Template:PatchDiff/May 18, 2011 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/closecaption turkish.txt

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4646"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment018.wav" "[Andrew Burke] The Scout is designed for players who are able to rapidly move around while tracking their target. Where other combat classes rely on high amounts of damage, the Scout relies on his high movement speed and double jump ability to dodge enemy fire. Much of his combat style is crafted through the features of his primary weapon, the scattergun. It does a large amount of damage, but has a wide spread that forces him to get close to the enemy for full effect, where he's also at highest risk of being hurt. It has a slow rate of fire that encourages him to pause to fire, then dodge, then pause, and so on, which gives enemies a higher chance to hit him at intervals. Finally, it holds a small clip and a slow reload time to encourage the Scout to pull out of combat to reload, something which he can do easily with his speed, and gives injured enemies a chance to run before the Scout returns."
4747"#commentary\tf2-Comment019.wav" "[Dhabih Eng] Soldier ok ynl hareket zelliine ve mthi bir uzak menzilli hasar gcne sahip gerek bir saldr snf. Neredeyse her sava annda rahata cevap verebilecek ekilde tasarland ve uzun menzilde en iyi taret yok edici snf. Sahip olduu nemli zayf noktalar birincil silah, Roketatar iin tasarland. Soldier' silahn tekrar doldururken dikkatli olmas iin zorlayan ufak bir roket yuvasna sahip ve nispeten yava ilerleyen roketler frlatyor, ki bu da Scout gibi ksa menzil dnda saldrlardan baaryla syrlabilen rakiplere kar etkisiz kalyor."
4848"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment019.wav" "[Dhabih Eng] The Soldier is a core combat class featuring versatile movement and terrific long range damage capability. He's designed to be comfortable in almost any combat situation, and to be the best long-range anti-sentrygun class. His main weaknesses are designed into his primary weapon, the rocket launcher. It has a small clip size, which forces the Soldier to carefully manage his reloads, and it fires relatively slow-moving projectiles, making it ineffectual beyond short range against any opponent who dodges well, like the Scout."
49N/A"#commentary\tf2-Comment020.wav" "[Charlie Brown] Keskin nianc tfei bir baka zor tasarm problemiydi. Bir keskin nianc tfeinin oyuncularn beklentisini karlamas iin rakibi kafasndan tek bir vurula ldrebilmesi gerekiyor. Dier yandan drbnsz atta ayn etkiyi salamamasndan emin olmalydk nk o zaman deneyimli bir oyuncunun elinde oyunun en lmcl ksa mesafe silah hline gelebilir, Sniper'n en nemli zayf ynn ortadan kaldrabilirdi. Bunu zebilmek adna sadece drbn kullanldnda ortaya kan bir arjl hasarmetre ekledik. Bu zmn baz yararl yan etkileri oldu:
50N/ADrbnsz veya drbnl kullanmdaki dk hasar sebebiyle Sniperlar hazrlksz ani atlarla rakiplerini ldremiyor. arj sresi Sniperlarn hzl atlarla dk hasar, yava aralkl atlarla yksek hasar vermesi anlamna geliyor, bu da organize ekilde hareket eden rakibin karlk verebilmesini salyor. arj sonunda salanan yksek hasar keskin nianclk davrann belirgin ve avantajl bir nokta(niangh) ve ll atlar salayarak dllendiriyor."
N/A49"#commentary\tf2-Comment020.wav" "[Charlie Brown] Keskin nianc tfei bir baka zor tasarm problemiydi. Bir keskin nianc tfeinin oyuncularn beklentisini karlamas iin rakibi kafasndan tek bir vurula ldrebilmesi gerekiyor. Dier yandan drbnsz atta ayn etkiyi vermediinden emin olmalydk nk o zaman deneyimli bir oyuncunun elinde oyunun en lmcl ksa mesafe silah hline gelir, Sniper'n en nemli zayf ynn ortadan kaldrrd. Bunu zebilmek adna sadece drbn kullanldnda ortaya kan bir arjl hasarmetre ekledik. Bu zmn baz yararl yan etkileri oldu; drbnsz veya drbnl kullanmdaki dk hasar sebebiyle Sniperlar hazrlksz ani atlarla rakiplerini ldremiyor. arj sresi Sniperlarn hzl atlarla dk hasar, yava aralkl atlarla yksek hasar vermesi anlamna geliyor, bu da organize ekilde hareket eden rakibin karlk verebilmesini salyor. arj sonunda salanan yksek hasar keskin nianclk davrann belirgin ve avantajl bir nokta(niangh) ve ll atlar salayarak dllendiriyor."
