User:Gabrielwoj/Custom Payload Renders

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Loading a custom Payload cart Model to HLMV


Extracting the model

  • Open GCFScape.
  • Go to File -> Open.
    • Go to the directory: Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps.
      • Load the map's bsp file that you want to load the custom payload model to HLMV.
  • Extract the .zip file inside the .bsp somewhere on your computer.
    • Create a new folder on tf\custom (recommended naming the same as the internal map filename, the same from the .bsp you just opened).
      • Extract all the .zip files inside that folder, so for example, here: Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\pl_chilly.

Finding the model

  • Every map will have different filenames for the custom models inside, so sometimes, the names might be different.
  • Browse the files you just extracted to your custom folder via File Explorer.
    • In the case of Chilly, the payload cart model is found at pl_chilly\models\props_christmas\bomb_cart_christmas.mdl.

Loading the model on HLMV

  • Open HLMV.
  • Go to File -> (Steam) Load Model...
    • Navigate to props_christmas and open the bomb_cart_christmas.mdl file.

Once done...

  • Remove the pl_chilly folder from your tf\custom, so it doesn't cause errors and crashes upon joining certain servers, such as Casual Mode servers.

Re-constructing a custom Payload cart model that uses separate objects on top of it

Certain community maps contains payload models that use more than one model. Sadly, it's not as easy to just load the model as before, as it require a lot of different steps to "re-construct" this model to be able to view on the model viewer properly.

For example, on Bloodwater's custom cart model, the actual payload is just the wood part, all the objects on top (the chair, the pumpkin, the lantern, the vase, and each pumpkin bomb) are separate objects that is positioned correctly on the map's logic file.

Because the position values for each of those models are stored in the map's file, it's not possible to use these values on the model viewer without some steps beforehand.

This tutorial will follow step-by-step on how to do so.


Decompiling the map file via bspsrc

  • Go to Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps.
    • Copy the map's bsp file you want to decompile to the bspsrc file, I will use Bloodwater as an example:
      • Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\maps\pl_bloodwater.bsp
  • Open bspsrc.jar, and drag-n-drop the pl_bloodwater.bsp file to the program's window.
    • Click Decompile.
  • A new file with the suffix _d has been created on the bspsrc's folder (pl_bloodwater_d.vmf).

Checking up the main model in-game

  • Open TF2.
    • Create your own server on the map you are looking to get the custom payload cart, in this case, type map pl_bloodwater on console.
  • Once there, enable sv_cheats 1.
  • Go where the payload is and look at it.
    • Open console and type model_list, and press Enter.
  • A new file on Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf was created, called model_list.csv.
    • This can be open with Microsoft Excel, or any text editor, including regular Notepad.
  • Usually, in these cases, the main model will be something from models/props_trainyard, here, it's props_trainyard/cart_base_separate.mdl, but in most other cases, it can be props_trainyard/bomb_cart.mdl (Rumford and Frostcliff).
  • Close TF2.

Extracting the main model via GCFScape

  • Open GCFScape.
  • Go to File -> Open.
    • Go to the directory: Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf.
      • Load tf2_misc_dir.vpk.
  • Navigate through the folder hierarchy that the main model was found in the .csv file (models/props_trainyard/cart_base_separate.mdl).
    • Extract all the files related to it to the same folder (anywhere of easy access):
      • cart_base_separate.dx80.vtx, cart_base_separate.dx90.vtx, cart_base_separate.mdl, cart_base_separate.sw.vtx and cart_base_separate.vvd.

Decompiling the main model via Crowbar

  • Before starting, you need to setup Crowbar.
    • Go to "Set Up Games" tab and choose Team Fortress 2 from the first drop-down list.
  • If you have your games installed on the default Steam folder on C:/, then you shouldn't need to do anything else.
  • On the Decompile tab, select the cart_base_separate.mdl model.
    • Make sure to have these settings on:
      • Click Decompile.
    • Go to your decompiled folder on the same folder you had your model files extracted to.
  • Open cart_base_separate.qc on your text editor, like Notepad.

