Linux dedicated server

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Revision as of 22:16, 27 June 2010 by PilkBOT (talk | contribs) (See also)
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sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 (for 64-bit platform)
chmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin
type yes
./steam -command update -game tf -dir .


cd orangebox
./srcds_run -game tf +map cp_badlands


  1. The Dedicated Server does not need superuser (root) privileges to install or run. Consider setting up a separate user account for the Dedicated Server (eg. hlds).
  2. If your server is running a 64-bit (AMD64) Linux OS, you might need to install some packages for 32-bit binary compatibility. Under Debian, a simple sudo aptitude install ia32-libs should do the trick.
  3. server.cfg goes in orangebox/tf/cfg. For more information on configuring your dedicated server, see Dedicated server configuration.
  4. Remember to open ports 27000-27015 from your firewall, if you have one.

See also