Template:PatchDiff/November 17, 2015 Patch/tf/resource/tf quests czech.txt

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19091909"[english]questname25013" "Point Grind"
19101910"questname25014" "Lovec hlav"
19111911"[english]questname25014" "Head hunter"
N/A1912"quest25000objectivedesc10" "Jako Scout zabij omráčeného nepřítele: %s1"
N/A1913"[english]quest25000objectivedesc10" "Kill a stunned enemy as Scout: %s1"
N/A1914"quest25000objectivedesc11" "Jako Scout se vyhni 100 bodům poškození: %s1"
N/A1915"[english]quest25000objectivedesc11" "Prevent 100 damage as Scout: %s1"
N/A1916"quest25000objectivedesc12" "Zabij nepřítele mini-kritickým zásahem: %s1"
N/A1917"[english]quest25000objectivedesc12" "Minicrit kill: %s1"
N/A1918"quest25000objectivedesc7" "Jako Scout zabij nepřítele při trojitém skoku: %s1"
N/A1919"[english]quest25000objectivedesc7" "Kill while triple-jumping as Scout: %s1"
N/A1920"quest25000objectivedesc8" "Jako Scout si vyléči 100 bodů zdraví: %s1"
N/A1921"[english]quest25000objectivedesc8" "Heal 100 health as Scout: %s1"
N/A1922"quest25000objectivedesc9" "Jako Scout zabij krvácejícího nepřítele: %s1"
N/A1923"[english]quest25000objectivedesc9" "Kill a bleeding enemy as Scout: %s1"
N/A1924"quest25002objectivedesc7" "Zabij nepřítele kritickým zásahem: %s1"
N/A1925"[english]quest25002objectivedesc7" "Crit kill: %s1"
N/A1926"quest25002objectivedesc8" "Zabij nepřítele mini-kritickým zásahem: %s1"
N/A1927"[english]quest25002objectivedesc8" "Minicrit kill: %s1"
N/A1928"quest25003objectivedesc7" "Seber hlavu: %s1"
N/A1929"[english]quest25003objectivedesc7" "Collect a head: %s1"
N/A1930"quest25004objectivedesc8" "Jako Heavy nakrm spoluhráče: %s1"
N/A1931"[english]quest25004objectivedesc8" "Feed a teammate as Heavy: %s1"
N/A1932"quest25005objectivedesc7" "Zabij nepřítele pomocí Sentry ovládané zbraní Wrangler: %s1"
N/A1933"[english]quest25005objectivedesc7" "Kill with Wrangled Sentry: %s1"
N/A1934"quest25005objectivedesc8" "Pomsti se nepříteli: %s1"
N/A1935"[english]quest25005objectivedesc8" "Revenge kill: %s1"
N/A1936"quest25007objectivedesc10" "Zabij nepřítele headshotem bez přiblížení: %s1"
N/A1937"[english]quest25007objectivedesc10" "Headshot while unscoped: %s1"
N/A1938"quest25007objectivedesc11" "Dej nepříteli headshot šípem: %s1"
N/A1939"[english]quest25007objectivedesc11" "Headshot with an arrow: %s1"
N/A1940"quest25007objectivedesc8" "Zabij nepřítele politého Jarate zbraní Bushwacka: %s1"
N/A1941"[english]quest25007objectivedesc8" "Bushwacka kill a Jarate'd enemy: %s1"
N/A1942"quest25007objectivedesc9" "Zabij nepřítele politého Jarate: %s1"
N/A1943"[english]quest25007objectivedesc9" "Kill a Jarated enemy: %s1"
N/A1944"quest25008objectivedesc8" "Zabij nepřítele headshotem: %s1"
N/A1945"[english]quest25008objectivedesc8" "Headshot kill: %s1"
N/A1946"quest25008objectivedesc9" "Zabij nepřítele tichým backstabem: %s1"
N/A1947"[english]quest25008objectivedesc9" "Silent backstab: %s1"
N/A1948"quest25015desc1" "Tento kontrakt obsahuje všechny úkoly! Wow!"
N/A1949"[english]quest25015desc1" "This quest has all the objectives! Wow!"
