Template:PatchDiff/June 21, 2022 Patch/platform/platform misc dir.vpk/friends/trackerui latam.txt

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Revision as of 01:48, 22 June 2022 by PhoneWave (talk | contribs) (Diff of file "platform/platform_misc_dir.vpk/friends/trackerui_latam.txt" for patch June 21, 2022 Patch.)
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N/A3"Language" "latam"
N/A6"TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Velocidad de conexión a Internet"
N/A7"[english]TrackerUI_ConnectionSpeed" "Internet connection speed"
N/A8"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Selecciona la ventana Steam que aparecerá cuando se inicie el \nprograma, y cuando hagas doble clic en \nla bandeja de notificación."
N/A9"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindowLabel" "Select which Steam window appears when the \nprogram starts, and when you double-click \nthe Notification Tray icon."
N/A10"TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Ventana favorita"
N/A11"[english]TrackerUI_FavoriteWindow" "Favorite window"
N/A12"Friends_Chat_Title" "%friend% - Chat"
N/A13"[english]Friends_Chat_Title" "%friend% - Chat"
N/A14"Friends_ChatTo" "Para: %friend%"
N/A15"[english]Friends_ChatTo" "To: %friend%"
N/A16"Friends_ChatToPlusStatus" "Para: %friend% (%status%)"
N/A17"[english]Friends_ChatToPlusStatus" "To: %friend% (%status%)"
N/A18"Friends_ChatToPlusInGame" "Para: %friend% (jugando a %game%)"
N/A19"[english]Friends_ChatToPlusInGame" "To: %friend% (playing %game%)"
N/A20"Friends_UserSays" "%friend% dice:\n"
N/A21"[english]Friends_UserSays" "%friend% says:\n"
N/A22"Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% está escribiendo un mensaje."
N/A23"[english]Friends_TypingMessage" "%friend% is typing a message."
N/A24"Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Último mensaje recibido: %date% a las %time%"
N/A25"[english]Friends_LastMessageReceived" "Last message received: %date% at %time%"
N/A26"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% - Información de usuario"
N/A27"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_Title" "%friend% - User Info"
N/A28"Friends_Chat_FriendNameChanged" "El nuevo nombre de %old_name% es %friend%.\n"
N/A29"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendNameChanged" "%old_name% has changed their name to %friend%.\n"
N/A30"Friends_Chat_FriendStateChanged" "%friend% se encuentra ahora en estado %status%.\n"
N/A31"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendStateChanged" "%friend% is now %status%.\n"
N/A32"Friends_Chat_Send" "Enviar"
N/A33"[english]Friends_Chat_Send" "Send"
N/A34"Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "%friend% no está conectado y no se puede enviar el mensaje.\n"
N/A35"[english]Friends_Chat_CannotSendFriendOffline" "%friend% is currently offline, message cannot be sent.\n"
N/A36"Friends_Chat_InvitedToGame" "%friend% te ha invitado a unirte a una partida de %game%. "
N/A37"[english]Friends_Chat_InvitedToGame" "%friend% has invited you to join them in playing %game%. "
N/A38"Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedGame" "%friend% está jugando ahora a %game%. "
N/A39"[english]Friends_Chat_FriendHasChangedGame" "%friend% is now playing %game%. "
N/A40"Friends_Chat_UnknownGame" "una partida"
N/A41"[english]Friends_Chat_UnknownGame" "a game"
N/A42"Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Haz clic aquí para entrar."
N/A43"[english]Friends_Chat_ClickHereToJoin" "Click here to join."
