Template:PatchDiff/May 17, 2018 Patch/tf/resource/tf english.txt
44184418"TF_Autobalance_Final" "Rebalancing teams now using players from the selected candidates."
44194419"TF_Autobalance_TeamChangeDone" "You have been switched to team %s1."
44204420"TF_Autobalance_TeamChangeDone_Match" "You have switched to team %s1 and will receive %s2 experience points at the end of the round for changing teams."
4421N/A"TF_Autobalance_TeamChangePending" "You will be moved to team %s1 in %s2 seconds to balance the teams."
N/A4421"TF_Autobalance_TeamChangePending" "You will be moved to team %s1 in %s2 seconds\nif the teams are still not balanced."
44234423"Team_Capture_Linear" "Preceding\npoint\nnot owned!"
44244424"Team_Capture_Blocked" "Capture\nblocked\nby enemy"
93109310"TF_Weapon_GrapplingHook_desc" "Press and hold the Actionkey\nto quickly fire a grapple line.\n\nOptionally can be switched to by pressing slot6\nand manually fired using primary attack.\n\nCan only be used in Mannpower Mode or when enabled by the server."
93119311"TF_GrapplingHook_EquipAction" "Grappling Hook not equipped. Accept to equip your Grappling Hook in the Action slot to use it."
9313N/A"TF_AutoBalanceVolunteer" "Would you like to help balance the match by volunteering to switch teams? You will be switched immediately if you still qualify and are needed when you reply."
9314N/A"TF_AutoBalanceVolunteerXPBonus" "Would you like to help balance the match by volunteering to switch teams? Experience points you earn after switching will be doubled up to %points% points. You will be switched immediately if you still qualify and are needed when you reply."
9315N/A"TF_AutoBalanceVolunteer_ChatText" "You have a notification in the main menu about volunteering to switch teams..."
93179313// Unique item names
93189314"TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper" "The " [$ENGLISH] // the space at the end is important
93199315"TF_Unique_Prepend_Proper_Quality" "The" [$ENGLISH] // no space; English-only