N/A1950"quest25015name1" "Merasmise 1"
N/A1951"[english]quest25015name1" "Merasmission 1"
N/A1952"quest25015name1632016" "Testovací kontrakt pro Halloween 2015"
N/A1953"[english]quest25015name1632016" "Halloween 2015 Test Quest"
N/A1954"quest25015objectivedesc1" "Zabij nepřítele kritickým zásahem získaným z halloweenské dýně: %s1"
N/A1955"[english]quest25015objectivedesc1" "Crumpkin kill: %s1"
N/A1956"quest25015objectivedesc10" "Zabij nepřítele v očistci na mapě Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1957"[english]quest25015objectivedesc10" "Kill an enemy in Purgatory in Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1958"quest25015objectivedesc11" "Dostaň se z Ostrova lebky na mapě Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A1959"[english]quest25015objectivedesc11" "Escape Skull Island on Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A1960"quest25015objectivedesc12" "Omráči Merasma bombou na svojí hlavě: %s1"
N/A1961"[english]quest25015objectivedesc12" "Stun Merasmus with a Bomb Head: %s1"
N/A1962"quest25015objectivedesc13" "Odhal, v co se přeměnil Merasmus: %s1"
N/A1963"[english]quest25015objectivedesc13" "Find the prop Merasmus is hiding in: %s1"
N/A1964"quest25015objectivedesc14" "Zabij nepřítele v pekle na mapě Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1965"[english]quest25015objectivedesc14" "Kill an enemy in Hell on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1966"quest25015objectivedesc15" "Zabij hlavního kostlivce na mapě Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1967"[english]quest25015objectivedesc15" "Kill a Skeleton on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1968"quest25015objectivedesc16" "Překroč neviditelný most na mapě Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1969"[english]quest25015objectivedesc16" "Cross the Spectral Bridge on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1970"quest25015objectivedesc17" "Dostaň se z pekla na mapě Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1971"[english]quest25015objectivedesc17" "Escape Hell on Hell Tower: %s1"
N/A1972"quest25015objectivedesc18" "Vyhraj minihru s autíčky: %s1"
N/A1973"[english]quest25015objectivedesc18" "Win a Bumper Kart minigame: %s1"
N/A1974"quest25015objectivedesc19" "Oživ ducha v minihře s autíčky: %s1"
N/A1975"[english]quest25015objectivedesc19" "Revive a Ghost in Bumper Karts: %s1"
N/A1976"quest25015objectivedesc2" "Seber halloweenskou dýni: %s1"
N/A1977"[english]quest25015objectivedesc2" "Pickup a Crumpkin: %s1"
N/A1978"quest25015objectivedesc20" "Seber kachničku v minihře s autíčky: %s1"
N/A1979"[english]quest25015objectivedesc20" "Collect a Duck in Bumper Karts: %s1"
N/A1980"quest25015objectivedesc21" "Vyraz autíčko nepřítele z trati: %s1"
N/A1981"[english]quest25015objectivedesc21" "Bump an enemy to death: %s1"
N/A1982"quest25015objectivedesc22" "Seber duši na mapě Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1983"[english]quest25015objectivedesc22" "Collect a soul on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1984"quest25015objectivedesc3" "Zabij vystrašeného nepřítele: %s1"
N/A1985"[english]quest25015objectivedesc3" "Kill a Yikes'd enemy: %s1"
N/A1986"quest25015objectivedesc4" "Zabij nepřítele výbuchem dýňové bomby: %s1"
N/A1987"[english]quest25015objectivedesc4" "Pumpkin bomb kill: %s1"
N/A1988"quest25015objectivedesc5" "Zabij Headless Horsemanna: %s1"
N/A1989"[english]quest25015objectivedesc5" "Kill HHH: %s1"
N/A1990"quest25015objectivedesc6" "Zabij Merasma: %s1"
N/A1991"[english]quest25015objectivedesc6" "Kill Merasmus: %s1"
N/A1992"quest25015objectivedesc7" "Zabij Monocula: %s1"
N/A1993"[english]quest25015objectivedesc7" "Kill Monoculus: %s1"
N/A1994"quest25015objectivedesc8" "Dostaň se z Ostrova s kořistí na mapě Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1995"[english]quest25015objectivedesc8" "Escape Loot Island on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A1996"quest25015objectivedesc9" "Dej nepříteli babu na mapě Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A1997"[english]quest25015objectivedesc9" "Tag a player as 'IT' on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A1998"quest25016desc1" "Tvůj následující pekelný kontrakt JE... vteřinku... to je zvláštní... zabít MĚ.
