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Use this map to take high quality images of unusual particle effects.

User I-ghost Unusual Hammer.png

To change the particle effect displayed, simply change the string in the particle system name key value of the info_particle_system entity on the map. Use OPTF2 as a reference.

Enter the following command at the console to position yourself: setpos 325.655762 289.129486 132.031250;setang 0.545605 -0.954800 0.000000

Gotcha: With certain particle systems, the axis of rotation is incorrect. To correct this, simply change the Pitch Yaw Roll (X Y Z) key value to 0 0 90. Change it back to 0 0 0 when done.

Gotcha #2: With certain particle systems you may need to adjust the height of the info_particle_system. Simply move it upwards a bit, then test it out in-game to see if it looks right.

Everything else is hooked up for you. Simply compile the map using VBCT and take your pictures using the maximum graphics quality here. Don't forget to build the map's cubemaps.