Checking the .vmf file

  • Open the .vmf file from the bspsrc folder via Notepad.
    • Ctrl+F cart_base_separate.
      • Check if the one you found is the one with "targetname" "minecart_props".
  • Copy the values from "origin": 2560 -800 6646.
  • Go back to the cart_base_separate.qc file, and paste the value above to numbers after $definebone "static_prop" "" (replace all 6 number values).
  • Go back to the .vmf file, and now copy the values from "angles": 0 180 0.
    • Paste those after the numbers you just pasted on definebone, in this case, it would look like this:
      • $definebone "static_prop" "" 2560 -800 6646 0 180 0.
  • Compile the .qc file via Crowbar by going to the "Compile" tab and clicking the "Compile" button.

Opening the Model Viewer

  • Open HLMV.
    • Go to File -> Load Model.
      • Go where you compiled your model (should be somewhere at \decompiled 0.71\compiled 0.71\models\props_trainyard\cart_base_separate.mdl.
    • Nothing will show up on screen, but the model is actually very far away somewhere on the viewport. You can either try finding yourself, or use these values to position the camera (though these values will not be the same for other cases) [in the case of Frostcliff and Rumford, they were much easier to find].
      • Close HLMV.
      • Open the Registry Editor.
        • Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Valve\hlmv\-the-file-path-to-the-model-you-just-loaded-in-hlmv.
        • Double click on Rot and use these values: (27.545561 -39.081642 -20.767700).
        • Double click on Trans and use these values: (5350.992188 -2075.000000 4594.868164).
      • Re-open HLMV and re-load the model.
      • You'll see the payload model on your viewport. Keep HLMV open, and now let's do the other process to get the other objects on top of the model.

Adding models on top of the payload

  • Open the .vmf file again.
    • Look up for entities with the targetname starting with minecart_props.
      • These are the objects placed on top of the cart_base_separate.mdl, although, this will change from map to map, and is not always the same.
        • So, for example, in Frostcliff's case, every entity with the parentname as Bomb_Model are objects placed on the payload for that map (except entity id "232203").
      • For instance, the id "5116758" is for one of the pumpkin bombs.
        • Extract the model file and decompile the same way we did the cart_base_separate.
      • Grab the origin and angles from the .vmf and do the same step but for the pumpkin_explode.qc file.
      • Recompile it, and load on HLMV via File -> Load Weapon...
      • The .vmf will have other instances for Pumpkin Bombs (there are 6 instances of different Pumpkin Bombs in different positions), as they are many placed on the Payload cart.
        • Do the same process as before, but, on the $modelname line, make sure to name each consequent one differently (like, pumpkin_explode.mdl, pumpkin_explode2.mdl, pumpkin_explode3.mdl, etc.).
          • This is so Crowbar won't replace the model with the other Pumpkin Bomb we just positioned.
      • Do the same for props_manor/vase_01.mdl, props_2fort/lantern001_off.mdl and props_tump/thief_pumpkin_x20.mdl.
        • For thief_pumpkin_x2.mdl, this is a custom model found inside the map's .bsp file.
          • Just follow the same steps we did for pl_chilly on top of the page ("Loading a custom Payload cart Model to HLMV" section).
        • For the texture to work on thief_pumpkin_x2.mdl (and any other payload that adds custom models on it), you'll have to extract the pl_bloodwater.bsp's .zip file to tf/custom/pl_bloodwater.
      • Load all models we just recompiled with "Load Weapon".

