Template:Summer 2024 Unusual effects

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Summer 2024 Update Unusual effects
Cosmetic effects
Unusual Loyalist's Coronet RED.png
Unusual Loyalist's Coronet BLU.png
Unusual Knight's Prideful Spirit.png
Unusual Baron's Cherished Chaplet.png
Unusual Lure of the Deep RED.png
Unusual Lure of the Deep BLU.png
RED BLU Knight's Prideful Spirit Baron's Cherished Chaplet RED BLU
Loyalist's Coronet Lure of the Deep
Unusual Violent Viridian.png
Unusual Magenta Monstrum.png
Unusual Rainbow Reverie.png
Unusual Cuban Smoke.png
Unusual Melting Mohawk RED.png
Unusual Melting Mohawk BLU.png
Violent Viridian Magenta Monstrum Rainbow Reverie Cuban Smoke RED BLU
Melting Mohawk
Unusual Scorched Scalp.png
Unusual Ignited Crest.png
Unusual Rare Shine.png
Unusual Distant Drift RED.png
Unusual Distant Drift BLU.png
Unusual Warp Drive.png
Scorched Scalp Ignited Crest Rare Shine RED BLU Warp Drive
Distant Drift
Unusual Overdrive.png
Unusual Butterfly Season RED.png
Unusual Butterfly Season BLU.png
Unusual Psycho-delic.png
Unusual Bewitching Bugs.png
Overdrive RED BLU Psycho-delic Bewitching Bugs
Butterfly Season
Taunt effects
Unusual Dragonflies' Embrace RED.png
Unusual Dragonflies' Embrace BLU.png
Unusual Dragonflies' Nature.png
Unusual Dragonflies' Lucent.png
Unusual Electrocution RED.png
Unusual Electrocution BLU.png
RED BLU Dragonflies' Nature Dragonflies' Lucent RED BLU
Dragonflies' Embrace Electrocution
Unusual Distress Signal RED.png
Unusual Distress Signal BLU.png
Unusual Carioca's Call.png
Unusual Fiesta Royale RED.png
Unusual Fiesta Royale BLU.png
Unusual Grand Jubilee.png
RED BLU Carioca's Call RED BLU Grand Jubilee
Distress Signal Fiesta Royale
Unusual Elemental RED.png
Unusual Elemental BLU.png
Unusual Godlike.png
Unusual Teamwork Valorance RED.png
Unusual Teamwork Valorance BLU.png
Unusual Legacy Logo.png
RED BLU Godlike RED BLU Legacy Logo
Elemental Teamwork Valorance
Unusual Desert Wind.png
Unusual Monsoon Season.png
Unusual Bountiful Riches RED.png
Unusual Bountiful Riches BLU.png
Unusual Luxurious Lover.png
Unusual Amatory RED.png
Desert Wind Monsoon Season RED BLU Luxurious Lover RED
Bountiful Riches Amatory
Unusual Amatory BLU.png
Unusual Electrum.png
Unusual Sakura Blessings RED.png
Unusual Sakura Blessings BLU.png
Unusual Violent Violets.png
BLU Electrum RED BLU Violent Violets
Amatory Sakura Blessings