF_FuriousFukaamigasa_Desc" "Nu-ţi poţi da seama, dar e furios!"
1031710319"[english]Replay_Team1" "BLU"
1031810320"TF_LoadPreset0" "Încarcă obiectul predefinit A"
1031910321"[english]TF_LoadPreset0" "Load item preset A"
N/A10322"TF_LoadPreset1" "Încarcă obiectul predefinit B"
N/A10323"[english]TF_LoadPreset1" "Load item preset B"
N/A10324"TF_LoadPreset2" "Încarcă obiectul predefinit C"
N/A10325"[english]TF_LoadPreset2" "Load item preset C"
N/A10326"TF_LoadPreset3" "Încarcă obiectul predefinit D"
N/A10327"[english]TF_LoadPreset3" "Load item preset D"
1032010328"ItemPresetsExplanation_Title" "Şabloane!"
1032110329"[english]ItemPresetsExplanation_Title" "Presets!"
1032210330"ClassLoadoutItemPresetsExplanation_Text" "Fiecare clasă poate ţine minte acum patru \"şabloane\", reprezentate de aceste butoane. Orice schimbare a echipamentului este memorată când un buton este apăsat, iar la o apăsare ulterioară, modificările memorate vor fi restabilite."
1058010588"[english]TF_SniperHat1_Desc" "This bandanna will teach you to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. Like another billy goat."
1058110589"TF_HeavyHat1" "The One-Man Army"
1058210590"[english]TF_HeavyHat1" "The One-Man Army"
N/A10591"TF_HeavyHat1_Desc" "Dacă trimiți atât de mulți oameni împotriva unei banane, șă nu uiți un lucru: O bună provizie de saci de cadavre."
N/A10592"[english]TF_HeavyHat1_Desc" "You send that many men against a bandanna like this, don't forget one thing: A good supply of body bags."
1058310593"TF_SpyHat1" "The Counterfeit Billycock"
1058410594"[english]TF_SpyHat1" "The Counterfeit Billycock"
1058510595"TF_SpyHat1_Desc" "Această pălărie este un spion."
1079610806"[english]Store_ItemDesc_Slot_None" "None"
1079710807"TF_HighFive_TooHigh" "Ești prea sus pentru un potențial partener de high five."
1079810808"[english]TF_HighFive_TooHigh" "You are too high up for any potential high five partner."
10799N/A"TF_HighFive_Blocked" "Ceva blochează calea."
N/A10809"TF_HighFive_Blocked" "Este ceva în drum."
1080010810"[english]TF_HighFive_Blocked" "There is something in the way."
1080110811"TF_HighFive_Hint" "Apasă '%taunt%' în fața acestui jucător pentru a bate-cinciu."
1080210812"[english]TF_HighFive_Hint" "Press '%taunt%' in front of this player to perform a high five."
N/A10813"TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "Această unealtă poate fi folosită pentru a pune o imagine personală pe unele obiecte, cum ar fi Clan Pride, The Conscientious Objector, și Flair! (Dacă nu deții deja unul din obiectele respective, cumpără obiectul primul; acesta inclue un decal tool gratis.) Imaginea ta va fi pusă și poate fi editată în TF2 , reducând paletele de culori într-o paletă de culori din universul TF2."
N/A10814"[english]TF_Armory_Item_DecalToolTag" "This �Tool� can be used to put a custom image on �certain items�, such as Clan Pride, The Conscientious Objector, and Flair! (If you don't already have such an item, buy the item first; it includes one free decal tool.) Your image will be put into the TF2 art style, by reducing the colors to a small palette from the TF2 universe."
1080310815"IT_Bodygroup_Shoes_Socks" "Încălţăminte/Şosete (Scout)"
1080410816"[english]IT_Bodygroup_Shoes_Socks" "Shoes/Socks (Scout)"
1080510817"IT_Bodygroup_Bullets" "Gloanţe (Sniper)"
1083010842"[english]TF_PreviewItem_Expired" "Your test run period for the %item_name% has expired!"
1083110843"TF_PreviewItem_Expired_Title" "Testul a Expirat"
1083210844"[english]TF_PreviewItem_Expired_Title" "Test Run Expired"
N/A10845"TF_Previewitem_Expired_Text" "Perioada ta de probă pentru %item_name% s-a terminat. Obiectul a fost înlăturat. Dacă vei cumpăra acest obiect în următoarele 24 de ore, vei primi o reducere de 25% -- Sau poți încerca ceva nou!"
N/A10846"[english]TF_Previewitem_Expired_Text" "Your test run of the %item_name% has ended. The item has been removed. If you buy the item in the next 24 hours you will receive a 25% discount -- Or you can try testing something new!"
1083310847"TF_PreviewItem_BuyIt" "Cumpără-l acum!"
1083410848"[english]TF_PreviewItem_BuyIt" "Buy it now!"
1083510849"TF_PreviewItem_NotNow" "Poate mai târziu"
1090210916"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_ErrorText" "There was a problem communicating with the Steam Workshop server."
1090310917"TF_SteamWorkshop_DeletingFile" "Obiectul este şters din Atelierul Steam."
1090410918"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeletingFile" "Deleting Steam Workshop item."
N/A10919"TF_SteamWorkshop_CannotDeleteFile" "Obiectul din Steam Workshop a fost marcat ca fiind în folosință și nu poate fii șters în acest moment."
N/A10920"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_CannotDeleteFile" "The Steam Workshop item has been marked in-use and cannot be deleted at this time."
1090510921"TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmTitle" "Șterge Fișier"
1090610922"[english]TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmTitle" "Delete File"
1090710923"TF_SteamWorkshop_DeleteConfirmText" "Ești sigur că vrei să ștergi acest obiect din Atelierul Steam?"
1132011336"[english]Attrib_Always_Tradable" "Always Tradable"
1132111337"StoreCheckout_ItemNotForSale" "Unul sau mai multe obiecte dintre obiectele cerute nu sunt la reducere."
1132211338"[english]StoreCheckout_ItemNotForSale" "One or more of the items requested are not for sale."
N/A11339"StoreCheckout_InvalidItem" "Obiectul solicitat nu există sau nu este de vânzare."
N/A11340"[english]StoreCheckout_InvalidItem" "The requested item does not exist or is not for sale."
1132311341"Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseComplete" "Tranzacția s-a încheiat cu succes! Obiectele cumpărate se află acum în rucsacul tău."
1132411342"[english]Web_StoreCheckout_PurchaseComplete" "Your purchase is complete! Purchased items are now in your inventory."
1132511343"Web_StoreCheckout_NoItems" "Tranzacția a fost efectuată! Țineți cont că nici un obiect nou nu a fost adăugat în inventar."
1153511553"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 137 Rounds."
1153611554"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_NAME" "Cinci pe Calea Rapidă"
1153711555"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_NAME" "Five the Fast Way"
N/A11556"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_DESC" "Capturează ultimul punct de control în mai puțin de cinci secunde de la momentul în care echipa a terminat de capturat punctul de control precedent."
N/A11557"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_FAST_FINAL_CAP_DESC" "Capture the final control point within five seconds of your team capturing the previous control point."
N/A11558"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_DESC" "Capturează un punct de control în 12 secunde după folosirea unui teleportor."
N/A11559"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_TELEPORT_AND_CAP_DESC" "Capture a control point within 12 seconds after exiting a teleporter."
1153811560"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_NAME" "Terminat, și pe tine"
1153911561"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_NAME" "Terminated, Too"
1154011562"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_DESC" "Omoară un jucător împingându-l în focul cazanului."
1154111563"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_INTO_CAULDRON_DESC" "Kill a player by pushing them into the cauldron fire."
1154211564"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Furat Adevărat"
1154311565"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_NAME" "Real Steal"
N/A11566"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Câștigă o rundă în care echipa adversă a încercat să-ți captureze ultimul punct de control."
N/A11567"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round in which the enemy team has attempted to capture your final control point."
1154511569"[english]TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_NAME" "Classassin"
1154611570"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_PLAY_EACH_CLASS_DESC" "Obține o sau mai multe ucideri ca toate clasele într-o rundă."
1167911703"[english]TF_Wearable_MysticalLamp" "Mystical Lamp"
1168011704"TF_DemoLamp" "Aladdin's Private Reserve"
1168111705"[english]TF_DemoLamp" "Aladdin's Private Reserve"
N/A11706"steel_setup_goal_blue" "Capturează punctul echipei RED pentru a câștiga jocul. Capturând celelalte puncte vei avea o șansă mai mare de reușită!"
