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Maximum graphics config

echo ______________________________________________________________________; echo
echo Maximum graphics config
sv_cheats 1
alias graphicssettings1 "r_lod -5 ;mat_antialias 8 ;mat_picmip -10 ;mat_aaquality 2 ;mat_trilinear 1 ;mat_forceaniso 16 ;r_shadows 1 ;r_shadowrendertotexture 1 ;r_waterforcereflectentities 1 ;r_waterforceexpensive 1 ;mat_drawwater 1 ;mat_reducefillrate 0 ;mat_hdr_enabled 1 ;mat_hdr_level 2 ;mat_vsync 0 ;mat_motion_blur_enabled 0"
alias graphicssettings2 "mat_colorcorrection 0 ;mp_decals 4098 ;cl_ragdoll_fade_time 600 ;cl_ragdoll_collide 1 ;mp_usehwmmodels 1 ;mp_usehwmvcds 1 ;cl_new_impact_effects 1 ;r_radiosity 3 ;cl_shadowtextureoverlaysize 512 ;mat_envmapsize 512 ;mat_envmaptgasize 128 ;mat_shadowstate 2 ;r_waterforceexpensive 1 ;r_waterforcereflectentities 1 ;r_worldlights 16 ;"
sv_allow_wait_command 1 ;
sv_cheats 1 ;
hud_saytext_time 0 ;
cl_spec_carrieditems 0 ;
hidepanel all ;
net_graph 0 ;
cl_showfps 0 ;
fov_desired 90 ;
hud_medicautocallers 0 ;
hud_medicautocallersthreshold 0 ;
hud_medichealtargetmarker 0 ;
hud_combattext 1 ;
hud_combattext_healing 1 ;
hud_fastswitch 1 ;
tf_dingalingaling 0 ;
tf_dingaling_volume 0 ;
tf_birthday 0
echo Don't forget to turn up the model and shadow settings in the options menu!
echo ______________________________________________________________________


A Medic autoheal script I cooked up some time ago.

// Alternative Medicine script by i-ghost
// /* ----------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration:
// * Options
enableautoheal // Options: enableautoheal/disableautoheal - Enable or disable autoheal by default.
switch_heal // Options: switch_heal - switch to Medi Gun and heal as soon as you switch to Medic; switch_noheal - Ditto but without healing.
alias medigun_sheal "yes" // Options: yes - Heal as soon as you switch to Medi Gun. no - Opposite, also turns autoheal off when you switch to Medi Gun.
alias sound "enable" // Options: enable - Play a sound when enabling autoheal. no - Opposite.
// * Binds
bind mouse1 +heal // Change 'mouse1' to whichever key you like to heal with.
bind mouse2 "+attack2; dropitem; -attack2" // Change 'mouse2' to whichever key you uber with.
bind 1 1_ // Change '1' to whichever key you want to pull out your Syringe Gun with.
bind 2 2_ // Change '2' to whichever key you want to pull out your Medi Gun with.
bind 3 3_ // Change '3' to whichever key you want to pull out you Melee with.
bind shift "switcher;" // Change 'shift' to whichever key you want to toggle autoheal with.
bind mouse4 "+reveal" // Change 'mouse4' to whichever key you want to use Medi-radar with.
// ---------------------------------------------------------- */

// Auto heal
alias enableautoheal "alias +heal -attack; alias -heal +attack; sound;"
alias disableautoheal "alias +heal +attack; alias -heal -attack;"

// Misc
alias switch_heal "use tf_weapon_medigun; +attack;"
alias switch_noheal "use tf_weapon_medigun;"

alias enable "play HL1/fvox/boop.wav"

// Medi Gun auto switch heal
alias yes "s2; +attack;"
alias no "echo "

alias 1_ "use tf_weapon_syringegun_medic; s1"
alias 2_ "use tf_weapon_medigun; s1; medigun_sheal"
alias 3_ "use tf_weapon_bonesaw; s1;"

// Toggle between autoheal and no autoheal
alias switcher s1
alias s1 "alias switcher s2; -attack; disableautoheal"
alias s2 "alias switcher s1; +attack; enableautoheal;"

// Additional Medical tools
hud_medicautocallers 1 // Teammates auto-call when on low health
hud_medichealtargetmarker 1 // Little delta above current patient to indicate healing

alias +reveal "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 150;"
alias -reveal "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 50.9;" //Change this value if you want.

echo ===== Alternative Medicine by i-ghost loaded.
echo ===== Please read the script file for config options.
echo ===== Latest version always at wiki.tf2.com/User:I-ghost/bin
echo ===== Version 0.2



Some script I wrote for practicing airshots on endif on mge_training_v4_fixed. You need to be on RED team.

