Template:PatchDiff/October 15, 2014 Patch/tf/resource/tf spanish.txt

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Revision as of 01:13, 16 October 2014 by MousseBOT (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "tf/resource/tf_spanish.txt" for patch October 15, 2014 Patch.)
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61366136"[english]Store_Promotion_SpendForGift_Sub" "*In a single purchase"
61376137"Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift" "¡CONSIGUE UN SOMBRERO\nGRATIS CON TU PRIMERA COMPRA!"
61386138"[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift" "GET A FREE HAT\nWITH YOUR FIRST PURCHASE!"
6139N/A"Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift_Sub" "¡Sólo Por Tiempo Limitado!"
N/A6139"Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift_Sub" "¡Sólo por tiempo limitado!"
61406140"[english]Store_Promotion_FirstPurchaseGift_Sub" "Limited Time Only!"
61416141"Store_CEOMannCo" "Presidente, Mann Co."
61426142"[english]Store_CEOMannCo" "CEO, Mann Co."
97469746"[english]TF_TrialNeedSpace_No" "Delete Stuff"
97479747"ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Nivel %s1"
97489748"[english]ItemTypeDescNoLevel" "Level %s1"
9749N/A"ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s2 %s1%s6 %s7 - %s4%s5: %s3"
N/A9749"ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s2 %s1%s6%s7 - %s4%s5: %s3"
97509750"[english]ItemTypeDescKillEater" "%s7%s1%s6 %s2 - %s4%s5: %s3"
97519751"KillEaterRank0" "de Aspecto Raro"
97529752"[english]KillEaterRank0" "Strange"
1835718357"[english]TF_jul13_pyro_towel_Desc" "Today, it's YOU Fortress. You deserve it."
1835818358"TF_jul13_se_headset" "El Visor Virtual"
1835918359"[english]TF_jul13_se_headset" "The Virtual Viewfinder"
18360N/A"TF_jul13_se_headset_Desc" "Consigue una migraña por caridad. (El 99 por ciento de los ingresos de la comunidad se destinan a la fundación SpecialEffect, una obra de caridad que ayuda a los jugadores discapacitados a volver a jugar.)"
N/A18360"TF_jul13_se_headset_Desc" "Consigue una migraña por caridad. (El 99 por ciento de los ingresos de la comunidad se destinan a la fundación SpecialEffect, una obra de caridad que ayuda a los jugadores discapacitados a volver a jugar)."
1836118361"[english]TF_jul13_se_headset_Desc" "Get a migraine for charity. (99 percent of community revenue goes to fund SpecialEffect, a charity working to help disabled players get back into the game.)"
1836218362"TF_jul13_honchos_heavy_reader" "Las Gafas de Gabe"
1836318363"[english]TF_jul13_honchos_heavy_reader" "The Gabe Glasses"
1884318843"[english]TF_SpellbookPage_Desc" "This spellbook page still has some magical energy left.\n\nIf you have any spellbooks lying around you can put this page in from your backpack."
1884418844"TF_ServerEnchantmentType" "Encantamiento de Servidor"
1884518845"[english]TF_ServerEnchantmentType" "Server Enchantment"
18846N/A"TF_Eternaween" "Encantamiento: Eternoween"
18847N/A"[english]TF_Eternaween" "Enchantment: Eternaween"
N/A18846"TF_Eternaween" "Eternoween"
N/A18847"[english]TF_Eternaween" "Eternaween"
1884818848"TF_Eternaween_Desc" "Este encantamiento de servidor puede utilizarse para habilitar los objetos de Halloween o Luna llena en un servidor durante dos horas.\n\nSolicitar este encantamiento abrirá una votación para solicitar el consentimiento del resto de jugadores en el\nservidor. Este objeto se consumirá cuando el encantamiento de servidor finalice."
1884918849"[english]TF_Eternaween_Desc" "This server-wide enchantment can be used to enable Halloween/Full Moon items on a registered server for two hours.\n\nCasting this enchantment will open a vote to gather consent from the other players on the\nserver. This item will be consumed when the server enchantment ends."
1885018850"TF_Eternaween__EventAlreadyActive" "No puedes solicitar una votación para activar el encantamiento Eternoween en este momento. ¡El evento de Halloween o luna llena ya está activo!"