Specific Cases


  • The lightbulbs on Frostcliff include a "model_scale" string on the .vmf.
    • In the lightbulbs's .qc files (hangingbulb.qc), make sure to do the following:
      • Add a $scale value value on the top of the .qc file, above the $modelname
        • Each lightbulb has a different scale value, so make sure to replace the "value" part with the one that matches on the .vmf's
      • At the end of the .qc file, also make sure to do the following:
        • Paste scale value in the last line of $sequence "idle", right after the fps 30 line).
      • For example, in the case of entity "590167", it should use $scale 1.5 on the top of the .qc file, and scale 1.5 on the $sequence section.
  • The lightbulbs on the cart do not use the first skin available for hangingbulb.mdl.
    • Extract the map's .zip inside the .bsp, just like we did for pl_chilly and pl_bloodwater.
      • Go to tf/custom/pl_frostcliff/materials/models/props_millstone, and open hanginglight001.vmt and hanginglight001_blue.vmt.
        • Copy the contents from the hanginglight001_blue.vmt, and paste to the hanginglight001.vmt, and save the file.

.qc files (original vs. modified) Reference Table

This table will show the differences between an unmodified .qc file, and the modified .qc file using the .vmf's values. It will also show the related entity found in the .vmf that these values were taken from. This is as a reference to help others understand how this process work.

pl_bloodwater Payload cart

Table automatically collapsed to not occupy space. Click "[Expand]" to uncollapse it.
related entity on the .vmf file original model's .qc file modified .qc file with .vmf's values
Main Model
	"id" "3102367"
	"origin" "2560 -800 6646"
	"targetname" "minecart_props"
	"StartDisabled" "0"
	"spawnflags" "0"
	"solid" "0"
	"skin" "0"
	"SetBodyGroup" "0"
	"rendermode" "0"
	"renderfx" "0"
	"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
	"renderamt" "255"
	"RandomAnimation" "0"
	"pressuredelay" "0"
	"PerformanceMode" "0"
	"parentname" "minecart_physprop"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_trainyard/cart_base_separate.mdl"
	"MinAnimTime" "5"
	"MaxAnimTime" "10"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"fademaxdist" "0"
	"ExplodeRadius" "0"
	"ExplodeDamage" "0"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"disablereceiveshadows" "0"
	"DisableBoneFollowers" "0"
	"angles" "0 180 0"
	"classname" "prop_dynamic"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_trainyard\cart_base_separate.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "cart_base_separate_reference.smd"

$surfaceprop "default"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 -1.146 -3.132

$cdmaterials "models\props_trainyard\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -45.12 -30.833 -26.812 47.412 30.833 20.548

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_trainyard\cart_base_separate.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "cart_base_separate_reference.smd"

$surfaceprop "default"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 -1.146 -3.132

$cdmaterials "models\props_trainyard\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -45.12 -30.833 -26.812 47.412 30.833 20.548

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2560 -800 6646 0 180 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

	"id" "5196396"
	"origin" "2581 -801 6644"
	"targetname" "minecart_props10"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_manor/chair_01.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "0 0 0"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_manor\chair_01.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "chair_01.smd"

$lod 25
	replacemodel "chair_01.smd" "chair_01_lod1.smd"
$lod 50
	replacemodel "chair_01.smd" "chair_01_lod2.smd"
$lod 65
	replacemodel "chair_01.smd" "chair_01_lod3.smd"

$surfaceprop "wood"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 0 50

$cdmaterials "models\props_manor\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -21.842 -21.75 -0.25 21.784 21.75 83.221

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 15

$collisionmodel "chair_01_physics.smd"
	$mass 212.2409
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 15


// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_manor\chair_01.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "chair_01.smd"

$lod 25
	replacemodel "chair_01.smd" "chair_01_lod1.smd"
$lod 50
	replacemodel "chair_01.smd" "chair_01_lod2.smd"
$lod 65
	replacemodel "chair_01.smd" "chair_01_lod3.smd"

$surfaceprop "wood"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 0 50

$cdmaterials "models\props_manor\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -21.842 -21.75 -0.25 21.784 21.75 83.221

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2581 -801 6644 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 15

