Time to take your medicine love.

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Revision as of 14:38, 2 November 2012 by Ravecrib9t4 (talk | contribs) (-/+ Wiki-Skills: Snort)
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Hello and welcome

You found the wibbley wobbley timey wimey user profile of the doctor. Congratulation.

Add in the Wiki-Skills area below anything you think i'm missing, or anything you think is good. Thank you.

-/+ Wiki-Skills

Pictogram plus.png  community-minded
Pictogram plus.png  multilingual editing (English, /de and /nl)
Pictogram plus.png  thanks for your information!
Pictogram neutral.png When it comes to negotiating
Pictogram minus.png  German grammar ;D well, it's not that bad! :)

Doctor Season 7

Episode 1(Asylum of the Daleks): Okay (okay yeah overuse of daleks throw me a crybermen anytime...)
Episode 2(Dinosaurs on a Spaceship): Nice (dinosaurs, egomaniac robots, fun as in funny doctor who charm)
Episode 3(A Town Called mercy: Sucks (save the bad guys without judgement...or life without moral...)
Episode 4(The Power of Three): Bad (Is it doctor who or a midlife crisis about a man which is very old and cant let go of 2 persons, companions okay, parents okay, but the bonding where why...)
Episode 5(The Angels Takes Manhattan): Wow, as in really... (Read something out of the past or future and it is an fixed event...yeah, where is rage?)

(Unimportant) Edit Count

  • 3250 edits Pictogram wait.png In progress
  • 3000 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
    • 2750 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
    • 2500 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
    • 2250 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
    • 2000 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
      • 1750 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
      • 1500 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
      • 1250 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
      • 1000 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
        • 750 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
        • 500 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
        • 250 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete
        • 000 edits Pictogram tick.png Complete


Manchester Black:
" A life of truth, justice and the American, military, capitalist way."

Dead Heat Icon.png As of 20 September, 2024,
I have been a Team Fortress Wiki member for 13 years, 3 months, 10 days (since 10 June, 2011).