Difference between revisions of "User:Darkid/Sandbox2/de"

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(Created page with "<includeonly>{{Complex template|user=Darkid}}</includeonly> This template is used to display item stats similar to how they appear in-game. == Parameters == {| class="wikitab...")
Line 630: Line 630:
| item-expiration = Monday, November 11, 2013 (6:00:00)
| item-expiration = Monday, November 11, 2013 (6:00:00)
| item-uses = 1
| item-uses = 1
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Shotgun
| quality = Strange
| festivized = yes
| killstreak = professional
| filter = yukon
|{{Backpack item
| item-name = Shotgun
| quality = Strange
| festivized = yes
| killstreak = professional
| filter = yukon
|{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Shotgun
| quality = Strange
| festivized = yes
| killstreak = professional
| filter = yukon

Latest revision as of 19:56, 25 May 2019

This template is used to display item stats similar to how they appear in-game.


Parameter Example Description
item-name Batter's Helmet Proper item name in English (e.g. Batter's Helmet instead of Casque de Batteur). The item name will be automatically translated on language subpages.
custom-name Spam Hammer Adds a custom name with quotation marks. Still needs item-name to produce the correct image.
no-custom-name-quotes yes Removes quotation marks from custom names if the custom-name field is used.
custom-icon File:User Username my item icon.png Adds a custom icon for users' own purposes. This parameter is independent from item-name parameter.
quality normal Defaults to "unique" (the standard item yellow). See Item quality for a list of accepted values.
prefix none
The Best
Set to "none" to hide the "Vintage" or "Community", etc, prefix but keeping the colour. Can also use a custom value, e.g. "prefix = The Best" will generate "The Best Flare Gun".
suffix none
The Best
Same as 'prefix' for non-en pages. Can also use a custom value, e.g. "suffix = The Best" will generate "Flare Gun The Best".
filter Coldfront Adds the appropriate Strange Filter prefix / suffix to the weapon.
paint-color Mann Co. Orange Adds the colored paint 'splat' specified to the top right of the item icon.
unusual-effect Bubbling Adds the Particle Effect icon to the top right of the item's icon. Also adds the "Unusual Effect:" line.
strange-icon yes Adds the Strange/StatTrack icon to the top right of the item's icon.
decal-icon yes Adds this icon to the top right of the item's icon. Only used on the Items page.
item-level 50 Item level. Defaults to "1-100".
item-kind Hat Item kind. This string is not automatically translated.
no-level yes Optional attribute. If "yes", item level will not be displayed.
limited yes Optional attribute. If "yes", the item name will be colored yellow, the word "Limited" will be added with a link to Limited Quantity.
grade elite Optional attribute. If specified, the item name will be colored correctly for the grade, and the name of the grade will be added before the name, e.g.: Elite Grade Rocket Launcher. Valid options are Civilian, Freelance, Mercenary, Commando, Assassin, Elite
wear factory new Optional attribute, for decorated weapons. Listed in parenthesis after the item name, e.g.: Rocket Launcher (Factory New). Valid options are Battle Scarred, Well-Worn, Field-Tested, Minimal Wear, Factory New.
rankson Kills Primary stat method for a strange weapon.
killcount 7616 Number of kills for the primary rank method.
rankson2 Kill assists or Damage dealt Secondary rank method or strange part. rankson3 and rankson4 work similarly.
killcount2 12 Number of kills for the secondary rank method or first strange part. killcount3 and killcount4 work similarly.


att-1-neutral = Cloak Type: Feign Death
att-2-positive = +80% cloak regen rate
att-3-negative = +60% cloak drain rate
(See section on examples below)

Displays up to 8 positive, negative and neutral values.
item-description It doesn't matter how much people respect you when they're on fire. For items that have an in-game description. This displays the description in a smaller font in order to distinguish from neutral attributes. Will not display if a custom-description is set.
custom-description This hat is the greatest. For items that have a custom in-game description (from a Description Tag). Displays like a normal description but has quotation marks surrounding it.
gift-from Robin Display the source of a gifted item. Displays the text "Gift from: Robin"
date-received Mar 23, 2011 (06:30:00) Display the date a gifted item was received. Will not appear if no gift-from is defined. Displays the text "Date Received: Mar 23, 2011 (06:30:00)"
item-expiration Dec 31, 2010 (23:00:00) For items that expire. Displays the text "This item will expire on Dec 31, 2010 (23:00:00).".
item-uses 5 For items that have "uses". Displays the text "This is a limited item. Uses: 5".
item-flags Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting For item flags. Displays them inside brackets: "( Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting )".
festivized yes For items which have been Festivized. Displays the text "Festivized".
width 25% Width parameter. Defaults to 100% in infoboxes, but for other usages, can be any value (%, px, pt, em).
style Style parameter. Can add any valid CSS style to the main div.


