
From Team Fortress Wiki
Revision as of 05:23, 1 October 2012 by TheDoctor (talk | contribs) (doctor who s07e05 ax'ed....)
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Hello and welcome

You found the wibbley wobbley timey wimey user profile of the doctor. Congratulation.

Add in the Wiki-Skills area below anything you think i'm missing, or anything you think is good. Thank you.

-/+ Wiki-Skills

Pictogram plus.png  community-minded
Pictogram plus.png  multilingual editing (English, /de, /no and /nl)

Pictogram minus.png  German grammar ;D well, it's not that bad! :)

Doctor Season 7

Episode 1(Asylum of the Daleks): Okay (okay yeah overuse of daleks throw me a crybermen anytime...)
Episode 2(Dinosaurs on a Spaceship): Nice (dinosaurs, egomaniac robots, fun as in funny doctor who charm)
Episode 3(A Town Called mercy: Sucks (save the bad guys without judgement...or life without moral...)
Episode 4(The Power of Three): Bad (Is it doctor who or a midlife crisis about a man which is very old and cant let go of 2 persons, companions okay, parents okay, but the bonding where why...)
Episode 5(The Angels Takes Manhattan): Wow, as in really... (Read something out of the past or future and it is an fixed event...yeah, where is rage?)

(Unimportant) Edit Count

  • 3250 edits Pictogram wait.png In progress
  • 3000 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
    • 2750 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
    • 2500 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
    • 2250 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
    • 2000 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
      • 1750 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
      • 1500 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
      • 1250 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
      • 1000 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
        • 750 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
        • 500 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
        • 250 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
        • 000 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete


Manchester Black:
"This is a call-out to the shadow cabinets petty dictators and all-around tossers of the world. You're on notice.
We're not bound by lines on a map or political alliances or governing bodies of any kind.
We are our own bosses, and we have a very simple job.
There are the good guys: namely us, and the bad guys: namely anyone who treats anyone else like trash to further their petty aims.
We turn bad guys into memories.
So mind your manners, lads and lasses or we'll blow your house down.
We're the Elite.
You asked for us, world. Now you got us."

Dead Heat Icon.png As of 20 September, 2024,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 13 years, 3 months, 10 days (since 10 June, 2011).