Template:PatchDiff/April 27, 2012 Patch/team fortress 2 content.gcf/tf/resource/tf schinese.txt
15231523"[english]Tip_1_5" "As a Scout, your Scattergun deals high-damage at point-blank range, killing most classes with 2 hits."
15241524"Tip_2_Count" "22"
15251525"[english]Tip_2_Count" "22"
1526N/A"Tip_2_1" "作为 Sniper,你开镜的时间越长,就能造成越大的伤害。"
N/A1526"Tip_2_1" "作为 Sniper,你开镜瞄准的时间越长,就能造成越大的伤害。"
15271527"[english]Tip_2_1" "As a Sniper, the longer you spend zoomed while scoped, the more damage the shot will do."
1528N/A"Tip_2_2" "作为 Sniper,瞄准头部能打出爆击。"
N/A1528"Tip_2_2" "作为 Sniper,瞄准头部以造成爆击。"
15291529"[english]Tip_2_2" "As a Sniper, aim for the head in order to inflict critical damage."
1530N/A"Tip_2_3" "作为 Sniper,按 %attack2% 即可使用狙击步枪缩放瞄准镜。"
N/A1530"Tip_2_3" "作为 Sniper,按 %attack2% 即可缩放狙击步枪的瞄准镜。"
15311531"[english]Tip_2_3" "As a Sniper, zoom with the Sniper Rifle by hitting %attack2%."
15321532"Tip_2_4" "作为 Sniper,可以使用辅助冲锋枪解决近身的敌人。"
15331533"[english]Tip_2_4" "As a Sniper, use your secondary Submachine Gun to deal with nearby enemies."
15731573"[english]Tip_6_3" "As a Heavy, your Minigun chews up a lot of ammo. Pick up fallen weapons to refill your supply."
15741574"Tip_6_4" "作为 Heavy,你的转轮机枪需要大量弹药。 请捡起掉落在地上的武器来补充弹药。"
15751575"[english]Tip_6_4" "As a Heavy, your Sandvich can be a lifesaver. Try to find a safe place before eating your Sandvich or you may be rudely interrupted."
1576N/A"Tip_7_Count" "21"
N/A1576"Tip_7_Count" "32"
15771577"[english]Tip_7_Count" "32"
15781578"Tip_7_1" "作为 Pyro,你离敌人越近,火焰喷射器就能造成越大的伤害。"
15791579"[english]Tip_7_1" "As a Pyro, your Flamethrower does more damage the closer you are to the enemy."
16311631"[english]Tip_arena_4" "You don't respawn in Arena, so don't die!"
16321632"Tip_arena_5" "竞技场上没有最重要的单个兵种,要集中反击其他团队的整个组织。"
16331633"[english]Tip_arena_5" "No single class is the most important in Arena. Focus on countering the other team's entire composition."
1634N/A"Tip_arena_6" "在大门开启之前你可以在竞技场比赛的开始更改你的兵种。"
N/A1634"Tip_arena_6" "你只能在每场竞技场比赛的大门开启之前更改你的兵种。"
16351635"[english]Tip_arena_6" "You can only change your class at the start of an Arena match before the gates open."
16361636"Tip_arena_7" "作为 Engineer,请确保建造补给器来治疗队友。"
16371637"[english]Tip_arena_7" "As an Engineer, make sure you're building Dispensers in order to heal your teammates."
29372937"[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_GROUP_DESC" "Jarate 4 enemy players with a single throw."
29392939"[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_NAME" "Rain on Their Parade"
2940N/A"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "用瓶手道尿瓶攻击正被 Medic 治疗的敌人。"
N/A2940"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "用瓶手道尿瓶击中正被 Medic 治疗的敌人。"
29412941"[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_MEDIC_PAIR_DESC" "Jarate an enemy and the Medic healing him."
29432943"[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_NAME" "Jarring Transition"
2944N/A"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_DESC" "使用瓶手道尿瓶隐形的 Spy 现身。"
N/A2944"TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_DESC" "使用瓶手道尿瓶使隐形的 Spy 现身。"
29452945"[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_REVEAL_SPY_DESC" "Use Jarate to reveal a cloaked Spy."
29472947"[english]TF_SNIPER_JARATE_EXTINGUISH_NAME" "Friendship is Golden"
44874487"[english]TF_OSXItem_Desc" "OSX represent!"
44884488"Gametype_Training" "训练模式"
44894489"[english]Gametype_Training" "Training Mode"
4490N/A"Tip_1_6" "作为 Scout,在完全命中的情况下,霰弹枪解决多数兵种只需两枪。"
N/A4490"Tip_1_6" "作为 Scout,在空中发射自然之力所产生的后坐力会向瞄准的反方向将你击退。利用这一点来延长跳跃的距离。"
44914491"[english]Tip_1_6" "As a Scout, firing the Force-A-Nature in mid-air will knock you back away from the direction you're aiming; you can use this to extend the range of your jumps."
44924492"Tip_1_7" "作为 Scout,你可以在跳跃时使用自然之力的后座力提供额外的推力。"
44934493"[english]Tip_1_7" "As a Scout, take advantage of alternative routes to flank enemies for surprise attacks."
44944494"Tip_1_8" "作为 Scout,从敌人侧面或后方攻击是你最具威胁性的进攻方式。利用岔路绕到敌人侧面发起攻击。"
44954495"[english]Tip_1_8" "As a Scout, when wielding the Sandman, use %attack2% to launch a baseball at distant enemies to disable them."
4496N/A"Tip_1_9" "作为 Scout,使用你的睡魔的辅助开火能力来击昏敌人。"
N/A4496"Tip_1_9" "作为 Scout,装备睡魔会减少你的生命值上限。当生存力至关重要时,选择短棍。"
44974497"[english]Tip_1_9" "As a Scout, equipping the Sandman will reduce your maximum health. Stick with your bat if survival is a top priority."
4498N/A"Tip_1_10" "作为 Scout,相比使用睡魔球棒,普通棒球棒可以提供15点额外生命上限。如果生存力对你至关重要的话,选棒球棒。"
N/A4498"Tip_1_10" "作为 Scout,使用自然之力击中近距离的敌人会击退他们。"
44994499"[english]Tip_1_10" "As a Scout, hitting nearby foes with the Force-A-Nature will push them away from you."
45004500"Tip_1_11" "作为 Scout,自然之力可以击退近距离的敌人。"
45014501"[english]Tip_1_11" "As a Scout, the further your Sandman baseball travels, the longer it will stun any enemy it hits - up to a maximum of 7 seconds."
45074507"[english]Tip_1_14" "As a Scout, use Mad Milk to douse flames on yourself and on your teammates."
45084508"Tip_1_15" "作为 Scout,配合你的原子能饮料来吸引步哨枪的目光,协助队友摧毁它。"
45094509"[english]Tip_1_15" "As a Scout, the Shortstop and Pistol share the same ammo reserve, so be mindful of your ammo while you have both equipped."
4510N/A"Tip_1_16" "作为 Scout,配合你的原子能饮料来避开步哨枪和其他伤害。"
N/A4510"Tip_1_16" "作为 Scout,如果你装备着糖果手杖,每一个被你杀死的敌人都会掉落一个免费的医疗包,不管你用什么武器杀死该敌人。"
45114511"[english]Tip_1_16" "As a Scout, if you have the Candy Cane equipped, killed foes will always drop free health kits, regardless of which weapon you used."
45124512"Tip_2_5" "作为 Sniper,一次蓄能充足的狙击步枪造成的爆头可以秒杀大多数敌人。"
45134513"[english]Tip_2_5" "As a Sniper, a fully charged Sniper Rifle head shot can kill most classes instantly."
45434543"[english]Tip_3_12" "As a Soldier, the Equalizer does a lot of damage when you're at very low health, but it deals less than the Shovel when you're at high health."
