Difference between revisions of "Template:Third annual saxxy winners"

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  | en = Category
  | en = Category
  | de = Kategorie
  | de = Kategorie
| es = Categoría
  | fi = Kategoria
  | fi = Kategoria
  | fr = Catégorie
  | fr = Catégorie
| ko = 분야
  | nl = Categorie
  | nl = Categorie
| no = Kategori
| pl = Kategoria
| pt = Categoria
  | pt-br = Categoria
  | pt-br = Categoria
| ru = Категория
  | sv = Kattegori
  | sv = Kattegori
| zh-hans = 类别
! class="header" | {{lang
! class="header" | {{lang
  | en = Winning Video
  | en = Winning Video
  | de = Gewinnervideo
  | de = Gewinnervideo
| es = Vídeo Ganador
  | fi = Voittava video
  | fi = Voittava video
  | fr = Vidéo gagnante
  | fr = Vidéo gagnante
  | nl = Winnende video
| ko = 우승한 동영상
  | nl = Winnende Video
| no = Vinnende Video
| pl = Zwycięski film
| pt = Vídeo vencedor
  | pt-br = Vídeo vencedor
  | pt-br = Vídeo vencedor
| ru = Победное видео
  | sv = Vinnande Video
  | sv = Vinnande Video
| zh-hans = 获奖影片
! class="header" width=400 | {{lang
! class="header" width=400 | {{lang
  | en = Winning Filmmaker(s)
  | en = Winning Filmmaker(s)
  | de = Urheber des Gewinnervideos
  | de = Urheber des Gewinnervideos
| es = Cineastas ganador(es)
  | fi = Voittava(t) videontekijä(t)
  | fi = Voittava(t) videontekijä(t)
  | fr = Cinéaste(s) gagnant(s)
  | fr = Cinéaste(s) gagnant(s)
| ko = 우승한 제작자(들)
  | nl = Winnende filmmaker(s)
  | nl = Winnende filmmaker(s)
| no = Vinnende Filmskaper(e)
| pl = Twórca/twórcy
| pt = Cineasta(s) vencedor(es)
  | pt-br = Cineasta(s) vencedores
  | pt-br = Cineasta(s) vencedores
| ru = Режиссер(ы)
  | sv = Vinnande Filmskaparen(er)
  | sv = Vinnande Filmskaparen(er)
| zh-hans = 获奖制片人
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Short}}
| en = Best Short
| de = Bester Kurzfilm
| ko = 최우수 단편
| pt-br = Melhor Curta
| {{youtube|sCiLJzc3rG4|width=400}}
| {{youtube|sCiLJzc3rG4|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198025492659 Salade au Thon], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198016964226 Sp@ce C(.)(.)kie], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043825046 Lazy Bear], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198010148059 PKSpark], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026837809 .Cali], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198041903573 Dunkle] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198037352706 RayTwist]
| {{steamid|76561198025492659}}, {{steamid|76561198016964226}}, {{steamid|76561198043825046}}, {{steamid|76561198010148059}}, {{steamid|76561198026837809}}, {{steamid|76561198041903573}} {{common string|and}} {{steamid|76561198037352706}}
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Action}}
| en = Best Action
| de = Beste Action
| fi = Paras toiminta
| fr = Meilleure action
| nl = Beste actie
| pt-br = Melhor Ação
| sv = Bästa action
| {{youtube|OAjnVvZIr1M|width=400}}  
| {{youtube|OAjnVvZIr1M|width=400}}  
| [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198005523666 Intero], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999426452 NanoBite], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045720708 Deity of Greed], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198033547232 Maxxy], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023148122 VeLlix], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197992410348 Deity Link], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198070912182 Kerplunkers], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198045964573 LazyPurple], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013849399 Rins] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198007979103 Narry Gewman]
| {{steamid|76561198001023239}}, {{steamid|76561198005523666}}, {{steamid|76561197999426452}}, {{steamid|76561198045720708}}, {{steamid|76561198033547232}}, {{steamid|76561198023148122}}, {{steamid|76561197992410348}}, {{steamid|76561198070912182}}, {{steamid|76561198045964573}}, {{steamid|76561198013849399}} {{common string|and}} {{steamid|76561198007979103}}
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Comedy}}
| en = Best Comedy
| de = Beste Comedy
| fi = Paras komedia
| fr = Meilleure comédie
| nl = Beste comedy
| pt-br = Melhor Comédia
| sv = Bästa komedi
| {{youtube|_I0Jb40Bwy4|width=400}}
| {{youtube|_I0Jb40Bwy4|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197990453557 Bobbin] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198040959850 Ugleh]
| {{steamid|76561197990453557}} {{common string|and}} Ugleh
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Drama}}
| en = Best Drama
| de = Bestes Drama
| fi = Paras draama
| fr = Meilleur drame
| nl = Beste drama
| pt-br = Melhor Drama
| sv = Bästa drama
| {{youtube|_5jAb6TOiYg|width=400}}
| {{youtube|_5jAb6TOiYg|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970790045 Jojje], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197986088816 Lozeng3r], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003848405 Rebbacus], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198009019391 [VADN] Sputnik] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014717105 Benjamoose]
| {{steamid|76561197970790045}}, {{steamid|76561197986088816}}, {{steamid|76561198003848405}}, {{steamid|76561198009019391}} {{common string|and}} {{steamid|76561198014717105}}
| {{lang
| {{common string|Best Overall}}
| en = Best Overall
| de = Bestes Video insgesamt
| fi = Ylipäätään paras
| fr = Meilleure vidéo
| nl = Algemeen beste
| pt-br = Melhor Filme
| sv = Bästa Av Alla
| {{youtube|Fma3hX7lz4k|width=400}}
| {{youtube|Fma3hX7lz4k|width=400}}
| [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970369872 Harry101UK], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197999601709 Rantis], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198006740005 Winslow Magne], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021479728 Chaofanatic], [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039324397 CobaltGemini] {{common string|and}} [http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198111806794 Hasan2300]
| {{steamid|76561197970369872}}, {{steamid|76561197999601709}}, {{steamid|76561198006740005}}, {{steamid|76561198021479728}}, {{steamid|76561198039324397}} {{common string|and}} {{steamid|76561198111806794}}
{{translation switching|en, fi, de, nl, pt-br, fr, sv}}
{{translation switching|en, de, es, fi, fr, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, pt-br, ru, sv, zh-hans}}

Latest revision as of 13:13, 21 November 2023