5150"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment020.wav" "[Charlie Brown] The sniper rifle was another tricky design problem. To meet players' expectations, a sniper rifle has to be able to kill an opponent with a single shot to the head. On the flip side, we need to ensure it can't be snap fired from the hip with the same effect, because then, in the hands of an experienced player, it also becomes the game's most lethal short range weapon, negating the Sniper's primary weakness. To solve this, we implemented a charging damage meter that only appears when the sniper is zoomed. This solution has several beneficial side effects:
5251The low damage both while un-zoomed and at the initial zoom ensures that Snipers can't kill opponents with impromptu snap fire. The charge time means Snipers can deal out low damage shots quickly or highly damaging shots at slow intervals, which allows opponents to overwhelm them with a coordinated rush. The high damage at the end of the charge rewards Sniper-esque behaviors, such as locating a decent vantage point and taking very deliberate shots.
6160"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment024.wav" "[John Morello] The Medic is the main support class. Previous support classes we've designed had a variety of problems. They didn't require much skill, because they stayed back in defended areas, which also kept them out of the funnest parts of the game. Worst of all, this meant they weren't even terribly useful because they generally weren't near the players who most needed to be healed. We designed the Team Fortress 2 Medic to solve these problems, primarily by focusing on keeping them right in the thick of battle. Additionally, we designed the medigun to be as easy to use as possible, so that Medics can focus on survival while healing teammates. Virtually no aiming is required, which lets Medics concentrate on following their heal target, who has a huge incentive to keep his Medic benefactor safe."
6261"#commentary\tf2-Comment025.wav" "[Aaron Halifax] Shhilah' tasarlarken en byk hedefimiz Medic ile takm arkada arasnda gl bir iliki oluturmakt. Byk bir takmn beraberce almas yerine iki oyuncu arasnda sk bir balant yaratmaya odaklanrsak ne ile karlacamz grmek istedik. Shhilah'n tasarm Medic'in ve takm arkadann birbirlerinin farknda olmasn, karlkl pozisyonlarn ve salk durumlarn grebilmelerini ve taktik seimlerini dikkatlice yapabilmelerini salad. Srekli iyiletirilen bir kii olmak iin iin iine beceri eklemek istedik, bylece Medicler yetenekli takm arkadalar arayabilir ve onlara bal kalabilirdi. Bu da amaladmz gl ilikiyi salayabilirdi."
6362"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment025.wav" "[Aaron Halifax] Our main goal in designing the Medigun was to build a strong relationship between the Medic and his healing target. We wanted to see what we would get if we focused on creating a tight loop between two players, instead of just thinking about getting the larger team to cooperate. The Medigun's design ensures that the Medic and his target are extremely conscious of each other, watching their health and relative positions, and making tactical choices carefully. We wanted there to be skill involved in being a good healing target, so that Medics would seek out and latch onto skilled targets. This helps foster the relationship we were after."
64N/A"#commentary\tf2-Comment026.wav" "[Jakob Jungels] lmszlk ok oyunculu deneyime denetim faktrn ekliyor, aksi takdirde hissettirebildii inili kl duygular iyi ekilde kotarlm bir tek oyunculu oyunun saladndan bile daha az. lmsz bir Medic ile takm arkada saldrrken, bu onlar iin en avantajl durum. Ayn zamanda savunmaclar iin de bir ka olana, kimbilir belki de lmszlk kaybolana kadar geen o 10 saniye onlara yetiyordur. Keza lmszlk, dman takmn kmldamad ve ssnden darya adm atmay reddettii zamanlarda defansif takmn bu beraberlii bozmasna yardm ederek ileri biraz hzlandryor. ok fazla defansif savaya sahip deilken lmszlk arjn rahatsz edilmeden doldurabilmek ofansif oyuncular iin daha kolay. Ayrca lmszlk Medic iin iyi bir ama ve onu etkili bir doktor olduu iin dllendiriyor. Medic'in yaral takm arkadalarn iyiletirirken, salkl takm arkadalarn iyiletiriine gre daha fazla arj olmas zelliini ekleyerek bu davrann cesaretlendirdik."
