Template:PatchDiff/April 18, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf turkish.txt
1846718467"Dynamic_Recipe_No_Matching_Items" "ÇANTANDA KULLANILABİLİR BİR EŞYA YOK"
1846818468"[english]Dynamic_Recipe_No_Matching_Items" "There are no compatible items in your backpack"
1846918469"Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Text" "En az bir malzeme takas edilemez özelliğine sahip. Bunun sonucunda ortaya çıkacak olan eşya %s1 gibi takas edilemez olacak. Devam etmek istediğine emin misin?"
18470N/A"[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Text" "At least one input item is not tradable. As a result, any output items will become not tradable as well as this %s1. Are you sure you want to continue?"
N/A18470"[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Untradable_Text" "One or more input items is not tradable. As a result, any output items will become not tradable as well as this %s1. Are you sure you want to continue?"
1847118471"Dynamic_Recipe_Partial_Completion_Warning" "Malzemelerin tamamı %s1 elde edebilmek için tamamen yok edilecek.\nBu işlem geri alınamaz."
1847218472"[english]Dynamic_Recipe_Partial_Completion_Warning" "Input items will be permanently destroyed and applied towards completing this %s1.\nThis cannot be undone."
1847318473"Dynamic_Recipe_Response_Success" "BAŞARILI!"