Template:PatchDiff/April 27, 2012 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf english.txt
812812"TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo" "Mysterious Promo"
813813"TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo_Desc" "Mysterious Promo"
N/A815"TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo2" "Mysterious Promo 2"
N/A816"TF_Bundle_MysteriousPromo2_Desc" "Mysterious Promo 2"
815818"TF_Scout_Hat_1" "Batter's Helmet"
816819"TF_Scout_Hat_1_Desc" "You'll be batting a thousand (skulls in) when you don this red piece of plastic!"
12161219"TF_CowboyBoots" "Teufort Tooth Kicker" // ADD THE
12171220"TF_CowboyBoots_Desc" "These steel-toed dogs were scientifically engineered (in a wind tunnel) by America's foremost authorities on mouth-kicking to perfectly fit the inside of an idiot's mouth."
12181221"TF_MedicSmokingPipe" "Nine-Pipe Problem" // ADD THE
1219N/A"TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Desc" "In the time it takes you to read this description, I’ve already ubered a heavy, captured your base, solved a crime, and smoked three pipes."
N/A1222"TF_MedicSmokingPipe_Desc" "In the time it takes you to read this description, I've already ubered a heavy, captured your base, solved a crime, and smoked three pipes."
12201223"TF_PyroCandle" "Waxy Wayfinder" // ADD THE
12211224"TF_PyroCandle_Desc" "Finally live your life like a candle in the wind. (Wind not included.)"
12231225"TF_ShootManyRobotsPack" "Scrap Pack" // ADD THE
12241226"TF_ShootManyRobotsPack_Desc" "Why let your front have all the fun? Add more junk to the upper part of your trunk with this selection from the finest junkyards in Paris."
12261227"TF_CrimeCraftHelmet" "Bolt Action Blitzer" // ADD THE
12271228"TF_CrimeCraftHelmet_Desc" "Take a knee, boys. Now, any helmet will protect your head when you're wearing it – but what about when you're NOT? The Bolt Action Blitzer solves that problem by securing it to your skull with three one-and-a-quarter-inch coarse-thread galvanized crown bolts. Make sure it's in your favorite color, 'cause you WILL be buried in it."
12291229"TF_EngineerChaps" "Texas Half-Pants" // ADD THE
12301230"TF_EngineerChaps_Desc" "It's pants... Texas Style! These crotchless leather leggings are perfect if you already own pants. Note: To be used as auxiliary pants only. Please do not employ as primary source of pants."
N/A1231"TF_EngineerChaps_Style0" "Tan"
N/A1232"TF_EngineerChaps_Style1" "Midnight"
N/A1233"TF_HeavyBoxingTowel" "Toss-Proof Towel" // ADD THE
N/A1234"TF_HeavyBoxingTowel_Desc" "Make sure you never throw in the towel, even accidentally, by keeping it nice and close, where it can't run off and surrender like a coward when you're not looking."
36823686"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_NAME" "Foundry Milestone"
36833687"TF_MAPS_FOUNDRY_ACHIEVE_PROGRESS1_DESC" "Achieve 7 of the achievements in the Foundry pack."
36853690// General/promotional achievements.
36873692"TF_GENERAL_KILL_ENEMIES_AFTER_TELEPORTING_DESC" "Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of you traveling through an Engineer's teleporter."
38973902"RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMarkTitle" "Remove Crafter Name?"
38983903"RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersMark" "Remove the crafter's name from this item?"
38993904"RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersStrangePartTitle" "Remove Strange Part?"
3900N/A"RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersStrangePart" "Remove the strange part tracking \"%confirm_dialog_token%\" from this item?"
N/A3905"RefurbishItem_RemoveMakersStrangePart" "Remove the strange part tracking \"%confirm_dialog_token%\" from this item? (Strange Part will be discarded)"
39013906"RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScoresTitle" "Reset Counters?"
39023907"RefurbishItem_RemoveStrangeScores" "Clear all of the score counters on this strange item? This will set all of the values to 0."
40204025"KillEaterEventType_HeadshotKills" "Headshot Kills"
40214026"KillEaterEventType_AirborneEnemyKills" "Airborne Enemy Kills"
40224027"KillEaterEventType_GibKills" "Gib Kills"
N/A4028"KillEaterEventType_KillsDuringFullMoon" "Kills Under A Full Moon"
N/A4029"KillEaterEventType_PosthumousKills" "Posthumous Kills"
N/A4030"KillEaterEventType_AlliesExtinguished" "Allies Extinguished"
40244032"TF_StrangePart_Empty" "Strange Part"
40254033"TF_StrangePart_Empty_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track an additional new statistic!"
40354043"TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of airborne enemies you kill with that weapon."
40364044"TF_StrangePart_GibKilled" "Strange Part: Gib Kills"
40374045"TF_StrangePart_GibKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of enemies you gib with that weapon."
N/A4046"TF_StrangePart_FullMoonKills" "Strange Part: Full Moon Kills"
N/A4047"TF_StrangePart_FullMoonKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill during full moons with that weapon."
N/A4048"TF_StrangePart_PosthumousKills" "Strange Part: Posthumous Kills"
N/A4049"TF_StrangePart_PosthumousKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of enemies you kill with that weapon while you're dead."
N/A4050"TF_StrangePart_AlliesExtinguished" "Strange Part: Allies Extinguished"
N/A4051"TF_StrangePart_AlliesExtinguished_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of burning allies you extinguish with that weapon."
40404054"KillEaterRank0" "Strange"
62716285"TF_vote_passed_nextlevel_extend" "Extending the current level"
62726286"TF_vote_nextlevel_choices" "Vote for the next map!"
62746289"TF_vote_scramble_teams" "Scramble the teams?"
62756290"TF_vote_passed_scramble_teams" "Teams will be scrambled."
62766291"TF_vote_scramble_next_round" "Teams are already set to be scrambled."