N/A63"#commentary\tf2-Comment026.wav" "[Jakob Jungels] lmszlk ok oyunculu deneyime denetim faktrn ekliyor, aksi takdirde hissettirebildii inili kl duygular iyi ekilde kotarlm bir tek oyunculu oyunun saladndan bile daha az. lmsz bir Medic ile takm arkada saldrrken, bu onlar iin en avantajl durum. Ayn zamanda savunmaclar iin de bir ka olana, kimbilir belki de lmszlk kaybolana kadar geen o 10 saniye onlara yetiyordur. Ve lmszlk, dman takmn bekleyip, ssnden darya adm atmay reddettii zamanlarda defansif takmn bu beraberlii bozmasna yardm ederek ileri biraz hzlandryor. ok fazla defansif savaya sahip deilken lmszlk arjn rahatsz edilmeden doldurabilmek ofansif oyuncular iin daha kolay. Ayrca lmszlk Medic iin iyi bir ama ve onu etkili bir doktor olduu iin dllendiriyor. Medic'in yaral takm arkadalarn iyiletirirken, salkl takm arkadalarn iyiletiriine gre daha fazla arj olmas zelliini ekleyerek bu davrann cesaretlendirdik."
6564"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment026.wav" "[Jakob Jungels] Invulnerability adds an element of pacing to the multiplayer experience, which otherwise tends to have fewer emotional highs and lows than a well-crafted single player game. When an invulnerable Medic & his friend come running in, it's an extreme high point for them. It's also a rush for the defenders, who know they've just got to hold on for 10 seconds until invulnerability fades. Invulnerability also sharpens pacing by helping a team push through a defensive stalemate, when the enemy team turtles up and refuses to come out of their base. Without a lack of defensive skirmishers, it's easier for the offense to build up the invulnerability charge without interruption. In addition, invulnerability is a great goal for the Medic and rewards him for being an effective healer. We encourage the behavior by adding more charge when the Medic is healing injured teammates than when he's healing ones who are already at full health."
6665"#commentary\tf2-Comment027.wav" "[Jeff Lane] ok oyunculu topluluklar tekrar tekrar oynadklar kk bir harita grubuna odaklanmaya eilimliler. ounun oynanmadan kalaca ok fazla sayda harita retmektense, daha ncekilerin aksine oynanabilirlii yksek olan tek bir harita retmeyi denemeye karar verdik. ou ok oyunculu haritada daha haritann yklenmesi tamamlanmadan ne yapacanz biliyor olursunuz. Biz ise, vardnz blgede ne yapacanz brakn balang noktanz bile tahmin edemeyeceiniz bir harita istedik. Hydro rastgele balang konumlaryla alyor. Srekli deien blgeleri kontrol etmeye dayal olmas haritann olduka ender olarak kendisini tekrar etmesine sebep oluyor. Bu arada belirgin raunt yaps takmlarn konsantrasyonunu koruyor ve kazanlan ya da kaybedilen blgeler ile birlikte olaan ini klar salyor."
6766"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment027.wav" "[Jeff Lane] Multiplayer communities tend to focus on a small group of maps, playing them over and over again. Instead of producing a large number of maps, most of which would go un-played, we decided to try and build a single map with more innate replayability than any we'd built before. With most multiplayer maps, you know what you'll be doing before the map has even finished loading. In our case, we wanted a map where you couldn't predict even something as basic as your starting point, let alone what you would be doing when you got there. Hydro therefore begins with a randomized starting state. The emphasis on control of constantly shifting territories means the map rarely feels repetitive. Meanwhile, the explicit round structure keeps teams focused, and provides regular highs and lows as the teams gain and lose territory."
7170"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment029.wav" "[Andrea Wicklund] The more your art direction can use well-understood visual representations, the less work you have to do to explain your game elements. The earliest version of TF2 had a heavily realistic art direction. As time went on, we found this was causing us a lot of issues. The differences between our player classes were hard to expose satisfactorily. Weapons firing anything other than bullets were hard to visualize. Our maps didn't make a lot of sense in the real world, where two opposing forces rarely build bases within fifty feet of one another. In addition, the game wasn't visually distinct from our other products. A stylized world had none of these problems: Put the massive Heavy next to the pinstripe-suited Spy, and players understand both the numerical health differences between the classes and their very different gameplay styles. The medic's healing beam was easily understood by playtesters when they saw the floating red plus symbols streaming into the target. A stylized fiction can easily explain why the team's bases are built right next to each other. Finally, a TF2 screenshot is easily recognizable, ensuring that no one will confuse it with another of our games."