N/A1999Proč jsem tam tenhle vůbec dával."
N/A2000"[english]quest25016desc1" "Your next infernal contract IS ... hold on... let's seeeee... killing ME.
N/A2001Hm. I'm surprised I put that one in there."
N/A2002"quest25016desc2" "Smrtelníku, střež se před prastarými hrůzami skrytými v temné magii čaroděje MERASMA!"
N/A2003"[english]quest25016desc2" "Cower, mortal, before the eldritch horror of the abject terror of the monstrous magic of MERASMUS!"
N/A2004"quest25016desc3" "Dokážeš zabít SAMOTNÉHO MERASMA? A pokud možno rychleji než ruská mafie? Protože ta se docela jasně vyjádřila, že Merasma NEHODLÁ zabít rychle."
N/A2005"[english]quest25016desc3" "Can you murder... MERASMUS HIMSELF? And, if it's not too much trouble, can you do it before the Russian mob does it? Because they have made it really quite clear that they are NOT going to kill Merasmus quickly."
N/A2006"quest25016name1" "Merasmus"
N/A2007"[english]quest25016name1" "Merasmus"
N/A2008"quest25016name1632016" "Zabití Merasma"
N/A2009"[english]quest25016name1632016" "Kill Merasmus Quest"
N/A2010"quest25016objectivedesc1" "Zabij Merasma: %s1"
N/A2011"[english]quest25016objectivedesc1" "Kill Merasmus: %s1"
N/A2012"quest25017desc1" "I kdybych vyslovil nahlas byť jen část tohoto strašlivého paktu, celý tvůj známý svět by byl pohlcen temnotou! Proto vítej ve svojí nejhorší noční můře, HODINĚ ČTENÍ!"
N/A2013"[english]quest25017desc1" "Were I to utter the details of this contract aloud, the tiny world you know would be rend asunder! Welcome to your nightmare, mortal! READING!"
N/A2014"quest25017name1" "Monoculus"
N/A2015"[english]quest25017name1" "Monoculus"
N/A2016"quest25017name1632016" "Zabij Monocula"
N/A2017"[english]quest25017name1632016" "Kill Monoculus"
N/A2018"quest25017objectivedesc1" "Zabij Monocula na mapě Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2019"[english]quest25017objectivedesc1" "Kill Monoculus on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2020"quest25018desc1" "Dnes navštívíš Halloweeny dávno minulé! Vzpomínáš na ten, kdy jsem pomocí svých kontaktů zajistil, aby tě zabil Horseless Headless Horsemann? Safra, závidím ti! Ani nevíš, jak rád bych se jím dnes nechal zavraždit!"
N/A2021"[english]quest25018desc1" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Remember that time I used my connections and got the Horseless Headless Horsemann to show up and kill you? I'm jealous of you! Half of me wishes I could be getting murdered tonight!"
N/A2022"quest25018desc2" "Pokud selžeš, smrtelníku, porušíš naši smlouvu! A za to budu požadovat náhradu v podobě tvojí DUŠE! A také finanční náhradu, ale detaily dořešíme až později."
N/A2023"[english]quest25018desc2" "Should you fail, mortal, you will be in breach of contract! And I shall seek compensation... in the form of your SOUL! As well as financial compensation. Merasmus is living at the Y."
N/A2024"quest25018name1" "Horseless Headless Horsemann"
N/A2025"[english]quest25018name1" "Horseless Headless Horsemann"
N/A2026"quest25018name1632016" "Zabití Headless Horsemanna"
N/A2027"[english]quest25018name1632016" "HHH quest"
N/A2028"quest25018objectivedesc1" "Zabij Horseless Headless Horsemanna na mapě Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2029"[english]quest25018objectivedesc1" "Kill the Horseless Headless Horsemann on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2030"quest25019desc1" "Dnes navštívíš Halloweeny dávno minulé! Vzpomínáš na ten, kdy jsem na tebe poslal Demomanovo oko? To bylo tak krásně zlé, že kdyby existovaly Oscary pro zlořády, jistě bych byl alespoň nominován!"