N/A11707"[english]steel_setup_goal_blue" "Take Red's main point to win the game. Capturing the outer points will increase your chance of success!"
N/A11708"frontier_setup_goal_blue" "Ghidează-l pe Lil' Chew-Chew spre punctul de livrare!"
N/A11709"[english]frontier_setup_goal_blue" "Guide Lil' Chew-Chew to the delivery site!"
1168211710"TF_MapperMedal" "The Map Maker's Medallion"
1168311711"[english]TF_MapperMedal" "The Map Maker's Medallion"
1168411712"TF_MapperMedal_Desc" "
1172011748"[english]TF_WeddingRing_RejectProposal" "Cancel"
1172111749"TF_WeddingRing_ClientMessageTitle" "Noutăți interesante!"
1172211750"[english]TF_WeddingRing_ClientMessageTitle" "Exciting news!"
N/A11751"TF_WeddingRing" "Something Special For Someone Special"
N/A11752"[english]TF_WeddingRing" "Something Special For Someone Special"
1172311753"TF_DemoSnappedPupil" "The Snapped Pupil"
1172411754"[english]TF_DemoSnappedPupil" "The Snapped Pupil"
N/A11755"TF_DemoSnappedPupil_Desc" "Fiți sinceri, prieteni. Nici nu vă puteți da seama de diferență, nu-i așa?"
N/A11756"[english]TF_DemoSnappedPupil_Desc" "Be honest, lads. Ye cannae even tell, can ye?"
1172511757"TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style0" "Hunter"
1172611758"[english]TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style0" "Hunter"
1172711759"TF_Winter2011_WinterFurCap_Style1" "Hipster"
1176211794"[english]TF_CowboyBoots" "The Teufort Tooth Kicker"
1176311795"TF_MedicSmokingPipe" "The Nine-Pipe Problem"
1176411796"[english]TF_MedicSmokingPipe" "The Nine-Pipe Problem"
N/A11797"TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Desc" "În timpul necesar citirii acestei descrieri, am dat uber pe un heavy, am capturat baza voastră, am rezolvat o crimă, și am fumat trei pipe."
N/A11798"[english]TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Desc" "In the time it takes you to read this description, I've already ubered a heavy, captured your base, solved a crime, and smoked three pipes."
1176511799"TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Style0" "Afternoon"
1176611800"[english]TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Style0" "Afternoon"
1176711801"TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Style1" "Evening"
1176811802"[english]TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Style1" "Evening"
1176911803"TF_Set_HiddenDetective" "Eliminating The Impossible"
1177011804"[english]TF_Set_HiddenDetective" "Eliminating The Impossible"
N/A11805"Tooltip_hud_fastswitch" "Dacă este activat, poți schimba armele fără a folosii meniul de schimbare al armelor."
N/A11806"[english]Tooltip_hud_fastswitch" "If set, you can change weapons without using the weapon selection menu."
1177111807"TF_Wearable_Backpack" "Rucsac"
1177211808"[english]TF_Wearable_Backpack" "Backpack"
1177311809"TF_Wearable_Robot" "Robot"
1177811814"[english]TF_PyroCandle_Desc" "Finally live your life like a candle in the wind. (Wind not included.)"
1177911815"TF_ShootManyRobotsPack" "The Scrap Pack"
1178011816"[english]TF_ShootManyRobotsPack" "The Scrap Pack"
N/A11817"Tip_3_19" "Ca Soldier, poţi să foloseşti Rocket Jumper-ul pentru a ajunge mai repede la linia frontului fără a lua damage. Fii atent! Vei primi damage crescut de la mai multe arme, şi va trebui să te bazezi pe armele secundare şi cele melee pentru a face damage."
N/A11818"[english]Tip_3_19" "As a Soldier, you can use the Rocket Jumper to get to the front lines quickly without taking damage. Be careful! You will take increased damage from most weapons, and you will need to rely on your secondary and melee weapons to deal damage."
N/A11819"Tip_3_22" "Ca Soldier, lovind un coechipier cu Disciplinary Action îţi va creşte viteza ţie şi aliatului tău semnificativ pentru câteva secunde! Foloseşte-l pe clasele mai lente ca Soldier şi Heavy în scopul de a ajunge mai repede la linia frontului!"
N/A11820"[english]Tip_3_22" "As a Soldier, hitting a teammate with the Disciplinary Action will increase both your and your ally's speed dramatically for a few seconds! Use it on slower classes like other Soldiers and Heavies in order to reach the front lines faster!"
N/A11821"Tip_3_23" "Ca Soldier, foloseşte %attack2% când eşti înarmat cu Cow Mangler 5000 pentru a încărca o lovitură incendiatoare, care face damage suplimentar şi stabileşte pentru scurt timp inamicul în flăcări. Fii atent! O lovitură încărcată epuizează în întregime muniţia Cow Magler-ului 5000."
N/A11822"[english]Tip_3_23" "As a Soldier, use %attack2% when wielding the Cow Mangler 5000 to fire a charged shot, dealing extra damage and setting the enemy briefly on fire. Be careful! A charged shot entirely depletes the Cow Mangler 5000's ammunition."
N/A11823"Tip_4_17" "Ca Demoman, singura modalitate de a-ţi reîncarca Ullapool Caber-ul este de a vizita dulapul de aprovizionare. Fă ca fiecare lovitură cu el să conteze!"
N/A11824"[english]Tip_4_17" "As a Demoman, the only way to recharge your Ullapool Caber is to visit a resupply locker. Make every hit with it count!"
N/A11825"Tip_4_18" "Ca Demoman, atunci când foloseşti Scottish Resistance aminteşte-ţi că poţi folosi bombele lipicioase prin pereţi şi podele şi, se pot detona de la orice distanţă. Foloseşte asta în avantajul tău."
N/A11826"[english]Tip_4_18" "As a Demoman, when using the Scottish Resistance remember that you can see your Stickybombs through walls and floors and can detonate them from any range. Use this to your advantage."
N/A11827"Tip_4_19" "Ca Demoman, aminteşte-ţi că o lovitură de succes cu Half-Zatoichi pe un inamic înarmat cu aceeaşi arma va rezulta o ucidere instantanee."
N/A11828"[english]Tip_4_19" "As a Demoman, remember that a successful hit with Half-Zatoichi on any enemy wielding the same weapon will result in an instant kill."
N/A11829"Tip_4_20" "Ca Demoman, foloseşte Loch-n-Load-ul pentru a provoca damage suplimentar împotriva claselor mai lente în mişcare şi clădirilor. Ţinteşte cu atenţie totuşi! Ai doar două focuri înainte de a reîncărca, şi va provoca damage doar pe o lovitură directă."
N/A11830"[english]Tip_4_20" "As a Demoman, use the Loch-n-Load to inflict additional damage against slower moving classes and buildings. Aim carefully however! You only have two shots before you must reload, and you will only inflict damage on a direct hit."
N/A11831"Tip_4_21" "Ca Demoman, foloseşte Ullapool Caber-ul când eşti înconjurat de inamici. Explozia rezultată va cauza damage major pe toţi adversarii din apropiere."
N/A11832"[english]Tip_4_21" "As a Demoman, use the Ullapool Caber when surrounded by enemies. The resulting explosion will inflict heavy damage on all nearby opponents."
N/A11833"Tip_4_23" "Ca și Demoman, dacă faci pereche cu un Medic, profită de avantajul momentelor sigure pentru a construi ÜberCharge-ul mai repede facând-uți singur damage."
N/A11834"[english]Tip_4_23" "As a Demoman, if you're paired with a Medic, take advantage of safe opportunities to damage yourself in order to build an ÜberCharge faster."
N/A11835"Tip_4_24" "Ca și Demoman, Eyelander-ul tău va colecta capetele unui Demoman inamic omorât."
N/A11836"[english]Tip_4_24" "As a Demoman, your Eyelander will collect the stored heads from a slain enemy Demoman."
N/A11837"Tip_4_28" "Ca Demoman, poţi să foloseşti Sticky Jumper-ul pentru a ajunge mai repede la linia frontului. Fii atent! Acesta nu cauzează damage, cerându-ţi să te bazezi pe armele primare şi pe cele melee!"
N/A11838"[english]Tip_4_28" "As a Demoman, you can use the Sticky Jumper to get to the front lines quickly. Be careful! It inflicts no damage at all, requiring you to rely on your primary and melee weapons!"
