Template:PatchDiff/January 11, 2012 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf portuguese.txt

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1145311453"TF_TrnHat" "O Aponta e Dispara"
1145411454"[english]TF_TrnHat" "The Point and Shoot"
1145511455"TF_TrnHat_Desc" "Da próxima vez que alguém te acusar de não seres um feiticeiro de verdade porque te recusas a (nota: não consegues) fazer feitiços, toca-lhes no olho com este chapéu magicamente pontiagudo e foge."
11456N/A"[english]TF_TrnHat_Desc" "The next time someone accuses you of not being a real wizard because you refuse to (read: can’t) do spells, poke them in the eye with this magically blinding pointy hat and run."
N/A11456"[english]TF_TrnHat_Desc" "The next time someone accuses you of not being a real wizard because you refuse to (read: can't) do spells, poke them in the eye with this magically blinding pointy hat and run."
1145711457"TF_TrnHelmet" "O War Head"
1145811458"[english]TF_TrnHelmet" "The War Head"
1145911459"TF_TrnHelmet_Desc" "Protege a tua horda mental de dragões, feitiçaria e outros perigos do faz-de-conta com este acessório bélico com picos."