N/A2031"[english]quest25019desc1" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Remember when I got Demo's eyeball to attack you all? That was pretty evil! Merasmus might have to build a bigger shelf for the evil awards that will doubtlessly be coming his way for that one."
N/A2032"quest25019desc2" "Dnes navštívíš Halloweeny dávno minulé! Vzpomínáš na ten, kdy Soldier proměnil můj strašidelný hrad na útulek pro mývaly? To nebyl úplně nejlepší den pro Merasma, který to měl potom problémy rozchodit."
N/A2033"[english]quest25019desc2" "Tonight you will visit the realms of Halloweens past! Like that time Soldier turned my evil castle into a raccoon sanctuary! Everyone remember that? That was... a bad day for Merasmus. It took a while to walk that one off."
N/A2034"quest25019name1" "Eyeaduct"
N/A2035"[english]quest25019name1" "Eyeaduct"
N/A2036"quest25019name1632016" "Úkol pro mapu Eyeaduct"
N/A2037"[english]quest25019name1632016" "Eyeaduct Quest"
N/A2038"quest25019objectivedesc1" "Zabij nepřítele v očistci: %s1"
N/A2039"[english]quest25019objectivedesc1" "Kill an enemy in Purgatory: %s1"
N/A2040"quest25019objectivedesc2" "Dostaň se z Ostrova s kořistí: %s1"
N/A2041"[english]quest25019objectivedesc2" "Escape from Loot Island: %s1"
N/A2042"quest25019objectivedesc3" "Zabij nepřítele výbuchem dýňové bomby: %s1"
N/A2043"[english]quest25019objectivedesc3" "Pumpkin bomb kill: %s1"
N/A2044"quest25019objectivedesc4" "Seber halloweenskou dýni: %s1"
N/A2045"[english]quest25019objectivedesc4" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2046"quest25019objectivedesc5" "Zabij nepřítele kritickým zásahem získaným z halloweenské dýně: %s1"
N/A2047"[english]quest25019objectivedesc5" "Kill while pumpkin crit boosted: %s1"
N/A2048"quest25019objectivedesc6" "Zabij hráče vystrašeného duchem: %s1"
N/A2049"[english]quest25019objectivedesc6" "Kill a player scared by a ghost: %s1"
N/A2050"quest25019objectivedesc7" "Seber duši na mapě Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2051"[english]quest25019objectivedesc7" "Collect souls on Eyeaduct: %s1"
N/A2052"quest25020desc1" "Vsadíme se, že NEDOKONČÍŠ tento kontrakt? Co kdybys vsadil SVOJI DUŠI? Ahaha! Vezmi však prosím na vědomí, že se nejedná o vyhrožování, protože to by znamenalo, že jsi s tímto kontraktem souhlasil pod nátlakem, a to by pro Merasma nebylo vůbec dobré."
N/A2053"[english]quest25020desc1" "Bet you'll WIN this contract? Would you wager... YOUR VERY SOUL? Hahaha! Please note I'm not explicitly threatening you, or you'd be agreeing to this contract under duress. That... hoo boy, that would not be good for Merasmus."
N/A2054"quest25020desc2" "Dnes se mažou veškeré hranice! Mezi známým a neznámým! Mezi reálným a nereálným! Mezi zaplacenými a nezaplacenými dluhy ruské mafii! Která, jen tak mezi námi, vůbec nevtipkuje a dokonce strčila Merasma do KUFRU!"
N/A2055"[english]quest25020desc2" "Tonight the barriers are down! Between the known and the unknown! The real and the unreal! The paid debts and the unpaid debts to the Russian mafia! Ahaha! Ha ha. They put Merasmus in a TRUNK, mortal!"
N/A2056"quest25020name1" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2057"[english]quest25020name1" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2058"quest25020name1632016" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2059"[english]quest25020name1632016" "Ghost Fort"
N/A2060"quest25020objectivedesc1" "Dostaň se z Ostrova lebky na mapě Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2061"[english]quest25020objectivedesc1" "Escape Skull Island on Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2062"quest25020objectivedesc2" "Omrač Merasma bombou: %s1"
N/A2063"[english]quest25020objectivedesc2" "Stun Merasmus with a bomb: %s1"
N/A2064"quest25020objectivedesc3" "Odhal, v co se přeměnil Merasmus: %s1"
N/A2065"[english]quest25020objectivedesc3" "Find Merasmus's hiding place: %s1"
N/A2066"quest25020objectivedesc4" "Seber duši na mapě Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2067"[english]quest25020objectivedesc4" "Collect souls on Ghost Fort: %s1"
N/A2068"quest25021desc1" "Tento kontrakt je ZTĚLESNĚNÍM ZLA! Avšak není právně vymahatelný, protože Merasmus nestudoval práva! Svůj diplom našel doslova na ULICI! Ulici V PEKLE!"