$collisionmodel "chair_01_physics.smd"
	$mass 212.2409
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 15


	"id" "5142363"
	"origin" "2531 -807 6670"
	"targetname" "minecart_props3"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_2fort/lantern001_off.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "28.7132 38.7129 0.593198"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_2fort\lantern001_off.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "lantern001_reference.smd"

$surfaceprop "default"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 0 23.6


$cdmaterials "models\props_2fort\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -6.25 -9.121 -0.25 6.25 9.121 47.2

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "lantern001_off_physics.smd"
	$mass 65.68901
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 3


		"allowstatic"		"1"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_2fort\lantern001_off.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "lantern001_reference.smd"

$surfaceprop "default"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 0 23.6


$cdmaterials "models\props_2fort\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -6.25 -9.121 -0.25 6.25 9.121 47.2

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2531 -807 6670 28.7132 38.7129 0.593198

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "lantern001_off_physics.smd"
	$mass 65.68901
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 3


		"allowstatic"		"1"

	"id" "5116758"
	"origin" "2555 -791 6642"
	"targetname" "minecart_props8"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "0 14 0"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2555 -791 6642 0 14 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

	"id" "5118219"
	"origin" "2575 -810 6656"
	"targetname" "minecart_props6"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "-2 270 -90"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode2.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2575 -810 6656 -2 270 -90

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

	"id" "5118271"
	"origin" "2571 -790 6656"
	"targetname" "minecart_props7"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "14.5 90 90"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode3.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2571 -790 6656 14.5 90 90

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

	"id" "5118331"
	"origin" "2575 -810 6655"
	"targetname" "minecart_props4"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "67.452 93.912 -86.3339"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode4.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2575 -810 6655 67.452 93.912 -86.3339

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

	"id" "5118367"
	"origin" "2527 -826 6656"
	"targetname" "minecart_props2"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "-2 0 -90"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode5.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2527 -826 6656 -2 0 -90

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

	"id" "5142135"
	"origin" "2556 -800 6660"
	"targetname" "minecart_props5"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "0 139 0"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween/pumpkin_explode6.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "pumpkin_explode.smd"

$surfaceprop "dirt"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.051 2.365 22.841

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -22.001 -18.192 -0.188 18.361 17.66 45.871

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2556 -800 6660 0 139 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "pumpkin_explode_physics.smd"
	$mass 6
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib01"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib02"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib03"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"
		"model"		"props_halloween\pumpkin_explode_jib04"
		"health"		"0"
		"fadetime"		"10"

	"id" "5115652"
	"origin" "2590 -800 6674"
	"targetname" "minecart_props9"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_tump/thief_pumpkin_x20.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "-9.5 0 -3.5"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

Pictogram comment.png Note: Model is inside the map's files, you'll have to extract it with the steps provided above,
as it's not located in the game's tf2_misc_dir.vpk file

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_tumb\halloween\thief_pumpkin_x20.mdl"


$bodygroup "pumpkin"
	studio "thief_pumpkin.smd"

$surfaceprop "wood"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.734 -0.141 12.469

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween\"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -15.675 -17.133 -0.436 15.957 15.652 25.123

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "thief_pumpkin_x20_physics.smd"
	$mass 1
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_tumb\halloween\thief_pumpkin_x20.mdl"


$bodygroup "pumpkin"
	studio "thief_pumpkin.smd"

$surfaceprop "wood"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.734 -0.141 12.469

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween\"
$cdmaterials ""

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -15.675 -17.133 -0.436 15.957 15.652 25.123

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2590 -800 6674 -9.5 0 -3.5

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "thief_pumpkin_x20_physics.smd"
	$mass 1
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


	"id" "5142328"
	"origin" "2527 -785 6674"
	"targetname" "minecart_props1"
	"spawnflags" "4"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_manor/vase_01.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "0 49 0"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_manor\vase_01.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "vase_01.smd"