N/A11839"Tip_5_24" "Ca Medic, Crusader's Crossbow face damage pe inamici sau vindecă coechipieri dintr-o lovitură de succes."
N/A11840"[english]Tip_5_24" "As a Medic, your Crusader's Crossbow does damage to enemies or heals teammates upon a successful hit."
N/A11841"Tip_5_27" "Ca Medic, Vita-Saw va reţine până la 20%% din contorul ÜberCharge-ului dacă vei muri înainte de al folosi. Acest lucru poate fi foarte util atunci când încerci să iei cu asalt o zonă puternic fortificată cu doar puţin timp rămas."
N/A11842"[english]Tip_5_27" "As a Medic, the Vita-Saw will retain up to 20%% of your ÜberCharge meter if you die before activating it. This can be very useful when attempting to assault a strongly-fortified position with only a small amount of time remaining."
N/A11843"NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "Ai obținut:"
N/A11844"[english]NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "You �Earned�:"
1178111845"KillEaterEventType_HeaviesKilled" "Heavy Uciși"
1178211846"[english]KillEaterEventType_HeaviesKilled" "Heavies Killed"
1178311847"KillEaterEventType_BuildingsDestroyed" "Clădiri Distruse"
1179611860"[english]KillEater_ManTreadsRank18" "Legendary"
1179711861"Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "Recul redus cu %s1% când ocheşti"
1179811862"[english]Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "Knockback reduced by %s1% when aiming"
N/A11863"Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "Cu %s1% mai puţină viteză când țintești"
N/A11864"[english]Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% slower move speed when aiming"
N/A11865"TF_CozyCamper" "The Cozy Camper"
N/A11866"[english]TF_CozyCamper" "The Cozy Camper"
1179911867"Item_PeriodicScoreReward" "�%s1� a obținut:: %s2 %s3"
1180011868"[english]Item_PeriodicScoreReward" "�%s1� has earned:: %s2 %s3"
N/A11869"TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat" "Filatelistul"
N/A11870"[english]TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat" "Philateler"
1180111871"TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "Duelistul"
1180211872"[english]TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "Dueler"
N/A11873"TF_ClaimCode" "Revendică codul"
N/A11874"[english]TF_ClaimCode" "Claim Code"
N/A11875"KillEaterEventType_KillsDuringFullMoon" "Inamici uciși sub lună plină"
N/A11876"[english]KillEaterEventType_KillsDuringFullMoon" "Kills Under A Full Moon"
1180311877"KillEaterEventType_AlliesExtinguished" "Aliați stinși"
1180411878"[english]KillEaterEventType_AlliesExtinguished" "Allies Extinguished"
N/A11879"TF_SniperAppleArrow" "The Fruit Shoot"
N/A11880"[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow" "The Fruit Shoot"
1180511881"TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style0" "Mortal"
1180611882"[english]TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style0" "Deadly"
1180711883"TF_SniperAppleArrow_Style1" "Periculos"
1182211898"[english]TF_SuperMNC_Pyro_Style1" "Blazing"
1182311899"TF_SuperMNC_Sniper" "The Flamingo Kid"
1182411900"[english]TF_SuperMNC_Sniper" "The Flamingo Kid"
N/A11901"Attrib_ChanceOfHungerDecrease" "Reduce șansa de înfometare cu până la %s1%"
N/A11902"[english]Attrib_ChanceOfHungerDecrease" "Reduces chance of hunger by up to %s1%"
N/A11903"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (Promoție)"
N/A11904"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Promotion" "%s1 (Promotion)"
N/A11905"Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1"
N/A11906"[english]Econ_Store_PurchaseType_Standard" "%s1"
N/A11907"TF_SpySpats_Desc" "Desigur, ești la piață pentru pantofi care te ajută să stai ascuns în umbre. Dar de îndată ce te încalți în acești spatterdashes făcuți din piele de vită, vei vrea ca TOATĂ lumea să te vadă."
N/A11908"[english]TF_SpySpats_Desc" "Sure, you're in the market for shoes to help you lurk in the shadows. But once you slip on these natty calf leather spatterdashes, you'll want EVERYONE to check you out."
N/A11909"TF_GRFS_1" "The Cross-Comm Crash Helmet"
N/A11910"[english]TF_GRFS_1" "The Cross-Comm Crash Helmet"
N/A11911"TF_GRFS_2" "The Cross-Comm Express"
N/A11912"[english]TF_GRFS_2" "The Cross-Comm Express"
N/A11913"TF_GRFS_3" "The Doublecross-Comm"
N/A11914"[english]TF_GRFS_3" "The Doublecross-Comm"
N/A11915"ToolGiftWrapConfirmStrange" "Ești sigur că vrei să împachetezi acest obiect?\n\nScorurile pe obiectele strange se vor reseta la 0 când vor fi împachetate."
N/A11916"[english]ToolGiftWrapConfirmStrange" "Are you sure you want to gift wrap this item?\n\nScores on strange items will reset to 0 when wrapped."
N/A11917"KillEaterEventType_SoldiersKilled" "Soldieri omorâți"
N/A11918"[english]KillEaterEventType_SoldiersKilled" "Soldiers Killed"
N/A11919"KillEaterEventType_DemomenKilled" "Demomani omorâți"
N/A11920"[english]KillEaterEventType_DemomenKilled" "Demomen Killed"
N/A11921"KillEaterEventType_StartDominationKills" "Dominări"
N/A11922"[english]KillEaterEventType_StartDominationKills" "Dominations"
1182511923"KillEaterEventType_RevengeKills" "Revanșe"
1182611924"[english]KillEaterEventType_RevengeKills" "Revenges"
N/A11925"TF_QC_Badge" "The Atomic Accolade"
N/A11926"[english]TF_QC_Badge" "The Atomic Accolade"
N/A11927"TF_QC_Flasks" "The Professor's Pineapple"
N/A11928"[english]TF_QC_Flasks" "The Professor's Pineapple"
N/A11929"TF_QC_MedicGlove" "The Quadwrangler"
N/A11930"[english]TF_QC_MedicGlove" "The Quadwrangler"
N/A11931"TF_MedicClipboard" "The Surgeon's Side Satchel"
N/A11932"[english]TF_MedicClipboard" "The Surgeon's Side Satchel"
N/A11933"TF_DemoTreasureChest" "The Liquor Locker"
N/A11934"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest" "The Liquor Locker"
N/A11935"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style0" "Clasic"
N/A11936"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style0" "Classic"
N/A11937"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style1" "În față"
N/A11938"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style1" "Front"
N/A11939"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style2" "Șoldul drept"
N/A11940"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style2" "Right Hip"
N/A11941"TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style3" "Șoldul stâng"
N/A11942"[english]TF_DemoTreasureChest_Style3" "Left Hip"
1182711943"Attrib_DmgBonus_Undisguised" "+%s1% damage bonus când nu eşti deghizat"
1182811944"[english]Attrib_DmgBonus_Undisguised" "+%s1% damage bonus while undisguised"
1182911945"TF_Item_Goldfish" "Goldfish"
1184011956"[english]TF_Item_SecretDiary" "Secret Diary"
1184111957"TF_Item_SecretDiary_Type" "Secret Diary"
1184211958"[english]TF_Item_SecretDiary_Type" "Secret Diary"
N/A11959"TF_Item_BananaPeel_Type" "Banana Peel"
N/A11960"[english]TF_Item_BananaPeel_Type" "Banana Peel"
N/A11961"TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank" "Barn Door Plank"
N/A11962"[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank" "Barn Door Plank"
1184311963"TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Type" "Scândură"
1184411964"[english]TF_Item_BarnDoorPlank_Type" "Plank"
1184511965"TF_Item_DamagedCapacitor_Type" "Capacitor"
1184611966"[english]TF_Item_DamagedCapacitor_Type" "Capacitor"
1184711967"TF_Welcome_meet_the_pyro" "Bine ai venit"
1184811968"[english]TF_Welcome_meet_the_pyro" "Welcome"
N/A11969"TF_Wearable_Bongos" "Bongos"
N/A11970"[english]TF_Wearable_Bongos" "Bongos"
1184911971"Store_AvailableStyles_Header" "Stiluri Disponibile:"
1185011972"[english]Store_AvailableStyles_Header" "Available Styles:"
N/A11973"TF_Bundle_EqualizerEscape" "The Pickaxe Pack"
N/A11974"[english]TF_Bundle_EqualizerEscape" "The Pickaxe Pack"
1185111975"TF_Bundle_EqualizerEscape_Desc" "Include The Equalizer şi The Escape Plan:"
1185211976"[english]TF_Bundle_EqualizerEscape_Desc" "Includes both the Equalizer and the Escape Plan:"
1185311977"TF_Lollichop" "The Lollichop"
1186611990"[english]TF_PyroMusicDevice" "Infernal Orchestrina"
1186711991"TF_PyroBongos" "The Burning Bongos"
1186811992"[english]TF_PyroBongos" "The Burning Bongos"
N/A11993"TF_PyroBongos_Desc" "Când ai fost copil, tot ce ai vrut a fost să te joci cu bongos. Dar apoi ai crescut și, ca noi toți, ai realizat că nu ești la fel de bun la bongos precum Matthew McConaughey. Păi, ghici ce, prietene! Nimeni nu e, sau o să fie. (Echipează Pyrovision.)"
