Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/achievements/pyro/hot on your heels-title"

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m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/pyro for string "hot on your heels-title".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/achievements/pyro for string "hot on your heels-title".)
Line 1: Line 1:
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Hot on Your Heels|en=Hot on Your Heels|ar=هوت أن يور هيلث|cs=Hot on Your Heels|de=Feuer unterm Hintern|es=Espaldas tostadas|fi=Tuli hännän alla|fr=Sur vos talons|hu=Utógyújtás|it=Sconfitta Bruciante|ja=背中にご用心|ko=등짝, 등짝을 굽자!|nl=Vuur aan de schenen|pl=Żar depcze po piętach|pt=Seguido de Perto|pt-br=Rastro Quente|ro=Fierbinte pe Tocurile Tale|ru=Наступая на пятки|sv=Hett Om Öronen|zh-hans=背后着火|zh-hant=緊迫盯人}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=Hot on Your Heels|en=Hot on Your Heels|ar=هوت أن يور هيلث|cs=Hot on Your Heels|da=Ild I Røven|de=Feuer unterm Hintern|es=Espaldas tostadas|fi=Tuli hännän alla|fr=Sur vos talons|hu=Utógyújtás|it=Sconfitta Bruciante|ja=背中にご用心|ko=등짝, 등짝을 굽자!|nl=Vuur aan de schenen|pl=Żar depcze po piętach|pt=Seguido de Perto|pt-br=Rastro Quente|ro=Fierbinte pe Tocurile Tale|ru=Наступая на пятки|sv=Hett Om Öronen|zh-hans=背后着火|zh-hant=緊迫盯人}}

Revision as of 21:00, 28 December 2015

Hot on Your Heels