//endif spawner script by i-ghost
//sv stuff
mp_timelimit 0
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1
mp_disable_respawn_times 1
mp_teams_unbalance_limit 0
mp_autoteambalance 0
sv_password nope
sv_cheats 1
sv_allow_wait_command 1
tf_damage_disablespread 1
tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads 1
tf_weapon_criticals 0
tf_damage_multiplier_blue 100000
setpos -1157.353760 -6398.587891 -2088.207275;setang -2.115082 90.938148 0.000000
bot_kick all; wait 50
bot -class soldier -team blue -name Soldier1
bot -class soldier -team blue -name Soldier2
bot -class soldier -team blue -name Soldier3
bot -class soldier -team blue -name Soldier4
bot -class demoman -team blue -name Demo1
bot -class demoman -team blue -name Demo2

alias cycler_a ca_1
alias ca_1 "bot_teleport Soldier1 -1444.961182 -6076.198730 -649.313354 7.160005 -92.423828 0.000000; wait 50; alias cycler_a ca_2"
alias ca_2 "bot_teleport Soldier2 -880.988586 -6265.024902 -265.276154 46.990776 178.775574 0.000000; wait 50; alias cycler_a ca_3"
alias ca_3 "bot_teleport Soldier3 -1183.237061 -6389.466797 -727.254761 -1.978808 -92.014854 0.000000; wait 50; alias cycler_a ca_1"

alias cycler_b cb_1
alias cb_1 "bot_teleport Demo1 -1184.971313 -6342.032227 218.140366 -0.069186 178.915939 0.000000; wait 50; alias cycler_b cb_2"
alias cb_2 "bot_teleport Soldier4 -1437.915283 -6619.015625 -695.402405 10.843187 84.386520 0.000000; wait 50; alias cycler_b cb_3"
alias cb_3 "bot_teleport Demo2 -916.175049 -6621.974609 -978.555725 14.252748 131.271576 0.000000; wait 50; alias cycler_b cb_1"

alias loop loop1
alias loop1 "impulse 101; bot_refill; wait 1000; cycler_a; wait 1000; cycler_b; loop2;"
alias loop2 "wait 1000; loop1;"




A small gcf/vpk defrag script. Contains unicode characters which won't paste here, so take this pastebin link instead.


A small batch file which will get your public IP via a JS object. Used to be part of a larger script with error and response checking and waiting etc, but this is all that's needed to get the job done.

@echo off
>>%TEMP%\getip.js echo var gottam = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); 
>>%TEMP%\getip.js echo gottam.open( "GET", "http://automation.whatismyip.com/n09230945.asp", true ); 
for /F %%A in ('cscript //nologo %TEMP%\getip.js') do set ip=%%A
del %TEMP%\getip.js
echo %ip% | clip
exit /b 0


A small tool for returning various Steam-related things. Used as part of the script I wrote on Template:Painted variants/Tutorial.

@echo off
:: Variables:
:: %_steamdir% = Steam path
:: %_steamuser% = Steam username
:: %_steamvanity% = Steam community name
:: %_steampid% = Steam process ID
:: %_steambin% = Steam binary path
for /F "tokens=2* delims=	 " %%A in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam" /v SteamPath 2^>nul') do set _steamdir=%%B
:: substitute forward slashes for back slashes
set _steamdir=%_steamdir:/=\%
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=	 " %%a in ('findstr /C:AutoLoginUser "%_steamdir%\config\SteamAppData.vdf"') do set _steamuser=%%~a
for /F "tokens=2* delims=	 " %%A in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam" /v LastGameNameUsed 2^>nul') do set _steamvanity=%%B
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=	 " %%A in ('tasklist /FI "imagename eq Steam.exe" /FI "Status eq running" /NH 2^>nul') do set _steampid=%%B
for /F "tokens=2* delims=	 " %%A in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam" /v SteamExe 2^>nul') do set _steambin=%%B
exit /b 0

sdkfix / hlmv-tf2

Portable tool to copy the correct shaders from TF2 into the sdk. No longer required as of Manniversary; preserved for historical purposes (or in case Valve regresses the sdk).

@echo off
for /F "tokens=2* delims=	 " %%A in ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam" /v SteamPath 2^>nul') do set _steamdir=%%B
set _steamdir=%_steamdir:/=\%
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=	 " %%a in ('findstr /C:AutoLoginUser "%_steamdir%\config\SteamAppData.vdf"') do set _steamuser=%%~a
copy "%_steamdir%\steamapps\%_steamuser%\team fortress 2\bin\stdshader_dx9.dll" "%_steamdir%\steamapps\%_steamuser%\sourcesdk\bin\orangebox\bin\stdshader_dx9.dll" >nul
echo Done.
exit /b 0