N/A11994"[english]TF_PyroBongos_Desc" "When you were a kid, all you wanted was to play the bongos. But then you grew up and, like all of us, realized you're not as good at bongos as Matthew McConaughey. Well, guess what, pal: Nobody is, or ever will be. (Equips Pyrovision.)"
1186911995"TF_Weapon_PEP_Scattergun" "Baby Face's Blaster"
1187011996"[english]TF_Weapon_PEP_Scattergun" "Baby Face's Blaster"
1187111997"TF_Weapon_PEP_Pistol" "Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol"
1187412000"[english]TF_PEP_ScoutHat" "The Fed-Fightin' Fedora"
1187512001"TF_PEP_ScoutBag" "Dillinger's Duffel"
1187612002"[english]TF_PEP_ScoutBag" "Dillinger's Duffel"
N/A12003"TF_DS_DumpsterDevice" "Beggar's Bazooka"
N/A12004"[english]TF_DS_DumpsterDevice" "Beggar's Bazooka"
N/A12005"TF_DS_FootballHelmet" "The Helmet Without a Home"
N/A12006"[english]TF_DS_FootballHelmet" "The Helmet Without a Home"
N/A12007"TF_DS_CanGrenades" "The Captain's Cocktails"
N/A12008"[english]TF_DS_CanGrenades" "The Captain's Cocktails"
N/A12009"TF_Pro_SniperRifle" "The Hitman's Heatmaker"
N/A12010"[english]TF_Pro_SniperRifle" "The Hitman's Heatmaker"
N/A12011"TF_Pro_SniperRifle_Desc" "\nCapete o să cadă."
N/A12012"[english]TF_Pro_SniperRifle_Desc" "\nHeads will roll."
N/A12013"TF_Pro_SMG" "The Cleaner's Carbine"
N/A12014"[english]TF_Pro_SMG" "The Cleaner's Carbine"
N/A12015"TF_Pro_SniperHat" "Liquidator's Lid"
N/A12016"[english]TF_Pro_SniperHat" "Liquidator's Lid"
1187712017"TF_DemoParrot" "The Bird-Man of Aberdeen"
1187812018"[english]TF_DemoParrot" "The Bird-Man of Aberdeen"
1187912019"TF_DemoParrot_Desc" "Acest prieten împănat ce-ți stă pe umăr vine în orice culoare vrei, și este asa de plin de whisky încât nu ar putea zbura nici dacă ar vrea. Este bine să-l ai prin preajmă dacă decizi să-l mănânci—doar îți întorci capul și muști!"
1188012020"[english]TF_DemoParrot_Desc" "This shoulder-mounted feathered friend comes in any color you like, and is so full of whiskey it couldn't fly off if it wanted to. Great to have around if you decide to eat it—just turn your head and bite!"
N/A12021"TF_MedicUshanka" "The Gentleman's Ushanka"
N/A12022"[english]TF_MedicUshanka" "The Gentleman's Ushanka"
N/A12023"TF_SpyOpenJacket" "The Business Casual"
N/A12024"[english]TF_SpyOpenJacket" "The Business Casual"
N/A12025"TF_EngineerBlueprintsBack" "The Idea Tube"
N/A12026"[english]TF_EngineerBlueprintsBack" "The Idea Tube"
N/A12027"TF_RobotChickenHat" "Robot Chicken Hat"
N/A12028"[english]TF_RobotChickenHat" "Robot Chicken Hat"
N/A12029"TF_RobotChickenHat_Desc" "De ce a traversat găina strada CU ADEVĂRAT? Să fie lovită de o mașină, furată de savanți nebuni, și transformată într-o căciulă terifiantă de cyborg pe care să o poți purta. Așadar data viitoare când auzi pe cineva spunându-ți o glumă, trimite-l pe fațarnicul glumeț drept înainte, pentru că tu ai DOVEZILE."
N/A12030"[english]TF_RobotChickenHat_Desc" "Why did the chicken REALLY cross the road? To get hit by a car, stolen by a mad scientist, and transformed into a terrifying cyborg that you can wear on your head. So the next time you hear someone telling you that joke, set that smug joke-teller straight, because you've got the FACTS."
N/A12031"TF_RobotChickenHat_Style0" "Normal"
N/A12032"[english]TF_RobotChickenHat_Style0" "Normal"
N/A12033"TF_RobotChickenHat_Style1" "Fără cioc"
N/A12034"[english]TF_RobotChickenHat_Style1" "Beakless"
1188112035"Msg_Revenge_What" "s-a DESPĂRȚIT de"
1188212036"[english]Msg_Revenge_What" "BROKE UP with"
N/A12037"TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_SOLO_CAPTURE_DESC" "Ridică Australium-ul de la poziția sa inițială și capturează-l fără să-l scapi."
N/A12038"[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_SOLO_CAPTURE_DESC" "Pick up the Australium from its home position and capture it without dropping it."
N/A12039"TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Joacă într-un joc cu 5 sau mai mulți prieteni din lista ta de prieteni."
N/A12040"[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_DESC" "Play in a game with 5 or more players from your Friends list."
N/A12041"TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Câștigă 138 de runde."
N/A12042"[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_WIN_ROUNDS_DESC" "Win 138 Rounds."
N/A12043"TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_ENEMIES_ON_ELEVATOR_DESC" "Omoară 3 jucători care sunt pe lift în mai puțin de 10 secunde."
N/A12044"[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_ENEMIES_ON_ELEVATOR_DESC" "Kill 3 players riding the elevator within 10 seconds."
N/A12045"TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Câştigă o rundă după ce echipa inamică a deschis capacul rachetei."
N/A12046"[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_PUSH_BACK_AND_WIN_DESC" "Win a round after the enemy team has opened the rocket lid."
N/A12047"TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC" "Omoară 6 inamici care transportă Australium-ul în timpul aceleiaşi runde."
N/A12048"[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_KILL_CARRIERS_DESC" "Kill 6 enemies carrying the Australium during the same round."
N/A12049"TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_RIDE_THE_ELEVATOR_DESC" "Câștigă o rundă cu cel puțin 5 coechipieri aflându-se pe lift."
N/A12050"[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_RIDE_THE_ELEVATOR_DESC" "Win a round with at least 5 teammates on the elevator."
N/A12051"TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Obţine 7 realizări din pachetul Doomsday."
N/A12052"[english]TF_MAPS_DOOMSDAY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 7 of the achievements in the Doomsday pack."
N/A12053"TF_KILL_BALLOONICORN_OWNERS_DESC" "Omoară 79 de inamici care au animăluțe Balloonicorn."
N/A12054"[english]TF_KILL_BALLOONICORN_OWNERS_DESC" "Kill 79 enemies who have Balloonicorn pets."
N/A12056"[english]TF_MULTIPLE_BFF_NAME" "BFF²"
N/A12057"TF_DOMINATE_FOR_GOGGLES_DESC" "Domină un jucător ce poartă Pyrovision Goggles și câștigă propria ta pereche!"
N/A12058"[english]TF_DOMINATE_FOR_GOGGLES_DESC" "Dominate a player using the Pyrovision Goggles and earn your own pair!"
N/A12059"RI_BurnedItem" "obiecte arse"
N/A12060"[english]RI_BurnedItem" "burned items"
N/A12061"TF_Tool_ScorchedKey" "Scorched Key"
N/A12062"[english]TF_Tool_ScorchedKey" "Scorched Key"
N/A12063"TF_Tool_ScorchedKey_Desc" "Folosită pentru a deschide Scorched Crates.\n\nDupă 7/11/2012 aceasta se va transforma în cheie normală."
