Topic on Talk:Dynamite Pack

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Proof of the Dynamite Pack always being a grenade

RedFire (talkcontribs)

There is no reason why Valve would have made the Dynamite Pack a secondary, especially considering when you look at the internal weapons for Demoman. The Stickybomb Launcher is described as the Pipebomb launcher. The Pipebomb launcher would've co-existed with the Grenade Launcher.

Looking at the code suggests that grenades worked like TFC. The MIRV is the Dynamite Pack. The MIRV is a grenade. The MIRV would have never been a secondary for Demoman, it just doesn't make sense. Even considering the fact that in Trailer 2, he holds the MIRV in his left hand, lowering his Pipebomb launcher.

GrampaSwood (talkcontribs)

Is this code available in the 2020 leak? If so, please state the file location and specific line.
GrampaSwood (talk) 01:14, 5 March 2022 (UTC)

RedFire (talkcontribs)

The code is available in both the 2020 leak and the old 2008 build leak.

For the Stickylauncher being the Pipebomb Launcher internally, just check the weapon script files in retail. It's still listed as "tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher."

As for the MIRV Code, I cannot code, but the grenade code is still there in the leak as mentioned before. The files are "tf2_src/game/shared/tf/tf_weapon_grenade_mirv.cpp", and "tf2_src/game/shared/tf/tf_weapon_grenade_mirv.h".

The way the grenades all function could be in other locations, possibly "tf_weaponbase_grenade.h"? If you can read C++, you can figure it out.