Talk:List of maps

From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 11:16, 18 July 2010 by MOOSHiE (talk | contribs) (Official maps only)
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Official maps only

I just feel a page showing only official maps and leaving custom made maps to its own page is a better idea. Please verify why my changes were not deemed valid -- MOOSHiE 10:16, 18 July 2010 (UTC)

Please read over your talk page. Firstly this is something which needs to be discussed before the changes are made. Secondly before this wiki was moved to the official host, the maps page was plagued by many unfinished and poor quality maps. I think it's generally viewed as a better idea to have a category for custom maps instead of a page. Said category will then give the user links to each map's own respective article. A good general rule of thumb is that if the map in question lacks any real content behind it, I.E the general information that is commonly added to the normal map articles. For instance the lack of strategies and locations to name a few, then realistically it's fairly safe to say that the map in question should not be displayed. The current method acts as a sort of filter to prevent anyone from simply uploading any map they feel like, without providing the information in which Wikis are designed for. The use you're currently trying to change the pages to, as I've already said, is matched by websites such as TF2Maps and FPSBanana (Careful though, FPSBanana is currently facing Virus problems.) Please don't forget how many custom maps for Team Fortress 2 exist. We really do not want a long seemingly endless list of poor, orphaned maps that no-one has ever heard of or played. Infi^ 11:11, 18 July 2010 (UTC)
Referring to the comment I made on my talk page, I just thought as the custom maps table becomes longer over future time a dedicated page should be made rather than fitting it in with the list of official maps. -- MOOSHiE 11:16, 18 July 2010 (UTC)