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Revision as of 21:22, 5 April 2011 by Godlike11219 (talk | contribs)
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My Name is NoWhereMan1945 / godlike11219 / DSvY . All names only exist to confuse people, so i use many.

Good Commands

{{Class link|Class}} Thx Windpower, this will show the Class name with a picture before the class and directly linked to the wikipages language so no need to edit the correct link in.

#redirect [[X]] {{R lang|de}} X = Englishname/de = german article name ; You will need it surprisingly often >_<

{{retranslate}} = speaks for itself, make the article new and shiny.

{{translate}} will be translated

{{delete|Reason}} Let it be deleted because of "Reason".

That's all i needed for ~1k edits, a little bit magic and work of the Moderators was also needed.

What can you Edit?

Missing Articles in German <- look at this and HF ^__^ .


Thinking about wiki stuff > .oO(something is missing to make it more perfect)