7271"#commentary\tf2-Comment030.wav" "[Moby Francke] Stilize sanat ynetmenliini 1900'l yllarn ok popler illstratrlerinden biri olan J.C. Leyendecker'n rnekleri zerine kurmadan nce ok eitli tarzlar denedik. Leyendecker'n elbise izimleri ve malzeme detaylar bir karaktere temiz ve keskin bir grnm salarken nasl detaylandrlabilecei konusunda harika bir rnekti, bunlar snf kimlikleri iin bize rehber oldu. Elbise krklklarn ileyebilmek iin yakndan bakldnda iyi seviyede detay salayan normal map'ler kullandk, bylece oyuncularn nemli silahlar zerindeki dikkatini renkler ile datmam olduk."
7372"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment030.wav" "[Moby Francke] Having decided on a stylized art direction, we experimented with a variety of styles before settling on the example of J.C. Leyendecker, an enormously popular illustrator of the early 1900s. Leyendecker's rendering of clothing and material provided a great example of how to add detail to a character while keeping the clean, sharp silhouette shapes that were key to our class identification. We used normal maps to craft folds of clothing, which provided a fine level of detail when seen up close, without detracting from color values meant to draw the player's eyes to the all-important weaponry."
74N/A"#commentary\tf2-Comment031.wav" "[Ariel Diaz] Karakterler, ok oyunculu oyunlarn en nemli paralar, bu yzden bu konuda btn gayretimizi gsterdik. Oyuncu modelleri iin oyuncularn gerekli bilgiyi sadece modele bakarak elde edebilecei bir alglama hiyerarisi oluturduk. Sralamamz yleydi: ilki, hangi takmda olduklar, ikincisi, hangi snf oynadklar ve ncs hangi silah tadklar. Takm tannabilirlii iin, Red'de scak renkler, Blu'da souk renkler olacak ekilde her takma ayr bir renk aral tandk. Snf tannabilirlii iin karakterin siletini kullandk. Esiz siletler ve animasyon ekilleri uzak noktalardan bakldnda model zerindeki herhangi bir grsel detaya gre ok daha fazla ayrt edici oldu. Son olarak, silahlar dokular ile parlatld. Oyuncunun gzlerini uyaran yksek kontrasta sahip blgeler iin karakter modellerinin gs blgesine, tam silahlarn tadklar yere odaklanld. Ek olarak, karakterin ayandaki karanlk blgeden gsndeki parlak blgeye gei, oyuncularn gzlerini silahlara odaklamaya yardmc oldu."
N/A73"#commentary\tf2-Comment031.wav" "[Ariel Diaz] Karakterler, ok oyunculu oyunlarn en nemli paralar, bu yzden bu konuda btn gayretimizi gsterdik. Oyuncu modelleri iin oyuncularn gerekli bilgiyi sadece modele bakarak elde edebilecei bir alglama hiyerarisi oluturduk. Sralamamz uydu: ilki, hangi takmda olduklar, ikincisi, hangi snf oynadklar ve ncs hangi silah tadklar. Takm tannabilirlii iin, Red'de scak renkler, Blu'da souk renkler olacak ekilde her takma ayr bir renk aral tandk. Snf tannabilirlii iin karakterin siletini kullandk. Esiz siletler ve animasyon ekilleri uzaktan bakldnda model zerindeki baka bir grsel detaya gre ok daha fazla ayrt edici oldu. Son olarak, silahlar dokular ile parlatld. Oyuncunun gzlerini uyaran yksek kontrasta sahip blgeler iin karakter modellerinin silahlarn tadklar gs blgesine odaklanld. Ayrca, karakterin ayandaki karanlk blgeden gsndeki parlak blgeye gei, oyuncularn gzlerini silahlara odaklamaya yardmc oldu."
7574"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment031.wav" "[Ariel Diaz] Characters are the most important piece of art in a multiplayer game, so that is where we spent most of our effort. We developed a read hierarchy for player models, prioritizing the information that players needed to be able to read merely by looking at the model. Our hierarchy was this: first, what team they're on, second, what class they're playing, and third, what weapon they're wielding. Team readability was addressed by adopting an overall color palette for each team, picking warm colors for Red and cool colors for Blu. Class readability was addressed through the character's silhouette. Unique silhouette and animation shapes are more identifiable at far distances, and across a broader range of light levels, than any amount of other visual detail on the model. Finally, the weapon was highlighted through the textures. The areas of highest contrast, which attracts player's eyes, are all focused around the chest area of our character models, right where they hold their weapon. In addition, the subtle gradient from darkness around the character's feet, to the bright areas around the chest, also helps draw the player's eyes to the weapons."
