Difference between revisions of "Template:Dictionary/descriptions/blapbash backer 2022"

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(Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/descriptions for string "blapbash backer 2022".)
m (Pushed changes from Template:Dictionary/descriptions for string "blapbash backer 2022".)
(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=The most important thing when making jam is ignoring the defeated stares from your loves ones as you serve it for the seventh week in a row. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2022!|en=The most important thing when making jam is ignoring the defeated stares from your loves ones as you serve it for the seventh week in a row. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2022!}}
{{#switch:{{{lang|{{SUBPAGENAME}}}}}|#default=The most important thing when making jam is ignoring the defeated stares from your loved ones as you serve it for the seventh week in a row. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2022!|en=The most important thing when making jam is ignoring the defeated stares from your loved ones as you serve it for the seventh week in a row. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2022!|cs=Když chceš udělat dobrou marmeládu, musíš ignorovat pokořené výrazy svých milovaných, když jim sedmý týden v řadě servíruješ jenom toast s marmeládou. Poděkování za podporu akce BlapBash 2022!|da=Det vigtigste, når du laver syltetøj, er at ignorere de opgivende blikke, du får fra din familie, når du serverer det for syvende uge i træk. Tak, fordi du støttede BlapBash 2022!|de=Das Wichtigste bei der Herstellung von Marmelade ist es, die niedergeschlagenen Blicke Ihrer Liebsten zu ignorieren, wenn Sie sie zum siebten Mal in Folge servieren. Vielen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung von BlapBash 2022!|es=Lo más importante al hacer mermelada es ignorar las miradas de desaprobación de tus seres queridos cuando la sirves durante siete semanas seguidas. ¡Gracias por apoyar el BlapBash 2022!|fr=Le mieux quand vous faites de la confiture, c'est d'ignorer les regards lassés de vos proches quand vous en servez pour la septième semaine d'affilée. Merci d'avoir soutenu BlapBash 2022 !|hu=Amikor lekvárt készítesz, a legfontosabb figyelmen kívül hagyni a szeretteid lesújtó pillantásait, amikor már zsinórban a hetedik hete szolgálod fel. Köszönjük, hogy támogattad a BlapBash 2022-t!|it=Quando si fa una marmellata, la cosa più importante è evitare gli sguardi delusi dei tuoi cari mentre la servi per la settima settimana di fila. Grazie per aver sostenuto il BlapBash 2022!|no=Det viktigste når du lager syltetøy, er å ikke bry deg om de nedbrutte blikkene til dine nærmeste idet du serverer det for sjuende uke på rad. Takk for at du støtter BlapBash 2022!|pl=Najważniejszą rzeczą podczas robienia dżemu jest ignorowanie pokonanych spojrzeń swoich ukochanych, gdy podajesz go siódmy tydzień z rzędu. Dziękujemy za wsparcie BlapBash 2022!|pt=O mais importante a ter em conta quando se faz geleia é ignorar o olhar deprimido dos teus entes queridos enquanto a serves pela sétima semana consecutiva. Agradecemos-te por teres apoiado o evento BlapBash 2022!|pt-br=A coisa mais importante ao fazer geleia é ignorar o ar de reprovação de toda a sua família ao ser servida a mesma coisa pela sétima semana seguida. Agradecemos por apoiar a BlapBash 2022!|ru=Самое важное в приготовлении джема – не обращать внимания на поникшие взгляды близких, когда подаёшь его седьмую неделю подряд. Спасибо за поддержку BlapBash 2022!}}

Latest revision as of 22:30, 11 December 2022

The most important thing when making jam is ignoring the defeated stares from your loved ones as you serve it for the seventh week in a row. Thank you for supporting BlapBash 2022!