Template:PatchDiff/July 17, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf portuguese.txt

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Revision as of 09:18, 18 July 2014 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/resource/tf_portuguese.txt" for patch July 17, 2014 Patch.)
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44474447"[english]TF_Employee_Badge_B" "Soldier of Fortune"
44484448"TF_Employee_Badge_C" "Mercenário"
44494449"[english]TF_Employee_Badge_C" "Mercenary"
4450N/A"TF_Employee_Badge_Plat" "Guerreiro Primitivo"
N/A4450"TF_Employee_Badge_Plat" "Guerreiro Pioneiro"
44514451"[english]TF_Employee_Badge_Plat" "Primeval Warrior"
44524452"TF_ReplayIntro" "&REPETIR FILME"
44534453"[english]TF_ReplayIntro" "&REPLAY MOVIE"
65856585"[english]TF_Weapon_StickyBomb_Jump_Desc" "A special no-damage stickybomb launcher for learning stickybomb jump tricks and patterns."
65866586"TF_Cadavers_Cranium" "Crânio do Cadáver"
65876587"[english]TF_Cadavers_Cranium" "Cadaver's Cranium"
6588N/A"TF_Horrific_Headsplitter" "Abre Cabeças Horripilante"
N/A6588"TF_Horrific_Headsplitter" "Abre-Cabeças Horripilante"
65896589"[english]TF_Horrific_Headsplitter" "Horrific Headsplitter"
65906590"TF_Halloween_Skullcap" "Caveira de Arrepiar Espinhas"
65916591"[english]TF_Halloween_Skullcap" "Spine-Chilling Skull"
1228812288"[english]Tip_9_29" "As an Engineer, the Widowmaker draws from your metal reserves for each shot. Make sure that you take note of ammo locations and Dispensers to quickly resupply when you need to; also consider equipping the Pistol to be able to deal damage when you can't."
1228912289"Tip_9_30" "Enquanto Engineer, os projéteis do Pomson 6000 removem energia da ÜberCarga de Medics inimigos e da camuflagem de Spies inimigos."
1229012290"[english]Tip_9_30" "As an Engineer, the Pomson 6000's projectiles drain the ÜberCharge meter of enemy Medics and the cloak meter of enemy Spies."
12291N/A"Tip_9_31" "Enquanto Engineer, ativar a provocação do Efeito Eureka (%taunt%) irá teletransportar-te de volta para a base e restaurar as tuas quantidades de vida e metal! Usa-o em conjunto com um Teletransportador para poderes melhorar e reparar rapidamente as construções nas linhas da frente."
12292N/A"[english]Tip_9_31" "As an Engineer, activating the Eureka Effect's taunt (%taunt%) will teleport you back to spawn and replenish both your health and metal reserves! Use it in conjunction with a Teleporter in order to quickly upgrade and repair buildings on the frontline."
N/A12291"Tip_9_31" "Enquanto Engineer, pressionar %reload% enquanto tens o Efeito Eureka na mão irá teletransportar-te de volta para a base e restaurar as tuas quantidades de vida e metal! Usa-o em conjunto com um Teletransportador para poderes melhorar e reparar rapidamente as construções nas linhas da frente."
N/A12292"[english]Tip_9_31" "As an Engineer, activating the Eureka Effect's reload (%reload%) can teleport you back to spawn and replenish both your health and metal reserves! Use it in conjunction with a Teleporter in order to quickly upgrade and repair buildings on the frontline."
1229312293"Tip_arena_8" "Enquanto Medic, a tua ÜberCarga não será mantida entre vidas enquanto usas a Vita-Serra."
1229412294"[english]Tip_arena_8" "As a Medic, your ÜberCharge will not carry over between lives while using the Vita-Saw."
1229512295"Tip_arena_9" "Enquanto Pyro, procura regularmente por Spies inimigos por entre a tua equipa para impedir que eles dêm à equipa inimiga uma vantagem estratégica."
2014320143"TF_sbox2014_sniper_quiver" "Acessórios Essenciais do Caçador"
2014420144"[english]TF_sbox2014_sniper_quiver" "The Huntsman's Essentials"
2014520145"TF_sbox2014_napolean_complex" "O Complexo de Napoleão"
20146N/A"[english]TF_sbox2014_napolean_complex" "The Napolean Complex"
N/A20146"[english]TF_sbox2014_napolean_complex" "The Napoleon Complex"
2014720147"TF_sbox2014_medic_colonel_coat" "Casaco do Coronel"
2014820148"[english]TF_sbox2014_medic_colonel_coat" "The Colonel's Coat"
2014920149"TF_sbox2014_law" "A Lei"
2069820698"[english]Attrib_AxtinguisherProperties" "100% critical hits burning players from behind.\nMini-crits burning players from the front."