45444544"Tip_3_13" "作为 Soldier,战旗的怒气槽会在你死后归零。利用它的伤害加成为你推进战线或逃跑!"
45454545"[english]Tip_3_13" "As a Soldier, Medics cannot target you for healing or ÜberCharges while you actively wield the Equalizer. You will also be unable to call for a Medic."
4546N/A"Tip_3_14" "作为 Soldier,战旗激活后,可以为你以及你周围的所有队友提供迷你爆击加成。"
N/A4546"Tip_3_14" "作为 Soldier,请记住,用座头市之刀击中装备着同样武器的敌人,可以一击必杀。"
45474547"[english]Tip_3_14" "As a Soldier, remember that the Half-Zatoichi attacks instantly kill any enemy that is also wielding one!"
4548N/A"Tip_3_15" "作为 Soldier,十字镐在低血量时的速度加成也可以用来快速撤退。"
N/A4548"Tip_3_15" "作为 Soldier,每当你用火箭伤害到敌人时,黑匣子可以为你治疗。当友方 Medic 或医疗包稀少时使用它。"
45494549"[english]Tip_3_15" "As a Soldier, the Black Box heals you whenever you damage an enemy with a rocket. Use it when friendly Medics and health kits are scarce."
45504550"Tip_3_16" "作为 Soldier,当你生命值极低时,十字镐可以造成大量伤害。"
45514551"[english]Tip_3_16" "As a Soldier, the Gunboats greatly reduce health loss from rocket jumps. Use them when positioning and mobility are especially important."
45614561"[english]Tip_4_8" "As a Demoman, your Bottle does the same amount of damage whether it is smashed open or not."
45624562"Tip_4_9" "作为 Demoman,苏格兰防御者是你的防守利器。你可以同时放置多组黏性炸弹防守多个区域。它们甚至可以摧毁敌人的黏性炸弹!"
45634563"[english]Tip_4_9" "As a Demoman, the Scottish Resistance is great for defense. Place multiple groups of Stickybombs in order to defend a lot of territory. Your Stickybombs can also destroy enemy Stickybombs!"
4564N/A"Tip_4_10" "作为使用苏格兰防御者的 Demoman,留意你的黏性炸弹以便需要的时候引爆它们。"
N/A4564"Tip_4_10" "作为 Demoman,当使用苏格兰防御者时,留意你的黏性炸弹以便需要的时候引爆它们。"
45654565"[english]Tip_4_10" "As a Demoman, when using the Scottish Resistance keep a line of sight to your Stickybombs so you can detonate them when needed."
45664566"Tip_4_11" "作为 Demoman,冲锋盾的爆炸和火焰伤害抗性以及冲锋能力可以很好地弥补苏格兰长剑的低生命值及其不能造成随机造成爆击的缺陷。"
45674567"[english]Tip_4_11" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's explosive and fire damage resistance in addition to its charge ability complement the Eyelander's lower max health and inability to cause random critical hits."
45684568"Tip_4_12" "作为 Demoman,冲锋盾的冲锋技能只有接近最远冲锋距离时才会提供完全爆击。时机一到你的武器就会发光!"
45694569"[english]Tip_4_12" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability doesn't grant a critical hit until near the end of the charge. Your weapon will glow when the time is right!"
4570N/A"Tip_4_13" "作为装备冲锋圆盾的 Demoman,在冲锋过程中你将无法改变方向。冲锋时试着朝向敌人将会到达的位置而不是现在所在的位置。"
N/A4570"Tip_4_13" "作为 Demoman,当装备冲锋盾时,在冲锋过程中你无法改变方向。冲锋时试着朝向敌人将会到达的位置而不是现在的位置。"
45714571"[english]Tip_4_13" "As a Demoman, when using the Chargin' Targe you can't change direction during a charge. Try to line charges up with where an enemy will be rather than where an enemy is."
45724572"Tip_4_14" "作为 Demoman,冲锋圆盾的冲锋技能用来逃跑一样很赞!"
45734573"[english]Tip_4_14" "As a Demoman, the Chargin' Targe's charge ability is also perfect for quick getaways!"
4574N/A"Tip_4_15" "作为 Demoman,你的瓶子没有像苏格兰长剑那样降低25点生命上限的劣势。如果生存力对你来说更重要的话,使用前者。"
N/A4574"Tip_4_15" "作为 Demoman,你的瓶子没有像苏格兰长剑那样降低 25 点生命值上限的劣势。当生存力至关重要时,选择瓶子。"
45754575"[english]Tip_4_15" "As a Demoman, your Bottle has no negative attributes when compared to the health reduction penalty of the Eyelander. Use your Bottle if survival is a priority."
45764576"Tip_4_16" "作为 Demoman,用苏格兰长剑砍敌人可以收集他们的头颅。每颗头颅都会增加你的生命值上限并提高你的移动速度。"
45774577"[english]Tip_4_16" "As a Demoman, collect heads by killing enemies with the Eyelander. Each head increases your maximum health and also gives you a speed boost!"
45994599"[english]Tip_5_17" "As a Medic, using ÜberCharge to be invulnerable to damage does not mean you are free from harm. Watch out for the Pyro's compression blast and explosive knock back."
46004600"Tip_5_18" "作为 Medic,激活 ÜberCharge 进攻时,要尽量靠近步哨枪,这样您的队友才可以靠得足够近来摧毁它们。"
46014601"[english]Tip_5_18" "As a Medic, when attacking with an ÜberCharge, try to get Sentry Guns to target you so that your teammates can get close enough to destroy them."
4602N/A"Tip_5_19" "作为 Medic,您的注射枪会自动地慢慢给您治疗,每秒恢复 3 点生命值,相比而言,吸血鬼针筒枪每秒只恢复 1 点生命值。"
N/A4602"Tip_5_19" "作为 Medic,您的注射枪会自动地慢慢给您治疗,每秒恢复 3 点生命值,相比而言,吸血鬼针筒枪每秒只恢复 1 点生命值。防守时请使用注射枪,更快的被动治愈速率会为您带来优势。"
46034603"[english]Tip_5_19" "As a Medic, your default Syringe Gun automatically heals you over time by 3 health per second compared to the Blutsauger's 1 health per second. Use the Syringe Gun when playing defensively, as the passive healing rate will provide you with an advantage."
46044604"Tip_5_20" "作为 Medic,用过载充能锯命中一个伪装的 Spy 不会为你积聚 ÜberCharge。"
46054605"[english]Tip_5_20" "As a Medic, the Übersaw will not increase your ÜberCharge meter if the enemy being hit is a disguised Spy."
4606N/A"Tip_5_21" "作为 Medic,闪电战医疗枪的嘲讽动作会为您治愈 10 点生命。附近没有医药包或其他 Medic 时,请使用它。"
N/A4606"Tip_5_21" "作为 Medic,闪电战医疗枪的嘲讽动作会为您治愈 10 点生命。附近没有医疗包或其他 Medic 时,可以用它救治自己。"
46074607"[english]Tip_5_21" "As a Medic, the Kritzkrieg's taunt heals 10 health. Use it when there are no health kits or other Medics nearby."
46084608"Tip_5_22" "作为 Medic,要注意您团队中的其他 Medic。让多个 Medic 存活下来可以让团队剩余的成员得以生存。"
46094609"[english]Tip_5_22" "As a Medic, pay attention to other Medics on your team. Keeping multiple Medics alive will help keep the rest of the team alive, too."
46134613"[english]Tip_6_6" "As a Heavy, you don't lose momentum while spinning up your Minigun in the air. Use this to surprise enemies around corners!"