N/A2069"[english]quest25021desc1" "This contract is EVIL ITSELF! Though not legally enforcable! Merasmus didn't go to law school! He got HIS diploma on the STREETS! The streets of HELLTOWER!"
N/A2070"quest25021desc2" "Tento kontrakt není jen tak nějak zlý, je tak zlý, že ho můžeš přijmout POUZE V MEXIKU!"
N/A2071"[english]quest25021desc2" "This contract isn't just evil! It's LEGALLY BINDING in every state but Hawaii! Ahaha! ALOHA, mortal!"
N/A2072"quest25021name1" "Helltower"
N/A2073"[english]quest25021name1" "Helltower"
N/A2074"quest25021name1632016" "Helltower"
N/A2075"[english]quest25021name1632016" "Helltower"
N/A2076"quest25021objectivedesc1" "Dostaň se k Bombinomiconu na mapě Helltower: %s1"
N/A2077"[english]quest25021objectivedesc1" "Reach the Bombinomicon in Helltower: %s1"
N/A2078"quest25021objectivedesc2" "Zabij kostlivce na mapě Helltower: %s1"
N/A2079"[english]quest25021objectivedesc2" "Kill a skeleton on Helltower: %s1"
N/A2080"quest25021objectivedesc3" "Zabij nepřítele v pekle na mapě Helltower: %s1"
N/A2081"[english]quest25021objectivedesc3" "Kill an enemy in Hell on Helltower: %s1"
N/A2082"quest25021objectivedesc4" "Vstup do věže během hodiny duchů: %s1"
N/A2083"[english]quest25021objectivedesc4" "Enter the clocktower during the witching hour: %s1"
N/A2084"quest25021objectivedesc5" "Seber duši na mapě Helltower: %s1"
N/A2085"[english]quest25021objectivedesc5" "Collect souls on Helltower: %s1"
N/A2086"quest25022desc1" "Tvá duše je moc pěkná. Byla by škoda, kdyby si ji nějaký čaroděj NÁROKOVAL, pokud nesplníš tuto misi! Cha, to se ti povedlo, Merasme, moc pěkné, vsadím se, že mu to nedošlo."
N/A2087"[english]quest25022desc1" "That's a nice soul you have there. It would be a shame if a wizard were to CLAIM it when you fail this mission! Hahahaha! Yes, Merasmus, nice. Subtle. They probably didn't even get it. You just slipped it in there."
N/A2088"quest25022desc2" "Smrtelníku, TŘES se při pohledu na bezbřehá zla vyvěrající z tohoto bezbožného kontraktu! HRŮZA! Je psaný v češtině!"
N/A2089"[english]quest25022desc2" "TREMBLE, mortal, at the fathomless evil pulsating in the gulfs of this unholy contract! Ahahah! It's double-spaced!"
N/A2090"quest25022name1" "Carnival of Carnage"
N/A2091"[english]quest25022name1" "Carnival of Carnage"
N/A2092"quest25022name1632016" "Carnival of Carnage"
N/A2093"[english]quest25022name1632016" "Canival of Carnage"
N/A2094"quest25022objectivedesc1" "Oživ spoluhráče během minihry s autíčky: %s1"
N/A2095"[english]quest25022objectivedesc1" "Revive a teammate during bumper cars: %s1"
N/A2096"quest25022objectivedesc2" "Seber kachničku: %s1"
N/A2097"[english]quest25022objectivedesc2" "Collect a duck: %s1"
N/A2098"quest25022objectivedesc3" "Vyraz autíčko nepřítele z trati: %s1"
N/A2099"[english]quest25022objectivedesc3" "Bump an enemy to death: %s1"
N/A2100"quest25022objectivedesc4" "Vyhraj minihru s autíčky: %s1"
N/A2101"[english]quest25022objectivedesc4" "Win a bumper car game: %s1"
N/A2102"quest25022objectivedesc5" "Zabij nepřítele, zatímco na tebe působí kletba: %s1"
N/A2103"[english]quest25022objectivedesc5" "Kill an enemy while cursed: %s1"
N/A2104"quest25022objectivedesc6" "Seber duši na mapě Carnival of Carnage: %s1"
N/A2105"[english]quest25022objectivedesc6" "Collect souls on Carnival of Carnage: %s1"
N/A2106"quest25023desc1" "Jé, ahoj, Saurone. Co jsi říkal? Ano, vskutku, Merasmus posiloval. Vážím si toho, že sis všiml, víš... počkej vteřinku, musím tady jednomu idiotovi zadat kontrakt."
