Topic on Talk:Badlands (Capture the Flag)

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A TF2 Community map is the mapper's work, but it is still Valve IP and images must be licensed on this wiki as such.

The Youtube video comprises mostly captures of Valve games and other Valve IP content. Under Wikipedia Policy, captures of copyrighted games are non-free with respect to Wikipedia and may be used on Wikipedia only under the restrictions of fair use. The matter is different in the context of this wiki in that Valve content is free within this wiki with correct license labeling.

The image in question appears to be a screen shot of content comprised of Valve IP (whether the screen image was rendered with Valve tools or some third party application).

It is this wiki's policy that all TF2 screenshots be licensed as such "regardless of who took them." This applies equally to renderings of Valve IP that was developed by Valve but not released into the game (R&D IP is still IP). Even if it is argued that the image is not a screen shot of a game per se, it is non-the-less a rendering of Valve content extracted "from the game content files" and should be licensed per {{ExtractTF2}}

One could argue that the image in question it a screen shot of a video, even though the video is a screen shot of Valve IP. But I don't see layering of screenshots as releasing Valve's rights to their content in this case.

If it is correctly licensed per {{ExtractTF2}}, then is is free to use in this wiki. If not, is correctly licensed per {{ExtractTF2}}, provide your argument for changing the license per the wiki policies.