2116121161"[english]TF_SupplyCrate_ShuffleTaunt_Desc" "This crate contains four items randomly selected from a small set. You can adjust which four items are selected from your backpack.\n\nYou need a standard Mann Co. Supply Crate Key to open this. You can pick one up at the Mann Co. Store."
2116221162"TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014" "Caja Posveraniega de Edición Limitada"
2116321163"[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014" "Limited Late Summer Crate"
21164N/A"TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "Esta caja es especial y no puede abrirse aún.\nSu contenido será exclusivo y únicamente se podrá conseguir con esta caja.\nAlgunos pero no todos de los objetos de esta caja son de Aspecto Raro..."
21165N/A"[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "This crate is special and cannot be opened yet.\nIt's contents will be limited and will only come from this crate.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange..."
N/A21164"TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "Esta caja es especial y necesita una Llave Veraniega de Edición Limitada.\nSu contenido será exclusivo y únicamente se podrá conseguir con esta caja.\nAlgunos pero no todos de los objetos de esta caja son de Aspecto Raro...\n\nPasado el 13/10/2014 esta caja ya no podrá abrirse."
N/A21165"[english]TF_LimitedSummerCrate2014_Desc" "This crate is special and requires a Limited Summer Key.\nIts contents will be limited and only come from this crate.\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange...\n\nAfter 10/13/2014 this crate can no longer be opened."
2116621166"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "Aumenta el daño cuerpo a cuerpo contra el set del Mercenario Aislado"
2116721167"[english]Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusPos" "Increased Melee damage against Isolated Merc Set"
2116821168"Attrib_AiXenoSetBonusNeg" "Aumenta el daño recibido del Napalmeador de Nostromo del set del Mercenario Aislado"
2120121201"[english]TF_MK50" "The MK 50"
2120221202"TF_MK50_Desc" ""
2120321203"[english]TF_MK50_Desc" ""
N/A21204"TF_TournamentMedal_2014" "2014"
N/A21205"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_2014" "2014"
N/A21206"TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_1st" "Primer Puesto de la BETA LAN"
N/A21207"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_1st" "BETA LAN 1st Place"
N/A21208"TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_2nd" "Segundo Puesto de la BETA LAN"
N/A21209"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_2nd" "BETA LAN 2nd Place"
N/A21210"TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_3rd" "Tercer Puesto de la BETA LAN"
N/A21211"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_3rd" "BETA LAN 3rd Place"
N/A21212"TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_Participant" "Participante de la BETA LAN"
N/A21213"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_BETA_LAN_Participant" "BETA LAN Participant"
N/A21214"TF_Wearable_Jacket" "Chaqueta"
N/A21215"[english]TF_Wearable_Jacket" "Jacket"
N/A21216"TF_RD_RedFinale" "RED gana en:"
N/A21217"[english]TF_RD_RedFinale" "Red wins in:"
N/A21218"TF_RD_BlueFinale" "BLU gana en:"
N/A21219"[english]TF_RD_BlueFinale" "Blue wins in:"
N/A21220"TF_LimitedSummer_Loot_List_Header" "Esta caja contiene uno de los siguientes objetos limitados:"
N/A21221"[english]TF_LimitedSummer_Loot_List_Header" "This crate contains one of the following limited items:"
N/A21222"TF_LimitedSummer_Loot_List_Footer" "¡o un objeto especial extraordinariamente raro o el Acorralado de Aspecto Inusual!\n"
N/A21223"[english]TF_LimitedSummer_Loot_List_Footer" "or an Exceedingly Rare Special item or Unusual Thirst Blood!\n"
N/A21224"TF_LimitedSummerKey2014" "Llave de Caja Posveraniega de Edición Limitada"
N/A21225"[english]TF_LimitedSummerKey2014" "Limited Late Summer Crate Key"
N/A21226"TF_LimitedSummerKey2014_Desc" "Se usa para abrir Cajas Posveraniegas de Edición Limitada.\nLas Cajas Posveraniegas de Edición Limitada contienen objetos limitados que tan sólo se obtienen abriéndolas.\n\nPasado el 13/10/2014 se transformará en una llave normal."
N/A21227"[english]TF_LimitedSummerKey2014_Desc" "Used to open Limited Late Summer Crates.\nLate Summer Crates contain limited items that only come from it.\n\nAfter 10/13/2014 this will turn into a normal key."