N/A2107"[english]quest25023desc1" "Oh, hello, Sauron. What's that? Yes, Merasmus HAS been working out. It's flattering you noticed, I -- hold on, I need to give some idiot mercenary a contract."
N/A2108"quest25023desc2" "Nedívej se na tuto merasmisi příliš ZBLÍZKA! Je prolezlá spoustou pekelných červů, kterým lidští vědci říkají RYBENKY! Ano, smrtelníku, Merasmův sklep s papyrusy BYL ZATOPEN!"
N/A2109"[english]quest25023desc2" "Don't look too closely at THIS Merasmission! It is infested with a host of hell-worms your human scientists would call SILVERFISH! Yes, mortal, there was SIGNIFICANT WATER DAMAGE in Merasmus's storage unit!"
N/A2110"quest25023name1" "Mann Manor"
N/A2111"[english]quest25023name1" "Mann Manor"
N/A2112"quest25023name1632016" "Mann Manor"
N/A2113"[english]quest25023name1632016" "Mann Manor"
N/A2114"quest25023objectivedesc1" "Dej nepříteli babu na mapě Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2115"[english]quest25023objectivedesc1" "Tag a player as 'IT' on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2116"quest25023objectivedesc2" "Seber duši na mapě Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2117"[english]quest25023objectivedesc2" "Collect souls on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2118"quest25023objectivedesc3" "Zaber nebo ubraň bod na mapě Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2119"[english]quest25023objectivedesc3" "Capture or Defend an objective on Mann Manor: %s1"
N/A2120"quest25024desc1" "Vážený smrtelníku! Všichni tví blízcí do svítání zemřou! Podepsán Merasmus! PS: Já nezemřu, protože JSME SI NIKDY NEBYLI BLÍZCÍ!"
N/A2121"[english]quest25024desc1" "Dear Mortal! Everything you love will be dead by dawn! Signed, Merasmus! Postscript: I'll still be alive, because I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU!"
N/A2122"quest25024name1" "Harvest"
N/A2123"[english]quest25024name1" "Harvest"
N/A2124"quest25024name1632016" "Harvest"
N/A2125"[english]quest25024name1632016" "Harvest"
N/A2126"quest25024objectivedesc1" "Zabij vystrašeného nepřítele na mapě Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2127"[english]quest25024objectivedesc1" "Kill a scared enemy on Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2128"quest25024objectivedesc2" "Seber halloweenskou dýni na mapě Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2129"[english]quest25024objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin on Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2130"quest25024objectivedesc3" "Zabij nepřítele výbuchem dýňové bomby: %s1"
N/A2131"[english]quest25024objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A2132"quest25024objectivedesc4" "Seber duši na mapě Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2133"[english]quest25024objectivedesc4" "Collect souls on Harvest Event: %s1"
N/A2134"quest25025desc1" "S tímto kontraktem je to jednoduché: buď dokončíš jeho zadání, nebo on dokončí tvůj patetický život! Troufáš si na to? Ha, pozdě, zatímco ses nedíval, podepsal jsem jej za tebe!"
N/A2135"[english]quest25025desc1" "I trust you'll -- EXECUTE -- this contract to the letter. I'd hate to -- TERMINATE -- it prematurely. [laughs] I hope you -- fulfill your -- contractual... obligations. You know what, email Merasmus if you come up with a better ending for that one."
