Roddy's Profile

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 01:42, 9 December 2018 by RoddyDaMoody (talk | contribs) (Added pictures and removed links.)
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Basic information
Gender: Male "Guy" McMan
Birth place: Brazilian Portuguese
Native language: Brazilian Portuguese
Contact information
Steam page: [Roddy]

General Info

Hello. I am Rod. I was born in Brazil and spent my childhood there. I moved to the USA ~3 years ago. I am fluent in both English and Portuguese. I like to draw, play guitar, and play Team Fortress 2.

I translate articles on the TF Wiki mainly because I hold Team Fortress 2 awfully close to my heart. I started playing TF2 in 2011, and I've only had eyes for it ever since. Recently I felt like contributing to the community, something I hadn't really done a lot before, and the TF Wiki seemed like an exceptional place to do start doing just that. It's also worth mentioning that I translate the Wiki to keep my grip on my native language firm. Being away from my home country for extended periods of time and all, it's obvious that my Portuguese will start to decay, and translator work is a great way to combat that. I'm still learning how to do all this fancy schmancy Wiki formatting stuff, so bear with me.


Translation Goals
1 Translation Pictogram tick.png Done
5 Translations Pictogram tick.png Done
10 Translations Pictogram tick.png Done
20 Translations Pictogram wait.png In Progress
50 Translations Pictogram cross.png Not Quite There Yet
100 Translations! Pictogram cross.png Not Quite There Yet
200 Translations! Pictogram cross.png Not Quite There Yet
500 Translations! Pictogram cross.png Not Quite There Yet
1000 Translations! Pictogram cross.png Not Quite There Yet
2000 Translations! Pictogram cross.png Not Quite There Yet