N/A21228"TF_sept2014_pyro_radioactive_mask" "El Mercenario Desafortunado"
N/A21229"[english]TF_sept2014_pyro_radioactive_mask" "The Mishap Mercenary"
N/A21230"TF_sept2014_lady_killer" "El Donjuán"
N/A21231"[english]TF_sept2014_lady_killer" "The Lady Killer"
N/A21232"TF_sept2014_lone_survivor" "El Último Superviviente"
N/A21233"[english]TF_sept2014_lone_survivor" "The Lone Survivor"
N/A21234"TF_sept2014_thirst_blood" "El Acorralado"
N/A21235"[english]TF_sept2014_thirst_blood" "Thirst Blood"
N/A21236"TF_sept2014_mann_of_the_seven_sees" "La Mannufactura de los Siete Bares"
N/A21237"[english]TF_sept2014_mann_of_the_seven_sees" "Mann of the Seven Sees"
N/A21238"TF_sept2014_hillbilly_speedbump" "Badén Rústico"
N/A21239"[english]TF_sept2014_hillbilly_speedbump" "Hillbilly Speed-Bump"
N/A21240"TF_sept2014_unshaved_bear" "El Oso sin Afeitar"
N/A21241"[english]TF_sept2014_unshaved_bear" "The Unshaved Bear"
N/A21242"TF_sept2014_poachers_safari_jacket" "Chaqueta de Safari del Furtivo"
N/A21243"[english]TF_sept2014_poachers_safari_jacket" "Poacher's Safari Jacket"
N/A21244"TF_sept2014_pocket_heavy" "Heavy de Bolsillo"
N/A21245"[english]TF_sept2014_pocket_heavy" "Pocket Heavy"
N/A21246"TF_vote_autobalance_enable" "¿Activar autoequilibrado de equipos?"
N/A21247"[english]TF_vote_autobalance_enable" "Enable team auto-balancing?"
N/A21248"TF_vote_passed_autobalance_enable" "Autoequilibrado activado..."
N/A21249"[english]TF_vote_passed_autobalance_enable" "Auto-balance enabled..."
N/A21250"TF_vote_autobalance_disable" "¿Desactivar autoequilibrado de equipos?"
N/A21251"[english]TF_vote_autobalance_disable" "Disable team auto-balancing?"
N/A21252"TF_vote_passed_autobalance_disable" "Autoequilibrado desactivado..."
N/A21253"[english]TF_vote_passed_autobalance_disable" "Auto-balance disabled..."
N/A21254"TF_RestartGame" "Reiniciar partida"
N/A21255"[english]TF_RestartGame" "Restart Game"
N/A21256"TF_Kick" "Expulsar"
N/A21257"[english]TF_Kick" "Kick"
N/A21258"TF_ChangeLevel" "Cambiar nivel"
N/A21259"[english]TF_ChangeLevel" "Change Level"
N/A21260"TF_NextLevel" "Siguiente nivel"
N/A21261"[english]TF_NextLevel" "Next Level"
N/A21262"TF_ScrambleTeams" "Mezclar equipos"
N/A21263"[english]TF_ScrambleTeams" "Scramble Teams"
N/A21264"TF_ChangeMission" "Cambiar misión"
N/A21265"[english]TF_ChangeMission" "Change Mission"
N/A21266"TF_TeamAutoBalance_Enable" "Activar autoequilibrado de equipos"
N/A21267"[english]TF_TeamAutoBalance_Enable" "Enable Team AutoBalance"
N/A21268"TF_TeamAutoBalance_Disable" "Desactivar autoequilibrado de equipos"
N/A21269"[english]TF_TeamAutoBalance_Disable" "Disable Team AutoBalance"
N/A21270"TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats_Desc" "Inclinado al más desenfadado de los ángulos, ayuda a la más noble de las causas. (El 99 por ciento de los ingresos de la comunidad se destinan a One Step Camp, un programa de campamento para niños con cáncer)."
N/A21271"[english]TF_short2014_tip_of_the_hats_Desc" "Tipped to the jauntiest of angles. Helps the noblest of causes. (99 percent of community revenue goes to One Step Camp, a camp program for kids with cancer.)"