46144614"Tip_6_8" "作为 Heavy,用拳头比用克格勃杀戮拳击手套出手更快一些。享用三明治前亮出它们,快速除掉捣乱午餐时间的家伙!"
46154615"[english]Tip_6_8" "As a Heavy, your fists swing faster than the Killing Gloves of Boxing. Equip them with the Sandvich to quickly dispatch lunchtime attackers. "
4616N/A"Tip_6_9" "作为 Heavy,按下 %attack2% 可以扔出三明治。三明治可以补充队友相当于一个医疗包的血量。"
N/A4616"Tip_6_9" "作为 Heavy,按下 %attack2% 可以扔出三明治。三明治可以补充队友一定的血量,近似于一个医疗包。"
46174617"[english]Tip_6_9" "As a Heavy, the Sandvich can be dropped by hitting %attack2%. A dropped Sandvich can heal a teammate similarly to a health kit."
4618N/A"Tip_6_10" "作为 Heavy,如果你已扔掉了自己的三明治,请再去拿一个。三明治可以通过医疗包来补充,但前提是你的生命值已满。"
N/A4618"Tip_6_10" "作为 Heavy,如果你已扔掉了自己的三明治,确保再去拿一个。当你的生命值已满时,可以通过拾取医疗包来补充三明治。"
46194619"[english]Tip_6_10" "As a Heavy, be sure to get another Sandvich if you drop yours. Sandviches can be replenished from health kits, but only if your current health is full."
46204620"Tip_6_11" "作为 Heavy,转轮机枪预热的时候也会消耗克格勃杀戮拳击手套的 5 秒爆击时间。带上你的霰弹枪从而最大化地利用它。"
46214621"[english]Tip_6_11" "As a Heavy, your Minigun's spin-up time can waste the Killing Gloves of Boxing's five-second critical buff. Carry your Shotgun with the K.G.B. in order to maximize the critical boost!"
46454645"[english]Tip_7_16" "As a Pyro, use %attack2% when using the Flamethrower in order to let out a blast of compressed air. Use it to reflect incoming projectiles, put out burning teammates, or push enemies back!"
46464646"Tip_7_17" "作为 Pyro,用火焰喷射器点燃使用猎人短弓的友方 Sniper 的弓箭。燃烧的弓箭命中敌人后可以点燃他们。"
46474647"[english]Tip_7_17" "As a Pyro, use your Flamethrower on friendly Snipers in order to light their Huntsman arrows on fire. Flaming arrows can ignite the enemy and inflict additional damage."
4648N/A"Tip_7_18" "作为 Pyro,使用火焰喷射器时按下 %attack2% 把飞行物反弹给敌人!它们包括火箭弹、榴弹、瓶手道尿瓶等等等等!"
N/A4648"Tip_7_18" "作为 Pyro,使用火焰喷射器时按下 %attack2% 把飞行物反弹给敌人!飞行物包括火箭弹、榴弹、弓箭、瓶手道尿瓶等等等等!"
46494649"[english]Tip_7_18" "As a Pyro, use %attack2% to reflect projectiles back at the enemy team! This includes rockets, grenades, Huntsman arrows, Jarate and more!"
46504650"Tip_7_19" "作为 Pyro,请记住,火焰喷射器的压缩空气(按 %attack2%)会消耗大量弹药。别浪费!"
46514651"[english]Tip_7_19" "As a Pyro, remember that the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) can use up a lot of ammo. Use it only when you need to!"
64946494"RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "移除油漆?"
64956495"[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaintTitle" "Remove Paint?"
64966496"RefurbishItem_RemovePaint" "从这项物品上移除自订色彩,恢复其原始颜色? \n\n(油漆将会被丢弃)"
6497N/A"[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaint" "Remove the custom color from this item, restoring its original color?\n\n(Paint will be discarded)"
N/A6497"[english]RefurbishItem_RemovePaint" "Remove the custom color %confirm_dialog_token% from this item, restoring its original color?\n\n(Paint will be discarded)"
64986498"RefurbishItem_RemoveNameTitle" "移除名称?"
64996499"[english]RefurbishItem_RemoveNameTitle" "Remove Name?"
65006500"RefurbishItem_RemoveName" "从这项物品上移除自订名称,恢复其原始名称? \n\n(名称标签将会被丢弃)"
72817281"[english]TF_CrusadersCrossbow" "The Crusader's Crossbow"
72827282"TF_UllapoolCaber" "木柄手榴弹"
72837283"[english]TF_UllapoolCaber" "The Ullapool Caber"
N/A7284"TF_LochNLoad" "双管榴弹发射器"
N/A7285"[english]TF_LochNLoad" "The Loch-n-Load"
72847286"TF_BuffaloSteak" "水牛排三明治"
72857287"[english]TF_BuffaloSteak" "The Buffalo Steak Sandvich"
72867288"TF_GatlingGun" "黄铜猛兽"
74337435"[english]ShowDuplicateItemsCheckbox" "Show Duplicate Items"
74347436"Attrib_TradableAfterDate" "\n过了 %s1 后才可交易"
74357437"[english]Attrib_TradableAfterDate" "\nTradable After: %s1"
7436N/A"Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate" "几天之后变成“可交易的”"
N/A7438"Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate" "若干天之后可交易"
74377439"[english]Attrib_Store_TradableAfterDate" "Becomes Tradable After a Few Days"
74387440"Attrib_Store_Purchased" "将不可交易或参与合成"
74397441"[english]Attrib_Store_Purchased" "Will Not Be Tradable or Usable in Crafting"
75777579"[english]Replay_DefaultServerError" "The server encountered an error in processing Replays for the last round."
75787580"Replay_NoReplays" "当前您没有任何回放。\n在游戏中按下[ %s1 ]来创建一段。"
75797581"[english]Replay_NoReplays" "Currently you have no replays.\nPress [ %s1 ] during a game to create one."
7580N/A"Replay_NoMovies" "当前您没有已保存的影片。\n您可以将回放保存成影片并跟您的\n朋友分享。"
N/A7582"Replay_NoMovies" "当前您没有已保存的影片。\n您可以将回放保存成影片并跟您的\n好友分享。"
75817583"[english]Replay_NoMovies" "Currently you have no saved movies.\nYou can save replays into movies and share them\nwith your friends."
75827584"Replay_NoCuts" "当前您没有任何场景。点击下方的“观看”,接着当回放运行时,按下<SPACE>以进入回放编辑器。"
75837585"[english]Replay_NoCuts" "Currently you have no takes. Click the watch button below, then once the replay loads, press <SPACE> to enter the replay editor."
84598461"[english]TR_DemoRush_CombatHint1" "The GRENADE LAUNCHER can be aimed upwards to fire grenades further or from behind cover."
84608462"TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2Title" "黏性炸弹提示"
84618463"[english]TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2Title" "Sticky Bomb Tip"
8462N/A"TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2" "记住黏性炸弹可以在任何时间通过按 %attack2% 来引爆。将粘弹布置在你认为敌人会出现的地方,然后给他们一个惊喜!"
N/A8464"TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2" "记住黏性炸弹在任何时候都可以通过按 %attack2% 来引爆。将黏性炸弹放置在你认为敌人会出现的地方,然后给他们一个惊喜!"
84638465"[english]TR_DemoRush_CombatHint2" "Remember STICKY BOMBS can be detonated at any time with %attack2%. Place stickies where you think enemies will be and surprise them!"
84648466"TR_DemoRush_TipSentryTitle" "步哨枪提示"
84658467"[english]TR_DemoRush_TipSentryTitle" "Sentry Tip"
86538655"[english]TF_FindCoachDialog_Match" "Any Available"
86548656"TF_Coach_CoachSearching" "正在寻找最好的可用教练。"
86558657"[english]TF_Coach_CoachSearching" "Searching for the best coach available."