7675"#commentary\tf2-Comment032.wav" "[Charlie Brown] Oyuncu snflar TF2'nun oynanabilirliinin belkemiini oluturuyor. Kullanl tasarm aralar olmalarnn ok fazla sebebi var. Her snf, tecrbe faktr eklenerek dier snflardan farkl olacak ekilde tasarland. Herhangi bir snf oynamaktan yorulan oyuncu baka bir snf seerek yeni bir heyecan yaayabilir. Farkl becerilere ve isteklere sahip oyunculara birlikte hitap edebilmemize izin veriyorlar. Balang seviyesindeki oyuncular ile tecrbeli oyuncular beraber elenebiliyorlar. Temkinli ve dnerek oynayanlar, stratejik savunmaclar ve seri bir biimde saldran adrenalin bamllar, her biri kendine uygun olan bulabiliyor. Team Fortress 2'nun snflarnn tasarm kararlar, her oyuncunun kendi kararlarn verebilmesi yetisini korurken ayn anda ok fazla zellii oyuna ekleyebilmemize olanak salyor."
7776"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment032.wav" "[Charlie Brown] Player classes form the backbone of TF2's gameplay. There are a bunch of reasons why they're a useful design tool. A class is a bottled up experience, designed to be unique relative to the other classes in the game. A player who is getting tired of one class can switch to another class and get a fresh experience. They allow us to cater to players with a variety of different skills and desires. Beginning and advanced players can have fun together. Cautious cerebral thinkers, strategic defenders, and twitch firing adrenaline junkies can all find their niche. Team Fortress 2's Class design decisions enable us to have a larger number of player abilities in the game, while still keeping a single player's decisions down to a manageable level."
9594"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment039.wav" "[Dhabih Eng] The challenge of the particle system was to create effects that were fun and visually exciting, without being so 'over the top' that no one could read their meaning in the game. In a typical match, there are so many effects onscreen at the same time, that the biggest danger is visual clutter. Therefore, the effects were refined to be cleaner and simpler. Those that were most important for gameplay were made easier to see, while those that were mainly eye-candy were allowed to fall into the background. "
9695"#commentary\tf2-Comment040.wav" "[Robin Walker] Btn bu dokuz karakter snf, bunca silah ile esiz kabiliyetler, oyuncularn btn bu kombinasyonlar birbirlerini ezmeyecek ekilde kullanabilmesini salamaya alan bizlere en byk zorluu yaattrd. Haritadaki amalar, arkadalarnzn nerede olduu, onlara kimin hangi silahla saldrd gibi gerekli bilgilerin ok ufak bir ksm bile korkutucu dzeyde. Btn bu bilgileri grselletirmemizin bir yolu yoktu, bu yzden her oyuncunun keyif alabilmesi iin bilmesi gerekenlere ncelik tanmak zorundaydk. Oyunu oynarak renilebilecekler (harita dzeni gibi) ikinci plandayd; ancak ayn zamanda Medic'in berarj gibi biz sergilemediimiz srece grnmeyecek bilgiler de mevcuttu. Oyuncularn soyut sunumdan ziyade yaratttmz 3B dnyaya odaklanmasn istediimiz iin HUD'a 2B blmler eklemekten olabildiince kanmaya altk. rnek vermek gerekirse, oyuncular kendi takmlarndaki Spy'lar her zaman Spy olarak grrler, ancak Spy'n kar takma hangi klkta grndn bilmeleri gerekir. Aklmza ilk gelen yntem olarak, Spy'n kimin klna girdii belirtmek iin kafasnn zerine uan bir sembol eklemeyi denedik. Bu semboln oyunu test edenleri artt kantland. Bu problemi zmek iin Spy'n yzne takt kat maskeler eklediimizde ise bu sadece oyunun mizahi tarzna uyum salamakla kalmad, ayn zamanda oyuncularn Spy'a ufak bir gz atlaryla gerekli bilgiye hemen sahip olmasn ve oyun iindeki karakterler ile aksiyona kar dikkatlerinin dalmamasn salad. Kolay yolu semek yerine salam tasarm prensiplerine bal kalrsak nasl daha iyi zmler retebileceimizi grmek adna bu bize bir ders oldu."