N/A12064"[english]TF_Tool_ScorchedKey_Desc" "Used to open Scorched Crates.\n\nAfter 7/11/2012 this will turn into a normal key."
N/A12065"TF_ScorchedCrate" "Scorched Crate"
N/A12066"[english]TF_ScorchedCrate" "Scorched Crate"
N/A12067"TF_ScorchedCrate_Desc" "Conținutul acestei cutii este necunoscut și doar\nScorched Keys se potrivesc în lacăt.\n\nSe simte puțină căldură la atingere\n\nDupă 7/11/2012 această cutie va dispărea."
N/A12068"[english]TF_ScorchedCrate_Desc" "This crate's contents are unknown and only\nScorched Keys fit the lock.\n\nIt feels strangely warm to the touch.\n\nAfter 7/11/2012 this crate will disappear."
1188312069"Attrib_DmgTaken_Increased" "%s1% vulnerabilitate la damage pentru purtător"
1188412070"[english]Attrib_DmgTaken_Increased" "%s1% damage vulnerability on wearer"
1188512071"Attrib_CancelFallingDamage" "Purtătorul nu primește niciodată damage din cădere"
1189012076"[english]Attrib_FlaregunPelletsWithKnockback" "Flare knocks back target on hit\nand ignites enemies in a small radius"
1189112077"Attrib_CanOverload" "Supraîncărcarea magaziei va cauza un rateu"
1189212078"[english]Attrib_CanOverload" "Overloading the chamber will cause a misfire"
N/A12079"Attrib_PyroYearNumber" "A fost martor la infernul din %s1"
N/A12080"[english]Attrib_PyroYearNumber" "Witnessed the %s1 inferno"
1189312081"Attrib_VisionOptInFlags" "La Echipare: Vizitează Pyroland"
1189412082"[english]Attrib_VisionOptInFlags" "On Equip: Visit Pyroland"
1189512083"Attrib_PyrovisionOnly" "Vizibil numai în Pyroland"
1190212090"[english]TF_ReplayPyroVision" "Replay's are viewed from the eyes of a Pyro."
1190312091"TF_GameModeDesc_SD" "Livrează valiza cu Australium la locul de lansare."
1190412092"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_SD" "Deliver the Australium suitcase to the deployment site."
N/A12093"TF_Armory_Item_Scorched_Crate" "Această cutie conține un obiect, dar nu este clar ce. Această cutie va dispărea pe 11 iulie, deci ar trebui să o deschizi înainte să dispară!"
N/A12094"[english]TF_Armory_Item_Scorched_Crate" "This crate contains an item, but it isn't clear what. The crate will disappear on July 11th, so you should open it before it's gone!"
1190512095"TF_vote_no_maps" "Nici o hartă disponibilă"
1190612096"[english]TF_vote_no_maps" "No maps available"
1190712097"Tooltip_SpectatePyroVision" "Dacă este setat, lumea va fi văzută prin Pyrovision când eşti spectator"
1191012100"[english]Tooltip_ReplayPyroVision" "If set, replays are viewed with Pyrovision enabled"
1191112101"TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_Participant" "Participant al ESL Sezonul VI Divizia 5"
1191212102"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ESL_SeasonVI_Div5_Participant" "ESL Season VI Division 5 Participant"
N/A12103"TF_Bundle_Summer2012_UrbanProfessional_Desc" "Nimic nu impune respect precum o căciulă, ochelari de soare şi o puşcă cu lunetă incredibil de mare:"
N/A12104"[english]TF_Bundle_Summer2012_UrbanProfessional_Desc" "Nothing commands respect like a beanie, sunglasses and an incredibly large sniper rifle:"
1191312105"TF_Pyrovision_Vignette" "Graniță Pyrovision"
1191412106"[english]TF_Pyrovision_Vignette" "Pyrovision Border"
N/A12107"TF_Pyrovision_Enable" "Activează"
N/A12108"[english]TF_Pyrovision_Enable" "Enable"
N/A12109"TF_Pyrovision_Disable" "Dezactivează"
N/A12110"[english]TF_Pyrovision_Disable" "Disable"
1191512111"TF_Pyrovision_Vignette_Static" "Static"
1191612112"[english]TF_Pyrovision_Vignette_Static" "Static"
1191712113"TF_Pyrovision_Vignette_Dynamic" "Dinamic"
1192012116"[english]TF_MM_NoGC_Title" "Error"
1192112117"TF_Matchmaking_Party" "Grup"
1192212118"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Party" "Party"
N/A12119"TF_Matchmaking_LongerThanAverage" "?"
N/A12120"[english]TF_Matchmaking_LongerThanAverage" "?"
N/A12121"TF_Matchmaking_About1Minute" "În jur de un minut"
N/A12122"[english]TF_Matchmaking_About1Minute" "About 1 minute"
1192312123"TF_Matchmaking_NumMinutes" "%s1 minute"
1192412124"[english]TF_Matchmaking_NumMinutes" "%s1 minutes"
1192512125"TF_Matchmaking_NoData" "?"
1192612126"[english]TF_Matchmaking_NoData" "?"
N/A12127"TF_Matchmaking_AnySecondNow" "În orice clipă!"
N/A12128"[english]TF_Matchmaking_AnySecondNow" "Any second now!"
N/A12129"TF_Matchmaking_LeaderName" "%s1 (lider)"
N/A12130"[english]TF_Matchmaking_LeaderName" "%s1 (leader)"
N/A12131"TF_Matchmaking_PleaseWait" "Te rugăm să aștepţi"
N/A12132"[english]TF_Matchmaking_PleaseWait" "Please wait"
N/A12133"TF_Matchmaking_EstimatedWaitTime" "Timp de așteptare estimat:"
N/A12134"[english]TF_Matchmaking_EstimatedWaitTime" "Estimated wait time:"
N/A12135"TF_Matchmaking_Gameservers" "Servere:"
N/A12136"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Gameservers" "Gameservers:"
1192712137"TF_Matchmaking_StartSearch" "Începe căutarea >>"
1192812138"[english]TF_Matchmaking_StartSearch" "Start Search >>"
N/A12139"TF_Matchmaking_CancelSearch" "<< Anulează căutarea"
N/A12140"[english]TF_Matchmaking_CancelSearch" "<< Cancel Search"
N/A12141"TF_Matchmaking_JoinInProgress" "Alătură-te jocului în desfășurare"
N/A12142"[english]TF_Matchmaking_JoinInProgress" "Join game in progress"
N/A12143"TF_Matchmaking_LobbyLeaderMustStart" "Liderul grupului trebuie să înceapă căutarea."
N/A12144"[english]TF_Matchmaking_LobbyLeaderMustStart" "The party leader must start the search."
N/A12145"TF_Matchmaking_Invite" "Invită"
N/A12146"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Invite" "Invite"
N/A12147"TF_Matchmaking_StartParty" "Creează grup"
N/A12148"[english]TF_Matchmaking_StartParty" "Create Party"
1192912149"TF_Matchmaking_Back" "<< Înapoi"
1193012150"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Back" "<< Back"
1193112151"TF_Matchmaking_Next" "Următorul >>"
1193212152"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Next" "Next >>"
N/A12153"TF_Matchmaking_LeaveParty" "<< Părăsește grupul"
N/A12154"[english]TF_Matchmaking_LeaveParty" "<< Leave Party"
N/A12155"TF_Matchmaking_HeaderQuickplay" "Multiplayer"
N/A12156"[english]TF_Matchmaking_HeaderQuickplay" "Multiplayer"
1193312157"TF_playerid_ammo" "%s1"
1193412158"[english]TF_playerid_ammo" "  %s1"
1193512159"TF_Wearable_Tattoos" "Tatuaje"
1193612160"[english]TF_Wearable_Tattoos" "Tattoos"
N/A12161"TF_Awes_Pyro" "The Russian Rocketeer"
N/A12162"[english]TF_Awes_Pyro" "The Russian Rocketeer"
N/A12163"TF_SD_Sapper" "The Red-Tape Recorder"
N/A12164"[english]TF_SD_Sapper" "The Red-Tape Recorder"
N/A12165"TF_SD_Minigun" "The Huo-Long Heater"
N/A12166"[english]TF_SD_Minigun" "The Huo-Long Heater"
1193712167"TF_SD_Cleaver_Style0" "Însetat"
1193812168"[english]TF_SD_Cleaver_Style0" "Thirsty"
1193912169"TF_SD_Cleaver_Style1" "Și mai însetat"
1194012170"[english]TF_SD_Cleaver_Style1" "Thirstier"
N/A12171"TF_SD_Sign" "The Neon Annihilator"
N/A12172"[english]TF_SD_Sign" "The Neon Annihilator"
N/A12173"TF_SD_Chain_Desc" "Hainele îl fac pe om, iar podoabele îl fac pe om să arate ridicol dacă nu sunt purtate corespunzător. Acest lanț de aur subestimat lovește cu o balanța perfectă ce spune \"Da! Port un lanț, dar am lăsat coronița acasă.\""
N/A12174"[english]TF_SD_Chain_Desc" "Clothes make the man, and jewelry makes the man look ridiculous if not worn correctly. This understated gold chain strikes a perfect balance that says, \"Yes, I'm wearing a necklace, but I left the tiara at home.\""
N/A12175"TF_SD_Tattoos" "The Champ Stamp"
N/A12176"[english]TF_SD_Tattoos" "The Champ Stamp"
N/A12177"TF_SD_Tattoos_Desc" "Arată crimei organizate Chineze cine-i șefu purtând tatuajul lor cool fără a participa în nicio conspirație ilegală criminală! Notă: NU arăta NIMĂNUI din banda de crimă organizată Chinezească noul tău tatuaj."