8656N/A"TF_Coach_AskingFriend" "请求您的朋友当您的教练。"
N/A8658"TF_Coach_AskingFriend" "请求您的好友当您的教练。"
86578659"[english]TF_Coach_AskingFriend" "Asking your friend to be your coach."
86588660"TF_Coach_JoiningStudent" "正在加入学生的游戏。"
86598661"[english]TF_Coach_JoiningStudent" "Joining the student's game."
89538955"[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_UnknownError" "The session info file failed to download: Unknown error. URL: %url%"
89548956"Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ZeroLengthFile" "会话下载失败:空文件。地址: %url%"
89558957"[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ZeroLengthFile" "The session info file failed to download: Zero length file. URL: %url%"
8956N/A"Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ConnectionClosed" "会话下载失败:连接中断。 地址:%url%"
N/A8958"Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ConnectionClosed" "会话下载失败:连接已关闭。地址:%url%"
89578959"[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_ConnectionClosed" "The session info file failed to download: Connection closed. URL: %url%"
89588960"Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_InvalidURL" "会话下载失败:地址无效。 地址: %url%"
89598961"[english]Replay_DL_Err_SI_DownloadFailed_InvalidURL" "The session info file failed to download: Invalid URL. URL: %url%"
91539155"[english]Attrib_MakersMark" "Crafted by %s1"
91549156"HTTPError_ZeroLengthFile" "空文件"
91559157"[english]HTTPError_ZeroLengthFile" "Zero length file"
9156N/A"HTTPError_ConnectionClosed" "连接中断"
N/A9158"HTTPError_ConnectionClosed" "连接已关闭"
91579159"[english]HTTPError_ConnectionClosed" "Connection closed"
91589160"HTTPError_InvalidURL" "无效 URL"
91599161"[english]HTTPError_InvalidURL" "Invalid URL"
98879889"[english]TF_SolemnVow_Desc" "'Do no harm.'"
98889890"TF_Weapon_Bust" "希波克拉底半身像"
98899891"[english]TF_Weapon_Bust" "Bust of Hippocrates"
9890N/A"strange" "奇特"
N/A9892"strange" "奇异"
98919893"[english]strange" "Strange"
98929894"MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Title" "物品与配置"
98939895"[english]MMenu_LoadoutHighlightPanel_Title" "Items and Loadouts"
1182011822"[english]TF_Tool_WinterKey2011_Nice_Desc" "Used to open unusually Nice locked winter crates.\nThis key will not open Naughty crates.\n\nAfter 1/1/2012 this will turn into a normal key."
1182111823"TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty" "邋遢的欢冬供应箱"
1182211824"[english]TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty" "Naughty Winter Crate"
11823N/A"TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty_Desc" "此箱子有特别的欢乐气氛。 \n里面不知道装了什么而且\n普通的钥匙无法打开它。\n\n里面有些(但不是全部)物品是奇特的..."
N/A11825"TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty_Desc" "此箱子有特别的欢乐气氛。 \n里面不知道装了什么而且\n普通的钥匙无法打开它。\n\n里面有些(但不是全部)物品是奇异的..."
1182411826"[english]TF_WinterCrate2011_Naughty_Desc" "This crate is unusually festive.\nIts contents are unknown and\nnormal keys don't fit the lock.\n\nSome, but not all, of the items in this crate are Strange..."
1182511827"TF_WinterCrate2011_Nice" "精美的欢冬供应箱"
1182611828"[english]TF_WinterCrate2011_Nice" "Nice Winter Crate"
1183211834"[english]TF_Set_DrG_Moonman" "Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack"
1183311835"TF_Set_Scout_Winter_2011" "圣诞老人的小小帮凶"
1183411836"[english]TF_Set_Scout_Winter_2011" "Santa's Little Accomplice"
11835N/A"Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "辅助开火能力:为队友灭火来积攒暴击"
N/A11837"Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "辅助开火能力:为队友灭火来积攒爆击"
1183611838"[english]Attrib_ExtinguishRevenge" "Alt-Fire: Extinguish teammates to gain guaranteed critical hits"
1183711839"Attrib_BurnDamageEarnsRage" "所有火焰伤害能增加“呜唔”值,激活后能恢复生命值和有几秒的爆击时间
1205712059"[english]TF_Wearable_Backpack" "Backpack"
1205812060"TF_Wearable_Robot" "机器人"
1205912061"[english]TF_Wearable_Robot" "Robot"
N/A12062"TF_PyroCandle" "寻路的蜡烛头"
N/A12063"[english]TF_PyroCandle" "The Waxy Wayfinder"
N/A12064"TF_PyroCandle_Desc" "你终于过上了你的“风烛残年”(注意这顶帽子并不包括“风”)。"
N/A12065"[english]TF_PyroCandle_Desc" "Finally live your life like a candle in the wind. (Wind not included.)"
N/A12066"TF_ShootManyRobotsPack" "废铁回收器"
N/A12067"[english]TF_ShootManyRobotsPack" "The Scrap Pack"
N/A12068"Tip_1_17" "作为 Scout,爆击可乐使用时要小心。把它留到偷袭敌人时再使用,并且用你的速度优势来避免迷你爆击伤害。"
N/A12069"[english]Tip_1_17" "As a Scout, be careful when using Crit-A-Cola. Saving it for surprise attacks and taking advantage of your speed can help you avoid taking mini-crit damage."
N/A12070"Tip_1_18" "作为 Scout,你和队友在击中被疯狂的牛奶浇灌的敌人时,都会恢复生命值。在战斗中使用疯狂的牛奶来提升队伍的生存力。"
N/A12071"[english]Tip_1_18" "As a Scout, you and your allies regain lost health when hitting enemies drenched in Mad Milk. Initiate fights with it to improve your team's survivability."
N/A12072"Tip_1_19" "作为 Scout,波士顿狼牙棒击中敌人时会让敌人流血,但击空也会让你自己流血。拾取医疗包可以解除流血状态。"
N/A12073"[english]Tip_1_19" "As a Scout, the Boston Basher causes foes to bleed when struck, but missing will cause self-inflicted bleeding. Bleeding can be quickly cured with health kits."
N/A12074"Tip_1_20" "作为 Scout,太阳之杖对着火敌人产生爆击,但它的原始攻击力弱于短棍。与友方 Pyro 合作能充分利用它的效果。"
N/A12075"[english]Tip_1_20" "As a Scout, the Sun-on-a-Stick deals critical damage to burning foes, but is otherwise weaker than the Bat. Work with friendly Pyros to make full use of it."
N/A12076"Tip_1_21" "作为 Scout,用军配扇击中敌人能使后续攻击造成小爆击。让队友的武器或者你其它的武器来造成最大的伤害吧。"
N/A12077"[english]Tip_1_21" "As a Scout, a Fan O'War hit turns subsequent attacks against the target into mini-crits. Use allies and other weapons to get the most from the damage boost."
N/A12078"Tip_1_22" "作为 Scout,通过苏打炮手的爆击能量积累的爆击作用对你的副武器和近战武器同样有效。"
N/A12079"[english]Tip_1_22" "As a Scout, the Mini-Crits achieved through the Soda Popper's Hype Meter will also affect your secondary and melee weapons!"
N/A12080"Tip_1_23" "作为 Scout,在使用原子能球棒时务必注意自己的生命值。时机不当的三段跳会要了你的命!"
N/A12081"[english]Tip_1_23" "As a Scout, watch your health when using the Atomizer. A poorly-timed triple jump could cost you your life!"
N/A12082"Tip_1_24" "作为 Scout,你可以充分利用原子能球棒的三段跳功能和自然之力的后坐力效果,来实现四段跳!"
N/A12083"[english]Tip_1_24" "As a Scout, you can utilize both the Force-A-Nature's knockback and Atomizer's triple jump for a quadruple jump combination!"