$lod 25
	replacemodel "vase_01.smd" "vase_01_lod1.smd"
$lod 50
	replacemodel "vase_01.smd" "vase_01_lod2.smd"

$surfaceprop "metal"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 0 32

$cdmaterials "models\props_manor\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -14.53 -14.53 -31.75 14.53 14.53 31.54

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 15

$collisionmodel "vase_01_physics.smd"
	$mass 20.02033
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_manor\vase_01.mdl"


$bodygroup "body"
	studio "vase_01.smd"

$lod 25
	replacemodel "vase_01.smd" "vase_01_lod1.smd"
$lod 50
	replacemodel "vase_01.smd" "vase_01_lod2.smd"

$surfaceprop "metal"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 0 32

$cdmaterials "models\props_manor\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -14.53 -14.53 -31.75 14.53 14.53 31.54

$definebone "static_prop" "" 2527 -785 6674 0 49 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 15

$collisionmodel "vase_01_physics.smd"
	$mass 20.02033
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 1


pl_frostcliff Payload cart

Table automatically collapsed to not occupy space. Click "[Expand]" to uncollapse it.
related entity on the .vmf file original model's .qc file modified .qc file with .vmf's values
Main Model
	"id" "232203"
	"origin" "854 717 385.721"
	"targetname" "Bomb_Model"
	"spawnflags" "260"
	"skin" "0"
	"shadowcastdist" "0"
	"pressuredelay" "0"
	"physdamagescale" "0.1"
	"PerformanceMode" "0"
	"nodamageforces" "0"
	"modelscale" "1.0"
	"model" "models/props_trainyard/bomb_cart.mdl"
	"minhealthdmg" "0"
	"massScale" "0"
	"inertiaScale" "1.0"
	"health" "0"
	"forcetoenablemotion" "0"
	"fadescale" "0"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"fademaxdist" "0"
	"ExplodeRadius" "0"
	"ExplodeDamage" "0"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"Damagetype" "0"
	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "0 180 0"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_trainyard\bomb_cart.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "bomb_cart_reference.smd"

$lod 45
	replacemodel "bomb_cart_reference.smd" "bomb_cart_reference_lod1.smd"
$lod 75
	replacemodel "bomb_cart_reference.smd" "bomb_cart_reference_lod2.smd"

$surfaceprop "default"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 1.39 22.614

$cdmaterials "models\props_trainyard\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -63.532 -30.833 -27.05 60.752 30.833 72.039

$definebone "static_prop" "" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "bomb_cart_physics.smd"
	$mass 11093.59
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 6


// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_trainyard\bomb_cart.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "bomb_cart_reference.smd"

$lod 45
	replacemodel "bomb_cart_reference.smd" "bomb_cart_reference_lod1.smd"
$lod 75
	replacemodel "bomb_cart_reference.smd" "bomb_cart_reference_lod2.smd"

$surfaceprop "default"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 1.39 22.614

$cdmaterials "models\props_trainyard\"

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -63.532 -30.833 -27.05 60.752 30.833 72.039

$definebone "static_prop" "" 854 717 385.721 0 180 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$collisionmodel "bomb_cart_physics.smd"
	$mass 11093.59
	$inertia 1
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 0
	$rootbone " "
	$maxconvexpieces 6


