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< Template:Metrics/Speed
Revision as of 23:37, 17 July 2012 by Org (talk | contribs) (Documentation for Metrics/Speed)
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This template drops in a classes speed, modified by settings that determine what the class has equipped (where appropriate). The C argument is the only one required, and other arguments and values depend on the class. The W argument, if defined, means the value returned is modified by the Disciplinary Action Defaults to generating 0 if the C argument is unknown, to avoid causing downstream parsing failures if used in a equation.


Argument Meaning
C Class name
W If under Disciplinary Action effect
P Primary weapon
S Secondary weapon
M Melee weapon
G Item set (G stands for Group, synonym of set)
B Boost amount (Scout)
H Health (Soldier)
Heads taken (Demoman)

Valid argument settings

scout baby face's blaster crit-a-cola Positive real
soldier Not Yet Implemented
pyro Not Yet Implemented
demoman Not Yet Implemented
heavy Not Yet Implemented
engineer Not Yet Implemented
medic Not Yet Implemented
sniper Not Yet Implemented
spy Not Yet Implemented

Sub-templates The speed values for each class are stored in sub-templates, due to overall complexity.