N/A12084"Tip_1_25" "作为 Scout,原子能球棒使你拥有三段跳能力。利用它来智取敌人或是到达平常难以到达的地方。"
N/A12085"[english]Tip_1_25" "As a Scout, the Atomizer will allow you to perform a triple jump! Use it to outmaneuver enemies and access hard-to-reach areas!"
N/A12086"Tip_1_26" "作为 Scout,苏打炮手的爆击效果在能量积满时就会自动释放,不能储存。所以,留意你的走动,以便在合适时机释放。"
N/A12087"[english]Tip_1_26" "As a Scout, the Soda Popper's mini-crits are automatically activated once your Hype Meter fills, and cannot be stored. Plan your movements so that the buff is activated at the right moment!"
N/A12088"Tip_1_27" "作为 Scout,边锋球员比原始手枪伤害更高,但弹夹容量也更少。在近距离使用,确保弹无虚发。"
N/A12089"[english]Tip_1_27" "As a Scout, the Winger inflicts more damage than the Pistol, but this is offset by its reduced magazine size. Use the Winger at close range in order to ensure that you hit your target!"
N/A12090"Tip_1_28" "作为 Scout,游击手在中远距离十分有效,这使你能与危险的敌人保持距离。"
N/A12091"[english]Tip_1_28" "As a Scout, the Shortstop is very effective at medium to long range, allowing you to maintain your distance from dangerous enemies."
N/A12092"Tip_1_29" "作为 Scout,包装纸杀手的辅助攻击 (%attack2%) 可以对敌人造成失血效果!用它来攻击远距离的敌人。"
N/A12093"[english]Tip_1_29" "As a Scout, the Wrap Assassin's secondary attack (%attack2%) can be used to inflict bleeding damage on enemies! Use it to damage enemies from a distance."
N/A12094"Tip_2_13" "作为 Sniper,悉尼沉睡者仅对敌人产生尿瓶的效果,别再浪费子弹给队友灭火了。"
N/A12095"[english]Tip_2_13" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper only applies Jarate to enemies. Do not waste your ammo trying to extinguish burning teammates as you would with normal Jarate."
N/A12096"Tip_2_14" "作为 Sniper,瓶手道尿瓶和灌木丛的组合攻击十分有效。用瓶手道尿瓶浇灌敌人,再用灌木丛砍他们,必然造成爆击伤害。"
N/A12097"[english]Tip_2_14" "As a Sniper, your Jarate and Bushwacka make the perfect combo. Soak the enemy in Jarate and hit them with the Bushwacka for an automatic critical hit."
N/A12098"Tip_2_15" "作为 Sniper,悉尼沉睡者在蓄满能时能一枪击毙大多数兵种。"
N/A12099"[english]Tip_2_15" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can kill most classes in one shot at 100%% charge."
N/A12100"Tip_2_16" "作为 Sniper,达尔文的危险之盾增加 25 点生命值上限,当生存力至关重要时选择它。"
N/A12101"[english]Tip_2_16" "As a Sniper, Darwin's Danger Shield adds an additional 25 health. Use it when survival is a top priority."
N/A12102"Tip_2_17" "作为 Sniper,尽管猎人短弓不能开镜瞄准,但它在攻击中近距离的敌人时非常好用。"
N/A12103"[english]Tip_2_17" "As a Sniper, the Huntsman is very effective at short to medium range despite its inability to zoom in."
N/A12104"Tip_2_18" "作为 Sniper,悉尼沉睡者仅在充能 50% 以上时才能对敌人产生瓶手道尿瓶效果,所以射击时不要着急,要沉得住气。"
N/A12105"[english]Tip_2_18" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper will apply a Jarate effect to an enemy if the shot has been charged to 50%% or higher, so take your time when shooting."
N/A12106"Tip_2_19" "作为 Sniper,用悉尼沉睡者击中敌人可以对其产生瓶手道尿瓶效果。这使它在远距离支援队友时特别有用,即使你的第一发没有击毙目标。"
N/A12107"[english]Tip_2_19" "As a Sniper, the Sydney Sleeper can coat an enemy with Jarate upon a successful hit. This makes it an effective weapon when supporting your team from afar even if you do not kill the enemy with your first shot."
N/A12108"Tip_2_21" "作为使用鬼械神狙的 Sniper,请考虑把辅助冲锋枪作为副武器,在不能开镜的情况下解决近距离的敌人。"
N/A12109"[english]Tip_2_21" "As a Sniper with the Machina, consider equipping the Submachine Gun to handle enemies in situations where scoping in for a shot is too difficult."
N/A12110"Tip_2_22" "作为 Sniper,诸王之王在你的生命值少于一半时具有伤害加成。在你受到伤害后再使用它反击敌人。"
N/A12111"[english]Tip_2_22" "As a Sniper, the Shahanshah has increased damage when your health is below 50%. Use it to counter enemies harassing you once you've taken damage."
N/A12112"Tip_3_18" "作为 Soldier,激活征服者战旗使你和队友在攻击敌人时能够得到治疗。用它来提升队伍的生存力。"
N/A12113"[english]Tip_3_18" "As a Soldier, activating the Concheror lets you and your teammates heal themselves by damaging enemies. Use it to improve your team's survivability in fights."
N/A12114"Tip_3_19" "作为 Soldier,你可以使用火箭伞兵快速无伤地抵达前线。然而,请小心,你受到更多的伤害,而且不得不依赖副武器和近战武器来造成伤害。"
N/A12115"[english]Tip_3_19" "As a Soldier, you can use the Rocket Jumper to get to the front lines quickly without taking damage. Be careful! You will take increased damage from most weapons, and you will need to rely on your secondary and melee weapons to deal damage."
N/A12116"Tip_3_20" "作为 Soldier,平底煎锅和铁锹造成的伤害值完全相等,但声响更大。当你想保持隐蔽时,不要选择它,它那清脆的声音很容易暴露你的位置。"
N/A12117"[english]Tip_3_20" "As a Soldier, the Frying Pan does identical damage as the Shovel, but is a lot louder. Don't use it when you are trying to stay hidden, as the distinct sound will give your position away!"
N/A12118"Tip_3_21" "作为 Soldier,正义野牛可以对同一个敌人造成多次伤害,尤其是试图躲避你的火箭的敌人。用它狠狠地揍那些撤退的敌人。"
N/A12119"[english]Tip_3_21" "As a Soldier, the Righteous Bison can hit the same enemy multiple times, and will hit the most times on enemies who are moving away from the projectile. Use it to punish retreating enemies!"
N/A12120"Tip_3_22" "作为 Soldier,用指挥官的教鞭打队友可以在几秒钟内大幅提升自己和队友的移动速度。用它来鞭打那些走得较慢的兵种,如 Soldier 和 Heavy,以快速抵达前线。"
N/A12121"[english]Tip_3_22" "As a Soldier, hitting a teammate with the Disciplinary Action will increase both your and your ally's speed dramatically for a few seconds! Use it on slower classes like other Soldiers and Heavies in order to reach the front lines faster!"
N/A12122"Tip_3_23" "作为 Soldier,按下 %attack2% 可以激活绞牛机5000的蓄力攻击,造成更高的伤害并使敌人暂时着火。但注意,一次蓄力攻击就会完全消耗已装入的弹药。"
N/A12123"[english]Tip_3_23" "As a Soldier, use %attack2% when wielding the Cow Mangler 5000 to fire a charged shot, dealing extra damage and setting the enemy briefly on fire. Be careful! A charged shot entirely depletes the Cow Mangler 5000's ammunition."