Pictogram comment.png Note: All the submodels use the lightbulb model inside the map's files, you'll have to extract it with the steps provided above, as it's not located in the game's tf2_misc_dir.vpk file.
	"id" "590167"
	"origin" "915 716 409"
	"targetname" "blinker_x"
	"StartDisabled" "0"
	"spawnflags" "0"
	"solid" "0"
	"skin" "4"
	"SetBodyGroup" "0"
	"rendermode" "0"
	"renderfx" "0"
	"rendercolor" "255 255 255"
	"renderamt" "255"
	"RandomAnimation" "0"
	"pressuredelay" "0"
	"PerformanceMode" "0"
	"parentname" "Bomb_Model"
	"modelscale" "1.5"
	"model" "models/ics/hangingbulb.mdl"
	"mindxlevel" "0"
	"MinAnimTime" "5"
	"maxdxlevel" "0"
	"MaxAnimTime" "10"
	"fadescale" "1"
	"fademindist" "-1"
	"fademaxdist" "0"
	"ExplodeRadius" "0"
	"ExplodeDamage" "0"
	"disableshadows" "1"
	"disablereceiveshadows" "0"
	"DisableBoneFollowers" "0"
	"angles" "-27.9432 268.141 93.9626"
	"classname" "prop_dynamic"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "ics\hangingbulb.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "hangingbulb_reference.smd"

$surfaceprop "metal"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 0 3.493

$cdmaterials "models\props_millstone\"

$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
	{ "hanginglight001"          }
	{ "hanginglight001_off"      }
	{ "hanginglight001_green"    }
	{ "hanginglight001_red"      }
	{ "hanginglight001_blue"     }
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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$scale 1.5

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$scale 1.4

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$scale 1.4

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$scale 1.8

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "ics\hangingbulb.mdl"


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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$scale 1.5

$modelname "ics\hangingbulb5.mdl"


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pl_millstone_event (Hellstone) Payload cart

Table automatically collapsed to not occupy space. Click "[Expand]" to uncollapse it.
related entity on the .vmf file original model's .qc file modified .qc file with .vmf's values
Main Model
	"id" "799348"
	"origin" "-1192 -425 61"
	"targetname" "Bomb_Model"
	"spawnflags" "260"
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	"shadowcastdist" "0"
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	"model" "models/props_vehicles/mining_car_metal.mdl"
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	"inertiaScale" "1.0"
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	"damagetoenablemotion" "0"
	"angles" "0 90 0"
	"classname" "prop_physics_override"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_vehicles\mining_car_metal.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
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$lod 30
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$lod 70
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$surfaceprop "metal"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition 0 0 34.163

$cdmaterials "models\props_vehicles\"

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$sequence "idle" {
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	$maxconvexpieces 11


// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_vehicles\mining_car_metal.mdl"


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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_2fort\corrugated_metal002.mdl"


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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

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// Created by Crowbar 0.71

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$attachment "ghostfx" "joint1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -44.431 -21.604 19.953 8.077 20.894 93.981

$definebone "joint1" "" 0 76.027519 0.421028 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$definebone "joint2" "joint1" 0 -16.715263 -4.631068 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$definebone "joint3" "joint2" 0 -8.610893 -3.039138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$definebone "joint4" "joint3" 0 -8.755611 -2.749697 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

			"name"			"ghost_glow"
			"attachment_type"			"follow_attachment"
			"attachment_point"			"ghostfx"

// Created by Crowbar 0.71

$modelname "props_halloween\ghost.mdl"


$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "ghost_reference.smd"

$surfaceprop "cloth"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.355 18.177 56.967

$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween"
$cdmaterials "models\props_halloween\scary_ghost.vmt\"
$cdmaterials ""

$attachment "ghostfx" "joint1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -44.431 -21.604 19.953 8.077 20.894 93.981

$definebone "static_prop" "" -1184 -424 75 90 0 0

$sequence "idle" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

			"name"			"ghost_glow"
			"attachment_type"			"follow_attachment"
			"attachment_point"			"ghostfx"

Pictogram comment.png Note: Despite not being on the entity,
I had to add "90 0 0" as the angle for the ghost model to fix his position,
as it was showing up laying down the ground, most likely due to his default animation.

Pictogram comment.png Note: I had to change the model type to "staticprop",
by adding "$staticprop" below the "$modelname" string, otherwise,
it wouldn't be properly rendered on HLMV.
This also means removing all the "joint" related bones and changing to just "static_prop".