N/A12178"[english]TF_SD_Tattoos_Desc" "Show Chinese organized crime gangs who's boss by wearing their cool tattoos without actually participating in any of their totally illegal criminal conspiracies! Note: DO NOT actually show your new tattoo to ANYONE in a Chinese organized crime gang."
N/A12179"TF_SD_Glasses" "The Marxman"
N/A12180"[english]TF_SD_Glasses" "The Marxman"
N/A12181"TF_SD_Glasses_Desc" "Toată lumea știe că râsul e cel mai bun medicament. Dar știai că râsul e și cea mai bună deghizare? Nu? Păi, bine că nu ești un polițist infiltrat în mafia Chineză, atunci. Oh stai tu ești. ȘI NU EȘTI MORT. Uite, începătorule, ochelarii ăștia sunt ridicoli."
N/A12182"[english]TF_SD_Glasses_Desc" "Everyone knows laughter is the best medicine. But did you know that laughter is also the best disguise? No? Well, good thing you're not a cop infiltrating the Chinese mafia, then. Oh wait you are. AND NOW YOU'RE DEAD. Look, rookie, these glasses are hilarious."
N/A12183"TF_Matchmaking_GameserversEmpty" "Servere goale:"
N/A12184"[english]TF_Matchmaking_GameserversEmpty" "Empty gameservers:"
N/A12185"TF_Matchmaking_GameserversSlotsAvail" "Servere active:"
N/A12186"[english]TF_Matchmaking_GameserversSlotsAvail" "Active gameservers:"
N/A12187"TF_Matchmaking_GameserversFull" "Servere pline:"
N/A12188"[english]TF_Matchmaking_GameserversFull" "Full gameservers:"
N/A12189"TF_Matchmaking_Worldwide" "La nivel mondial"
N/A12190"[english]TF_Matchmaking_Worldwide" "Worldwide"
1194112191"TF_Matchmaking_NearYou" "Lângă tine"
1194212192"[english]TF_Matchmaking_NearYou" "Near You"
1194312193"TF_Matchmaking_AcceptInviteFailTitle" "Eroare"
1194412194"[english]TF_Matchmaking_AcceptInviteFailTitle" "Error"
N/A12195"ClassTips_1_7_MvM" "Mad Milk-ul îmbunătăţit încetineşte ţintele"
N/A12196"[english]ClassTips_1_7_MvM" "Mad Milk upgrade slows targets"
N/A12197"ClassTips_2_Count" "7"
N/A12198"[english]ClassTips_2_Count" "7"
N/A12199"ClassTips_2_6_MvM" "Îmbunătăţeşte damage-ul armei!"
N/A12200"[english]ClassTips_2_6_MvM" "Upgrade your weapon damage!"
N/A12201"ClassTips_3_Count" "7"
N/A12202"[english]ClassTips_3_Count" "7"
N/A12203"ClassTips_3_4_MvM" "Măreşte damage-ul armei!"
N/A12204"[english]ClassTips_3_4_MvM" "Upgrade your weapon damage!"
N/A12205"ClassTips_3_5_MvM" "Măreşte viteza de tragere şi încărcare"
N/A12206"[english]ClassTips_3_5_MvM" "Upgrade firing and reload speed"
N/A12207"ClassTips_3_7_MvM" "Măreşte durata buff banner-ului"
N/A12208"[english]ClassTips_3_7_MvM" "Upgrade your buff banner duration"
1194512209"ClassTips_4_Count" "7"
1194612210"[english]ClassTips_4_Count" "7"
N/A12211"ClassTips_4_4_MvM" "Măreşte damage-ul armei!"
N/A12212"[english]ClassTips_4_4_MvM" "Upgrade your weapon damage!"
N/A12213"ClassTips_4_5_MvM" "Măreşte viteza de tragere şi reîncărcare"
N/A12214"[english]ClassTips_4_5_MvM" "Upgrade firing and reload speed"
N/A12215"ClassTips_5_Count" "7"
N/A12216"[english]ClassTips_5_Count" "7"
N/A12217"ClassTips_5_4_MvM" "Măreşte rata de vindecare a medigun-ului"
N/A12218"[english]ClassTips_5_4_MvM" "Upgrade your medigun's healing rate"
N/A12219"ClassTips_6_Count" "7"
N/A12220"[english]ClassTips_6_Count" "7"
N/A12221"ClassTips_6_3_MvM" "Măreşte-ţi viteza de tragere"
N/A12222"[english]ClassTips_6_3_MvM" "Upgrade your firing speed"
N/A12223"ClassTips_7_Count" "7"
N/A12224"[english]ClassTips_7_Count" "7"
1194712225"ClassTips_7_2" "Flamethrower-ul tău este mai eficient atunci când eşti mai aproape de ţinta ta!"
1194812226"[english]ClassTips_7_2" "Your flamethrower is more effective the closer you are to your target!"
N/A12227"ClassTips_7_6_MvM" "Îmbunătăţeşte capacitatea de muniție"
N/A12228"[english]ClassTips_7_6_MvM" "Upgrade your ammo capacity"
N/A12229"ClassTips_8_Count" "8"
N/A12230"[english]ClassTips_8_Count" "8"
N/A12231"ClassTips_9_Count" "8"
N/A12232"[english]ClassTips_9_Count" "8"
1194912233"ClassTips_9_7_MvM" "Fă-ți teleportoarele bi-direcționale!"
1195012234"[english]ClassTips_9_7_MvM" "Make your teleporters bi-directional!"
N/A12235"ClassTips_12_Count" "1"
N/A12236"[english]ClassTips_12_Count" "1"
1195112237"TF_Welcome_mann_vs_machine" "Bun venit"
1195212238"[english]TF_Welcome_mann_vs_machine" "Welcome"
N/A12239"TF_Weapon_Scattergun_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Scattergun"
N/A12240"[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Scattergun"
N/A12241"TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher"
N/A12242"[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher"
N/A12243"TF_Weapon_Wrench_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Wrench"
N/A12244"[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Wrench"
N/A12245"TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Sniper Rifle"
N/A12246"[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_MVMLoot" "Botkiller Sniper Rifle"
N/A12247"TF_Weapon_Scattergun_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Scattergun"
N/A12248"[english]TF_Weapon_Scattergun_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Scattergun"
N/A12249"TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher"
N/A12250"[english]TF_Weapon_StickybombLauncher_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher"
N/A12251"TF_Weapon_Wrench_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Wrench"
N/A12252"[english]TF_Weapon_Wrench_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Wrench"
N/A12253"TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle"
N/A12254"[english]TF_Weapon_SniperRifle_MVMLootGold" "Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle"
1195312255"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_Season1" "Sezonul 1"
1195412256"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Participant_Season1" "Season 1"
1195512257"TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Season1" "Sezonul 1\nMulțumim pentru ajutor!"
1195612258"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_Ready_Steady_Pan_Helper_Season1" "Season 1\nThanks for Helping!"