N/A44"Friends_Title_Online" "Amigos - %name%"
N/A45"[english]Friends_Title_Online" "Friends - %name% (BETA)"
N/A46"Friends_Title_Busy" "Amigos - %name% - Ocupado (BETA)"
N/A47"[english]Friends_Title_Busy" "Friends - %name% - Busy (BETA)"
N/A48"Friends_Title_Away" "Amigos - %name% - Ausente (BETA)"
N/A49"[english]Friends_Title_Away" "Friends - %name% - Away (BETA)"
N/A50"Friends_Title_Snooze" "Amigos - %name% - Durmiendo (BETA)"
N/A51"[english]Friends_Title_Snooze" "Friends - %name% - Snooze (BETA)"
N/A52"Friends_Title_Offline" "Amigos - Desconectado"
N/A53"[english]Friends_Title_Offline" "Friends - Offline (BETA)"
N/A54"Friends_online" "Conectado"
N/A55"[english]Friends_online" "Online"
N/A56"Friends_away" "Ausente"
N/A57"[english]Friends_away" "Away"
N/A58"Friends_busy" "Ocupado"
N/A59"[english]Friends_busy" "Busy"
N/A60"Friends_snooze" "Durmiendo"
N/A61"[english]Friends_snooze" "Snooze"
N/A62"Friends_offline" "Desconectado"
N/A63"[english]Friends_offline" "Offline"
N/A64"Friends_MyStatus" "Mi estado"
N/A65"[english]Friends_MyStatus" "My status"
N/A66"Friends_AddFriend" "Añadir amigo…"
N/A67"[english]Friends_AddFriend" "Add friend..."
N/A68"Friends_Edit_Profile" "Modificar perfil…"
N/A69"[english]Friends_Edit_Profile" "Edit profile..."
N/A70"Friends_FriendList_CurrentGame" "PARTIDA ACTUAL"
N/A71"[english]Friends_FriendList_CurrentGame" "CURRENT GAME"
N/A72"Friends_FriendList_InGame" "EN UNA PARTIDA"
N/A73"[english]Friends_FriendList_InGame" "IN GAME"
N/A74"Friends_FriendList_Online" "CONECTADO"
N/A75"[english]Friends_FriendList_Online" "ONLINE"
N/A76"Friends_FriendList_Offline" "DESCONECTADO"
N/A77"[english]Friends_FriendList_Offline" "OFFLINE"
N/A78"Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Enviar mensaje…"
N/A79"[english]Friends_SendInstantMessage" "Send message..."
N/A80"Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Invitar a la partida"
N/A81"[english]Friends_InviteFriendToGame" "Invite to game"
N/A82"Friends_JoinGame" "Entrar en partida"
N/A83"[english]Friends_JoinGame" "Join game"
N/A84"Friends_ViewGameInfo" "Ver información de la partida"
N/A85"[english]Friends_ViewGameInfo" "View game info"
N/A86"Friends_UserDetails" "Ver detalles de usuario"
N/A87"[english]Friends_UserDetails" "View user details"
N/A88"Friends_RemoveUser" "Eliminar a este amigo…"
N/A89"[english]Friends_RemoveUser" "Remove this friend..."
N/A90"Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Amigos - Eliminar usuario"
N/A91"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Friends - Remove user"
N/A92"Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "¿Seguro que deseas eliminar a %friend% de la lista de amigos?\n\n(Podrás volver a añadirlo más tarde mediante la opción de añadir amigos del menú).\n"
N/A93"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Info" "Are you sure you want to remove %friend% from your friends list?\n\n(You can re-add them later through the 'add friends' menu option.)\n"
N/A94"Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Eliminar a %friend%"
N/A95"[english]Friends_RemoveFriend_Button" "Remove %friend%"
N/A96"Friends_Options" "Opciones"
N/A97"[english]Friends_Options" "Options"
N/A98"Friends_Options_Title" "Opciones de usuario - %name%"
N/A99"[english]Friends_Options_Title" "User options - %name%"
N/A100"Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Perfil"
N/A101"[english]Friends_Options_ProfileTab" "Profile"
N/A102"Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Sonidos"
N/A103"[english]Friends_Options_SoundsTab" "Sounds"
N/A104"Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Introduce el nombre de cuenta de Steam, O la dirección de email de la persona que deseas añadir a la lista de amigos."
N/A105"[english]Friends_EnterAccountNameOrEmailAddress" "Enter the Steam account name OR email address of the person you wish to add to your Friends list."
N/A106"Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Buscando a %search%..."
N/A107"[english]Friends_SearchingForFriend" "Searching for %search%..."
N/A108"Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%search% se ha añadido a tu lista de amigos con el nombre '%friend%'."
N/A109"[english]Friends_FriendHasBeenAddedToYourList" "%search% has been added to your friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
N/A110"Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "No se ha podido encontrar a %search%. Pulsa 'Atrás' si quieres repetir la búsqueda."
N/A111"[english]Friends_UnableToFindFriendByThatName" "Unable to find %search%. Hit 'back' if you want to try and search again."
