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[[Scout/zh-hant|偵察兵]]可說是遊戲中最快、機動性最好的兵種。雖然生命值不高,他的高速和[[Jumping/zh-hant|二連跳]]的能力使他能輕易行走於地圖上許多不同的路線,讓他的行動難以預測、可以達成有效的伏擊。偵察兵在佔領[[Control Points/zh-hant|控制點]]或推動[[Payload/zh-hant|彈頭車]]時是算為兩人份速度的,讓他可以較容易達成任務目標。戰鬥時,他所造成的極高近戰傷害值和機動性,令偵查兵變成一對一單挑時的強手之一。但由於低弱的生命值,偵察兵必須完全躲開攻擊才能保命;比方說,二連跳技能可以讓他逃離[[knock back/zh-hant|擊退]]的效果和[[fall damage/zh-hant|摔死]]。為了要造成最大傷害和最少受傷,一名好的偵察兵必需要經常遊走於戰場,用霰彈槍幹掉重要的目標。注意那些會使人減速的武器:[[Natascha/zh-hant|娜塔莎]]或是[[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|步哨防禦槍]],都對偵察兵有很大的威脅。
The [[Scout/zh-hant|偵察兵]] is the fastest and arguably most mobile class in the game. Although frail, his speed and ability to [[Jumping/zh-hant|二連跳]] allow him to easily access alternate routes on many maps, making him extremely unpredictable and effective at ambushing. He counts as two players when capturing [[Control Points/zh-hant|控制點]] or pushing [[Payload/zh-hant|彈頭車]] carts, making him ideal for completing mission objectives. When fighting, his high damage output and mobility make him one of the best classes in one-on-one combat. Because his health pool is so low, the Scout relies on completely avoiding damage to survive; for example, his double jump lets him escape [[knock back/zh-hant|擊退]]效果和[[fall damage/zh-hant|摔死]]。 To maximize damage dealt and minimize damage taken, a good Scout tends to weave around the outskirts of a battlefield, picking off important enemy targets. Weaponry that can slow or track players, such as [[Natascha/zh-hant|娜塔莎]] or a [[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|步哨防禦槍]], are deadly to the Scout.
When fighting, don't rely on your mouse alone to track foes. Use your movement to keep the opponent centered on your screen, firing whenever your cross-hairs and opponent match up. This allows you to focus on moving efficiently and erratically, making you harder to hit, while at the same time making your aim smoother and more accurate via prediction.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Scattergun|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Scattergun|icon-size=100x100px}}  
At close range, your Scattergun can kill most classes in just a few shots. It is your best weapon for prolonged combat due to its reasonable magazine size and high damage output. The Scattergun's bullet spread is very wide, so switch to your [[Pistol/zh-hant|手槍]] for enemies that are far away.
在近距離,你的雙管霰彈槍可以幾發內就殺死大多數敵人。而由於高傷害輸出和 6 發的上膛數,這把槍亦是追擊用的好武器。但霰彈槍的子彈擴散範圍很寬,距離不遠,所以當目標跑遠時,記得換成[[Pistol/zh-hant|手槍]]攻擊敵人,要不然根本打不到。
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Force-A-Nature|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Force-A-Nature|icon-size=100x100px}}  
The Force-A-Nature deals heavy burst damage but must be reloaded often, making it best used as a hit-and-run weapon. Equip your [[Pistol/zh-hant|Pistol/zh-hant]] when using the Force-A-Nature so that you always have a weapon to fire. You can use the Force-A-Nature's [[knock back/zh-hant|手槍]] on you or your target; an enemy launched into the air makes for an easy kill, while the self-inflicted knock back allows you to [[Jumping/zh-hant|三連跳]] to even more unpredictable locations.
雖然自然之力一次可以造成巨大的傷害,但它需要頻繁地重裝子彈,所以這武器最適用於打帶跑的戰術。使用自然之力時搭配[[Pistol/zh-hant|手槍]]會比較好,因為這樣你隨時都有武器可以射擊,不會落入只剩肉搏武器的窘境。你可以利用自然之力具有的[[knock back/zh-hant|擊退]]功能,將敵方打至空中,這樣就比較好殺。將擊退功能用在自己身上可使自己做出[[Jumping/zh-hant|三連跳]],以到達平時跳不到的地方。
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Shortstop|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Shortstop|icon-size=100x100px}}  
The Shortstop is a cross between the [[Shotgun/zh-hant|散彈槍]] and [[Pistol/zh-hant|手槍]]. While it deals less damage than your other primary weapons, its narrow bullet spread makes it reliable at longer ranges. The Shortstop reloads very quickly, allowing you to continuously fire shots. However, the Shortstop draws from the same ammunition as the Pistol; use a different secondary weapon to conserve ammunition.
