Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/scout/set the table-desc"
< Template:Dictionary | achievements | scout
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/scout for string "set the table-desc".) |
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/scout for string "set the table-desc".) |
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− | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Initiate 10 [[Control point (objective)|point]] captures that ultimately succeed.|en=Initiate 10 [[Control point (objective)|point]] captures that ultimately succeed.|ar=بدء ١٠ [[بوينت كابتشوريس]] التي تنجح في نهاية المطاف.|cs=Započni 10 úspěšných zabrání [[Control point (objective)/cs|kontrolních]] bodů.|da=Indled 10 succesrige forsøg på at indtage et [[Control Point (objective)/da|punkt]].|de=Leiten Sie 10 [[Control Point (objective)/de|Punkteroberungen]] ein, die letztendlich erfolgreich sind.|es=Inicia 10 capturas de [[Control point (objective)/es|puntos]] que finalmente tengan éxito.|fi=Laita alulle 10 onnistunutta [[control point (objective)/fi|pisteen]] valtausta.|fr=Lancez 10 prises de [[Control point (objective)/fr|point]] se concluant par des captures. |hu=Kezdj meg te 10 olyan [[Control Point (objective)/hu|pont]]-foglalást, ami végül sikeresen befejeződik.|it=Dai il via a 10 conquiste dei [[Control point (objective)/it|punti di controllo]] andate a buon fine.|ja=累計で 10 回、奪取[[Control point (objective)/ja|ポイント]]の奪取を開始して成功させる。|ko= | + | {{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Initiate 10 [[Control point (objective)|point]] captures that ultimately succeed.|en=Initiate 10 [[Control point (objective)|point]] captures that ultimately succeed.|ar=بدء ١٠ [[بوينت كابتشوريس]] التي تنجح في نهاية المطاف.|cs=Započni 10 úspěšných zabrání [[Control point (objective)/cs|kontrolních]] bodů.|da=Indled 10 succesrige forsøg på at indtage et [[Control Point (objective)/da|punkt]].|de=Leiten Sie 10 [[Control Point (objective)/de|Punkteroberungen]] ein, die letztendlich erfolgreich sind.|es=Inicia 10 capturas de [[Control point (objective)/es|puntos]] que finalmente tengan éxito.|fi=Laita alulle 10 onnistunutta [[control point (objective)/fi|pisteen]] valtausta.|fr=Lancez 10 prises de [[Control point (objective)/fr|point]] se concluant par des captures. |hu=Kezdj meg te 10 olyan [[Control Point (objective)/hu|pont]]-foglalást, ami végül sikeresen befejeződik.|it=Dai il via a 10 conquiste dei [[Control point (objective)/it|punti di controllo]] andate a buon fine.|ja=累計で 10 回、奪取[[Control point (objective)/ja|ポイント]]の奪取を開始して成功させる。|ko=[[Control point (objective)/ko|점령 지점]] 10개를 처음부터 끝까지 장악하십시오.|nl=Start 10 veroveringen van [[Control point (objective)/nl|controleposten]] en voltooi ze allemaal.|pl=Zapoczątkuj 10 pomyślnych przejęć [[Control point (objective)/pl|punktów]].|pt=Inicie 10 [[Control point (objective)/pt|pontos de captura]] que culminarão em sucesso.|pt-br=Inicie 10 capturas de [[Control Point (objective)/pt-br|pontos]] que no final sucedam.|ro=Inițializează 10 [[Control point (objective)/ro|capturi]] care, ulterior, reușesc.|ru=Начните 10 захватов [[Control Point (objective)/ru|точек]], которые успешно завершатся.|sv=Inled 10 [[Control point (objective)/sv|punkterövringar]] som tillslut lyckas.|zh-hant=10 次開始嘗試佔領[[Control point (objective)/zh-hant|據點]],最後都成功。}} |
Revision as of 08:01, 30 January 2013
Initiate 10 point captures that ultimately succeed.