1195712259"TF_Wearable_Cigar" "Țigară"
1195812260"[english]TF_Wearable_Cigar" "Cigar"
N/A12261"TF_Wearable_Botkiller" "Botkiller"
N/A12262"[english]TF_Wearable_Botkiller" "Botkiller"
N/A12263"TF_Bundle_HA_Gold" "Hero Academy Gold Pack"
N/A12264"[english]TF_Bundle_HA_Gold" "Hero Academy Gold Pack"
N/A12265"TF_Bundle_ArchimedesPromo" "Archimedes Promo"
N/A12266"[english]TF_Bundle_ArchimedesPromo" "Archimedes Promo"
1195912267"TF_Archimedes" "Arhimede"
1196012268"[english]TF_Archimedes" "Archimedes"
N/A12269"koth_king_authors" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain"
N/A12270"[english]koth_king_authors" "Valentin '3DNJ' Levillain"
N/A12271"TF_KongKing" "Kong King"
N/A12272"[english]TF_KongKing" "Kong King"
N/A12273"Msg_DefendedBomb" "a apărat bomba!"
N/A12274"[english]Msg_DefendedBomb" "defended the bomb!"
N/A12275"Tournament_WaitingForTeam" "Se așteaptă organizarea echipei"
N/A12276"[english]Tournament_WaitingForTeam" "Waiting for team to organize"
N/A12277"Tournament_Countdown_NoCancel" "Începem în %s1 secunde..."
N/A12278"[english]Tournament_Countdown_NoCancel" "Starting in %s1 seconds..."
N/A12279"Tournament_Countdown_Sec_NoCancel" "Începe în %s1 de secunde..."
N/A12280"[english]Tournament_Countdown_Sec_NoCancel" "Starting in %s1 second..."
N/A12281"Tournament_CountDownTime" "%s1"
N/A12282"[english]Tournament_CountDownTime" "%s1"
N/A12283"Tournament_PlayerReady" "Pregătit"
N/A12284"[english]Tournament_PlayerReady" "Ready"
N/A12285"Tournament_PlayerNotReady" "Nepregătit"
N/A12286"[english]Tournament_PlayerNotReady" "Not Ready"
N/A12287"Tournament_Instructions_Ready" "F4 = Selectează Pregătit"
N/A12288"[english]Tournament_Instructions_Ready" "F4 = Toggle Ready"
N/A12289"Tournament_Instructions_Waiting" "Se aşteaptă jucători"
N/A12290"[english]Tournament_Instructions_Waiting" "Waiting For Players"
1196112291"StatSummary_Label_BestMVMMoments" "CELE MAI BUNE MOMENTE MVM ALE TALE"
1196212292"[english]StatSummary_Label_BestMVMMoments" "YOUR BEST MVM MOMENTS"
1196312293"TF_MVM_COLLECT_MONEY_GRIND_NAME" "T-1000000"
1196412294"[english]TF_MVM_COLLECT_MONEY_GRIND_NAME" "T-1000000"
1196512295"TF_MVM_COLLECT_MONEY_GRIND_DESC" "Adună 1,000,000 de credite în cariera ta."
1196612296"[english]TF_MVM_COLLECT_MONEY_GRIND_DESC" "Collect 1,000,000 credits in your career."
N/A12297"TF_MVM_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Frăția metalului"
N/A12298"[english]TF_MVM_PLAY_GAME_FRIENDS_NAME" "Brotherhood of Steel"
1196712299"TF_MVM_DESTROY_TWO_TANKS_DESC" "Distruge două tancuri în 5 secunde."
1196812300"[english]TF_MVM_DESTROY_TWO_TANKS_DESC" "Destroy two tanks within 5 seconds of each other."
N/A12301"TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_QUICKLY_DESC" "Distruge un tanc în 20 de secunde de la apariția acestuia."
N/A12302"[english]TF_MVM_DESTROY_TANK_QUICKLY_DESC" "Destroy a tank within 20 seconds of its arrival."
N/A12304"[english]TF_MVM_COMPLETE_WAVE_WITHOUT_DYING_NAME" "Deus Ex Machina"
N/A12305"TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_GRIND_DESC" "Distruge 100,000 de roboți."
N/A12306"[english]TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_GRIND_DESC" "Destroy 100,000 robots."
N/A12307"TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_MEGA_GRIND_DESC" "Distruge 1,000,000 de roboți."
N/A12308"[english]TF_MVM_KILL_ROBOT_MEGA_GRIND_DESC" "Destroy 1,000,000 robots."
N/A12309"TF_MVM_KILL_SENTRY_BUSTER_NAME" "Ctrl + Asalt + Delete"
N/A12310"[english]TF_MVM_KILL_SENTRY_BUSTER_NAME" "Ctrl + Assault + Delete"
N/A12311"TF_MVM_DEMO_GROUP_KILL_DESC" "Ca Demoman, omoară 10 roboţi într-o singură detonare."
N/A12312"[english]TF_MVM_DEMO_GROUP_KILL_DESC" "As a Demoman, kill 10 robots in a single detonation."
N/A12313"TF_MVM_SNIPER_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "Ca Sniper, omoară 4 inamici simultan."
N/A12314"[english]TF_MVM_SNIPER_KILL_GROUP_DESC" "As a Sniper, kill 4 enemies simultaneously."
N/A12315"TF_MVM_PYRO_BOMB_RESET_DESC" "Ca și Pyro, resetează bomba de 3 ori într-un singur val."
N/A12316"[english]TF_MVM_PYRO_BOMB_RESET_DESC" "As a Pyro, reset the bomb 3 times in a single wave."
N/A12317"ItemTypeDescCustomLevelString_MvMTour" "Turul Nr. %s1 %s2"
N/A12318"[english]ItemTypeDescCustomLevelString_MvMTour" "Tour No. %s1 %s2"
N/A12319"Attrib_MvMLootReceiverAccountID" "Acordat lui %s1"
N/A12320"[english]Attrib_MvMLootReceiverAccountID" "Awarded to %s1"
N/A12321"Attrib_PowerupCharges" "Conţine %s1 charge-uri"
N/A12322"[english]Attrib_PowerupCharges" "Currently holds %s1 charges"
N/A12323"Attrib_PowerupDuration" "Fiecare charge durează %s1 secunde"
N/A12324"[english]Attrib_PowerupDuration" "Each charge lasts %s1 seconds"
N/A12325"Attrib_UberDurationBonus" "Durata Über-ului crescută cu %s1 secunde"
N/A12326"[english]Attrib_UberDurationBonus" "Über duration increased %s1 seconds"
N/A12327"Attrib_AttackProjectiles" "Gloanțele distrug rachetele și grenadele în aer"
N/A12328"[english]Attrib_AttackProjectiles" "Bullets destroy rockets and grenades in-flight"
N/A12329"Attrib_Penetration_Heavy" "Gloanțele penetrează +%s1 inamici"
N/A12330"[english]Attrib_Penetration_Heavy" "Bullets penetrate +%s1 enemies"
N/A12331"Attrib_CannotBeBackstabbed" "Nu poate fi înjunghiat pe la spate"
N/A12332"[english]Attrib_CannotBeBackstabbed" "Cannot be backstabbed"
N/A12333"Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Capacitate muniţie"
N/A12334"[english]Attrib_MaxammoPrimary_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Ammo Capacity"
N/A12335"Attrib_BiDirectionalTP_shortdesc" "Teleportoare cu 2 sensuri"
N/A12336"[english]Attrib_BiDirectionalTP_shortdesc" "2-Way Teleporters"
N/A12337"Attrib_ShareConsumable_shortdesc" "Împarte stimulente"
N/A12338"[english]Attrib_ShareConsumable_shortdesc" "Share Power Ups"
N/A12339"Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Damage ardere"
N/A12340"[english]Attrib_WpnBurnDmg_Increased_shortdesc" "+%s1% Burn Damage"
N/A12341"Attrib_MarkForDeath_shortdesc" "Mingea marchează ţinta"
N/A12342"[english]Attrib_MarkForDeath_shortdesc" "Ball Marks Target"
N/A12343"Attrib_MvMChallengeCompletedDetail" "Completat: %s1 %s2"
N/A12344"[english]Attrib_MvMChallengeCompletedDetail" "Completed: %s1 %s2"
N/A12345"Item_MvMBadgeCompletionReward" "�%s1� a găsit:: %s2 %s3"
N/A12346"[english]Item_MvMBadgeCompletionReward" "�%s1� has found:: %s2 %s3"
N/A12347"Item_MvMSquadSurplusReward" "�%s1� a găsit:: %s2 %s3"
N/A12348"[english]Item_MvMSquadSurplusReward" "�%s1� has found:: %s2 %s3"
1196912349"MMenu_Servers" "Servere"
1197012350"[english]MMenu_Servers" "Servers"
N/A12351"MMenu_PlayPVE" "MvM!"