Code Old Output New Output
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Cloak and Dagger
| item-level = 5 
| item-kind = Invis Watch
| att-1-neutral = Cloak Type: Feign Death
| att-2-positive = +80% cloak regen rate
| att-3-negative = +60% cloak drain rate
Backpack Cloak and Dagger.png

Invis Watch Level 5
Cloak Type: Feign Death
+80% cloak regen rate
+60% cloak drain rate

Backpack Cloak and Dagger.png
Invis Watch Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item level
Cloak Type: Feign Death
+80% cloak regen rate
+60% cloak drain rate
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Rocket Launcher
| custom-name = Rawket Lawnchair
| quality = vintage
| item-level = 50
| item-kind = Furniture
| att-1-positive = +20% additional comfort
| att-2-positive = +35% increase in lumbar support
| att-3-negative = +50% increase in financial hardship
| custom-description = For those who favour comfort over fiscal stability.
Backpack Rocket Launcher.png

"Rawket Lawnchair"
Furniture Level 50
+20% additional comfort
+35% increase in lumbar support
+50% increase in financial hardship
"For those who favour comfort over fiscal stability."

Backpack Rocket Launcher.png
"Rawket Lawnchair"
Furniture Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item level
+20% additional comfort
+35% increase in lumbar support
+50% increase in financial hardship
"For those who favour comfort over fiscal stability."
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Wiki Cap
| quality = community
| item-kind = Hat
| item-level = 20
| item-flags = Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting
| unusual-effect = Community Sparkle
| item-description = Given to valuable Community Contributors<br>Given to valuable contributors to the official TF2 Wiki<br>http://wiki.teamfortress.com/
Viewmode unusual.png
Backpack Wiki Cap.png

Community Wiki-Kappe - Community
Hat Level 20
★ Ungewöhnlicher Effekt: Community Sparkle
Given to valuable Community Contributors
Given to valuable contributors to the official TF2 Wiki

( Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting )

Viewmode unusual.png
Backpack Wiki Cap.png
Wiki-Kappe - Community
Hat Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item level
Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item unusual effect
Given to valuable Community Contributors
Given to valuable contributors to the official TF2 Wiki

( Not Tradable or Usable in Crafting )
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Tux
| limited = yes
| item-kind = Mascot
| item-level = 1-100
| item-description = Linux represent!
Backpack Tux.png

Limitiert: Mascot Level 1-100
Linux represent!

{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Citizen Pain
| item-kind = Minigun
| grade = Assassin
| wear = Battle Scarred
Backpack Citizen Pain Minigun Battle Scarred.png

Template:Dictionary/items/citizen pain
Minigun, Attentäter-Stufe (Kampfspuren)

Backpack Citizen Pain Minigun Battle Scarred.png
Template:Dictionary/items/citizen pain
Minigun, Attentäter-Stufe (Kampfspuren)
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = A Hat to Kill For
| item-kind = Hat
| grade = Civilian
Backpack A Hat to Kill For.png

Ein Hut, für den man töten könnte
Hat, Zivilist-Stufe

Backpack A Hat to Kill For.png
Ein Hut, für den man töten könnte
Hat, Zivilist-Stufe
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Medigun
| item-kind = Medi Gun
| quality = Strange
| strange-icon = yes
| rankson = Ubers
| killcount = 20
| rankson2 = Kill assists
| killcount2 = 300
| rankson3 = Allied Healing Done
| killcount3 = 10000
Viewmode strange.png
Backpack Medi Gun.png

Unbeachtlich Medigun - Unbeachtlich
Medi Gun Unbeachtlich - Überladungen: 20
(Assists: 300)
(Heilung für Teamkameraden: 10000)

Viewmode strange.png
Backpack Medi Gun.png
Medigun - Unbeachtlich
Medi Gun (Unbeachtlich) Überladungen: 20
(Assists: 300)
(Heilung für Teamkameraden: 10000)
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Burstchester
| item-kind = Special Taunt
| rankson = Times Performed
| quality = Strange Unusual
| unusual-effect = Mega Strike
| grade = Assassin
| prefix = Taunt:
Viewmode unusual.png
Backpack Burstchester.png

Taunt: Burstchester - Template:Dictionary/items/strange unusual
Special Taunt, Attentäter-Stufe
Special Taunt - Anzahl der Durchführungen: 0

★ Ungewöhnlicher Effekt: Mega Strike

{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Forest Fire
| item-kind = Flame Thrower
| quality = Strange
| grade = Mercenary
| wear = Well-Worn
| rankson = Kills
| killcount = 10
Backpack Forest Fire Flame Thrower Well-Worn.png