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{{Icon weapon|weapon=Pistol|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Lugermorph|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Pistol|icon-size=100x100px}} {{Icon weapon|weapon=Lugermorph|icon-size=100x100px}}  
The Pistol is a backup weapon, primarily used for finishing off wounded targets. It reloads much more quickly than any of your primary weapons and can be used to harass enemies or retreat. At longer ranges, use the Pistol to deal consistent damage.
===[[Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hant|Bonk!原子能量飲料]]===
===[[Bonk! Atomic Punch/zh-hant|Bonk!原子能量飲料]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Bonk! Atomic Punch|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Bonk! Atomic Punch|icon-size=100x100px}}  
Bonk! Atomic Punch is a situational utility item that can be used to dodge or draw enemy fire. For example, you can use it to distract [[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|步哨]]s, retreat safely, bait [[Demoman/zh-hant|爆破兵]] into detonating their sticky traps, or block chokepoints.
Bonk!原子能量飲料是個要看情況使用的工具,可使你短時間內不被子彈打中。舉例來說,你可以喝下它跑到[[Sentry Gun/zh-hant|步哨]]前,將步哨的火力集中在你自己身上,這樣隊友就能更輕鬆地破壞它。飲料亦可用於安全撤退、誘使敵方[[Demoman/zh-hant|爆破兵]]爆破他設置的黏彈、或是擋住路口等情況。
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Crit-a-Cola|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Crit-a-Cola|icon-size=100x100px}}  
Crit-a-Cola is an item that rewards you for taking risks. You should drink it only before an ambush or to harass enemies at range with your [[Shortstop/zh-hant|游擊手]]. The boost provided by Crit-a-Cola will not stack with the effects of other items such as the [[Buff Banner/zh-hant|增幅旗幟]] or [[Jarate/zh-hant|瓶手道]].
爆擊可樂是促使你進攻的次要武器。你應當只在伏擊敵人前或用[[Shortstop/zh-hant|游擊手]]攻擊敵人前再喝下它,要不然很可能會承受到小爆擊的傷害。附註一點,爆擊可樂的小爆擊加成'''並不會'''跟[[Buff Banner/zh-hant|增幅旗幟]][[Jarate/zh-hant|瓶手道]]的效果結合,變成雙倍的小爆擊傷害。
===[[Mad Milk/zh-hant|瘋狂牛奶]]===
===[[Mad Milk/zh-hant|瘋狂牛奶]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Mad Milk|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Mad Milk|icon-size=100x100px}}  
Mad Milk is a defensive item that makes fighting bulky classes easier. The healing provided will help you and your teammates tank any damage taken. It can be used to extinguish teammates as well as reveal cloaked [[Spy/zh-hant|間諜]].
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{{Icon weapon|weapon=Bat|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Bat|icon-size=100x100px}}  
Because you already deal so much damage at close range, you should only use the Bat when out of loaded ammunition. While it swings rapidly, it deals less damage than other melee weapons.
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Sandman|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Sandman|icon-size=100x100px}}  
Use the Sandman's ball to stun targets before moving in for the kill. It moves as an arced [[projectile/zh-hant|拋體]], so lead your foe accordingly. Focus on stunning the dangerous foes, such as [[Heavy/zh-hant|重裝兵]].
===[[Holy Mackerel/zh-hant|尚方寶鯖]]===
===[[Holy Mackerel/zh-hant|尚方寶鯖]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Holy Mackerel|icon-size=100x100px}}  
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Holy Mackerel|icon-size=100x100px}}  
The Holy Mackerel functions identically to the bat but announces each hit in the kill feed. A hit that triggers a Spy's [[feign death/zh-hant|假死]] will appear as a hit, not a kill, allowing you to track down a Spy using the [[Dead Ringer/zh-hant|死亡送終者]].
尚方寶鯖的功能幾乎和原球棒一模一樣,只多了敲中敵人時右上角會出現打擊圖示。打到一個[[feign death/zh-hant|假死]]的間諜時,會顯示出打到「一擊」,而不是「一殺」,由這點可以輕易判斷出那名間諜是不是使用了[[Dead Ringer/zh-hant|死亡送終者]]