N/A12352"[english]MMenu_PlayPVE" "MvM!"
N/A12353"TF_MM_Disconnect_Title" "Atenţie!"
N/A12354"[english]TF_MM_Disconnect_Title" "Warning!"
N/A12355"TF_vote_no_challenges" "Nicio misiune disponibilă"
N/A12356"[english]TF_vote_no_challenges" "No missions available"
N/A12357"TF_PVE_UpgradeAmount" "Credite"
N/A12358"[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeAmount" "Credits"
N/A12359"TF_PVE_UpgradeCost" "Cost: %s1"
N/A12360"[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeCost" "Cost: %s1"
N/A12361"TF_PVE_UpgradeCancel" "Anulează"
N/A12362"[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeCancel" "Cancel"
N/A12363"TF_PVE_UpgradeDone" "Acceptă"
N/A12364"[english]TF_PVE_UpgradeDone" "Accept"
N/A12365"TF_PVE_Wave" "Val"
N/A12366"[english]TF_PVE_Wave" "Wave"
N/A12367"TF_PVE_TotalCurrencyCollected" "Total credite colectate"
N/A12368"[english]TF_PVE_TotalCurrencyCollected" "Total Credits Collected"
1197112369"TF_PVE_Collected" "Colecționate"
1197212370"[english]TF_PVE_Collected" "Collected"
1197312371"TF_PVE_Missed" "Ratate"
1197412372"[english]TF_PVE_Missed" "Missed"
1197512373"TF_PVE_Bonus" "Bonus"
1197612374"[english]TF_PVE_Bonus" "Bonus"
N/A12375"TF_PVE_Upgrades" "Upgrade-uri"
N/A12376"[english]TF_PVE_Upgrades" "Upgrades"
1197712377"TF_PVE_YourStatistics" "Statisticile tale"
1197812378"[english]TF_PVE_YourStatistics" "Your Statistics"
N/A12379"TF_PVE_You" "Tu"
N/A12380"[english]TF_PVE_You" "You"
1197912381"TF_PVE_Vote_MissionRestart" "Votează să reîncepi misiunea"
1198012382"[english]TF_PVE_Vote_MissionRestart" "Vote To Restart Mission"
N/A12383"TF_PVE_Quick_Equip_Bottle" "Echipează acum"
N/A12384"[english]TF_PVE_Quick_Equip_Bottle" "Equip Now"
N/A12385"TF_PVE_Server_Message_Reset" "Următoarea misiune se încarcă în %s1 de secunde..."
N/A12386"[english]TF_PVE_Server_Message_Reset" "Loading next mission in %s1 seconds..."
1198112387"TF_Token" "Jeton"
1198212388"[english]TF_Token" "Token"
1198312389"TF_Ticket" "Bilet"
1200612412"[english]TF_MvM_Complete" "Complete"
1200712413"TF_MvM_TourCount" "Turul Nr.%s1"
1200812414"[english]TF_MvM_TourCount" "Tour No.%s1"
N/A12415"TF_MvM_AnyChallenge" "Orice misiune"
N/A12416"[english]TF_MvM_AnyChallenge" "Any Mission"
1200912417"TF_MvM_BuyMore" "Cumpără"
1201012418"[english]TF_MvM_BuyMore" "Purchase"
N/A12419"TF_ShowInStore" "Arată în magazin."
N/A12420"[english]TF_ShowInStore" "Show in store"
1201112421"TF_MVM_Challenge_Invasion" "invazie"
1201212422"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Invasion" "invasion"
1201312423"TF_MVM_Challenge_Endurance" "anduranță"
1201412424"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Endurance" "endurance"
N/A12425"TF_MVM_Map_Mannworks" "Mannworks"
N/A12426"[english]TF_MVM_Map_Mannworks" "Mannworks"
1201512427"TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown2" "Ctrl+Alt+Distrugere"
1201612428"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_CoalTown2" "Ctrl+Alt+Destruction"
N/A12429"TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks1" "Manevre"
N/A12430"[english]TF_MVM_Challenge_Mannworks1" "Manouvers"
1201712431"TF_MVM_Victory_Complete" "Misiune completă"
1201812432"[english]TF_MVM_Victory_Complete" "Mission Complete"
N/A12433"TF_Matchmaking_PlayWithFriends" "Joacă cu prietenii tăi!"
N/A12434"[english]TF_Matchmaking_PlayWithFriends" "Play With Friends!"
N/A12435"Tip_MvM_1_2" "Sfat: Îmbunătățește-ți Mad Milk-ul pentru a încetini roboții inamici afectați"
N/A12436"[english]Tip_MvM_1_2" "Tip: Upgrade Mad Milk to slow affected enemy robots"
1201912437"Tip_MvM_9_1" "Sfat: Fă un upgrade la cuțit pentru a pătrunde prin armura roboților giganți"
1202012438"[english]Tip_MvM_9_1" "Tip: Upgrade your knife to pierce through giant robot armor"
1202112439"Tip_MvM_10_3" "Sfat: Creditele căzute dispar după o scurtă perioadă de timp"
1202212440"[english]Tip_MvM_10_3" "Tip: Dropped credits vanish after a short period of time"
N/A12441"TF_ScoreBoard_Wave" "Val"
N/A12442"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_Wave" "Wave"
1202312443"TF_ScoreBoard_UpgradeTarget" "Aplicat la"
1202412444"[english]TF_ScoreBoard_UpgradeTarget" "Applied To"
N/A12445"Winpanel_PVE_Evil_Wins" "Val eșuat"
N/A12446"[english]Winpanel_PVE_Evil_Wins" "Wave Failed"
N/A12447"TF_Spy_Robot_Fedora" "The Stealth Steeler"
N/A12448"[english]TF_Spy_Robot_Fedora" "The Stealth Steeler"
N/A12449"TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet" "The Tin Pot"
N/A12450"[english]TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet" "The Tin Pot"
N/A12451"TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet_Desc" "Partea frumoasă la această cască este că oprește gloanțele (nu le oprește)! Uite-te la ea – este făcută din metal al roboților! Gloanțele nu pot trece prin metalul roboților (acestea cu siguranță pot)! Cu siguranță nu există posibilitatea de a fi rănit cât timp porți această pălărie (desigur că poți)."
N/A12452"[english]TF_Soldier_Robot_Helmet_Desc" "The great thing about this helmet is that it stops bullets (no it doesn't)! Look at it – it's made of robot metal! Bullets can't go through robot metal (they definitely can)! There really is no way you could be harmed while wearing this helmet (there absolutely is)."
N/A12453"TF_Sniper_Robot_Hat" "The Bolted Bushman"
N/A12454"[english]TF_Sniper_Robot_Hat" "The Bolted Bushman"
N/A12455"TF_Engineer_Robot_Hat" "The Tin-1000"
N/A12456"[english]TF_Engineer_Robot_Hat" "The Tin-1000"
N/A12457"TF_CSGO_AWP" "The AWPer Hand"
N/A12458"[english]TF_CSGO_AWP" "The AWPer Hand"
N/A12459"TF_MM_NotCurrentVersionTitle" "Actualizare disponibilă"
N/A12460"[english]TF_MM_NotCurrentVersionTitle" "Update Available"
N/A12461"TF_Wearable_Hair" "Păr"
N/A12462"[english]TF_Wearable_Hair" "Hair"
N/A12463"TF_XCOM_Pin" "The Vigilant Pin"
N/A12464"[english]TF_XCOM_Pin" "The Vigilant Pin"
N/A12465"TF_DemoBeardPipe" "The Bearded Bombardier"
N/A12466"[english]TF_DemoBeardPipe" "The Bearded Bombardier"
N/A12467"TF_EngineerPocketCat" "The Pocket Purrer"
N/A12468"[english]TF_EngineerPocketCat" "The Pocket Purrer"
N/A12469"TF_HeavyMustacheHat" "The Soviet Gentleman"
N/A12470"[english]TF_HeavyMustacheHat" "The Soviet Gentleman"
N/A12471"TF_ScoutTrackJacket" "The Track Terrorizer"
N/A12472"[english]TF_ScoutTrackJacket" "The Track Terrorizer"
N/A12473"KillEaterEventType_ScoutsKilled" "Scouți omorâți"
N/A12474"[english]KillEaterEventType_ScoutsKilled" "Scouts Killed"