2069920699"Attrib_UpgradeRate_Decreased" "Velocidade de melhoramento %s1% mais lenta"
2070020700"[english]Attrib_UpgradeRate_Decreased" "%s1% slower upgrade rate"
N/A20701"Attrib_DeployTime_DecreasedSingle" "Ativa-se %s1% mais rápido"
N/A20702"[english]Attrib_DeployTime_DecreasedSingle" "Deploys %s1% faster"
2070120703"Attrib_ChargeTurnControlFull" "Controlo total durante uma investida"
2070220704"[english]Attrib_ChargeTurnControlFull" "Full turning control while charging"
2070320705"Attrib_EngyBuildingHealthPenalty" "%s1% de pontos de vida máx. de construções"
2093020932"[english]TF_ClassicSniperRifle" "The The Classic"
2093120933"TF_ClassicSniperRifle_Desc" "Nome na versão inglesa: THE CLASSIC"
2093220934"[english]TF_ClassicSniperRifle_Desc" ""
N/A20935"TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season12" "Liga UGC Highlander - Temporada 12"
N/A20936"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGCHL_Season12" "UGC Highlander League Season 12"
N/A20937"TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_Participant" "Participante - UGC 6vs6 Gold"
N/A20938"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Gold_Participant" "UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant"
N/A20939"TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season14" "Liga UGC 6vs6 - Temporada 14"
N/A20940"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC6v6_Season14" "UGC 6vs6 League Season 14"
N/A20941"TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_Participant" "Participante - UGC 4vs4 Silver"
N/A20942"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Silver_Participant" "UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant"
N/A20943"TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_Participant" "Participante - UGC 4vs4 Steel"
N/A20944"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Steel_Participant" "UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant"
N/A20945"TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Season1" "Liga UGC 4vs4 - Temporada 1"
N/A20946"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_UGC4v4_Season1" "UGC 4vs4 League Season 1"
N/A20947"TF_TournamentMedal_TumblrVsReddit_Season2" "Temporada 2"
N/A20948"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_TumblrVsReddit_Season2" "Season 2"
N/A20949"TF_Map_pl_cactuscanyon" "Cactus Canyon - BETA"
N/A20950"[english]TF_Map_pl_cactuscanyon" "Cactus Canyon - BETA"
N/A20951"TF_Map_rd_asteroid" "Asteroid - BETA"
N/A20952"[english]TF_Map_rd_asteroid" "RD Asteroid - BETA"
N/A20953"TF_RD_RobotsUnderAttack" "Os teus ROBOTS estão a ser ATACADOS!"
N/A20954"[english]TF_RD_RobotsUnderAttack" "Your ROBOTS are UNDER ATTACK!"
N/A20955"Gametype_RobotDestruction" "Destruição de Robots"
N/A20956"[english]Gametype_RobotDestruction" "Robot Destruction"
N/A20957"QuickplayBetaExplanation_Title" "Mapas em Fase Beta"
N/A20958"[english]QuickplayBetaExplanation_Title" "Beta Maps"
N/A20959"QuickplayBetaExplanation_Text" "Marca esta caixa para jogares mapas em fase Beta.\nMapas na fase Beta ainda estão em desenvolvimento. A versão destes mapas não é a final e estes mudarão frequentemente durante a fase Beta.\nPoderás deparar-te com bugs ou outros incidentes inesperados ao jogares mapas deste tipo."
N/A20960"[english]QuickplayBetaExplanation_Text" "Check this box to play beta maps.\n\nMaps that are considered 'beta' are still in development. These maps are not final and will change frequently while in beta form.\n\nYou may experience bugs or other unexpected behavior while playing in beta maps."
N/A20961"TF_Quickplay_BetaMaps" "Mapas Beta"
N/A20962"[english]TF_Quickplay_BetaMaps" "Play Beta Maps"
N/A20963"TF_Quickplay_Beta" "Beta"
N/A20964"[english]TF_Quickplay_Beta" "Beta"
N/A20965"TF_GameModeDesc_RobotDestruction" "Destrói robots e rouba pontos mais rápido que a equipa inimiga."
N/A20966"[english]TF_GameModeDesc_RobotDestruction" "Destroy robots and steal points faster than the enemy team."
N/A20967"TF_GameModeDetail_RobotDestruction" "Ganhas pontos ao destruir os robots da equipa inimiga, que devem ser destruídos por ordem, começando pelos robots da entrada.\nTambém roubas pontos ao roubar a mala especial de informações secretas situada na base inimiga e trazendo-a para a tua base."
N/A20968"[english]TF_GameModeDetail_RobotDestruction" "Points are gained by destroying the enemy team's robots. Robots must be destroyed in order, starting with the front-most bots.\n\nPoints can also be stolen by stealing the intelligence briefcase from deep within the enemy base and returning it to your base."
N/A20969"default_rd_description" "Objetivo:
N/A20970Ganha a ronda destruindo robots inimigos e recolhendo núcleos do reator. Recupera núcleos roubados invadindo o cofre inimigo."
N/A20971"[english]default_rd_description" "Objective:
N/A20972To win the round, destroy the enemy robots and collect reactor cores to win. Retrieve stolen reactor cores by invading the enemy vault."
N/A20973"rd_asteroid_description" "Objetivo:
N/A20974Ganha a ronda destruindo robots inimigos e recolhendo núcleos do reator. Recupera núcleos roubados invadindo o cofre inimigo."
N/A20975"[english]rd_asteroid_description" "Objective:
N/A20976To win the round, destroy the enemy robots and collect reactor cores to win. Retrieve stolen reactor cores by invading the enemy vault."