9796"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment040.wav" "[Robin Walker] With nine classes of characters, and so many weapons and unique abilities, one of our biggest challenges was exposing all these combinations to players without overwhelming them. Even the shortlist of essential information is intimidating, including map goals, the whereabouts of their friends, who's shooting them with what weapon, and so on. We didn't have any way to make all of this information visual, so first we had to prioritize and come up with an essential list of things every player needed to know in order to just have fun. Information they could learn by playing the game-such as map layout-was of secondary importance; but there was also information, such as the Medic's invulnerability charge, that would be completely invisible unless we exposed it. We tried to avoid attaching 2D elements to the HUD as much as possible, since we wanted players to be looking at the 3D world we'd built rather than some abstract representation. For example, players always see their own team's spies as a spy, but they need to know how the spy is disguised to the other team. We tried a quick hack where we put an icon representing the spy's current disguise floating above his head. The icon proved baffling to playtesters. When we tackled the problem by putting cut-out paper masks on the spy, it not only fit the humorous style of the game, but it let players get all pertinent information directly from a quick look at the spy's model, thus keeping them focused on the characters and on the action of the game. We took this as a lesson, in how holding ourselves to a strong design principle can often force us to come up with better solutions, than if we'd taken the easy route."
98N/A"#commentary\tf2-Comment041.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] Sanat ynetmenliimizi etkileyen 20. yzyl balangcna ait reklamclk illstrasyonlarndaki karakter tarzn shading olarak aktarabilmek iin karakterlerde yzey klandrmas kullandk. te burada Soldier' Team Fortress 2'da gzkt ekliyle, bizim tanmlayc shading stilimizi kullanrken gryoruz. Yakndaki odann yla aydnladnda Soldier'n aydnlk ve karanlk blgeleri arasndaki dar geilere dikkat edin. Burada grld gibi geleneksel klandrma kullandmzda karakterin zerindeki klandrma ok yumuak grnyor ve bizim tanmlayc tarzmza uymuyor. Tanmlayc klandrma modelimiz ile karakterimiz genel tarzmza uygun ekilde aydnlatlm oluyor. Tanmlayc shading'in bir dier avantaj ise snrlar parlaklatrarak karakterlerin siletlerini mekana karmayacak ekilde ayrt edilir hale getirmesi. Snrlar parlak olmadnda karakter arkaplana karyor. Snrlar parlak olduunda karakterler grntnn geri kalanna gre daha fazla n plana kyor ve Team Fortress 2'nun tarzna daha fazla uyum salyor."
N/A97"#commentary\tf2-Comment041.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] Sanat ynetmenliimizi etkileyen, 20. yzyl balarna ait reklam illstrasyonlarndaki karakter tarzn shading olarak aktarabilmek iin karakterlerde yzey klandrmas kullandk. te burada Soldier' Team Fortress 2'da gzkt haliyle, bizim tanmlayc shading stilimizi kullanrken gryoruz. Yakndaki odann yla aydnladnda Soldier'n aydnlk ve karanlk blgeleri arasndaki dar geilere dikkat edin. Burada grld gibi geleneksel klandrma kullandmzda karakterin zerindeki klandrma ok yumuak grnyor ve bizim tanmlayc tarzmza uymuyor. Tanmlayc klandrma modelimiz ile karakterimiz genel tarzmza uygun ekilde aydnlatlm oluyor. Tanmlayc shading'in bir dier avantaj ise snrlar parlaklatrarak karakterlerin siletlerini mekana karmayacak ekilde ayrt edilir hale getirmesi. Snrlar parlak olmadnda karakter arkaplana karyor. Snrlar parlak olduunda karakterler grntnn geri kalanna gre daha fazla n plana kyor ve Team Fortress 2'nun tarzna daha fazla uyum salyor."
9998"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment041.wav" "[Jason Mitchell] To achieve a style of character shading which is consistent with the early 20th Century commercial illustrations that influenced our art direction, we alter the diffuse lighting on characters. Here, we can see the Soldier as he appears in Team Fortress 2, using our illustrative shading style. Note the tight transition between the light and dark sides of the Soldier as he is lit by the light in the next room. Using traditional lighting as seen here, the character lighting appears too soft and does not fit our illustrative style. With the illustrative lighting model, our characters are lit in a way which better fits our overall art style. Another facet of illustrative shading is the use of rim highlights to accentuate the silhouettes of characters to keep them from blending into the scenery. Without the rim lighting, the character blends into the background. With the rimlighting, characters are visible against the rest of the scene and better fit the art style of Team Fortress 2."