===[[Candy Cane/zh-hant|拐杖糖]]===
===[[Candy Cane/zh-hant|拐杖糖]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Candy Cane|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Candy Cane|icon-size=100x100px}}
You don't need to use the Candy Cane itself to land the finishing blow on an enemy; any kill or assist will cause victims to drop health packs, which can be used to heal teammates as they fight at the front lines. A Spy who uses the [[Dead Ringer/zh-hant|死亡送終者]] to trigger a [[feign death/zh-hant|假死]] will not drop a health pack.
你不需要只用拐杖糖打死敵人才會掉出補血包,只要身上裝備拐杖糖,不管你用何種武器打死敵人都會掉出,這可以用來幫助在前線的自己或是隊友。一個用[[Dead Ringer/zh-hant|死亡送終者]]產生[[feign death/zh-hant|假死]]的間諜,是不會掉出補血包的,這也可以用來判斷敵方間諜的手錶種類。
===[[Boston Basher/zh-hant|波士頓狼牙棒]] / [[Three-Rune Blade/zh-hant|盧恩古刃]]===
===[[Boston Basher/zh-hant|波士頓狼牙棒]] / [[Three-Rune Blade/zh-hant|盧恩古刃]]===
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Boston Basher|icon-size=100x100px}}{{Icon weapon|weapon=Three-Rune Blade|icon-size=100x100px}}
{{Icon weapon|weapon=Boston Basher|icon-size=100x100px}}{{Icon weapon|weapon=Three-Rune Blade|icon-size=100x100px}}
Be precise; swinging this weapon around wildly will kill you very quickly. You can use the self-damage to help a [[Medic/zh-hant|醫護兵]] fill his [[ÜberCharge/zh-hant|ÜberCharge]] 計量表and the [[bleed/zh-hant|流血]] effect to track down [[Cloak/zh-hant|隱形]]ed Spies, particularly those using the [[Dead Ringer/zh-hant|死亡送終者]]. Damaging yourself will inflict a small amount of self-[[knockback/zh-hant|擊退]] that can be used as an additional jump in order to reach higher areas, albeit at the cost of a significant portion of health.
用這武器時記得要敲得精準,因為一沒打中會使你自己大量失血,輕易陣亡。但尚未面對敵人時,你可以靠揮空的自我傷害,幫助[[Medic/zh-hant|醫護兵]]醫護兵加快增加他的[[ÜberCharge/zh-hant|ÜberCharge計量表]]。同時,這武器擊中敵人的[[bleed/zh-hant|流血]]效果可以讓你追擊[[Cloak/zh-hant|隱形]]的間諜,尤其是使用[[Dead Ringer/zh-hant|死亡送終者]]的間諜。揮空的自我傷害會造成一股較小的[[knockback/zh-hant|擊退]]效果,令你可以靠這點跳到更高的地方,雖然損失了很多生命值。
{{item icon|Sun-on-a-Stick|100px}}
{{item icon|Sun-on-a-Stick|100px}}
Never equip this weapon if there are no Pyros on your team. Against ignited foes, it will deal as much damage as the Scattergun at point blank range. However, both you and the Pyro excel in close range combat and can often finish off an enemy without the help of an ally. As a result, you might not be able to utilize this combo frequently. In [[Medieval mode/zh-hant|中世紀模式]], teaming up with a Pyro using the [[Sharpened Volcano Fragment/zh-hant|熔岩巨斧]] can be very effective.
如果隊上沒有火焰兵,那就別配備這項武器。在近距離遇上著火的敵人時,炎日法杖會造成和霰彈槍差不多的高傷害值。但是,你和火焰兵都專精於近戰攻擊,都能不靠隊友就解決附近的敵人,所以你可能會不常用到炎日法杖的效果。如果在[[Medieval mode/zh-hant|中世紀模式]]時,和配備[[Sharpened Volcano Fragment/zh-hant|熔岩巨斧]]的火焰兵一起攻擊,能造成很大的殺傷力。
===[[Fan O'War/zh-hant|鐵軍扇]]===
===[[Fan O'War/zh-hant|鐵軍扇]]===
{{item icon|Fan O'War|100px}}
{{item icon|Fan O'War|100px}}
After tagging an enemy with the Fan O'War, switch to your primary weapon or Pistol, or let your teammates finish the job.
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{{item icon|Milkman|100px}}
{{item icon|Milkman|100px}}
While the set bonus increases your survivability, the required loadout reduces your overall firepower, especially at close range.
{{Class strategy}}
{{Class strategy}}

Revision as of 13:51, 29 May 2011





Item icon Scattergun.png

在近距離,你的雙管霰彈槍可以幾發內就殺死大多數敵人。而由於高傷害輸出和 6 發的上膛數,這把槍亦是追擊用的好武器。但霰彈槍的子彈擴散範圍很寬,距離不遠,所以當目標跑遠時,記得換成手槍攻擊敵人,要不然根本打不到。


Item icon Force-A-Nature.png



Item icon Shortstop.png



手槍 / 魯格變形式

Item icon Pistol.png Item icon Lugermorph.png



Item icon Bonk! Atomic Punch.png



Item icon Crit-a-Cola.png



Item icon Mad Milk.png




Item icon Bat.png



Item icon Sandman.png



Item icon Holy Mackerel.png



Item icon Candy Cane.png


波士頓狼牙棒 / 盧恩古刃

Item icon Boston Basher.pngItem icon Three-Rune Blade.png






Fan O'War




Shortstop Mad Milk Holy Mackerel Milkman