N/A112"Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "No puedes añadirte a ti mismo en la lista de amigos."
N/A113"[english]Friends_CannotAddSelfToList" "You can't add yourself to your friends list."
N/A114"Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "%search% ya se encuentra en tu lista de amigos con el nombre '%friend%'."
N/A115"[english]Friends_CannotAddFriendWhoIsAlreadyInList" "%search% is already in your friends list, under the name '%friend%'."
N/A116"Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "Tu estado está configurado como Desconectado para todos tus amigos."
N/A117"[english]Friends_ConnectedButOffline" "You are currently set to appear Offline to all your friends."
N/A118"Friends_NoFriendsInList" "Todavía no has añadido a nadie a la lista de amigos."
N/A119"[english]Friends_NoFriendsInList" "You have not yet added anyone to your Friends list."
N/A120"Friends_GoOnline" "Conectarse"
N/A121"[english]Friends_GoOnline" "Sign in"
N/A122"Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Registrarse…"
N/A123"[english]Friends_SignIn_RefreshPassword" "Sign in..."
N/A124"Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Únete a Amigos Beta..."
N/A125"[english]Friends_SignIn_ActivateFriends" "Join Friends Beta..."
N/A126"Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Conectando con la red de amigos…"
N/A127"[english]Friends_ConnectingToFriendsNetwork" "Connecting to friends network..."
N/A128"Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Descargando lista de amigos…"
N/A129"[english]Friends_ScanningForFriends" "Downloading friends list..."
N/A130"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "No se ha podido establecer la conexión con la red de amigos. Steam seguirá intentando conectarse automáticamente hasta que el servicio esté disponible."
N/A131"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork" "A connection to the friends network could not be established. Steam will automatically retry connection until the service becomes available."
N/A132"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "Para utilizar Amigos tienes que volver a conectarte a Steam."
N/A133"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidPassword" "You need to log back into Steam in order to use Friends."
N/A134"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "Se ha interrumpido tu conexión con Amigos porque esta cuenta acaba de conectarse en otro equipo."
N/A135"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_LoggedInElsewhere" "You have been signed out of Friends, due to this account being signed in elsewhere."
N/A136"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "Para conectarte con Amigos, tendrás que actualizar la versión de Steam. Reinicia Steam para obtener la última actualización."
N/A137"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_InvalidVersion" "This version of Steam is too old to connect to Friends. Restart Steam to receive the latest update."
N/A138"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy" "Los servidores de Steam no se encuentran disponibles temporalmente por cuestiones de mantenimiento rutinario. Se restablecerá la conexión con Amigos tan pronto como esté disponible."
N/A139"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_ServersBusy" "The Steam servers are currently down for routine maintenance. Friends will automatically reconnect as soon as they come available."
N/A140"Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "No se ha podido realizar ninguna conexión de red a los servidores de Steam. Steam seguirá intentando conectarse automáticamente hasta que el servicio esté disponible."
N/A141"[english]Friends_NotConnectedToFriendsNetwork_NoConnection" "No network connection could be made to the Steam servers. Steam will automatically retry connection until the service becomes available."
N/A142"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Solicitud de Amigos - %friend%"
N/A143"[english]Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Title" "Friend request - %friend%"
N/A144"Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% te ha añadido a su lista de amigos."
N/A145"[english]Friends_UserRequestingFriendship_Info" "%friend% has added you to their Friends list."
N/A146"Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Permitir a %friend% ver cuándo estás en línea y ponerse en contacto contigo."
N/A147"[english]Friends_AllowUserToSeeMeOnline" "Allow %friend% to see when you are online and contact you."
N/A148"Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Impedir que esta persona vea cuándo estás en línea y ponerse en contacto contigo."
N/A149"[english]Friends_BlockUserFromSeeingMeOnline" "Block this person from seeing when you are online and contacting you."
