Template:PatchDiff/October 1, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf romanian.txt
97289728"ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Nivel %s1"
97299729"[english]ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Level %s1"
97309730"ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1%s6 %s2 - %s4%s5: %s3"
9731N/A"[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s6 %s2 - %s4 %s5: %s3"
N/A9731"[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s7%s1%s6 %s2 - %s4%s5: %s3"
97329732"KillEaterRank0" "Strange"
97339733"[english]KillEaterRank0" "Strange"
97349734"KillEaterRank1" "Unremarkable"
1548815488"[english]TF_Scarecrow_Desc" "Need a scarecrow but you're short on wood and straw? Why not capture the Spy, stitch his mouth shut, give him buttons for eyes and stick him in your corn field? He probably won't mind. Everybody likes corn."
1548915489"TF_CronesDome" "The Crone's Dome"
1549015490"[english]TF_CronesDome" "The Crone's Dome"
15491N/A"TF_CronesDome_Desc" "Timp de sute de ani, femeile s-au bucurat de beneficiile de a fi vrăjitoare (crearea poțiunilor, purtarea negilor, arderea de viu) în timp ce bărbații au stat pe lături. De acum, gata! Sparge prin acel tavan de sticlă bântuit cu Crone's Dome."
N/A15491"TF_CronesDome_Desc" "Timp de sute de ani, femeile s-au bucurat de avantajele vrăjitoriei (crearea poțiunilor, purtarea negilor, arderea celor vii), în timp ce bărbații au stat pe tuşă. De acum, gata! Sparge plafonul de sticlă bântuit cu Crone's Dome."
1549215492"[english]TF_CronesDome_Desc" "For hundreds of years, women have enjoyed all the perks of being a witch (making potions, having warts, getting burned alive) while men stood on the sidelines. No longer! Break through that haunted glass ceiling with the Crone's Dome."
1549315493"TF_Executioner" "The Executioner"
1549415494"[english]TF_Executioner" "The Executioner"
2049220492"[english]TF_DemomanBeerGrenades_Desc" ""
2049320493"TF_Bundle_LW_Weapons" "Pachetul de arme Love And War"
2049420494"[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Weapons" "Love And War Weapons Bundle"
N/A20495"TF_Bundle_LW_Taunts" "Love And War Taunts Bundle"
N/A20496"[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Taunts" "Love And War Taunts Bundle"
N/A20497"TF_Bundle_LW_Taunts_Desc" "Sărbătoreşte alături de prietenii tăi şi torturează-ţi inamicii cu aceste 15 batjocuri:"
N/A20498"[english]TF_Bundle_LW_Taunts_Desc" "Celebrate with your friends and torment your enemies with these 15 taunts:"
2049520499"Hud_Menu_Teleport_Title" "Teleport"
2049620500"[english]Hud_Menu_Teleport_Title" "Teleport"
2049720501"Hud_Menu_Teleport_Base" "Bază"
2054820552"[english]LoadoutSlot_Taunt8" "Taunt 8"
2054920553"TF_BreadBox" "Bread Box"
2055020554"[english]TF_BreadBox" "Bread Box"
N/A20555"Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthPenalty" "%s1% viață maximă a clădirii"
N/A20556"[english]Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthPenalty" "%s1% max building health"
2055120557"Attrib_Particle3004" "'72"
2055220558"[english]Attrib_Particle3004" "'72"
2055320559"TF_TideTurner_Desc" " "
2056220568"[english]Store_Taunts" "Taunts"
2056320569"TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo_Desc" "Batjocură Demoman"
2056420570"[english]TF_TauntDemomanWoohoo_Desc" "Demoman Taunt"
N/A20571"TF_TauntEngineerRancho_Desc" "Batjocură Engineer"
N/A20572"[english]TF_TauntEngineerRancho_Desc" "Engineer Taunt"
2056520573"TF_TauntMedicXRay_Desc" "Batjocură Medic"
2056620574"[english]TF_TauntMedicXRay_Desc" "Medic Taunt"
2056720575"TF_TauntPyroPartyTrick_Desc" "Batjocură Pyro"