Unbeachtlich Template:Dictionary/items/forest fire - Unbeachtlich
Flammenwerfer, Söldner-Stufe (Abgenutzt)
Zähleruhr angebracht (Unbeachtlich)
Kills: 10

Backpack Forest Fire Flame Thrower Well-Worn.png
Template:Dictionary/items/forest fire - Unbeachtlich
Flame Thrower, Söldner-Stufe (Abgenutzt)
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Co-Pilot
| item-kind = Hat
| limited = yes
| quality = Strange
| rankson = points scored
| killcount = 75
| description = Winter 2014 Limited Community Cosmetic
Backpack Co-Pilot.png

Abscheulich Kopilot - Abscheulich
Limitiert Abscheulich Hat - Erzielte Punkte: 75

Backpack Co-Pilot.png
Kopilot - Abscheulich
[[Limited Quantity/de|Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item limited]] Hat (Abscheulich) Erzielte Punkte: 75
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Sniper Rifle
| item-kind = Sniper Rifle
| quality = Strange
| strange-icon = yes
| filter = yukon
| rankson = kills
| killcount = 999
Viewmode strange.png
Backpack Sniper Rifle.png

Vollkommen Gewöhnlich Kanadisch Scharfschützengewehr - Vollkommen Gewöhnlich Kanadisch
Sniper Rifle Vollkommen Gewöhnlich - Kills: 999

Viewmode strange.png
Backpack Sniper Rifle.png
Scharfschützengewehr - Vollkommen Gewöhnlich Kanadisch
Sniper Rifle (Vollkommen Gewöhnlich) Kills: 999
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Max's Severed Head
| item-kind = Hat
| limited = yes
| paint-color = Team Spirit
Paint Splat TeamSpirit.png
Backpack Max's Severed Head.png

Max' abgetrennter Kopf
Limitiert: Hat Level 1 - 100

{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Flare Gun
| item-kind = Flare Gun
| item-level = 10
| item-description = This weapon will reload when not active
| att-1-positive   = 100% critical hit vs burning players
| killstreak = professional // Killstreaks Active + changes prefix to "Professional Killstreak"
| killstreaker = Singularity // adds "Killstreaker: " line 
| sheen = Hot Rod
Backpack Flare Gun.png

Professional Killstreak Signalpistole
Flare Gun Level 10
100% critical hit vs burning players
Killstreaker: Singularity
Sheen: Hot Rod
Killstreaks Active
This weapon will reload when not active

Backpack Flare Gun.png
professional killstreak Signalpistole
Flare Gun Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item level
100% critical hit vs burning players
Killstreaker: Singularity
Sheen: Hot Rod
Killstreaks Active
This weapon will reload when not active
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| quality = normal
| item-name = Tomislav
| item-kind = Tomislav
| item-level = 1
| festivized = yes
Backpack Tomislav.png

Tomislav Level 1

{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Jarate
| item-level = 5
| item-kind = Jar Based Karate
| gift-from = Darkid
| date-received = Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Backpack Jarate.png

Jar Based Karate Level 5

Geschenk von: Darkid
Erhalten am: Wednesday, January 4, 2017

{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Name Tag
| item-level = 1
| item-kind = Tool
| att-1-neutral = Changes the name of an item in your backpack
| item-uses = 1
| item-flags = Not Tradable or Marketable
Backpack Name Tag.png

Tool Level 1
Changes the name of an item in your backpack

Dies ist ein Gegenstand mit beschränkter Anwendung. Verbleibende Anwendungen: 1.

( Not Tradable or Marketable )

Backpack Name Tag.png
Tool Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item level
Changes the name of an item in your backpack

Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item item uses

( Not Tradable or Marketable )
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Heavy Costume Transmogrifier
| custom-icon = Backpack Costume Transmogrifier Heavy.png
| item-description = Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Heavies.
| item-level = 1
| item-kind = Tool
| item-expiration = Monday, November 11, 2013 (6:00:00)
| item-uses = 1
Backpack Costume Transmogrifier Heavy.png

Tool Level 1
Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Heavies.

Dieser Gegenstand wird am Monday, November 11, 2013 (6:00:00) verfallen.

Dies ist ein Gegenstand mit beschränkter Anwendung. Verbleibende Anwendungen: 1.

Backpack Costume Transmogrifier Heavy.png
Tool Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item level
Using this transmogrifier on any Halloween 2013 costume piece will replace it with a costume piece wearable by Heavies.

Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item item expiration

Template:Dictionary/common strings/backpack item item uses
{{#invoke:Backpack item|backpack_item
| item-name = Shotgun
| quality = Strange
| festivized = yes
| killstreak = professional
| filter = yukon
Backpack Shotgun.png

Kanadisch Schrotflinte - Kanadisch
1 - 100

See also

Image insertion templatesview  edit )