Template:List of item attributes

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<a href="http://agg.optf2.com/log/?p=126" rel="bookmark" title="Bad Profile Name Errors 2: The Dominatening">Bad Profile Name Errors 2: The Dominatening</a>

The <a title="Bad Profile Name Errors" href="http://agg.optf2.com/log/?p=115">last post</a> was getting too messy so I’ll start a fresh one here. I’ve finally tracked down the causes of those occasional bad profile name errors. OPTF2 is just too much for my host’s servers. Or at least that is what I choose to think since it appears that they are forcing OPTF2 to shut down during higher traffic periods.

What is really happening (and I do not know why I didn’t realize this before) is the host kills OPTF2′s process, a 500 (internal error) occurs, and the user gets redirected to a page called internal_error.html which is intended for use by website admins to show a custom error page, since OPTF2 by default assumes that any unrecognized path is a Steam ID it will try to search for a backpack named internal_error.html, and since this doesn’t exist it shows the “Profile not found” page.

Since this puts a bit of a dent in my plans for future updates and I am no longer confident that anything I can do will keep it running I have three choices:

  1. Pay an extra $100 or so for a VPS, where uptime is guaranteed
  2. Shutdown ALL extra features I’m running, including git tree hosting, this blog, the tracker, and so on. Which even then might not work.
  3. Shutdown OPTF2 entirely and call it a good run

Obviously 3 is out of the question. I’m not about to let down anyone. 2 may delay the problem for a while, until I push the planned features that will put even more of a strain on the server. 1 is the only realistic solution I see to this.

If you got here by attempting to view a backpack in OPTF2 you likely tried during a high traffic hour and ran into the problem above. I apologize for this and am working on a fix. For now try <a href="javascript:history.back()">going back</a> and refreshing a few times.

Saturday, March 5th, 2011 <a href="http://agg.optf2.com/log/?category_name=optf2" title="View all posts in optf2" rel="category">optf2</a>, <a href="http://agg.optf2.com/log/?category_name=projects" title="View all posts in Projects" rel="category">Projects</a>

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</body> </html> The following table describes the possible attributes of weapons and items as contained in the items_game.txt file. This is the list of item attributes as described to the user, so some attributes will be duplicated if they can both appear as positive or negative (such as a damage bonus/penalty) or if they have several different descriptions ("set_weapon_mode" is used to represent alternate versions of half a dozen different weapons).

This table lists:

  • ID: Internal ID reference of that attribute. Not used directly in this file, but mods may refer to this value.
  • Name: Internal name of this attribute.
  • Description: The text that appears for the user in the weapon's description. "%s1" is replaced with the value of the attribute.
  • Value Type: How the value of this attribute is formatted for display. Possible types are additive (flat value), percentage, additive percentage (for percentages that start from 0% instead of 100%, like chance to slow target) and inverted percentage (a positive "mult_postfiredelay" will be translated to a negative fire rate percentage)
  • Class: This is the attribute's name used by the rest of the items_game.txt document, as in when it defines each weapon's attributes.


See also