N/A150"Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Añadir amigo"
N/A151"[english]Friends_AddFriend_Title" "Add Friend"
N/A152"Friends_Settings_Title" "Opciones de usuario - Amigos"
N/A153"[english]Friends_Settings_Title" "User options - Friends"
N/A154"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Detalles"
N/A155"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_DetailsTab" "Details"
N/A156"Friends_FriendInfoDialog_StatusTab" "Estado"
N/A157"[english]Friends_FriendInfoDialog_StatusTab" "Status"
N/A158"Friends_FriendlyName" "Nombre"
N/A159"[english]Friends_FriendlyName" "Name"
N/A160"Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Nombres utilizados recientemente:"
N/A161"[english]Friends_RecentlyUsedNames" "Recently used names:"
N/A162"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Reproducir un sonido cuando un amigo entre en la partida"
N/A163"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendJoins" "Play a sound when any friend joins a game"
N/A164"Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Reproducir un sonido cuando un amigo se conecte"
N/A165"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenFriendComesOnline" "Play a sound when any friend comes online"
N/A166"Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Reproducir un sonido cuando recibas un mensaje"
N/A167"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenReceiveAMessage" "Play a sound when you receive a message"
N/A168"Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Avisarme cuando este usuario se conecte"
N/A169"[english]Friends_NotifyMeWhenUserComesOnline" "Notify me when this user comes online"
N/A170"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Reproducir siempre un sonido cuando este usuario se conecte"
N/A171"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserComesOnline" "Always play sound when this user comes online"
N/A172"Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Reproducir siempre un sonido cuando este usuario esté jugando"
N/A173"[english]Friends_PlaySoundWhenUserJoinsGame" "Always play sound when this user plays a game"
N/A174"Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "Si eliminas a este amigo de la lista, no podrá verte cuando estés conectado ni enviarte mensajes."
N/A175"[english]Friends_RemoveUserExplanation" "If you remove this friend from your list, they won't be able to see when you are online or send you messages."
N/A176"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "INVITAR - %friend%"
N/A177"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Title" "INVITE - %friend%"
N/A178"Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "Se ha enviado una invitación a %friend% para entrar en la partida."
N/A179"[english]Friends_FriendInvitedToGame_Info" "An invitation to join your game has been sent to %friend%."
N/A180"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% - Notificación en línea de Amigos"
N/A181"[english]Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Title" "%friend% - Friends online notification"
N/A182"Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "Tu amigo %friend% se ha conectado."
N/A183"[english]Friends_NotifyFriendOnline_Info" "Your friend %friend% has come online."
N/A184"Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Volver a iniciar sesión"
N/A185"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin_Title" "Steam - Refresh login"
N/A186"Friends_RefreshLogin" "Vuelve a introducir los datos de conexión a Steam para conectarte a Amigos."
N/A187"[english]Friends_RefreshLogin" "Please re-enter your Steam login details in order to sign into Friends."
N/A188"Friends_AccountName" "Nombre de cuenta"
N/A189"[english]Friends_AccountName" "Account name"
N/A190"Friends_Login_Btn" "Conectarse"
N/A191"[english]Friends_Login_Btn" "Login"
N/A192"Friends_Login_Password" "Contraseña"
N/A193"[english]Friends_Login_Password" "Password"
N/A194"Friends_CurrentlyInBeta" "Actualmente no formas parte de la Beta de Amigos."
N/A195"[english]Friends_CurrentlyInBeta" "You are currently not part of the Friends Beta."
N/A196"Friends_JoinFriendsBeta_Title" "Amigos - Unirse a Beta"
N/A197"[english]Friends_JoinFriendsBeta_Title" "Friends - Join Beta"
N/A198"Friends_ActivateFriendsBeta" "Unirse a Beta de Amigos"
N/A199"[english]Friends_ActivateFriendsBeta" "Join Friends Beta"
N/A200"Friends_JoinFriendsBeta_Info" "La nueva versión de Amigos se encuentra en beta actualmente.\nPor favor, échale un vistazo añadiendo algunos amigos a tu lista.\n\nPara informar de problemas o para leer una lista de los problemas conocidos, por favor visita:"
N/A201"[english]Friends_JoinFriendsBeta_Info" "The new version of Friends is currently in beta.\nPlease give it a try by adding a few friends to your list.\n\nTo report a problem or to read a list of known issues, please visit:"
N/A202"Friends_NameToUseInFriendsBeta" "Para continuar, introduce tu propio nombre de Amigos:"
N/A203"[english]Friends_NameToUseInFriendsBeta" "To continue, enter a Friends name for yourself:"
N/A204"Friends_BetaHomePage" "Página de información de Beta de Amigos"
N/A205"[english]Friends_BetaHomePage" "The Friends Beta information page"