N/A12124"Tip_3_24" "作为 Soldier,踏步靴能显著地减小敌人武器对你的击退作用。用它来防止你自己被自然之力、爆炸伤害或步哨枪等击退。"
N/A12125"[english]Tip_3_24" "As a Soldier, the Mantreads dramatically reduce weapon knock back. Use them in order to avoid being pushed back by the Force-A-Nature, explosives or Sentry Guns!"
N/A12126"Tip_3_25" "作为 Soldier,务必要注意黑匣子和自由推进炮一次只能装填三发火箭。尽量打准,否则会给敌人留下反击的机会。"
N/A12127"[english]Tip_3_25" "As a Soldier, the Liberty Launcher and Black Box only load three rockets at any time. Be sure to make each shot count, or you may be left vulnerable."
N/A12128"Tip_3_26" "作为 Soldier,火箭跳以迅速接近敌人,然后用市场花园铁锹,在落地前一瞬间解决敌人。"
N/A12129"[english]Tip_3_26" "As a Soldier, rocket jump to quickly close the distance between you and your enemies, and then use the Market Gardener to finish them off as you land."
N/A12130"Tip_3_27" "作为 Soldier,如果敌方 Pyro 反弹你的火箭,可以考虑使用霰弹枪对付他们。"
N/A12131"[english]Tip_3_27" "As a Soldier, consider using your Shotgun against enemy Pyros that are reflecting your rockets."
N/A12132"Tip_4_17" "作为 Demoman,补充木柄手榴弹的唯一办法是回基地使用补给柜。请确保弹无虚发!"
N/A12133"[english]Tip_4_17" "As a Demoman, the only way to recharge your Ullapool Caber is to visit a resupply locker. Make every hit with it count!"
N/A12134"Tip_4_18" "作为 Demoman,在使用苏格兰防御者时请记住,你可以透过墙和地板看到你的黏性炸弹,而且在任何距离上都可以引爆它们。好好利用这个优势。"
N/A12135"[english]Tip_4_18" "As a Demoman, when using the Scottish Resistance remember that you can see your Stickybombs through walls and floors and can detonate them from any range. Use this to your advantage."
N/A12136"Tip_4_19" "作为 Demoman,请记住,用座头市之刀击中装备着同样武器的敌人,可以一击必杀。"
N/A12137"[english]Tip_4_19" "As a Demoman, remember that a successful hit with Half-Zatoichi on any enemy wielding the same weapon will result in an instant kill."
N/A12138"Tip_4_20" "作为 Demoman,使用双管榴弹发射器来对移动速度慢的敌人或建筑造成额外的伤害。不管怎样,好好瞄准!弹夹只有 2 发,并且只有直接命中才能造成伤害。"
N/A12139"[english]Tip_4_20" "As a Demoman, use the Loch-and-Load to inflict additional damage against slower moving classes and buildings. Aim carefully however! You only have two shots before you must reload, and you will only inflict damage on a direct hit."
N/A12140"Tip_4_21" "作为 Demoman,在被敌人包围时使用木柄手榴弹,产生的爆炸会对周围所有的敌人造成严重伤害。"
N/A12141"[english]Tip_4_21" "As a Demoman, use the Ullapool Caber when surrounded by enemies. The resulting explosion will inflict heavy damage on all nearby opponents."
N/A12142"Tip_4_22" "作为 Demoman,摩尔巨剑可以使你最大限度地利用冲锋盾。虽然你不能造成随机爆击伤害或收集头颅,但更长的冲锋时间意味着更远的冲锋距离,以及在遇到危险时更迅速地逃离。"
N/A12143"[english]Tip_4_22" "As a Demoman, use the Claidheamh Mòr to maximize the effectiveness of your Chargin' Targe. You won't inflict critical hits or collect heads, but the extra duration of your charge will allow you to cover more distance, or make a quick escape!"
N/A12144"Tip_4_24" "作为 Demoman,在使用苏格兰长剑斩杀敌方使用苏格兰长剑的 Demoman 时,可以夺取其收集的头颅数。"
N/A12145"[english]Tip_4_24" "As a Demoman, your Eyelander will collect the stored heads from a slain enemy Demoman."
N/A12146"Tip_4_25" "作为 Demoman,使用座头市之刀成功嘲讽杀敌后,你就可以切换武器了。"
N/A12147"[english]Tip_4_25" "As a Demoman, a successful taunt kill with the Half-Zatoichi will allow you to sheath the sword."
N/A12148"Tip_4_26" "作为 Demoman,你可以利用冲锋盾或辉煌护盾的冲锋能力,冲上小斜坡,使自己飞起来。敌人会惊讶地看到你从他们头顶上飞过。"
N/A12149"[english]Tip_4_26" "As a Demoman, you can use the Chargin' Targe or Splendid Screen to launch off small ramps and go flying! Use it to surprise enemies by charging over their heads."
N/A12150"Tip_7_21" "作为 Pyro,拆迁者大锤可以用来摧毁敌人放置在己方建筑上的电子工兵。"
N/A12151"[english]Tip_7_21" "As a Pyro, the Homewrecker can be used to remove enemy Sappers from buildings."
N/A12152"Tip_7_22" "作为 Pyro,你的熔岩战斧在击中敌人时,可以使敌人着火。与信号枪配合使用,以造成更大伤害。"
N/A12153"[english]Tip_7_22" "As a Pyro, your Sharpened Volcano Fragment sets enemies on fire upon a successful hit. Use in combination with the Flare Gun in order to inflict substantial damage!"
N/A12154"Tip_7_23" "作为 Pyro,你可以使用“不求人”帮助 Medic 快速积攒 ÜberCharge 能量。"
N/A12155"[english]Tip_7_23" "As a Pyro, you can use the Back Scratcher in order to help a Medic build their ÜberCharge more quickly."
N/A12156"Tip_7_24" "作为 Pyro,在处于满生命值时使用强力千斤顶杀敌,可以使你进入过量治疗状态。"
N/A12157"[english]Tip_7_24" "As a Pyro, the Powerjack is able to overheal you if you make a kill at full health."
N/A12158"Tip_7_25" "作为 Pyro,火焰喷射器的压缩空气(%attack2%)十分有用。可以用来将敌人,包括处于无敌状态的敌人,推下悬崖,或是其他环境伤害中。"
N/A12159"[english]Tip_7_25" "As a Pyro, the Flamethrower's compression blast (%attack2%) is a very useful tool. Use it to push enemies, even invulnerable Medics and their buddies, off cliffs or into other environmental hazards."
N/A12160"Tip_7_26" "作为 Pyro,脱油剂的后续燃烧伤害较小,然而它可以使你几乎在瞬间完成武器切换。你可以更容易地施展致命的连击,如先点燃敌人,再用火焰战斧对他们造成爆击伤害。"
N/A12161"[english]Tip_7_26" "As a Pyro, the Degreaser inflicts less afterburn damage but allows you to switch weapons almost instantly. This helps you perform deadly combination attacks, such as setting the enemy on fire and using the Axtinguisher to inflict a critical hit!"
N/A12162"Tip_7_27" "作为 Pyro,“不求人”的伤害较其他近战武器高,但 Medic 和补给器对你的治疗速度会下降,同时医疗包能为你提供更多的生命值。多熟悉地图上医疗包的位置吧。"
N/A12163"[english]Tip_7_27" "As a Pyro, the Backscratcher inflicts additional damage, but Medics and dispensers will heal you more slowly. Healthpacks will provide you with more health than normal however, so note their locations on the map!"
N/A12164"Tip_7_28" "作为 Pyro,火焰喷射器的压缩空气(%attack2%)可以用来对抗敌方 Demoman 的冲锋。时机准确的压缩空气可以在他攻击之前就被吹走,接下来你就有反击的机会了。"
N/A12165"[english]Tip_7_28" "As a Pyro, the Flamethrower's compression blast can be used to counter Demomen using the Chargin' Targe! Time your compression blast correctly, and you can push the Demoman back before he can strike, and then counter-attack!"
