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Revision as of 06:23, 29 July 2012 by Oktober (talk | contribs)
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User Oktober UserPage.jpg

NOTE: I'm taking care of some work on STS, and it'll likely keep me busy until the middle of next week depending on how fast i can take it out of the way. Until then, i won't be able to do any work on the Wiki.

Hey there, whoever you are! My name is Oktober, and as you can probably tell i'm a Wiki Editor, specifically for translating wiki pages from English to Italian.

BUT, i do not only work on the TF2 Wiki, nor simply on Wikis, nor simply translate stuff. I am:

  • STS.png An Italian Translator for the Steam Translation Server, and Italian Moderator for the Uber STS section, dedicated to the UberEnt games like Super MNC

  • Globeicon.png A Senior Tester/Staff Member for Combat Testing, a volunteer beta testing company

And, of course...

  • Edit icon.png ...a returning Translator on the TF2 Wiki , using the knowledge coming from STS to improve the Wiki where needed.

When i play TF2, i either play Leaderboard class soldier.png or Leaderboard class medic.png depending on my team's needs.
The Loadouts for both classes are:
Leaderboard class soldier.png = Item icon Original.png;Item icon Shotgun.png;Item icon Equalizer.png
Leaderboard class medic.png = Item icon Syringe Gun.png;Item icon Medi Gun.png;Item icon Ubersaw.png

Feel free to add me through Steam if you need to talk, ask me something, etc. etc. , i will likely accept the invite - But just in case be sure to leave a comment so i know who you are ;)