Template:PatchDiff/December 21, 2011 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf english.txt

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532532"TF_Phlogistinator" "Phlogistinator" // ADD THE
533533"TF_Phlogistinator_Desc" "Being a revolutionary appliance capable of awakening the fire element phlogiston that exists in all combustible creatures, which is to say, all of them."
534534"TF_ThirdDegree" "Third Degree" // ADD THE
535N/A"TF_ThirdDegree_Desc" "Being a device that flouts conventional scientific consensus that the molecules composing the human body must be arranged \"just so\", and not, for example, across a square-mile radius."
N/A535"TF_ThirdDegree_Desc" "Being a boon to tree-fellers, backwoodsmen and atom-splitters the world over, this miraculous matter-hewing device burns each individual molecule as it cleaves it."
536536"TF_ManMelter" "Manmelter" // ADD THE
537N/A"TF_ManMelter_Desc" "Being a boon to tree-fellers, backwoodsmen and atom-splitters the world over, this miraculous matter-hewing device burns each individual molecule as it cleaves it."
N/A537"TF_ManMelter_Desc" "Being a device that flouts conventional scientific consensus that the molecules composing the human body must be arranged \"just so\", and not, for example, across a square-mile radius."
538538"TF_Bubble_Helmet" "Bubble Pipe" // ADD THE
539539"TF_Bubble_Helmet_Desc" "Being an invention that achieves the humanitarian goal of all great men of science, from Lord Holland to the Duke of Wellington, to allow a true gentle-man to smoke a pipe in space."
540540"TF_GrordbortPyro_Tank" "Moonman Backpack" // ADD THE
745745"TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack"
746746"TF_Bundle_DrGrordbortMoonbrainPack_Desc" "Grab the whole pack of Dr. Grordbort items for the Pyro and the Engineer, designed by WETA Workshop!"
N/A748"TF_Bundle_Winter2011ScoutElf" "Santa’s Little Accomplice Bundle"
N/A749"TF_Bundle_Winter2011ScoutElf_Desc" "As seen in the timeless holiday classic, A Smissmas Story:"
748751"TF_Bundle_DeusExPromo" "The Manno-Technology Bundle"
749752"TF_Bundle_DeusExPromo_Desc" "When will it be the future? Right now! See for yourself with these eight items:"
13221325"TF_JingleHell" "Jingle Belt" // ADD THE
13231326"TF_JingleHell_Desc" "Slay-bells will be ringing in the slow-roasted ears of your burn victims."
13241327"TF_Gifting_Badge" "Spirit Of Giving"
1325N/A"TF_Gifting_Badge_Desc" ""
N/A1328"TF_Gifting_Badge_Desc" "The more gifts you give away, the bigger your heart will get! Get what gift-givers call \"the Smissmass spirit,\" and what cardiologists call hypertrophic cardiomyopathy."
13261329"TF_MasculineMittens" "Holiday Punch" // ADD THE
13271330"TF_MasculineMittens_Desc" "Be the life of the war party with these laugh-inducing punch-mittens."
13281331"TF_Winter2011_EngineerStocking" "Stocking Stuffer" // ADD THE
38263829"KillEaterRank19" "Australian"
38273830"KillEaterRank20" "Hale's Own"
3829N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank0" "" // intentionally left empty
3830N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank1" "Singular"
3831N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank2" "Commodius"
3832N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank3" "Kind-Hearted"
3833N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank4" "Friendly"
3834N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank5" "Joyful"
3835N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank6" "Cheery"
3836N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank7" "Good-Natured"
3837N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank8" "Plentiful"
3838N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank9" "Generous"
3839N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank10" "Magnanimous"
3840N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank11" "Gregarious"
3841N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank12" "Bountiful"
3842N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank13" "Philanthrophic"
3843N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank14" "Revered"
3844N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank15" "Merry"
3845N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank16" "Totally Ungrinchlike"
3846N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank17" "Jolly Old"
3847N/A"SpiritOfGivingRank18" "Saxton's Own"
N/A3832"SpiritOfGivingRank0" "The" // intentionally left empty
N/A3833"SpiritOfGivingRank1" "The Baseline Benefactor's"
N/A3834"SpiritOfGivingRank2" "The Competent Contributor's"
N/A3835"SpiritOfGivingRank3" "The Adequate Altruist's"
N/A3836"SpiritOfGivingRank4" "The Satisfactory Santa's"
N/A3837"SpiritOfGivingRank5" "The Sufficient Samaritan's"
N/A3838"SpiritOfGivingRank6" "The Distinguished Donator's"
N/A3839"SpiritOfGivingRank7" "The Dynamic Do-Gooder's"
N/A3840"SpiritOfGivingRank8" "The Consumate Contributor's"
N/A3841"SpiritOfGivingRank9" "The Baron of Bequeathment's"
N/A3842"SpiritOfGivingRank10" "The Lord of Largesse's"
N/A3843"SpiritOfGivingRank11" "The Chieftain of Charity's"
N/A3844"SpiritOfGivingRank12" "The Generalissimo of Generosity's"
N/A3845"SpiritOfGivingRank13" "The Bigshot Benefactor's"
N/A3846"SpiritOfGivingRank14" "The Caesar of Pleasers'"
N/A3847"SpiritOfGivingRank15" "The First-Class Philanthropist's"
N/A3848"SpiritOfGivingRank16" "The Humanitarian Hotshot's"
N/A3849"SpiritOfGivingRank17" "The Selfless Samaritan's"
N/A3850"SpiritOfGivingRank18" "The Uber-Altruist's"
N/A3851"SpiritOfGivingRank19" "Saxton's Own"
46674671"Item_GiftWrapped" "�%s1� has wrapped a gift:: %s2 %s3"
46694673"Item_BlacklistedInMatch" "Item '%s1' has been disabled in this tournament match by the server whitelist."
N/A4674"Item_Named" "�%s1� has renamed their �%s2� to �%s3�"
46714676// Rarity strings
46724677"Normal" "Normal"