N/A12166"Tip_7_29" "作为 Pyro,预备役射手能对空中的敌人造成迷你爆击伤害。使用压缩空气(%mouse2%)将敌人吹离地面,然后切换出预备役射手射击,可以造成额外伤害。"
N/A12167"[english]Tip_7_29" "As a Pyro, the Reserve Shooter will mini-crit enemies that are airborne. Use your compression blast (%attack2%) to push an enemy into the air, and then switch to the Reserve Shooter in order to inflict additional damage!"
N/A12168"Tip_7_30" "作为 Pyro,起爆者的信号弹可以在任何时候使用 %mouse2% 引爆。它的溅射伤害可以点燃掩体后的敌人,或是一次点燃多个敌人。"
N/A12169"[english]Tip_7_30" "As a Pyro, the Detonator's flares can be detonated at any time using %attack2%. Use the blast radius to hit enemies behind cover, or to set multiple enemies on fire!"
N/A12170"Tip_7_31" "作为 Pyro,用燃素喷射器对敌人造成伤害可以积攒“呜唔”值。积满后,按下(%attack2%)使用,可以完全补充你的生命值,并在短时间内使你进入爆击状态。"
N/A12171"[english]Tip_7_31" "As a Pyro, inflicting damage with the Phlogistinator fills the 'Mmmph' meter. Once it is full, activate it using you secondary attack (%attack2%) in order to completely refill your health and inflict crits for a short time!"
N/A12172"Tip_7_32" "作为 Pyro,熔人枪的辅助攻击(%attack2%)可以为着火的队友灭火。每灭火一次,它还会储存一次爆击,你可以在合适的时机使用。"
N/A12173"[english]Tip_7_32" "As a Pyro, you can use the Manmelter's secondary fire (%attack2%) to extinguish teammates that are on fire. For each teammate extinguished you store a critical hit, so save the crits until the opportune moment!"
N/A12174"Tip_8_30" "作为 Spy,如果你手速太慢,不能在背刺 Engineer 之后立刻在步哨枪上放置电子工兵,你可以选择隐形或是躲在补给器后面。"
N/A12175"[english]Tip_8_30" "As a Spy, if you're too slow to sap a Sentry Gun after backstabbing an Engineer, you can cloak or hide behind his Dispenser."
N/A12176"Tip_8_31" "作为 Spy,永生的回报可以使你迅速伪装成你刚刚背刺的敌人。然而你在死亡后或是发动攻击后,还是会失去伪装。"
N/A12177"[english]Tip_8_31" "As a Spy, Your Eternal Reward automatically disguises you as the person you most recently backstabbed. Be aware that you will lose your disguise upon death or when attacking, however."
N/A12178"Tip_8_32" "作为 Spy,敌人的生命值对于你可见。这使你可以用左轮手枪轻松消灭低生命值的敌人。"
N/A12179"[english]Tip_8_32" "As a Spy, you can see enemies' health. Use this information to target weakened enemies with your Revolver."
N/A12180"Tip_8_33" "作为 Spy,使用“陌生人”成功击中敌人后,隐形手表的能量会增加。"
N/A12181"[english]Tip_8_33" "As a Spy, the L'Etranger adds to your cloak's battery when you successfully hit an enemy."
N/A12182"Tip_8_34" "作为 Spy,你的电子工兵在摧毁步哨枪前,会先使其无效化。与队友紧密配合,你应在队友冲锋前,放置电子工兵。这可以使队友免遭步哨枪的伤害,同时使敌方 Engineer 难以进行修复。"
N/A12183"[english]Tip_8_34" "As a Spy, your Electro Sappers disable Sentry Guns before destroying them. Communicate with your team and sap a Sentry Gun as your teammates attack. This prevents the Sentry from firing and makes it more difficult for an Engineer to repair it."
N/A12184"Tip_8_37" "作为 Spy,你可以利用掉落伤害激活死亡之铃,假装不小心摔死。"
N/A12185"[english]Tip_8_37" "As a Spy, you can activate your Dead Ringer with fall damage. Feign a careless death!"
N/A12186"Tip_8_38" "作为 Spy,请注意尿瓶、疯狂的牛奶、流血的效果以及水会在你隐形时显示你的轮廓。"
N/A12187"[english]Tip_8_38" "As a Spy, Bleeding, Jarate, Mad Milk, and emerging from water will reveal you while you're cloaked."
N/A12188"Tip_8_41" "作为 Spy,在使用冰柱时受到任何火焰伤害,冰柱都会融化,使你必须等待一段时间后,才能再次使用它。"
N/A12189"[english]Tip_8_41" "As a Spy, taking any fire damage when using the Spy-cicle will melt the weapon, requiring you to wait before you can use it again."
1206012190"NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "您已获得:"
1206112191"[english]NewItemMethod_PeriodicScoreReward" "You �Earned�:"
N/A12192"ToolStrangePartApplyConfirm" "你确定要在此物品上装备这个奇异武器升级部件?\n\n请谨记:单个物品最多只能装备 %maximum_strange_part_slots% 个部件。你的\n%subject_item_def_name% 还剩余 %remaining_strange_part_slots% 个部件可装备。"
N/A12193"[english]ToolStrangePartApplyConfirm" "Are you sure you want add this Strange Part to this item?\n\nRemember: a single item can only hold %maximum_strange_part_slots% parts. Your\n%subject_item_def_name% has %remaining_strange_part_slots% free slots remaining."
1206212194"KillEaterEventType_BuildingsSapped" "建筑破坏数"
1206312195"[english]KillEaterEventType_BuildingsSapped" "Buildings Sapped"
N/A12196"KillEaterEventType_PlayersTickled" "搔痒致死数"
N/A12197"[english]KillEaterEventType_PlayersTickled" "Tickle Fights Won"
N/A12198"KillEaterEventType_MenTreaded" "踩死的敌人数"
N/A12199"[english]KillEaterEventType_MenTreaded" "Opponents Flattened"
1206412200"KillEaterEventType_HeaviesKilled" "Heavy 消灭数"
1206512201"[english]KillEaterEventType_HeaviesKilled" "Heavies Killed"
1206612202"KillEaterEventType_BuildingsDestroyed" "摧毁建筑数"
1206712203"[english]KillEaterEventType_BuildingsDestroyed" "Buildings Destroyed"
N/A12204"KillEaterEventType_ProjectilesReflected" "反弹次数"
N/A12205"[english]KillEaterEventType_ProjectilesReflected" "Projectiles Reflected"
1206812206"KillEaterEventType_HeadshotKills" "爆头数"
1206912207"[english]KillEaterEventType_HeadshotKills" "Headshot Kills"
N/A12208"KillEaterEventType_AirborneEnemyKills" "空中敌人击杀数"
N/A12209"[english]KillEaterEventType_AirborneEnemyKills" "Airborne Enemy Kills"
N/A12210"KillEaterEventType_GibKills" "炸碎的敌人数"
N/A12211"[english]KillEaterEventType_GibKills" "Gib Kills"
N/A12212"TF_StrangePart_Empty" "奇异武器升级部件"
N/A12213"[english]TF_StrangePart_Empty" "Strange Part"
N/A12214"TF_StrangePart_Empty_Desc" "将这个升级部件应用于一个奇异武器,可以增添一项额外的数据统计。"
N/A12215"[english]TF_StrangePart_Empty_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track an additional new statistic!"
N/A12216"TF_StrangePart_HeaviesKilled" "奇异武器升级部件: Heavy 消灭数"
N/A12217"[english]TF_StrangePart_HeaviesKilled" "Strange Part: Heavies Killed"
N/A12218"TF_StrangePart_HeaviesKilled_Desc" "将这个升级部件应用于一个奇异武器,可以统计你使用此武器消灭敌方 Heavy 的数量。"
N/A12219"[english]TF_StrangePart_HeaviesKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of Heavies you kill with that weapon."
