Template:PatchDiff/December 19, 2019 Patch/tf/resource/tf bulgarian.txt

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1151811518"TF_KNIFE" "НОЖ"
1151911519"[english]TF_KNIFE" "KNIFE"
1152011520"Econ_holiday_restriction_christmas" "Празнично ограничение: Зима"
11521N/A"[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_christmas" "Holiday Restriction: Winter"
N/A11521"[english]Econ_holiday_restriction_christmas" "Holiday Restriction: Smissmas"
1152211522"TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Builder" "ПДА за изграждане"
1152311523"[english]TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Builder" "Construction PDA"
1152411524"TF_Weapon_PDA_Engineer_Destroyer" "ПДА за разрушаване"
1173611736"Foundry_cap_blue_cp1" "базата на СИНИТЕ"
1173711737"[english]Foundry_cap_blue_cp1" "the BLU Base"
1173811738"Achievement_Group_2100" "Коледното събитие (%s1 от %s2)"
11739N/A"[english]Achievement_Group_2100" "Christmas Event (%s1 of %s2)"
N/A11739"[english]Achievement_Group_2100" "Smissmas Event (%s1 of %s2)"
1174011740"Achievement_Group_2200" "Пакет за Foundry (%s1 от %s2)"
1174111741"[english]Achievement_Group_2200" "Foundry Pack (%s1 of %s2)"
1174211742"TF_CHRISTMAS_COLLECT_GIFTS_NAME" "Грабене на подаръци"
3050630506"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st" "Cap that Charity — I място"
3050730507"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st" "Cap that Charity 1st Place"
3050830508"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st_Desc" "Вече сте разбъркали международната делва толкова много пъти, че практически сте познавач, когато става въпрос за сочни световни целеви планове и резервирани правителствени лакомства. Забравете Кембриджската петорка, Вие момчета сте се сдобили с титлата на Шесторката от 2форт."
30509N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st_Desc" "You have now stirred the international pot so many times that you are practically a connoisseur when it comes to juicy world agendas and reserved governmental tidbits. Forget the Cambridge Five, you guys have acquired the title of the 2Fort Six."
N/A30509"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_1st_Desc" "You have now stirred the international pot so many times that you are practically a connoisseur when it comes to juicy world agendas and reserved governmental tidbits. Forget the Cambridge Five, you guys have acquired the title of the 2Fort Six.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3051030510"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd" "Cap that Charity — II място"
3051130511"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd" "Cap that Charity 2nd Place"
3051230512"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd_Desc" "Момчетата на върха вероятно си мислят, че са Ви надвили. Но това, което не осъзнават, е, че пръстите Ви, вмъкнати в удобна ръкавица, са твърдо поставени върху пулса на фондовата борса. А един от Вашите вътрешни информатори наскоро Ви е осведомил, че цените на златото ще се сринат, докато среброто ще се превърне в новия монолит. И така, въпреки че всъщност са спечелили, все пак ще имате възможността за последния, охолен смях."
30513N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd_Desc" "The guys at the top might think they got you beat, but what they don't realize is that you keep your gloved fingers on the pulse of the stock market and one of your insiders recently informed you that gold prices are going to crash while silver is going to be the new black. So while they actually won, you still get to have the last, wealthy laugh."
N/A30513"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_2nd_Desc" "The guys at the top might think they got you beat, but what they don't realize is that you keep your gloved fingers on the pulse of the stock market and one of your insiders recently informed you that gold prices are going to crash while silver is going to be the new black. So while they actually won, you still get to have the last, wealthy laugh.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3051430514"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd" "Cap that Charity — III място"
3051530515"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd" "Cap that Charity 3rd Place"
3051630516"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd_Desc" "Да бъдете разстроени от тази позиция е абсолютно д-р Не-не. Не забравяйте, че тайната служба на нейно величество Ви е платила предварително, а Вашият лиценз да убивате все още е валиден. Дори ако Ви се струва, че светът не е достатъчен, диамантите са завинаги и имате свободата да се събудите от жизнената дневна светлина, така че да умрете в мир някой друг ден."
30517N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd_Desc" "Being upset about this position is a big Dr. No-No. Don't forget that the Majesty's Secret Service paid you in advance and that your license to kill still is validated. Even if you feel that the world isn't enough, diamonds are forever and you are free to wake up to the living daylights and die another day in peace."
N/A30517"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_3rd_Desc" "Being upset about this position is a big Dr. No-No. Don't forget that the Majesty's Secret Service paid you in advance and that your license to kill still is validated. Even if you feel that the world isn't enough, diamonds are forever and you are free to wake up to the living daylights and die another day in peace.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3051830518"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant" "Cap that Charity — Участник"
3051930519"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant" "Cap that Charity Participant"
3052030520"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant_Desc" "Вероятно няма да извикат Вас, когато големите клечки изискват скрита информация относно международни дела… Но можете да сте сигурни, че местното заведение за бургери ще Ви позвъни, когато искат да разберат какъв лютив сос използва конкурентната верига за бързо хранене. Така че не се разочаровайте от себе си, все още можете да сте от значение за малките рибки."
30521N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant_Desc" "You might not be called-up when the big shots require concealed information on international affairs, but you can be sure your local burger joint will give you a call when they want to find out what hot sauce the rival fast food chain is using. So don't be too disappointed in yourself; you can still make a change for the small fries."
N/A30521"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Participant_Desc" "You might not be called-up when the big shots require concealed information on international affairs, but you can be sure your local burger joint will give you a call when they want to find out what hot sauce the rival fast food chain is using. So don't be too disappointed in yourself; you can still make a change for the small fries.\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3052230522"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor" "Cap that Charity — Дарител"
3052330523"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor" "Cap that Charity Donor"
3052430524"TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor_Desc" "След години наред, изпълнени с измами, фалшификации и тайни открития може да се окажете с много притежания, които просто искате да махнете от плещите си. Съгласно това, а и цял куп щедрост, сте проправили пътя за много други хора, които да се отърват от бремето върху своите плещи. Ето защо Ви благодарим, че сте взели участие в това малко благотворително събитие!"
30525N/A"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor_Desc" "Years of deceit, falsification and secret discoveries can leave you with a lot you just want to get off your chest. With this understanding, and a lot of generosity, you have paved the way for a lot of other people to get a burden off their chest too. So thank you for taking part in this little charity event!"
N/A30525"[english]TF_TournamentMedal_CTCharity_Donor_Desc" "Years of deceit, falsification and secret discoveries can leave you with a lot you just want to get off your chest. With this understanding, and a lot of generosity, you have paved the way for a lot of other people to get a burden off their chest too. So thank you for taking part in this little charity event!\n\nThank you for helping the event raise £1,749.22 in the fight against breast cancer!"
3052630526"TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style1" "Бонк"
3052730527"[english]TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style1" "Bonk"
3052830528"TF_sum19_bottle_cap_style2" "Критична Кола"