N/A2136"quest25025name0" "Gorge Event"
N/A2137"[english]quest25025name0" "Gorge Event"
N/A2138"quest25025name1" "Gorge Event"
N/A2139"[english]quest25025name1" "Gorge Event"
N/A2140"quest25025objectivedesc1" "Seber duši na mapě Gorge Event: %s1"
N/A2141"[english]quest25025objectivedesc1" "Collect souls on Gorge Event: %s1"
N/A2142"quest25025objectivedesc2" "Seber halloweenskou dýni: %s1"
N/A2143"[english]quest25025objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2144"quest25025objectivedesc3" "Zabij nepřítele výbuchem dýňové bomby: %s1"
N/A2145"[english]quest25025objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A2146"quest25026desc1" "Dokonce ani enormně velký Měsíc líně se houpající na noční obloze si nemyslí, že dokončíš tento kontrakt! A to už je co říct, všem ostatním to Měsíc přeje!"
N/A2147"[english]quest25026desc1" "A gibbous moon hangs pendulously in the night sky, mortal! It thinks you cannot finish this contract! Dare you make the moon look STUPID?"
N/A2148"quest25026name0" "Moonshine"
N/A2149"[english]quest25026name0" "Moonshine"
N/A2150"quest25026name1" "Moonshine"
N/A2151"[english]quest25026name1" "Moonshine"
N/A2152"quest25026objectivedesc1" "Seber duši na mapě Moonshine Event: %s1"
N/A2153"[english]quest25026objectivedesc1" "Collect souls on Moonshine Event: %s1"
N/A2154"quest25026objectivedesc2" "Seber halloweenskou dýni: %s1"
N/A2155"[english]quest25026objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2156"quest25026objectivedesc3" "Zabij nepřítele výbuchem dýňové bomby: %s1"
N/A2157"[english]quest25026objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A2158"quest25027desc1" "Pekelně obtížný kontrakt pro pekelně nemotorného žoldáka. Že moc opakuji slovo peklo? To jsi ještě neviděl mapu, na jakou tě pošlu!"
N/A2159"[english]quest25027desc1" "Does your backside feel WARM, mortal? It should! Because this contract just put you in the hot seat!"
N/A2160"quest25027name0" "Hellstone"
N/A2161"[english]quest25027name0" "Hellstone"
N/A2162"quest25027name1" "Hellstone"
N/A2163"[english]quest25027name1" "Hellstone"
N/A2164"quest25027objectivedesc1" "Seber duši na mapě Hellstone: %s1"
N/A2165"[english]quest25027objectivedesc1" "Collect souls on Hellstone: %s1"
N/A2166"quest25027objectivedesc2" "Seber halloweenskou dýni: %s1"
N/A2167"[english]quest25027objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2168"quest25027objectivedesc3" "Zabij nepřítele výbuchem dýňové bomby: %s1"
N/A2169"[english]quest25027objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"
N/A2170"quest25028desc1" "Exteriér, hřbitov. Kamera se pomalu přibližuje k mrtvole držící v rukou bez kůže zakrvavený kontrakt. TA MRTVOLA JE TVOJE! Neuvěřitelné, že? Merasmus se diví, že mu ještě neodepsali z Hollywoodu!"
N/A2171"[english]quest25028desc1" "Exterior, a graveyard. We zoom in on a corpse holding a blood-stained contract: THE CORPSE IS YOURS! That's right! Merasmus has been working on a GREAT screenplay!"
N/A2172"quest25028name0" "Sinshine"
N/A2173"[english]quest25028name0" "Sinshine"
N/A2174"quest25028name1" "Sunshine Event"
N/A2175"[english]quest25028name1" "Sunshine Event"
N/A2176"quest25028objectivedesc1" "Seber duši na mapě Sunshine Event: %s1"
N/A2177"[english]quest25028objectivedesc1" "Collect souls on Sunshine Event: %s1"
N/A2178"quest25028objectivedesc2" "Seber halloweenskou dýni: %s1"
N/A2179"[english]quest25028objectivedesc2" "Collect a Halloween Pumpkin: %s1"
N/A2180"quest25028objectivedesc3" "Zabij nepřítele výbuchem dýňové bomby: %s1"
N/A2181"[english]quest25028objectivedesc3" "Kill with a pumpkin bomb: %s1"