10099"#commentary\tf2-Comment042.wav" "[Alden Kroll] 2 boyutlu HUD unsurlar ok sk karlalan bir tarz problemi yaratyor nk kullanc oyunu hangi znrlkte altrrsa altrsn keskin ve gzel grnyorlar. Gnmzde yksek znrlkl geni ekranlarn kullanlabilmesi farkl znrlkler iin zm retebilmeyi ve fazlasyla doku hafzas gerektiriyor. TF2 iin bu sorun daha da bykt nk HUD'da kullanmak istediimiz ok fazla yumuak hatl ve kavisli unsur vard. 'izgi tarz'na sahip resimleri izebilmek iin yeni bir shader sistemi gelitirdik. Bu sistem znrlk ykseldiinde bile belirli bir znrle sahip yumuak bir silet salayan resimler yaratmamza imkan tanyor. Bu shader sistemi outlining ve drop-shadows ile de ilgilenebiliyor ve 3 boyutlu dnyaya iaret ve benzeri bir unsur olabilecek ekilde eklenebiliyor."
101100"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment042.wav" "[Alden Kroll] Two-dimensional HUD elements present a particular art problem, because they have to look good and sharp no matter what resolution the user is running their game at. Given today's availability of high resolution wide-screen displays, this can require a lot of texture memory and a lot of work anticipating different display resolutions. The problem for TF2 was even more daunting because of our desire to include a lot of smooth curved elements in our HUD. We developed a new shader system for drawing 'line art' images. The system allows us to create images at a fixed resolution that produced smooth silhouettes even when scaled up to a very high resolution. This shader system also handles outlining and drop-shadows, and can be applied in the 3D space to world elements such as signs. "
103102"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment043.wav" "[Chris Green] We intended Team Fortress 2 to feature many special particle effects to enhance the wide variety of weapons and class abilities. In previous versions of the Source engine, all particle effects required that custom code be written by the programmers. For Team Fortress 2, we created a system where designers can rapidly create new particle systems and iteratively refine existing ones, without programmer involvement. An in-game editor allows designers to edit the definitions of particle systems and immediately preview effects in the game itself. The editor also allows artists to connect modular effect 'building blocks' to create complex visual effects. As for the particle system itself, we have offloaded many of the system calculations to the graphics accelerator, which allows us to increase the number of particles onscreen without reducing the framerate."
104103"#commentary\tf2-Comment044.wav" "[Eric Kirchmer] Yarattmz dnya ve karakterlerin sanat ynetmenliini tamamladktan sonra dikkatimizi silahlara ve aksesuarlara verdik. Bu objeler gerekilie yakn gibi grnrken nemli farklarla bundan uzaklayorlar. rnek olarak, Soldier'n Roketatar' omuzda tanan roketatar kalbna uyuyor, ancak bir ekilde patlayc yuvasnda drt roket tayabiliyor. Bunu desteklemek ve kendimize ait stilize Spy teknolojisi kurgumuzu gelitirmek iin, her karakterin kendi kiiliine gre modifiye ettii, el yapm alet paralarndan olumu gibi grnen silahlar tasarladk. Oyuna hakim olan endstriyel temay korurken birincil silah tasarmlar iin 60'l yllarn rn tasarm prensiplerini inceledik, daha sonra ikincil eyalarn her karakterin kiilii ile balant salayabileceini dnerek ikincil ve yakn dv silahlar iin mzik enstrmanlarna odaklandk."
105104"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment044.wav" "[Eric Kirchmer] Once we had a handle on the art direction for our world and characters, we turned our attention to the weapons and gadgets. While these objects have some grounding in reality, they usually diverge in significant ways. For instance, the soldier's rocket launcher fits the general mold of a shoulder mounted rocket launcher, but somehow manages to hold four rockets in a clip. To justify this, and play up our stylized Spy-tech fiction, we designed the weapons to look like customized pieces of hardware, personalized and modified by each character to suit his own ends. In keeping with the industrial theme of the game, we looked to 60's era product design principles for the primary weapons, then focused on musical instruments for secondary and melee weapons, thinking these would reinforce the connection between the secondary items and each character's personality."
