Template:PatchDiff/October 1, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf spanish.txt
97469746"[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_No" "Delete Stuff"
97479747"ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Nivel %s1"
97489748"[english]ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Level %s1"
9749N/A"ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s2 %s1%s6 - %s4%s5: %s3"
9750N/A"[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s1 %s6 %s2 - %s4 %s5: %s3"
N/A9749"ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s2 %s1%s6 %s7 - %s4%s5: %s3"
N/A9750"[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s7%s1%s6 %s2 - %s4%s5: %s3"
97519751"KillEaterRank0" "de Aspecto Raro"
97529752"[english]KillEaterRank0" "Strange"
97539753"KillEaterRank1" "de Aspecto Corriente"
2107821078"TF_Horace" "Horace"
2107921079"[english]TF_Horace" "Horace"
2108021080"TF_Horace_Desc" ""
21081N/A"[english]TF_Horace_Desc" " "
N/A21081"[english]TF_Horace_Desc" ""
2108221082"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_1st" "Primer Puesto del Torneo ETF2L Highlander Open"
2108321083"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_1st" "ETF2L Highlander Open 1st Place"
2108421084"TF_TournamentMedal_ETF2L_Highlander_Open_2nd" "Segundo Puesto del Torneo ETF2L Highlander Open"
2115121151"[english]TF_ItemPrefab_taunt" "taunt (beta)"
2115221152"TF_ImportPreview_Taunt" "Burla"
2115321153"[english]TF_ImportPreview_Taunt" "Taunt"
N/A21154"ItemTypeDescLimited" "%s2 de Nivel %s1 %s3"
N/A21155"[english]ItemTypeDescLimited" "%s3Level %s1 %s2"
N/A21156"LimitedQualityDesc" "de Edición Limitada "
N/A21157"[english]LimitedQualityDesc" "Limited "
N/A21158"TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Carrete de la Edición del Director de Mann Co."
N/A21159"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt" "Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel"
N/A21160"TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "Este carrete contiene un pequeño set de 4 objetos seleccionados al azar. Puedes elegir qué cuatro objetos contiene desde tu mochila.\n\nNecesitas una Llave de Caja de Suministros de Mann Co. para abrirlo. Puedes conseguir una en la Tienda Mann Co."
N/A21161"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "This crate contains four items randomly selected from a small set. You can adjust which four items are selected from your backpack.\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
N/A21162"TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014" "Caja Posveraniega de Edición Limitada"
N/A21163"[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014" "Limited Late Summer Crate"
N/A21164"TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "Esta caja es especial y no puede abrirse aún.\nSu contenido será exclusivo y únicamente se podrá conseguir con esta caja.\nAlgunos pero no todos de los objetos de esta caja son de Aspecto Raro..."
N/A21165"[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "This crate is special and cannot be opened yet.\nIt's contents will be limited and will only come from this crate.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange..."
N/A21166"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "Aumenta el daño cuerpo a cuerpo contra el set del Mercenario Aislado"
N/A21167"[english]Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "Increased Melee damage against Isolated Merc Set"
N/A21168"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "Aumenta el daño recibido del Napalmeador de Nostromo del set del Mercenario Aislado"
N/A21169"[english]Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage taken from Isolated Merc Set"
N/A21170"Attrib_AiMercSetBonusPos" "Aumenta el daño del Napalmeador de Nostromo contra el set del Octavo Pendenciero"
N/A21171"[english]Attrib_AiMercSetBonusPos" "Increased Nostromo Napalmer damage against Isolationist Pack Set"
N/A21172"Attrib_AiMercSetBonusNeg" "Aumenta el daño cuerpo a cuerpo contra el set del Octavo Pendenciero"
N/A21173"[english]Attrib_AiMercSetBonusNeg" "Increased Melee damage taken from Isolationist Pack Set"
N/A21174"TF_Trading_PasswordChanged" "No puedes realizar intercambios si has cambiado tu contraseña recientemente."
N/A21175"[english]TF_Trading_PasswordChanged" "You cannot trade after a recent password change."
N/A21176"TF_Trading_NewDevice" "No puedes realizar intercambios si has iniciado sesión recientemente en un dispositivo nuevo."
N/A21177"[english]TF_Trading_NewDevice" "You cannot trade after a recently using a new device."
N/A21178"TF_Trading_InvalidCookie" "La cookie no es válida, no se puede continuar."
N/A21179"[english]TF_Trading_InvalidCookie" "Invalid web cookie, cannot continue."
N/A21180"TF_Set_AI_Pack" "El Octavo Pendenciero"
N/A21181"[english]TF_Set_AI_Pack" "The Isolationist Pack"
N/A21182"TF_Set_AI_Merc_Pack" "El Mercenario Aislado"
N/A21183"[english]TF_Set_AI_Merc_Pack" "The Isolated Merc"
N/A21184"TF_XenoSuit" "El Xenotraje"
N/A21185"[english]TF_XenoSuit" "The Xeno Suit"
N/A21186"TF_XenoSuit_Desc" ""
N/A21187"[english]TF_XenoSuit_Desc" ""
N/A21188"TF_AlienCranium" "El Cráneo de Alien"
N/A21189"[english]TF_AlienCranium" "The Alien Cranium"
N/A21190"TF_AlienCranium_Desc" ""
N/A21191"[english]TF_AlienCranium_Desc" ""
N/A21192"TF_BiomechBackpack" "La Mochila Biomecánica"
N/A21193"[english]TF_BiomechBackpack" "The Biomech Backpack"
N/A21194"TF_BiomechBackpack_Desc" ""
N/A21195"[english]TF_BiomechBackpack_Desc" ""
N/A21196"TF_NostromoNapalmer" "El Napalmeador de Nostromo"
N/A21197"[english]TF_NostromoNapalmer" "The Nostromo Napalmer"
N/A21198"TF_NostromoNapalmer_Desc" ""
N/A21199"[english]TF_NostromoNapalmer_Desc" ""
N/A21200"TF_MK50" "El MK 50"
N/A21201"[english]TF_MK50" "The MK 50"
N/A21202"TF_MK50_Desc" ""
N/A21203"[english]TF_MK50_Desc" ""