
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 00:29, 15 February 2011 by Oboewan42 (talk | contribs)
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Hi. This is my user page. There's not much on here.

I'm pretty new at this whole wiki thing.

As with most of the people on here, I play TF2. I main Pyro and Medic, and play neither of them very well. My steam ID is oboewan42, and you can usually find me around the Halolz servers, the 4L servers or Team Funcom.

I am also ON TWITTER! If you want to hear the incoherent ramblings of a computer science major.

Trading and Items (Help Me Get Weapons!)

Since I'm new at the game, I'm too poor and Irish for hat trading. Instead, my goal is to get one of every single weapon in the game, followed by all five Polycount hats (yeah right). Please help me out with that by trading weapons!

I'm always willing to trade away any crates or spare weapons I find. My backpack is here, and everything on the bottom of the first page (crates and anything after the crates) is up for trade! Message me if you're interested!

I'm most interested in 1:1 weapon trades, especially for weapons I don't have (but if you don't have a weapon I need, but need a weapon I have, that's fine too). I'm starting to get desperate for offers on the crates; again, I'm most interested in weapons I don't have. Raw, uncombined weapons are preferred over metal.

My backpack is organized as follows:

  • Anything I haven't yet put in its proper place goes at the top of page 1.
  • The bottom of page 1 (starting with the crates) is up for trade.
  • Multiclass hats, multiclass weapons (such as the Equalizer), misc items and tools go on the left side of page 2, with each category getting its own column.
  • Starting with the Scout on the right half of page 2 and continuing through the rest of the backpack, each class gets half a page for its weapons, and each weapon slot gets its own column.

Right now this system works since I have a lot of backpack space and very few items.