106N/A"#commentary\tf2-Comment045.wav" "[Jim Hughes] Youn sava ieren blgeleri tasarlarken karmaadan ve kaostan kanmaya alrz. Detayl geometri oyuncularn kafasn kartrr, dmanlarn izlerini takip etmelerini zorlatrr, hareket kabiliyetlerini azaltr ve iyi nian almalarn engeller. Savalan blgenin boyutu iindeki oyuncularn saysn karlayamayacak hale geldiinde karmakark bir sava ortam doar. Haritann bu son noktasnda herhangi birisi kesin bir galibiyet kazanana kadar herkesin olabildiince zgr ekilde savaabilmesini istedik. Bunu baarabilmek iin birden fazla girie sahip ak bir alan oluturduk ve oyunculara eitli yksekliklerden farkl ekillerde saldrabilme, savunabilme seenei verdik. Asansrler ve merdivenler yerine, oyuncular ynlendirmekten ziyade hareket zgrl salad iin rampalara gvendik. Test aamas boyunca, blgenin ok fazla oyuncuyu barndrabilmesi iin, odann boyutlarnda, siper unsurlarnn boyutlarnda, girilerin boyutlarnda ok fazla deiiklik yaptk."
N/A105"#commentary\tf2-Comment045.wav" "[Jim Hughes] Youn sava ieren blgeleri tasarlarken karmaadan ve kaostan kanmaya alrz. Detayl geometri oyuncularn kafasn kartrr, dmanlar takip etmelerini zorlatrr, hareket kabiliyetlerini azaltr ve iyi nian almalarn engeller. Savalan blgenin boyutu, iindeki oyuncularn saysn karlayamayacak hale geldiinde karmakark bir sava ortam doar. Haritann bu son noktasnda herhangi birisi kesin bir galibiyet kazanana kadar herkesin olabildiince zgr ekilde savamasn istedik. Bunu baarabilmek iin birden fazla girie sahip ak bir alan oluturduk ve oyunculara eitli yksekliklerden farkl ekillerde saldrabilme, savunabilme seenei verdik. Asansrler ve merdivenler yerine, oyuncular ynlendirmekten ziyade hareket zgrl salad iin rampalara gvendik. Test aamas boyunca, blgenin ok fazla oyuncuyu barndrabilmesi iin, odann boyutlarnda, siper unsurlarnn boyutlarnda, girilerin boyutlarnda ok fazla deiiklik yaptk."
107106"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment045.wav" "[Jim Hughes] When designing areas for high levels of combat, we try to avoid complexity and chaos. Complex geometry confuses players, making it hard for them to track enemies, and interfering with their movement and aiming during combat. The most chaotic combat tends to occur when the size of the room fails to support the number of players fighting in it. In this final area of the map, we wanted a freeform battle to rage for some time before anyone could achieve a decisive victory. To achieve this, we built a wide open area with several entrances, and gave players a variety of attack and defense options at various heights. Rather than depend on elevators and ladders, we relied on ramps, since these allow freedom of movement at all times instead of confining players. Through playtesting we made many changes to the dimensions of the room, the size of cover elements, and the size of the entrances, thus ensuring the area could accommodate a battle of many players. "
108107"#commentary\tf2-Comment046.wav" "[Aaron Barber] TF'taki belirgin ekilde mavi ve krmz olarak ayrlan 2fort ve Well gibi haritalardan farkl olarak Hydro'nun drt ana arenas da her iki takm tarafndan ele geirilebilir. Ta duvarlar ve tneller ile dengelenmi ancak ayn zamanda bamsz bir renk temasna sahip olan ortak bir temaya ihtiyacmz vard. evredeki alann sakin mavi gkyz ve hafif parlak renklerle desteklendii, krmz/kahverengi renk aralna sahip bir l temas setik. Birbirinden ayrlm blgelerin renkleri ok hafif derecede farkl ancak yine de beraberken uyumlular."
109108"[english]#commentary\tf2-Comment046.wav" "[Aaron Barber] Unlike maps in TF such as 2fort and Well, which have progressively blue and red sides, Hydro's four main arenas can be owned by one team or the other. We needed an overall theme that justified structures like rock walls and tunnels, but which also had a neutral color scheme. We chose a desert theme with a palette of reddish-brown rock, cool blue sky and neutral light colors that complement the surrounding area. The colors of the seperate areas vary slightly but still key together.