Module:3D viewer advanced/Sandbox

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< Module:3D viewer advanced
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:3D viewer advanced/Sandbox/doc

local p = {}

local utils = require('Module:Utils')
local HtmlBuilder = require('Module:HtmlBuilder')
local f = nil

-- Expands the template Common string for a given value. Note that some common string values include an additional parameter, here called opt_arg.
function common_string(arg, opt_arg)
    return f:expandTemplate{title='Common string', args={arg, opt_arg}}

-- Returns ' (text)', with correct parenthesis characters in Chinese.
function paren(text)
    if if_lang == '/zh_hans' or if_lang == '/zh-hant' then
        return ' (' .. text .. ')'
        return ' (' .. text .. ')'

function p.viewer(frame)
    local args = utils.get_args(frame)
    local startframe = utils.processArg(args['startframe'])
    local image = utils.processArg(args['image'])
    local image_0 = utils.processArg(args['image-0'])
    local fallback = utils.processArg(args['fallback'])
    local startframe_class
    if startframe ~= '' then
        startframe_class = mw.text.trim(startframe)
        startframe_class = utils.expandWikitext('{{File:' .. (image_0 or image) .. '|startframe}}')
    local output_view = HtmlBuilder.create('div')
        .addClass('startframe-' .. startframe_class)

    for i = 0,10 do
        local image_n = utils.processArg(args['image-' .. i], '')
        if image_n ~= '' then
            span_image_url_n = output_view
                .addClass('viewer-3d-url-' .. i)
                .wikitext(utils.expandWikitext('{{File:' .. image_n .. '|url}}'))

            span_image_map_n = output_view
                .addClass('viewer-3d-map-' .. i)
                .wikitext(utils.expandWikitext('{{File:' .. image_n .. '|map}}'))

    local viewer_3d_frame = output_view

    local switch_to_2d = output_view
        .attr('id', 'switch-to-2d')

    return tostring(output_view)

function p.viewer_new(frame)
    f = frame
    local args = utils.get_args(frame)
    -- button classes mapping
    local button_classes = {
        red = 'view-selector-red',
        blu = 'view-selector-blu',
        australium_half = 'view-selector-australium-',
        australium_full = 'view-selector-australium-full',
        australium = 'view-selector-australium-full',
        default_half = 'view-selector-default-',
        default_full = 'view-selector-default-full',
        default = 'view-selector-default-full'

    -- create output container
    local output_view = HtmlBuilder.create('div')
    -- create container for viewer
    local startimage = utils.processArg(args['3d-image-1'])
    -- if first button is colored then add RED to filename
    if utils.processArg(args['3d-button-1']) == 'colored_pair' then
    	startimage = startimage .. ' RED'
    local startframe = args['3d-startframe'] or utils.expandWikitext('{{File:' .. startimage .. ' 3D.jpg|startframe}}')
    local viewer_container = output_view
        .addClass('startframe-' .. startframe)

    -- add 3D and 2D selectors
    local viewer_3d_frame = viewer_container

    local switch_to_2d = viewer_container
        .attr('id', 'switch-to-2d')

    -- create container for model selector buttons
    local buttons_container = output_view

    -- create container for 2D image
    local image_2d
    if args['image'] then
        image_2d = args['image']
    elseif args['team-colors'] == 'yes' then
        image_2d = args['skin-image-red'] or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().baseText .. ' RED.png'
        image_2d = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().baseText .. '.png'
    local viewer_2d_frame = output_view
        .wikitext(utils.expandWikitext('{{2D viewer|' .. image_2d .. '|' .. (args['imagewidth'] or '250px') .. '}}'))

    -- row button counter for half width buttons
    local current_row_count = 0
    local colored = false
    local i = 1
    while utils.processArg(args['3d-image-' .. i]) ~= '' or colored do
    -- the "or colored" ensures that if the last image pair is team-colored, it will still be processed.
        local image_postfix = ' 3D.jpg'
        local viewname_postfix = ''
        if colored then
            -- if we are the second half of a team-colored image, use the details from the first half.
            i = i - 1
        local image_n = utils.processArg(args['3d-image-' .. i])
        local button_n = utils.processArg(args['3d-button-' .. i])
        local button_class = button_classes[button_n]
        local viewname_n = utils.processArg(args['3d-viewname-' .. i])
        if colored then
            i = i + 1
            image_postfix = ' BLU 3D.jpg'
            viewname_postfix = paren(common_string('BLU'))
            button_class = 'view-selector-blu'
            colored = false
        elseif not colored and button_n == 'colored_pair' then
            image_postfix = ' RED 3D.jpg'
            viewname_postfix = paren(common_string('RED'))
            button_class = 'view-selector-red'
            colored = true
        if image_n ~= '' then
            span_image_url_n = viewer_container
                .addClass('viewer-3d-url-' .. (i-1))
                .wikitext(utils.expandWikitext('{{File:' .. image_n .. image_postfix .. '|url}}'))

            span_image_map_n = viewer_container
                .addClass('viewer-3d-map-' .. (i-1))
                .wikitext(utils.expandWikitext('{{File:' .. image_n .. image_postfix .. '|map}}'))

            -- if there is only one 3d image then don't attach selector
            if i == 1 and args['3d-image-2'] == nil and args['3d-image-3'] == nil then
            -- add selector button for this model
            if button_n == 'default_half' or button_n == 'australium_half' then
                if current_row_count == 0 then
                    button_class = button_class .. 'left'
                    current_row_count = 1
                    button_class = button_class .. 'right'
                    current_row_count = 0
            -- selector is 0-indexed
            button_class = button_class .. ' selector-' .. (i-1)
            li_button_n = buttons_container
                .wikitext(utils.expandWikitext('[[:File:' .. image_n .. image_postfix .. '|' .. viewname_n .. viewname_postfix .. ']]'))

        i = i + 1

    return tostring(output_view)

return p