N/A12220"TF_StrangePart_BuildingsDestroyed" "奇异武器升级部件:建筑摧毁数"
N/A12221"[english]TF_StrangePart_BuildingsDestroyed" "Strange Part: Buildings Destroyed"
N/A12222"TF_StrangePart_BuildingsDestroyed_Desc" "将这个升级部件应用于一个奇异武器,可以统计你使用此武器摧毁敌方建筑的数量。"
N/A12223"[english]TF_StrangePart_BuildingsDestroyed_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of buildings you destroy with that weapon."
N/A12224"TF_StrangePart_ProjectilesReflected" "奇异武器升级部件:反弹次数"
N/A12225"[english]TF_StrangePart_ProjectilesReflected" "Strange Part: Projectiles Reflected"
N/A12226"TF_StrangePart_ProjectilesReflected_Desc" "将这个升级部件应用于一个奇异武器,可以统计你使用此武器时的反弹次数。"
N/A12227"[english]TF_StrangePart_ProjectilesReflected_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of projectiles you reflect with that weapon."
N/A12228"TF_StrangePart_HeadshotKills" "奇异武器升级部件:爆头数"
N/A12229"[english]TF_StrangePart_HeadshotKills" "Strange Part: Headshot Kills"
N/A12230"TF_StrangePart_HeadshotKills_Desc" "将这个升级部件应用于一个奇异武器,可以统计你使用此武器时的爆头次数。"
N/A12231"[english]TF_StrangePart_HeadshotKills_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of headshot kills you make with that weapon."
N/A12232"TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled" "奇异武器升级部件:空中敌人击杀数"
N/A12233"[english]TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled" "Strange Part: Airborne Enemies Killed"
N/A12234"TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled_Desc" "将这个升级部件应用于一个奇异武器,可以统计你使用此武器时的空中敌人击杀数。"
N/A12235"[english]TF_StrangePart_AirborneEnemiesKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon will enable it to track the number of airborne enemies you kill with that weapon."
N/A12236"TF_StrangePart_GibKilled" "奇异武器升级部件:炸碎敌人数"
N/A12237"[english]TF_StrangePart_GibKilled" "Strange Part: Gib Kills"
N/A12238"TF_StrangePart_GibKilled_Desc" "将这个升级部件应用于一个奇异武器,可以统计你使用此武器炸碎敌人的数量。"
N/A12239"[english]TF_StrangePart_GibKilled_Desc" "Adding this Strange Part to a Strange-quality weapon of your choice will enable it to track the number of enemies you gib with that weapon."
N/A12240"KillEater_HolidayPunchRank0" "疏若陌路"
N/A12241"[english]KillEater_HolidayPunchRank0" "Strange"
N/A12242"KillEater_SapperRank17" "旷世之诗"
N/A12243"[english]KillEater_SapperRank17" "Epic"
N/A12244"KillEater_SapperRank18" "传奇人物"
N/A12245"[english]KillEater_SapperRank18" "Legendary"
N/A12246"KillEater_SapperRank19" "称霸一方"
N/A12247"[english]KillEater_SapperRank19" "Australian"
N/A12248"KillEater_SapperRank20" "曼恩公司的选择"
N/A12249"[english]KillEater_SapperRank20" "Mann Co. Select"
N/A12250"Attrib_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "\n过了 %s1 后才可使用"
N/A12251"[english]Attrib_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "Usable After: %s1"
N/A12252"Attrib_Store_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "若干天之后可使用"
N/A12253"[english]Attrib_Store_ToolEscrowUntilDate" "Becomes Usable After a Few Days"
N/A12254"Attrib_AimingNoFlinch" "瞄准射击时视野不会晃动"
N/A12255"[english]Attrib_AimingNoFlinch" "No flinching when aiming"
N/A12256"Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "瞄准时减少 %s1% 击退效果"
N/A12257"[english]Attrib_AimingKnockbackResistance" "Knockback reduced by %s1% when aiming"
N/A12258"Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "瞄准时的移动速度减慢 %s1%"
N/A12259"[english]Attrib_SniperAimingMoveSpeed_Decreased" "%s1% slower move speed when aiming"
N/A12260"TF_CozyCamper" "惬意蹲坑汉"
N/A12261"[english]TF_CozyCamper" "The Cozy Camper"
N/A12262"Item_PeriodicScoreReward" "�%s1� 赢得了: %s2 %s3"
N/A12263"[english]Item_PeriodicScoreReward" "�%s1� has earned:: %s2 %s3"
N/A12264"TF_Armory_Item_StrangePart" "此物品是一个奇异武器升级部件。它能装备于你其中一个奇异品质的物品上,能额外记录一项统计数据。"
N/A12265"[english]TF_Armory_Item_StrangePart" "This item is a Strange Part. It can be applied to one Strange-quality item you already own, enabling it to track an additional new statistic."
N/A12266"TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat" "集邮者"
N/A12267"[english]TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat" "Philateler"
N/A12268"TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat_Desc" "恭喜你在昨天对TF2社区地图制作者的支持比任何的TF2玩家还要多!在它明天易主之前,自豪地戴上它吧。"
N/A12269"[english]TF_DailyMapStampRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on doing more yesterday to support the TF2 map-making community through map stamps than anyone else! Wear this with pride before it changes hands tomorrow!"
N/A12270"TF_WeeklyMapStampRewardHat" "集邮之王"
N/A12271"[english]TF_WeeklyMapStampRewardHat" "Philatelest"
N/A12272"TF_WeeklyMapStampRewardHat_Desc" "恭喜你在过去的一周对TF2社区地图制作者的支持比任何的TF2玩家还要多!在它下周易主之前,自豪地戴上它吧。"
N/A12273"[english]TF_WeeklyMapStampRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on doing more last week to support the TF2 map-making community through map stamps than anyone else! Wear this with pride before it changes hands next week!"
N/A12274"TF_DailyGiftGiverRewardHat_Desc" "恭喜你昨天的礼物赠送数比任何的TF2玩家还要多!在它明天易主之前,自豪地戴上它吧。"
N/A12275"[english]TF_DailyGiftGiverRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on giving out more gifts yesterday than any other TF2 player! Wear this with pride before it changes hands tomorrow!"
N/A12276"TF_WeeklyGiftGiverRewardHat_Desc" "恭喜你在过去的一周内的礼物赠送数比任何的TF2玩家还要多!在它下周易主之前,自豪地戴上它吧。"
N/A12277"[english]TF_WeeklyGiftGiverRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on giving out more gifts last week than any other TF2 player! Wear this with pride before it changes hands next week!"
N/A12278"TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "决斗者"
N/A12279"[english]TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "Dueler"
N/A12280"TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat_Desc" "恭喜你昨天的决斗获胜数比任何的TF2玩家还要多!在它明天易主之前,自豪地戴上它吧。"
N/A12281"[english]TF_DailyDuelWinnerRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on winning more duels yesterday than any other TF2 player! Wear this with pride before it changes hands tomorrow!"
N/A12282"TF_WeeklyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "决斗之王"
N/A12283"[english]TF_WeeklyDuelWinnerRewardHat" "Duelest"
N/A12284"TF_WeeklyDuelWinnerRewardHat_Desc" "恭喜你在过去的一周内的决斗获胜数比任何的TF2玩家还要多!在它下周易主之前,自豪地戴上它吧。"
N/A12285"[english]TF_WeeklyDuelWinnerRewardHat_Desc" "Congratulations on winning more duels last week than any other TF2 player! Wear this with pride before it changes hands next week!"